Saber Forum

General Chat => Forum Games => Topic started by: BenPass on December 05, 2012, 03:20:54 AM

Title: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 05, 2012, 03:20:54 AM
So, after seeing the concept in Hobbit's thread about weapons, I thought I'd make a thread for you to list who you would team up with in a fight. So, I'll post a scenario, and you tell me who you'd want to team up with and why.

The Scenario:

Nothing so expected as zombies. Instead, BORG!

Here's the deal guys, the Borg have come back in time in another effort to wipe out the human race and in turn, ensure that the Federation is never formed. The Borg Collective has made landfall in Antarctica after their cube was damaged coming back into our time. They are now setting up shop there where they will assimilate the strong. All of humanity has been called upon to use their skills in an effort to repel the invasion. Each team will be comprised of two people, to ensure that if they get overwhelmed, they can kill each other and prevent the spread of the Collective. Who will you team up with?

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 05, 2012, 03:48:38 AM
Ben Ben Ben...the Borg?

That is a seriously strong enemy...especially for mere humans with current technology.

I am at a loss.

I guess me and Bear Grylls?


A partner of a forum member?

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: kewlkev360 on December 05, 2012, 03:58:08 AM

granted, in the movie it was holographic but still I think Tommy Guns/firearms in general would be effective, as well as melee weapons.  I can't recall an instance when the Borg adapted to a kinetic strike, only energy weapons.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 05, 2012, 04:01:48 AM
Ben Ben Ben...the Borg?

That is a seriously strong enemy...especially for mere humans with current technology.

I am at a loss.

I guess me and Bear Grylls?


A partner of a forum member?

lol, I figured I wanted to do an apocalyptic enemy, but zombies have been overdone. As to the team up, yeah, I'm talking about forum members. Who would you choose?


granted, in the movie it was holographic but still I think Tommy Guns/firearms in general would be effective, as well as melee weapons.  I can't recall an instance when the Borg adapted to a kinetic strike, only energy weapons.

Good point. I mean, their shields tended to be honed to the energy weapons. I'm not sure what exactly would happen with kinetic weapons, but let's just assume that we have found something that works against the Borg. Who would you choose to fight with against the Borg?

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 05, 2012, 04:09:46 AM
Hmmm I would pick...ummm...ME!


I would pick someone with some martial training, some military training, and that I would not want to strangle in person   :)

Hmmm Lucien Kane I would think  :)

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: kewlkev360 on December 05, 2012, 04:10:05 AM

Good point. I mean, their shields tended to be honed to the energy weapons. I'm not sure what exactly would happen with kinetic weapons, but let's just assume that we have found something that works against the Borg. Who would you choose to fight with against the Borg?

Canonically, Borg have not been seen to adapt to any type of physical attack.  Worf dispatches several with rifle butts and his mek'leth.  Technically the bullets from Picard's Tommy gun were photonic, the holodeck safeties were off so they were basically real.  Nothing on the wiki says they can adapt to physical attacks that I've seen so I think our weapons would be effective.  The problem comes from their technology and strength and unrelenting behavior.  They'd also develop armor at some point without a doubt.

As for a teamup, I'd be dead weight, so I'll let someone choose me if they wish.  I suppose I could coordinate things but that's about it.  :D

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 05, 2012, 05:24:54 AM
Common sense tells me to partner up with Nonymous, Artorius, Lucien, Rel, or Jev, but I seriously doubt I would be able to get along with any of them. Besides, I usually throw common sense out of the window anyway ;) So that leaves me with...


This is going to be like Army of Two: The 40th Day all over again ;D

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 05, 2012, 05:27:55 AM
Common sense tells me to partner up with Nonymous, Artorius, Lucien, Rel, or Jev, but I seriously doubt I would be able to get along with any of them. Besides, I usually throw common sense out of the window anyway ;) So that leaves me with...


Nice man :) I think we could do some serious damage! I've got a bunch of friends here on the forum, and would gladly work with any of them. All that said, I think Manny's Trek experience might help too. Maybe we just need a whole saberforum squad :)

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Nero Attoru on December 05, 2012, 05:29:01 AM
That's a silly question... Artorius of course ;)  Better watch out, Borg...

