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General Chat => Off Topic => Topic started by: Jev Moldara on October 14, 2016, 12:03:45 AM

Title: History of the Multiverse... if it were a single universe.
Post by: Jev Moldara on October 14, 2016, 12:03:45 AM
Credit goes to a dear friend who spent a LOT of time coming up with this.

Feel free to add your own information to it. The only stipulation is that the information provided has to be canonical and preferably hilariously intertwined with other events of the same timeframe.

13500000000+- (Transformers, Babylon 5 & Marvel Comics) Unicron eats the old universe while some guy named Galen flies his ship right into the center of the universe or some damn thing and is reborn as Galactus and thus the oldest non-omnipotent creature in this universe. Unfortunately he is not recognized for his achievement and is hungry for revenge. As for Unicron, well he takes a nap and also isn't counted. Same reaction as Galactus to the entire situation. Thanks a lot Guinness! Lorien, the first of the first ones, also "appears" at this time. He lives for a very long time until eventually the Shadows dump him in a huge ass nursing home in the form of a giant pit.

13500000000- (NASA Research) The Big bang occurs and the universe expands as everything is created including Galactus who emerges from the Big Bang as the only survivor of the previous universe and the force which is intertwined with everything yadda yadda yadda.

2400000000- (Wing Commander) The Steltek Empire abandons their Mars Colony, leaving behind various artifacts. Just another lesson why you should clean up after yourself. But considering these old aliens minds don't work to well by the time they reach the Old Folks home on the rim, it's not too surprising.

1600000000- (Alien) The Space Jockeys, who once controlled most of the galaxy, including Earth, are nearly wiped out by the Xenomorphs. Damn those little buggers are old.

35000000- (Cthulhu Mythos) The Elder Ones arrive in Antarctica which is still part of the uber-continent of Pangaea no doubt.

8800 B.C.- (WH40K) The Emperor of the future Imperium of Man is born on Earth. Damn that's early. He spends most of his life watching humanity grow and his influence under many guises and names influences many over the years.

5665 B.C.- (Freespace) The Shivans destroy the Ancients and their piddly diddly Empire. Not a peep heard for another eight thousand years.

5000 B.C.- (Stargate) Ra, an alien from really far away, lands his pyramid shaped vessel on Egypt and brings civilization to the region. He also enslaves the place and rules as a godlike figure, taking slaves away to far away planets for his empire. But the Earthlings rise up in revolt and send Ra fleeing back into space. This is the first in a long line of aliens that comes in trash talking and acting all badass before getting wasted by their much less capable human foes.

3704 B.C.- (The Mummy) The Scorpion King, the last of the powerful Goa'uld on Earth, wages a seven year campaign to try and conquer the world. He gets his pansy ass kicked and later sells his soul to the dark god Anubis in exchange for the power to take over all of Egypt. It's granted and as soon as the Scorpion King accomplishes his task using Anubis's army, he is forced to serve Anubis forever. Ooooohhhhhhhhhh.

3000 B.C.- (Marvel Comics) En Sabah Nur is born in Egypt. He'll be later known as Apocalypse, a really annoying blue guy who also is an avid reader of Darwin philosophy.

2731 B.C.- (5th Element) The darkness which threatens humanity is averted by the five elements. But unfortunately its supposed to come back in five thousand years or so.

1719 B.C.- (The Mummy) High Priest Imhotep, extremely furious for not having found a spell to cure male pattern baldness, decides to sleep with the Pharoah's wife. Things get a little messy as she commits suicide and during a failed rescue attempt, Imhotep is captured by the Medjai who mummify him.

950- (Cthulu Mythos) The infamous "spell book" known as the Necronomicron, is translated into Greek and given its current name. Some mad Arab pens the book, probably to be used in the mother of all battles.

980- (Aliens) The first known appearance of Xenomorphs in human times as a legendary Viking warrior confronts a demon with an iron hide, a spearlike tail and other cool stuff.

1300- (Culture Series) the Culture-Idiran War is in full blossom. Humanity is oblivious since we're not involved.

1360- (Babylon 5) The First Great Shadow War. Lots of Boneheads die. Meanwhile humanity is busy in preliminary training for the “rough” future ahead in various wars including one that lasts a Hundred Years.

1632- (1632) The town of Grantville, West Virginia is suddenly thrust into the Thuri.... Thurig.... Thurgenio? Thuregan? The Town of Grantville is thrust into Germany and make minor alterations to the current quibbles over religion and power occurring in Germany by aiding King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden in the Thirty Years War.

1718- (Predator) A Predator hunts and slays several pirates taking a pair of pistols as trophies. An elderly Yautja later hands them to a worthy human much much later.

