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Author Topic: ANoob has landed  (Read 59091 times)
Knight Lt. Commander

Force Alignment: 16
Posts: 456

« on: June 19, 2022, 12:52:45 PM »

Hi all. Hear is my introduction and a little backstory about me.
I was having some family issues that some how brought back my inner child. I was feeling hurt in my subconscious. As of writing this I am 26 years old but feel like I am between 14-16 yeas old. Back in those days I was into dancing, wushu, healthcare and anime. One of things on my bucket list is to go to an anime convention such as San Deigo ComicCon.  Fast forward to me at age 20 I did attend my first convention in San Diego convention center. It was a medical convention by Society for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH16). I also attend in 2020 and will plan on doing so in 2024. Back to present day, I was watching for I do not know how many times the HackSmith and their lightsaber development. Feeling very jealous I knew I had to get one. I did buy one of their shirts with the plasma lightsaber on it. I love their steampunk designs.  I thought of trying to design one myself but soon realized I am a writer not an artist.

I knew from the very first start of my quest into the lightsaber community I had a few things I had to have on one. Golden claws. After a month or so of lurking, leaning and coming clean to my mother ( I kept quiet for that first month) I decided on the Aeon v5le with lite sound because I hate technology and an terrible with computers. Also a Mac user. At first I wanted to go all out  with features or should say fidelity. I soon realized for one not in my budget and my computer skills. That brings my to why I chose this username here ANoob. I wanted something gamey sounding. So here I am today and I am very happy to join and be a part of this community.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -300
Posts: 1675

Dark Side points preferred when earned, thx.

« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2022, 05:49:44 AM »

Hello and welcome. Embracing ones inner child is the way.
The aeon LEV5 is magnificent. I should know. I have his little brother. There is a tutorial about how to flip the claws for a better grip, if you're not planning on dueling with it.
Forum community is quite welcoming. The global saber community on the wild web... not so much if you're an US fan. (Although, to everyone convention I went in France, the dueling clubs had Ultrasabers sabers... so... You know...)

Owned :
* Black Empress Emerald, Fire Orange with Pyrestone Orange FOC
* Spectre Emerald, Sentinel Yellow Adegan Silver FOC
* Guardian GB nickel plated shroud AB FOC
* Initiate LEV5 Blazing red/red illuminated AVswitch
* Dark Initiate LEV5 SRD/green illuminated AVswitch
* Emperor's Hand BVA/VA BH FOC
* 2 x windowed initiate v4 (silver + red)
* Liberator v3 arctic blue
* Dark sentinel LEV5 yellow / Sentinel LEV5 VA
* Dominix VA
* Fallen Azur, LE and Crimson pixel
* Initiate V2 GB
* Sentinel LEV4
* Frankensaber FO
Wishlist :
Menace SE BR x2
Butcher LE AS
Please someone stop m

Knight Lt. Commander

Force Alignment: 16
Posts: 456

« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2022, 06:09:33 AM »

I was not expecting to start writing part two so soon. Knowing the mixed experiences of others have had I was not expecting to have mine so soon. I was planning on at least two or three weeks not less then one. Like most of us here I have already started a wishlist on what to buy next. My nerves are firing like crazy. Or should I say lightsabers.  I am trying to keep my nerves relaxed as much as possible.

Azure Fallen with blue violet blade no sound because Fallen is the name of my favorite music album by Evanescence.

Crimson Grand Master with emerald driver and v4 sound. For Mom She is an artist and a Mac user.

Exactly a week later it was my big day. Back to me at my current age of 26 it was time to see my first ever lightsaber. As my eyes landed on it I feet like a young lad in a sweet shop I do not even like sweets vey much. As soon as a figured out how to use the sound I felt like my mother when she learned to ride a bike. For me one of those memories you will probably will never forget. Or my first ever medical convention I attend. That day was when I had the time of my life. That is actually documented in a story I wrote for The Society for Simulation in Healthcare. If I do I have photos of it. I was so excited and on such an adrenaline rush plus lack of sleep I felt sick to my stomach. Next I tried some of my old wushu dance steps. I successfully preformed them. My wonky hip and old injuries behaved and got a nice photo shoot of this moment if my life.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -300
Posts: 1675

Dark Side points preferred when earned, thx.

« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2022, 06:29:00 AM »

I was not expecting to start writing part two so soon. Knowing the mixed experiences of others have had I was not expecting to have mine so soon. I was planning on at least two or three weeks not less then one. Like most of us here I have already started a wishlist on what to buy next. My nerves are firing like crazy. Or should I say lightsabers.  I am trying to keep my nerves relaxed as much as possible.