Nice man :) I think we could do some serious damage! I've got a bunch of friends here on the forum, and would gladly work with any of them. All that said, I think Manny's Trek experience might help too. Maybe we just need a whole saberforum squad :)

I agree.  There are plenty of folks on here I'd pick if I couldn't go with MAV, you included.  Forum team, ASSEMBLEEEEEEE!!!!

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 05, 2012, 05:32:15 AM
I consider everyone here to be a friend, except... Lucien and I have had our fair share of heated arguments, Rel and I would be an odd combo by default, I think I could get along with Nonymous but I don't know him well enough, Artorius would probably ditch me for Nero, and Jev would... I have no clue.

Of course, a forum group would be the best option. We would be unstoppable.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Frizzenflyer on December 05, 2012, 05:45:57 AM
As for a teamup, I'd be dead weight, so I'll let someone choose me if they wish.  I suppose I could coordinate things but that's about it.  :D

I'll Snipe if you'll be my spotter.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 05, 2012, 05:56:11 AM
I'll Snipe if you'll be my spotter.

That is a brilliant plan.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Luna on December 05, 2012, 06:14:28 AM
I call SOTJ. Knowing a person - and their combat capalities - IRL makes the choice way easier. Almost too easy, actually :P

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Nero Attoru on December 05, 2012, 06:17:23 AM
I call SOTJ. Knowing a person - and their combat capalities - IRL makes the choice way easier. Almost too easy, actually :P

Exactly, that was my approach with MAV.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 05, 2012, 06:51:18 AM
But I don't know any of you IRL  :'(

Though, I swear, Nero looks exactly like an old teacher that I hated. Don't worry though, you're awesome ;D

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Darth Abaddon on December 17, 2012, 03:12:44 PM
ThreadJack. He's not far off from me so I can get to him quicker and get to the fight. Plus he is a penguin and can teach me to survive the arctic once the counter attack commences.... Alright the second part was a joke but...

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Veldryne on December 18, 2012, 07:25:29 PM
Id partner with this guy (

heya borgie, have some .50 cal at 2000m

otherwise, kane or solinus, both have military service and were ground pounders, they know how to move, they know how to shoot, id be comfortable with them at my back

If we get our hands on any long range ordinance, id stencil Aurek Mern Forn on every round

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Manroon on December 18, 2012, 08:17:03 PM
Oh, I'm loving this. Forum Team would be my plan, but for specific partner...... primary would be TJ. Secondary would be Daniel Anteron. Third up would probably be Jammo. Reasoning being that TJ is my wingmate, and despite our weaknesses we get along well, and both know which end of the gun to point at the Borg. Plus I know he's got a little bit of Trek experience, which would be helpful. Danny because I know of his incredible skill in STO, and his grasp of Trek is very good. If the Borg showed up, he would know how to react, he would know the weak points to aim for, and we'd understand the same strategies. Jammo.... Jammo is Jammo. I feel no need to explain that choice. Good sense of humor, good combat skills, ready to rumble.

So given that TJ has already been called, unless he wishes to override that call by picking me, I'd either go with Ben since he mentioned me and knows more than enough Trek to understand the situation, or Daniel Anteron as he's highest uncalled man on my list.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Luna on December 19, 2012, 05:02:18 AM
Well, since it's a little unfair to call SOTJ (and more than a little boring, seeing as she's inactive)... I call Tas, my sidekick. I think we would get along well and kick at least a bit of ass.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Tasardur on December 19, 2012, 04:02:39 PM
Well, since it's a little unfair to call SOTJ (and more than a little boring, seeing as she's inactive)... I call Tas, my sidekick. I think we would get along well and kick at least a bit of ass.

Oh, you have no idea. We would kick so much Borg ass it would make your head spin. We'd rip out there spines with our bears hooves.

