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Author Topic: Children of the Aether  (Read 29954 times)
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 429
Posts: 1906

« Reply #45 on: October 15, 2017, 09:33:41 PM »

Part 3
Make sure not to miss the interlude on Page 3 of the post!
Everything about Coruscant was bright, big and busy.  The lights all over the traffic and building prevented any true night from falling, the buildings taller than the mountains that had surrounded the valley, and the traffic, vehicles and people, never stopped.  

As he followed Yoda toward the Temple though he noticed just how dark the people were.  None of them seemed to have any real presence in the aether…or Force as Yoda called it.  They all seemed dim, blind, the odd one slightly brighter, but compared to even an Aethan child they were….nothing.  

Over the course of the trip Yoda had spoken at length about the Republic Coruscant and the Jedi.  In the spirit of reciprocity he had shared some information about Aethan culture and the Guardians, and his role as one…but only some.  He knew the Jedi were few in number and all force sensitive, he had thought this was much like Guardians, the strongest became Jedi.  But this was different, the Jedi were simply the ones awake to the force in a sea of billions dead to it.  

He could barely comprehend how such beings could live such empty lives, to be bereft of the sensation of the aether, the knowledge the information it brought…it must be like being blind, deaf and unable to feel touch.  Was this the Galaxy?

“The temple,” Yoda said as they came to an overlook, across the plaza was a square building with half completed towers on each corner, and a larger cylindrical one covered with scaffolding in the centre, “yet to be finished it is, but still enough to house the Jedi for now,”  

There he sensed the aether.
Inside the temple was vast, Yoda had first taken him for a medical check-up, he had no qualms about it, though found it odd, then through the busy hallways, full of students, brown robed knights and masters, workmen and other non-Jedi volunteers who helped the Temple run, to a small room which was to be his for his stay.
After being shown where the basic facilities were nearby Yoda took his leave to report to the council, leaving Valens alone in the room.  He had little choice but to come here, he could not achieve his goals trapped on Aethas.  But this was a strange and potentially dangerous place to be. He needed to learn the extent of the Jedis powers, and to do that quickly.  He had come this far, he had made his choices, at the altar, at the wedding, after the slaughter, it was too late to turn back now.  He had to keep going, it wasn’t about choice, or morality, it just was.

Entering into a deep meditation he project himself outward to listen to the force around him.  The thoughts of workers were the usual worries and concerns he had heard in farmers minds on Aethas, finishing work on time, their families….he moved to the trainees, padawans they called them.  He sifted through the minds, he needed to find humans, he would need far more practice to interpret alien cognition.

One struggled to master a force push, another hoped to catch the eye of a fellow padawan, and another bitter about the master they had been assigned to.  Then there it was, one padawan going over her masters teachings nearby, meditating on lessons, she was close to knighthood, connecting to the force, letting it guide her.

He pulled back from her mind, the longer he stayed the more risk he ran of being detected.  He tracked the girls’ aura to a small room two floors above his.  He knocked lightly on the door then darted back around the hall corner.
“just a minute”.  The door slid open to reveal a human girl, perhaps a year or two younger, black hair and blue eyes.  He felt a pang of loss, the blue ribbon wrapped around his arm beneath the utilitarian jump suit Yoda had given him reminding him of the necessity of what had to be done.  

She looked around for a moment then tried to use the force to sense anyone, masked in the force he felt the pressure of her mind sweep through as though he were not there.  As she turned to go back inside he struck, slipping into her mind he pulled her thoughts from her rendering her unconscious. Catching her as she fell back, he pressed the door closed.  He lay her on her bed and grasped her head in his hand.  

Pushing into her memories he began.
The scale of the Temple never ceased to amaze him.  He followed quietly behind the chief librarian, an old Cerean call Ha’Siri’Kum Yoda beside him.  

“And these are the restricted archives, he pointed to large metal doors on either side of the hallway past the main banks of glowing blue data slates a wooden desks  

“As yet most are empty as you will see,”  he had a dry voice, and a drier aura, he was a Jedi knight, but Valens could see his connection was marginal at best.  “As the transition to Jedi Temple continues we are gradually moving more volumes from our other libraries here, as well as various artefacts and sundry goods,” he droned as they entered one of the open vault rooms where a few half unpacked pallets of old manuscripts lay.  

“Much to be done before the Temple is complete,” Yoda said as Valens moved toward one of the books, follow a thin black thread in the force,

“Yes…we down here are unfortunately neglected, my assistant Mertis….” Yoda politely nodded as the Cerean blathered on, Valens ignored them drawn to the book, he flicked through the pages of esoteric script and strange diagrams, before finally arriving on a page with a drawing of a black altar….

