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Author Topic: What Superpowers or Abilities do you have?  (Read 9638 times)
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 134
Posts: 521

« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2020, 07:30:34 PM »

Even if you can do things, what good could come from it or people knowing about it?

On a serious note, you'd likely be better off using that power to make money than to actually try to "save the world" from the perspective you are coming from, with the potential issues you could run into. You may still be better off not revealing the full extent of your powers either. Just use them enough to be the clear best in your field(s) of choice.

You have super speed? Don't try to be the Flash, just be the next Usain Bolt. Win convincingly, but don't make it obvious that you're superhuman.

You have super strength? Don't try to be the Hulk, become the World's Strongest Man. Don't bench press 20 tons, just go a few hundred pounds over the current record.

You have the power of invisibility? Don't try to be the Invisible Woman and fight crime. Become a magician and do some crazy things, as crazy as you want, since people will assume it's all some elaborate trick and you're just exceptionally good at it.

You can read minds? Become a psychic and do shows.

You can fly? Magician again.

Telekinesis? You're a magician Harry.

Adamantium skeleton? Professional boxer. Just don't hurt people too much. Just be convincing enough to be dominant without killing anyone.

In general, professional athlete holding back to the point of being the world's best but not obviously superhuman or a magician seems like the best way to use your powers to profit without putting a huge target on your head.

"He who conquers himself is greater than another who conquers a thousand times a thousand men."

"Research your own experience. Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is essentially your own." -Bruce Lee

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -203
Posts: 1083

Korriban Armory Chief, Sith Mage, Hybrid Sith...

« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2020, 11:14:35 PM »

Attention to detail. I'm very capable of nearly eye-balling anything for small detail and measurements.

Though I am nearsighted, I have incredible depth perception. I am capable of controlling my bodies motion, say, in martial arts (without professional training) to nearly glancing blows just to make somebody flinch. For instance, I am capable of using my katana to swipe just before skin contact to somebody's face without causing physical injury when I control my movements.

Terrible deja vu. I often dream of events relating to events that happen at later times after said dreams. This occurs to me a least once or twice a month. It usually involves college work or tasks at home (in which I will dream of doing the work, then a week or so later aquire that exact assignment to the exact wordage of what was in the dream).

The uncanny ability to be summoned by my friends. No seriously. Whenever I appear to them or join up with them, they are always just talking to me or had just said my name before I showed up. Magical Coincedental Powers, activate!

Knowledge in subject matters most people my age do not understand or cannot grasp comprehension of (even though there are a lot of things I do not know myself). Most of these are advanced sciences that I've dabbled in over the years (this does not include formulas and the knowledge of a professional).

"Summoned by friends": I know what this is like, I can agree, having these attributes is odd to say the least some times... The bond with friends/lovers is especially creepy some times. There is a basis for this in real life as well as the SW universe. Twins report having bonds like this or deeper. Siblings some times or family members. There are people who report sensing others pain, peril, or even death across great distances. I know it may sound far fetched at first glance, but many many people have reported this kind of phenomena and scientists even did studies. In SW Yoda feels the deaths of Jedi across galaxy through the Force. And in KOTOR 2 this concept (closer to what was listed above) is what I think is truly happening. They call it Force Bonds, and say some individuals form them deeply and inexplicably; also asserting they don't know if there is a way to break them short of death. I will say I've experienced this with people I got extremely close to or formed a deep emotional connection to. We could sense each other, would phone call each other when we'd wind up thinking about each other in a deep/meaningful way, and could on the highest levels be close to reading each others minds. Not necessarily telepathy but very close in some instances. (I seriously wouldn't joke about this either, it's simply stranger than fiction.)

Deja vu: This one is the creepiest (to me personally) because it would be viewed as a "god level power" by some. But really is often useless, disturbing, confusing, or just awkward. I know deja vu is written off as "a delay in sensory perception" but it's exactly as written above. A vision from a hyper realistic dream state... it occurs before hand, sometimes a long time in advance. I've waited LONG times before a precognitive even kicks in, and in all honesty sometimes I've lost track how long before it "comes true". It sounds insane, trust me I know that; and the few times I told anyone in real life it was written all over their face or they told me as much outright. But this has happened to me, seeing an event/person in a place and the entire/parts of the conversation. I will maybe never know for sure if these are critical moments, people, destiny, whatever. But it's the most odd and sometimes terrifying feeling. Because part way through "reliving" the moment or meeting the person it becomes surreal. You know what's happening as happens, and it's somewhere between feeling like a puppet or actor on a stage & being the writer/director. You know the script, the scene you're in, how it plays out, and at the same time you're living in it... I've tried everything from playing along to trying to change it. I say again it's odd because most times you can predict events as they unfold due to the prior knowledge. You know what you and the other person will say, and that is the craziest part. But it's truly maddening when you can't even say for sure why you knew in the first place, the times where you are only left wondering... should I have said it differently, stopped them or myself, just walked away? And even if I did what would that have accomplished, or would that be the "wrong" choice? It's a serious burden, and basically not usually fun at all. You don't get winning lotto numbers, or the idea of how to invent a time traveling DeLorean; it's more often just cruel knowledge. Feel free to think I'm crazy, I doubted my own sanity over the years when this occurred, but after it happens enough you either must accept it or hide from it. I think it may have been Einstein who posited that "with enough knowledge of the universe, down to the placement of atoms and sub atomic particles. It could become possible to foresee future events." I'm paraphrasing, and could be a little off, but of course science debates this with "the more accurately you determine the position of an electron, them more unstable it's movement becomes." This doesn't necessarily disprove the possibility of viewing the future, if anything it simply states that in all likelyhood it's almost impossible to manufacture a device tuned in to doing so, or that can make stable 100% concrete predictions. Also reinforcing that basically by having this vision of the future, the likely hood of it is now compromised. It's terminator logic, the theory that if I know killer robots will happen then I'll do everything in my power to avoid that outcome or enlighten people to the danger.
In SW Yoda (and many others) see future visions through the Force, and other prophecy they make from the visions. But Yoda says it best himself, that it's always shifting and some things may not come to pass. But mainly, in my own experience, if I saw it it's because it's coming. Maybe other dreams and nightmares with high degrees of realism were possibilities that didn't occur, but I don't want to talk in that direction because I meant to say what I KNEW was accurate not postulate on possibilities that weren't rooted in true experience. And I simply have seen things unfold before hand, unequivocally.

Knowledge in subject matters beyond age: yea I remember this one, for a long time I was always described as "mature for my age" or wise beyond my years when it came to intellectual pursuits. I don't know if that grasp of deeper things comes from or is tied to the "future sight" listed above? Maybe just different shades of understanding. Some people call it having an "old soul". I can't say anything for sure other than yea, kids who know way too much, things they basically shouldn't and didn't learn from anywhere else... it happens. And this is before the internet, google, smart phones/tablets/computers, so I didn't gain it from those sources or look it up. It's just one of those things that happens, child prodigies or whatever. Little sage like kids are still kind of creepy, I'll admit it. Adults hate it often when a kid is hands down smarter or wiser than they are. But ma, the things that could be accomplished if they put their knowledge to use instead. That could be interesting albeit borderline dangerous without strict ethical controls. Just because you can do a thing doesn't always mean you should...

