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General Chat => Video Games => Topic started by: TheHobbitofDune on November 27, 2012, 09:33:05 PM

Title: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on November 27, 2012, 09:33:05 PM
I remember the first time I played Halo: Combat Evolved. I was at my uncle's house, and he was playing the game. The sights and sounds were like nothing I had ever seen or heard before in a video game and I just had to play it. My uncle and I fired up multiplayer and went head-to-head in a battle for supremacy. That was truly my first taste of competitive gaming. I mean, sure, I was pretty competitive with Goldeneye, but for me, that game paled in comparison. We ended up playing Halo well into the night, clocking in hours after hours of gameplay, and I still couldn't get enough.

Unfortunately for me my parents wouldn't let me buy an Xbox, or Halo, opting instead to buy me a Gamecube, which I still have to this day. My parents eventually bought me an Xbox 360 though. My first game was Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, and that game really got my competitive nature flaring up again, while also helping me gain back my dexterity and awareness. The second game I bought was Halo 3, and by the time I got that, I was totally ready to kick some serious ass.

The rest is pretty much history. I'm just a huge fan of Halo, and for me, it's the greatest FPS series of all time.



Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: BenPass on November 28, 2012, 01:39:10 AM
It's been a long time since I last played a Halo game, but I played the first Halo when I was...oh 15. My folks were pretty strict about no M games before 18, but they made an exception about a year later for me. I have beat Legendary on all Halo games (except 4) and have clocked a TON of multiplayer hours. No, I'm not great at it, but I had fun.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on November 28, 2012, 02:17:32 AM
It's been a long time since I last played a Halo game, but I played the first Halo when I was...oh 15. My folks were pretty strict about no M games before 18, but they made an exception about a year later for me. I have beat Legendary on all Halo games (except 4) and have clocked a TON of multiplayer hours. No, I'm not great at it, but I had fun.

I was in the same situation, which is why I was so happy when my uncle let me play Halo, haha. It was our awesome little secret. I've also beat every Halo game on legendary, except for Halo: Wars and ODST (I haven't had the chance to play either). I've beat all of them on legendary completely by myself, which is probably one of my proudest achievements.

Heck, back in High School I would play a free online demo of Halo: CE in the computer lab ALL the time ;D Wasn't the smartest idea, but eh, I was young.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Zephon on November 28, 2012, 03:59:11 AM
As of right now, I own all of the Halo series other than Halo: Wars, and have to re-find my copy of Halo: Combat Evolved. Something about a RTS on a console seems weird to me, though in my stubborness to complete a series, I'll probably pick it up eventually. Also, I've also beaten each Halo on Legendary while playing solo. (Played through Halo3 multiple times Legendary with a partner also because my younger brother is just as good if not better than I.)

Overall, I love the games, and find myself to be pretty good at Multiplayer, though if I switch to another game (as I'm playing three different games right now on console, and another two on PC) it takes me a moment to get back into rhythm on Multiplayer.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on November 28, 2012, 04:49:26 AM
Yeah, I know how that goes, Zephon. If I switch over to Call of Duty from Halo, it takes me a while to get used to the control scheme again and also to get used to the pace of the game and all that. When I switch back over to Halo I end up rushing a lot and have to tell myself to slow down. I don't mind though since it doesn't last too long. It also helps that I'm pretty competitive when it comes to gaming. Unless it's single-player or co-op games, then I just play to relax, have fun, etc. Though the competition is also part of the fun for me.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on November 28, 2012, 05:02:14 AM
Speaking of Call of Duty and Halo, here is an awesome CoD vs. Halo rap battle by my favorite video game song guy, BrySi ;D (

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on November 30, 2012, 01:24:50 AM
This thread died pretty quickly  :-\

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: ThreadJack on November 30, 2012, 02:07:19 AM
I waited out in the cold for 3 hours, on release day, so my friend could get his copy of Halo 4. It was not fun.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on November 30, 2012, 02:18:46 AM
I waited out in the cold for 3 hours, on release day, so my friend could get his copy of Halo 4. It was not fun.

What a trooper, haha  ;D

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Zephon on November 30, 2012, 02:41:37 AM
I forgot how fun and strategic the SWAT games were. Play my first couple rounds (on Halo 4) last night. Havent played SWAT since Halo 3 years ago.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on November 30, 2012, 04:53:37 AM
I forgot how fun and strategic the SWAT games were. Play my first couple rounds (on Halo 4) last night. Havent played SWAT since Halo 3 years ago.

Halo: Reach SWAT is amazing as well. Well, the whole game is amazing :D I prefered Reach's SWAT because of the DMR. I mean, it's all about getting a single-shot kill to the head, and a single-shot weapon is so much cleaner and fits so much better than the BR did.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Big Boss on November 30, 2012, 05:23:40 AM
Huh wondered when a halo thread would start. I for one luvs me some halo. I own every single one of them from halo wars up to Halo 4 and beat them all on legendary except for halo wars!  8) Granted I was never the best at it, always an average  player when it came to online, but it was always loads of fun playing with siblings and friends never the less.

 I have found memories of linking up xboxs and tvs in a single room and playing halo 1 and 2 from one day to the next almost non stop with friends when we would have game nights during our middle school and high school breaks.  :)  I remember the first time playing halo too. It was at a small EB games store in a mini mall. Me and my brother waited in a 6 person line to play a demo and it was AWESOME! Me and my bro played The Truth and Reconciliation and  The Silent Cartographer levels and my little 10yr old mind was forever hooked on halo. A few months later my parents got us an xbox and a copy of halo and the rest is history.  :D

Ill just leave this here too.   :P (

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on November 30, 2012, 07:23:31 AM
Big Boss, thanks for sharing :) Those are some awesome experiences.

Also, point for that video. That was freaking amazing.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on November 30, 2012, 07:50:11 AM
How the hell didn't I know that this thread existed until now? HOW!


Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on November 30, 2012, 04:58:37 PM
I thought you would be the first to post in here, Tas ;D Oh well, welcome aboard :)

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on November 30, 2012, 05:13:31 PM
I have clocked hundreds of hours on every Halo game that I have played (except 4). I am legitimately addicted to Halo....
I've been working about becoming MLG, as I am very competitive. I can't though, because my web connection sucks, both at home and school. I can play on live but the lag is miserable.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on November 30, 2012, 05:35:46 PM
Wow, finally another MLG fan. I used to want to be in MLG. I worked my way up through Gamebattles, which is an online version of MLG, pretty much, and I was part of a top-tier team for Rainbow Six Vegas 2. The team got divided though and I left. I then quit RSV2 and played Halo extensively, and I realized that was what I wanted to play in MLG.

