Saber Forum

Way of the Saber => Saber Artistry => Topic started by: Gar-Wi Musan on April 18, 2018, 08:31:46 AM

Title: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Gar-Wi Musan on April 18, 2018, 08:31:46 AM
18 second video.
So I just learned to catch the saber from an upward swing to an above the head catch. I want to get it down where I can throw it from 3 o'clock and catch it at 12 o'clock.
I also made up the last move in the video earlier today, or at least I've never seen anyone do it (yet). I'm not claiming I created it because I'm sure someone, somewhere has done it, but I like it and this is the cleanest I've been able to do it since I made it up this afternoon. In honor of my new found discovery, The Steve Roll, I'm currently calling it a "Rick Roll".  ::) I personally feel like this video looks better at half speed.

Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Rapine on April 18, 2018, 09:34:48 AM
Hey that's really good. :)

Right on GW.


Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Darth Cephalus on April 18, 2018, 10:24:53 AM
Nice. Those are some good moves. That rick roll (love that name by the way) is the first step in learning an anger roll. I don’t know if it has a name by itself, but if you keep extending it,it turns into an angel.

Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Master Elwood Graestar on April 18, 2018, 10:28:18 AM
Smoove, Gar! Digging the Rick Roll-slick little move!🤙🏻

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Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Enso Marr on April 18, 2018, 11:06:15 AM
Someone once told me that the dragon staff community calls that an angel wing.
The contact staff community would call it half an angel roll.
I believe the baton twirling community calls it the half long arm.

Michelle C. Smith posted a decent tutorial for it recently.

Personally I consider the release at 45 degrees to be a bit of an amateur cheat. A proper angel roll should start and end with both arms out and flat. Still a good starting point for learning the basic move though.

Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Gar-Wi Musan on April 18, 2018, 11:32:01 AM
Thanks LR. :)

Thanks Elwood. Always supportive and inspirational. :)

:o It's an honor to even have you comment on something I've done Cephalus. You and Master Venturous are my main inspiration and I have learned so much from your tutorials. It was only a couple of months ago I was asking you on Youtube if I should get a cover-tech knob for my first saber. You said it wouldn't make much difference unless I was doing contact moves. I had to ask "what are contact moves?" Now that I know, I'm certainly glad I didn't get the knobs. What amount of weight would you recommend adding to the pommel for contact moves? I have a stunt saber (Sentinel V4 32" mid-grade blade) and I feel like more weight would help and I seem to recall you saying so. If I could do an angel I would be extremely happy (and shocked). Thank you very much.

Thanks for the info Enso. I just saw your work for the first time a couple days ago. You are insanely good (like scary good). As far as the amateur cheat, I'll take it for now since I have only been doing this for less than 2 months with severe carpal tunnel, tendonitis, arthritis and nerve issues.

Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Master Venturous on April 18, 2018, 12:27:17 PM
I know several others in this community were trying to get that toss catch move down a little while ago, so I applaud you for being able to do it. There is a similar looking move to that I've taught where you pass the saber behind the back, but instead of bring it in front, you toss it up and catch it with the opposite hand into the end of a plum blossom move.

 And I would agree that contact move is sweet. I congratulate anyone with the patients to learn any contact moves.

Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Gar-Wi Musan on April 18, 2018, 12:34:30 PM
I know several others in this community were trying to get that toss catch move down a little while ago, so I applaud you for being able to do it. There is a similar looking move to that I've taught where you pass the saber behind the back, but instead of bring it in front, you toss it up and catch it with the opposite hand into the end of a plum blossom move.

 And I would agree that contact move is sweet. I congratulate anyone with the patients to learn any contact moves.

Thank you Master. Do you have a link to that move?

Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Master Venturous on April 18, 2018, 06:31:34 PM
Thank you Master. Do you have a link to that move?

I believe it starts around the 6:41 mark.

Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Gar-Wi Musan on April 18, 2018, 07:16:53 PM

I believe it starts around the 6:41 mark.

Yes!!! I'm going to have to learn that one. Thank you once again. I watched this video before but I got exited and stopped at 2:20 and started doing standard grip flip and a half to reverse grip aerials.
I'm amazed. I keep thinking I've seen everything there is to look forward to learning, then you, Cephalus, Elwood, Samhain or Ryan etc. have something I've never even thought of, or Enso Marr shows up seemingly out of no where (doing magic tricks) and makes me almost want to quit. You guys are all crazy in the best possible way. :) I'm so stoked to be a part of this community. It truly makes my life much better.