Azure Fallen with blue violet blade no sound because Fallen is the name of my favorite music album by Evanescence.

Crimson Grand Master with emerald driver and v4 sound. For Mom She is an artist and a Mac user.

Exactly a week later it was my big day. Back to me at my current age of 26 it was time to see my first ever lightsaber. As my eyes landed on it I feet like a young lad in a sweet shop I do not even like sweets vey much. As soon as a figured out how to use the sound I felt like my mother when she learned to ride a bike. For me one of those memories you will probably will never forget. Or my first ever medical convention I attend. That day was when I had the time of my life. That is actually documented in a story I wrote for The Society for Simulation in Healthcare. If I do I have photos of it. I was so excited and on such an adrenaline rush plus lack of sleep I felt sick to my stomach. Next I tried some of my old wushu dance steps. I successfully preformed them. My wonky hip and old injuries behaved and got a nice photo shoot of this moment if my life.

I have an Azure Fallen, it is MASSIVE but so cool and it feels really good in the hand. (you can find pics of mine on the gallery section)

Owned :
* Black Empress Emerald, Fire Orange with Pyrestone Orange FOC
* Spectre Emerald, Sentinel Yellow Adegan Silver FOC
* Guardian GB nickel plated shroud AB FOC
* Initiate LEV5 Blazing red/red illuminated AVswitch
* Dark Initiate LEV5 SRD/green illuminated AVswitch
* Emperor's Hand BVA/VA BH FOC
* 2 x windowed initiate v4 (silver + red)
* Liberator v3 arctic blue
* Dark sentinel LEV5 yellow / Sentinel LEV5 VA
* Dominix VA
* Fallen Azur, LE and Crimson pixel
* Initiate V2 GB
* Sentinel LEV4
* Frankensaber FO
Wishlist :
Menace SE BR x2
Butcher LE AS
Please someone stop m

Knight Lt. Commander

Force Alignment: 16
Posts: 456

« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2022, 10:51:15 PM »

Part 3
My nerves have calmed down and I have gotten some sleep. I am totally re living my teenage years. I am much happier now. That week of waiting was hell, thankfully it was only one week. I would have been a wreck if it had gone on much longer. Another great change I have noticed since I got the lightsaber is that I have been able to get to sleep a whole half hour earlier! That is a big difference for an insomnia suffer. I hope I do not jinx that by writing this. You probably can tell where this is going. I know there’s no shame in what I am about to write. I am going to pull the words out of my mouth. I sleep with the lightsaber. I would like the thank the members here who encouraged me to not feel shame.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Lt. Commander

Force Alignment: 16
Posts: 456

« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2022, 08:31:29 PM »

One week update

One week in update

I couldn’t be happier with my choice of the Aeon v5 le with lite sound and 24 inch blade. I did buy the extra pommel the sentinel v5 non vented. Still can’t decide what one I like best. I only use the non vented one when I am not using sound example at night. I am surprised that the claws on the emitter and pommel are not sharp. I didn’t want to claw up myself or my sheets. As stated in an earlier installment of this journey I mentioned the whole sleep thing. I never thought a hard non flexible blade would be comfortable.

I also decided to buy the lightsaber because I knew it would be great for my seasonal affect disorder (SAD), those emergency situations such as Northern California wildfires. I have funny plans on what I will do if disasters strike. I also found that being part of this community myself as a writer has come back. But I have to say sleep is the most important and amazing discovery I have noticed. Not to mention not spending money on iPad video games. My pocket book thanks me. It used to be that age old question how to fall asleep? Now I know how to.  It’s like when my mother had a Star Wars dream where she figured out the meaning of the universe. She had a friend named Mary Jo Kobe. In her dream she was told “Mary Jo Kobe, Obi-Wan Kenobi, that was the secret of the universe, she thought she was enlightened, at least for a moment.

I may post more on the sleep thing if I get enough comments on this thread.  A bit too embarrassed to do so.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Lt. Commander

Force Alignment: 16
Posts: 456

« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2022, 02:01:22 AM »

I wrote part 5 and did not post it when I first wrote it because I was a bit embarrassed. But here it is. I find it very humorous. Also next part will be by guest writer my mom.