“Ah yes” Kum said beside him, “an interesting specimen there, nearly a thousand years old that one, unfortunately the language is a mystery, it resembles a hybrid of post-Korriban Sith but with Aurebesh vowel indicators and other unique features”

“better perhaps its mystery remain so,” Yoda added, “much dark knowledge reside in such tomes, much dark power,”

“Knowledge is power Master Yoda,” Kum agreed,

“No…the precise and effective use of knowledge is what gives it power, without application to the real world knowledge has little value,” Valens added turning the page.
The Jedi Council sat in a simple round room, quiet with odd circular chairs, the ten councillors themselves a menagerie of aliens excepting one brown skinned human, Valens doubted they were really the same species, there was something off about the humans here, something different…a memory of the reason was on the edge of his mind but he couldn’t quite catch it.

“It is an unusual circumstance” the thoughtful Iivs Kimar a horned Ikotchi stated

“Without precedence it is not, many Baran-Do Sages now Jedi joined as adults,” Yoda noted, he stood beside Valens in the middle of the Jedi.  

“Yes….from your report I can certainly see the similarities in philosophy with your Guardians, but as I understand it your function was specific to your race?”  Kimar directed his question to Valens

“That’s true, but we also did not have any awareness of any other sentient species…and were on the brink of extinction for many years,” he replied carefully he had gained a workable understanding of each Masters personality from the Padawan Sofa’s memories.

“And you believe the Jedi path is merely an extension of your previous calling?”  Kimar pressed,

The trap was subtle, saying yes would imply he saw the Jedi as little more than another club, to say no would imply his previous ‘calling’ is not as in line with the Jedi as he had just proposed,
“I believe they stem, historically, from a common root, the Jedi are simply, larger, that is with greater size and knowledge the more correct form”,” he stumbled over his words “they serve they whole galaxy rather than just one species, and through the relationship with the Republic…a link to civilian authority that, in my culture wasn’t there.”  he kept his words jumbled  “Service to the Force as a whole binds the two philosophies.”,

“Well spoken,” Kimar sat back and pressed his thick fingers together, of all of the Master Kimar was trying the hardest to read him in the force.  Valens kept himself so deeply concealed to avoid their scrutiny that the next stage would be to use the Yalsam technique to create a void in the force.

“I propose that Master Soryu over see an examination and initial training regime, given your prior experience this should be largely refining what you already know I expect?” Kalim continued

Another subtle trap, “I am happy to commence as though I were any other novice, master” he added with all the sincerity he could,

“Indeed, the focus will be more on the nature of what it is to be a Jedi, and a citizen of the Republic, given your background you have much to learn,”

The Ikotchi clearly didn’t trust him, but could not find a way to turn him down, Valens simply bowed.


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1108
Posts: 4138

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #46 on: October 16, 2017, 11:57:14 AM »

Not one but TWO excellent installments!  I love how you weave the interquel/interlude chapters into the main narrative.  The only problem is: now I'm vested in these peripheral characters as well  Cheesy. The casual inner dialogue of Melton makes a perfect juxtaposition for Valens^^  Furthermore, Valen's duplicity at the Temple is understandable given what led him there.  Plus I am thinking "Once a Guardian, always a Guardian." And some good old fashioned revenge  Wink

You know LSG you should consider amalgamating your chapters for a book or graphic novel; it's that good  Cool

Side thought: what mechanism triggered an entire species adept in the Force?  Secondly: such a high morality rate + a small population is a negative feedback system; with so many deaths, there would soon be a scarcity in genetic diversity.  Maybe the impetus for genetic recessive traits to reinforce and become the new norm?  Sorry, it is just that you posit a VERY interesting scenario my friend  Cheesy. I can't wait to read more!

Until next installment friends  Smiley

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 429
Posts: 1906

« Reply #47 on: October 16, 2017, 09:25:22 PM »

Not one but TWO excellent installments!  I love how you weave the interquel/interlude chapters into the main narrative.  The only problem is: now I'm vested in these peripheral characters as well  Cheesy. The casual inner dialogue of Melton makes a perfect juxtaposition for Valens^^  Furthermore, Valen's duplicity at the Temple is understandable given what led him there.  Plus I am thinking "Once a Guardian, always a Guardian." And some good old fashioned revenge  Wink

You know LSG you should consider amalgamating your chapters for a book or graphic novel; it's that good  Cool

Side thought: what mechanism triggered an entire species adept in the Force?  Secondly: such a high morality rate + a small population is a negative feedback system; with so many deaths, there would soon be a scarcity in genetic diversity.  Maybe the impetus for genetic recessive traits to reinforce and become the new norm?  Sorry, it is just that you posit a VERY interesting scenario my friend  Cheesy. I can't wait to read more!

