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General Chat => Fan Fiction and Art => Topic started by: For Tyeth on October 03, 2018, 12:29:38 AM

Title: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: For Tyeth on October 03, 2018, 12:29:38 AM
Hello Everyone,

I have been introduced to a couple of the stories in this section and am slowly working my way through reading them (I'm slow as I like to absorb the images formed by the texts in my head fully!)
As a way of saying thanks I felt I should share the intro to my character's backstory. I am no writer by any means and I'm sure I'll have included some inaccurate stuff but I felt it was a start.
I haven't written a character description, I just get straight into the story. One final thing this is set in the third year of the Clone War.

Chapter One, Day One

It had been 2 Galactic Standard Hours since the emergency message was received and the Jedi Council's response was swift. By order of Master Windu, a small contingent of Jedi were to be inserted onto the planet of Bal'demnic to assist the native people repel the suspected Sith Lord and his troops. The urgency was driven by what the Sith were trying to obtain from the planet, Cortosis, a rare mineral that could have a dire effect on outcome of the war.
For Tyeth was one of those Jedi chosen to take part in the mission. He learned the ways of the Force and had worked his way through his training and passed his Trials without much drama. Most of the events he had been involved in were successful but he had a sense that this mission would be different. The fact that he was now travelling in the hold of a relief supply ship amongst the containers and barrels was indicative of the secrecy the mission required.
“Have you ever done a low level insertion Sir?” asked the load master of the ship, The Oberan.
“Once, but not from a freighter!” replied the Jedi Master.
“We have tried it before and the equipment seems to work. The capsule will slide out and the fins should stabilise you, then when you're below the Confederation sensor range the wings will deploy fully for you to glide to a landing.”
“I admire your confidence but did you have to use the word should in your explanation?” joked For half heartedly.
“Sorry Sir, didn't think that through very well,” LM75 paused then continued, “Do you want me to show you the rest of the equipment?”
Getting up from his position on the deck For responded, “Lead on and talk me through it.”
The two men made their way to the rear of the ship's hold and a small torpedo shaped object appeared behind the last container. It was approximately nine feet long and looked like a dismembered cockpit section with three fins and two cannister-like bulges along either side.
“As you can see Sir, at the tip of each fin is a variable stabiliser which will prevent you spinning and when you reach altitude in the atmosphere, the wings deploy from these pods on the side giving you full control. When you find a suitable area to land lower the forward skid and on touchdown release the air brakes here.”
“I see very simple, but just one small thing, where is the oxygen supply?”
LM75 glanced back at For and said “Weren't you told? You'll need your Jedi respirator to breathe, we had to make this as light as possible and get rid of anything we didn't need.”
“You may not need one but I do, luckily I have my respirator anyway,” For commented, retrieving a small device from his utility belt, “Anything else I should know?”
“Only that in orbit it will be cold then things will start to warm up pretty quickly as you commence re-entry,” replied the slightly chastened load master, “We should be at Bal'demnic in about another four hours so I'll finish loading your equipment Sir, maybe you would like to get some rest till then?”
“That is a good idea, I have to focus now for the mission. Thank you for your efforts LM75.” replied For as he turned and made his way back to his makeshift seating arrangement. Settling down For pulled his cloak around him and covered his head with the hood where he closed his eyes and began to drift into Force Meditation.

The planet was tropical in climate but was mainly ocean with several large landmasses and hundreds of smaller islands, reefs and rock outcrops. An ice cap adorned the northern pole. Large Hawk-bats with sail-plane like wings glided on the thermal currents and circled the tops of the mountains on the main islands. The disturbed air could be seen in the hazy mist that hung and the rain that fell, due to the moisture coming up off the water. As a result the vegetation on land was a very verdant green with some exhibiting very exotic flowers of varying shape and neon colour. Vines encircled most of the largest plants and in some places where the growth was thickest and tallest a canopy formed. For Tyeth had been on planets like this before but this particular one made him feel…
Then the peace was disturbed as the noise of drills and machinery pierced the jungle and as the fronds thinned out, For was able to see a clearing at the foot of a cliff face. Dozens of mining Droids,  and Confederation Troopers were digging a dark sparkling material from the earth. The Troopers seemed to take great care handling this substance and had full protective gear on. More of the material was being transported in carts from half a dozen tunnels. The material was easy to see as even though it was dark in colour it had a glowing, sparkling texture to it which stood out against the dark recesses it came from. Another high pitched sound caught the Jedi's attention as a Greystone Land Speeder glided out of one of the tunnels, carrying two passengers, and For sensed something about these occupants but couldn't visually make out who they were.
Whoever they were, the sense of foreboding did not need much explanation, Sith!
Then a voice could be heard...”Master Tyeth! Master Tyeth!”
With a start For snapped out of his meditation and realised it was LM75 again, “I thought I should warn you Sir, we're approaching the Auric sector and Bal'demnic shortly and need to prepare for your launch.”

