Hello Everybody,
I haven't posted in a while as I've been busy with family stuff but I thought you might like to see a new saber I actually managed to find time to design for my own character.
This one's kinda a mix of old and new (I'm old and the saber is new
Anyhoo I hope you like this one and that you are all doing well. Thanks for looking in.
This is a wonderful saber, FT! THIS is the kind of saber that I could TOTALLY see hanging from the belts of Jedi during the High Republic! Sleek, clean, simple (but not simplistic), truly an elegant weapon of a bygone era
Amazing interpretation, FT! This really is an example of how "Form Meets Function" is done RIGHT
Oh, and LOVE the "For Tyeth Travel" visuals
Looking good my friend!
Hi everybody, after the slight technical hiccup the forum suffered I thought I would kick start my thread with a May The Fourth Be With You celebration photo.
I hope you all have a great day (I have, having just re-watched The Phantom Menace in my local cinema - I missed it in 1999) and have fun celebrating"
Oh, and I suppose for balance' sake I should wish a happy Revenge of the Fifth for tomorrow too!
W00T! Happy (belated) May the FOURTH!!!
"When Qui-Gon Met Vadey..."
Hi Logos, sorry I haven't responded sooner but I hadn't been feeling too good and doing social media was low on my list of tasks....but I just saw your latest "What'ya Watching" post and thought you'd like this design....
And yes the handgrip is a rubberised sleeve so you don't rip your palms open using this hilt.
Finally.....my saber being a bit bright...er yes it is but I can't say much about it (due to something something Other Guys and me making a few "improvements")
However it was popular with the visitors of the comic con who wanted pics holding it.
OK, AWESOME amalgamation of two of my favorites: Star Wars AND Venom
B-E-A-UTIFUL work (as always) sir!
WELL deserved Point!