Unfortunately I don't really care for that anymore. I am one of the most competitive guys I know, but playing professionally would make it feel more like a job than a fun experience. Sure, at first going to tournaments, having people cheer you on, and playing in front of so many people is awesome, but then it'll just feel like an obligation and I'll get burned out. That's what happened with Rainbow Six.

Of course I still love to watch MLG, so I can dissect all of the strategies and quirks the pros have.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on November 30, 2012, 11:22:48 PM
I watched the Halo 4 MLG Dallas tournament on the weekend of release. Nov. 2 I think it was. I loved it. All the players are so good.

Amyway, yeah. I try to do gamebattles but no one wants a teammate with shellty connection, so until I go to college or come up with 10,000 dollars for highspeed, I'm out of luck.

Either way, I am extremely competitive and love playing to win. I always play to win, but I know that having fun is important and so I make an effort to enjoy things even If I lose or my score isn't perfect. Frankly, I like playing in silence, alone. I don't know how well I'd do with people screaming in the background.
Just hearing my little brother talk is distracting as all hell.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on November 30, 2012, 11:30:48 PM
I saw that too. Who's your favorite gamer? I've been a huge fan of Ogre 2 for so long now. He truly is the greatest Halo player of all time. Him and his brother, Ogre 1, were invincible in the 2 vs. 2 arena. They never lost a single match in their entire history of gaming. I also really like iGotUrPistola. That guy has an absolutely astounding shot with a DMR.

Also, funny thing is, I'm usually always silent as well, but lately I've been finding out that talking has improved my game somewhat. It gets me more immersed in a match and, of course, map control is key in Halo and requires effective communication and constant call-outs.

Funny story, a couple of days ago I was playing Halo: Reach with my friends and made a horrible and hilarious call-out. We were on Sword Base and I told him that there was a sword in the yellow lift room, so he went to go get it. What I meant to say was that there was a dude on the enemy team camping in that room with a sword. Needless to say my friend died and started raging at me, LOL :D Moments like that are so priceless.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on December 01, 2012, 12:24:21 AM
I saw that too. Who's your favorite gamer? I've been a huge fan of Ogre 2 for so long now. He truly is the greatest Halo player of all time. Him and his brother, Ogre 1, were invincible in the 2 vs. 2 arena. They never lost a single match in their entire history of gaming. I also really like iGotUrPistola. That guy has an absolutely astounding shot with a DMR.

Also, funny thing is, I'm usually always silent as well, but lately I've been finding out that talking has improved my game somewhat. It gets me more immersed in a match and, of course, map control is key in Halo and requires effective communication and constant call-outs.

Funny story, a couple of days ago I was playing Halo: Reach with my friends and made a horrible and hilarious call-out. We were on Sword Base and I told him that there was a sword in the yellow lift room, so he went to go get it. What I meant to say was that there was a dude on the enemy team camping in that room with a sword. Needless to say my friend died and started raging at me, LOL :D Moments like that are so priceless.

Lol, I love it when that stuff happens.
I have been doing a lot of callouts. I just don't like having extra noise that doesn't help me at all. Just mindless banter in the background etc. Callouts are one thing and talking actually helps me. Well. Me talking helps me get into it.

I love Pistola, Snipedown, and Ninja. Pistola is a beast with a DMR/BR and Snipedown and Ninja are sniper kings. You never want to see a sniper in their hands. I also like Bravo. He's just cool. Most of Str8' rippin was awesome and I really like them, not to mention the ogre team, and also Tower.

I'm having trouble remembering the Halo 4 callouts on some of the maps though. It's drivin' me nuts.

The only problem that I have with gamebattles is that they just set you up on slayer pro and tell you to go. Nothing but sprint, although, in MLG tournaments, they obviously have access to jetpack and thruster pack.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 01, 2012, 12:31:03 AM
You have great picks :) Roy is also an amazing sniper. A lot of people call him out for having an average DMR and BR game, but when he grabs the sniper, oh man, you know sh** is about to go down. A commentator said the exact same thing once and I was like, "Finally, someone agrees :D"

I also don't have Halo 4 yet so I don't know any of the call-outs. I'll get it eventually but right now I have no money for it.

Also, that doesn't sound too bad to me. It's better than letting people on "default" button layout get a jetpack and start wrecking people. Everyone will assume you play on either Recon or Bumper Jumper and they always overlook the jetpack because of it. iGotUrPistola wrecked everyone before because he got a jetpack, haha. I play on Bumper Jumper myself so I never use it. I prefer sprint anyway.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 03, 2012, 12:29:11 AM
Sorry for the double-post, but holy crap. Just went 1 vs. 4 on Halo: Reach Team Slayer last night and won 34-18  8) Made one guy quit out too.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: BenPass on December 03, 2012, 01:09:17 AM
Sorry for the double-post, but holy crap. Just went 1 vs. 4 on Halo: Reach Team Slayer last night and won 34-18  8) Made one guy quit out too.

Good job man! I picked up Halo 4 yesterday and man, my skills have deteriorated! I'm still positive on my K:D so far though.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 03, 2012, 01:27:51 AM
Good job man! I picked up Halo 4 yesterday and man, my skills have deteriorated! I'm still positive on my K:D so far though.

Thanks, and that's good at least :) Also, did you get my message? ;D

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: BenPass on December 03, 2012, 01:36:49 AM
Thanks, and that's good at least :) Also, did you get my message? ;D

Hrmm...I don't know. Let me go check lol

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 03, 2012, 01:44:23 AM
Hrmm...I don't know. Let me go check lol

Okay, lol.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Big Boss on December 03, 2012, 03:31:11 AM


Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on December 03, 2012, 04:10:43 AM
I am so happy...... That picture....just....yes.....

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 03, 2012, 04:24:01 AM
Spartan teabags... the easiest way to thoroughly piss off the enemy player ;D

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 28, 2012, 06:02:58 AM
So I've been playing Halo 4. A lot. The campaign was freaking amazing. 343 really outdid themselves here. But I'm sure this is old news. Anyway, I've been playing Infinity Slayer non stop and it drove me insane at first but I'm getting better at it. I think that the ordnance drops need to go, though. Also, one of the pistols is over-powered at close range. I feel that having a bunch of people running around with speed boosts, overshields, damage boosts, overpowered SMG's, and needlers makes the game a bit unfair. Also, two of the maps drive me insane. Oh well.

In any case, after 8 hours of playing, I've somehow managed to carve myself out some good stats: 36 game victories, 23 game defeats, 792 kills, and 634 deaths. I guess I must be doing something right, but I still suck big time.

Does anyone here have Halo 4? More importantly, does anyone have any tips for improving my game? I need help!