Until next installment friends  Smiley

Good question Dutchman...there is an answer coming, but from the canon the obvious one is force sensitive parents tend to have force sensitive children....but what kind of society would mandate such selective breeding and why?


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 429
Posts: 1906

« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2017, 09:27:39 PM »

Every moment was pain.

She hung naked, chained at the wrists, her toes barely touching the floor.  Her existence was a rough tapestry of blinding light, piercing jolts and alien voices.

Why would they buy her just to torture her?

“What is you name” the tattooed woman asked

Pain flashed across her body, her muscles seize and spasm, her chains cutting ever deeper in her wrists. Was this now, or before, or to come.

The white and red pain was filling her entire existence

“What is your name”

Was she hearing it?

The creature came in, or had come in, or was coming in, the triangular headed thing, the Quarren…it had no other name…maybe neither did she.  They were telling her things, things she needed to know, things someone else needed to know who shared her sense of hearing?

“What is your name”

They carried something, it was dark, not in the room, the room was too bright, not in herself, she was full of blazing red pain.  The thing was dark, it exuded darkness the way a star exuded heat.  The put it on her left arm, and undid the chain on that wrist. 

Needles jutted into her forearm, the dark thing was on her, and it was seeping into her.

“What is your name?”

There was a fight inside her, the red white pain against the seeping darkness, only one could win.  What was left of her, the thin blue ribbon of sanity observed with calm detachments as they fought.  But then they stopped fighting.

They mingled into a blood red, corrosive and coursing though her, it was pushing her out.  The breeze of the aether blew the blue ribbon away to rest on someone else.

“What is your name?” the tattoed woman asked again

“SEVRA” another voice screamed from her mouth.

Sevra gently twirled her claw around, ever fascinated by the sheen upon it that seemed to suck in the light.  The compartment was dim, the rattle of the hyper drive the only sound.  She and the Night-sister were silent.

“You will kill these men,” the Quarren had said handing her the holo flimsy, “you will then take their ship and fly it back to me,”  The orders were simple enough she figured.  Why she needed the Night-sister to escort her she had no idea. 

Those two, the Quarren and the Night-sister were the only people she knew, strange to think she would kill the next two people she met.  They had always been there those two, the Night Sister taught her, the Quarren gave her orders.  They had been simple at first, kill this animal, run across this, steal that without being found.  Again kill this bring them that.  Then there was the unending sparring with the Night sister, she would often wake to being beaten and had to fight back, he nights were spent mostly waiting for an attack, or practising with her rusted sword.

When she did sleep she dreamt of strange things, green places, tall mountains, places and people she had never seen yet felt she ought to know.  But they were boring.  Much more interesting were the various items about the Mansion, they seeped power, dark and delicious, like her claw.  She had once found a cabinet with an empty compartment that looked like her claw would fit there…but that made no sense she had always had it…hadn’t she.

She often wondered why the Quarren had so many object like that when he was so weak in the force, barely a light breeze compared to the black torrent of the night sister.  Yet she obeyed him, perhaps he had power she could not sense, the strong should serve the weak.

“We’re here,” the Night Sister said in raspy tone, like the Quarren she had no other name, the ship buckled as it touched down, the hatch popped open with the hiss of escaping gases.

The night sister proffered a Tremor sword, “Show no mercy,” Sevra took it and leapt out.

The hangars security was easy to crack compared to the locks in the Quarrens mansion she had been trained on.  Inside a simple cone shaped brown craft.  She crouched and deftly moved toward it, on the other side were a pair of feet by some crates that were being loaded in.

She crept silently along the length of the craft peering around its bulbous rear.  That was the first target, human male.  He was dressed in an odd brown robe.  She could feel him in the force as she approached, a little breeze that might one day make a true wind.  She readied her blade and drew near as he lifted another box.

A flash in the force, he had sensed he, he turned and stared at her.  Speed was of the essence.  Boosted by the force she surged forward sword tight against her but pointed out.  Before the box even dropped to the floor she embraced him, her sword plunging through his back, the gentle vibrations of the blade mingled with his dying tremors in a satisfying rhythm. 

As she pulled out she sensed danger behind her, the second target, a Mon Cal in a white robe looked stunned as he stood in the ships door way.  With practised ease a metal object flipped from his belt to his flipper hands.  A Snap-hiss birthed a blade of pure blue light.  She darted back but he was fast upon her, a swipe to her right nearly cut her at the shoulder, she pivoted to keep her left flank toward her opponent who was coming through the swing for another stroke.  The blue blade arced down and she put her claw dead in its path.