On the planet's surface a group of soldiers were bunched waiting for the arrival of their visitor.
“So Master Ventor huh, do any of you know him?” asked the Trooper at the entrance of their foxhole.
“He's some sort of top Jedi from the Council I've heard.” replied the Trooper known as Skeet, cradling his DC-15A Blaster Rifle closely.
“Oh! All I need, another one of those creepy magic trick mind meddlers telling us, 'Trust the Force, the Force will guide us', well the Force ain't gonna help when we get near that Cortosis mine and those Droids!” replied another taller heavy set Trooper.
“Quit that talk Trooper 57, the Jedi have always been a great asset helping us.” ordered a fourth Trooper, Commander Kentu.
“Sorry Sir, just those Jedi still give me the Hoojibs, and they don't like to mix in with us much.”
“Well I've got good news and even better news for you 57, Masters Ventor and Sha Koon will be here any minute, and the better news? another Jedi, Master For Tyeth has been dispatched to assist the mission.” Kentu informed his men.
“Wait! You mean there are going to be THREE Jedi here?” shrieked 57.
“Shout it a bit louder, the Council on Coruscant didn't quite hear you! Have you got a problem with your hearing Trooper?” snapped Kentu.
“No Sir!”
“Then just shut up and accept it, we're gonna need their help.” he replied before being cut off by a stranger's voice.
“Indeed you will need our assistance Trooper 57, I have foreseen it!”
Standing in the doorway of the shelter was a tall, robed figure, directly behind the Trooper meant to be guarding it. The man had the robes of a Jedi and wore the basic tunic and trousers, finished with leather boots and utility belt. He had well defined features and short dark hair, just as a Jedi would be described as looking. However the similarities would end there, as his appearance was accompanied instead by a brusque attitude.
“May I introduce myself, I am Master Ventor, and had I been a Confederation Trooper you would all be dead and the mission over. Now Commander Kentu come with me I need to converse with you.”
Kentu stood and made his way to the doorway and ordered, “Make way Danton and cover the door when we've gone.”
“Yes Sir!, OK Sir!” Danton chirped back.
After a few moments when the Republic Troopers felt that Commander Kentu and the new arrival were far enough away, 57 commented, “Does anyone else have a bad feeling about this?”

Back aboard the Oberan, For was laid in the seat of his, well projectile, awaiting the signal to launch. The signal would be three flashes of light from the hold door control panel, then the airlock would disengage, the doors open, then himself and numerous other bits of space debris would hurtle out the back of the ship. For made a mental note to find out who came up with this method of leaving a perfectly functioning vessel and suggest some alternatives, if he survived this exit.
LM75 walked up and tapped on the canopy, “All set Sir? We're just requesting permission for the garbage dump.”
“I've had some unceremonious arrivals on a planet, but never have I arrived in the trash before!”
“They say there's a first time for everything Sir. Remember don't ignite the stabilisers until the trash starts to burn up that way you'll blend in and not raise suspicions below.”
“Affirmative. Well thank you again LM75 for all your support. You had better retreat behind the ray shield the signal must be soon. And may the Force be with you.” For replied.
“You're welcome Sir, it was a pleasure to serve. Get ready the lights blinked on. May the Force be with YOU!” shouted LM75 as the machinery rumbled into life ready to open the hatchway.
The noise grew louder as hinges started to whine, taking the weight of the hatch and the hissing of the atmosphere escaping the hold. For nodded an acknowledgement to LM75 as he fitted the mouthpiece of his respirator into place and the lights blinked a second time. He just had time to turn to face forward as the light illuminated a third time and everything became a blur as he and the projectile were jettisoned from the relative safety of the ship.

Outside a stream of containers of various sizes came tumbling out and surrounded the vessel carrying For, some getting a little too close. The edges of the crates could be seen glowing as they began to heat up when they hit the first layer of the planet's atmosphere. For's vessel was still spinning but so far avoided contact with anything, until a junked generator unit loomed up in front of the cockpit window. For quickly concentrated on the image of the projectile he was in begin to rotate. Using the Force, the ship did indeed slightly shift on it's axis and the generator slipped by between the vessel's fins without damage.
“That could have been a problem.” the Jedi said to himself.
Looking outside again he could see burning and decided he needed to ignite the stabilisers so he had “control” of the vessel. One by one they flicked into life and steadied the spinning, and smoothed out the trajectory, heading to the surface. For then realised what LM75 had meant by things will start to heat up. The temperature in the cockpit had risen and now he was looking through an orange tinted canopy, as the friction outside caused the atmosphere to burn and glow. Unfortunately now wasn't the time to admire the display and For nudged the control stick to point the vessel towards the northern hemisphere's outer islands. The clouds began to part and the glowing wind shield dimmed allowing the Jedi to see the planet surface for the first time. Although the planet appeared to be totally undeveloped and consisted of jungle and ocean, For had been warned that it was populated on the southern landmasses, and that the native inhabitants weren't particularly fond of humanoid visitors.
The Kon'me were a reptilian species more akin to the turtle creatures of Naboo, those famous for swimming alongside Bongo submersibles, in that although bipedal they also sported what appeared to be leathery shell-like growths on their backs. Kon'me also had short limbs compared to the size of their shell and their faces were lizard like. Membranes acted as eyelids and they had forked tongues. Their appearance and the fact Bal'demnic was situated at the crossroads of several Outer Rim Territory routes meant that they were more comfortable with non-human visitors. Not that they wouldn't interact with you, but you would have to earn their respect or have something they valued to be welcomed warmly. But first, For had to land his vehicle and meet his contact before meeting the natives. What had Master Yoda once said, oh yes, “Focused on the present your mind should be, worry not the future, be mindful of here and now!” Reaching down to a lever For deployed the wings and the craft began to slow even more and took on a shape not unlike the Hawk-bats that called this planet home.