1878- (Dr. Who) The British land on the moon. In retaliation for the invasion of space, the Martians land on good old England a generation later. Where was their scarf wearing, police box driving hero then eh mate?

1889- (Time Machine) Victorian traveler makes use of the Time Machine for the first time and travels to the very far future.

1901- (War of the Worlds) Britain is devastated by Martian invaders who pilot incredible machines with flamethrowers and being mounted on three tall legs but eventually die of disease.

1914- (5th Element) Bunch of weird ass aliens arrive in Egypt at some dig site and disable some old scientist who comes upon some weird writing in the stones about a coming darkness. Ooohhh that's original.

1921- (Stargate) The Stargate is excavated from a dig site in Giza, Egypt.

1925- (Cthulu Mythos) Cthulu rises from the sea and gets rammed by some crazy Norwegian. Cthulu, suffering a damned migraine, decides to sleep it off for the next few dozen millenia.

1925- (The Mummy) Imhotep resurfaces at practically the same time Cthulhu does. Coincidence? I think yes! But a Yankee named O'Connell and his British squeeze save the day and kick Imhotep's mummified ass.

1935- (The Mummy) Same as the above really. The Scorpion King comes back though only to get killed again by O'Connell. Imhotep is stood up and the Medjai have a huge special effects loaded battle with Anubis's cool looking army before it turns to dust. Poor Egypt is really getting its share of strife, isn't it?

1938- (War of the Worlds) The Martians come in for round two and bring in deadly weapons such as a deadly black fog which is used to wipe out masses of human life and death rays as they over-run various areas of Europe and North American and indeed the entire world but fortunately are stopped by disease again.

1940- (Star Control) The Ur-Quan, incredibly powerful space slugs with a bad attitude, sense that the humans could quite possibly be more violent and xenophobic then themselves, start plotting to take over Earth.

1942- (Turtledove storyline) The race comes to invade Earth at the height of World War Two. Unfortunately they run into the Martians who explicitly inform the race they have dibs on Earth. The Race tells them to piss off. Martians turn the Race into pet lizards. World War Two drags on for another three years.

1946- (C&C: Red Alert) World War II is finally over...for about three months. Josef Stalin, inspired by a series of dreams he believes to be messages from God (or vodka), continues to invade Europe. The attack is stopped by the newly reformed Allied Nations, Albert Einstein and a hot American lass named Tanya. With all the coolness on the Allied side, there is no doubt that the Allies win. Total nuclear war appears to be much less destructive than originally believed.

1947- (Babylon 5 & ST: TNG) A Vree saucer crashes at Roswell. What happened? It seems it had a mid air collision with a Ferengi shuttle owned by Quark.

1953- (War of the Worlds) With much of the war caught on video, the Martians invade for a third time in sixty years but once again die of disease even though they bring in new technology such as flying ships and long range death rays able to shoot down jet bombers. But once again, they forgot to bring their pills along and all die of the common cold. Since they were never heard from again, it is suspected they went beyond the rim to be the second race to go there, (And hell it'll get real crowded pretty damn soon too)

1965- (Marvel Comics) No doubt based off of Martian technology, the Sentinels, created to hunt down homo-superiors make their first appearance. They eventually become much, much cooler looking too!

1966- (Marvel Comics) Galactus, the first living being of this galaxy makes his appearance as he tries to eat Earth. Fortunately a bunch of radiation endowed heroes manage to defeat him and his herald the Silver Surfer using a weapon known as the Ultimate Nullifier.

1973- (DBZ) The Saiyan baby "Kakkarot" crash lands on Earth with the mission to exterminate all life. (apparently the Saiyans have learned how dangerous humans really are) Fortunately the baby suffers from amnesia and his adoptive grandfather renames him Goku.

1976- (C&C: Red Alert) (Alternate Universe #67) Premier Romanov of the "reformed" Soviet Union starts World War III when he invades the United States with Kirov airships, giant squids and psychic troopers. What the Russians didn't factor in was Einstein and Tanya and a time machine once again kicking their asses.

1983- (WarGames) Matthew Broderick's movie acting debut nearly brings about the apocalypse.

1984- (Terminator) The first recorded appearance of a terminator. The Terminator has a fun time shooting up a police station before being blasted in half by a pipe bomb and caught under an industrial press. Ouch!

1984- (The Last Starfighter) The Star League recruits young Alex Rogan to help in the fight against Xur and the Kodan Armada. He initially refuses, but the next day he changes his mind, defeating Xur with one Gunstar after the Star League Headquarters was bombed.