The blue blade hit, flickered, and died.  Kortosis she had heard the Quarren call it.  As if they could be any bigger the Mon Cal’s eye bulged in brief astonishment as she rounded and with deathly grace grasped his face with her claw.

She pulled.
The ships biometric locks only required the severed Mon Cals hand to unlock.  She had loaded the rest of the boxes and was now on her way back to Nar Shadda.

The artefacts she had been tasked to steal interested her.  Some were little more than worthless blobs of metal or wood, but some radiated with a power that was both compelling and repulsive.  There were weapons, armour, banners, strange books and devices whose use she could not fathom, much like the Quarrens other collections.  She wondered what he was doing with them all, he certainly didn’t seem to have the strength in the force to wield such things even if he knew what they were.

She toyed with the two cylindrical light swords she had taken off her quarries corpses.  She idly wondered how the Quarren would look with a blue blade through one eye and the green through the other.



Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #49 on: October 17, 2017, 01:57:23 PM »

Wow...   Total immersion into an alternate identity... 

I am totally egrossed in this story, my friend!  The style and pacing are excellent.
Going back to the interlude...  The crystal stasis field, left on a Sith altar?   So Valens isn't of the People?  Hmm.....
And he's able to fool a room full of Jedi Masters.  This guy has some serious Force-chops.

And now his wife is an Assassin...  Stealing Sith(?) artifacts ... from the Jedi.

When all this finally comes together it is going to be one major fur-ball! 

*makes some popcorn* 


signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1108
Posts: 4138

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #50 on: October 17, 2017, 04:22:07 PM »

What is your name?

Four seemingly simple words, yet delivered with absolute ruthless detachment.  Worse: the complete loss of IDENTITY.

This is what pathos reads like!  Another excellent chapter in your ever-expanding universe, LSG^^ 

Now I've got the mental image of lightsaber eye surgery  Roll Eyes

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Taegin Roan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2066
Posts: 6256

Lord of the Force

« Reply #51 on: October 17, 2017, 06:13:11 PM »

Karm and TD stated it perfectly. Such a powerful story, so full of goodness, yet so dark. I am extremely interested to see what happens to Sevra (cool name BTW). So excited for more.

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 429
Posts: 1906

« Reply #52 on: October 17, 2017, 09:26:56 PM »

Survival was everything.  The ravenous echoes of the Vorynx pulsed through his consciousness as he plunged his hand into the gaping wound.  Kill or be killed.  This was the law of the universe. 

Absolute simplicity in its demand, infinitely complex in its attainment.

There was only one left now, it stared at him, hid he dodge or charged…no time it was charging him.  He leapt up onto its back and with the aether empowering his hands dug them into its flesh piercing the tough hide.
His hand found a bone, or whatever equivalent this creature had, he pulled.  It did not come out cleanly blood surged out all over him as the hulking dirty yellow three legged beast finally collapsed.

Loping like a beast he jumped off and rounded on the beasts front and tore out the black slit that was its equivalent of an eye.  Standing triumphantly upon its corpse he looked across the blood stained sand littered with thirteen other corpses, his chest heaved with exhaustion in time with the roaring of the crowd. 

He lived, they died, simple.  How to make sure he lived and make them die, complex.
As he lay awake, his third different cell so far, each an improvement in terms of amenities as he killed more and more, they came for him. 

He no longer resisted in any meaningful way, on an alien world, in an alien culture where could he really run to.  He heeded the echoes of the Vorynx, to simply survive was the end in itself. 

They took him through the maintenance corridors, up to an armoured transport.  The trip was short to the opulent hangar, then through purple and white marble lined corridors, heavy with perfumes in the dim light, finally to a medium sized chamber where the air was filled with a greenish aromatic mist.  The guards here were different, arrayed in deep blue scaled armour and tight helms, unlike the ramshackle outfits of his previous captors, these were uniforms. 

Beyond the smoke was the figure of a Falleen, he thought that was the species, male, in thin but doubtless expensive silks

“Welcome,” the Falleen rose and approached him, “To your new home,” 

The revulsion Jarys felt as the creature touched his arms and back as if sizing him up for butchering sorely tempted him to snap its neck with a thought.  One day perhaps…

“My friend, they call you the beast of the arena,” the fallen circled him, “savage, untameable, a hunger for blood,” he came directly in front of him meeting Jarys gaze, “and eyes,”

Jarys didn’t move an inch.

“Now you’re mine.  I assure you I will treat you far better than the Hutt, and in return all I ask is you occasionally satiate your blood lust upon the arena floor, now”  he clapped his hands and from a side door various aliens, and a few humans wearing slave collars and little else came out to stand in a line. 