On the pristine sand of the beach the female stranger peered into the sky and out of the mist saw what she had feared, a flight of Confederation Droid Tri-Fighters. The automated machines were homing in on something in the cloud base, a flock of Hawk-bats, thank the Force. But the relief was short lived as the young woman noticed one of the bats looked slightly different, slightly angular, larger, unnatural even. Then it dawned on her, that was no bat, but was the stealth glider she had been waiting for. And the Tri-Fighters were heading straight for it.
“Well! Nice to have some company, hello Hawk-bats!” For said out loud, mostly to himself, “So far, so g..”
Then that sense of foreboding flooded back into his consciousness. What was wrong? A screech of agony pierced the air as one of the bats exploded. Wait! Why would a bat just disintegrate? Suddenly a Tri-Fighter broke through the clouds on the far side of the flock it's turbo-lasers blazing.
“Oh no! They aren't supposed to patrol this far north!” the Jedi thought out loud.
For realised he had to take evasive action but was still over the water and only just had sufficient altitude and distance to glide to where he could land. Any change in course would prevent him reaching solid ground. Looking round For noticed a headland snaking into the ocean. If only he could reach that outcrop maybe he could, then another round of lasers eliminated the Hawk-bat nearest to him. The decision was made for him and he nudged the glider over toward the tree covered sliver of land. The Tri-Fighter also turned, trying to lock onto what it perceived to be the final bat of the flock. Closer it drew and just as the glider crossed the boundary of water and solid ground the Fighter fired a salvo. The bolts streaked past either side of the cockpit, but one clipped the vertical fin, breaking off the stabiliser. For felt the impact and unlatched the canopy as the next volley of shots rained in. At the last split second the Jedi pushed the glider into a roll, inverting it, just as there was a mighty metallic tearing explosion and a fireball.


Ok folks that's about it for now. I still have more to write (or do I?) so I'll end here and get to work on it. Thanks for taking time to have a look.

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: Lord_S_Gray on October 03, 2018, 06:54:33 AM
Great Start FT - have to admit I thought 'For Tyeth' meant like "In honour of Tyeth" or something not a first name....

Don't need a character description, your character lives through the story and I'd say you're a pretty good writer, basically write what you want to read and you can't go wrong i find!

You went straight into the insertion, set the situation quickly, described the planet very well and especially gave Tyeth an interesting start with the deep power of his mediation being able to see figures that accurately from orbit! Master Ventor was a bit of a scene stealer with his sudden and slightly sinister appearance...All solid stuff to get a reader interested!

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: For Tyeth on October 03, 2018, 07:31:03 AM
Hi Lord_S_Gray,

Thanks for the kind comments, I was apprehensive as the last time I submitted a story I was still at school! I am strong with my visions but I couldn't make out who the people in the speeder were I just sensed the Sith in it...I couldn't pick them out in a line up.

And my name? Well I've mentioned it before but a few years back I bought my first custom saber and got into the hobby/community seriously. It was a milestone birthday and I was a bit in denial about getting old...I was pacing around my apartment repeating "Fortieth....For...Tieth...For...Tieth" Then the last time I said it I had slowed down so much it sounded as For...Tyeth and I thought that sounds like a Star Wars name!

Thanks again and I'll post a bit more in a few days.

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: Karmack on October 03, 2018, 01:01:32 PM
Hey FT!  This is well begun!  I am intrigued.  Don't worry about skill, you're doing fine!  The narrative is clean and well paced, and I love the details, like the description of Kon'me was great, but I think my favorite touch was Trooper 57.  Whom I will henceforth refer to as "Heinz".  ;-)   Like him, I do indeed have a bad feeling about this...

And the question: Is the mysterious woman friend?  Or foe? 

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: TheDutchman on October 03, 2018, 03:49:47 PM
Welcome FT!

A very enjoyable beginning!  I have to say: I love the idea of a clandestine orbital insertion/splashdown like the one that you came up with!  Better still: disguised as trash  :D

You've got a good flow with your narrative, very good descriptions, recognizable ties with SW continuity and a great hook!  Better still: you've left us wanting more with an exciting cliffhanger!

Both LSG and Karm are spot on with their comments.  I would also remind you: the more you write, the more comfortable you'll feel with your writing  :)  Seriously, you've already overcome the biggest hurdle: a solid beginning.  Now: just continue through the narrative to a rewarding ending! 