1983-1984- (V Miniseries) Somehow, some aliens trying to act like humans arrive in Earth and say how they want to be friends. Fortunately, humanity being one of the most violent, xenophobic and paranoid races in the galaxy, expose what the aliens really are and kick their lizard asses out of Earth space and learning from three Martian invasions, kill off the rest with a bacteria. You see, there is continuity in this timeline.

1987- (Predator) A Predator wipes out two special forces teams in the jungles of Central America. First modern instance of a predator sighting.

1987- (Space: 1999) Thermonuclear war erupts, killing millions and wiping entire nations off the continent. Everything is rebuilt within two years though. Ain't that grand.

1987- (Buck Rogers) Humanity tries to rid itself of Buck Rogers by tying him to a nuke and launching him at Russia. It overshoots its target and returns to Earth five hundred years later.

Title: Re: History of the Multiverse... if it were a single universe.
Post by: Jev Moldara on October 14, 2016, 12:05:24 AM
1988 (War of the Worlds) The Martians escape from a Top-Secret Military Bakery and attempt to recover their War Machines, easily bypassing the sophisticated warehouse security systems. The aliens are stopped, at heavy cost, and the government "hushes" up the entire incident by releasing every bit of data that happened there. The public finds the stories to hard to believe just as the government thought they would.

1989- (The Abyss) The world makes first contact with aliens. As if. Actually this is the first contact with aliens who can manipulate water, have lived on this planet for thousands of years and have swimming saucer ships the size of an entire carrier battlegroup. They tried to wipe us out but some homely human divers convince them otherwise.

1992- (Marvel Comics) The Genoshan governments campaign to destroy homo-superior (an evolved type of human with unique special powers) and eliminate the X-Men fails and later Genosha falls into Civil War.

1994- (Marvel Comics) The Phalanx Convenant tries to assimilate Earth. But they are stopped by a bunch of homo-superior mutants once again. Of course none of this really matters considering what happens several days later.....

1994- (Independence Day) Thirty six massive alien destroyers as big as a city along with a large mothership descend upon Earth and start blowing up every city. But within three days and the first documented use of technobabble, the aliens are destroyed.

1995- (ST: TOS) The Eugenics War with Khan and other genetic supermen causes widespread devastation across Earth but the humans (no doubt with help from the Sentinels) defeat these genetic supermen and once again go back to hunting mutants.

1995- (Command & Conquer) The mysterious mineral Tiberium lands in Italy as the terrorist organization NOD and the Global Defense Initiative, an organization founded after the numerous Martian Invasions and Eugenics War etc etc, battles for control of the rare space substance and world domination.

1995- (Sliders) Sliding is invented by college student Quinn Mallory, a way to cross dimensions. He, his professor, female friend and a singer who was an ex-sailor also disappear only to re-appear three years later in the midst of the Kro-magg "invasion. Then they leave again. Weird eh?

1996- (Stargate) After discovering a Stargate in Egypt, a team of special forces is sent through the Stargate to a far off world in some other galaxy and meet the Goa'uld leader known as Ra. In the ensuing "friction" most of the army officers are slain while fighting the Goa'uld Jaffa but the survivors manage to blow up Ra's ship with a nuclear warhead and kill Ra. The System Lords are royally pissed off.

1997- (Earth: Final Conflict) Humanity meets the Taelons or Companions as they call themselves. (The first of a long line of centrist, smartass, "cultured" aliens that humanity meets) Although reports are sketchy, it seems that by 2004, the Companions disappear from Terran records. Most likely, the humans, fed up with these superiorist aliens, blew up their mothership with a leftover ID4 City Destroyer cannon or Martian Death Ray. The rest of the Taelons were probably dropped off at the old races home on the rim.

1997- (Stargate) While the mainstream of humanity is currently infatuated with the Taelons, the government easily manages to cover up the Stargate program as elite teams of military personnel known as SG teams explore outer space using the Stargate and also battle the Goa'uld and encounter many new races and human tribes.

1997- (Terminator) Those fools created Skynet and Skynet brings Earth its full real nuclear war. All those cities that were being rebuilt over the years by the humans and Taelons are destroyed again as everyone launches nukes. The Taelons wuss out at this time and quickly flee the area. Skynet meanwhile tries to overthrow the United States and occupying humans. The war of attrition last for a long time indeed when they team up with the Sentinels.

1997- (Space: 1999) An incredible lunar base dubbed Moonbase Alpha, which started in 1982, is finally declared fully operational after thousands of man hours and tons of monetary investments.