Yeah, I'd have to go with Luna as my first choice, only because I know we'd get along very well and be able to coordinate mid battle. My second choice would be Manny because Star Trek and he be a Trekkie. Oh, and he be awesome, and we be gettin' along 'n stuff. My third choice would be Ben. I have an immense amount of respect for this guy (whom I've never even met) and would really appreciate his wisdom and foresight in a situation like this.

All three of these guys (I certainly hope) know which direction to point a gun. That's what really matters. Oh and I hope they all have winter clothing. Antarctica can be chilly this time of year.
If I could, I'd take all three of 'em.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 19, 2012, 07:25:48 PM
How about a thread hijack?!

The original Borg threat is gone but there is a virus left behind, this virus affects technology to the point of creating a hive mind...but the invasion is slow, insidious...once it reaches the internet all hell breaks loose.

Those who are signed on become linked to the computers...the only way to break the link is to destroy the virus it happens the bulk of the Ultra Sabers forum membership are online at the time...we are all trapped, ghosts in the machine.

The world we are trapped in is a massive jungle like city of interweaving circuits and data streams, lights, flashes, energy, etc. (Tron-ish but less orderly, lots of chaos)

When ever too many forum members meet up on the grid it draws attention from the bugs, squids, and wisps...but if only two are together they can usually avoid direct alarms.

So consider your personal experiences, talents, and skills...these become one aspect on the grid, one power...what would it be?  (this is more about how you see yourself or how you would like to see yourself)


I will take the lead for examples sake...

21yrs military, good with weapons of most types, advanced martial arts, proven leadership, and lifetime artist...

So I am thinking the stoic artistic samurai angle...using the artistic approach to energy manipulation...a street level version of Green Lantern (no where near his level)...producing temporary energy effects (flashes, heat, force push/pull)...yeah that sounds more like it, Jedi level force push pull with a few light/energy changes...power comes from the grid, drawing it in to use for effects.

Energy effects would be within a blue to blue-green hue range :)


Another member might see themselves having super senses and can smell/hear/taste energy, another might sink or consume energy, one might teleport, another might fly, one may be invisible, another might get stronger or grow, one might use a light saber, etc...try to keep it focused to a type or form  (if considering TK, then please not the "I can do anything with TK" angle...define your aspects  :) )

Play with it.

If Ben wants the hijack to end I will make another thread lol


Fight the good fight and play on players!

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 19, 2012, 07:36:11 PM
This hijack seems perfectly fine to me!

Now, how do I see myself in that situation? I tend to be the quiet thinker for the most part, but when the time comes, I came actually be quite the stirring and inspirational leader. That, along with the fact that I like helping and supporting people, and the fact that I have long been a hunter, stalking through the woods, I'd probably be a sniper similar to Zero in Borderlands 2 (ability to cloak for a short time, and also view sensitive areas on our enemies).

Of course, if y'all disagree, go ahead and tell me different ;)

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Manroon on December 19, 2012, 07:47:01 PM
In said hijack instance, I would pair with Ben. My abilities would relate to manipulation of energy in the environment / program. By this, I refer to maneuverability. When it comes to the physical or mental side of things, that's been a thing I enjoy and a tactic I go for. Maneuvering around, through, over, under, etc to get to my goal. The easiest way to block a hit is to step out of the way. ;) To this end my powers would be similar to Rel's GL example. I would be able to manifest a weapon out of energy, ride a current of it through the environment, or redirect said current. The strongest of these abilities would be riding and controlling current, but redirecting it would not be something that could be used often without setting off alarms in the program. Manifesting weapons or objects would be easier to get away with undetected, but they would be weaker. IE my weapons could hurt the baddies, but the baddies could come up with stronger weapons without too much effort, and my objects would easily be destroyed by their weapons. These abilities would pair well with Ben's sniping both in spotter and covering fire capacities.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 19, 2012, 07:50:00 PM
This hijack seems perfectly fine to me!

Now, how do I see myself in that situation? I tend to be the quiet thinker for the most part, but when the time comes, I came actually be quite the stirring and inspirational leader. That, along with the fact that I like helping and supporting people, and the fact that I have long been a hunter, stalking through the woods......I would see myself as a young Prof X, with long range energy sensing, stunning, and illusionary abilities...could pick a target even out of sight...draw out or plant information, create centers of stunning energy that can be lethal to energy types, and force illusions that even affects constructs and energy types.

There I fixed it for you!


If you don't like it I will remove...(sulks and hangs head)

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 19, 2012, 07:53:30 PM
In said hijack instance, I would pair with Ben. My abilities would relate to manipulation of energy in the environment / program. By this, I refer to maneuverability. When it comes to the physical or mental side of things, that's been a thing I enjoy and a tactic I go for. Maneuvering around, through, over, under, etc to get to my goal. The easiest way to block a hit is to step out of the way. ;) To this end my powers would be similar to Rel's GL example. I would be able to manifest a weapon out of energy, ride a current of it through the environment, or redirect said current. The strongest of these abilities would be riding and controlling current, but redirecting it would not be something that could be used often without setting off alarms in the program. Manifesting weapons or objects would be easier to get away with undetected, but they would be weaker. IE my weapons could hurt the baddies, but the baddies could come up with stronger weapons without too much effort, and my objects would easily be destroyed by their weapons. These abilities would pair well with Ben's sniping both in spotter and covering fire capacities.

Hey hey about the opposite of draw power from the voids or shadows between the energy and light?  This would promote the idea of cloaking, invisibility in some degree, and a way to disrupt the energy types with a grounding effect, like a circuit breaker.

Dark to my light...yin and yang...:)

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 19, 2012, 07:56:57 PM
...I would see myself as a young Prof X, with long range energy sensing and illusionary abilities...could pick a target even out of sight...draw out or plant information and force illusions that even affects constructs and energy types.

There I fixed it for you!


If you don't like it I will remove...(sulks and hangs head)

I like, but if Manny and I are teaming up, I need to be able to do more than find the target and trick it; I need to be able to bring some boom ;)

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 19, 2012, 08:01:42 PM
I like, but if Manny and I are teaming up, I need to be able to do more than find the target and trick it; I need to be able to bring some boom ;)

Better with edit?


Trick it could mean "see your ally as an enemy" "to walk onto a bridge that is not there" "that there is a tunnel just ahead but it is a wall" etc.  :)

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 19, 2012, 08:04:46 PM
Better with edit?


Oh yeah, definitely. Like I said, I liked the first edition you did. I just like having an option for a weaponized power ;) especially since they're Borg related viruses.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 19, 2012, 08:07:09 PM
Play it more Legion of Superheroes (except for Superboy and Supergirl etc.) where each had a specialty but were much stronger as a team.

Not so much a "I can do it all" type.

This provides a reason to team up...super sensory guy needs draining guy needs some place to put the energy...etc.


Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 19, 2012, 08:08:38 PM
Oh yeah, definitely. Like I said, I liked the first edition you did. I just like having an option for a weaponized power ;) especially since they're Borg related viruses.

More Tron than Borg lol.

Ben wanting to kill stuff...that is not very neighborly  :D

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 19, 2012, 08:12:07 PM
Honestly, and I know it's terrible, I've never seen Tron. As much as I've wanted to, it just never worked out.

Oh, and I do like the idea of a computerized/futuristic/survival Mind Trick.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 19, 2012, 08:23:41 PM
Honestly, and I know it's terrible, I've never seen Tron. As much as I've wanted to, it just never worked out.

Oh, and I do like the idea of a computerized/futuristic/survival Mind Trick. ( (

You gotta watch 'em dudester!


Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 19, 2012, 08:28:55 PM
*walks into room*

Hey, guys!


What's going on here? I have no idea. I'm so confused. What?

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Manroon on December 19, 2012, 08:36:18 PM
We're fighting Borg Computer Viruses with super powers inside our computers.

And yeah, I suppose I could go along with Rel's version of me. I mean, it'd sort of be all the same things but as a negative. My sword shorts out theirs, I can open a rift of non-energy and pseudo-fly on it, etc. Could be cool, could be cool. Yeah. I'll go with that. Plus it means I get a wicked black costume if I want.  8)

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 19, 2012, 08:38:47 PM
We're fighting Borg Computer Viruses with super powers inside our computers.

