Saber Forum

General Chat => Costumes and Props => Topic started by: B1ondeange1 on January 18, 2017, 12:18:06 PM

Title: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on January 18, 2017, 12:18:06 PM
So as many of you know we do a bit of costuming ;) I'll have build threads for my various costumes as I go, but for the most part I will put my costuming photos in this thread as it's easier to keep them in one thread, than to necro posts for various other costumes.

These are some of the first:

Wedding we did on Saturday

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(photo courtesy of Esplanade Hotel Fremantle)

Mission brief

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(photoshop edits by a friend)

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Rapine on January 18, 2017, 01:08:24 PM

Thanks B1onde. :)

+1 for awesome. ;)

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on January 18, 2017, 01:48:19 PM
And some more from the wedding- the events coordinator loved us and kept taking us around the hotel :D

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squished into an elevator- it was even more of a squeeze when we had the bride and groom in with us!
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stealing a concierge trolley
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Welcome to Spartan Hotel, how can we help you today?
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What does a Spartan have to do to get a drink around here?
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Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: hazard502 on January 18, 2017, 02:12:11 PM
And some more from the wedding- the events coordinator loved us and kept taking us around the hotel :D

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

LOL . . . this is so cute and bad a$% all at the same time :)  Points!

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on January 18, 2017, 02:47:53 PM
LOL . . . this is so cute and bad a$% all at the same time :)  Points!

Thanks! It was also very difficult- hard enough getting close to each other in armour, and the only reason my hubby (in the green) managed was because he has extremely grippy gloves and those gripping the wall was the only reason he didn't fall splat rofl!

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Master Resolute on January 18, 2017, 03:11:58 PM
This is awesome!

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Darth Xocni on January 19, 2017, 11:30:14 AM
Hahaha. Awesome! +1

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: JediJacob on January 19, 2017, 04:44:56 PM
Haha this is awesome points for you.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Taegin Roan on January 20, 2017, 05:36:43 AM

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])
(photoshop edits by a friend)

I really like this one. Almost to the point where it would offend 3 nerddoms, but still done very well. Point.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on January 20, 2017, 05:46:54 AM
I really like this one. Almost to the point where it would offend 3 nerddoms, but still done very well. Point.

That is one of my new fav pics, I will admit :D hopefully some vids will be up soon too.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Jeadus Teal on January 20, 2017, 05:51:40 AM

Excellent.  :D

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: scifidude79 on January 20, 2017, 05:55:33 AM
War Machine mixed with Halo.  Genius.  :D

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Taegin Roan on January 20, 2017, 06:17:50 AM
War Machine mixed with Halo.  Genius.  :D

Plus Death Star plans.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Master Seblaise on January 20, 2017, 08:58:44 AM
Awesomeness point ;)

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on January 22, 2017, 03:23:06 AM
So not my work- but it's what I was involved in when we went to 'Tattooine' last weekend with our friend Imperial Scum :P I'll leave them as links so if people want to go to them they can.

His page:  Imperial Scum Cosplay ( - WARNING If you are sensitive to swearing, stupidity, political incorrectness, crudeness or (partial) nudity, don't go to this page and watch his vids (or the one following, though that is very mild compared to some). You have been warned ;)

The vid: WARNING- not really a video for kids or at work (you'll see why towards the end)

 The Encounter  (

Also, M4-QT is a star in this. He is very excited about it ;)

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: MavRick on January 25, 2017, 02:34:28 AM
LOL......... We love the pics, they are GREAT.   ;D ;D My son is a big fan of HALO!!  Point to you for them.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Project_alien on February 03, 2017, 12:05:46 PM
Nice cosplays. 👍👍👍

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on February 03, 2017, 01:00:21 PM
Thanks guys :)

No new photos for a bit sorry. There's an event on this weekend, but I don't think we will be going. Next event is a couple of weeks away!

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Rathayatra on February 03, 2017, 02:25:08 PM
First Class costumes. The Force is with you .  Inspiration.  Thanks.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on February 19, 2017, 09:05:24 AM
Annndddd back to Star Wars :D

Today my smuggler came out again- very glad for my choice coz the day ended up being 36-37C outside- and the hall was hotter and more humid! I sweated out my leather jacket for a while before thinking stuff it, this smuggler is going jacketless!

Hubby with our companion pet droid M4- after some issues which ended up in a wonky motor and being undrivable he became a table ornament :P

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My smuggler before I got too hot... since I'm a blonde and not a redhead there (and my smuggler character also wears a flightsuit) I will have to decide on one of her alias for this outfit.

