Saber Forum

Information => Introductions => Topic started by: CruentoNox on May 17, 2018, 10:59:56 AM

Title: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: CruentoNox on May 17, 2018, 10:59:56 AM
Hello everyone!

Obviously I'm new to this forum. I live in western Switzerland. Therefore, my first language being french I will probably make a few mistakes when writting here so I humbly ask for your forgiveness in advance.
Though I was always intersted in swordsmanship I never really got to learn it until recently when I joined the local Saber Force Academy in Lausanne in January which allowed me to combine my interest for swordsmanship and Star Wars.

I tend to fight mostly with a single blade saber (though I have just started training alone on my spare time with a 2 meters stick -about 6 feet I believe- to see if I might want to attempt fighting with a double blade saber). My usual way of fighting so far is rather agressive while always keeping my emotions in check. I guess it would place me in the category of a Jedi with an attack-based style.

As for my lightsaber, I chose the Aeon V4 with silver colored hilt (yes I value simplicity in a hilt without to many elements to hurt myself with while wielding it) and a Sun Rider's Destiny 36" blade (which looks beautiful in my opinion). The overall saber is perfectly balanced (the gravity center being exactly where the hilt and blade join) and that feels great.

I'm happy to join this community and sense that I may soon end up with a collection of these sabers (I actually just gave in and bought myself a new one taking advantage of the 15% off: Dominix LE V4 with Arctic Blue blade)

May The Force be with you all!

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: Dauntless Seven on May 17, 2018, 11:08:25 AM
Hi and welcome to the Forum.  You will have to connect with our forum Master Seblaise.  Love your avatar and signature of Sam W.  As many know I am crushing on him big time... meaning that he makes my heart flutter.  You have leanings towards the dark side of the Force with your avatar but have light side sabers.  What forum appreciation points would you want to collect ?  These are just a way to show extra appreciation for some of your forum contributions.  :)

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: CruentoNox on May 17, 2018, 11:18:15 AM
Thank you. I chose my avatar/signature carefully. I am a huge fan of The Force Unleashed whichis a game a enjoyed very much. I also wanted the picture to represent Starkiller with light side sabers to show how I tend to fight agressively while keeping a peacefull and calm mind. This is why I aslo chose to quote a part of the Jedi Code in my signature. I consider myself as aware of the darkness within while always trying to stay above it.

As for forum appreciation points, I would say it should be left to each one of you to decide if I'm leaning more towards the dark or light side. I believe I have both in me. "Powerfull light, powerfull darkness" cannot exist without the other

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: Matt Nihilus on May 17, 2018, 11:19:40 AM
Hi and welcome to the forum neighbour! I'm from Germany. Enjoy your time here  ;).

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: Dauntless Seven on May 17, 2018, 11:24:12 AM
Nice response.  So Here's your first light side point... take that all you Sith and dark siders !  lol  :P

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: CruentoNox on May 17, 2018, 11:32:20 AM
@Dauntless Seven: Thank you for the points!

@Matt Nihilus: Danke vielmal Nachbar! Entschuldigung ich habe ein bisschen deutsch in schule gelernt aber ich kann nicht so gut sprachen

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: Dauntless Seven on May 17, 2018, 11:39:14 AM
You are welcome.  Since you also speak German you must connect with Racona Nova.  He is our forum expert on all saber electronics and programs.  :)

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: Master Seblaise on May 17, 2018, 11:43:26 AM
Bienvenu ;)

I am also a neighbor from North East of France (and obviously English is no my natural language too). You will see that people here are amazing and very nice with our approximative grammar  ;D

Feel free to explore this place using the searching tool and by asking for any questions you want ... There will be always someone to have an answer ;)

Et je te donne un point du coté lumineux en guise de bienvenue !!

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: Matt Nihilus on May 17, 2018, 11:49:29 AM
No problem, I wish I could speak french but I've never had it in school. Nice backstory btw, I guess we have something in common. I've always felt more Jedi as Sith. Thats why I bought a green Saber first, but hey, I want to look cool and want to use the dark side against people who annoy me. So I say, leave me alone with your codex , I don't care, I'm a grey Jedi and searching for balance  :D.
First dark side point from me!  ;D

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: CruentoNox on May 17, 2018, 12:02:20 PM
@Master Seblaise: Merci!
Hopefully my mistakes will be as rare as possible but it is nice to know people won't judge me too harshly on them. Thank you for the advice.
Merci pour le point!

