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General Chat => Off Topic => Topic started by: Manroon on March 08, 2012, 07:21:35 AM

Title: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Manroon on March 08, 2012, 07:21:35 AM
So, since we're all so close, and we tend to trade much advice on life issues, love, and etc. I thought I'd pass along a significant event in my day for you all. Hopefully you all share in my happiness here. lol (jk, I know you do. ;) )

Guess what! I almost got killed today!  ;D Somebody tried to ride my longboard with their SUV, and unfortunately.... the trusty Madrid has been cut down. Literally. The guy hit her just a hair in front of the rear truck, might have actually run it over, though I think that would have blown his tire if he had. Snapped the tail right off of the board. Well, shattered it off is more like it. More than a bit of wood left in the street, but I salvaged the wreckage. Both trucks seem to be fine, as do all four wheels, though one has a very interesting mark from either his tire or his undercarriage.

Before anyone panics, let me clarify I was NOT on the board myself when this happened. Some while back, the cities around here installed these STUPID bumpy metal plates in all of the ramped sidewalk sections at crosswalks. I was turning the corner, and as I came back up the other side of the ramp, I lost momentum and the back wheel caught on one of the pegs. The board went backwards out from under me, I hopped off, it rolled into the gutter area of the intersection, and then more slowly out into the street. I turned around and moved to catch it with my foot, saw I wouldn't get it fast enough, and checked the street. Saw the guy a half a block away, moved forward to the curb and had my arms out like I would make a grab for the board. He HAD to have seen it, and likely saw me. There was nobody on any side of him, or behind. Then right as I pause, he GUNS it, and I could swear pulls ever so slightly to the side like he was aiming for it. Crunches the board under the front and rear tire on one side, you could HEAR it bounce around on the bottom of his car too, and then he takes off. Didn't slow or stop at all. Didn't honk. Didn't do a darned thing except kill the board, and very nearly me.

In conclusion, I'm just happy I'm not dead at this point, as if I'd moved for that board the guy would have hit me just the same as far as I can tell. Though I have to admit I'm still burned at loosing a good board. I'm no real skater, I don't do downhill or contests or anything, I just use it to get around town, to work and back, etc, but the thing suited me well, and it was a smooth and easy ride compared to the other boards I've had before. But of course, THINGS can be replaced, and life and limb cannot. :)

Side effect: I will have to devote some money I was thinking of using on a stunt saber at wondercon to the new deck. This isn't that bad though, cause I WAS able to salvage the rest of the gear off the board, and I should still be able to get the fully loaded saber I want. All in all, I'm looking at that as a good thing too. Teaches me to be more satisfied with what I have, and not to get greedy for more sabers. I mean, I have 7 sitting around here. A DVA stunt is no necessity for me, and neither is the other, but I can still take my shot for it anyways... ;)

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: qroon on March 08, 2012, 07:25:58 AM
Glad you're still alive! Thank $deity!

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Manroon on March 08, 2012, 07:27:17 AM
Yeah, I did! lol

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Vrakul on March 08, 2012, 07:31:43 AM
 :o Mean people suck, but stupid mean people are worse - glad you're alright Manroon!

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Master Lucien Kane on March 08, 2012, 07:44:21 AM
Sorry about your board... I'm glad you're okay!

I'm sorry to say I know a lot of people who will purposefully hit a skateboard if it rolls ever so slightly into the street... So it's likely he saw the whole blasted thing and decided to crush your board.

People do the same crap to me while I'm on my motorcycle... the only difference is I've got armor on... So I take their mirrors. You want to try and kill me... good luck getting that mirror replaced.

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Duff Man on March 08, 2012, 08:22:38 AM
Should have got his plate and called the cops.

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Waxman on March 08, 2012, 09:58:03 AM
Don't forget to wear your helmet.

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Master Nero Attoru on March 08, 2012, 01:34:03 PM
What a dick.  Definitely glad you're ok Manroon... clearly the Force is with you ;)

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Kham-Ryn Kurios on March 08, 2012, 03:13:18 PM
Dear lord.........

Glad you're alright buddy.

I still hope to see you at Wondercon. ;D

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Kaiden Shardsbane on March 08, 2012, 05:58:04 PM
That sucks.  Glad you're alive Manroon.