1998- (Sliders) The cheesy Kro-maggs try to take over earth but only succeed in taking over the gay parts of San Francisco. The Tanner family is annihilated in the crossfire between Doomsday and the Kro-maggs who quickly get their asses kicked by being caught in what happened below.

1998- (DC Comics) The monstrosity known as Doomsday slays Superman, the champion of Earth and also gravely injures Darkseid. Fortunately a coalition of superheros including the X-Men, Goku and SG-1 manage to soundly thrash Doomsday and remove him from Earth.

1999- (2001: A Space Odyssey) A monolith is found on Moon.

1999- (Farscape) Some crazy yet humane NASA astronaut named John Crichton develops a sort of slingshot effect theorem which can supposedly allow humans travel to the stars. (as if humanity hasn't had enough alien contact in the past seventy years already) So he flies a shuttle when a freak wormhole appears and he mysteriously disappears into the unknown. He hasn't been heard from since, poor guy.

1999- (Robotech/Macross) A mysterious alien ship (later identified as the Zentraedi ship SDF) crash-lands on Macross Island. The incident provides a brief respite from the regular warfare Earth seems to become embroiled in every hour or so.

1999- (Space: 1999) All those thousands of man hours and millions in monetary funds go down the tubes as the MOON hurls out of orbit. We blame magnetic radiation but the Space Program never recovers but it seems the moons orbit does in the coming years somehow. President Clinton is just happy it takes the media off of him for half an hour.

2000- (Dominion of the Draka) Final Society proclaimed by the Dominion of the Draka after the Final War, and everyone in the Sol system is now genetically modified. Seems Khan got his revenge. All remaining normal people flee to Alpha Centauri. Apparently, being a genetic superman is a passing fad and by 2009 most have become normal again and so, like body piercing and unnecessary surgery, genetic modification disappears forever

2000- [Evangelion] First Impact occurs. Nearly all intelligent life on the planet is destroyed. Needless to say, George W. Bush is elected as President of the World.

2000- (1632) The town of Grantville, West Virginia disappears just before all intelligent life is extinguished. It becomes the topic of many conspiracy theorists who, as we all know, are not intelligent life.

2001- (2001: A Space Odyssey) Monolith on Jupiter, first of quite a few. Nine years later, it turns into a star. Lorien meanwhile tells Q to stop playing his mind games with the humans and suddenly Jupiter becomes all normal again.

2005- (Seaquest: DSV) Anarchy at Sea reigns as the UN dissolves and all of their laws that they put forth are shot down. More anarchy to follow up.

2009- (DBZ) The diabolical android Cell, holds the Cell games Tournament which is broadcast throughout the galaxy. After Cell defeats a multitude of humans and mutants, Cell is finally defeated by the son of Saiyin-jin Goku: Gohan.

2011- (Shadowrun) Supposedly a Year of Chaos. Governments start toplling, nuclear meltdowns, famine and the usual stuff which humanity is dealt with. Oh and other things of note include a dragon rising from Mount Fuji. there's something you don't see everyday. Oh and lots of unexplained mutant and changeling children are born. These ones, unlike the homo-superior of the late 20th century, are dubbed elves and dwarves. Ten years later the bloody thing happens with Orks and Trolls. And thus the dangers of TV radiation are finally discovered.

2013 (Evangelion) Mysterious "Angels" now attack on a regular basis, and the only defense against them is NERV, a Tokyo-3 based neomilitary agency headed by a bunch of post Godzilla defenders of Japan whose lives are filled with danger, adventure and constant sexual innuendo much like the Clinton era presidency.

2014 (Evangelion) Third Impact occurs...I think. All of humanity turns into liquid and joins with Adam and Eve in their journey to the Great Pie in the Sky. Fortunately the Great Ghost Dance almost at the same time reverses the effect.

2014- (Shadowrun) The Great Ghost Dance occurs as the Native Americans and their powerful magics, erupt a volcano and bury Los Alamos under a hundred feet of ash. A Federal force sent in to punish them is wiped out by a bunch of tornadoes as the American Indians announce formation of the Native American Nations and open the doors for all metahumans. Unfortunately this also includes terminators. You can guess what happens next.

2015- (Command & Conquer) With the demise of their leader Kane, NOD has become more divided and even more dangerous. Tiberium growth is out of control, and most of the earth's population live in remote polar territories thus causing a renewed exploration of the sea. NOD and the GDI battle once again and eventually the GDI gains victory James Earl Jones makes the NOD forces tremble under his million dollar voice acting.

2015- (Seaquest: DSV) While the United States is falling apart, all the US Government can do is get some representative of the "Save The Whales" party and have him order the completion of the Seaquest DSV 4600. It is some sort of underwater vacuum cleaner or something like that.

