Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers General => Topic started by: MisterFedora on July 27, 2022, 06:05:38 AM

Title: I gotta make an attempt
Post by: MisterFedora on July 27, 2022, 06:05:38 AM
Alright I have to ask, and a forum full of enthusiasts is probably the place to do it: if anybody is taking advantage pf the free saber deals but is unsatisfied with what they get, is there any possibility I could take it off your hands? I've been trying to start collecting since I was six years old but not once have I had enough money to get started. My mom went through cancer twice by the time I was eighteen and she didn't survive the second bout, so I had to take care of my three then-underage brothers. After that I ended up having to take care of my grandmother who had degenerative discs in her spine. She passed away as well, last March. Since then my fiancée got pregnant and we are expecting next March, which basically negates any chance of afford one for the next eighteen years or so lmao.

Anyway, I've tried offering ad pushing and reviews to just about every decent saber company I've come across in exchange for one product (including US) but have heard nothing back. I enter giveaways from youtube personalities and influencers but no luck there either. I'm not really expecting anybody to want to give away a saber, but on the off chance you do, I hope you keep this post in mind.

PS if you read all of this, I hope you have a wonderful week!

Title: Re: I gotta make an attempt
Post by: ANoob on July 27, 2022, 06:26:04 PM
Love your story. As someone who has been through similar situation you find yourself in I feel your emotions. First of all welcome to the Forum and May the Force be with you. Read my story and journal into this community on the introduction thread called ANoob has landed.

Title: Re: I gotta make an attempt
Post by: MisterFedora on July 28, 2022, 04:28:30 AM
Love your story. As someone who has been through similar situation you find yourself in I feel your emotions. First of all welcome to the Forum and May the Force be with you. Read my story and journal into this community on the introduction thread called ANoob has landed.

Thanks for the warm welcome, and your story is very interesting! I'm also 26 (did I mention that in my post?) and I'm thrilled you got your Aeon, all the blades US makes look awesome. I used to do HEMA fencing, so your tai chi and wushu are also similar to me in that respect as well. I'm sorry you had to go through a similarly rough time but I hope it's better now at least c:

Title: Re: I gotta make an attempt
Post by: ANoob on July 28, 2022, 05:26:16 AM
I also have a diamond Azure Fallen I just got a few days ago. What ones are you looking at?  Actually I am literally having the time of my life like I said in my story. I can compare my experiences here to going to my first medical convention.

Title: Re: I gotta make an attempt
Post by: MisterFedora on July 28, 2022, 06:03:44 PM
Well my most likely candidate for a first saber is an Aeon v4 stunt with a yellow blade (I feel most strongly towards the way of the sentinel) but it'll likely be at least a year before I can spare almost 200 bucks haha.

My premier cream of the crop wishlist saber is the sentinel v4 with yellow blades, obsidian soundboard,windowed emmiters but it's almost 700 dollars so maybe I'll get it around tax time in a couple years c:

Other than those I'm not super picky about saber looks honestly. I like a lot of the sabers in the movies but if I get any they're probably going to be shelf queens since I mostly want function over form and I like the more original designs

Title: Re: I gotta make an attempt
Post by: ANoob on July 28, 2022, 09:54:15 PM
Well my most likely candidate for a first saber is an Aeon v4 stunt with a yellow blade (I feel most strongly towards the way of the sentinel) but it'll likely be at least a year before I can spare almost 200 bucks haha.

My premier cream of the crop wishlist saber is the sentinel v4 with yellow blades, obsidian soundboard,windowed emmiters but it's almost 700 dollars so maybe I'll get it around tax time in a couple years c:

Other than those I'm not super picky about saber looks honestly. I like a lot of the sabers in the movies but if I get any they're probably going to be shelf queens since I mostly want function over form and I like the more original designs

First off you should check your math. But I believe the Aeon v4 stunt would only be $100.00 without upgrades including your blade color choice. And the Sentinel v4 with premium sound and yellow blade and windows  would be $240.00 without other upgrades. But shipping is another story depending on where you live.
Good luck and May the Force be with you.