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Big Boss on December 28, 2012, 06:17:20 AM
So I've been playing Halo 4. A lot. The campaign was freaking amazing. 343 really outdid themselves here. But I'm sure this is old news. Anyway, I've been playing Infinity Slayer non stop and it drove me insane at first but I'm getting better at it. I think that the ordnance drops need to go, though. Also, one of the pistols is over-powered at close range. I feel that having a bunch of people running around with speed boosts, overshields, damage boosts, overpowered SMG's, and needlers makes the game a bit unfair. Also, two of the maps drive me insane. Oh well.

In any case, after 8 hours of playing, I've somehow managed to carve myself out some good stats: 36 game victories, 23 game defeats, 792 kills, and 634 deaths. I guess I must be doing something right, but I still suck big time.

Does anyone here have Halo 4? More importantly, does anyone have any tips for improving my game? I need help!

yeah I suck at halo 4 too. The game has changed over the years, but its still halo and I will continue playing it.  ;D The story was BA too and the ending was great.  8) I rarely play competitively now with my time being sparse so I care not if i lose or win so I don't have much advice for ya.  :P I spend most of my time playing spartan ops or campaign when I do have the time. I pm'ed you my Xbox live user name if you care to play some time.   :)

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 28, 2012, 06:41:02 AM
yeah I suck at halo 4 too. The game has changed over the years, but its still halo and I will continue playing it.  ;D The story was BA too and the ending was great.  8) I rarely play competitively now with my time being sparse so I care not if i lose or win so I don't have much advice for ya.  :P I spend most of my time playing spartan ops or campaign when I do have the time. I pm'ed you my Xbox live user name if you care to play some time.   :)

The ending almost made me cry :( It was so beautiful. Well, I am competitive by nature, so I get a little too obsessed over winning :D Winter term for college is going to start next month, but until than, I am going to be trying my best to improve my game. I really want to play Spartan Ops but its impossible without other people, so thanks for the offer :) I also still need to beat the campaign on legendary so if you're up for that, maybe we can try it out some time. In any case, despite my raging, I love Halo 4. This game is just way too good. The only issues I have are the ones I listed earlier.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Zephon on December 28, 2012, 09:46:03 AM
I'll join you sometime Hobbit on Spartan Ops or whichever. I havent played Halo4 in just under a month since I've been trying to finish up AC3, but I'm willing to jump back over to Halo4 to play anytime.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 28, 2012, 05:30:48 PM
I'll join you sometime Hobbit on Spartan Ops or whichever. I havent played Halo4 in just under a month since I've been trying to finish up AC3, but I'm willing to jump back over to Halo4 to play anytime.

Oh wow, thanks! :) You can finish up AC3 first if you want. No rush.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on December 29, 2012, 02:18:03 AM
The ending almost made me cry :( It was so beautiful. Well, I am competitive by nature, so I get a little too obsessed over winning :D Winter term for college is going to start next month, but until than, I am going to be trying my best to improve my game. I really want to play Spartan Ops but its impossible without other people, so thanks for the offer :) I also still need to beat the campaign on legendary so if you're up for that, maybe we can try it out some time. In any case, despite my raging, I love Halo 4. This game is just way too good. The only issues I have are the ones I listed earlier.
I think I did cry at the end of the campaign. No joke.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 29, 2012, 02:33:43 AM
I think I did cry at the end of the campaign. No joke.

I was going to, but then my friend came back and started shouting in party chat and I kind of snapped out of it  :-\ Also, I'm about halfway through with Chapter 3 of Spartan Ops and I can honestly say that the Spartan IV's suck. They are like a bunch of little kids  >:( Well, except for Fireteam Crimson, but hey, that's me ;D

Also, does anyone here think Halsey was justified? Personally, I think she was. It was so annoying to see the Spartan IV's disrespecting her.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on December 29, 2012, 02:51:35 AM
I agree. Halsey was completely justified.

The Spartan 4's are essentially in between spartan 2's and 3's when it comes to size and strength, however, since they were not taken as children, they have still experienced something other than the military and are not quite as effective in combat. They are like Marines except bigger and harder to kill.

So yeah, they suck.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 29, 2012, 03:35:45 AM
I agree. Halsey was completely justified.

The Spartan 4's are essentially in between spartan 2's and 3's when it comes to size and strength, however, since they were not taken as children, they have still experienced something other than the military and are not quite as effective in combat. They are like Marines except bigger and harder to kill.

So yeah, they suck.

Really? I thought they were behind Spartan III's in terms of size and strength. I read somewhere that they were just given minor augmentations, which would explain why they were able to afford such a large number of them.

Off topic, but wouldn't it be cool if the Arbiter came back with his side of the Covenant to help the humans take on the rogue tribe? ;D Also, does Spartan Ops take place after the campaign? Did Infinity just drop Master Chief off on Earth then return to Requiem? And what about the Prometheans? I'm so confused!

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on December 29, 2012, 04:01:13 AM
Really? I thought they were behind Spartan III's in terms of size and strength. I read somewhere that they were just given minor augmentations, which would explain why they were able to afford such a large number of them.

Off topic, but wouldn't it be cool if the Arbiter came back with his side of the Covenant to help the humans take on the rogue tribe? ;D Also, does Spartan Ops take place after the campaign? Did Infinity just drop Master Chief off on Earth then return to Requiem? And what about the Prometheans? I'm so confused!

Yeah, that's how spartan ops works, basically. Dropped off the chief and run back to requiem.

I'm betting on seeing the Arbiter again. I wouldn't doubt it.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 29, 2012, 09:11:14 AM
Well, it would make sense to do that.

Also, I really wish they could have toned down the insanity in Spartan Ops when playing solo. I've had to complete every chapter of every episode solo and its so frustrating to get swarmed by countless waves of enemies. I know you're supposed to play with friends, but what if no one is online or feels like playing Halo? It's pretty unfair for us lone wolves. They could at least give me three invincible AI partners to fight with. I mean, this is supposed to be a fireteam after all. Besides, I'm going up against the same seemingly insurmountable odds that Master Chief has to tackle, and it wouldn't be very realistic if my Spartan IV can survive it countless times.

Than again, it's only really an issue with those super annoying Prometheans. The Covenant I can handle with ease, but Prometheans? Ugh. It's like they were designed to intentionally put you in a bad mood, just like with the floating Medusa heads in the original Castlevania, or the flying devil from Ghosts'N Goblins.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Big Boss on December 29, 2012, 05:48:32 PM
The disrespect they show towards Halsey I found to be justified since she was kidnapping kids against their will to make them into super soldiers to fight terrorists, not the covenant. What really caught me off guard though was how unsurprised people on the infinity were to see chief again.