I know one guy who lost his bike to a guy like that.  He'd parked his bike in the rack with everyone else's, and was walking into the building when some jerk in a truck jumped the curb onto the sidewalk and smashed the whole stack of bikes.

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Manroon on March 08, 2012, 06:03:00 PM
Thank you all, and, in order:

Yes, Mean people suck lots.
Lucien, I'll say this: The guy is lucky I was coming from class. If I'd been coming from work, I'd have had a saber.
I'd have gotten the plate, but the guy was gone too fast for me to catch it. When he gunned it, he GUNNED it.
Actually, I WAS wearing a helmet, just not one that would do too much good. WWII Flight helmet. lol I'll probably switch back to my old combat helmet though, considering this...
Nero, I'm not entirely sure how accurate the first part of your statement is. If he had one, he might not have run off so fast.  :D
And Spidey, I'll still be lookin' for ya. ;)

Oh, and Kaiden.... wow. That's a new level of jacked up! What a jerk, was he drunk or something?

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: BenPass on March 08, 2012, 06:14:08 PM
Glad you're okay man. Definitely being looked out for! Very similar thing happened to me last week. I was crossing an intersection ad the guy to my left stopped and waved me through and thebguy on getting right was like a block away. As soon as I stepped into getting road, right side guy floored it and I literally had to jump to avoid being hit. There were three homeless guys watching and they all jumped up and were yelling at the guy but he just kept speeding away.

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Manroon on March 08, 2012, 08:09:16 PM
Dang! That's crazy! Glad you're alright BenPass, that's about as close as close calls get.

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: ThreadJack on March 08, 2012, 08:33:11 PM
Wow. People are jerks, not to mention HORRIBLE drivers! I've almost been run over a couple times, once by a FedEx truck. I was walking along the side of the road, and he just made no effort to avoid me. His mirror was so close to my ear I couldn't get the Woooosh out of my head for 3 days!

Glad you're alright buddy!

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Manroon on March 08, 2012, 08:44:20 PM
I've had some other close calls in my time, some similar to that one with the FedEx truck you mentioned, but never anything like this before. This is the first time anyone deliberately attacked me with a car. It's quite unsettling, I must say. The guy ran down my board in cold wood chips, and he HAD to have seen that I was trying to move for it. If I'd tried to get that board, I'd have lost a foot... or my life.

Anywho, thanks for the kind words Wingmate! And the rest of you as well! It's nice to be loved...  :)

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Luna on March 09, 2012, 01:50:42 PM
Just now saw this, glad you're okay! This is why I hate driving.... many of the people put there are stupid or malevolent or both (see? Sometimes misanthropy is beneficial ;)).

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Manroon on March 09, 2012, 05:29:09 PM
Yeah, I've seen some really bad drivers before.... but this sort of tops the rest for me. Still, it's probably gonna cost him more to fix the bottom of his car than it'll cost me to get a new board.... hee hee hee.  ;)

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: shyguy3000 on March 09, 2012, 08:17:13 PM
eep..Glad your ok dude

Hmm I just realize I have my old skateboard buried in my closet that you can have if you want. Not sure what type of bearing and trunks I have on it at this point. The deck itself is pretty clean minus the dust, I mainly used to go from my house to school. (I lived right next to a junior college). I'll dig it out and take a pic a bit later today to show you. =)

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Manroon on March 09, 2012, 10:00:42 PM
Wow! Really? That is so awesome of you Shy! THANKS! See, this is why saber friends are awesome.  ;D SO lightside point for you!

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: shyguy3000 on March 10, 2012, 04:40:57 AM
As Promised. =)





But yeah hopefully your still going to WonderCon next Saturday, And I can give to u then. if not just PM me and we'll make some other arrangements. =)

Title: Re: Happy to be alive.
Post by: Manroon on March 10, 2012, 05:13:38 AM
Looks good! Been awhile since I've ridden a board of that style, but it will be great to have a kick tail again! (I sooo missed that on my longboard) I still plan to be at Wondercon on Saturday, so that should work out great. :) I'll still shoot you a PM though, so we can work out the specifics. Thanks again! ;D