Saber Forum

General Chat => Technical => Topic started by: 5-Tails on July 14, 2012, 02:57:25 AM

Title: Saber Batteries/charger question
Post by: 5-Tails on July 14, 2012, 02:57:25 AM
Hey guys. Just letting you know I am a complete an utter noob, but I need some help here.

So, I recently ordered a saber and have had it or about three weeks. It is the Aeon (V. 1) with chargeable batteries. I've only turned it on a handful of times and went away for two weeks. When I came back and turned it on to test it (I'm taking it to a convention in a few weeks) the once brilliant blue faded to a dull green color. I foud it odd that it did that, since I've only had it on for, let's say, 15 minutes total since I bought it. I assumed the batteries were probably running low so I popped them out and charged them. I left them in the charger overnight and then put them in the saber this morning. Same thing, only it was a dull blue and then faded I green.

Is this a problem with the batteries, lights, or both? The batteries are the same ones that came with te Aeon and charger in the first place.

All help is appreciated ASAP!



Title: Re: Saber Batteries/charger question
Post by: Darth Vapour on July 14, 2012, 03:27:47 AM
Arctic blue is a mix of green and blue. As the green is generally brighter than blue, when the batteries are low it tends to fade to the green. Make sure the batteries are fully charged and that should solve the problem. If you did, then either the batteries or charger may not be working properly. Note the batteries will run low after time even if you don't turn the saber on. Good luck

Title: Re: Saber Batteries/charger question
Post by: Master Bluespike74 on July 14, 2012, 03:30:15 AM
Just as a reminder, be sure to post in the rules section of the forum after reading the rules.  

To be better able to help you:

Do you have the specs on your saber?  Are you running Li Ion Batteries of NiMH batteries.  When did you purchase this saber as V1's have been out of production for quite some time now?  Do you have sound installed?  What is the color of your LED suppose to be?  

Thanks for coming to the forum with your questions and I'll be happy to help you as much as I can.