 I always found chief to be the main hero of the earths forces and in all the previous games it was  like OMG its the chief were saved! Here it was like oh cool master cheese is here why don't you help our other spartans do stuff. Its not like you didn't destroy giant halo rings as well as the main heart of the covenants forces and leaders.

It wasn't really until halo 4 and its ending where cortana tells chief to tell her which one of them is real and which one is the machine that I realized how much of a tool/weapon the chief really was. I thought to myself would anyone cry if master chief died? Would they even hold a funeral for the death of a  bio-weapon?

 Also I though to myself, when all the fighting is done what do they do with all the spartans after that? Rehabilitate them to civilian life? Or hunt them down to make sure they don't use their enhance military skills for their own benefit and become the terrorists they were original made to fight against?

@ Tas  Yeah I'am counting on seeing the arbiter again soon. I'am sure  some major threat will arise where the arbiter's help will be needed. I always loved fighting along elites in Halo 3 and leading the squads of them in halo 2 when we could play as the arbiter. 8)

@Hob Yeah the prometheans are a real pain in spartan ops when playing by yourself. The swarms of crawlers are what get me since I'am so used to the grunts running away and hiding, where the crawlers do the exact opposite.  :P

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 29, 2012, 06:08:28 PM
Well, if Halsey hadn't done what she did, humanity would have destroyed themselves in a civil war, and given that the technology and weapons are far superior to our own now, it would have been disastrous. The Spartans were supposed to keep things in check. On the other side of that coin, many families were devastated when they realized what Halsey had done to their children, but if she hadn't done it, all humanity would have been extinct when the Covenant invaded, so no matter what, it was a necessary evil. Also, personally, I wouldn't mind being turned into a Spartan II :D As long as I survived the insane process of becoming one, that is.

I think the reason why they weren't surprised that the Chief was back is because, well, he is Master Chief. The dude doesn't die. He survived through so much crap numerous times that nobody really doubted that he was still alive even after all those years.

I know without a shadow of a doubt that the Arbiter, Halsey, Commander Lasky, Sarah Palmer, and maybe even the Spartan IV's would definitely hold a funeral. Heck, most of the UNSC would. They owe their lives to him. Master Chief is a hero. Also, I think 343 is really trying to make a push to show his humanity. I honestly felt like he was going to sink to his knees when Cortana left him and start crying out in rage or something. Even though he managed to hold it together, you could tell that he was broken inside.

Also, I read on the wiki that the Spartan II's and III's that were still alive were simply integrated into the Spartan IV program. If they wanted to be, that is. If they chose not to, they would most likely live out the rest of their lives in solitude. Remember, these guys were very anti-social towards anyone other than their fellow Spartans. I think it would have been impossible for them to be integrated into civilian life. Also, no, they wouldn't be able to turn on anyone. The Spartans were extremely loyal, and like you said, were just tools. They were made to follow commands from anyone that outranks them. The Spartans would never become terrorists. They would rather die.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Big Boss on December 29, 2012, 06:45:54 PM
 I agree that creating the Spartans were necessary, but how Halsey went about it in the first place was wrong so she deserves all the hate thrown at her regardless if the spartan program accomplished what it was supposed to.

As for all Spartans being loyal to their superiors, I don't know about that...Chief flat out said no to the commanding officer when he asked for cortana so she could be decommissioned. I'am pretty sure if anyone in that room tried to take cortana away from him they would have had their arm broken in two by Chief and  all hell would have broke out.

Also the hardships of war may make some of the spartans bitter and feel like they are owed something for their suffering or perhaps some may still want to keep fighting when their is no fighting to be had.  In Starwars for example there were actually some clone commanding officers that deserted the republic army because they felt like they were not given a real choice of fighting in the war. In an episode of the clone wars Commander Cody found one of these deserters who actually went in hiding and started a family of his own and had two kids. Cody and the deserter argued over their loyalty to the republic and their given right of free will to chose how to live. (  The same thing could happen with the spartans in my option since they were conditioned similarly.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 29, 2012, 07:13:52 PM
I don't see how it was wrong. Even ONI backed her. I think she deserves respect, because without her, no human would be left alive at this point, and the Spartan IV's wouldn't even have been created.

As for Chief saying "no", realize that he shared a very strong bond with Cortana. After everything those two have been through, it would make sense. Also, if anyone tried to take Cortana away from him, he would just get her back with minimal fuss. Chief isn't a man that lashes out violently. He is too calm and collected. Also, Chief knew Del Rio was being an idiot, anyway. Also, Chief new Lasky when he was just a cadet, about thirty years prior to this. He wouldn't want to potentially put him in harms way.

Yeah, but this isn't Star Wars. The Spartans don't care, they just want to get the job done. That's all they want. Three of the major Spartan II's that were on Master Chief's squad way back when are all still alive and none of them have acted out in any way.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on December 30, 2012, 02:12:50 AM
Can I just throw out the fact that Del Rio was relieved of his position when the UNSC leaders found out that he'd left the Chief alone on Requiem. Frankly, the only one that didn't see him as a hero is Del Rio and he got shell for it.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 30, 2012, 03:04:05 AM
Can I just throw out the fact that Del Rio was relieved of his position when the UNSC leaders found out that he'd left the Chief alone on Requiem. Frankly, the only one that didn't see him as a hero is Del Rio and he got shell for it.

He was? I guess I missed that ;D Glad he got the boot though.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Big Boss on December 30, 2012, 04:43:58 AM
*Shakes fist* You guys and your superior knowledge of Halo.  :D I haven't read or looked into anything Halo outside of the games.  :P

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 30, 2012, 04:57:04 AM
*Shakes fist* You guys and your superior knowledge of Halo.  :D I haven't read or looked into anything Halo outside of the games.  :P

Hehe. I'm not as knowledgeable as some of the hardcore Halo fans are, but I am getting there. I think. Planning on buying all of the books and reading them all in chronological order. I already read the first few, but I want to read them again anyway. I just love the universe of Halo so much.

On a totally random note... I've been thinking about this earlier today, but how awesome would it be if Fred, Linda, and Kelly returned for Halo 5? They could make separate campaigns for them. Now THAT would make me happy. For Linda, they could give us all sniper missions and ridiculous auto-aim abilities, for Kelly they could give us unlimited speed boost, and for Fred they could give us unlimited UNSC weapon ammo :D Yeah, I know, they'll never do this, but someone should seriously tell 343 to make a game featuring all of this.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Big Boss on December 30, 2012, 05:58:27 AM
Hehe. I'm not as knowledgeable as some of the hardcore Halo fans are, but I am getting there. I think. Planning on buying all of the books and reading them all in chronological order. I already read the first few, but I want to read them again anyway. I just love the universe of Halo so much.