“I make sure none of my fighters are kept hungry in any of their appetites, choose whichever you please and they are yours,”

He looked over the blank faces, felt their helplessness, grey stagnant water of their aura broken by concession to their fate.  Toward the end of the row was a human girl with light almost silver hair, she could be no older than he was.  A pang of loss shot through him as he recalled those brief hours he had with Cilina…A tear mingled with the droplets on his face left by the perfumes and humidity.  He pointed straight at her.

His new accommodation was another step up, a clean light grey cell with a bed, refresher, platter of whole foods rather than just the nutrient pastes he had been used to.  The room didn’t even have bars or a window, doubtless more subtle monitoring devices were in use.

He sat on the bed beside the slave girl as she slept.  He had used the aether to put her to sleep soon after being left alone…he wondered what the guards watching would make of that.  He watched her as she slept, a part of him wanted to reach out and touch her…he had embraced the drive to survive, the drive to reproduce was close second…yet she was not his..Cilina was…he would never see his bride again.

In his reverie he barely noticed the approach of something in the aether, then the tapping on a grate near the ceiling. 

“You, hey you, kill-man-beast,”

He looked up to see a pair of large eyes peering down at him from behind the grate,

“You yes you, me Tiiko, Tiiko stop camera, Tiiko friend, Tiiko help kill-man-beast, kill-man-beast help Tiiko,”

Jarys tilted his head, there were no red waves of deception in the creature, only a sense of injustice, and a churning hate.

“And why should I listen to Tiiko, I don’t know who or what Tiiko is?” he replied standing to get a better look.

“Tiiko friend, Tiiko slave, Tiiko hate green master…Green master make Tiiko work, Tiiko make beautiful circuits, beautiful code for ugly green master,”

Again no deception, waves of passion, of dreams unfulfilled, of hate un-satiated.

“And what does Tiiko want me to do?”

“Tiiko see you on holonet, Tiiko see you stare at fat-brown-glooba thing, Tiiko help you kill him,”

“how?” he asked, now this was interesting

“Tiiko make beautiful code, beautiful machine, kill-man-beast use, shield on arena go down, you kill green master for Tiiko! Kill him dead, cut his eyes, smash his bones Kill kill kill, hehehehe” Tiiko giggled

“And then what,” 

Tiiko blinked, “Then what, what then what?  Green master dead, Tiiko happy, brown-fat-glooba dead kill-man-beast happy?”

“We don’t escape,”

Tiiko shuffled in the duct, “Nar Shadda no escape for slaves, catch Tiiko if Tiiko help kill-man-beast…but Green master dead, VERY dead hehehe.”

“If not freedom we can at least have revenge,” Jarys agreed, Tiiko made a strange squeal.

“Tiiko like, Tiiko like much!”

The upper arena, like his new cell was a cut above the old.  Here not only slaves competed, but also professionals.  There were less dregs in the audience, more private boxes and holo cams floating around, the lights were brighter, the stadium cleaner and the body count higher. 

He waited at his side of the arena for his opponent armed in a garish purple thin armour with an impractical scythe like weapon, gifts from his new master, Xixze.  He had visited him just before, enjoining him to stay safe, Xixze loved all his "friends"; and longed to see him win.  He had a sticky oleaginous presence in the aether that Jarys found repulsive, and seemed deranged enough to believe his slaves were his friends. 

On the holoscreen above he saw himself through the eyes of the camera bots, just below were the current odds, The Beast 3:1, Arym The Weeper 1.5:1. 

The metal door opposite hissed open, the weeper strode out.  Humanoid, with small horns crowing his head, the weepers name was obviously from the black ooze dripping from his eyes down his red tattooed face, armed with two sword Jarys could feel in the ripple of the aether this was a dangerous opponent.

As They circled each other as the nasal voiced announcer cried out the details of the match, proclaiming how it would be an event to remember, and most important get your bets in.  Jarys allowed himself to sink into a battle state, freeing the basic drives to survive, to fight, to kill, latent in all life forms.  This was how he survived, yet each time he plunged into this state it became harder to come back out of it, with each death he was becoming….it didn’t matter, he would survive.

Then came the word he was waiting for “Fight”.  Jarys and the weeper charged at each other.  His swords a whirl of death spinning about him.  As they neared the flow of time, the flow of the aether slowed in Jarys mind, the swords became visible rather than a blur, the movement predictable, patterned.

With a predators precision he saw weaknesses, saw the opening.  He swerved left dodging his opponents right blade, he dodged right into a crouch dodging the left blade, he swerved back dodging the right again as he did he loped the scythe round cutting the weeper off at the knees.