And yeah, I suppose I could go along with Rel's version of me. I mean, it'd sort of be all the same things but as a negative. My sword shorts out theirs, I can open a rift of non-energy and pseudo-fly on it, etc. Could be cool, could be cool. Yeah. I'll go with that. Plus it means I get a wicked black costume if I want.  8)

And the Nightcrawler hide in shadows thing!


Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Manroon on December 19, 2012, 08:40:30 PM
And perhaps use said rifts of negative energy to teleport in Nightcrawler fashion over short distances? Yes, I could get used to this. Very used to it.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on December 19, 2012, 08:41:29 PM
We're fighting Borg Computer Viruses with super powers inside our computers.

Fun :)

But what if someone turns off the computer?

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 19, 2012, 08:44:32 PM
And perhaps use said rifts of negative energy to teleport in Nightcrawler fashion over short distances? Yes, I could get used to this. Very used to it.

Hmmm careful not to create a laundry list! many powers you have to choose which dozen to use   :)

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Manroon on December 19, 2012, 08:45:35 PM
Indeed. lol

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 19, 2012, 08:46:25 PM
Fun :)

But what if someone turns off the computer?

Computers?  Each of us in there own, trapped in unison, hmmm...I suspect then after the threat was dealt with that person with a shut down computer would pop out with someone else?


Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 19, 2012, 08:48:57 PM
Okay, so let me see if I've got this straight:

Manroon is hiding and shorting out their weapons with negative energy.
I'm picking out targets before they even appear, and can trick them up close.

Oh and yes, I know I need to watch the Tron movies...just a matter of getting my hands on them I suppose.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 19, 2012, 08:52:40 PM
Usually when making team players for superhero games I try to get the players to think along these lines...attack, defend, special.

Then choose a primary and secondary direction

From your description and my messing about with it, I would think you are...more of Special Teams where my guy would be more Defense.

Teleport, short range, say line of sight...would be much fun.

Hide in shadows, excellent!

Draw power to use from the shadows...sweet...(everyone will draw power from something and that is a cool one IMO).

No range attacks but an energy sword...sounds cool.

Anymore and you become a one man band...:(


Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Tasardur on December 19, 2012, 08:55:16 PM
Hmmm....Think think think.....Um.... I believe that my role in a situation like this would be one of two possibilities and correct me if you think otherwise, or just decide which of the two would be me:

1) A soldier type of character with a cocky attitude that pisses people off. I am a crack shot with darn near everything I've ever fired. I like to think that I am a good tactician on multiple levels. I get the feeling that If I ever joined the military, I would get really full of myself because I'd be better than most of my comrades when it came to actually killing people. Think: Axton from Borderlands 2. I would have the ability to form firearms and an infinite supply of ammunition. However, the constant draw of the energy that would be required would attract the attention of the virus, so sustained combat, although very possible, would not be recommended. I would also have the ability to create auto targeting turrets that fed themselves with an infinite supply of ammo and lasted for as long as I needed them, also feeding constantly from the energy and attracting the enemy to it's location. Although, I could do this and use the turrets as decoys while my partner and I sneak around the enemy.

2) A knight or other sword fighter. I have extensive training in broadsword and roundshield combat. I am a descent shot with a bow and arrow, and as good at shooting the crossbow as I am with any firearm. I have an immense well of respect for chivalry and honor, two values that I appreciate above many other things in life. Think: Boromir or Aragorn from Lord of the Rings. I would have the ability to forge a single sword made of enough energy to cut through any material except itself and those that are resistant to it, a lightsaber, but with the shape and appearance of a broad sword. I would have a shield that could easily reflect blows from my sword and even go so far as to repel bullets and other things, a Captain America shield....but larger, like 2.5 feet in diameter. I would have the ability to sense the feelings in others especially if it has to do with honesty. I would also be able to teleport...because teleporting is awesome, and to be able to teleport would be a priceless skill in open combat.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 19, 2012, 08:56:55 PM
Okay, so let me see if I've got this straight:

Manroon is hiding and shorting out their weapons with negative energy.
I'm picking out targets before they even appear, and can trick them up close.