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The advantage of the smuggler is i can sit or stand around all slack and casual like- and I am completely in character  ;D

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R4-E1 with our M4
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R4 got some new bling!
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Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: JediJacob on February 19, 2017, 03:27:00 PM
I love both of the droids and your smuggler is cool too. :P points

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: URNOTSOBOSS on February 26, 2017, 08:44:13 PM
You have a skill for making me jealous--I wanna pet droid! I wanna cool HALO outfit! I want friends! wait.. scratch that last one.

Anyways, B1onde, I love your cosplay stuff!

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on February 27, 2017, 04:58:18 AM
Rofl, thanks.

Sadly my injured finger has slowed down my costume building... brought it to a halt over the last 5 weeks actually :(

Next event is in a couple weeks time with Halo Spartans again at an event called Astrofest- a science fair basically, so us sci fi costumers are one of the fair's attractions :D Last years event is what my avatar pic is from. I was hoping to have Gundam Exia completed but alas, stupid injured finger makes foam armour building really difficult! The week after that is Oz Comic Con Perth, one of two big conventions held here. I was MEANT to have new costumes ready for OzCC but thats sadly not happening :( Hoping to get my ODST Captain Dare finished however so I can wear that. Dunno what I will wear the second day, probably my jedi (with luck I'll get my new robe done before then). The second day will be a combo of helping our local droid builders club with their stall with M4 and walking around the con looking at stuff. In the Halo armour we get stopped too much so we just can't actually look at things properly :P Saturday tends to just be written off as the 'being photographed day'

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: MavRick on February 28, 2017, 11:33:16 PM
That seems like a small price to pay for having people admire your AWESOME costumes!  ;D
Plus it lets you know that all of your hard work has not gone unnoticed.   ;)

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on March 01, 2017, 12:20:58 AM
That seems like a small price to pay for having people admire your AWESOME costumes!  ;D
Plus it lets you know that all of your hard work has not gone unnoticed.   ;)

It does, but when you've JUST taken your helmet off for a breather or to look at something, someone comes up and asks for a photo. It's hard to get a break. You'll be trying to go get lunch or a drink and every few metres you are stopped, people will even bug you during food and you kinda just look down at the obvious pile of armour on the table and food and drink in your hand then look at them with a seriously?! expression. That is one of the few times we will flatly refuse, we are clearly having a break and they can deal with it. And you have to start moving to somewhere for a particular time a very long time in advance because otherwise you won't get there by the allotted time. Or the end of day when you are exhausted, helmet off, carrying bags in hand and trudging back to the car outside the centre and people insist you stop for them. There are moments it can be frustrating, caught between needing a break/ needing to get somewhere and not wanting to upset people by refusing a photo.

We actually really enjoyed going smugglers the second day at the last big con because we were too plain clothes, and people rarely stopped us. Got to see the con for a change! :)

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: MavRick on March 01, 2017, 12:36:09 AM
Yah, I can also see how that could get on your nerves. Especially when your eating or trying to get a break. That would bug me to.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: JediJacob on March 01, 2017, 02:12:32 PM
I'm always super nervous asking people for pics. Never wanna bother them...missed a few awesome cosplays last year even though anyone I did ask was super nice.
If they look like they are chilling and taking a break I won't even think about it but even passing people on the show floor or seeing them looking at a booth or if they are standing around I still hesitate asking.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on March 01, 2017, 02:43:34 PM
I'm always super nervous asking people for pics. Never wanna bother them...missed a few awesome cosplays last year even though anyone I did ask was super nice.
If they look like they are chilling and taking a break I won't even think about it but even passing people on the show floor or seeing them looking at a booth or if they are standing around I still hesitate asking.

As I said we basically write off our Spartan days (usually Saturday). We will beeline for stalls we are more interested in and get stuff reserved for us to collect at end of day. This year we will be helping the R2D2 builders club on the Sunday with M4 so we will be something star wars then :)

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on March 17, 2017, 06:00:42 AM
New cosplay page is live! Just in time for our up coming events :D

This is the page for myself, my husband and our friend who cosplay regularly together, we are hoping to expand the group as more local regular Halo cosplayers turn up :)

We also have a fancy logo especially made for us and a short promo vid, new promo vid will be coming at some stage in the (hopefully) near future!