Part 5

I am feeling less shame to start out with. But I am longing for the Azure Fallen because I am slightly afraid of damaging the Aeon v5 le with sound because I wouldn’t know what to do if something did go wrong with it. Imagine a night without a lightsaber? It would be back to the age old question how to fall asleep? Most frustrating thing ever. You just lay there tossing and turning, playing iPad video games, watching the clock, counting sheep and so on. The next morning you are exhausted.  You are thinking I do not anymore nights like that after having no more insomnia since answering your life biggest question. When I do get the Fallen I will get it as a stunt saber (no sound) with heavy grade blade probably the 32 or 36 inch. The 24 inch mid grade blade I have on my Aeon is very nice but I am afraid of breaking it. As I said in a previous installment I mentioned that I never thought a hard non flexible blade would be in a Star Wars galaxy far far away comfortable. That is why I went with longer hilt the Aeon rather then the shorter version the Initiate v5 le. I was very wrong. (I rarely use any wushu or tai chi sword anymore to the point I will use the same material as a lightsaber blade in my dream blade)I used to think longer blades would be more comfortable because I thought they would be more flexible.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Lt. Commander

Force Alignment: 16
Posts: 456

« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2022, 03:33:02 AM »

I wrote part 5 and did not post it when I first wrote it because I was a bit embarrassed. But here it is. I find it very humorous. Also next part will be by guest writer my mom.

Part 5

I am feeling less shame to start out with. But I am longing for the Azure Fallen because I am slightly afraid of damaging the Aeon v5 le with sound because I wouldn’t know what to do if something did go wrong with it. Imagine a night without a lightsaber? It would be back to the age old question how to fall asleep? Most frustrating thing ever. You just lay there tossing and turning, playing iPad video games, watching the clock, counting sheep and so on. The next morning you are exhausted.  You are thinking I do not anymore nights like that after having no more insomnia since answering your life biggest question. When I do get the Fallen I will get it as a stunt saber (no sound) with heavy grade blade probably the 32 or 36 inch. The 24 inch mid grade blade I have on my Aeon is very nice but I am afraid of breaking it. As I said in a previous installment I mentioned that I never thought a hard non flexible blade would be in a Star Wars galaxy far far away comfortable. That is why I went with longer hilt the Aeon rather then the shorter version the Initiate v5 le. I was very wrong. (I rarely use any wushu or tai chi sword anymore to the point I will use the same material as a lightsaber blade in my dream blade)I used to think longer blades would be more comfortable because I thought they would be more flexible.

Well I now have to post the embarrassing part because I cannot edit my post. This is the part I was hoping to edit. (I rarely use any wushu or tai chi sword anymore to the point I will use the same material as a lightsaber blade in my dream blade)I used to think longer blades would be more comfortable because I thought they would be more flexible.
So here it is
Going back over ten to fifteen years ago I started to sleep with some kind of wushu/tai chi sword. Fast forward a few years from then I was wanting to design my dream sword I will be referring to it as my dream blade. I wanted something I could wrap around myself for comfort. I would prefer for it not to be real wushu steel. It would have to be soft enough for safety but firm enough to provide the pressure I seek. have multiple designs for it. I wanted something long and super flexible but firm. Some designs ranged from a RuneScape Godsword to an Indian urumi style. I have autism septum disorder(ASD) and one of the symptoms is sensory problems. People with ASD find that deep pressure stimulation calming. Note since the age of 18 most childish thing I have ever heard of. But I do enjoy it in some respects. Back to my dream blade I was thinking of using many different materials such as wushu spring steel, plastic, leather, cloth and or silicone. My dream blade would consist of six super long and flexible blades connected to a center firm main blade with a wing like hand guard and hilt. Each of the six long flexible blades would be around 12feet in length and between 2-4 inches wide. Thickness would depend on what material I use. I would have multiple sets of blades that I could attach to the main body of the dream blade. I also could wear them without the main blade(the firm one). The long flexible blades would be mounted to the main body blade three on each side, two near the guard for the arms, the next set a little farther down for the torso and closes to the tip would be the two leg blades. When not in use the blades could be coiled up and also like I mentioned before removable. I would make multiple sets of blades that would be used when I wanted a certain feel. Sometimes I may want something hard and springy lots of pressure other times lite  thin and softer. The main blade would also be a two piece construction to make it more portable. Sorry about the tangent.


Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Defender of the Forumverse
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander
OVER 9000!!

Force Alignment: 2816
Posts: 16850

Grey Assassin

« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2022, 01:25:01 PM »

Hello and welcome to the forum

Knight Lt. Commander

Force Alignment: 16
Posts: 456

« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2022, 06:07:25 PM »

And now the guest writer my Mom,  and a change of plans for the fallen

Hi, I’m ANoob Mom.  I was very excited when they told me they had ordered a lightsaber.  When it arrived I was quite taken with it’s beauty. although I’m 70 years old, I had never watched any of the Star Wars movies.
Now, as a family we have Thursday movie night and are watching the original Star Wars movies. I’m enjoying them and am delighted that ANoob and I get to watch movies together.
I’m glad that ANoob is getting some good sleep with the LightSaber as a comfort item.  Since the Lightsaber arrived ANoob seems happier and is more social and more animated.
I personally believe in “the Force”.  It is very spiritual for me and I like to say “may the Force be with you”.  I am honored that ANoob has invited me to write on this thread.

