Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers Reviews => Topic started by: darth_nogg on January 21, 2011, 07:23:06 AM

Title: Grab Bag Aeon in blazing red picspam
Post by: darth_nogg on January 21, 2011, 07:23:06 AM
Hello there fellow illuminated saber enthusiasts, not long ago I received my grab bag saber after a whole week of waiting! It felt like xmas again when I saw the UPS man drop a familiar tall box off at my door. I opened it up and turned it on, I hadn't asked for batteries but I sure got em :) thanks ultrasabers! This one had a red button as opposed to my fire orange SI with it's bare color, I was happy to see that. I also enjoy the accent hole above the retention screw hole, I am definitely a fan of sabers with those holes so I may one day add a liberator to my growing collection.

I'm liking the Aeon so far, as you'll see soon I have some electric tape for grip, it's very comfortable in my hand and works well as my right hand saber. As my orange blade has been cut down to 35 inches and thus slightly lighter, having the heavier saber with the thinner hilt and the lighter saber with the slightly thicker hilt worked well to create a balance while swinging. I'm having much fun out in the cold learning how to do dual-wield swings and twirls.

I apologize for the picture quality :p

Awesome red switch :D

There's that extra hole :)

Next to my orange SI

Eye punishingly bright, awesome isn't it?

Aint that a pretty sight

And a bonus of my orange by itself

I don't think the emperor minds that one of my sabers isn't red.

Title: Re: Grab Bag Aeon in blazing red picspam
Post by: Lord_BoOgEyMaN on January 21, 2011, 07:26:05 AM
Nice looking Saber :D Wish i had more cash to get another, something as simple as electrical tape really makes those sabers look great

Title: Re: Grab Bag Aeon in blazing red picspam
Post by: sjorsjo91 on January 24, 2011, 09:08:53 PM
My Grab Bag saber was a Standard Issue. I would love an Aeon however. Might be something for my next purchase. Anyway i like your review, especially with the Fire Orange next to Blazing Red. I wanted to see the difference on that for quite a while now.

Title: Re: Grab Bag Aeon in blazing red picspam
Post by: darth_nogg on January 28, 2011, 03:59:50 AM
My Grab Bag saber was a Standard Issue. I would love an Aeon however. Might be something for my next purchase. Anyway i like your review, especially with the Fire Orange next to Blazing Red. I wanted to see the difference on that for quite a while now.

Glad I could provide that comparison, I wanted to see it myself. I was prepping myself for falling in love with any color I might get because while I did emphasize wanting white or red, I figured it was possible that I would not get it. And that would've been plenty fine because I feel that orange goes well with any color, jedi or sith. From a larp standpoint, I feel like orange makes for the sith warrior's non-red color since sith inquisitors in TOR wield purple too. But it would also go well with jedi colors, especially yellow, I think. But mainly I was liking the orange red combo idea and I shell bricks when I opened the box, pulled it out, and saw that lovely red glow.

Title: Re: Grab Bag Aeon in blazing red picspam
Post by: sjorsjo91 on January 28, 2011, 08:05:20 AM
i can imagine that mate. Are you a larper btw? It has always fascinated me but i don't have a SW larp nearby.

Title: Re: Grab Bag Aeon in blazing red picspam
Post by: darth_nogg on January 28, 2011, 06:51:27 PM
i can imagine that mate. Are you a larper btw? It has always fascinated me but i don't have a SW larp nearby.

I really wish I were, but I'm just beginning my journey in to the world of SW larping. I don't have a costume yet and I still have sabers I want to buy. I don't know anyone else nearby to larp with, but I hope for one of my costumes to be darth maul-esque but rather another of the Nightbrothers, specifically an orange one :D

Dark sith robes and tunic would work well without the facepaint, but I want to at the very least make an appearance at a con or halloween as an orange zabrak. Maybe american idol lol, I'd get on tv no matter how awful I was at singing.