The attention to detail/depth perception: This one is wild. It can blow people's minds if you can eyeball a measurement hyper accurate. I'd do this with time, without looking at a clock quite often. Gauge the relative time with pretty intense accuracy. Distance measurements and object sizes. And it's extremely helpful (as mentioned) in MA for pulling punches or not quite landing blows with weapons on purpose. But over confidence can throw that off with constantly moving targets. Like if you can't predict an opponent's movements, you could hit them because you calculated where they were or you thought they would but, not where they are. The last part of this is super pervy, but as a kid I had fun with it so I'll own up to it. I had a tendency to have many female friends, or be popular with them. I don't know if it stemmed from my appreciation of the female form or relates more to accuracy in measurements. But seriously, from like 5th-6th grade onward I applied this skill, and I WAS ALWAYS RIGHT! I could, upon "light/cursory" visual inspection only; tell you a woman's exact bust size... Again, it may be funny but I'm not joking. It may seem stupid for superpowers but it makes one heck of a party trick. Especially since many always had a slightly unnerved look on their faces as they went from obviously doubting/not believing I could to "how the, how did you know/do that?" I found it hilarious, because it's just math I guess. How I mentally factor that torso to mass ratio in my head i don't know but this one is for sure purely a gift! And I'll love it till the day I die, it's hilarious, maybe in a Master Roshi kinda way but so be it.

I am very lucky. Not really something most people would consider a power, but at least in the Marvel universe it is (Longshot and Domino). Even when something bad happens, it leads to me coming out on top. How this helps me: I come out on top or come out well most of the time in situations, even when in all rights I shouldn't.

I'll be the first to admit this one really isn't fair, but it is true. I think some people can seriously influence their own luck. It has a heavy precedent in SW "there is no luck/coincidence , only the Force", many Force users shape the flow of events in their favor. I know I've manipulated many situations into a desirable outcome or "cheated" this way in cards a lot. It's messed up but I won a lot in poker through getting some insane hands. Through multiple dealers and each one shuffling however they wanted, I still got amazing cards or mind f-ed them into folding if I didn't. I know "it's just odds" but it's uncanny and that's just cards. I've survived or avoided car accidents without a scratch, walked away from losing fights uninjured, avoided death in crazy places/situations. After a while it's too ridiculous to be mere coincidence, especially after you "realize" and start "willing it" to happen.
Along those lines I've broken some video games like this, with random chance/random number generators but I keep winning against odds or taking the best prize. It's especially helpful with the police, you getting arrested today? NOPE.

Control of other people (intentional or unintentional)

A lot of Luna's were accurate but this one is the best. Again in poker, but on a deeper level. I don't know if this is the root of the friendship/Force bonds I mentioned earlier but it could just be a different aspect at times. Manipulation through suggestion and voice commands, like Force persuade... yea I've done low levels of that. But this is the wildest part, I've mentally controlled people who were asleep or in a trance like state. This is the hardest to describe the how on, because even I don't fully understand it and I may never. Were they weak willed, open to suggestion, on the same wavelength, in nearby proximity? I can't say for sure. But I've asserted my mental control over people, shaping or controlling their actions. The greatest example being taking someone unconscious and basically making them into my "sleepwalking zombie" on multiple occasions. I could make them come to me, go away, move in different directions, and execute simple actions. In this case purely mentally, like I was the remote controller and they were my robot. Didn't even need to speak, just thought it and they moved. I don't know how broad this goes, as most people won't sign up for it. And I don't exactly want to remain potentially mentally connected to random people. Even if it gave me my own "army or followers" it'd also probably make a mob form to eradicate me... So trust me, I'm not building a slave/living-zombie army. Really I'm not. So yea, I've managed anywhere from (in SW terms) a light Mind Trick to full on Dominate Mind. But I far from use them regularly/ whenever I want. As a younger man I played around with it all with reckless abandon, now I'd have to have a real reason. People shouldn't be reduced to playthings without provocation or gain. I prefer consent instead now.

