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Author Topic: second batch of sabers review.  (Read 634 times)
Knight Apprentice

Force Alignment: 3
Posts: 24

« on: June 04, 2016, 02:17:35 AM »

So, It was finally time for me and my friend to get ourselfs a new saber. Our first batch consisted out of 3 stunt sabers,

A 24' orange bladed Initiate V4
a 32' blue bladed Initiate V4
and a 32' green bladed Aeon V2

After a lot of sparring with these, me and my friend descided to get new sabers. Both to learn a different style of fighting.
I myself descided to go and learn to fight with a Staff. While my friend wanted to fight with a Long blade. So without further ado here is my review of the sabers we have received
Note, we are still on stunt sabers, as we both can not afford a sound saber just yet and we first want to get good at actualy fighting with them

Let me first start out with the saber I bought myself. A sentinel V4 staff. 24'blue blades.

This order started out a little hectic, Something went wrong at paypal and for some reason they made a delayed payment, Thus my order at US was first cancelled, After getting into contact with customer service they reinstaded my order as soon as the payment got trough. I am Very thankfull for all the help Ultrasabers gave me concerning this not so ideal transaction. but, after a long period of waiting for the payment to get trough I'd soon have my saber here anyway! I was amazed at the size of y blade, and how well balanced it was to swirl - Even though I am still getting the hang of that-. I had a brief period of lessons in pole weapons back at my swordfight comunity, and using that I could adapt some techniques to my staff. Although when first fighting with it I did bust myself grabbing my blade while lunging. But back to the point, The quality of the blade is gorgeous, This is the first blades I have the Circle plugs for too, and man are those an update over my standart plug. I am still trying to figure out the best way to assemble my saber so my activator buttons are nice and alinged with one another.

Next up is my friends saber, the Aeon V4 LE edition with a 36' violet blade.
this was a very pretty blade to first see. but I must confess I personally am not the biggest fan of violet blades, but nonetheless it does go nice with the silver and gold. maybe a little reminiscent of Mace windu's blade perhaps?  My friend is trying to learn to fight backhanded with it but so far he didn't have much luck with it. When I used his saber I got back to my days I used a two handed blade, I am used to my 32' blade but man, does the 36' pack some reach advantages.
There was one complication with this saber, The covertec that was requested on this blade was put on my Grab bag instead. But when consulting Ultrasabers about this they gave us some good options to compensate for this slight mistake.

Last but not least is the Grab bag I ordered, Along with an Archon classic pommel
Now, when waiting on the blades to be delivered me and my friend were joking and wondering what I'd get. I told him I somewhere hoped to be a red bladed saber. since we are getting robes made ( probally this tuesday! I already got the fabric!) as if having defeated a sith and claiming his weapon. and boy was I surprised to find a dominix LE V4 with a red emiter! The Led's glass plate was a bit loose, but some hot glue managed to fix that problem, and boy does it look pretty with that Archon classic pommel on it, And I can't complain with the previously mentioned error with the covertec. Now I can wear this saber insead of my old Initiate V4. Although Now I want to invest in a Guardian pommel for it too.
this saber felt really great to dual with too. I can gyrate the pommel over my palm like I was used too with my sword. And, as iconic as a red blade is. this saber claimed blood on its first day of use. While dualing with another friend who uses my Initiate V4 now untill he can afford his own saber and the owner of ther Aeon LE V4 they both dualed against me. I lunged at the first friend and he blocked it in a very odd fasion. Causing my blade to hit his forehead at a quite fast speed. Causing the place of impact to swell and burst. But, Evrything is fine with him. and he is present at tomorows weekly Spar session.

So, Soon we will buy a new covertec system for my friends Aeon LE V4, And I might throw in another Grab bag in the order, The idea of getting something random does apeal to me. but before I post this review I like to adress how glad and how much I apreciated the Professional help Ultrasabers gave me during the delayed transaction, The error with the Aeon, And before that my broken screw on my Initiate V4. me and my friend are Very pleased with the quality and the service and this will surely not be the last sabers we will buy.

Pics! and may the force be with you!

8-bit Defender of the Aeon Order
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2106
Posts: 6326

« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2016, 03:15:10 AM »

That's a great story and a great collection of sabers.  It's great that you have friends who are into this.  I do too but, if we want to duel, I have to bring tha sabers for now.  Wink

I don't have a staff (yet, it has been ordered) but I've read on the forum that adding an O-ring or two to the threaded part(s) of the coupler will aid you in aligning the buttons.

Knight Apprentice

Force Alignment: 3
Posts: 24

« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2016, 02:19:09 AM »

I have to do the same for the two friends who fight with me, only one other friend that duels with me owns his own saber

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