2019- (Akira) Neo-Tokyo (the old Tokyo having been ravaged by hentai demons and Godzilla) is plagued by a biker gang member who turns into a raging psionic psychopath due to a secret military project. Two kids save the day though.

2023- (Ogre) United States, Canada, Mexico federate as the North American Combine. Anti-lCBM laser technology developed. Yeah and here we are trying to shoot down missiles with missiles.

2025- (The Time Machine) The World Science Governing Board is developed by the leading scientific parties of the world, uniting all of humanity for once. The WSGB lasts for a mere thirty years before dissolving into two factions; Northdom and Southdom. The Antarctic ice is removed and Southdom builds the center of its empire there. Likewise, Northdom fills in the Arctic with soil and builds the center of it's civilization there. 19th century apparel makes a frightening comeback which causes any invading terminators to self destruct.

2029- (Terminator) The war with the Terminators is finally over as John Connor, a US military leader finally destroys Skynet's base of operation in the Western United States or NAN as it is presently ruled by. Unfortunately not all of Skynet is destroyed as the main programs eventually aid the rise of the AI Matrix soon to follow in the decades to come. Robocop also makes an appearance.

2030-2042- (Shadowrun) A Twelve Year war which fragments the superpowers of Italy, France, Russia and other powers of Asia and Europe occurs. You know, the usual mass genocide and stuff. Too bad we'll have bigger things to tackle come the AI Wars but this is a good training exercise.

2032- (Seaquest: DSV) Seaquest II reappears in an Iowa cornfield with her crew scattered around the globe. No doubt, some sort of magic is involved in this and somehow a mere six helicopters lift the bloody thing back to the Pacific. Personally, I think it would’ve gained more money as a curiosity in the cornfield then the nose dive the TV series took after this plot twist.

2047-2057- (S: AAB & The Matrix) Despite arguments to the contrary, the AI War, although bloody, was a victory for humanity. The AI formed a Matrix in which the entire City of Chicago was at one time taken over by the AI and many humans were turned into organic batteries. Fortunately Humanity beat their Sentinel flying, Matrix creating, android constructing asses sooooooo bad that the AI survivors fled on space ships far away from Earth and ally themselves with the Chigs.

2053- (ST: TNG) the Third World War breaks out as some six hundred million people are killed. No doubt, the AI is somehow involved in this catastrophe.

2060- (Ogre) Due to the ongoing Third World War, the Ogre Mark I make their first appearance as the UK. invades such important countries like New Guinea and the Philippines, wanting to control the entire southeast pineapple and mango trade for themselves. How evil can they be!

2060- (SMAC) Due to the fifteenth or so Third World War that has happened, the United Nations launches a mission to a not so far away planetary system to start anew. It is never heard from again.

2063- (S: AAB) The United Nations encounters the Chigs. Although the records are scarce, it is most likely we kicked their armored asses good in the years to come considering how quiet they have been for the past thirty eight thousand years.

2063- (ST: TNG) Zefram Cochrane makes the first ship which goes past light speed out of an old nuclear missile. They also make first contact with the Vulcans. Obviously this sort of FTL is different from the FTL later used known as hyperspace which was obviously different from the Warp Cochrane used. And FTL was discovered just in time too considering what happens in a few months.

2085- (Star Control) The Androsynth Rebellion as tens of thousands of genetically created lifeforms are created over the past fifty or so years to be slaves of humanity suddenly rebel. In the battles to follow, the humans manage a victory as the Androsynths flee the reaches of known space.

Title: Re: History of the Multiverse... if it were a single universe.
Post by: Jev Moldara on October 14, 2016, 12:07:18 AM
2100- (SMAC) The colony ship sent by the United Nations suffers a catastrophe as the ship malfunctions followed by the factionalizing of the survivors as they wake up. The Captain is slain in the various gun battles and panic that follow as the various factions which were formed, quickly evacuate the ship and land on Chiron. Soon after aliens known as the Progenitors push in on the human territory.

2100-2105- (Ogre) Rebellions among conquered states, civil war and Balkanization, as nation-states fragment. Wars, betrayals and destruction become routine worldwide. Technological development essentially ceases. World politics and economics are covertly dominated by self-aware AI factory complexes. No new Ogres produced, the survivors are self-aware and independent. So in other words, humanity screws itself over again and thus leaves us open for attack by....

2101- (Zero Wing) All your base are belong to us. HA HA HA HA

2122- (Alien) The Weyland-Yutani ore hauling vessel Nostromo is nearly over-run by an alien creature known as a Xenomorph. Only one crew member survives the ordeal.

