Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers Reviews => Topic started by: Isola815 on March 07, 2017, 01:48:16 PM

Title: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Isola815 on March 07, 2017, 01:48:16 PM
Hey everyone,

Here is a quick look at the Mantis CE that I bought for my girlfriend. It's more of a first impressions and usability review than anything else. I do apologize in advance to any off-hand users as I didn't really touch on reverse grip on this hilt as I just haven't had enough time to play with it. Also, I'm not very good at reverse grip yet either to be fair.

Darth Eevee helped:


Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Jediseth on March 07, 2017, 04:52:26 PM
Once again Isola great review. You really showed some great ways on how to hold that saber that to me not owning that saber I struggle a little on how I'm going to hold and wield it. I've actually almost purchased that saber twice now. Originally I wanted the CE, but now can't decide if I want the dark version because of the claws and maybe going a little more Sith. I also don't own RGBA so I been thinking that too. Good job, the music little add in cracked me up. +1

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: hazard502 on March 07, 2017, 11:34:35 PM
Yeah I really enjoy your reviews, Isola ... points to you for a good mantis review.

Not interested in one myself but it sure is a striking lightsaber and you don't see many azure versions around.

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Taegin Roan on March 08, 2017, 12:47:46 AM
Thank you for that review. I had already planned on getting one sometime, but I was almost scared off by the size and weight. However, since I now have a first hand account of the saber's comfort and maneuverability, I will definitely be happy with it when I do get it. Thanks again, and have a point.

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Galactic Overlord on March 08, 2017, 01:30:32 AM
The shape of the bent lightsaber/Mantis looks like it was inspired by the shape of hilts used in fencing foils.

If it works the same way, it is intended for a single-handed grip where the bent part starts to angle down around the base of the palm. They look funky, but they are balanced to do fluid movements with a single hand.

I didn't realize just how big they were until I saw this video. That's a large hilt!

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Lord Bladewraith on March 08, 2017, 01:48:41 AM
That was a fantastic review, Isola, and I'll tell you what others have told me recently about my last review, that because of your review I'm going to be buying a Mantis! You spoke so affirmatively and pointed out many aspects of the Mantis that I hadn't thought of, especially the part at the end where you fully endorsed kitting this thing all out if you're going to get one and have the means. The various styles that can stem from how you can grip this saber was pretty eye opening and educational. Like Taegin I'm ready to buy one NOW. Probably a ways off yet but I'll definitely go for all out when I do get one, and I saw mentioned in another thread, I'll just have to wait until I can go all out. I won't want to hold back at all, so it'll be worth waiting for.

Really, really funny moment there where you left us for a few seconds - PERFECT song choice.  Laughed out loud. Thanks for a very useful and entertaining review, again.  :D

Point incoming!

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Isola815 on March 08, 2017, 02:57:51 AM

Once again Isola great review. You really showed some great ways on how to hold that saber that to me not owning that saber I struggle a little on how I'm going to hold and wield it. I've actually almost purchased that saber twice now. Originally I wanted the CE, but now can't decide if I want the dark version because of the claws and maybe going a little more Sith. I also don't own RGBA so I been thinking that too. Good job, the music little add in cracked me up. +1

Thanks :)

And if you've nearly bought it twice... well you know what they say about third time lucky ;)

Yeah I really enjoy your reviews, Isola ... points to you for a good mantis review.

Not interested in one myself but it sure is a striking lightsaber and you don't see many azure versions around.

Thanks, Haz!

I can understand the design isn't to everyone's taste. But if you ever get the chance to have a play with one at a con or if someone else has one, I would suggest to treat yourself :)

Thank you for that review. I had already planned on getting one sometime, but I was almost scared off by the size and weight. However, since I now have a first hand account of the saber's comfort and maneuverability, I will definitely be happy with it when I do get it. Thanks again, and have a point.

I was slightly concerned by the size and weight too seeing as I was buying it for my girlfriend. I didn't want it to be too awkward for her. But all worked out well :)

The shape of the bent lightsaber/Mantis looks like it was inspired by the shape of hilts used in fencing foils.

If it works the same way, it is intended for a single-handed grip where the bent part starts to angle down around the base of the palm. They look funky, but they are balanced to do fluid movements with a single hand.

I didn't realize just how big they were until I saw this video. That's a large hilt!

I did find that center grip area where I was tucking the switch in my palm to be the most fluid movement point. As I swung the saber from that position I could transition from over to under swings and left foot forward to right foot forward as effortlessly as walking! It becomes a proper extension of you when gripped at that point. I have no fencing experience so was unaware why that was such an amazing point of grip. Thanks for providing me with some insight on that :)

And it is quite big. From my wrist to where that pommel lands on my forearm is near on 8" (I only know this because the solid blue line of my wraparound tattoo is 8" from my wrist). But it doesn't feel big or clunky :)

That was a fantastic review, Isola, and I'll tell you what others have told me recently about my last review, that because of your review I'm going to be buying a Mantis! You spoke so affirmatively and pointed out many aspects of the Mantis that I hadn't thought of, especially the part at the end where you fully endorsed kitting this thing all out if you're going to get one and have the means. The various styles that can stem from how you can grip this saber was pretty eye opening and educational. Like Taegin I'm ready to buy one NOW. Probably a ways off yet but I'll definitely go for all out when I do get one, and I saw mentioned in another thread, I'll just have to wait until I can go all out. I won't want to hold back at all, so it'll be worth waiting for.

