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Author Topic: Sith Armor cosplay MkII  (Read 63316 times)
Therion Jinn
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1426
Posts: 4429

May The Force Serve You Well

« on: June 25, 2017, 09:54:06 PM »

Working on a new version of my previous Sith Armor cosplay.
This time, I'm using Sintra rather than EVA foam.

Started the new armor base in 1/4" Sintra versus the older version being in 1/2" EVA foam
Layouts started, based on the older piece

For the bracers, I'm basing the detail on bracers worn by Therion Jinn in Star Wars: The Old Republic

Finished laying out the new chest piece.
This version won't have the center plate of the original

Base piece cut out.
This was done with a LOT of passes using a box cutter

I laid out the pieces for the arms and legs, and then cut them out with a jig saw. Saved a LOT of time and work doing that

Began heatforming with the chest piece, and then went to the bracers and leg pieces.
While Sintra can be heated and formed with a heat gun, you need to use patience, and a respirator is a good idea because of the fumes

Laid out the detail pieces for the bracers on construction paper, and then laid it out onto 1/8" Sintra

I cut new angles into the chest piece for a different, less square look

Due to the stiffness of the Sintra, I had to rework my idea on how to fit the bracers.
I wound up having to cut about 1/4" from either side of the under seam to allow for my thumbs to make it through the piece

Laid out new angled shoulder covers to add to the main piece. This was part of why I made the angle cuts on the chest piece

Tested the layout of the detail pieces on the bracers

And now, the gluing begins. I'm using E6000, which is the adhesive of choice for the 501st Legion and the Mandalorian Mercs when working with Sintra.
I'll reinforce these later with Chicago screws.
Here are the bracers and the beginning of the chest all clamped up

Youtube link:
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

Lord Raváge
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« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2017, 06:49:58 PM »

This is an interesting KOTOR project, I'm sure the final result will look quite bitchin'!

Therion Jinn
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1426
Posts: 4429

May The Force Serve You Well

« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2017, 03:51:06 PM »

Thank you, Lord Ravage.
Still working on getting the leg pieces built right now, but very happy with how it's going

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -670
Posts: 748

Jedi? Sith? I'm the one with the lightsaber.

« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2017, 06:08:48 PM »

That looks really cool. I've always want to try making armor but just haven't ever gotten the nerve to try it yet. Thanks for sharing.

Own: Emerald Overlord, BHManticore, BR Renegade,FO Dominix LE V4 (stunt), CG Dominix LE V4 (stunt), GB Apprentice LE(stunt),BR Dark Initiate LE V4 (stunt), AS Apprentice LE V4 (stunt), CG Dominix V3 (stunt), SRD Darkish Liberator (stunt) Emerald Lost Grey.

Therion Jinn
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1426
Posts: 4429

May The Force Serve You Well

« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2017, 08:11:02 PM »

No worries, Hansrad. Happy to share.
I freely admit to learning most of what I know from various and sundry YouTube videos

Therion Jinn
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1426
Posts: 4429

May The Force Serve You Well

« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2017, 12:34:56 AM »

Update time for the Sith Armor

Got the banding/clamps off on the chest and bracers.
Also installed the Chicago screws that will be doing the main work of holding the pieces together.
Chest piece


For the underside of the bracers, I used two layers of 2mm EVA foam.
I used my soldering iron to cut 'pad' lines in the first layer prior to gluing them together.
I then glued them to the main parts.

Decided to show a little comparison between the Mk1 and Mk2 sections so far.
This is mostly to show the differences in what I can do now
Chest piece


Turning my attention to the leg pieces, I cut them using similar methods to what I used for the arms and then heat formed them.
I also added a 'center line' to use for placing the detail pieces

Laid out a template for the leg detail pieces, then separated the segments for cutting

Laid out the templates on the 1/8" Sintra and then cut them out

I heat formed the detail pieces, and then labeled them to make sure they get applied in the correct order to the correct leg

Using hot glue, I mounted 1" webbing to the 4 and 2 pieces of the detail layer.
I'll add the buckles to them after I get it all mounted to the leg pieces

Glued the 4, 3, and 2 pieces to the leg forms using more of the E6000 I'd used previously.
I also got the 4 and 3 pieces secured with Chicago screws

Youtube link:
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -670
Posts: 748

Jedi? Sith? I'm the one with the lightsaber.

« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2017, 03:22:13 AM »

That is so cool.

Own: Emerald Overlord, BHManticore, BR Renegade,FO Dominix LE V4 (stunt), CG Dominix LE V4 (stunt), GB Apprentice LE(stunt),BR Dark Initiate LE V4 (stunt), AS Apprentice LE V4 (stunt), CG Dominix V3 (stunt), SRD Darkish Liberator (stunt) Emerald Lost Grey.

Taegin Roan
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« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2017, 04:19:05 AM »

Wow, this looks awesome. Great job.

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Darth Xocni
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Force Alignment: -48
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« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2017, 06:31:29 AM »

Sweet. -1

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Tyűkjontű châtsatul nu midwan.
Midwanjontű châtsatul nu asha.
Ashajontű kotswinot itsu nuyak.
Wonoksh Qyâsik nun.

"Failure and disobedience are one and the same... In the Sith tongue both translate as "treason". That is the wisdom of the ancients!"

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Knight Commander

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« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2017, 08:23:04 AM »

Doing a great job! Can't wait to see a of you wearing the final product.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk


Darth Logos
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« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2017, 08:31:02 PM »

Working on a new version of my previous Sith Armor cosplay.
This time, I'm using Sintra rather than EVA foam.
You're hired. These are awesome.

Sig by For Tyeth
...the Force shall set me free.

Arsenal: (* w/ sound)
Scorpion*(BR)  Emerald Mantis CE* Chosen One*(BR)  Shock LE*(FO)  Archon V2.1*(CG)  Dk Prophecy(BR){Thanks Qui-Lar}  Menace CE staff*(BH) Flamberge CE*(BR)  Initiate LE V2(BR)
Dk Initiate V3(CG)  Manticore CE*(SY)  Dominix LE V3(AB)  Bellicose*(GB)  Dk Arbiter*(VA)  Dominix V4(BR)  Emperor's Hand*(DVA)  Aeon V4(GB)  Dk Initiate V4 (HP)  Project:BOOYA!

Therion Jinn
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1426
Posts: 4429

May The Force Serve You Well

« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2017, 02:23:54 AM »

Thank you very much for all the comments, folks.
I'm also looking forward to being able to see the whole setup finished.

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 614
Posts: 2602

May the force be with you! (give light side )

« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2017, 08:38:34 PM »

That looks like its coming along nicely! Using sentra will make for some very durable armor! We have some of that where i work, never thought of it being used in that way, so point to you good sir.

Sabers I own:                                           
 Graflex Tri-cree AB w/s & bronze buttons
 Consular CG w/s an silver foc
 Archon CG w/s an silver foc
 Prophecy CG w/s an silver foc
 Dorinian SRD w/lite s and AB foc
 Exile in CG w/s an silver foc
 Guardian in GB
 Aeon V3 in GB
 Dark Standard Issue BR w/vert grooves
 Dark Apprentice AB (Free)
 Sentinel LE V4 w/windows in SY
 Dark Sentinel LE V5 in AB (Raffle prize)
 Initiate LE V4 in GB
 Dark Initiate V2 in GB (free)
 Franken saber in VA
 Dominix LE V2 in BR (friend)
Wish list: Sound in my Guardian, Dark Prophecy BR

Therion Jinn
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1426
Posts: 4429

May The Force Serve You Well

« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2017, 02:33:09 AM »

Thanks, MavRick
I actually found out about the stuff from a friend who's in the local chapter of the 501st

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -670
Posts: 748

Jedi? Sith? I'm the one with the lightsaber.

« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2017, 12:16:23 AM »

Would you recommend someone taking on something like this the first time starting off with the foam or jump straight to the sintra?

Own: Emerald Overlord, BHManticore, BR Renegade,FO Dominix LE V4 (stunt), CG Dominix LE V4 (stunt), GB Apprentice LE(stunt),BR Dark Initiate LE V4 (stunt), AS Apprentice LE V4 (stunt), CG Dominix V3 (stunt), SRD Darkish Liberator (stunt) Emerald Lost Grey.

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