2127- (Rendezvous with Rama) Rama first detected

2155- (Babylon 5 & Star Wars) Around this time, hyperspace is given to humanity. Although the New Republic people think it was some ancient race, we now know it was actually the Centauri.

2116-2154- (Star Control) Humanity is contacted by the Chenjesu and humanity joins a multitude of other races in the Alliance of Free Stars against the Ur-Quan and their allies including the Androsynths. Also Precursor technology is found once again and using this Precursor technology, one brave human Captain manages to destroy the Ur-Quan vessel, Sa-Matra and defeat the evil Ur-Quan triumphantly after literal centuries of warfare. Peace is brought throughout the galaxy until some twenty five years later.

2179- (Aliens) The Weyland-Yutani Corporation and a squad of United States Colonial Marines (no doubt a subsection of the Earthforce Marine Corp) is nearly wiped out by a Xenomorph infestation on a rim colony.

2193-2218- (Aliens) The closest humanity has come to extinction arrives as an alien infestation wipes out 99% of the human population and the remnants of humanity flee into space. The Xenomorphs later on are wiped out by a trap of multiple nuclear blasts and special extermination squads. Somehow Earthforce covers the entire bloody thing up!

2199 [The Time Machine] The two major power blocs of Earth; Northdom and Southdom, continually war with one another over complete dominance of the planet. The remnants of the WSGB attempt to maintain some form of mass-unification. Both sides find their muskets are largely ineffective in battling the swarming Xenomorphs.

2231- (Babylon 5) Incredibly, humanity recovers from being on the brink of extinction to, but a mere thirty years later, become a galactic superpower by helping turn the tide in the Dilgar War and vanquishing them.

2257- (Starship Troopers) The Terran Federation, no doubt some sort of subsection of the Earth Alliance (one can never cut through all the red tape and bureaucracy) suffers a major embarrassment to their political sphere as Buenos Aires is destroyed by a fart accelerated bug meteorite. To save face so soon after the Earth-Minbari War, the Mobile Infantry charges into the Bug Quarantine Zone and after a few huge setbacks and also discovering their brand new transports and spaceships are somewhat "defective" the Mobile Infantry finally manages to capture a Brain Bug and win the war after nuking a few planets.

2259-2263- (Babylon 5) The Earth Civil War and Second Shadow War. The Younger Races send the First Ones to a nursing home beyond the rim. ISA is formed. Also many rogue human telepaths fleeing from PsiCorp travel to destinations unknown at this time. Later we find out that most of them ended up on Betazed which would later be a UFP member. Although the Betazeds claim they are not human, they are able to crossbreed and have fertile offspring so they obviously are human after all. Silly teeps. Think us mundanes are that stupid.

2261- (Independence War) Due to Clarke’s Nazi-esque policies, an independent movement separate from Sheridan's Rebellion known as the Independence Movement duh, rises up and strikes at the Navy with oddly painted vessels and start stealing small ships and whatnot.

2263- (ST: TOS) The USS Enterprise, Earth Forces newest vessel is launched.

2267- (Independence War) The legendary captain known as Jefferson Clay is killed fighting the Indies and Drakh and separating the command module of his vessel, destroys the much feared Indie planet killer.

2269- (5th Element) The darkness returns after snoozing for five thousand years and in the form of a twelve hundred diameter evil planetoid, starts hurtling for Earth with the help of a shrewd businessman and a species known as the Mangalores. But the 5th element and a cabdriver save the day and destroy the evil once again.

2281- (Babylon 5) Sheridan dies and Paramount buys B5 franchise and turns the ISA's New Alliance into the UFP. Oh the horror!

2321-2335- (Freespace) The UFP becomes embroiled in a war with the Vasudans for fourteen years. The UFP, in desperation, rebuild the Starfleet and for some odd reason, turn back to their militaristic roots as they combine the size of Omegas and firepower of Connies into their new vessels and temporarily rename themselves the Galactic Terran Alliance and start to use jump nodes instead of warp. The war ends when the Shivans arrive with a scouting party as an ancient jump node to Sol is destroyed. The GTA, in danger of being disbanded, spews out propaganda of how they can't get back to Sol and quarantine it in their infinite wisdom. Also since these GTA vessels use a new form of travel known as subspace jumps which eventually is used throughout the galaxy soon after for travel and as weapon systems among other things.

2364- (ST: TNG & Freespace) A Shivan scouting party destroys several Romulan and Federation outposts. The attacks are blamed on the Borg.