Weather Manipulation: This one is in my thinking one of the highest magnitude. People are small, but this is huge. I sh** you not I've created weather anomalies and stopped others. This one sounds almost more unbelievable than some of the others, but I've done it/played with it enough to know it's real. I say manipulation, not control because they are fundamentally different. Historically tribes out there had Shaman and such who could "call forth" rain for crops. I'm not saying I go "sunshine, rain, sunshine, clouds, wind, lightning and thunder, sunshine!" It is way closer to Storm from the X-men. And I mean not God-mode perfect control Storm, (I'm not there yet, if I ever gain that degree of control) closer to a well trained but far from perfect like "middle of life and training" Storm. I can "call" weather for lack of a better term. On purpose, or in some worst-case scenarios on accident/subconsciously. I worked with another I had a Force bond with to channel energy and stop a tornado, literally made it disperse into nothing. If I recall it was at least an F3 headed toward us, we pooled our abilities/energy/power and stopped it. I love making it rain, or especially thunder storms. And once someone decided to do something wholly disrespectful to me, they upset me to a point I lost it but kept control outwardly. It created a huge hail storm out of nowhere, and as long as I kept funneling the emotion and energy into it it kept going and even intensified. But once I felt like it was enough and was done with it, I stopped and willed it to stop. In that minute it stopped. Again, I'm wholly serious about this, I have absolutely no reason to lie... In fact it's the opposite, I know people will assume I'm crazy, lying, delusional... so I have more reason than anything to have kept all this quiet.

In truth, these abilities first made me consider the concept of the Force in our world, and the power of emotions and the Dark Side... Again, I'm not delusional nor have I lost any grip on reality. I'm a realist and cynical by nature, but when presented with something incontrovertibly true you must accept it or simply ignore what exists as truth. I've passed many psych evaluations and assessments whenever doubted. I've lost relationships because this scared people if they believed, or they ran when they refused to accept it as possible. Not much good has ever come from it, and what was never lasts. Bottom line is, I don't care. I've spent my life generally hiding these things, but I'm past the point of caring what anyone thinks on this point. I've put this all out there simply because I felt like it. I found the topic and wanted to contribute my truth. It is freeing putting it out there, so believe or don't at your own discretion. I'm well past worrying about others approval or disapproval in my abilities or faith in them. As well as fearing retribution, persecution, or control by any who could make ill advised attempts to control or understand them as well. The government is the government, corporations are corporations. It truly is what it is, my truth and whatever intentions others may have as a result. Also before anyone asks, no I can't and won't try teaching people how to do any of this. If you want to respond to the topic as well great, or say you know you have some of these powers too cool. But I don't think I'm comfortable mentoring random people, or trying to expand their ability. 1st I can't trust what would/could happen, and 2nd like I said in my original post, what's the point? Best case scenario we've got a large number of people with powers doing God knows what with them. Worst case, I'm labeled some cult leader and VERY bad things follow. It'd take a serious display of ability for me to want to further explain controlling any of this, and I'm no Master for people to look up to; also far from a role model. I'm just someone who can do some cool things, but again what's that really matter except as a novelty. "Super Powers" are cool sure, but having abilities is often more of a burden than anything else in my experience. I just tried to be fully honest about it all.

Dark Lords of the Sith have ruled collectively and individually for Millenia. One afraid to wield a power is ultimately unworthy of it. Ascendancy into the light has an apex, yet descent into the darkness is endless. The Dark Side can give or take anything, based on user strength. I claim the title of Darth Prodigal Dark Lord of the Sith as my own. Through pain, our Code, and right of combat it is mine; and so shall it be defended. Follow Darth Bane's wisdom. (Only Dark Side Points Preferred.)

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 110
Posts: 582

Let It All Go. Fear, Doubt, And Disbelief

« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2020, 01:15:14 PM »

Jedi reflexes

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -203
Posts: 1083

Korriban Armory Chief, Sith Mage, Hybrid Sith...

« Reply #33 on: December 22, 2020, 09:34:01 PM »

Jedi reflexes
Like "super human" speed/dexterity? Or like reaction time?
I'm thinking catching things you drop before they hit the ground all the time, and catching flies in mid air... must be a beast with a lightsaber if that's the case.

Dark Lords of the Sith have ruled collectively and individually for Millenia. One afraid to wield a power is ultimately unworthy of it. Ascendancy into the light has an apex, yet descent into the darkness is endless. The Dark Side can give or take anything, based on user strength. I claim the title of Darth Prodigal Dark Lord of the Sith as my own. Through pain, our Code, and right of combat it is mine; and so shall it be defended. Follow Darth Bane's wisdom. (Only Dark Side Points Preferred.)

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