On a totally random note... I've been thinking about this earlier today, but how awesome would it be if Fred, Linda, and Kelly returned for Halo 5? They could make separate campaigns for them. Now THAT would make me happy. For Linda, they could give us all sniper missions and ridiculous auto-aim abilities, for Kelly they could give us unlimited speed boost, and for Fred they could give us unlimited UNSC weapon ammo :D Yeah, I know, they'll never do this, but someone should seriously tell 343 to make a game featuring all of this.

Still more knowledgeable than me.  :D As for that idea, that would be pretty awesome if they did something like that. When I first heard about reach being made into a video game years ago I was expecting to play as master chief  leading his original spartan squad into battle against the covenant and was disappointed when  I learned that we would be taking control of another spartan and noble team.  :P I doubt they would give each spartan their own personal levels since Chief is the star of the game, but fighting along side them like we fought along side noble team in reach would be good enough for me.  :)

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 30, 2012, 06:51:24 AM
Still more knowledgeable than me.  :D As for that idea, that would be pretty awesome if they did something like that. When I first heard about reach being made into a video game years ago I was expecting to play as master chief  leading his original spartan squad into battle against the covenant and was disappointed when  I learned that we would be taking control of another spartan and noble team.  :P I doubt they would give each spartan their own personal levels since Chief is the star of the game, but fighting along side them like we fought along side noble team in reach would be good enough for me.  :)

I was actually looking forward to it. I think it was a nice break from all of the constant Master Chief action. Not that there is anything wrong with constant Master Chief action, seeing as he is a total bad ass :D

I suppose its just wishful thinking on my part, but they did dedicate a whole game to ODST troops, so it could be possible. If they don't give us separate campaigns, I hope they'll have a system similar to Castlevania III, (yes, I know, I'm always talking about Castlevania. I can't help it. I'm a retro gamer ;)) where you can swap out characters on the fly after you've actually met up with the character you want to swap out with. So maybe Master Chief could bump into Kelly, for example, and she'll tag along with you until you find Linda and Fred, then they'll tag along with you as well. All four of them will have their unique abilities from the novels, such as Kelly's super speed or Linda's insane sniping, which could be useful in certain situations.

Wow, how did I come up with that? I must be really out of it. Now THAT will never happen ;D

Well, as long as they bring back the Halo A-Team, I'll be fine. Well, most of the Halo A-Team (R.I.P. other Spartans  :'()

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on December 30, 2012, 03:07:49 PM
I was actually looking forward to it. I think it was a nice break from all of the constant Master Chief action. Not that there is anything wrong with constant Master Chief action, seeing as he is a total bad ass :D

I suppose its just wishful thinking on my part, but they did dedicate a whole game to ODST troops, so it could be possible. If they don't give us separate campaigns, I hope they'll have a system similar to Castlevania III, (yes, I know, I'm always talking about Castlevania. I can't help it. I'm a retro gamer ;)) where you can swap out characters on the fly after you've actually met up with the character you want to swap out with. So maybe Master Chief could bump into Kelly, for example, and she'll tag along with you until you find Linda and Fred, then they'll tag along with you as well. All four of them will have their unique abilities from the novels, such as Kelly's super speed or Linda's insane sniping, which could be useful in certain situations.

Wow, how did I come up with that? I must be really out of it. Now THAT will never happen ;D

Well, as long as they bring back the Halo A-Team, I'll be fine. Well, most of the Halo A-Team (R.I.P. other Spartans  :'()

RIP Kurt.

Anyway, yeah, I expect to see Linda, Kelly, and Fred soon. I also want to see the Arbiter return. I am really, really excited.

I have read all of the books except for a recent few, and I know a lot about Halo...I am a super fan....

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 30, 2012, 06:21:16 PM
RIP Kurt.

Anyway, yeah, I expect to see Linda, Kelly, and Fred soon. I also want to see the Arbiter return. I am really, really excited.

I have read all of the books except for a recent few, and I know a lot about Halo...I am a super fan....

I overheard one of the Spartans in the hangar bay (when you first meet them in the campaign) talk about Kelly. They referred to her by her call sign and said something about how her speed would be really useful right now. I looked it up on the wiki and yep, they were referring to Kelly. So this leads me to believe that she is training Spartan IV's somewhere. That is kriffing awesome. Kelly has always been my #1 favorite Spartan.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 30, 2012, 10:12:22 PM
Sorry for the double-post, but...

Oh. My. GOSH. This is the greatest fan film I have ever watched in my life. Actually, it's the only fan film I've ever watched in my life. Still, this blew my mind. Watch the WHOLE thing. This is just...  :o (

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Big Boss on December 30, 2012, 11:12:59 PM
Sorry for the double-post, but...

Oh. My. GOSH. This is the greatest fan film I have ever watched in my life. Actually, it's the only fan film I've ever watched in my life. Still, this blew my mind. Watch the WHOLE thing. This is just...  :o (

HOLY BANTHA SPIT! THAT WAS FREAKEN BANANAS!  :o How could I have missed that one?  :P  point.  8)

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 30, 2012, 11:45:17 PM
HOLY BANTHA SPIT! THAT WAS FREAKEN BANANAS!  :o How could I have missed that one?  :P  point.  8)

The ending had me laughing so hard, when they just exploded out of their armor and everyone started dancing  ;D And the fight scenes... Jeez. That was so great.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Big Boss on December 30, 2012, 11:51:14 PM
The ending had me laughing so hard, when they just exploded out of their armor and everyone started dancing  ;D And the fight scenes... Jeez. That was so great.

yeah, seeing the elites dance in the background was great.  :D That sniper shot with the jackal shields was insane.  8)

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 31, 2012, 12:19:52 AM
yeah, seeing the elites dance in the background was great.  :D That sniper shot with the jackal shields was insane.  8)

The shotgun twirling was also insane. Also, the energy sword vs. lightsaber duel  :o Then, when it showed the female Master Chief and Samus holding hands and stuff I literally went, "Awwww..." :D Couldn't help it. That scene was so beautiful.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Zephon on December 31, 2012, 03:59:03 AM
Sorry for the double-post, but...

Oh. My. GOSH. This is the greatest fan film I have ever watched in my life. Actually, it's the only fan film I've ever watched in my life. Still, this blew my mind. Watch the WHOLE thing. This is just...  :o

[url][/url] ([url][/url])
Ah yea, that's very old. It was done by Monty Oum. One of his first videos before he started doing his Dead Fantasy series (Dead or Alive vs Final Fantasy). He was later picked up by Rooster Teeth and worked on seasons 8, 9 & 10 of RvB (Red Vs Blue webseries). ( (Monty's Feed)

And for you guys who liked Haloid. (

And (

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 31, 2012, 05:23:55 AM
That's so awesome, Zephon :)

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on January 05, 2013, 08:21:56 PM
Hooray! My Halo books arrived in the mail today.

