Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers Reviews => Topic started by: ZZ94 on April 27, 2016, 06:02:58 AM

Title: Need some hype!
Post by: ZZ94 on April 27, 2016, 06:02:58 AM
A young man's dream: the Dark Prophecy v3 in Pyrestone Orange with Silver FoC and Obsidian Lite Sound. I do have the funds to buy it, but my job is not the highest paying by any means, and I'm finding it hard to justify the purchase. (Note: I DO have 2 sabers via the Grab Bag option, Guardian Blue Sentinel v4 and Consular Green Sentinel LE v4, so I do know how amazing and durable these sabers are.) I'm aware of the back order on the hilt design I'm drooling for, and was hoping to have this for a costumed Halloween wedding I've been invited to. I need some devil's advocates and some "hype guys" to help me decide whether I should order it immediately, save up for it, or hold off and make sure it's in my best interest. (Note: the total after shipping would be $330.)

Title: Re: Need some hype!
Post by: BurceChuat on April 27, 2016, 06:19:10 AM

In all seriousness though, if you need to pay the bills you need to pay the bills. If you can sacrifice a couple weekends of bowling and movies, however...

Title: Re: Need some hype!
Post by: Rapine on April 27, 2016, 10:02:08 AM
Hey ZZ94,

The Prophecy is an amazing hilt - I've just ordered one myself. :)

They are OOS though, so waiting another month wouldn't kill it, and you'd still have it well before October.

If; however, you - oh, I don't know - say...wanted to get in on the raffle, and potentially get more sabers, you could pull that trigger now. ;)

Title: Re: Need some hype!
Post by: MavRick on April 27, 2016, 09:37:42 PM
Well those statements are both true. I think I would wait for a sale so that you can save some money and get the saber you want.
 Patience , good things come to those who wait.  :D

Title: Re: Need some hype!
Post by: Darth_Seishin on April 27, 2016, 10:50:06 PM
I'm hoping for a "May the 4th be with you" sale, fingers crossed!

Title: Re: Need some hype!
Post by: Zren Tobas on April 28, 2016, 12:06:08 AM
Do as Burce said XD Just do it! Lol. Would be cool then to win more sabers if you were lucky to. Heck I would right now if I could. I'd go Jedi colors though. Consular Green blade, either silver or yellow flash, non lit av switch though, Manticore high pommel to give it more of a Star Wars lightsaber look. Not that there's nothing wrong with the stock pommel because there isn't but yeah

Title: Re: Need some hype!
Post by: Calculon on April 28, 2016, 04:48:54 PM
Spring raffle entry! Weigh it all out and if youre gonna end up getting it later because "why not" or some other random reason; dont waste the chance to make your purchase count. Also, be careful with your reward points! Dont convert them til you are GOOD and READY to use them! (just in case you didnt know or forgot.)

Title: Re: Need some hype!
Post by: Wicasawakan on April 28, 2016, 11:09:41 PM
I was upset at first that I saw Out of Stock over and over but I've received all my orders within a week.

Title: Re: Need some hype!
Post by: ZZ94 on April 29, 2016, 06:11:02 AM
Thanks for all the advice! In the end, I went a totally different route: a friend of mine was looking at the Aeon v3 with Premium Sound in Dark Violet Amethyst, and we agreed that if we won anything from the raffle, I could have the prize saber. Now just crossing my fingers for a "May the 4th" sale on MY baby!