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on March 18, 2017, 05:21:24 AM
New cosplay page is live! Just in time for our up coming events :D

This is the page for myself, my husband and our friend who cosplay regularly together, we are hoping to expand the group as more local regular Halo cosplayers turn up :)

We also have a fancy logo especially made for us and a short promo vid, new promo vid will be coming at some stage in the (hopefully) near future!

Sorry guys and gals, link now works :)

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: JediJacob on March 19, 2017, 06:55:08 AM

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on March 24, 2017, 02:11:28 PM
Not cosplay, but a prop for my cosplay all the same :) Foam and a bit of paint to make some credit ingots for my smuggler :) Yes I know, the numbers and edge are meant to be raised but meh, this was easier!

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Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: JediJacob on March 24, 2017, 05:13:28 PM
Not cosplay, but a prop for my cosplay all the same :) Foam and a bit of paint to make some credit ingots for my smuggler :) Yes I know, the numbers and edge are meant to be raised but meh, this was easier!

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

Really cool. my friend and i were thinking about making some of these too.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on March 26, 2017, 12:42:13 PM
ComicCon weekend! We had a live interview as the Perth Spartans which was fun! ODST Captain Dare on Saturday, Jedi and smuggler on Sunday.

Sooo... I dunno if it was my phone, or the lighting, but most of my personal photos this weekend are unusable- we got several photos with a Rogue One background but every photo of me and my hubby make our faces pale yellow and like they have been photoshopped onto our heads poorly (and it can't just be an effect of my make up, since in some photos I'm fine, in real life it wasn't yellow at all and my hubby wasn't wearing make up :P Plus I've worn that same make up on many occasions without this same issue) :/ never had that happen before! A few of the other photos were a bit funny too so dunno what is going on there :/


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Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: MavRick on March 27, 2017, 08:53:22 PM
You always seem to have some of the coolest costumes and pics. They are all great!  ;D  Point to you! Love the pics with the R2 units.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Taegin Roan on March 27, 2017, 11:01:27 PM
That's awesome. Like Mav said, your costumes look amazing.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on March 29, 2017, 04:02:52 AM
More photos!

Our Droid Builders WA group photo (sadly one of the members left early and wasn't in the photo)

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And courtesy of one of our fav photographers and friends Vespa Photography

M4QT in all his cuteness with his makers!

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And Saturdays shots- i love the backgrounds OzCC have!

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I had my evil glare on for this one lol
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And remember that wedding we did at the start of the year? This photo turned up from that, and man I love it :D

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And two more from the Saturday, taken by our red Spartan after I stole his sniper rifle :P

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Photobombed by a friend :P

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Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on April 06, 2017, 02:21:24 AM
From our photoshoot back in January with our droid M4QT on 'Tatooine'. Courtesy of our good friend Imperial Scum :)

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Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Therion Jinn on April 06, 2017, 02:54:10 AM
Some good stuff there

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: TheDutchman on April 21, 2017, 10:31:47 PM
From our photoshoot back in January with our droid M4QT on 'Tatooine'. Courtesy of our good friend Imperial Scum :)

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

Wow, those pics are just incredible!  From War Machine to Halo to SW; fantastic costumes, pics, et al.  8)

BTW, your jedi costumes are BOMB!  What did you use to make them (or where did you buy them from)?  I LOVE the detail  ;D

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on April 22, 2017, 01:01:24 AM
Wow, those pics are just incredible!  From War Machine to Halo to SW; fantastic costumes, pics, et al.  8)

BTW, your jedi costumes are BOMB!  What did you use to make them (or where did you buy them from)?  I LOVE the detail  ;D

Thanks :) I make most of my own costumes, and all my Jedi outfits have been made by myself (or my mum, before I got better at sewing :P ). All my SWTOR ones I have made.

I use homespun cotton designed for quilting and craftwork to make my robes. It is relatively cheap, has a nice feel and slight texture with a lot of different shades available and it is medium weight, so it falls nicely but doesnt feel too heavy on. Any striping is sewn on, either by cutting out a strip of material, measuring, pinning and ironing to make a nice even flat stripe then pinning into place on the robe and sewing it on, or in the case of the small stripes on my sanctified caretaker armour they are bias binding sewn in place, or I have done the robe itself in multiple coloured pieces then sewn the seams and hems to make it look like a different coloured stripe is sewn onto it (this is a little bit easier than trying to sew a stripe on top in some instances). The pattern I heavily modified by combining several patterns to make something that suited and fitted me with shaping, then adjusted that pattern back to a regular straight robe to make my husbands. The striping is a lot of painstaking work.  :-\

The links to each build thread are here:

Sanctified caretakers style robe (aka lots of stripes)

My Jedi Costume WIP ( (this thread starts with my first costume, then leads into the building of the SWTOR robe)
My attempt at SWTOR sanctified caretakers robe (pic heavy) (
Sanctified Caretaker Robe SWTOR- finally with my armour! (

My second robe, based on generic styling of multiple robes

New TOR Robe (

My next robe- which I will ONE DAY make!!! Life just keeps getting in the Force damned way though! I have all the material necessary as well.