Also change of plans on the Fallen it will be my birthday in less then a month. I decided to far out and go emerald and v4 sound because I want an Evanescence theme saber and also could use it for the play I wrote.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Lt. Commander

Force Alignment: 16
Posts: 456

« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2022, 06:16:19 AM »

Make that I am going to go diamond on the Azure Fallen. I realized that the highest fidelity is probably needed for my play.  Find my play on the soundfonts thread topic code blue play.  I really am feeling like a high school student again because I am now going to learnand program the diamond software. I do have previous experience with music and video editing. I also wrote a play in high school. Makes me really miss my high school teacher who taught me about those kind of computer skills. FYI Mac user garage band and I forgot what I used for video.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 534
Posts: 2945

Fandom mash-ups are fun.

« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2022, 02:27:27 PM »

Welcome to you both, and I agree; the Diamond controller is a better choice than the Emerald plus v4 sound, simply for the flexibility it provides, in addition to the other benefits.

I’m sure I speak for many here when I say that we look forward to hearing more about your journey, and I feel I simply have to say that WE LOVE PICTURES AND VIDEOS.  No pressure, of course, but if you have pictures of your saber, we’d love to see them.

Also, here is a video review of the Azure Fallen.

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

Also, there’s no shame in admitting you need to make adaptations to fit into this world.  Just because your adaptations might look different than some other person’s adaptations doesn’t create a reason for shame.  Sleep is a vital part of human health, and you need to do what you need to do in order to get enough sleep. Be happy that what meets your needs was found for the price of an UltraSaber; some folks spend thousands upon thousands of dollars trying fancy bed after fancy bed, only to be disappointed each time.  You need to take care of yourself, and I’m happy to see that you have found light sabers to help you do that.

LEGEND: 🔇= Stunt, 🔊= V4 Premium Sound, ⚡= Flash on Clash, 💎= Diamond Controller

__Aeon LE v3 🔇 in CG  __Initiate v2 🔇 in FO  __Initiate v2 🔇 in AB  __Dark Apprentice LE v5 🔇 in AS  Dark Catalyst in BH 🔊 ⚡AS  __Crimson Scorpion 🔊 BR⚡GB  __Azure Fallen 💎 in DVA fading to VA , ⚡ AS  __Frankensaber 💎 in SY fading to CG with ⚡ GB  — Currently traveling with co-owner

Light Side points preferred, when warranted

Knight Lt. Commander

Force Alignment: 16
Posts: 456

« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2022, 03:40:48 PM »

Yes I have done it! @Cyclops I know that age old story about fancy beds. Reminds me of my Father. Have you checked out my play. I have photos on my Google drive. I will figure out how to share them. Learning how to do that on a program not at first designed for Mac users. I will post each of my lightsabers stats vitals (as a healthcare worker would say) in my signature here like many of us do.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Lt. Commander

Force Alignment: 16
Posts: 456

« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2022, 09:54:01 PM »

One month update

I couldn’t be happier with my experiences here. You all are so nice to me. I love your support and encouragement to not feel shame. Just got the word today I will be getting my diamond Fallen Tuesday! Ordered
Monday the 18th. Looks like a week and a day to get. How lucky am I.  When I do get the Fallen the guest writer will be back my Mom. Keep you all updated.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 534
Posts: 2945

Fandom mash-ups are fun.

« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2022, 01:32:57 AM »

One month update

I couldn’t be happier with my experiences here. You all are so nice to me. I love your support and encouragement to not feel shame. Just got the word today I will be getting my diamond Fallen Tuesday! Ordered
Monday the 18th. Looks like a week and a day to get. How lucky am I.  When I do get the Fallen the guest writer will be back my Mom. Keep you all updated.

We’re waiting along with you.  We all know the feeling of anticipation you’re feeling.

LEGEND: 🔇= Stunt, 🔊= V4 Premium Sound, ⚡= Flash on Clash, 💎= Diamond Controller

__Aeon LE v3 🔇 in CG  __Initiate v2 🔇 in FO  __Initiate v2 🔇 in AB  __Dark Apprentice LE v5 🔇 in AS  Dark Catalyst in BH 🔊 ⚡AS  __Crimson Scorpion 🔊 BR⚡GB  __Azure Fallen 💎 in DVA fading to VA , ⚡ AS  __Frankensaber 💎 in SY fading to CG with ⚡ GB  — Currently traveling with co-owner

Light Side points preferred, when warranted

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