Saber Forum

General Chat => Fan Fiction and Art => Topic started by: Manroon on October 17, 2011, 10:33:56 PM

Title: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on October 17, 2011, 10:33:56 PM
So the other night I somehow got to thinking about sabers... (probably cause of some various saber related items I had on order) and somehow that led to me doing a couple of design sketches again. I haven't done any of these, dang, since senior year. Some of these are just totally random, but the main idea started and ended on designs for my first OC's saber, Sid Manroon. That saber has been floating in the back of my mind since Jr. High and has never gotten a real solid design. I think I FINALLY might have come up with one, a hybrid of the old stand in designs for his first and third sabers. Here's the designs.


S1 is a Manroon design, just throwing ideas around. Started as an Obi-Luke style, then I threw a shroud on it.
S2 was following the Horn pattern of building a saber inside something else, namely the barrel off an X-Wing's blaster cannon.
S3 was back on a Manroon design, this time with a basket because like Nero, I'd love to have one.
S4 is still Manroon, focusing more on hybridizing his 3 different stand in sabers.
S4.1 perfected the S4, bringing a little more of his first stand in into the mix. I think I MAY actually take a crack at getting this one made, either myself, or by a custom smith eventually. It'd have a gold blade, and some sort of soundboard. Obsidian, probably. IF I actually did this one, it would be my all out custom. In hilt recharge, accent LEDs.... the works.

Anyone wants to steal one of these designs, everything except the S4 series is up for grabs. :) So.... anyone have anything to say? Thoughts, suggestions? etc?

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Kaiden Shardsbane on October 17, 2011, 10:44:06 PM
Cool ideas Manroon!  I especially like the S4 sabers.

By the way, did you ever get that basket hilt mod done?

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: darth tratus on October 17, 2011, 11:08:30 PM
very nice designs manroon!

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on October 17, 2011, 11:25:08 PM
Thanks guys!

Cool ideas Manroon!  I especially like the S4 sabers.

By the way, did you ever get that basket hilt mod done?

The S4's are my favs as well. Something about 4.1 just struck a chord in me, I really think I'm gonna get that built someday. It's just.... right.

And I have yet to do that basket hilt mod on my Prophecy, I'm waiting for Pops to remember to go to Orvac and pic up the wire we need to finish putting the thing back together, then I think I'll try the mod on it. I may also try it on a mock up PVC hilt I have laying around, but I'm not sure. I may actually finish that hilt and gift it out to someone. If so, I want to put the guts in it before I start on detail work. You can see from S3 though... the idea is never far from my thoughts.  ;D

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: ThreadJack on October 18, 2011, 12:25:53 AM
Damn. I wish I could draw that good.

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on October 18, 2011, 12:28:57 AM
Really? These are just flat 1D concepts, no depth or anything to them. I didn't think they were that good art-wise, myself. lol My GF the art major couldn't even tell what they were till I turned em the other direction. Then she was all like 'Oooooooh..... lightsabers, right?' and I was all like *facepalm* 'Yes Hon.....' lol

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Qui-Tom Helms on October 18, 2011, 01:14:05 AM
I would like to see the S4.1 version as your final...Niiiice       What colors was you thinking silver, copper (ooo copper)?   Any hidden compartments for a crystal chamber?

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: ThreadJack on October 18, 2011, 01:18:38 AM
Really? These are just flat 1D concepts, no depth or anything to them. I didn't think they were that good art-wise, myself. lol My GF the art major couldn't even tell what they were till I turned em the other direction. Then she was all like 'Oooooooh..... lightsabers, right?' and I was all like *facepalm* 'Yes Hon.....' lol

LOL. It would have even worse had I drawn it, trust me. XD

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on October 18, 2011, 05:18:30 PM
I would like to see the S4.1 version as your final...Niiiice       What colors was you thinking silver, copper (ooo copper)?   Any hidden compartments for a crystal chamber?