My Latest SWTOR Jedi (WIP) (

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: TheDutchman on April 24, 2017, 03:51:51 PM
Thanks :) I make most of my own costumes, and all my Jedi outfits have been made by myself (or my mum, before I got better at sewing :P ). All my SWTOR ones I have made.

I use homespun cotton designed for quilting and craftwork to make my robes. It is relatively cheap, has a nice feel and slight texture with a lot of different shades available and it is medium weight, so it falls nicely but doesnt feel too heavy on. Any striping is sewn on, either by cutting out a strip of material, measuring, pinning and ironing to make a nice even flat stripe then pinning into place on the robe and sewing it on, or in the case of the small stripes on my sanctified caretaker armour they are bias binding sewn in place, or I have done the robe itself in multiple coloured pieces then sewn the seams and hems to make it look like a different coloured stripe is sewn onto it (this is a little bit easier than trying to sew a stripe on top in some instances). The pattern I heavily modified by combining several patterns to make something that suited and fitted me with shaping, then adjusted that pattern back to a regular straight robe to make my husbands. The striping is a lot of painstaking work.  :-\

The links to each build thread are here:

Sanctified caretakers style robe (aka lots of stripes)

My Jedi Costume WIP ([url][/url]) (this thread starts with my first costume, then leads into the building of the SWTOR robe)
My attempt at SWTOR sanctified caretakers robe (pic heavy) ([url][/url])
Sanctified Caretaker Robe SWTOR- finally with my armour! ([url][/url])

My second robe, based on generic styling of multiple robes

New TOR Robe ([url][/url])

My next robe- which I will ONE DAY make!!! Life just keeps getting in the Force damned way though! I have all the material necessary as well.

My Latest SWTOR Jedi (WIP) ([url][/url])

Wow, Angel.  Again, that work is incredible.  I love the attention to detail.  I think that your SWTOR robe is perfect; I'd like to get my wife to do something based on/inspired by your designs.  For your husband's robe: did you tailor the arms or just hem them  at the elbow?  I was thinking of doing something very close to that, exposing the forearm armor in my jedi costume.  Remarkable and beautiful work  :)

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on April 24, 2017, 04:04:40 PM
Wow, Angel.  Again, that work is incredible.  I love the attention to detail.  I think that your SWTOR robe is perfect; I'd like to get my wife to do something based on/inspired by your designs.  For your husband's robe: did you tailor the arms or just hem them  at the elbow?  I was thinking of doing something very close to that, exposing the forearm armor in my jedi costume.  Remarkable and beautiful work  :)

Why thank you.

It was designed to be that length and then hemmed, however I roll the hem back a couple of times to give a wider and thicker hem. With that cotton it sits better and looks nicer that way. I do the same along the front of the hood and down the front of the robe. The hood holds open and falls nicer when it has a thicker edge, and the front is less prone to buckling up and falling weirdly.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: TheDutchman on April 24, 2017, 04:49:15 PM
Why thank you.

It was designed to be that length and then hemmed, however I roll the hem back a couple of times to give a wider and thicker hem. With that cotton it sits better and looks nicer that way. I do the same along the front of the hood and down the front of the robe. The hood holds open and falls nicer when it has a thicker edge, and the front is less prone to buckling up and falling weirdly.
I didn't even think about the hood; thanks for that info  :)  Plus: I think that the hemmed edges look better.  Great ideas, Angel.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on June 02, 2017, 04:21:40 PM
so I haven't been on SF, real life took over for a bit. here are some of my adventures around the time i left.

Weeklong charity fundraising event :


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EB vs Zing (they are sister stores)… and apparently it became Light vs Dark! :D
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I forgot hubby's boots (he joined up with us after he finished work, s I brought his costume along... minus the boots apparently), so the Jedi had to go boot shopping. actually it was fate, hes been needing a proper pair of boots and we luckily finally found some!

