Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers Questions => Topic started by: Sandico on January 18, 2017, 12:03:50 PM

Title: Can you change flash on clash color with non-Emerald driver?
Post by: Sandico on January 18, 2017, 12:03:50 PM

I own an Archon v2.1 with Obsidian v4. It's consular green with flash on clash sunstrider's destiny. I know there's a blue LED in the saber. Is there any way to tweak my flash on clash to blue? The Sunstrider's Destiny flash is not as noticeable.

Any advice?

Title: Re: Can you change flash on clash color with non-Emerald driver?
Post by: hazard502 on January 18, 2017, 02:30:16 PM
According to the Ultrasabers FoC chart getting a blue flash with a CG main blade isn't an option -

Depending on how new your Archon V2.1 is, any alterations to your electronics and wiring would void your warranty.

Having said that a guy could disassemble the LED unit and re-solder the FoC to a different color - but I'd go by the chart for the best possible flash results.

If you're handy with wiring and soldering and have the right tools you could go right ahead.  But I wouldn't touch any of the internals until AFTER the warranty expires.

If modifications to this degree isn't your thing - I'd suggest re-imagining a purpose to why SRD is the perfect FoC for the best Jedi lightsaber out there. 8)

And hey, welcome to the forums Sandico!  Before posting any further - please read and check the forum rules located on the main home page highlighted in bold RED lettering.  Thx!

Title: Re: Can you change flash on clash color with non-Emerald driver?
Post by: Kouri on January 18, 2017, 02:35:58 PM
Trouble is that main blade color never turns off during a clash, so the FoC color has to be a mix between your Main and your FoC LED. Silver only works because White LEDs are bright enough to drown out the other color.

For a distinctive look, you could keep your Green LEDs on main (I'm assuming an RGBG star) and hook the Red to FoC, producing a noticeable yellow-orange FoC.

Title: Re: Can you change flash on clash color with non-Emerald driver?
Post by: hazard502 on January 18, 2017, 06:02:44 PM
I just wonder that if there isn't a resistor used with the green/blues and the red is hooked up it might over drive it and burn out the red.

Trial and error has taut me some lessons lol, and I've lost red dice that way (no resistor on red). :)