And, I know that I can speak for us all here, you'll find nothing but support and an invested audience sharing our mutual love for SW  ;D

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: For Tyeth on October 03, 2018, 04:31:40 PM
Hi Karmack and TheDutchman,

Thanks guys! I'm glad you enjoyed the intro.
Regarding my entrance /insertion I figured there would be a blockade around the planet and any ships that come and go would be searched so I had to slip out before landing. (I still haven't found the guy who came up with that technique yet ;D)

I'm loving the name "Heinz" but I'm not sure they have baked beans in space, they could result in uncomfortable travelling conditions - if you know what I mean.
And the cliff-hanger? I learnt that from watching Saturday morning matinee shows and 1960's Batman...

Again thanks for the encouragement and I hope to continue as strong as I seem to have started.

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: Golden Fedora on October 05, 2018, 08:00:21 PM
Hey FT, I know I've already said this but I want to say it again. I really like your story and I think that it has a lot of potential, and I am really looking forward to see where this goes.

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: For Tyeth on October 05, 2018, 08:03:24 PM
Hi Golden Fedora,

When I get back on my computer tomorrow I will post a few pages more (I'm not currently at home). Thanks for the interest.

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: Golden Fedora on October 05, 2018, 08:08:44 PM
looking forward to it!

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: For Tyeth on October 07, 2018, 01:13:56 AM
Hi Everyone, here's the next few pages I have.

The stranger on the sands below saw all of this but could only watch on as debris began to fall from the sky. The pieces left trails of smoke behind like streamers in a downward spiral. Suddenly the woman flinched and realised she had to get to the crash site. Vital data may have been in the glider to assist in the mission and had to be retrieved. The act of remembering a fallen Jedi would have to wait until after the mission. That is if anybody survived the mission. With that thought, she adjusted her goggles and mask then ran with inhuman speed into the shadows of the jungle canopy. The Tri-Fighters turned and flew back south and out of sight.

The Confederation Security Officer strode to the door of the Operations Centre and waited to be summoned.
“Enter!” came the barked order.
The officer entered and there in front of him lay the control room for the whole mining operation, with a holographic map table dominating the centre of the room. Around the walls hung banks of screens and displays showing temperatures and weather patterns, drilling depths, graphs, charts, whilst others had images of the mine itself and the seams of the mineral being extracted.
“Well what have you to report?” snapped his superior.
“Er, The Droid Fighters were sent to scan the landing area for the requested garbage dump and found a flock of Hawk-bats circling, probably thinking there may be an easy meal for them. We dealt with them easily enough. Everything else checked out Sir!”
“You dealt with the Hawk-bats eh? WELL DON'T WASTE VALUABLE RESOURCES SHOOTING DOWN THE WILDLIFE! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR! We don't want to upset the natives if we shoot a family pet by accident, they are tiresome at the best of times, understood?”  snarled the commanding officer, “Now leave!”
“Yes Sir!” came the reply as the Trooper was already turning on his heels to leave.
Once out of the chamber the Commanding Officer turned to a robed figure stood looking out of the shielded windows. Only this figure was wearing a black set of robes which had some form of heraldic trim decorating it's edges. Fastening the robes closed was an elaborate brooch plate. Under the hood was a sallow, grey face with silvery, receding hair. Below the face's distinctive hawkish nose, a thin cruel looking mouth cracked open, “I do hope that all is going to plan, for your sake Larsh”
“Why, yes my Lord all is proceeding as you wished, just some trigger happy drone pilot shooting some Hawk-bats. It won't happen again.” came the slightly shaky reply.
“Make sure it doesn't. Nothing can be allowed to interfere with our goal. Do I make myself clear?”
Larsh Hill felt the air turn cold as the cloaked figure rasped his instructions, and knew the consequences if he were to fail to fulfil them, “Of course my Lord I will see that he is removed from duties straight away, may I be permitted to..”
The robed figure just raised his hand and gestured that Larsh should leave, and Larsh Hill didn't require two invitations to get out of there. He quickly turned and followed his Security Officer out of the chamber.
'Just some Hawk-bats? Hmmm.' The robed figure's eyes narrowed in quiet thought.

Back in the jungle Master Ventor began his briefing for Commander Kentu, “Are your men always so lax when in the field?”
“No Master Ventor, they are just slightly jumpy being out here in such a small group. We usually travel a bit heavier if you know what I mean.” Kentu replied.
“They had better buck up their ideas if they want to serve under me.” Ventor said, “Masters Tyeth and Sha Koon will be here this evening for the final briefing before the fleet arrives. We have to ensure there is enough confusion to allow them to approach relatively untroubled.”
“Don't worry my men will be ready but do Masters Tyeth and Koon know what this jungle is like at night?” enquired Kentu, slightly worried by Ventor's lack of concern for the two Jedi.
“They will be able to take care of themselves, you don't need to worry about them hanging around slowing things down.” Ventor had sensed Kentu's unease and tried to calm the Trooper's fears but failed, “Let's get down to details and they'll be here before you know.”