Title: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Master Elwood Graestar on April 20, 2018, 01:52:06 AM
I got inspired to take my spin(maybe a little pun intended) on Gar-Wi's Rick Roll.  I shortened it a bit and kept it more on my forearm, and tried to work it into a flourish or just into the flow in general.  For good measure I threw in some tosses and a couple contact hand rolls, plus the rear clockface that I always love to see in DC's vids. Cheers for all the inspiration, folks!

Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Gar-Wi Musan on April 20, 2018, 05:55:26 AM
I got inspired to take my spin(maybe a little pun intended) on Gar-Wi's Rick Roll.  I shortened it a bit and kept it more on my forearm, and tried to work it into a flourish or just into the flow in general.  For good measure I threw in some tosses and a couple contact hand rolls, plus the rear clockface that I always love to see in DC's vids. Cheers for all the inspiration, folks!

Yeah Ellwood!!!. :) You inspire the hell out of me. I never thought I would inspire you. Thank You. I like your version a lot more. Much smoother.
So I guess the inspiration just flows in a perfect circle because I was trying the No Eclipse Challenge after being awake for 48 hours, and after about 2 hours of trying to get 5 straight unedited minutes, I kept dropping my saber, hitting myself in the back and at the end I started to do an Eclipse. :-[  But after seeing you drop your saber and keep it in the video, I think I will put my last attempt right here in this thread. I give you extra props for keeping the mistakes in your video. It's like seeing a skateboarder try one trick 50 times and slam hard every time just to get it right for the 51st attempt. And then you realize that the 2 second trick that looks effortless took hours of failure and pain. It shows TRUE heart and dedication.
This is still the longest video I have made by far. 

Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Taegin Roan on April 20, 2018, 06:50:41 AM
I got inspired to take my spin(maybe a little pun intended) on Gar-Wi's Rick Roll.  I shortened it a bit and kept it more on my forearm, and tried to work it into a flourish or just into the flow in general.  For good measure I threw in some tosses and a couple contact hand rolls, plus the rear clockface that I always love to see in DC's vids. Cheers for all the inspiration, folks!

I've gotta say Elwood, you've got some of the cleanest reverse grip I've seen. Far surpasses my own, that's for sure.

Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Gar-Wi Musan on April 20, 2018, 01:27:23 PM
I've gotta say Elwood, you've got some of the cleanest reverse grip I've seen. Far surpasses my own, that's for sure.

 Why don't you ever post any vids Taegin? I would love to see some. I think I've proven no one here is going to say anything negative about what you do. ;) I respect if you just don't want to though. No pressure.

Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Master Elwood Graestar on April 20, 2018, 02:22:17 PM
I've gotta say Elwood, you've got some of the cleanest reverse grip I've seen. Far surpasses my own, that's for sure.

Thanks, TR! It prolly has a bit to do with the fact that 90% of my initial practice was done in my kitchen- without very much room for error🤙🏻.  Reverse grip keeps everything a little bit tighter for me 🤙🏻

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Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Taegin Roan on April 20, 2018, 07:23:31 PM
Why don't you ever post any vids Taegin? I would love to see some. I think I've proven no one here is going to say anything negative about what you do. ;) I respect if you just don't want to though. No pressure.

I may sometime, but I haven't recorded anything I do yet. It is a goal that I have, but it isn't one I am going to work towards yet.

Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Master Elwood Graestar on April 20, 2018, 08:28:26 PM
I may sometime, but I haven't recorded anything I do yet. It is a goal that I have, but it isn't one I am going to work towards yet.
Werd- i can get to that🤙🏻.  Count me in with Gar-Wi as far as looking forward to it, however!  I always dig your encouragement, and as was said- you can be pretty sure you’ll have a built-in fanbase/ cheer squad when you get there😁 


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Title: Re: Trying a couple new moves.
Post by: Gar-Wi Musan on April 21, 2018, 06:41:14 AM
Werd- i can get to that🤙🏻.  Count me in with Gar-Wi as far as looking forward to it, however!  I always dig your encouragement, and as was said- you can be pretty sure you’ll have a built-in fanbase/ cheer squad when you get there😁  


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 I always enjoy seeing your comments as well Taegin. Also, and this goes for everyone, I see a lot of my mistakes and sloppiness in my own videos but I'm sure I don't catch it all, so please feel free to critique and give advice on what could be done better whether you post vids or not. Especially if I'm doing something that looks like it could lead to injury. I find it super helpful to see what I'm doing on video, but feedback from other people is even better.