I wasn't really sure on colors. The idea with S4, and more so with S4.1 even, is that it's a very skeletal saber. Like Kenobi's Ep IV, or Luke's Ep VI. The backstory would more or less involve this saber being built in the field, after a shipwreck stranding Manroon on Dathomir or someplace like it, so it'd all be 'standard' parts like the Luke Ep VI. Power cels, wiring, flash cup (emitter), regulators and etc pulled from the wrecked ship and coupled with a found pair of crystals. Later on, after running from Imperials, escaping the planet, etc.... the shroud would be added to put some of the 'masters influence' into the saber, making it look like the saber of the Jedi who instructed Manroon and so forth, and overall just cleaning the thing up some and finishing it off.

The emitter would likely be a base metal, and the grenade grips would be black, dark gray, or some kind of 'engine part' color. lol The shroud would be something fancy. Perhaps copper, as I DO like the copper look, or maybe something silver, or possibly even brass. I haven't decided yet. lol I would like the activation box to have or imitate the function of a real Graflex or Heiland Clamp, so the pommel would be removable in that fashion. I've also thought it might be cool to have a crystal chassis/chamber like in the high end Luke ANH replicas on FX Sabers, but I'm not sure if that would be realistic/practical. The main idea behind the functioning clamp I think is the ability to access the Obsidian Board I wanna have in it.

I also want to load it with in hilt recharge, a power or charge light, and a pair of accent LEDs. Oh, and I think I want to take further advantage of the clamp to make the shroud removable as well. Aside from that, the round part of the pommel would be a natural material. Either wood or stone. Not sure which. The wood would be easiest, but the stone would be cool too. I've also casually toyed with the thought of making that part an actual crystal. Not a crystal pommel or focusing crystal, but just a big hunk of crystal. Almost as if the pommel were a piece of permanently frozen ice. Not sure I'd really do that though, just bouncing ideas at this point.

I think I need to do another sketch to see how the In Universe guts of the thing would lay out before I get too into the Crystal Chamber type features and figuring out the pommel.... lol  ;D

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: imperialknight23 on October 18, 2011, 07:12:48 PM
real quick since i heard that basket hilt thing.


the one on the left is 1 1/2" ring so would probably fit a hilt with some minor modding.

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on October 18, 2011, 08:30:14 PM
ImpKnight.... what is it, where did you find it, and how can I get one?  ;D

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: imperialknight23 on October 18, 2011, 08:46:36 PM
ImpKnight.... what is it, where did you find it, and how can I get one?  ;D (

found it there. they have ordering info.  there's probably more out there.  this is just the first one i found.

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on October 18, 2011, 08:59:28 PM
I thank you sir. :)

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Big Boss on October 18, 2011, 11:14:05 PM
nice designs! :) as for the basket saber. some saber smith in the past made a rapier lightsaber heres the video plus pics hope you guys find it interesting. ( (

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: lordgale119 on October 18, 2011, 11:29:09 PM
Very nice designs. I've wanted to draw some of Rivius's sabers for a while now (since he collects them and has a kajillion), but I've always only drawn them as an afterthought and never put much detail into 'em.
Now that I see these, I feel compelled to draw some of my own. Who knows, maybe Ultra's reading this thread right now, getting ideas...*rubs chin thoughtfully*

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Master Nero Attoru on October 19, 2011, 12:08:04 AM
Oh gawd... I think I'm in love.  ULTRA PLEASE MAKE ME ONE!!!  Rapier + lightsaber = AWESOME!

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Kham-Ryn Kurios on October 19, 2011, 12:11:32 AM
Oh gawd... I think I'm in love.  ULTRA PLEASE MAKE ME ONE!!!  Rapier + lightsaber = AWESOME!

I must agree. ;D

My best friend would die for something like that.

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on October 19, 2011, 12:12:47 AM
VERY cool, though I still prefer the all out basket myself, the Rapier is just plain flippin sweet.

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: kewlkev360 on October 19, 2011, 12:49:40 AM
i gotta say manroon, those are awesome!  I'm not creative enough to come up with stuff like that.

most of my doodles just ended up being the Hoth battle.

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on October 19, 2011, 01:27:25 AM
Hey, in Jr High I just doodled random star trek ships shooting each other. lol Well, except for a couple of scenes from RPs I was on at the time. I need to rescan that first one of the Armageddon again... that was cool.