2367- (Freespace) The Shivans return in full force and destroy much of the GTVA fleet and Capella, but in the process trap the Shivan forces in Capella at a great cost. The Borg arrive in Capella soon after and in an incredibly loaded special effects battle, destroy the Shivan forces but are unfortunately only left with only one cube (how convenient) to conquer the GTVA/UFP. Fortunately for the Borg, the UFP scuttles its remaining GTVA vessels and goes back to exploration and diplomacy with their previous vessels. They regret their decision at Wolf 359 several minutes later.

2367- (ST: TNG) Those damn Borg show up looking all bad and cool and destroy thirty nine ships.

2370-2375- (STS9) Dominion War. We win again. Humanity stops acting all preachy and becomes the biggest and baddest power in the quadrant finally.

2387- (Independence War) Humanity, having tasted war once again, revert to their old ways and start fighting each other again in a bloodlust as a new Independence Movement is formed when soon after, Chaos Aliens start to rampage through space. But without the support of the Chaos Gods, they are defeated.

2389- (Predator, Alien & Terminator) One big arsing crossover as you might be able to assume. Ripley and the humans are in there too!

2487- (Buck Rogers) Buck Rogers returns. The United Federation of Planets capitulates soon after due to the instability and anarchy that followed soon after.

2601-2607- (Starsiege) These bad guys known as the Cybrids start a massive war known as THE FIRE! It also involves a large amount of usage of mecha like battlemechs. This entire war causes an anti-technology reaction as battlemech lovers take advantage of this and start going mech crazy while Tread Heads are trampled for being "heretics."

2629- (Wing Commander) Kilrathi and Terrans officially make contact. The kitties growl and blow up a Terran exploration ship Iason in this first contact. The Pilgrim alliance also raises some ruckus over independence as well at this exact time.

2631-2633- (Wing Commander) It seems after nearly facing humanities destruction a mere four years prior, we still have time to try and wipe each other out! War between the Terrans and Pilgrim Alliance ends in Terran suppression of these buckle hat wearing spacemen and victory!

2655- (Battlestar: Galactica) The Colonial Alliance, very much isolated from the rest of humanity no doubt, commissions the first of its Battlestars which include the Pegasus and Galactica to help defend the colonies from the Cylons.

2654-2669- (Wing Commander) The kitties known as Kilrathi make a big mistake trying to destroy the humans so quickly after nearly being wiped out by the Cybrids some twenty years ago and the Terran Confederation is in a full fifteen year long war with the Kilrathi Empire. Battle after battle, ONE pilot seems to change the entire war in the Terrans favor. And when the Kilrathi growl, we find out they had false teeth.

2681- (Wing Commander) The Nephilim wander off course heading to the rim and decide to make a bloody uninvited stopover in Kilrathi and Terran Confederation space. A bloody, several week long war breaks out until the Nephilim are sent to the old folks home on the rim like everybody else and haven't come back since.

2673- (Planet of the Apes) A few 20th century astronauts end up on Earth only to find out that Earth is actually ruled by Apes. But soon enough it is discovered only the area from Washington DC. to New York is actually ruled by apes and has been since George Bush Jr. entered office.......moving along.

2777- (Battletech) Another Civil War (been a while eh?) in which Terra is liberated from Stefan Amaris.

2801- (Battletech) Alexsandr Kerensky and much of the military leaves the known human space on a two year exodus far far away.

2829- (Starsiege) After the Exodus of the Clans, the humans decided to start one of their ever popular Successor Wars. Martian Rebels manage to find Martian War Machine technology three years prior and start to use it to kick battlemech ass. The Cybrids meanwhile form a massive armada and strike the humans as a huge Starsiege begins.

3028- (Titan: AE) A minor setback occurs as the Drej, even though it probably has a spacefleet weaker then oh the MARTIANS, manage to blows up Earth with its big ass planet killer of doom. Only a few million survive the destruction as humanity becomes hopeless. See what happens when you become pacifists???

3042- (Titan: AE) Now with the Federation defunct, humans finally channel their violent energies and destroy the Drej with the help of a man known as Cale and some "hot" animated girlfriend known as Akima. They find some kewl ass ship and after sucking the Drej dry they use the energy to create a new Earth, unofficially known as Planet Bob.

3049- (Battletech) The Clans wisely wait out the entire thing and since the 29th Century Federation is now destroyed, they strike at New Earth. The new name for humanity, known as the Inner Sphere is unprepared for the Clan Invasion. Planet Bob is renamed Clan Planet Wolf.

