Saber Forum

Way of the Saber => Saber Artistry => Topic started by: Lady Revan on November 20, 2018, 03:36:13 AM

Title: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Lady Revan on November 20, 2018, 03:36:13 AM
So I was encouraged to post something... and these are the only videos I have at the moment  :'(  :P  ::)

I was practicing with some of the members from my local temple at the park and wanted to show the Master I had been working on learning the last of the CMs (choreographed movements) posted on the craft site at the time. What I found out was that the posted video was incomplete, so me and one of the other members learned the full choreography together. Please keep in mind that this is both of our first times attempting this CM, so we are both rather shaky (plus I stepped in an ant hill before filming and my feet were covered in ant bites >.<). This particular CM is unique because Person A is only dodging and Person B is the aggressor. Choreography is the creation of Master Echo at SaberCraft.

Me as A
! No longer available (

Me as B
! No longer available (

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Lady Revan on November 20, 2018, 05:16:47 AM
"Part 2" Featuring My "Savior."

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Jaymes1980 on November 20, 2018, 07:45:13 AM
😀 I loved it, the dodging was cool my favorite was the disarm lol so unexpected it looked fantastic!!

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Lady Revan on November 20, 2018, 07:49:41 AM
😀 I loved it, the dodging was cool my favorite was the disarm lol so unexpected it looked fantastic!!
My personal favorite part is the “taunt” that the person dodging is supposed to insert. It gives a lot of opportunity for unique style.

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Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Master Elwood Graestar on November 20, 2018, 09:35:18 AM
Nice!😄 keep the vids coming!
I haven’t done much with saber vs open hand- that sounds like a fun avenue to work with!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: CruentoNox on November 20, 2018, 10:10:05 AM
Nice video! Point for sharing!

Obviously there's a size difference between the two opponents here but I just feel like you are a little too high to be realistic when attacking horizontally. It's really not bad, just my own observation.
Anyway keep it up  :D

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: tx_tuff on November 20, 2018, 11:48:12 AM
Pretty good for the first time doing it together, plus I'm sure y'all got better the more times you did it.

Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Infinit01 on November 20, 2018, 11:49:31 AM
I'm pretty sure from a distance and with someone looking in, it looks like the person wielding the saber is trying to beat the other with it, lol.  Good stuff

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Master Resolute on November 20, 2018, 01:26:33 PM
This is awesome. I hope you keep training with the group. You’ll be coming up with a fight scene in no time!

Any excuse to train I always say!

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Lady Revan on November 20, 2018, 01:33:17 PM
Nice video! Point for sharing!

Obviously there's a size difference between the two opponents here but I just feel like you are a little too high to be realistic when attacking horizontally. It's really not bad, just my own observation.
Anyway keep it up  :D

Yeah, I’ve never worked with this partner before and didn’t know what to expect in terms of his dick dodges duck dodges (autocorrect’s change was too good not to keep XD almost as good as Sith Florida)’ so I wanted to aim high enough there was no chance of hitting while we were learning. That being said, watching the video, im glad I went as low as I did, because that was a very low “10 complete” when I was backing up.

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Lady Revan on November 20, 2018, 01:41:03 PM
I'm pretty sure from a distance and with someone looking in, it looks like the person wielding the saber is trying to beat the other with it, lol.  Good stuff

With distance and speed. Ideally, when you’ve worked with a partner a little longer, you know their anatomy well enough that you can aim without hitting, so you can get stuff closer up. I know as a general rule I have to “aim high” in my stuff that’s supposed to go over the head, just because I’m so short, but how high is difficult to judge working with someone new. Guy in the green you see in the background is one of my regular partners, but I was working a choreography I didn’t know at the time. :(

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: imgumby001dammit on November 20, 2018, 01:42:42 PM
Looks like fun! I agree with Master Res, you’ll be up to a fight scene in no time.