Also in the jungle the robed female was making her way to where the debris appeared to fall. The vines and plants were tougher to navigate than she had anticipated but eventually reached a piece of debris. It appeared that there may be other larger sections so that meant datapads with info stored on them may have survived as well. Following the line of damage to the trees, she carried on until reaching an area that was scorched and had larger chunks of charred bodywork. Her senses detected something above her. Out of the darkness another figure dropped out of the foliage to the floor. Instinctively the female reached for her belt and retrieved a metallic cylinder approximately 30cm long and just over 3cm in diameter. Upon pressing the button three quarters of the way up the shaft the device produced a 1m long, ultra bright, lime green beam of light accompanied by a low rhythmic hum.
“What are you?” demanded the young female.
A croaky voice responded, “A Jedi like I assume you are, Master Koon?”
“Jedi?..Master Tyeth? Can it be you?” asked the woman.
“Yes and put your Lightsaber away, you don't need it... I think I just got here.” For answered untangling himself from some vines.
“But I saw you disintegrated when your glider was hit by the Droid Fighter!”
“You thought you saw me perish but just at the last moment I Force jumped out of the cockpit as the glider was upside down, I must have been knocked unconscious by the blast wave as I don't remember much after that. Except you waking me up just now.”
“Well Master Tyeth I am Sha Koon, your contact for this mission. Thank the Force that these trees broke your fall.” Sha Koon introduced herself as she extinguished her Lightsaber. She could see that For was shaken and said “We should wait a few minutes for your senses to clear.”
For could see that Sha Koon was about 1.75m tall and wore Jedi garb which had a sandy, tan colour to it. The outfit also seemed to have the scent of the desert, producing a dry, coarse sensation in the nose. Sha Koon still hadn't removed her hood but when she did it revealed a face mask that covered her nose and mouth. She also appeared to be wearing goggles of some kind. Strangely the mask and goggles appeared to be implanted or part of her being. They were surrounded by a forehead that had several ridges and two tendrils hung from either side of her head and followed the jawline. These tendrils extended through the mask and ended in what looked like two single spines which gave the mask it's moulded-in appearance. Sha did not have any hair on her head and her skin was a light reddish brown colour that confirmed For's suspicion of who she was.
“So you are the niece of Master Plo Koon then?”
“Yes I am, did you not know that?” Sha asked.
“I suspected so but was taught never to assume anything. May I say I'm pleased to meet you.”
“And I'm glad to meet you after your unusual arrival! Can I ask, have you met Master Ventor?”
For sat up straight and stretched out his arms to relieve the aches he had as he replied, “Halagad and I have crossed paths, at the Academy.”
“You were at the Jedi Academy also? I didn't see you there and I trained on Coruscant.”
For realised the misunderstanding and explained, “No, I meant the Almas Academy, before Halagad travelled to Coruscant to help teach. We both “graduated” from Almas. I remained for a while but Halagad had a few disagreements and people found him opinionated and hard to work with so he left to train younglings on Coruscant.”
“Oh and you stayed on Almas to teach?” Sha asked.
“I stayed as there was an abandoned Sith Fortress on the planet, and the Jedi Council wished for someone to guard and observe it. After a while a few of the students progressed far enough to be given the job and I travelled around doing quiet little jobs for the Council, like this one.”
“You call this a 'quiet little job'?” Sha enquired, her voice rising slightly through the breathing mask, “After that entrance?”
For replied, “Good point, it was a bumpy start but I feel better now. I feel we should proceed as time is against us.”
The two agreed and set off with their equipment to rendez-vous with the rest of the team.

Larsh Hill made his way to the dock on the southern side of the main landmass to monitor proceedings and hopefully obtain some good news to pass onto his “business partner”, or as he was beginning to feel his “puppet Master”. This had supposed to have been an equal venture but was turning out to be anything but. Admittedly Lord Sidious, as he addressed himself, had provided a suitable workforce of Droids and machinery to mine the Cortosis, but now seemed to give the impression that Larsh was no longer needed. Larsh had done the hard work negotiating with the native upper-class Kon'me inhabitants to get the mining rights and permissions, but now the mine was operational…
He shuddered at the thoughts that sprung to mind, fortunately he arrived at the dock to see a large floating freighter. 'Good..' he thought 'the ship is beginning to be loaded.'
Then he saw something that didn't quite sit right with him. A group of Droids were disembarking from the freighter and they had a glistening sheen on their protective plates unlike the first batches sent out to the mines. A second look also made it clear something was indeed different, why didn't these Droids have mining attachments? 'Wait, these are ARMED!'  he realised.
Larsh hurried to the officer overseeing the proceedings and enquired, “What is the situation with these Droids?”
“These are the Droids you ordered for securing the planet Sir, may I say they were a good choice, very advanced and better than anything the natives can handle!” replied the official.
“YES, they were a good choice Captain, thank you. Is the Cortosis quota nearly complete?”
The Captain checked some notes on his display pad, “We're close Sir but you can never have too much Cortosis can you?”
Larsh, feeling more uncomfortable by the second replied, “No I suppose not, well I'll let you continue with your work...thank you.” Turning round to look at the scene before him, Larsh thought, “I didn't order any security Droids, the Kon'me agreed to let us mine here. So who do we need protection from?  Have these Droids been used already? Wait! The Captain said the natives couldn't handle them, so does that mean we have been attacked by the Kon'me and Sidious never told me? Has he ordered these Droids to retaliate? I need to speak with him."
Although not overjoyed by the thought of having to confront his business partner, Larsh realised he must and turned around and headed back to the control centre pondering how he should best approach the matter.