Oh and yes, I know I need to watch the Tron movies...just a matter of getting my hands on them I suppose.

Manroon is hiding in the voids, shorting out their weapons and cutting them down with negative energy...shadow ninja!

Ben picking out targets before they even appear, dissipating (stunning) them, and can trick them up close or at extreme range...psi sniper!

Rel is drawing energy, pushing and pulling constructs, using energy overloads to damage the bad guys...grid warlock!

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 19, 2012, 09:02:00 PM
Manroon is hiding in the voids, shorting out their weapons and cutting them down with negative energy...shadow ninja!

Ben picking out targets before they even appear, dissipating (stunning) them, and can trick them up close or at extreme range...psi sniper!

Rel is drawing energy, pushing and pulling constructs, using energy overloads to damage the bad guys...grid warlock!

Sounds like a great team to me. Now I only wish there was some way we could see it play out (or play itself out ourselves).

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 19, 2012, 09:03:59 PM
Hmmm....Think think think.....Um.... I believe that my role in a situation like this would be one of two possibilities and correct me if you think otherwise, or just decide which of the two would be me:

1) A soldier type of character with a cocky attitude that pisses people off. I am a crack shot with darn near everything I've ever fired. I like to think that I am a good tactician on multiple levels. I get the feeling that If I ever joined the military, I would get really full of myself because I'd be better than most of my comrades when it came to actually killing people. Think: Axton from Borderlands 2. I would have the ability to form firearms and an infinite supply of ammunition. However, the constant draw of the energy that would be required would attract the attention of the virus, so sustained combat, although very possible, would not be recommended. I would also have the ability to create auto targeting turrets that fed themselves with an infinite supply of ammo and lasted for as long as I needed them, also feeding constantly from the energy and attracting the enemy to it's location. Although, I could do this and use the turrets as decoys while my partner and I sneak around the enemy.

2) A knight or other sword fighter. I have extensive training in broadsword and roundshield combat. I am a descent shot with a bow and arrow, and as good at shooting the crossbow as I am with any firearm. I have an immense well of respect for chivalry and honor, two values that I appreciate above many other things in life. Think: Boromir or Aragorn from Lord of the Rings. I would have the ability to forge a single sword made of enough energy to cut through any material except itself and those that are resistant to it, a lightsaber, but with the shape and appearance of a broad sword. I would have a shield that could easily reflect blows from my sword and even go so far as to repel bullets and other things, a Captain America shield....but larger, like 2.5 feet in diameter. I would have the ability to sense the feelings in others especially if it has to do with honesty. I would also be able to teleport...because teleporting is awesome, and to be able to teleport would be a priceless skill in open combat.

First guy sounds like an ass lol...but if you like him more than I would think than his aspect would be to absorb tech and rearrange it to form temporary (as long as the energy lasts) cybernetic like weapons...little missiles, rockets, bullets, blades, etc, depending on the absorbed material original form.

The second sounds more like a paladin type...I really like the focused sword and shield...Capt America with a sword or energy baton...maybe an energy cracking or circuit breaking mace rather than blade?...and the shield sounds great also...maybe a combat teleport rather distance, when engaged he could shift to any XYZ position in a times based upon energy available?

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Manroon on December 19, 2012, 09:04:35 PM
NINJA! Sweeetness.  8)

My powers list:

line of sight void teleportation
hide in void
draws power from the void
void sword (negative energy, as it were)

The benefit is that my power cannot be detected by the system, but the counter is that the absence of normal energy caused by a void power contacting normal energy can be traced, as a normal drain in the system could.

And can I have a Batman style glider-cape? Pllllllleeeeeeease?  ;D And I concur with Ben, this totally needs to be played out somehow.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 19, 2012, 09:07:38 PM
NINJA! Sweeetness.  8)

My powers list:

line of sight void teleportation
hide in void
draws power from the void
void sword (negative energy, as it were)

The benefit is that my power cannot be detected by the system, but the counter is that the absence of normal energy caused by a void power contacting normal energy can be traced, as a normal drain in the system could.

