Saber Forum

Way of the Saber => Saber Artistry => Topic started by: Croft on September 27, 2017, 10:59:59 PM

Title: Best Sabers for Spinning
Post by: Croft on September 27, 2017, 10:59:59 PM
Trying to decide on my next saber, but I want one that's good for spinning, I have a Lost Gray and the 1.5 diameter is a little wide for me to spin with, either that or I need someone to show me what I'm doing wrong.

Looking at the Catalyst, which is 12.5 long and 1.125 at it's narrowest and 1.5 at the widest, which is the same as my Lost Gray.

So help me out, I'd love to hear your thought's on which you like.
Thais is for single blade, not interested at this time for staff.

Thanks, Croft  ;D

Title: Re: Best Sabers for Spinning
Post by: Taegin Roan on September 27, 2017, 11:40:22 PM
A lot of people say that the Aeon/Dominix/Initiate v3 sabers are great. I don't have one, so I don't know. I really love my Apprentice, and that is another one that many people say is great for spinning. I don't know much about most of the sabers, but I would recommend an Apprentice. As to which saber is the "best", I feel like that is a personal choice.

Title: Re: Best Sabers for Spinning
Post by: TheDutchman on September 28, 2017, 06:47:30 AM
I have the Sentinel LE and I have to say that it feels great ergonomically and has great choke points.  Hope that this helps  :)

Title: Re: Best Sabers for Spinning
Post by: Master Nero Attoru on September 28, 2017, 12:17:11 PM
As a rule of thumb, the better hilts for handling tend to be the simpler ones.  The Catalyst is a good choice, although in my experience, the emitter depth is very shallow (which will affect your point of balance and stability).  However, the choke point on that hilt does make spinning quite comfortable.

Additionally, length can be a factor to consider.  Longer hilts will add more weight on the bottom of the saber, shifting the point of balance more toward the emitter.  On the other hand, a longer hilt will be slightly more difficult to maneuver, so you may catch it on your clothing or limbs.  IMO, shorter hilts tend to be the best choices for spinning, so I recommend the Apprentice, Initiate, and Prophecy.

Title: Re: Best Sabers for Spinning
Post by: Master Resolute on September 28, 2017, 01:07:53 PM
My two favorite hilts to spin are the Bellicose or the Sentinel LE. It all depends on where you want the balance point. Like Nero says, the simple hilts tend to have a little bit better handling. I prefer longer hilts where the weight is not as evenly distributed and tends to heavier on the hilt side. I add weights to the Bellicose sometimes to change the weight even more so I can spin even faster. ( If the weight is more in the hilt, things like flourishes will be easier if you are a beginner or learning a new technique. You can also go the other way and go as light as possible but we find that the extra weight helps understand motion mechanics a little better/faster. )

As for adding weight, I wouldn't do that until you have an understanding of the spins. Real easy to hurt something if you go to heavy. We use the 9 ring broadsword for stamina, strength and conditioning.

Title: Re: Best Sabers for Spinning
Post by: Samhain138 on September 28, 2017, 03:56:14 PM
I'd say use an aeon or dominix v4, get it without windows and hold it where the windows would be.  If you put a 32 inch blade in it, it'll just spin itself lol.

This sabers incredibly balanced for spinning,

I also second the Sentinel as a good choice, and I favor that hilt for a 36 inch blade.

Title: Re: Best Sabers for Spinning
Post by: scifidude79 on September 28, 2017, 04:02:14 PM
I'd say use an aeon or dominix v4, get it without windows and hold it where the windows would be.  If you put a 32 inch blade in it, it'll just spin itself lol.

This.  All of it.  :)

If you want prettier, go for the LE versions.  I have one of each in LE without windows and they're pretty and a joy to spin.  (though, I'm not very good ;) )

Title: Re: Best Sabers for Spinning
Post by: Croft on September 28, 2017, 09:52:40 PM
Thanks for all the input, this saber will be for my wife and my self, I'm the one who wants to learn spinning and for her so we can fight, yay.
Bellicose was on my list, the catalyst was my first choice, but a shallow emitter concerns me for fighting.


Croft  ;D

Title: Re: Best Sabers for Spinning
Post by: Lord Sidious on September 28, 2017, 11:03:18 PM
Catalyst is a good one, it has a choke point around the neck that helps.

Title: Re: Best Sabers for Spinning
Post by: Enso Marr on September 29, 2017, 09:23:43 AM
I prefer the V2 hilts for the smaller diameter.

Title: Re: Best Sabers for Spinning
Post by: Golden Fedora on December 11, 2017, 11:24:01 PM
my sentinel V4 is amazing for spins. I use it all the time

Title: Re: Best Sabers for Spinning
Post by: Akacen on December 13, 2017, 04:19:55 PM
I would think the Initiate or Apprentice series would be best. I have a Sentinel and an Aeon and they're definitely my favorites, with Catalyst close behind.

For easy spinning, though, I would say go with Initiate/Apprentice or Sentinel/Aeon, depending on what hilt length you want. (don't do windows, though. They can catch if you're not careful and not wearing gloves)

Catalyst was my first and will always hold a special place, but the emitter can be sharp, so watch out. :)