Really, really funny moment there where you left us for a few seconds - PERFECT song choice.  Laughed out loud. Thanks for a very useful and entertaining review, again.  :D

Point incoming!

I'm glad to hear that there will be some more Mantis owners soon!

Looking forward to seeing the setup you choose for yours when you're ready to take the plunge!

Thanks everyone for your points and replies  ;D

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: CyberKyber on March 10, 2017, 11:51:05 AM
Love the review, never knew it was so well balanced! I've always wanted a curved saber, but wasn't sure if the mantis would be the one I'd want. How comfortable is the lower section with the shroud? Any sharp edges? Have a point, good sir XD

Also, that Eevee looks like it's about to turn into an Espeon :P

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Isola815 on March 10, 2017, 11:57:20 AM
Love the review, never knew it was so well balanced! I've always wanted a curved saber, but wasn't sure if the mantis would be the one I'd want. How comfortable is the lower section with the shroud? Any sharp edges? Have a point, good sir XD

Also, that Eevee looks like it's about to turn into an Espeon :P

No way! She'll be a Flareon or she'll stay an Eevee! :p

The lower section is super comfortable. The little gaps over those gills/scales give you remarkable grip, and there are no sharp edges anywhere on this saber. Top notch quality top to bottom  8)

Thanks, CK!

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: CyberKyber on March 10, 2017, 12:42:59 PM
No way! She'll be a Flareon or she'll stay an Eevee! :p

The lower section is super comfortable. The little gaps over those gills/scales give you remarkable grip, and there are no sharp edges anywhere on this saber. Top notch quality top to bottom  8)

Thanks, CK!

Nice, if it's that comfortable I might end up getting one myself :P Thanks again!

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Isola815 on March 10, 2017, 12:58:11 PM
Nice, if it's that comfortable I might end up getting one myself :P Thanks again!


Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: CyberKyber on March 10, 2017, 02:54:40 PM

Don't seduce me with the dark side XD

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Lord Sidious on March 12, 2017, 09:10:44 AM
Beautiful! The Mantis CE is one of my favorite in the entire US lineup.

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: PrincessKnowItAll on March 12, 2017, 09:19:21 PM
We are not getting our Review video fix fast enough over here Isola815!

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Isola815 on March 12, 2017, 09:51:46 PM
We are not getting our Review video fix fast enough over here Isola815!

Running out of sabers! I only have two left to do!

I can either blow through them all like a Netflix binge or I can spread them out and make it last longer  :P

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: hazard502 on March 13, 2017, 12:15:22 AM
I vote make them last longer! :D

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Isola815 on March 13, 2017, 12:17:55 AM
I vote make them last longer! :D

That's what I figured too! Haha

Maybe I need to make them longer. Or split them into episodes  ;D

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: JdiKnhtJMH on March 26, 2017, 08:27:37 AM
Great review! I'm definitely looking to get me a Mantis soon!

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Isola815 on March 31, 2017, 09:19:26 AM
Great review! I'm definitely looking to get me a Mantis soon!

Thanks :)

I really want one of my own. Almost toying with the idea of getting a CE for myself while I wait for the Azures to be back in stock.

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Edon Bluewolf on May 20, 2017, 06:18:42 AM
Did you ever end up getting another mantis, Isola?

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Isola815 on May 20, 2017, 08:33:59 AM
Did you ever end up getting another mantis, Isola?

No, not yet. I circled back to wanting a CE instead of an anodozed version. But I'm waiting for a big sale on them (or sabers in general) because to buy both emitters doubles my shipping cost so I need a sweet discount to even out the costs :)

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Dauntless Seven on May 21, 2017, 05:20:08 PM
Hahaha... yea you make great videos but... that add on to your Avatar is priceless lol !  ;D

Hey... we've all got to have a starting point... again and again.  ;)

I refuse to remove all the 0-rings on mine and some are underneath a leather wrap.  ::)

point  8)

PS:  If you ever decide or try to leave this Forum I will hunt you down like a rabid dog !  :D

Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Isola815 on May 22, 2017, 02:09:33 AM
Hahaha... yea you make great videos but... that add on to your Avatar is priceless lol !  ;D

Hey... we've all got to have a starting point... again and again.  ;)

I refuse to remove all the 0-rings on mine and some are underneath a leather wrap.  ::)

point  8)

PS:  If you ever decide or try to leave this Forum I will hunt you down like a rabid dog !  :D

Hahaha you finally saw that huh? That's been there for a couple of weeks :P

I'm glad you enjoyed my short-lived foray into the world of saber reviews :) but although that aspect of my forum life has come to an end, I have no plans of leaving of my own volition just yet. So you can leave your hunting gear packed away for now and stay up to date on your rabies shots, Cujo ;)


Title: Re: Mantis CE - Video Review
Post by: Dauntless Seven on May 22, 2017, 04:34:00 AM
Hahaha you finally saw that huh? That's been there for a couple of weeks :P

I'm glad you enjoyed my short-lived foray into the world of saber reviews :) but although that aspect of my forum life has come to an end, I have no plans of leaving of my own volition just yet. So you can leave your hunting gear packed away for now and stay up to date on your rabies shots, Cujo ;)


( (

Cujo rabid dingo just watching and waiting... or is this my Monday morning face !!   ;) ::)