I got a box set that contains: Halo: Contact Harvest, Halo: The Cole Protocol, and Halo: Ghosts of Onyx. I also got the new definitive edition for The Fall of Reach that has new artwork and bonus material. Pretty awesome :)

I'm going to be reading them in this order:

1. Contact Harvest
2. The Cole Protocol
3. The Fall of Reach
4. First Strike (when I get the money)
5. Ghosts of Onyx

Then I'll pick up the rest of the books. But anyway, I think this is the best order for continuity purposes. I also plan on buying the Anniversary Edition of Halo: CE, so I can play that after the Fall of Reach and before First Strike. I'm pretty sure that Halo 2 comes right after First Strike, but I'm not sure. Anyone know?

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on January 05, 2013, 11:14:37 PM
First Strike comes before Fall of Reach.

First Strike, Fall of Reach, and Ghosts of Onyx are a trilogy in that order.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on January 05, 2013, 11:30:57 PM
First Strike comes before Fall of Reach.

First Strike, Fall of Reach, and Ghosts of Onyx are a trilogy in that order.

Really? Everyone else says its Fall of Reach before First Strike. I thought it was supposed to be: Fall of Reach -> Halo 1 -> First Strike -> Halo 2 (?)

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on January 06, 2013, 12:51:46 AM
...I don't think so...

My memory might be off though. It's been a couple years.

Edit: Just Wiki'd it. I'm wrong. Sorry. Lol.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on January 06, 2013, 01:46:07 AM
It's okay, lol.

I just reached the third chapter of Contact Harvest, and it's so nice to get some more backstory on Sgt. Johnson. It's such a well-written book as well. Feels like a more visceral version of a Splinter Cell novel.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on March 09, 2013, 07:53:41 AM
A leaked preview of Halo 5 for the upcoming Xbox 720 console! Okay, not really, but hey, it's still really awesome ;D (

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: B1ondeange1 on April 10, 2013, 05:05:04 PM
Sorry for the double-post, but...

Oh. My. GOSH. This is the greatest fan film I have ever watched in my life. Actually, it's the only fan film I've ever watched in my life. Still, this blew my mind. Watch the WHOLE thing. This is just...  :o (

ok i was watching this and i was thinking man master chief got some mad skillz! then the robot turned up and im like ok wtf. then haha master chief is getting made p!$$. then more wtf as a chick exploded out of the armour wielding a lightsaber (whip by the looks?). and laughed at master chiefs reaction. then followed by even more wtf. and then omg cool! and then wtf master chief had a sex change. then i saw credits and closed it. and had no idea there was dancing involved at the end so i had re opened it and laugh some more! that was very cool- though im guessing a guy made that? couldnt half guess *rolls eyes* very clever all the same!

my first halo memory is a massive lan in my now-fiancee-then-just-friends  dads shed, must be 9 or 10 years ago now while we were still in high school. we set up four tvs, four xboxs, 16 controllers, a heap of lounges and chairs, and 15 people. and four copies of halo. for 2 days (my mum wouldnt let me stay for the whole thing lol. though i came home to a very cool present my first car, so i wasnt so upset!). omg that was soooo awesome! what was the trick big groups used to do, get a warthog or a ghost or something up onto one of the forts on some particular map by piling up warthogs and whatever against the side and eventually managing to drive the vehicle up there? we did it! is it sad that that was a highlight of the weekend?! anyway that got me absolutely hooked.

we loved it when halo CE anniversairy came out, it was like seeing an old friend again! and the graphics were gorgeous! havent gotten around to finishing the playthrough, had other games we bought at the same time and soon after, and i was still in uni then so didnt have much spare time to game myself. and when i did have time, it was a case of choosing which game i wanted to play, and there were a lot of options! im also one of those people that rarely finishes games. i tend to keep starting new characters. or getting bored most of the way through.
 i love halo, so it might seem strange that the only one ive played right through is halo 3 on coop. i tend to watch my fiancee play games moreso than play them myself. comes of only having one tv in the loungeroom, id rather be with him while he is playing games, than have to go to a different room to play games myself. with borderlands and borderlands 2 we got sick of that, and so the bigger of my two computer screens got set up so we could both play on separate xboxes, one person with a big tv, one with a little (split screen in borderlands sux, but omg that is an awesome game!!!!). also means i can play my game on xbox while he plays his- funny thing is coz ive been playing kotor and xbox original wont work on the cable to my lil computer screen, ive been getting preference over the big tv which is actually his. hehe!
that, and until last year only my fiancee had an xbox 360, i had his old one but that was hooked up in the study and since it was his xbox, his tv and i didnt have much time to play, i didnt play much. now we have two xboxes side by side hooked up to the same tv (when his isnt banished to my little screen muhahaha!). along with a computer and a blu ray player. but we dont have an antenna, so the tv is never actually used as a tv.
 i love playing halo, but im a mediocre player. im the kind of person who flukes some really awesome games, and a few awesome shots- and then gets stuck turning round and round after jumping through the air turning and firing at someone (causing the screen to spin and me getting confused as to which direction im facing) trying to figure which way is up and which way is down  ;D. or doing the same trying to figure out where im getting shot from. and then dying. oh well its hilarious watching me suck at it! i do the same thing a bit in borderlands, but im a much better borderlands player than i am a halo player! before borderlands, halo was the only fps type game id play, i prefer rpgs. and borderlands is a bit of both
i think the only halo my fiancee doesnt have is halo wars, hes always loved it. so much, hes currently building a set of spartan armour from pepakura and fibreglass, mk IV i think (i always get it wrong!). the armour looks pretty awesome so far. im not sure itll be ready in time for supanova this year though, unless he gets his butt into gear and finishes it.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on June 23, 2013, 09:05:57 AM

Okay, my question is this...

What are your favorite games in the Halo series?

I'll start, however I won't mention Halo 3: ODST, since I actually never got around to playing that, believe it or not.

Anyway, here we go.

6. Halo Wars. I actually really enjoyed this game, and it's great for casual play. That is kind of odd for me to say since I usually dislike RTS games, but there is just something about this one that I really like. Maybe it's the simplicity. Anyway, it's a great game in it's own right, but when you compare it to other Halo titles, it just rolls over and dies. NEXT.

5. Halo 4. WAIT, I CAN EXPLAIN! Okay, look. The callofdutyization of Halo is something that I can't stand. The multiplayer just plain sucks, and no matter how hard I try to get into it, it just doesn't click with me. The single-player campaign is actually really good, and the ending made me cry, but I feel like that is Halo 4's only saving grace. While I did enjoy Spartan Ops at first, the novelty of it quickly wore off, and it just feels like a super-repetitive, half-assed game mode that they just threw in for kicks. I do enjoy the cutscenes, though. Those are awesome.