Anyhow, thanks Kev!

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: imperialknight23 on October 19, 2011, 04:48:29 AM
@BigBoss of course big boss has to come in and steal the show and give us a some more designs.  Where do you find all this stuff!!!!  good vid though!  i would so swashbuckle with that.

@Nero in my prophecy review i realized i showed a pic of me gripping one of the brass screws like a trigger.  i totally forgot that fencing has pistol grip style hilts.  how bout that in your saber!  well i guess its kinda a personal preference among fencers.

@Manroon were they at least custom ships. that would be awesome, like enterprise v2.

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Big Boss on October 19, 2011, 04:50:15 PM
@BigBoss of course big boss has to come in and steal the show and give us a some more designs.  Where do you find all this stuff!!!!  good vid though!  i would so swashbuckle with that.

@Nero in my prophecy review i realized i showed a pic of me gripping one of the brass screws like a trigger.  i totally forgot that fencing has pistol grip style hilts.  how bout that in your saber!  well i guess its kinda a personal preference among fencers.

@Manroon were they at least custom ships. that would be awesome, like enterprise v2.

lol yeah thats me  :D when you have been watching this hobby for a while you tend to see awesome stuff. there was another design that was like a lightsaber triangle i can't find pics of it anywhere.  the only way i can describe is imagine a metal triangle with three blades one coming out from each triangle point. Also the clear saber design which has been made by other saber smiths in the past. I show/talk to you guys about these design so that you all can truly realize that as long as it has has a cool laser blade shooting out from it its can be a saber design :D

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Kham-Ryn Kurios on October 19, 2011, 05:10:06 PM
Thats ridiculous! ;D

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on October 19, 2011, 06:50:59 PM
@BigBoss of course big boss has to come in and steal the show and give us a some more designs.  Where do you find all this stuff!!!!  good vid though!  i would so swashbuckle with that.

@Nero in my prophecy review i realized i showed a pic of me gripping one of the brass screws like a trigger.  i totally forgot that fencing has pistol grip style hilts.  how bout that in your saber!  well i guess its kinda a personal preference among fencers.

@Manroon were they at least custom ships. that would be awesome, like enterprise v2.

Pistol grip saber would be awesome!

As for the ships, mostly just standard Warbirds, Galaxy Classes, Constitution Refits, and the occasional Excelsior or Intrepid Class. I was best with Galaxy. Fun sketching all those saucer seperations. lol

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: lordgale119 on October 19, 2011, 11:39:24 PM
Dude, your designs are awesome, and I'd love to draw some of them myself if you'd like.
I'm an okay artist (I know quite a few people who are WAY better than me in many ways), but I love to draw lightsabers, and I'd even be happy to draw other things like blasters (I'm REALLY good at drawing Sci-fi stuff in general).
Heck, if people want I can draw their stuff too.
Just putting the offer out there. I don't usually offer to be the DrawBro of a forum, but I think I can make a very large exception for Star Wars.

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on October 19, 2011, 11:47:43 PM
Thanks! I'd love to see what your drawings would look like of my designs! Particularly S1 and S4.1. S3 would also be interesting to see, as my own basket sketch turned out  :P lol But S4.1 is my fav and it'd be cool to see another person's drawing of it! I do some drawing myself, but usually not alot of objects, just people, and I know LOTS of people way better than I am. Still, it's fun! Anyways, feel free to draw whichever of these designs you like! Repost your versions in this thread though, cause I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd wanna see em'.  ;D

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: lordgale119 on October 19, 2011, 11:54:40 PM
Thanks! I'd love to see what your drawings would look like of my designs! Particularly S1 and S4.1. S3 would also be interesting to see, as my own basket sketch turned out  :P lol But S4.1 is my fav and it'd be cool to see another person's drawing of it! I do some drawing myself, but usually not alot of objects, just people, and I know LOTS of people way better than I am. Still, it's fun! Anyways, feel free to draw whichever of these designs you like! Repost your versions in this thread though, cause I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd wanna see em'.  ;D
Most definitely will. Maybe with a few of my own to add some new flavor and diversity (I have some pretty funky designs sketched up).
Heck, I may even start now....HOWEVER!
It should be noted that I don't scan my pics (takes too long to go from one computer to another) and my camera isn't the best. Just so y'all know ahead of time.