Halagad Ventor was addressing the Troopers again, filling in the details of the mission, “We need to cause confusion so the Confederation forces don't see our Star Destroyers, Redeemer and Resolute approaching. Then our forces can take out the Droid Tri-Fighters in their ARC-170 fighters, leaving the way clear for the Gunships to drop troops in to deal with the mines.”
57, never short of something to say jumped in, “But Sir, what is so damn special about this mine? I mean we've closed other Confederation facilities before. Why all the Jedi interest?”
“This mine could divert the course of the war Trooper. We have knowledge of and experienced Cortosis before but we didn't worry as it was only a small quantity, and many millennia ago. But this source is by all accounts vast, and if the Sith do control it, they will use it against the Jedi Order. You do know what Cortosis is capable of, don't you?”
“I heard they can mess up your fancy little laser-swords you Jedi keep showing off. It doesn't affect my blaster, so I'm OK!”
“Partially correct, our Lightsabers can be temporarily affected by Cortosis but have you noticed that it takes more direct hits to stop Battle-Droids? That's because some are being built with Cortosis Weave which can deflect your blaster bolts so I shouldn't start feeling superior.” replied Ventor on the defensive.
“But we can stop them.” added Skeet.
“At the moment, as the amount of Cortosis used is small, but if larger quantities are available, then the Sith will use more in the Droids' produced.”
“And how do we know the Sith are involved?” Danton enquired.
“The Banking Clan claim not to have any interests in this sector, however the fact that Larsh Hill from the Clan has been spotted on the planet with an unknown associate is, unsettling, so the Council have decided to investigate and stop production.”
After a moment or two Commander Kentu had a question of his own, “So the Jedi believe this associate to be Sith, on what grounds?”
“Larsh Hill is from the planet Muunilinst, and if any of you know recent history, the last known Sith Lord was also a Muun, too much of a coincidence we believe. And besides who else would have interest in a mineral with such limited uses, and high dangers to extract it?”
“I suppose,” answered 57 even though Kentu was about to, “so what do you want me to do?”
“Masters Tyeth and Sha Koon will be here soon, I hope, they will give each of you your assignments.” Ventor announced then under his breath, “If they ever get here.”


I'll post more in a few days.

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: TheDutchman on October 07, 2018, 12:49:20 PM
Wonderful FT!  Glad to see your second installment.  Already I'm sensing that Ventor is going to be a hero antagonist, jamming up For and generally at odds with him.  I like the nods to continuity: Sha being Plo's niece (already like her), Sidious' appearance, and the reference to Plagueis.  Great job!

Keep it up FT!

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: For Tyeth on October 07, 2018, 04:45:13 PM
Hi TheDutchman,

Thanks and I'm glad you are enjoying it so far. I did quite a bit or research to try and find a tale that I could weave my character into and make it plausible. The great stories that arose from the EU/Legends allows me to do that.

Again, I'll post a few pages in a couple of day's time.

point inbound

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: Lord_S_Gray on October 08, 2018, 01:33:00 AM
I agree with Dutch very good integration, Larsh is developing well too as a slightly slimy antagonist who knows he's caught in a greater game, but whose own ambitions keeps him playing despite himself.  Will be interesting to see how his character arc plays out...and when and how they all come together....

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: Karmack on October 08, 2018, 03:50:03 PM
Agreed, one of the challenges of writing this style is weaving our stories around continuity and canon.  Each other as much as true canon, sometimes!  :-)

A cortisis mine...    That would be a serious threat.  I'm not sure the logic of it being Sith-controlled that is shared is truly valid, but its very easy to believe that the true reasons are being suppressed or simply withheld at this point.

Larsh's companion (Sidious?) is not, I think, convinced that the droid fighters were just swatting hawk-bats...  I'm sure that will come back into play later.  :-)   And I agree with Dutchman - Ventor is on course to butt heads with Tyeth.  Violently....

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: Golden Fedora on October 08, 2018, 07:34:38 PM
Ventor is on course to butt heads with Tyeth.  Violently....

this will be... entertaining. Keep up the good work Tyeth.

one thing, If I may; if I recall correctly, the Jedi never learned about Plagueis, so how would Ventor know about him?

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: For Tyeth on October 08, 2018, 08:19:37 PM
Hi Karmack and Golden Fedora,

Hi guys, to address the Sith "partly" owning a mine isn't very plausible. As far as the galaxy knows the deals were made by Larsh Hill but who's to say that this status quo will continue? ;)

To Golden Fedora, I think Ventor was just "bending the truth" slightly about the possible identity of the shadowy figure to get the troops worked up. Commander Kentu was about to say something in response to the claims but was cut off by 57 who jumped at the "knowledge" and wanted to know what he had to do.

