Saber Forum

Way of the Saber => Saber Combat => Topic started by: Jalmoc on August 09, 2011, 06:28:46 PM

Title: Saber Form 1: Shii-Cho
Post by: Jalmoc on August 09, 2011, 06:28:46 PM
I can't find any decent walk through videos on the First Lightsaber Form: Shii-Cho. If anyone has a good video, or walk through, can you please share? :)

Title: Re: Saber Form 1: Shii-Cho
Post by: padawanjohn on August 09, 2011, 08:26:35 PM
there are three sections to shii cho on this youtube page hopefully this will help you out :) (

Title: Re: Saber Form 1: Shii-Cho
Post by: Master Nero Attoru on August 09, 2011, 08:55:40 PM
You can go with Youtube, or try out the DVDs made by Masters Caine and Novastar - you can order them on this very forum if you search a bit.  Master Artorius Vidnyl and I have our own interpretation of Shii Cho, we'll have to work on getting some videos up for instructional purposes.  Good luck in your quest for knowledge and MTFBWY!

Title: Re: Saber Form 1: Shii-Cho
Post by: padawanjohn on August 10, 2011, 01:59:48 AM
yes! if you have enough money for that DVD id get it. i wish i had the money for it right now. haha.

Title: Re: Saber Form 1: Shii-Cho
Post by: Novastar on August 10, 2011, 04:08:25 AM
I will be honest (as I always try to be)... I don't know anything about what books & forms or guides have been written about Star Wars--I always hear these interesting names for things such as "makeshi" and so forth, but I can at least say that... if people are indeed looking to learn a saber form that contains "basic strikes"... which are applicable to most ALL martial arts with swords... then Form I on the NCSCS DVD#1 should be great.

Additionally, Form II on Caine and my NCSCS DVD#1 is simply the defensive version/action/reaction TO Form I.

Now if... uh... Shii-Choi(sp?) is geared toward basic strikes (either by suggestion or description or books, etc.)... then I don't see why anyone who wants to learn the real-world application of said targets and defenses wouldn't want to check out DVD#1.

That being said... it's not rocket science.  :)  Basic strikes & defenses are (for the mostpart)... the legs, the arms/torso, and the head.  There are only so many places you can hit a human being, heheh.  And also--making a distinction between (for example) the "thigh" and the "knee"... is not all THAT relevant or important, simply because the defensive action to protect those targets... is PRETTY MUCH "the same".

Some of you might not quite "get" what I'm saying... but I'm simply saying... there is no really BIG reason to make distinctions between attacking two targets that are super super close together.  Again, knee/thigh or... chest/ribs.  They are pretty much the same target.

A little distinction for the ARM TARGET (for sparring) would be important, since it's the closest target... and you can see a real (yet still SMALL) difference between attacking the hands/wrist vs. the forearm vs. the bicep... but still... that is mainly for sparring.  :)

Anyhow.  I guess a lot could be said about basic strikes and all that... but really--the defensive actions for MOST attacks... cover a fairly broad area on the body.  Ugh... I mean... this is impossible to explain in words, hahaha.  I'd have to show with a video or something...

Title: Re: Saber Form 1: Shii-Cho
Post by: Kham-Ryn Kurios on August 24, 2011, 01:17:39 AM
Thanks for making this thread. ;D