Title: Re: I gotta make an attempt
Post by: MisterFedora on July 29, 2022, 01:53:09 PM
Well I also added heavy grade blades and buckpucks to both which jumped the pricing on each by a pretty substantial amount, my shopping cart says the aeon is 160 and the sentinel is 671

Title: Re: I gotta make an attempt
Post by: ANoob on July 29, 2022, 03:05:49 PM
Well I also added heavy grade blades and buckpucks to both which jumped the pricing on each by a pretty substantial amount, my shopping cart says the aeon is 160 and the sentinel is 671

Gee whizz! And ouch! What sound board on the sentinel did you get? And I guess you went will all the upgrades and extras. I still don’t get how a sentinel v4 could cost more then my diamond Azure Fallen. That one was 488 with a few extras before shipping and sales they were having. I

Ps I am really enjoying our conversation and friendship.

Title: Re: I gotta make an attempt
Post by: MisterFedora on July 29, 2022, 04:50:26 PM
Yeah I went full bells and whistles on the sentinel, including the obsidian sound board haha. It's basically my version of a dream prefab saber to work towards if that makes sense?

Also I am too, it's nice to nerd out since I don't really have friends to fangirl out over lightsabers lmao. It's awesome c:

Title: Re: I gotta make an attempt
Post by: ANoob on July 30, 2022, 02:49:12 AM
I get it now. The sentinel v4 is double blades staff. I am all ears to hear your story and journey into this community. I will be updating my journal hear soon. I did get around to post my sabers stats (vitals).

Title: Re: I gotta make an attempt
Post by: MisterFedora on July 30, 2022, 04:24:15 PM
Let's see... It all began when I was six: Mom had to work one day and asked my grandma to watch me and my then two brothers, and she brought her box set of the original Star Wars trilogy over to try and keep us entertained. The other two were a little too young at that time to have any interest in it, but I was absolutely mystified by it: the heroes, the oppressive Empire, and especially the lightsabers. From that day on I had a deep longing of an elegant weapon from a more civilized age. As the other boys got older, all three of them grew to gain the same fascination with them as I did, just not to the same degree. The day I watched the original trilogy for the first time was the same day I resolved to get as many lightsabers as I could after finding the one that calls to me the most.

I've grown a lot since then but the only thing I've found for sure is that the way of the sentinel calls to me, so it must be a yellow blade.

Title: Re: I gotta make an attempt
Post by: ANoob on July 30, 2022, 04:56:03 PM
Love your story! I say go for it and buy your dream saber. Or like I did with the Aeon v5 le lite sound. start out with something lower tech. I did that when I was still no pun intended ANoob. An’t technology amazing! I am getting the costume I was planning on wearing when I got the diamond Azure Fallen. As I said in my journal here I have a theme I chose for the Fallen. The theme is Evanescence album Fallen, my favorite music. Learn more on my ANoob has landed thread.

Title: Re: I gotta make an attempt
Post by: MisterFedora on July 30, 2022, 06:02:40 PM
As I said right now I'm basically perpetually poor until I can get a decent source of income, which I'm planning to go into the Navy in the next couple of months once I can pass the PRT requirements. It may still be a year or five before I have enough to even get a stunt saber unfortunately.

I did read the thread and I'm intrigued to see how the look comes together, you'll have to post it!

Title: Re: I gotta make an attempt
Post by: ThreadJack on July 31, 2022, 03:01:01 AM
Welcome to the forum!

I don't know that begging for sabers is a great idea....but you aren't violating any rules, and I do feel for you. So good luck!

Title: Re: I gotta make an attempt
Post by: MisterFedora on July 31, 2022, 04:39:28 PM
Thanks, I guess? Short of selling my body I'm sort of out of options at this point.