EDIT: A slight problem has just appeared having checked a few reference pages. I wrote these first passages around two years ago and when I looked up Banking Clans and the like there was no mention that Larsh Hill died in 55 BBY. I set this story in 22 BBY so I have a bit of a hitch. It seems the story moved without my knowledge. I guess I could re-write the character as somebody else.

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: Karmack on October 08, 2018, 08:55:24 PM
Um...   Larsh Hill Junior...  :-)
Or he could be using his Identity....

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: For Tyeth on October 08, 2018, 09:04:20 PM
Um...   Larsh Hill Junior...  :-)
Or he could be using his Identity....

Hi Karmack, thanks that could be a retconn I can use. It seems Larsh had a son named San Hill so it shouldn't take much to slot San in instead f his father. And it would be another one of those recurring themes seen in SW.

Why did the Maladians have to decapitate Larsh without me knowing? Ho hum!
I'll have to come up with some other slimy substitute character.

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: Lord_S_Gray on October 08, 2018, 09:36:05 PM
Why did the Maladians have to decapitate Larsh without me knowing? Ho hum!
I'll have to come up with some other slimy substitute character.

I wouldn't worry too much, just do your thing they way you planned - no one here is going to get too worried about it I think considering what we do to canon...Or as Karm suggested given Larsh's background it would not be illogical for another member of the Banking clan to be named after the first one, or it might be a family name or something.

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: For Tyeth on October 08, 2018, 09:41:56 PM
Or as Karm suggested given Larsh's background it would not be illogical for another member of the Banking clan to be named after the first one, or it might be a family name or something.

Oh I have "discovered" that Larsh did have a son,, named San Hill but he was killed by Anakin on Mustafar! Soo that might be a bit tricky too!

There was also another character named San Hill, who was a human but there is confusion if this human is meant to be the Muun San Hill (the human appeared in computer game Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption)

I'll just come up with a new character name.

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: Golden Fedora on October 09, 2018, 08:19:17 PM
I find these to be quite helpful with that. (

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: Karmack on October 09, 2018, 08:24:14 PM
Oh, I like this!  Point!

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: For Tyeth on October 09, 2018, 08:36:02 PM
I find these to be quite helpful with that.

[url][/url] ([url][/url])

Hi Golden Fedora, yeah thanks for the link. I may use that, I just have to go through the rest of the story and check I haven't any more hiccups in my narrative before I post any more!

point incoming

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: Golden Fedora on October 09, 2018, 10:45:37 PM
Thanks for the points Karm and Tyeth, I have some for ya'll as well.

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: For Tyeth on October 12, 2018, 12:26:15 AM
Hi All,

After a little hiccup, I have renamed Larsh Hill using a name I had and a name from a SW Name Generator (Thanks Golden Fedora for the link - I'll drop you another point)

From henceforth Larsh will now be known as ULLA DRIET (oops, I sounded like a Sith Lord naming my apprentice just then ;D). Anyhoo with that out of the way here are another couple of pages....

“How much do you want for the skiff?” For asked the Kon'me fisherman.
“Bach!” he replied pointing to the object at For's waist.
“Noo, I told you I cannot give you my Lightsaber!”
“Bach! Bach!” the Kon'me repeated.
Sha Koon interrupted, “Having problems, For?”
“We're not having problems, it's called Negotiating I believe.” For quipped.
“Could I speak with you in private a moment?” Sha urged, “Let me have a word with him.”
For stood aside and motioned to Sha to take over.
“Now Taaki, you don't want a Lightsaber, you want Republic Credits for your skiff.” Sha said in a strange tone and with a slight movement of her hand.
“NAH! BACH!” responded the slightly frustrated native.
“No, you don't want the Lightsaber, you want Credits, YES?” Sha insisted with a stronger gesture this time.
“NAH! NAH! NAH!” Taaki shouted, “Nah Lightsaber, Nah skeef!”
For realised they were getting nowhere like this and decided he had to act.
“Look Taaki the Lightsaber won't work for you only me, here try for yourself!” For unhooked his Lightsaber and held it out to the fisherman, “Press that blue button there.”
Sha couldn't believe what she was seeing as For surrendered his weapon.
As Taaki went to press the activation button For concentrated on Plasma flowing then stopping inside the cylindrical device.
FFFFfffttt…. The Lightsaber failed to ignite.
Annoyed Taaki tried again, once more For focused on the flow of Plasma.
FFFFfffttt…. The Lightsaber did nothing which angered Taaki who threw the 'useless' object to the ground.
“I'm afraid I did warn you, wouldn't you prefer some Credits which you can use instead?” For enquired as sincerely as he could.
Taaki considered a moment then quickly nodding his approval, “Ohkay, kredeets” he said in broken Galactic Standard Language.
“There you go much better, now lets make the exchange, oh Sha could you prepare the skiff so we can leave while I count out the money? Thank you!”
“Wha..!” Sha was about to say but stopped as For bent down and picked up the discarded Lightsaber, wiped it down, hooked it back on his belt, then followed Taaki into his cave dwelling.
Ten minutes later For and Sha Koon had acquired the skiff and were cruising at speed around the island heading to the mainland and the rest of the team, but Sha had some questions for her companion.
“May I ask you some questions?”
“Of course, what would you like to talk about?” For replied, though he suspected he already knew.
“What's wrong with your Lightsaber?”
He was correct.
“Nothing is wrong with it, try it for yourself.” For turned and handed her his weapon.
Sha took the hilt and depressed the blue button as Taaki had done and immediately a 1m long, blue blade of light appeared, similar to hers except blue, “But it didn't..”
“Work?” For interrupted, “I know.”
“But how is it working now?”
For took a breath and said, “You are wise like your uncle and I sense you will be a remembered as one of the great Jedi, but don't think the Academy teaches you everything you need to know to survive,” he paused, “I also sense you'd like to know the secret hmm?”
Sha, not sure if that had been a back-handed compliment replied, “If I may.”
“It was a parlour trick, it was operational all the time, I just used the Force to sense when Taaki was going to press the button and I then used the Force to switch the saber off at exactly the same moment!”
Puzzled Sha then asked, “If it was that simple, then why don't Jedi and Sith just switch each other's weapons off when dueling?”
“A Lightsaber is a mechanical device and we Jedi utilise the Force to control it's use. We use the Force, the Force helps control the Lightsaber and blade. The Sith do the same, so we both concentrate on using our own weapon safely. Finally because the Force surrounds and penetrates the Lightsaber through it's owner, any effort to disrupt it would have to be huge and distracting in a battle. So I was able to, and had to stop Taaki because...”
For waited for Sha to finish the explanation herself.
“Because Taaki isn't a Force user and could have injured or killed himself!” Sha replied with a sense of realisation, “OK, that was clever! I'll give you that!”
“Why thank you.”
With that the conversation ended, Sha extinguished and returned For's Lightsaber and within 30 minutes the skiff approached the mainland.