4. Halo 2. The only reason why I'm giving this a lower ranking is because the remaining games are just simply better. I love Halo 2. I haven't played it in soooo long though, so I can't really say much more. I just remember that it rocked. They better make a Halo 2 Anniversary Edition!

3. Halo 3. This is the game that got me into Halo. While my love for the campaign has diminished greatly since I originally played it, I don't think that really matters, because this game's greatest strengths lie in two things: Multiplayer, and Forge Mode. Halo 3's multiplayer is, in my opinion, the third best in the series (no pun intended), while Forge Mode just presented me with endless hours of hysterical fun with my friends. The game Duck Hunt, in particular, was amazing. Halo 3 is also going to be available for free on Xbox Live next month, and since I broke my disc in a fit of rage about a year or two back, i'm ecstatic! I can't wait to start owning some noobs again 8)

2. Halo: Combat Evolved. This is the original that started it all. It is a masterpiece, in every sense of the word. Back in high school, my friends and I would get into so much trouble for playing the Halo: CE demo in the library during lunch. We would also sneak over to the computer lab to play it there. It was totally worth it, though. This game is amazing. The campaign, the music, the multiplayer, the everything. This is definitely one of the greatest video games ever made.

1. Halo: Reach. Remember Reach. Remember it well. This, my friends, is the greatest Halo game of all time, IMO. The campaign is the finest in the series, and though you know that the story will end in tragedy, you will still refuse to give in as you jump feet first into Hell. The game will wrench your heart more times than you can count as, one by one, your teammates, your brothers and sister in arms, fall to the nightmarish Convenant onslaught. When the dust settles, you will be the only one left. You will make one final stand amongst the corpses of your fellow Spartans as the Covenant descend upon you like vultures. You will die, yes. But you will die a hero's death. Halo: Reach is just that one special game that takes everything that is great about a series and improves upon them all, while still managing to usher in wonderful new elements that only serve to improve the game even more. Sure, it has it's flaws, but what game doesn't? Halo: Reach rules.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on June 24, 2013, 10:00:32 PM
7: Halo 2. Before you judge me, I'd just like to point out that I played this after Halo 3 and Halo: Combat Evolved. I never played the Halo 2 multiplayer, so I have no experience with that. the campaign was beautiful, as are they all. But there are better games for me.

6: Halo Wars. Love it. I am an RTS fan and this hit home for me. However, the covenant in that game are worthless. It is terribly imbalanced, sorry to say. That's why it's here in my rating.

5: Halo: Combat Evolved: I love it, but it just can't compare to Halo 3 or even Halo 4 for me.

4: Halo 4: I like it. Yeah. It's a great game. The gameplay is smooth and visceral. The campaign made me cry too. I hate spartan ops as much as the next guy, though and miss the living hell out of firefight. I still have my trusty DMR, though, and that's all that really matters. It was CODified a bit, but honestly, it still feels like Halo to me.

3: Halo 3: First Halo I ever played. I played the campaign at least 30 times all the way through. I love it so much. This game means so much to me, I'll never forget when I first picked it up.

2: Halo 3: ODST: Yeah. Believe it or not. I freaking love this game. How often do you get to play as a freaking ODST?! These guys are complete badasses. Yeah, spartans are awesome but the ODST's feel real. I loved it. Plus, the story arc was done incredibly and the music was the best in any Halo game. Ever.

1: Remember Reach.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on June 24, 2013, 11:02:18 PM
Yay, a response :D

Also, I'm surprised that you put Reach in the #1 spot. I thought I was in the minority for loving it as much as I do. As for my comments on Halo 4, I probably should have worded it differently. It is leaning more towards Call of Duty, but what I really mean is that it feels like a hybrid of the two. It's no longer uniquely Halo, and I feel that it appeals to more to the casual crowd. While I do enjoy a more casual Halo experience nowadays, I still feel that they should have preserved it's difficulty, even if that would serve as a detriment to some of us. Halo is supposed to be harder to get into than other games, after all.

But I can't stress this enough: These are just my opinions. I'm not trying to tout them around as facts. I just love reading what other people have to say about things, and felt this would make for a good discussion. Hopefully I don't offend anyone :)

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on June 24, 2013, 11:23:04 PM
Yay, a response :D

Also, I'm surprised that you put Reach in the #1 spot. I thought I was in the minority for loving it as much as I do. As for my comments on Halo 4, I probably should have worded it differently. It is leaning more towards Call of Duty, but what I really mean is that it feels like a hybrid of the two. It's no longer uniquely Halo, and I feel that it appeals to more to the casual crowd. While I do enjoy a more casual Halo experience nowadays, I still feel that they should have preserved it's difficulty, even if that would serve as a detriment to some of us. Halo is supposed to be harder to get into than other games, after all.

But I can't stress this enough: These are just my opinions. I'm not trying to tout them around as facts. I just love reading what other people have to say about things, and felt this would make for a good discussion. Hopefully I don't offend anyone :)

Reach makes me cry just thinking about it. 'nuff said.

Seriously though, Remember reach is my motto.

Close your eyes and listen to this video after watching it a few times and everything will be made clear: Remember Reach (

Then go ahead and watch these trailers and focus more on your ears than your eyes and remember why Halo is the best scifi storyline in history....Um...aside from starwars....of course.... ( ( ( ( (

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on June 25, 2013, 06:42:37 AM
I kind of don't want to watch the first video, because the first time I watched it way back when, I actually cried. I will watch it tomorrow, though. Same with the rest of the videos. Oh, and I still do consider Halo to be #1 ;)

But anyway, Halo: Reach is actually my favorite game of all time. I'm not even kidding. I've never been more immersed in any other video game before, and still haven't to this day. The art direction, the cinematography, the music, the atmosphere, the characters, the gameplay mechanics, the story... the, the... the EVERYTHING all just comes together in such a perfectly harmonious manner. I can't say enough good things about Halo: Reach; it's had such a profound impact on me, and still does to this day.

Heck, I love it so much that I risked losing what little sanity I had left in order to earn my single greatest Xbox Live achievement: Beating the game alone, on legendary. I'm repeating myself here, I'm sure of it, but I actually threw my controller into my favorite TV whilst doing it.

Off topic, and kind of random, but I just figured I would mention it since this is the Halo thread and all. lol.


Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on July 11, 2013, 08:14:53 AM
Well, since I started this thread, I figured that bumping it/double-posting in it at the same time won't be such a big deal :D

Anyway, I've been playing Halo 4 nonstop for the past two weeks or so. Okay, I'll bite, despite the outrageous lag in War Games, I actually like it. I like it a lot. I have tons of fun with it... it is great. I'll actually bump it up past Halo 2 on my list.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on July 11, 2013, 04:41:15 PM
Oh the lag. the lag is sin.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on July 11, 2013, 07:24:46 PM
Oh the lag. the lag is sin.