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: scifidude79 on November 20, 2018, 01:42:55 PM
Remember the 5 D's:



Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: CruentoNox on November 20, 2018, 01:43:14 PM
Yeah, I’ve never worked with this partner before and didn’t know what to expect in terms of his dick dodges duck dodges (autocorrect’s change was too good not to keep XD almost as good as Sith Florida)’ so I wanted to aim high enough there was no chance of hitting while we were learning. That being said, watching the video, im glad I went as low as I did, because that was a very low “10 complete” when I was backing up.

When practicing with a new partner it's always better to work in the safest way possible. I get that. No worries. It was a simple comment in case you wanted it more realistic.
That autocorrect was funny indeed  ;D

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Lady Revan on November 20, 2018, 01:47:24 PM
This is awesome. I hope you keep training with the group. You’ll be coming up with a fight scene in no time!

Any excuse to train I always say!

Thanks! I actually had an idea of chaining this with the end of Luke VS Vader VI (where Vader loses his hand, but in this case it would just be loses the saber) with the “Luke” and then the "F" aggressor dual wielding until the “Vader” disarms one hand at the end of this choreography and then continuing with one-handed work. Only issue is that I need someone to do it with, and we would need to practice quite a bit together on the dodging section, since that can’t be practiced much on its own... Maybe if there's free time next class or if anyone can meet Thanksgiving weekend.

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Infinit01 on November 20, 2018, 01:47:49 PM
If you can dodge a wrench....


Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Lady Revan on November 20, 2018, 01:50:54 PM
When practicing with a new partner it's always better to work in the safest way possible. I get that. No worries. It was a simple comment in case you wanted it more realistic.
That autocorrect was funny indeed  ;D

No worries, there was no offense taken lol. Safety first 👷🏻‍♀️

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Lady Revan on November 20, 2018, 01:59:34 PM
If you can dodge a wrench....


Ooof! That’s gotta hurt!

On that note, we do have one member who is known for experimenting with unconventional weapons (he was practicing bracers last meet and a stand in for a saber scythe he’s building). He’s the one who agreed to train me in dual sabers. He prefers shorter blades than me though, but I don’t understand how they’re so heavy. He had me try his out his sabers last class while he was working with the scythe and somehow his shortest shoto (usually his left) was heavier than my Savior with heavy grade (his first comment picking up my sabers was on how “light” they were, but I already know they’re much heavier than a lot of members who have let me hold theirs XD). That being said, he’s also left-handed, so this would have been the one for his dominant hand.

I’ll have to send him the gif. Maybe he’ll get ideas XD

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Infinit01 on November 20, 2018, 02:01:25 PM
Buahahahahahaha. Please do share it to him. Maybe his hilt is not only from the other guy but he also has a heavy grade blade in it. Those suckers are heavy despite the length

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Lady Revan on November 20, 2018, 02:08:33 PM
Buahahahahahaha. Please do share it to him. Maybe his hilt is not only from the other guy but he also has a heavy grade blade in it. Those suckers are heavy despite the length

So I’ve noticed! I’m almost wondering if he somehow weights the blade though because of where the balance sat. I’m not a fan of front heavy myself (even though it makes switching between back handed and forward easier). After all, “real” lightsaber blades are weightless. :P hilt was definitely from the other guy. I will say though that I like the Celtic knot designs he etched into it.

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: For Tyeth on November 20, 2018, 02:29:00 PM
Maybe his hilt is not only from the other guy but he also has a heavy grade blade in it. Those suckers are heavy despite the length

There is one advantage of those "other guys"'s heavy blades...and that is you wouldn't want to take too many hits from one. I speak from experience, you soon tighten up your technique when using one! I've taken a few sparring hits and spinning mishaps including shots to the  :-X   :'(

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Infinit01 on November 20, 2018, 02:33:23 PM
There is one advantage of those "other guys"'s heavy blades...and that is you wouldn't want to take too many hits from one. I speak from experience, you soon tighten up your technique when using one! I've taken a few sparring hits and spinning mishaps including shots to the  :-X   :'(

I know the feeling all too well, Tyeth. I smacked my shins, back, thigh, head and back quite a bit from one of their blades during spinning... I said just about every curse word in the alphabet.

