Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers Reviews => Topic started by: Darth Kitsune on December 22, 2012, 09:25:04 PM

Title: Review of Initiate V3 With Sound
Post by: Darth Kitsune on December 22, 2012, 09:25:04 PM
So, my Initiate V3 came in the mail today, and I've been checking it out. I don't have a way to do a video review so I'll just put some text down instead.

First of all, I have to say I am very impressed by the shipping speed and handling of the lightsaber. It shipped very quickly and arrived pretty quickly as well. I have never had shipping come in so fast in my life before, so kudos to that.

As for the saber itself, the hilt is very fine. The two choke points are very comfortable and very handy. The saber is also just the right size to fit into my hands. As for the electronic qualities, the craftsmanship and precautions were very well done, and I must say I am impressed with how sturdy the lightsaber is in itself. The sound quality is absolutely phenominal, and the Obsidian Sound Fonts are pretty much 1:1 with my strokes and clashes. The saber itself is very light and airy, and easy to maneuver in a twirl or two. Also, the Blazing Red color is wonderfully appealing to the look.

The only issue I have with it, is nothing really. I do with the pommel at the bottom was vented rather than completely open, but I will be purchasing a new pommel at some point anyway. As for the emitter, I feel it is simple and clean, but I do wish it was MHS compatible. Maybe that is something to keep in mind if you do a Initiate V4? Also, a small side note, the LED rattles unless a blade or blade Plug is inserted into the hilt, but I can understand the technical reasons of that.

Overall, I am very appeased. I was glad to have found this company and it's craft. I will be informing the Empire of your worthy deeds. Also, I will take pictures as soon as I can.

Title: Re: Review of Initiate V3 With Sound
Post by: swords4two on December 23, 2012, 02:42:28 PM
The I V3 is awesome I just got my double light saber version of it. I also sent you an email on the forum mail check it out:)

Title: Re: Review of Initiate V3 With Sound
Post by: Darth Sabre on December 23, 2012, 06:05:33 PM
Hello, my Dark Brother!

Sounds great; thank you very much for the review. Planning to buy the Initiate for my little girl (when I get clearance from my wife  ;D). Find a way to post some pics; it's so good to see Blazing Red sabers spreading in the galaxy !!!  8)