Jarys rose over the mewling creature, his fingers gouged into its eyes.

He lived they died.



Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #53 on: October 17, 2017, 09:47:54 PM »

Simple.   *shudder*

That little word carries a lot of weight in this section.  Nicely done! :-)  It is good to know that Jarys still has a core of humanity left, to redeem.  When that is gone...


The character arcs are still descending.  I am admittedly anxious to see when (if?) they manage to pull out of the death spiral and finally begin to claw back up.

But however it goes, well done!  :-)

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 429
Posts: 1906

« Reply #54 on: October 17, 2017, 09:59:36 PM »

Simple.   *shudder*

That little word carries a lot of weight in this section.  Nicely done! :-)  It is good to know that Jarys still has a core of humanity left, to redeem.  When that is gone...


The character arcs are still descending.  I am admittedly anxious to see when (if?) they manage to pull out of the death spiral and finally begin to claw back up.

But however it goes, well done!  :-)

Descending in an interesting implies some kind of 'higher' that is what, 'better', who makes that distinction??  Ha, just getting philosophical!

Anyway figured the best way of thanking you all for your comments was another chapter!

Also you made a good pick up re the altar...but is an altar a sith altar just because it is in a book the Jedi have labelled Sith?


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #55 on: October 17, 2017, 10:38:32 PM »

Descending in an interesting implies some kind of 'higher' that is what, 'better', who makes that distinction??  Ha, just getting philosophical!

Anyway figured the best way of thanking you all for your comments was another chapter!

Also you made a good pick up re the altar...but is an altar a sith altar just because it is in a book the Jedi have labelled Sith?

Hmm....   I was going by the description - black and creepy...  But hey, it could be something else.  :-) 

As for "descending" character arcs...  What can I say?  I'm a Gray who follows the Light...  ;-)

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Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

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« Reply #56 on: October 18, 2017, 12:04:44 AM »

Anyway figured the best way of thanking you all for your comments was another chapter!


Fantastic, just incredible.  Each description is visceral, the ambiance: deadly, unforgiving.  And yet, Jarys "surviving" may not be what he needs to live.  But that's another story  Wink

Keep them coming LSG!  These are so enjoyable (I feel as if I'm getting my G.R.R.M. fix again  Grin)

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 429
Posts: 1906

« Reply #57 on: October 20, 2017, 04:46:47 AM »

Hi guys, just on the half way point through the story.  Been/will be a bit tied up at work but will get into some Hide/Seek and Tarnished Knight when I can. Anway here is one I prepared earlier...a bit more contemplative...and the last major character to be introduced.

Also in the interim would love to hear any feedback re: who would you like to see more/less of, any themes or bits I've done well or could do better at, types of scenes that you'd like more or less of?


The living force was strong in the under levels of the temple.  Most of the new Temples construction was only occurring on the outer shell, with re-enforcing works and access tunnels the only internal change this far down in the multilayered structure.

The Council at the time, some 50 years ago had locked off some of the structures beneath the new main temple very deliberately, Soryu couldn’t see why really, there way so much energy and life down here.  He had taken both his Padawans down here often to feel the flow not just the energies of the temple, but of all Coruscant, the living force from every being on the planet seemed to flow through here in some way.  And for that reason he had brought the aspirant Valens down here.

Valens was the most unusual and exciting student he had seen in 20 years as a master.  He had spoken to Yoda at length about him before Yoda had departed on an assignment to Boz Pity.  Physically he was more than capable, but it was his connection to the force that amazed Soryu.  As he watched him leap through a Padawan training course, over beams, through small tunnels, red track markers beeping green as he passed them in time, he could feel how naturally the force flowed through him. 

For most Jedi, even Soryu himself, he felt more like a funnel, channelling the living force by pressing it into the shape he desired, by for this Valens and very rare others, they were more like an ancient sailing ship, they used forces natural winds and tides without having to try and change them.  To truly be in sync with the living force like that was what Soryu aspired to, not for power, but to live more fully as one with all life.

Valens raced down the final stretched, then did a small leapt before placing foot after foot on the thin pillars separated by half a metre and barely wide enough for one foot, off the last one he did a roll through the low red marker, it switched green with an affirmative ding.

Soryu checked his chrono - 3 minutes 12 seconds, it wasn’t a record, but it was in the top ten, for a first attempt it was exceptional.  Valens walked over his breathing slowing, his presence in the force slowly retreating back.  That was the other thing Soryu thought fascinating, how distant Valens felt in the force, making him near impossible to read.  He couldn’t be sure if it was intentional or natural.  There was so much about the force no one knew, so much this young man could teach.