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on October 20, 2011, 12:13:14 AM
Cool! Look forward to seeing em'!

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: lordgale119 on October 20, 2011, 12:32:28 AM
Okay, I've drawn the S1 and S3 along with one of my own sabers I drew in class today.
I really hope I've done well, and if I haven't, then tell me what I can change!
On the left is my character Rivius's Dual phase saber, and then the other two are of course S1 and S3.

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on October 20, 2011, 12:41:43 AM
Firstly, the saber you did is sweet. It's like you took an SI's profile and detailed it into a Hero style hilt. I love it.

Secondly, oh... my... word!  :o Your S3 is BEAUTIFUL! The little swoop addition you put on the top of the basket next to the emitter is great, as is the way you swooped the end of the basket near the pommel! THAT is a basket hilt! So awesome!

Thirdly, I like your S1 alot as well. You cleaned up the top half of the hilt nicely from my sketch, and your lower grips are different but I like them too. They really carry through some of the elegant yet skeletal look I was going for in the concept. I think my favorite thing about your version though is the 'doubled up' pommel, with the weathervane piece and the D-Ring on the bottom. That pommel just looks so cool!

I think I might have to go back tonight and make some revisions of my own now. You've given me an idea or two for an S4.2.... and perhaps an S4.3 or S5. NICE sketches!

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: lordgale119 on October 20, 2011, 12:52:54 AM
Firstly, the saber you did is sweet. It's like you took an SI's profile and detailed it into a Hero style hilt. I love it.

Secondly, oh... my... word!  :o Your S3 is BEAUTIFUL! The little swoop addition you put on the top of the basket next to the emitter is great, as is the way you swooped the end of the basket near the pommel! THAT is a basket hilt! So awesome!

Thirdly, I like your S1 alot as well. You cleaned up the top half of the hilt nicely from my sketch, and your lower grips are different but I like them too. They really carry through some of the elegant yet skeletal look I was going for in the concept. I think my favorite thing about your version though is the 'doubled up' pommel, with the weathervane piece and the D-Ring on the bottom. That pommel just looks so cool!

I think I might have to go back tonight and make some revisions of my own now. You've given me an idea or two for an S4.2.... and perhaps an S4.3 or S5. NICE sketches!
Haha, well, when those are done, let's see if I can't make them even more awesome as well!
But in all seriousness, I tend to draw better when it's another person's creation. I don't know why, but it just works.
For the S3 I thought: Hmm, who'd use a basket-hilted Lightsaber? Surely not a Sith, but a Jedi perhaps, considering how elegant some of the personal lightsabers and styles are. So I decided to make it more elegant and added a bit to it.

The S1 reminded me (in a way) of a combination of Galen Marek's first Lightsaber (The Starkiller) and Luke's ROTJ saber, so I wanted to emphasize the contrast and awesomeness of both. The Double pommel wasn't even an afterthought; I didn't notice I had made two until I took the picture! XD to be honest, though the S1 required quite a bit of erasing, since I was doing it with a combo of ruler and freehand. Eventually I realized Freehand wasn't going to cut it, and had to resort to the ruler again.

If anyone else wants me to draw something of theirs, message me on here, deviantart, whatever, and we'll see what I can do!

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on October 20, 2011, 01:07:40 AM
Well, I'll be sure and post any more designs I do. lol Thanks again!

It's funny you say that about the S1, as that's basically what I was thinking sketching it, only I was thinking a combination of Obi-Wan's Ep IV and Luke's Ep IV, as those were the designs I pulled the original 'placeholder' concept sabers for the character from, but it's really the same difference as those sabers all parallel each other. lol

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Baevar on November 10, 2011, 05:56:34 AM
real quick since i heard that basket hilt thing.


the one on the left is 1 1/2" ring so would probably fit a hilt with some minor modding.

That is sweet looking, but hard to tell how big it is and if it would interfere with dueling at all.