Yep. You and an opponent will be teleporting all over the place trying to kill each other, and neither of your shields will go down, and you both know that the victor will be decided when the lag finally ends, and when it does... someone will randomly die. So fun.

I also don't quite like the matchmaking system, which has been ripped straight out of COD. Back in Reach, when you tried joining a match, it would always take you to a brand new lobby, and when the game started and people left, no one could join the session in progress. In Halo 4, it is the exact opposite. I get connected to matches where the game is almost over, or everyone is lagging out left and right. But that is only a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things, I guess.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Waxman on July 11, 2013, 08:41:31 PM
I finally played and beat Halo 4 last night on Normal.

It was a really fun game and quite gorgeous but Halo: Combat Evolved still is my favorite.  I really had no major complaints of Halo 4 other then the very last part where the quadruped mechanical beast creatures became the most difficult enemy in the game for whatever reason.  Don't get me wrong, they were an interesting addition and helped give different combat mechanics and whatnot, but there was a sudden spike in difficulty which I thought was a bit weird and inconsistent, especially when all you have is the Promethean pistol and machine gun [excuse my wordage but the names have eluded me but probably because they're my least favorite weapons].  Basically, I could have finished the game by 3:00 am but I had to play on to 4:25 am because they kept on killing me and I had such limited weaponry.

I guess the other thing is that most of the objectives were kind of boring.  I realize there's only so much you can do in a fps but going through a bunch of hoops to deactivate some thing only for something to happen and have it not occur is a bit frustrating, or having to defend a spot for no real reason just seems bit odd.  It was different in Halo 1 and 2 because usually you had the Flood which were just terrifying and gave that sort of Zombie-apocalypse feeling.  Surprisingly, I found The Library mission in Halo 1 my favorite level for that very reason, but especially on the PC when I would have battle music play on my computer in the background which just makes everything better.  The Halo CE mod is also really fun for that level but I digress.
One final thing, and Starcraft 2 is pretty guilty of this too, but I found the only reason for all the weapons and items in the campaign was pretty much to have as a tutorial for the multiplayer.  Like the Promethean Vision which served literally one purpose on one level or the Auto-Sentry, but especially the Promethean weaponry.  For example, in Starcraft 2, in every level a new unit would come out and if you did not use that unit then most likely you would fail the mission.  While Halo 4 is a bit more diversified in the sense you have the option to choose which weapon and how to use it, the main problem is that depending on the area, i.e. no Covenant or UNSC characters are present, you pretty much have to use the weapons they give you, which is annoying, like the Promethean Pistol and Machine Gun which are the most boring weapons I've ever used.

I do think, however, that the campaign is a lot funner in co-op then single-player.  So yeah, I'm glad the I had the opportunity to play it and it's nice to have more dialogue and character development along with a pretty cool bad-guy.

It'll be interesting to see how future installment progress with all of these new and exciting additions.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on July 12, 2013, 02:55:56 AM
Oh, I definitely agree with you.

Personally, I can't wait for Halo 5. 343i has apologized for the flaws in Halo 4, and they promised to fix them. That says a lot about a company if they can publicly apologize like that, and admit that they made mistakes. Bungie was the exact same way. I just know that Halo 5 will be a grand experience.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on July 12, 2013, 05:14:46 AM
But one...

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on July 12, 2013, 05:25:49 AM
After Microsoft removed the 24 hour check-in and stuff, I decided to stop hating on it. And at the end of the day, Halo is exclusive to Xbox, and that is a good enough reason for me to buy one. They would have to do something crazy for me to consider not getting it. Besides, I've never owned a Playstation. Why start now? lol.

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: Tasardur on July 12, 2013, 05:36:52 AM
After Microsoft removed the 24 hour check-in and stuff, I decided to stop hating on it. And at the end of the day, Halo is exclusive to Xbox, and that is a good enough reason for me to buy one. They would have to do something crazy for me to consider not getting it. Besides, I've never owned a Playstation. Why start now? lol.

Eh. I think I'll be getting a playstation. I care more about Halo's story than the gameplay. Unless the xbox one can really sell themselves to me, then I'm still switching sides.


Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on July 12, 2013, 06:08:23 AM
Well if you do get the Playstation, then I hope you enjoy it. As long as we all end up with something that will fit our needs, we will be all set. Me? I just need a machine that can run Halo. And Netflix. Can't forget about Netflix....

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: spectresabre on July 24, 2013, 02:35:12 AM
I remember getting Halo. Being obsessed with it for the longest time. All I played was Halo 2, and Battlefront 2 on my Xbox! I begged my grandparents for the longest time to get me a 360 because I had just played Halo 3 at a friend's house. We spent hours playing and watching everything in theater mode, going into forge mode and making stupid things. I've gotten every single Halo game, I've spent days on multiplayer, and still do.
It's sort of sad though, no one on my friends list plays Halo 4 that often, everyone says it, "lost its touch." I don't really think that, but yes, a certain bit of Halo doesn't feel the same, but you have to accept it, accept that a new company has taken on the role of continuing the Halo universe. I'm pleased with much of Halo 4, not as much as I was with Halo 3, but I guess that's all part of growing up.
I hear and see people complaining non-stop about the first few SW movies, and how great they were when they were kids. I grew up watching the newer ones, and the old ones, so I thought they were all great.
I am a child at heart, and a Nerd altogether, so seeing my favorite things grow only excite me.

If anyone would like to play Halo 4 with me, send my GT a message :) I'll happily respond! SpectreSabre on XBL

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on July 26, 2013, 08:29:50 PM
In the words of the almighty SeaNanners: "If you're one of those people who doesn't care and just wants to have fun, uh, high-five to you, 'cause that's me. I don't care who makes the game, where they make the game, how they make the game. If they make the game on the moon, don't care."

You're right, everyone does say that it has lost it's touch, and heck, I was one of those people. But now I'm starting to realize that it really doesn't matter. We play video games to have fun. I'm having fun knocking heads together on Halo 4. That's all I need to know ;)

Title: Re: Halo Discussion Thread
Post by: GrumpyBadger on July 27, 2013, 10:52:25 PM
It's funny looking back on my past decade, with and without Chief.  I remember the first time playing it, I waiting for "A" School, just after 9/11 and my friend and I basically went to town on it and beat it that night.  We didn't sleep either...

looking back, Chief, and another Master Chief, definitely had a profound affect on me in my professional career :D  I basically blame 117 for everything :D