As the skiff carrying the two Jedi approached the shore, three more similar vehicles arrived at the beach they had just vacated. Unfortunately these skiffs were carrying Confederation Troopers, armed with Blaster Rifles which contrasted against the shining white armour they wore. The skiffs came to rest on the sands and were immediately vacated by the troops. They spread out, weapons drawn and began searching each of the caves facing the waterline.
A voice crackled in the helmet of the leader, “Nothing in the first two caves Sir, is the droid working properly?”
“Received CT21, I'll call the Droid up for confirmation, await instruction.”
The leader raised his arm and adjusted a control on his wristband and seconds later an unworldly, pulsating hum could be heard. Another second passed and a set of antennae could be seen rising up from behind the tree line at the far end of the beach. These aerials were mounted on a metallic drum shaped body, 1m in diameter, covered with lenses, sensors and a yellow light. Attached to the base of the drum were several spindly, jointed legs however they didn't support the machine. It seemed to hover on an anti-gravity cushion emitted from a dome between them fixed to the drum's base. It glided above the sand and came to a halt in front of the commanding officer and emitted a series of electronic beeps and whistles.
“CT21 check the fifth cave along there should be three of them in there!”
“Roger, fifth cave.” replied the Trooper.
CT21 and three of his comrades approached, guns at the ready, the mouth of the cave. Igniting their helmet lights they entered he cave. After a few minutes shouting and some unintelligible noises were heard before, “We're coming out, we have all three targets.”
“Affirmative CT21.”
Then Taaki followed by two more figures, exited the cave at gunpoint. One of the figures appeared to be a female of the species, the other a child. The group walked to the commander and stopped.
“You, are there any more of you here?”
“Nah!” replied Taaki.
“I know your species can communicate in our language so talk, are there any other people here?” the commander demanded.
“Noh! Noh one heerr, jusst my famle.” answered the Kon'me as best he could.
“Have you had some visitors by any chance?”
“Visiterrs?” Taaki repeated.
“Don't play games with me, you know there are strangers around here, the Droid detected them but must have left – tell me about them!”
“We know noh visiterrs! We 'lone!”
The commander was beginning to get angry, “I don't believe you, maybe my superior can get some truth out of you at the mines.”
“Plese don't taake us to mienz, heerr taake kredeets, yess?” Taaki suggested taking the rectangular coins out of a pouch in his skin.
“Money huh? Where would a slug like you get Republic Credits from? CT21 put them in the skiffs, one in each boat so they don't try anything stupid,” then turning to Taaki and knocking the coins out of his hand, “These are no good to me, so now you can answer to my masters who aren't so forgiving!”
The female and child screamed out simultaneously, “Naaaah!”
Taaki, in shock looked down at the credits.
The commander just barked, “Take them away!”
With that the three Kon'me were herded onto the skiffs, to be taken to the mines.

Chapter 2 coming soon.

Title: Re: For Tyeth - Jedi Survivor
Post by: Lord_S_Gray on October 12, 2018, 01:35:15 AM
A little glimpse into who the war hurts most, just a simple fisherman who was in the wrong place at the wrong time...and the Jedi have just moved on and most likely poor Taaki will never be heard of again, vanishing into the mines.  Sad but all too accurate.