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on January 11, 2012, 08:39:47 AM
An update for you all! Still probably a long ways off from being built, and though this thing is usually near to my thoughts, I'm okay with that. I have lots of shiny ultrasabers to keep me happy. :) BUT... I used the TCSS saberbuilder thingamajig on their site to work up a render of a shroud-less S4.2! Actually, I did 2 renders of it. The upper is the intended design, and the lower is a backup I did because I wasn't sure if I could pack everything I want into the space afforded by the original. Anyways... what do ya'll think of her?  ;D


P.S. As before, you guys are welcome to use any idea from my sketches that strikes your fancy EXCEPT for the S4 series. That's my baby, I've worked on her on and off for years, and she's mine. ;) Drool at your leisure though. lol

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Jenny on January 11, 2012, 09:25:40 AM
ImpKnight.... what is it, where did you find it, and how can I get one?  ;D

The SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) uses rattan batons in place of steel swords for their heavy armor combat style.  What you're looking at there are basket hilts designed for that.  You can find some pretty ornate ones, if you poke around a bit.  Just do a search for "SCA basket hilt" or "rattan basket hilt."

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: ed_ification on January 11, 2012, 06:55:10 PM
The SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) uses rattan batons in place of steel swords for their heavy armor combat style.  What you're looking at there are basket hilts designed for that.  You can find some pretty ornate ones, if you poke around a bit.  Just do a search for "SCA basket hilt" or "rattan basket hilt."

I should also add that the basket hilts can be picked up for either hand, which is very important...

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Duff Man on January 11, 2012, 10:14:39 PM
OH I wanna Play too!! ;D

No names on any of them yet and they also a long way off.  I am thinking a Padawan, knight, master progression(mostly based on cost and improving skill level). I was thinking adding custom grips(tennis/leather/cord) to the fist two and all three ideas would have a D-ring pommel.  Of course who knows when these will happen. Just having fun for now.    

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on January 11, 2012, 10:21:08 PM
Like the first and third ones Duff. Especially the third. The powder coating on the maul style emitter looks sick, as does the gold grenade grip.

BTW guys, I forgot to mention, when I did the render here.... I redesigned my shroud some. Think S4 meets Bellicose. Looks totally BA. ;D

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Jenny on January 12, 2012, 01:19:16 AM
May I suggest turning off the threads display when using TCSS' MHS builder to illustrate your ideas?

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on January 12, 2012, 02:01:56 AM
lol Good point, Jenny. Took me awhile before I noticed that little button. Makes for a cleaner render if you turn the threads off at the end. Also, you can eliminate some frustrations with the thing when building side by side if you turn off the auto snap feature. Darned builder kept trying to put my parts from hilt 2 on hilt 1 because they were too close together. lol

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Kaiden Shardsbane on January 12, 2012, 02:16:03 AM
Well, if we're sharing our dream builds, I might as well join.

A saber for a rogue/smuggler character.

These were ideas for a Sith character.  They would have to be Pyrestone Orange and DVA.

Tuskan Raider saber.  One of those BA long-hilted sabers.

An early idea I had for a wookiee saber.

Jedi Sage lightsaber.  Again, rather huge.

A mix of the Sage and the Rogue designs above.

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Darth Rifter on January 12, 2012, 02:22:37 AM
how do you make them look like that, I can't get them to look like anything but like the threads are visible and such

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Jenny on January 12, 2012, 02:46:19 AM
On the top bar of the thingie there's a check box that says "threads view" or "show threads" or something like that.  Take the check mark out.

I really like that Jedi Sage hilt... As a kendoka, I find that most lightsabre hilts are too short for my preferred grip, and I've been wanting to build a sabre that's at least 12" of grip area, not even counting chokes, emitter, or pommel.

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on January 12, 2012, 03:56:46 AM
Man, Kaiden really does think Wookie for every saber..... lol

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Duff Man on January 12, 2012, 04:54:49 AM
May I suggest turning off the threads display when using TCSS' MHS builder to illustrate your ideas?

errr uh I meant to do that.... ;D

Well, if we're sharing our dream builds, I might as well join.

A saber for a rogue/smuggler character.

These were ideas for a Sith character.  They would have to be Pyrestone Orange and DVA.