“Well done”

“Thank you Soryu,”

“please sit, have a drink,” he offered a bottle of water, “So what do think of this place,”

Valens looked unsure, “The temple or the planet or….”

“Oh,” Soryu chucked, he forgot how new all this was to Valens, “This room below the temple,”

“Oh…its different down here, the aether feels freer, brighter,”

“how so?” Soryu questioned, noting his use of that word, Aether,

“Well above…its bright but mingled with the lights of the Jedi and other people, their thoughts…here…there are beams coming from…well everywhere, above, outside…and especially below…but none are as distinct, they meld into a single glow better…the further you are from two lights the more they combine…if that makes sense…” he replied in an uncertain manner

“It does it does, on Jedda it is similar, outside the cities, away from the temples the force that flows through them is less distinct, but combines in the background to be a more pure flow of the force,”

Valens nodded, “Yes on Aethas, we go to the mountains for the same reason…through distance you’re not, I guess separating yourself so much as seeing the aether as a whole better,”

“Ah truly, truly, I would very much like to visit your world…Yoda’s descriptions were fascinating,”  Soryu checked himself, he needed to get back on to the examinations, much though he wanted to discuss these things in more depth. 

“When the code says there is no emotion there is serenity, what does that mean,” he changed the subject abruptly
“I though it read there is no emotion there is peace, and there is no passion there is serenity, or do I have it wrong,”
Soryu was slightly knocked off course by that, Valens was right, the similarity of the two lines often went unnoticed by apprentices when probed,

“You are correct,” he repositioned, “What do you think the difference is,”

Valens brow furrowed, “hmm…well emotion is an intrinsic biological reality for most species, but it is different across species and for individual situations…but what unites these differences is peace, that is the backdrop upon which emotions are the difference…like…peace is a kind of lake, an emotion might ripple it like a rock thrown in,”  He looked up and around the room, Soryu felt him open more to the force, “to recognise this, to acknowledge yes our biology leads to emotions, but peace underlies it, and can be returned to that is its teaching….it is not that you don’t feel emotions,, but you make the effort to revert to that peace,”

It was a slightly clumsy explanation…but it was accurate and better than either of his own Padawans had given, “and passion,” he pressed on

“Passion…is more of a choice, it is a desire, a drive for something I guess, but ultimately all of us die, all ends in the force…that is the serenity, to check your passions, do they ultimately all flow with the force to which all things truly move towards…perhaps it’s also about needs and wants, a passion reflects a want, but the need, for all life is the force that sustains it, and the force doesn’t have a passion to create life, it is the serenity that underlies life,”

Soryu nodded and couldn’t conceal his smile, the answer was again jumbled, but for someone who had only known about the Jedi even existing for about three months it was exceptional insight.  What he lacked in eloquence he made up for in understanding.
Soryu found it hard to meditate in his chamber on the upper level…he wished there were a mountain like Valens had described…but he knew he had to meditate in all environments, the force was the force, he had to adapt to its variations, his preference wasn’t what mattered.

The particular issue this time was the lingering emotions of the room next to his, Yoda’s.

Yoda had not been happy as he left, he had wished to continue his operations against the Hutt slavers, but following a meeting between a group of Senators and the Council they had put a stop to those operations.  Kimar had then reassigned Yoda in front of the council rather than just catching up with him in the halls.

There was no love lost between those two, they had two very different approaches to what it meant to be a Jedi, for Kimar it meant adherence to the code and obedience to the Republic, for Yoda it meant compassion and following the force even when it diverged from what was politically expedient or in keeping with the letter of the code.  and Soryu suspected Kimar reluctance to even consider Valens for Jedi training was more due to his antipathy toward Yoda than anything else…though the argument that he was so much older and inducted in another tradition was strong.

There was also the issue of membership of the council, for most Yoda was an obvious choice, but Kimar and his supporters kept putting off the vote to increase the council from 10 to twelve which would allow Yoda and another to join.  Soryu had been on the council five years now and didn’t like the factionalism that he had seen growing.

There is no passion there is serenity…these things didn’t matter, the life of the force flowed still even here. 

He turned his thoughts to the examinations of Valens…there was such a natural flow of the force around him, such sincerity to learn and follow the living force, so much to be learnt on both sides…and focused on his memory of Valens reciting the code earlier that day…the rhythm of the words as they passed his lips whilst he floated various weights with the force, his eyes closed, a smirk on his face…

What…a smirk, that hadn’t been there had it, he couldn’t recall it, surely he would’ve noticed it at the time…he focused on the image in his mind again, it was gone…strange…perhaps he was simply confusing some other thoughts.