@Matt Nihilus: No problem. As I said I don't speak german that well. I learned it in school (same as I learned english, italian and ancient greek) but I would say my english is a lot more developed. My take on the Jedi/Sith aspect would probably be almost the opposite. I feel the pull of the dark side but always manage to act on the light side while looking dark. Thank you for the point as well!

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: Lady Agana Kath on May 17, 2018, 01:25:48 PM
Welcome to the forum

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: GeddaTheHutt on May 17, 2018, 02:48:23 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum.

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: Dyllan-Ame on May 17, 2018, 03:51:58 PM
Hello!  I like the blade color choice for your 1st saber. Welcome to the forums and congrats on getting your saber collection started

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: Lord Raváge on May 18, 2018, 12:37:23 AM
Labintias sulig tave Jen' Garthaz iv SoCal, bustas iv tave Tsis!!! 8)
(Greetings from the Dark Side of SoCal, domicile of the Sith)

Ilsir geuj ne fanvake narys stai su zo plethora iv neyasli varsi ir uverei. Dary nenx dvejoti kia uzpra jok falykas j'us galez zinot ir kaiefas valia cali ax sorms j'us is tave status direction.
(There are so many helpful members here with a plethora of varied experience and opinions. Don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have and someone will answer or point you in the right direction.)

Zhelosa kia tu'iea kitok addiction! ;D
(Welcome to your new addiction!)

Galez j'us buti wo su Akuyi, ir galez zhol buti wo su j'us noj satyi j'us duobé!
(May you be one with the Force, and may it be one with you while serving you well!)

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: CruentoNox on May 18, 2018, 05:06:18 AM
@Lady Agana Kath: Thank you

@GeddaTheHutt: Thank you

@Dyllan-Ame: Thank you. The color looked lovely when I saw it on different videos and pics and I kind of wanted something a little more original than the typical Blue or Green. I actually already have a small saber collection (real sword) but it is indead the begining for lightsabers.

@Lord Raváge: Thank your for the welcome and advice

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: Malik Thanewulf on May 18, 2018, 06:25:06 AM
Hello and welcome to the forum. I have the Dominix LE V4 with a consular green blade. Love that saber. Glad to have you and i hope you enjoy your new addiction like the rest of us saber crazed fans.

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: CruentoNox on May 18, 2018, 11:10:08 AM
Thank you Malik Thanewulf!

I will soon (about May 23rd) own one of those sabers (except in Arctic Blue instead of Consular Green). I loved the Aeon so basically it's the same except for the hilt color.

Does going out after work everyday as weather allows to practice count as an addiction?  ;D

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: James Casey on May 18, 2018, 08:52:06 PM
Welcome to the forum :) I'm a big fan of silver hilts in general, and with a Sunrider's Destiny blade they're only going to look all the more gorgeous!

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: KennayGW on May 18, 2018, 09:37:07 PM
Welcome to the forum friend. May the force be with u. And hello from canada

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: Gar-Wi Musan on May 20, 2018, 05:35:15 PM
Welcome. :) Sounds like you have good taste in functional well balanced sabers.

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: CruentoNox on May 21, 2018, 06:48:50 AM
@James Casey: Thank you. Sun Rider's Destiny is indeed a gorgeous color!

@KennayGW: Thank you

@Gar-Wi Musan: Thank you. Yes I do. I guess that may be related to the Swiss culture...If it ain't functional we don't like it as much  ;)

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: Iofurr on July 27, 2018, 06:49:02 AM
Greetings and Welcome to the Galaxy!  Aeon v4 is a marvelous choice!

Title: Re: Greetings from Switzerland
Post by: CruentoNox on July 27, 2018, 01:54:46 PM
Thank you Iofurr. So far it really seems that Aeon V4 and it's darker version Dominix V4 are perfect for my combat style (though I think I might go for a Prophecy at some point).