And can I have a Batman style glider-cape? Pllllllleeeeeeease?  ;D And I concur with Ben, this totally needs to be played out somehow.

Lol you could have whatever you would just be nice to need others ya'no?

The cape makes sense to me  :)

I will work out a couple thoughts while on the road, a boat just we could make this play out without straining the rules...keep it more board game and much less RP and we should be fine   :D

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Tasardur on December 19, 2012, 09:12:30 PM

First guy sounds like an ass lol...but if you like him more than I would think than his aspect would be to absorb tech and rearrange it to form temporary (as long as the energy lasts) cybernetic like weapons...little missiles, rockets, bullets, blades, etc, depending on the absorbed material original form.

The second sounds more like a paladin type...I really like the focused sword and shield...Capt America with a sword or energy baton...maybe an energy cracking or circuit breaking mace rather than blade?...and the shield sounds great also...maybe a combat teleport rather distance, when engaged he could shift to any XYZ position in a times based upon energy available?

Yeah. The second guy was my preferred choice anyway. So I'll just scrap the first guy.

I wasn't thinking teleport on a massive level, city to city kid of thing. More like what you described. Short distances, but enough to avoid incoming attacks or get a better angle for my next strike or even to quickly close the gap on a ranged opponent and escape from a battle that I can't win.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 19, 2012, 10:19:16 PM
Here's a quick sketch of me in that reality...


Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Manroon on December 19, 2012, 10:24:30 PM
I get you Rel. ;) I was just shooting for some semblance of flight in there. You know, teleport up to the roof level, glide back down. Repeat.

Nice Sketch Ben!

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 19, 2012, 10:33:42 PM
I get you Rel. ;) I was just shooting for some semblance of flight in there. You know, teleport up to the roof level, glide back down. Repeat.

Nice Sketch Ben!

Thanks Manny! I went Tron-esque for the drawing.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Tasardur on December 19, 2012, 10:37:12 PM
Yeah, I like the sketch. Certainly better than anything that I can draw.

We've got:

Grid Warlock: Rel
Psi Sniper: Ben
Shadow Ninja: Manny
Cyber Knight: Tas

So...where are we gonna play this out.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Manroon on December 19, 2012, 10:40:55 PM
I'm thinking a collaborative writing effort of life-fiction could be in order....

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Tasardur on December 20, 2012, 12:14:03 AM
I agree....

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Manroon on December 20, 2012, 12:31:23 AM
So then... who leads off? And do we start with the adventure of the Borg invasion and then move on to the ensuing virus, or do we just pick up with the virus?

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 20, 2012, 12:42:45 AM
I would say pick up with the question is present or past tense?

EDIT - Also, first or third person?

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Manroon on December 20, 2012, 01:11:29 AM
I would say we write in third person past tense, and set it in the current day.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 20, 2012, 01:19:31 AM
That's how I prefer writing, to be honest, but I wasn't sure what you would all want to do. Now, this ought to be interesting trying to write as self

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Manroon on December 20, 2012, 01:35:26 AM
Indeed. I've always patterned my primary RP characters off of myself 'if I were in that universe', but I've never actually written a character that IS me.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 20, 2012, 01:41:23 AM
Yeah, that's my thought exactly. I'm so used to writing as being similar to me, yet not me. With this, I guess I'll just have to go with gut reactions instead of thinking about what the character would do lol. It'll certainly be interesting to behold how we would actually react...assuming that we DO write it with all gut reactions.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Manroon on December 20, 2012, 02:21:48 AM
Yeah, it'll be interesting. How would I actually react to finding out I can pull a Nightcrawler? Hmmm........ :-\

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 20, 2012, 02:22:38 AM
Yeah, it'll be interesting. How would I actually react to finding out I can pull a Nightcrawler? Hmmm........ :-\

I can tell you what would happen to me...

"Holy...crap! Seriously guys, did you just see that?"

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 20, 2012, 03:25:52 AM
Well there are four of us currently...why not have a random selection...have one of the not selected members draw out a map of some sort (I have a link for for gaming maps, free) and then the other not selected player comes up with a goal, locations for bad guys, and bad guy types...then it is a board game.

