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General Chat => Off Topic => Topic started by: TheHobbitofDune on May 16, 2012, 08:48:00 AM

Title: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on May 16, 2012, 08:48:00 AM
I hate to be a downer but I'm afraid Halo 4 doesn't look too good at the moment. It is starting to turn into a cheap clone of Call of Duty. I personally have nothing against CoD and got to 15th prestige and beyond on Black Ops, by the way. Unfortunately it seems like 343 Industries might just be milking a dead cow and hoping to profit from it. Halo shouldn't be a dead cow but it kind of seems like it now.

Here are a few examples: Perks. You can actually BUY perks from a store now. Buying armor in Halo: Reach was one thing, but buying perks? And by perks I mean armor abilities, by the way. Also, they have introduced their own version of Gears of War's Horde mode, Call of Duty's Spec Ops mode, etc. This brand new Halo game mode is called...

Spartan Ops.


What. The. HECK. *Rage-quits life*

While the idea of having brand new campaign missions you can tackle with your friends sounds like an awesome idea, and possibly will be an awesome game mode, the name of it is just absolutely horrendous.

Anyway, back to armor abilities. Armor abilities were the bane of most loyal Halo fans' existences. Countless people have told them to get rid of armor abilities in the next title. They totally ignore the people that throw cash at them to buy the game and put armor abilities back in. 343, you don goofed. Armor abilities make no sense anyway. A new armor ability they are introducing is called "Forerunner vision" which is just a fancy name for X-ray vision. Since when did Spartans ever get this ability anyway?...

*sigh* There is my rant for the day. I just had to get that off my chest, folks :D

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: Luna on May 16, 2012, 11:33:01 AM
Resident Evil 6 will make up for all these problems.

And possibly cause world peace.

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: Master Nero Attoru on May 16, 2012, 12:12:03 PM
Resident Evil 6 will make up for all these problems.

And possibly cause world peace.

By unleashing a zombie apocalypse.  I guess that's one version of world peace...

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: Luna on May 16, 2012, 12:16:49 PM
By unleashing a zombie apocalypse.  I guess that's one version of world peace...

Exactly. People these days don't know what's best for them.

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: Master Nero Attoru on May 16, 2012, 12:21:12 PM
Exactly. People these days don't know what's best for them.

That's probably true.

I agree with Makashi Deviant, although I'm not a huge Halo fan anyway (I'm a PS3 guy).  I'm simply disappointed when games start to follow "safe" formulas laid down by other games... I mean, you're essentially becoming a copycat game rather than taking that leap of faith and trying something new.  Sure your game will be enjoyable, but it'll always be second best... whereas a new style of game could catch on like wildfire, and become truly great.  Imagine if games like Final Fantasy VII had clung to the conventions of its time...

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: Veldryne on May 16, 2012, 02:38:49 PM
i dunno, ive never been a fan of halo to begin with

when i play shooters i want realism and hte whole franchise has neveer offered that, and a lot of my buddies look at me like i have 2 heads for not liking halo

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: ThreadJack on May 16, 2012, 02:54:32 PM
I don't even have an X-Box so, you do the math....

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: Kham-Ryn Kurios on May 16, 2012, 02:59:38 PM
I was because I always liked the story and read all the books and I was under the impression that this game will deal with a ton of backstory.

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: Big Boss on May 16, 2012, 03:25:27 PM
Personally I have always love halo it was one of the first shooters i ever played and I am looking forward to the sequel.I think the forerunner vision is pretty sweet and it has some faults since it blurs you radar and makes noise. The armor abilities in my opinion have been pretty evened out in halo compared to some other shooters, though the idea of buying perks like in cod is dumb and in my opinion will just delude the game   :-\ and i agree they couldn't think of another name besides spartan ops? I think beside the name spartan ops will a big success due to it being more of a fresh story that corresponds with the halo story line than just random missions of go blow this up or kill theses groups of guys for no major reason.

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on May 16, 2012, 06:36:31 PM
I was because I always liked the story and read all the books and I was under the impression that this game will deal with a ton of backstory.

It actually brings a brand new storyline to the table, I believe. There are whole books written about the Halo universe that actually correspond with what will happen in the campaign of Halo 4. The Spartan Ops missions are basically add-ons to that campaign that furthers the storyline. Oh, and its for free too, which is an awesome deal.

Personally, even though I am a multiplayer guy mostly, I do admit that I look forward to the campaign. I've been a huge Halo fan for years now. My buddies and I used to play Halo: CE in the school library and get caught over and over again by angry library assistants. :D So while I do rant and weep about the multiplayer, I definitely look forward to the single-player.


Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: KrystheSith on May 16, 2012, 08:59:30 PM
I named my dog after Master Chief... his dog tag actually says S-117 on it. That is all.

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on May 16, 2012, 09:35:13 PM
I named my dog after Master Chief... his dog tag actually says S-117 on it. That is all.

That is awesome :D

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: KrystheSith on May 16, 2012, 09:37:48 PM
Hubs and I are HUGE halo fans... I'm excited about this one, but if it sucks I'll go back to playing Reach, and rage silently, or not so silently to all of my other halo friends.

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on May 16, 2012, 09:40:53 PM
Hubs and I are HUGE halo fans... I'm excited about this one, but if it sucks I'll go back to playing Reach, and rage silently, or not so silently to all of my other halo friends.

Awesome. We should play the campaign together :D I have no friends lol... Going to need to buy a headset though. Microsoft makes the crappiest Xbox headsets ever. I'm on my third pair right now. I broke my last one by throwing it at the TV when I tried beating Reach on legendary solo. I finally beat it but it cost me one controller and one headset. I have slight anger issues :D

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: KrystheSith on May 16, 2012, 09:50:26 PM
Sure, I havn't been on in the last few nights, but I do get on almost every night. I have a lot of friends that play halo though, so I can't promise you won't meet a few of them. haha. I don't know if I'm good enough at campaign to play it on legendary though. I've only ever done it with a group of people. (I can play it on normal just fine..)

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on May 16, 2012, 09:52:40 PM
Sure, I havn't been on in the last few nights, but I do get on almost every night. I have a lot of friends that play halo though, so I can't promise you won't meet a few of them. haha. I don't know if I'm good enough at campaign to play it on legendary though. I've only ever done it with a group of people. (I can play it on normal just fine..)

No worries, I like to play with other people. The more the merrier :D I haven't played Halo in months though so I doubt I could pull it off on legendary either. I would be warming up on Reach to get ready for Halo 4 but I sold it. I know, I'm stupid.

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: Veldryne on May 16, 2012, 09:53:11 PM
**said in a nasaly voice**

"But Leonard...its halo night"

Title: Re: Who else is not looking forward to Halo 4?
Post by: TheHobbitofDune on May 16, 2012, 09:55:40 PM
**said in a nasaly voice**

"But Leonard...its halo night"

"Waaah mommy, I'm about to beat Halo 2!!! I'll go to bed when I'm done, promise! It'll take 2 seconds!"

*Beats Halo 2*

*Watches final cutscene*