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: For Tyeth on November 20, 2018, 02:41:10 PM
I know the feeling all too well, Tyeth. I smacked my shins, back, thigh, head and back quite a bit from one of their blades during spinning... I said just about every curse word in the alphabet.

Thankfully you aren't using one for your throwing technique videos!
One of the other drawbacks with the Heavy blade from the "Other Guys" is you develop forearms like Popeye! So you have to make sure you balance out and work on your non dominant hand to develop the muscles in that arm too!

point sent.

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Lady Revan on November 20, 2018, 02:41:57 PM
Oh gosh! That sounds painful! I've been lucky enough to only ever accidentally hit myself on the back of my arm with the pommel a few times. I did trip and land pretty hard on my knee once though when I was working with my boyfriend and he parried my saber the wrong direction while I was going in with a charge (he parried so the saber would have gone inward and hit him full on instead of brushing it further to the side I was aiming at). It knocked me off balance and I fell on my knee attempting to avoid hitting him straight one. In retrospect, I should have just stabbed him :P It wouldn't have impaled anyway, and he's not the one who bruises like a peach XD

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: CruentoNox on November 20, 2018, 02:43:09 PM
Thankfully you aren't using one for your throwing technique videos!
One of the other drawbacks with the Heavy blade from the "Other Guys" is you develop forearms like Popeye! So you have to make sure you balance out and work on your non dominant hand to develop the muscles in that arm too!

point sent.

In my book one should always train with both hands. Balance is all.

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Infinit01 on November 20, 2018, 02:53:25 PM
Thankfully you aren't using one for your throwing technique videos!
One of the other drawbacks with the Heavy blade from the "Other Guys" is you develop forearms like Popeye! So you have to make sure you balance out and work on your non dominant hand to develop the muscles in that arm too!

point sent.

Agreed, one of those may leave a nice mark if it landed.  I've always trained with both hands, especially my non-dominant one  :D

In my book one should always train with both hands. Balance is all.

Agreed wholeheartedly

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: For Tyeth on November 20, 2018, 02:56:59 PM
Agreed, one of those may leave a nice mark if it landed.  I've always trained with both hands, especially my non-dominant one  :D

Agreed wholeheartedly

Yes I too concur with the two esteemed members above...just using one of the "other" blades really motivates you to do so  ;D

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Darth Silenoz on November 20, 2018, 06:27:54 PM
So I was encouraged to post something... and these are the only videos I have at the moment  :'(  :P  ::)

I was practicing with some of the members from my local temple at the park and wanted to show the Master I had been working on learning the last of the CMs (choreographed movements) posted on the craft site at the time. What I found out was that the posted video was incomplete, so me and one of the other members learned the full choreography together. Please keep in mind that this is both of our first times attempting this CM, so we are both rather shaky (plus I stepped in an ant hill before filming and my feet were covered in ant bites >.<). This particular CM is unique because Person A is only dodging and Person B is the aggressor. Choreography is the creation of Master Echo at SaberCraft.

Me as A
! No longer available ([url][/url])

Me as B
! No longer available ([url][/url])

Awesome! Nice work!

In my book one should always train with both hands. Balance is all.


Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: StoryDtechtive on December 08, 2018, 06:28:36 AM
For the first time with a new partner, that was darn good. I enjoyed watching the vids, thanks for sharing  :)

Title: Re: Lame Dodging video!
Post by: Lady Revan on December 13, 2018, 10:59:55 AM
For the first time with a new partner, that was darn good. I enjoyed watching the vids, thanks for sharing  :)

Thanks, and my pleasure! Hoping soon I  can make some videos I'm less embarrassed about :P My practice LUMINA (Choreography sport) run got recorded a couple classes ago, but I've not seen that video yet. We were supposed to incorporate part of the middle of Luke VS Vader episode VI in. It was another new partner, but one closer to my size XD That and I'm a lot more comfortable with LvV since that was the choreography we were starting when I first joined classes.