Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers General => Topic started by: Ultra on April 03, 2020, 08:25:49 PM

Title: Thanks yall
Post by: Ultra on April 03, 2020, 08:25:49 PM
So something just showed up at the shop and all I can say is, thank you. I'm floored by yalls generosity.

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Infinit01 on April 03, 2020, 08:50:05 PM
You're welcome! Glad that y'all like it since everyone's been working 24/7 for months now getting sabers out to everyone, answering questions, fixing orders, and just being a substantial part of our lives.  This is just a token of our appreciation and our way of saying thank you to Deep, Ultra, and everyone at Ultrasabers for taking care of us. It's quite deserving :)

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Racona Nova on April 03, 2020, 09:03:26 PM
What Inf0 said ^^ Enjoy!

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Rapine on April 03, 2020, 09:14:46 PM
Well rats!  The card was supposed to have "pics, or it didn't happen" on it.

You took care of it anyway, so cool. :P

That looks yummy actually.  Envious.  ::)

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Darth Tepes on April 03, 2020, 09:35:58 PM
No. Thank you.  Enjoy the treat.

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Malik Thanewulf on April 03, 2020, 09:45:54 PM
Just a small token of our appreciation for all that you folks do. You're not just a place we get our sabers're family.  Enjoy.

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Rapine on April 03, 2020, 10:24:56 PM
Oh - any non-Commanders ought to see this as well...


Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Therion Jinn on April 03, 2020, 11:53:51 PM
You guys have been more than earning this, Ultra

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: KraytDragonPearl on April 04, 2020, 12:35:48 AM
Thanks so much for all that you have done for us.  So this is just a little appreciation from us to you guys.  Love all you guys do for us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: hazard502 on April 04, 2020, 01:10:41 AM
Even Sith Lords and Jedi Masters need a treat and a little time to relax.

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: chalion on April 04, 2020, 02:18:46 AM
Others have already posted how well we regard everyone at UltraSabers. It was the very least we could do to show how much we appreciate everything you all go thru.

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Ultra on April 04, 2020, 02:41:07 AM
Thanks for the kudos, yall, really. Emory is the real hero, tho. He's been practically living at the shop since December. If anyone deserves gratitude, it's him. As for this gift, you floored us. I have never even heard of this kind of thing happening. I really don't know what to say. Just... thank you. From all of us.

Oh, and if yall would like to move this to the general members area, feel free. I didn't want to presume.

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: tx_tuff on April 04, 2020, 04:40:26 AM
What a awesome gesture! You guys did good!

Sent from my HD1905 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: TheDutchman on April 04, 2020, 04:52:03 AM
It's the least we could do for you ladies and gentlemen for the wonderful service (and incredible products!) that you give us here at Ultrasabers!  I feel comfortable speaking for my fellow Commanders (and awesome mods  :D) when I say that you all have given us such a special and laudable home here within these forums, developing not only an inclusive community for all saber enthusiasts but also helping us realize (at least in my case, my childhood) dreams with these phenomenal sabers that you offer!

I would also like to express my profuse gratitude for giving me a platform allowing me (and the other artists!) the freedom and opportunity to delve into and even contribute to the larger SW Universe within the Fan Fiction section.  Not only has this very site given me a venue for my stories but--even more importantly--also the incredible fortune to read and view like minded fan-works that are, quite frankly, amongst the best works I've had the chance to experience.  Without Ultrasabers, I would never been able to do so or meet the fantastic friends that I have.

SO, for that and everything: my profuse thanks!

Everyone at Ultrasabers rocks  :)

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: ThreadJack on April 04, 2020, 06:50:03 AM
Well you're welcome! Even though I had nothing to do with it personally.... I was in spirit, or something.

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Tai Chi Chuan Wijchen on April 04, 2020, 09:10:25 AM
You're welcome  ;D

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Karmack on April 04, 2020, 04:45:21 PM
Ultra, Deep and team, we greatly appreciate you guys.   We know what kind of work stress you've been under and this recent craziness can't help.  We are just glad to bring a little sunshine into your lives.  :-)

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Samhain138 on April 04, 2020, 06:33:52 PM
Ayyy glad to play a part!  It's nice to see the community come together and do something positive for you guys!

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Infinit01 on April 04, 2020, 11:13:31 PM
Oh - any non-Commanders ought to see this as well...


Good idea, just moved ;)

Thanks for the kudos, yall, really. Emory is the real hero, tho. He's been practically living at the shop since December. If anyone deserves gratitude, it's him. As for this gift, you floored us. I have never even heard of this kind of thing happening. I really don't know what to say. Just... thank you. From all of us.

Oh, and if yall would like to move this to the general members area, feel free. I didn't want to presume.

That's how you know that you have a good employer, one that is sleeping and living at work just to make sure things are running smoothly.  Kudos to Emory

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Maestro Jones on April 05, 2020, 12:04:00 AM
I'm just a little fish in this community, but I'm a huge US fan and was honored and humbled when asked to be a part of this gesture.  It is the least we could do to say "thank you" for working hard to get orders out.  You are appreciated!

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: TR-77477 on April 05, 2020, 12:26:53 AM
Deep, Ultra and the rest.... This is just a little way of us saying thank you for all you do. You can even take pride in knowing you brought Sith and Jedi together and got them to agree on the same thing, at least for a little while.

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Tazflyr on April 06, 2020, 01:24:43 AM
I haven't been on much lately guys...I apologize.  I'm a RN and had to go to Georgia to help some friends out there.

I'm tickled that ya'll were surprised and that it could be a little bit of a happy time for ya. Someone else said it---it's a family and we may bitch, moan and complain but at the end of the day, we try to take care of each other.

Stay SAFE folks!

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Infinit01 on April 06, 2020, 01:30:15 AM
Good to hear from you, Taz. I was getting worried about you since we haven't heard from you in some time. First and foremost, thank you for being the front line in this pandemic and for continuing to help people out. You're putting yourself at risk to help everyone and there's not enough gratitude for people like you.  I'm glad that you're back and everything's good to go on your end.  So good to have you back!

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Tazflyr on April 06, 2020, 01:35:47 AM
Good to hear from you, Taz. I was getting worried about you since we haven't heard from you in some time. First and foremost, thank you for being the front line in this pandemic and for continuing to help people out. You're putting yourself at risk to help everyone and there's not enough gratitude for people like you.  I'm glad that you're back and everything's good to go on your end.  So good to have you back!

I've missed yall too, believe me!!

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Tai Chi Chuan Wijchen on April 06, 2020, 06:27:57 AM
I have no idea what RN means, but on infinit's awnser I deducted Nurse.
Stay safe Taz and take care of yourself, I can only imagine what it's like on the other side of the ocean. But nurses here are real heroes atm. Got some family in the same business and I'm starting to worrie about the mental health, because it's so hard and demanding.
Take care, you're the best!

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: Infinit01 on April 06, 2020, 11:36:00 AM
I have no idea what RN means, but on infinit's awnser I deducted Nurse.
Stay safe Taz and take care of yourself, I can only imagine what it's like on the other side of the ocean. But nurses here are real heroes atm. Got some family in the same business and I'm starting to worrie about the mental health, because it's so hard and demanding.
Take care, you're the best!

RN is a registered nurse so they're the front lines in the hospitals either in the ER or in a specialty like ICU, cancer ward, surgical nurse, etc.

I'm so glad that you're good to go, Taz.

Title: Re: Thanks yall
Post by: PsychoSith on April 06, 2020, 05:41:02 PM
We all need a little something to help with stuff like a quarantine - glad to see it was enjoyed!