3155- (Battlestar: Galactica) A group of human colonies far out in deep space known as the Colonial Alliance lose contact with Earth as they have been battling the Cylon Empire since the development of FTL in 2155. After the Cylons finally destroy the Colonial Alliance, the remaining human fleet under the protection of the Battlestar Galactica, flee towards Earth but unfortunately find out Earth is no more and do not know of Planet Bob a.k.a. New Earth a.k.a. Clan Planet Wolf.

3999- (Marvel Comics) Apocalypse somehow pops up on Clan Planet Wolf errrrr Earth and causes a lot of ruckus. Fortunately a man known as Cable finally kills Apocalypse in a weakened state.

22000- (WH40K) First contact with the Orks, known by the Old Republic though as Gamorreans currently. The Old Republic as do later powers pay them little heed..... for now. Also a first contact with the ancient race known as the Eldar is recorded.

24970-25004- (Star Wars) The Old Republic, a near galaxy spanning entity, eventually topples upon releasing Jar Jar Binks to the world. The Galactic Empire takes over but after another dozen years, Civil War rocks the galaxy again as a New Republic takes over the Galaxy. Also some smart guy decides to rename all the planets and systems. Gee thanks a lot.

26351- (Dune Universe) Due to tons of political bickering, the various planets turn into "Houses" over the next millenia as they decide to reinstate the Emperor position. But since they "own" the galaxy now, they decide to use "spice" as the only means of fuel and have the Spacing Guild own all of that. This causes many logistical problems when the Fremen under a pissed off nobleman cause an uprising on the planet Dune where the Spice solely exists. They now realize the dangers of corporate monopolies.

28000- (WH40K) The Emperor of the Imperium of Man conquers Earth, defeating the Emperors Sardauker forces and utterly crushing them in a titanic battle. The two thousand year old Houses fall as the Imperium of Man rises. Due to this war, many alien powers also surface while humanity is in its weakened state.

31000- (WH40K) Horus Heresy as the Chaos Gods corrupt much of humanity and also turn several Space Marine chapters over to their banner. A big ass war ignites as the forces of the Imperium and Chaos collide, climaxing with a Chaos invasion of Terra where the Emperor is mortally wounded but the Imperium is victorious. Hell humanities survived worse then a trio of pissed off gods and their space marines before. The Emperor, a little on the dying side is placed in a Golden Throne, his powers used to help safeguard humanity from Chaos and alien powers.

41000- (WH40K) The Imperium of Man, although suffering from a technological stagnation and perpetual warfare have reached a high point of humanity. Oh come on, we all know it was humanities destiny to fight perpetual wars and whatnot. By the way, the Tyranids invade from another galaxy. I suppose only out-of-towners would try to conquer humanity after all its been through. Damn tourists.

802701- (The Time Machine) Victorian traveler aids the Eloi (the evolved form of pacifistic hippies) in their fight against the Morlocks on a post-apocalyptic Earth. The Apes in charge of the place (now dubbed Morlocks) are destroyed and Eloi win their freedom. Traveler flees burning Morlock ruins to the future once more.

1000000- (Babylon 5) The Earth (whichever one it is) blows up and humanity finally is lead to the stars and become energy like beings. Imagine the sex errrrrrr the end???

30001899- (The Time Machine) Victorian traveler stops at what is apparently the end of Earth's life. Cold and frozen, the only visible life is a small plant resembling seaweed in the shallow waters beating against frozen sands. Needless to say, Cthulhu spawn still struggles on. After all, what kind of squidlike plant can live in frozen waters.

Title: Re: History of the Multiverse... if it were a single universe.
Post by: Majobu5 on October 14, 2016, 12:13:05 AM
Wow. This is long(no pun).
I'll read this when I have 25 minutes of free time

Title: Re: History of the Multiverse... if it were a single universe.
Post by: Darth Logos on October 14, 2016, 08:32:15 PM
2654-2669- (Wing Commander) The kitties known as Kilrathi make a big mistake trying to destroy the humans so quickly after nearly being wiped out by the Cybrids some twenty years ago and the Terran Confederation is in a full fifteen year long war with the Kilrathi Empire. Battle after battle, ONE pilot seems to change the entire war in the Terrans favor. And when the Kilrathi growl, we find out they had false teeth.

This was the funniest thing I've seen in God knows how long. It took me 10 whole minutes to lose the gigs.

Title: Re: History of the Multiverse... if it were a single universe.
Post by: Majobu5 on October 14, 2016, 11:40:38 PM
Me, personally, I would add some Exo-Squad things in there. That's some research though

Title: Re: History of the Multiverse... if it were a single universe.
Post by: Darth Acervus on October 15, 2016, 09:48:01 AM
Brilliant. Utterly Brilliant. I was always rather fond of Babylon 5 & haven't heard it mentioned in years ;D