Tuskan Raider saber.  One of those BA long-hilted sabers.

An early idea I had for a wookiee saber.

Jedi Sage lightsaber.  Again, rather huge.

A mix of the Sage and the Rogue designs above.

I am really digging the pair of Sith sabers.

On the top bar of the thingie there's a check box that says "threads view" or "show threads" or something like that.  Take the check mark out.

I really like that Jedi Sage hilt... As a kendoka, I find that most lightsabre hilts are too short for my preferred grip, and I've been wanting to build a sabre that's at least 12" of grip area, not even counting chokes, emitter, or pommel.

"Thingie"  is that a technical term?   ;D

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Jenny on January 12, 2012, 05:08:57 AM
"Thingie"  is that a technical term?   ;D

Yes.  Yes, it is, and as a Doctor of Thingology, I am qualified to use it. :D

Jennifer Linsky, D.T.

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Duff Man on January 12, 2012, 05:29:57 AM
that is like my sisters degree.   I got out with a B.A. But hers was all B.S.  ;D

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on January 12, 2012, 05:35:58 AM
I have a Masters Degree in the History of the Ran-Kingdom. We call it the Ran-dom for short.  ;D

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Darth Rifter on January 12, 2012, 06:37:26 AM
ones I built with a neighbor's help, and I will soon have electronics in it.
Sorry for the blurry pictures. Will have better when I get it back.

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: GrumpyBadger on July 27, 2013, 11:48:44 AM
I know this is old, but I definitely feel like I can help with the "basket hilt" part.

The baskets already mentioned basically are made for SCA (Society of Creative Anachronism) rattan swords.  We use them to protect our hands.  They're very functional and look good doing it.  Just don't bop your buddy on the head with it and you'll be fine.

Also, for s's and g's I took a look at one of mine to see if it would fit nicely on a lightsaber hilt.  It does very well.  Again, some modifications would be needed to get it on there nice and tight, but it's definitely doable.  Also, I'm not part of the SCA anymore, I found a different group that suits my needs better, so yeah, I'm thinking of adding that basket to my Form II saber myself.

Just google "SCA basket hilt" and you'll come up with a bunch of different ones to choose from.

here's mine:
over at windrosearmoury (

they're good people and one of the top armourers in that game.

just try not to look at all the other pretty stuff, it's a slippery slope and one I'm happy to be sliding on ;)

most of the generic baskets will slide right into a lightsaber hilt, just pick your poison so to speak and go from there :D

I hope it helps, and sorry for the necro-post

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on July 27, 2013, 09:42:22 PM
No worries on the necro post, it was very helpful! And yeah, I was bad... I wandered their site and found the shield section. If I ever get dueling with my sabers like I want to, I think I'll be spending a little there. lol Especially since there's one more or less Hylian Shield shaped.  ;)

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: GrumpyBadger on July 30, 2013, 07:30:18 AM
An even 760 points for you now master manroon ;D

Shields are okay ;)

 It's the helmets and armour you gotta watch out for

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on July 30, 2013, 09:09:39 PM
Helmets and armor I'm safe on. I've already got some manner or other of stealth stormie armor, and my X-Wing bucket. Plus a small cache of real steel pots. I loves me some helmets, but I only buy on the DIRT cheap. If it hits trip digits, I run like crazy. lol

But yeah... that shield is miiiiiighty tempting!

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: GrumpyBadger on July 31, 2013, 07:40:12 PM
"triple digits" lol I know plenty of helmets that hit four! :D

yeah, that's a good rule to go off of for armor, especially if your life doesn't actually depend on it like mine does.  I'm not in BotN as a combatant or anything, but still, if my buddy's rebated sword hit a "squishy" helmet in our game, I'd be gone anyway regardless.

... that's one helmet I've always dreamed of getting... a nice A-Wing bucket ;)

Title: Re: Some Saber Designs
Post by: Manroon on August 01, 2013, 08:13:13 PM
lol So do I. The WWII stuff especially. ;)

Oooh, that's a tough one! The A-Wing isn't exactly 'out there' in production anyplace, that I'm aware of. Awesome looking helmet though.