If we go with collaborative writing it may get a bit too close to RP and non-SW RP is taboo  :)

But if the writing angle is fine then that works for me...either way, just a fun creative process exercise in the end  :D

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 20, 2012, 03:27:54 AM
Well there are four of us currently...why not have a random selection...have one of the not selected members draw out a map of some sort (I have a link for for gaming maps, free) and then the other not selected player comes up with a goal, locations for bad guys, and bad guy types...then it is a board game.

If we go with collaborative writing it may get a bit too close to RP and non-SW RP is taboo  :)

But if the writing angle is fine then that works for me...either way, just a fun creative process exercise in the end  :D

Sounds good to me. And if the main site mods feel that this strays too far into the realm of RP, we can always move to another location for this particular exercise.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 20, 2012, 03:31:03 AM
Sounds good to me. And if the main site mods feel that this strays too far into the realm of RP, we can always move to another location for this particular exercise.


Here is the map program (

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Tasardur on December 20, 2012, 05:00:29 AM
So, are we planning on doing this right here?

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Manroon on December 21, 2012, 05:23:54 AM
*shrug* I guess. BTW guys I drew Cyber-Me during the Auction tonight. Came out pretty good! I am officially calling it: I love the blade on my void-sword. I drew myself pulling a Nightcrawler, and the smoke effects are really cool, but I drew the voidsword dissolving and reigniting simultaneously and it looks epic, IMHO. Unfortunately without a predefined appearance for the baddies, I have nothing to be fighting in the image, but it still looks sick. lol

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: BenPass on December 21, 2012, 05:32:05 AM
*shrug* I guess. BTW guys I drew Cyber-Me during the Auction tonight. Came out pretty good! I am officially calling it: I love the blade on my void-sword. I drew myself pulling a Nightcrawler, and the smoke effects are really cool, but I drew the voidsword dissolving and reigniting simultaneously and it looks epic, IMHO. Unfortunately without a predefined appearance for the baddies, I have nothing to be fighting in the image, but it still looks sick. lol

Sweet, I can't wait to see it! Upload...upload now!! lol

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 21, 2012, 05:35:46 AM
I like Matrix looking constructs!


Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Tasardur on December 21, 2012, 06:53:57 AM
I like Matrix looking constructs!


Yeah, that looks good to me.

I like these too.



Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 21, 2012, 05:09:32 PM
Works for me, though I do prefer the bug looking a vibe of alien intelligence  :)

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Manroon on December 21, 2012, 10:50:54 PM
I like all three. We have the floaty thing, we have the standard man tank, and the crab for all other environments.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 22, 2012, 04:06:29 AM med speed...light weapons...attacks in singles or small groups

Beetles...walk slow...heavy armor...heavy weapons...attacks in singles or pairs

Crabs...wall climb med armor...light weapons...attacks in large groups


Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Tasardur on December 22, 2012, 05:17:56 AM med speed...light weapons...attacks in singles or small groups

Beetles...walk slow...heavy armor...heavy weapons...attacks in singles or pairs

Crabs...wall climb med armor...light weapons...attacks in large groups



Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on December 22, 2012, 05:59:02 AM
Maybe add Flies?

( fast weapons...attack in cloud swarms

These would be seekers...sounding alarms when finding a target with glowing/flashing of the swarm  :P

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Manroon on December 22, 2012, 09:47:04 PM
I like all of this. Perhaps I'll see if I can sketch up some slightly more original looking concepts for these, so we're not totally copying from other established stuff. If I can get the time. lol

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: fairionb on January 09, 2013, 03:01:00 AM
Do any of you have a YouTube video of yourself or you and a friend dueling?
If so, I'd love to see them so I can learn what styles of dueling is most common, and how to counteract them.

Title: Re: Forum Team Up
Post by: Master Rel on January 09, 2013, 03:05:50 AM
There are tons of videos!

I would start here (

Once you bounce around there a bit then I am sure you will find the answers you seek!

Best of luck with your searches.