Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers Reviews => Topic started by: Arvemor on July 28, 2011, 12:05:02 AM

Title: First time buyer, Bellicose and Warglaive.
Post by: Arvemor on July 28, 2011, 12:05:02 AM
Hey guys, pretty darn new here, never owned a saber before... so I thought I might give a go at a review. No pictures just yet, but I will add some within the next few days.

Girlfriend and I are headed to Supanova at the end of this year, so that's the reason we've got these (maybe also because I've wanted one for years and years!)

First off... we love them. Just getting that out of the way. Something that surprised us though, is the size of these things. It's possibly because they're from America and made for enormous hands, but my girlfriend and I are somewhat shorter than possibly the standard saber-user. Or maybe it's the electronics and sound-system inside (we both got Obsidian). Did anybody else think the sabers were quite large? Or is it a pretty standard size?

Second thing I noticed is that they make REALLY cool photos (unfortunately also meaning they're not quite as bright in daylight as we thought they might be.)

Third thing is... everybody loves them. I had them ordered into work and everybody wanted a go when they arrived. These things are badass.

Tonight my little sister is coming over, so we might have a little battle and video that (and upload it here of course!). Should be fun... we got an Ultraedge blade... should be fine, right?

Title: Re: First time buyer, Bellicose and Warglaive.
Post by: Master Nero Attoru on July 28, 2011, 12:09:56 AM
Welcome to the forums!  To answer your questions about the size, you did actually order two of the biggest sabers Ultrasabers makes haha, but the rest aren't too much smaller.  I think the smaller end of them is around 11", not including the short Initiate sabers.

The Ultraedge blade is mid grade as far as durability goes, but that doesn't say much.  Really as long as you're not going full force all out on each other, they should hold up just fine.  Please post some pics, and enjoy your new sabers!

Title: Re: First time buyer, Bellicose and Warglaive.
Post by: Ultra on July 28, 2011, 01:45:24 AM
Nero speaks the truth.

The Bellicose and Warglaive are very large sabers, 13.5" and 15.5" long, respectively.  This is not standard; they are very large sabers with a very aggressive look.

In contrast, the more peaceful sabers are also smaller to better match their personality.  I.E. the Prophecy is 10.5", the Shock is 11.25", and the Consular is 11.75"