He shook his head…too unfocused, even a Jedi master found it hard to meditate sometimes.
Soryu rubbed his chin, the small stubble there the only hair on his head anymore!
Valens and a Togruta padawans sparred in front of him as part of a training competition, eleven padawans and Valens faced offed against each other, each in turn in two rounds, first to three points, each hit was one point, two for the torso, three if knocked of their feet. 

So far Valens had lost all his matches…and he was losing this one too…Soryu shouldn’t have been surprised, but still it seemed odd to him, from what Yoda said he had been trained as a warrior…but given the situation Yoda had gleaned about his home world, Aethas, there weren’t many people to train with. 

Valens made clumsy upper slash with his training blade, the Togruta pivoted in a low spin and knocked his feet from under him, a full three points, he was out.

As Valens dusted off he went up to him,
“Ah don’t worry Valens, remember they’ve been doing this for years, want to sit out the next rounds?” he didn’t want him to become too dispirited
“That’s OK Soryu, I’ll keep going,” Soryu clapped him on the back appreciating his tenacity, another good Jedi trait.

The next round began, Valens facing a Duro who had pierced him twice in the torso before.  The beep sounded and the six matches began.  The Duro came in hard aiming the tip of his blade right at Valens like he had before, Valens looked uneven on his feet, the Duro stabber forward, Valens clumsily batted it aside and then…suddenly spun into a crouch sweeping the Duros feet from under him…full three points.

Soryu might have put it down as fluke, except Valens won every single match from then on winning the round 11-0.

After it was finished and happy handshakes exchanged Soryu went up to him,

“Quite an improvement,” he said,

“In battle,” Valens said suddenly very serious, “You don’t often get an opportunity to study your opponent thoroughly, this time I did,”

Soryu clicked, “The first round you were just studying them….just your opponent or,”

“No all of them at once of course…I only have two eyes and two ears, but within the aether…there are no limits,”

Soryu stared at him…the realisation dawned on him, it had been growing in the back of his mind without him even noticing it, now it broke through…Valens didn’t need the Jedi, the Jedi needed him.


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Taegin Roan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2066
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Lord of the Force

« Reply #58 on: October 20, 2017, 07:20:49 AM »

Wow. Just wow. This was fantastic. I love how after only three months of being with the Jedi, Soryu is already seeing how little he knows, and how much Valens can teach them. I also love how nobody seems to know how to react to Valens. He is so much more powerful than them all, and he knows it, and so do they. But still, they try to teach him whatever they can, but still hoping to learn more from him than they know they can teach him. Very well written, and definitely interesting.

As to feedback on particular things I like, I am definitely liking Soryu. Valens and Jarys are just all around awesome characters with so much depth, and we still know so little about them. I definitely want to see more with them. But I also don't want to see you neglect Shilea/Sevra. She has an important arc as well, and I really want to know more about her alternate personality thing, and how that happened. Cilina too. I still have no idea what happened to her. Themes I have liked of yours are the power of the Aether and the Aethans more than that of the Force. How they don't deny their emotions, but still don't let them control their actions. Training scenes have always been something that I have loved. Episodes of shows where they are centered on someones training, or where they learn something, are always great for character growth, and that is something that I will never get tired of seeing. Like these last few scenes with Valens training in the Temple, they are wonderful. Right now, I can't think of anything that you are not doing well, but if I do think of something, I'll be sure to let you know.

(BTW, Karm and TD's stories have been amazing lately. Lots of nice twists.) Don't worry about us, we'll be here waiting for the next chapter once you have a little more time on your hands.

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1108
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« Reply #59 on: October 20, 2017, 04:35:12 PM »

Excellent chapter LSG.  I feel that Valens (both his approach to the Force as well as his opponents) represents what's wrong with the Jedi: they tend to forget or outright ignore that which does not fit into their ideology.  That is one of the key facets to your narrative that is so enjoyable (and exciting): Force users making use of, while ALSO being aware of, their environment(s).  Taking the time to know his opponent, free of ego and judgment of others, Valens makes the most of the contest.  No wonder Soryu is amazed.  Still: even an old dog can learn new tricks  Wink

My favorites (and I am in complete agreement with TR  Wink): Valens, Jarys, Shilea/Sevra for the main.  I have to give a personal favorite though for that oily snake-oil salesman Lyr'Ca'Njo  Cheesy

As far as less?  LSG, I wouldn't presume to tell you that, especially in your own narrative  Smiley  Besides, the outlier characters help to flesh out the story, even if it's "only" peripheral  Grin

(BTW, Karm and TD's stories have been amazing lately. Lots of nice twists.) Don't worry about us, we'll be here waiting for the next chapter once you have a little more time on your hands.
Thanks for the endorsement TR  Cool

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

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