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Droid shopping!
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Master Chief getting into the spirit
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Noble Six was meant to be present, but I was far far too sick to put on armour. Even just wearing the tight undersuit made me instantly very unwell so Lt Jaste had to come instead.
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Not every day you see a holographic character blowing up balloons
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Sunday- Captain Dare was well enough to join for a couple of hours
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And in slightly different news. I have been teaching myself to 3D model so I can print stuff for costuming. First thing was M4’s new feet motor mounts, sooo much better than what was meant to be the temporary solution of hot glue!

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I was so pleased with how well my first ever modelling project went (things for the most part just worked, with a few learning hiccups along the way) that I then went and modelled up three credit ingots from Clone Wars, and came up with my own version of the Cartel coin from SWTOR (had to use a bit of creative license, after all theirs is holographic)

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Those are the second round of prototypes, with minor adjustments made. Soon I’ll be on to printing and painting the proper ones :)

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: MavRick on June 02, 2017, 11:45:54 PM
I commend you and your husband for the pics and helping out for a good cause. So point to you.  :)

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: TheDutchman on June 05, 2017, 12:41:15 PM
As always, outstanding pics Angel  :). That is especially laudable of you and your husband to help out at the charity event ^^

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on June 06, 2017, 04:05:33 AM
As always, outstanding pics Angel  :). That is especially laudable of you and your husband to help out at the charity event ^^

Thanks. We love doing charity events, they are great and you know you are really helping someone with a hobby you love :)

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Master Medwyn on June 06, 2017, 11:08:01 PM
From our photoshoot back in January with our droid M4QT on 'Tatooine'. Courtesy of our good friend Imperial Scum :)

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

This one is my fav, your costume is supercool!

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Zren Tobas on June 07, 2017, 04:48:36 PM
Nice. I wish we had boot stores like that around here :P Tired of always getting all these uncomfortable costuming boots x.x I need a real pair of boots like that. Or was it a seller at that certain convention?

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on June 08, 2017, 05:13:44 AM
Nice. I wish we had boot stores like that around here :P Tired of always getting all these uncomfortable costuming boots x.x I need a real pair of boots like that. Or was it a seller at that certain convention?

From the department store Target.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on June 25, 2017, 06:42:44 AM
So didn't get many photos at this con. Went low profile as smugglers, since I haven't really been in the con festive mood, and we only went Saturday.

My credit ingots and cartel coin which I modelled and printed myself :) They had a real rush job as far as painting went, a couple of layers of primer filler on the ingots to fill in the lines a little and a couple of layers of plastic primer on the cartel coin, then a couple of layers of automotive paint.

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With some rebel legion friends

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a friend finally got his Skelator done, so I was really excited to see it! I thought I had missed out though, I only finally caught up with him as we were leaving!

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Another R2 unit joins the ranks of West aussie droids :D I'm so happy to see him done, the guys done a great job. Almost all his flaps and doors move and are on servos which is awesome. A bit of work to go, but at least he made it to the con :D The droid builders are an amazing group- always so happy to share all their techniques and ideas, its great to be a part of and I can't wait to bring our T7 unit into realisation. So much planning to do first!

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Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Therion Jinn on June 25, 2017, 03:31:19 PM
Thanks for sharing those pics

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on June 30, 2017, 04:36:46 PM
Sorry everyone, but due to photobucket requesting a ludicrous amount for 3rd party hosting to be supported, all my picture links are now broken.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Darth Logos on June 30, 2017, 05:16:11 PM
Wow, these are great. How on earth did you get that 100% looking so good. :P

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: B1ondeange1 on June 30, 2017, 05:21:29 PM
Wow, these are great. How on earth did you get that 100% looking so good. :P

I know you think you are being funny and trying to lighten the mood (or just be an arse, whichever really), but i am not in the mood. Please dont push me. This isnt a funny matter to me.

Title: Re: My Cosplay Photos 2017
Post by: Darth Logos on June 30, 2017, 06:16:03 PM
I know you think you are being funny and trying to lighten the mood (or just be an arse, whichever really), but i am not in the mood. Please dont push me. This isnt a funny matter to me.
Just trying to make you laugh. I know you have invested a lot of time, energy, and money into your cosplay. And to find out that you can't show it off is a nut punch. But I have every confidence that situation will be resolved shortly, or you will find a clever way around it.

Big hugz