Saber Forum

Way of the Saber => Saber Combat => Topic started by: Admiral Hook on January 26, 2011, 08:21:35 PM

Title: Saber Classes and forms
Post by: Admiral Hook on January 26, 2011, 08:21:35 PM
Hello, My family (my son and especialy my wife) love playing and learning Saber Styles and Forms.

     We do Caine's LED saber classes once a week and are really enjoying them.  Saftey is alway preached and adheard too we are taught to do things like Strikes and Counters that apear to touch but are very safe incase someone gets a little excited.  The forms are great-they will teach you various spins and blocks alot of fun.

       My son has a Ultra Sabers  Initiate that he beats and drops while spinning and like a Timex keeps on ticking the wife has the Ultra Sabers Original Steel tube saber that is also indestructable.  We also have several cutom sabers tha I will have to get pictures of and post-All made by Caine himself.

If you get a chance check out Caines tutorials -they are very helpful and informative

Admral Hook

Title: Re: Saber Classes and forms
Post by: Caine on January 26, 2011, 09:49:19 PM
Good to see you post, Admiral  8)

He and has family are longtime saber players and you can see him in my "spinning during dueling" vid.