Working on a new version of my previous Sith Armor cosplay.
This time, I'm using Sintra rather than EVA foam.
Started the new armor base in 1/4" Sintra versus the older version being in 1/2" EVA foam
Layouts started, based on the older piece

For the bracers, I'm basing the detail on bracers worn by Therion Jinn in Star Wars: The Old Republic

Finished laying out the new chest piece.
This version won't have the center plate of the original

Base piece cut out.
This was done with a LOT of passes using a box cutter

I laid out the pieces for the arms and legs, and then cut them out with a jig saw. Saved a LOT of time and work doing that

Began heatforming with the chest piece, and then went to the bracers and leg pieces.
While Sintra can be heated and formed with a heat gun, you need to use patience, and a respirator is a good idea because of the fumes

Laid out the detail pieces for the bracers on construction paper, and then laid it out onto 1/8" Sintra

I cut new angles into the chest piece for a different, less square look

Due to the stiffness of the Sintra, I had to rework my idea on how to fit the bracers.
I wound up having to cut about 1/4" from either side of the under seam to allow for my thumbs to make it through the piece

Laid out new angled shoulder covers to add to the main piece. This was part of why I made the angle cuts on the chest piece

Tested the layout of the detail pieces on the bracers

And now, the gluing begins. I'm using E6000, which is the adhesive of choice for the 501st Legion and the Mandalorian Mercs when working with Sintra.
I'll reinforce these later with Chicago screws.
Here are the bracers and the beginning of the chest all clamped up

Youtube link: