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Author Topic: ANoob has landed  (Read 44077 times)
Knight Captain

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 406

« Reply #375 on: August 11, 2024, 08:25:11 PM »

Journal 8/11/24

The Insomnia monster has been making its rounds in the household lately. Last night it had everyone up in the household. I am feeling better about my technology problems.  I am learning my new soundboard. I took a closer look at it and it is a older or lite version of the industry standard soundboard. It is made by one of the big what I call generic brands of soundboards example the new US basic soundboard or xeno,or sn pixel.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Captain

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 406

« Reply #376 on: August 14, 2024, 03:40:54 AM »

Journal 8/13/24

I have been attacked by the Insomnia Monster every night for probably since I had the technology problems and finally acknowledged my anxiety problems going on in my household. The last three nights have been quite bad. Quite frustrating. I feel a bit jinxed. I have not been sticking to my usual routine of using my night blade. I have been trying to switch to plush sabers.  I am most certainly doing back to the real lightsaber blades tonight. I did try my Dominicide last night. Monster got me.

On the nicer side of things is that I tried dancing with my newest saber with smooth swing. It was awful. I hated it. I definitely don’t regret buying it, not like I did with the Apprentice v5. The newest saber will be a great disaster saber. I also am working on another plush saber.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Captain

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 406

« Reply #377 on: August 14, 2024, 07:53:37 PM »

Journal 8/14/24

I almost got rid of the Insomnia Monster. Again I was trying different sabers and blades. I did manage to find the right one. It is my V2 with 40 inch night blade. Should have remembered about that saber a long time ago.

I can almost remember a few dream pieces from last night.

Continuing my entry from last night about dancing with smooth swing. Smooth swing makes dancing very boring. Because there’s no other effects like my US Diamond board has. The only good thing about the new saber and board is that it is easier to do the lock up feature the way I would do it in my play.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Captain

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 406

« Reply #378 on: August 16, 2024, 08:06:38 PM »

Journal 8/16/24

I had a fabulous dream last night.  In the dream I was at the convention again a mix of the anime and medical convention. I did not expect to run into an US saber booth because it was not on the list of exhibitors for the convention.  When I did notice it I was then trying to find Emory The Great. Another person working there told me he had just left and would call and or text him. He came back to meet me. We had somewhat of a disagreement about soundboards. Proffie pixel vs Diamond. I had with me my Azure Fallen diamond and it was acting up and it had the same breaks as in real life in the dream. I wanted him to fix it but I am very nervous about anyone touching that saber in my dream. My mother also got to meet The Great via video call in the dream. I was also talking to The Great and the other people from his company about my journal and what a great journal entry this meeting would be.

In real life I have gotten rid of the insomnia monster and decided on what to do about my technology problems to get some of my anxiety under control. Having such a great dream was a very nice surprise to wake up to.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Captain

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 406

« Reply #379 on: August 17, 2024, 07:58:39 PM »

Journal 8/17/24

Yet another good night with the dream weaver.  A new take on on an old dream theme.  The dream used to be about my relationship. Now the new version of the dream. 

At summer camp again another place where I cannot have my sabers. Like in a previous dream I had one in my backpack. Us campers were finding our baggage.  I was very nervous that someone would find my saber. I wanted to get back to my bags and the saber. When I did manage to find my bags someone doing a security check found my saber. I instantly said when they asked me what is was I said “a flashlight!” Thankfully it was a small stunt saber. I took the blade plug out and turned it on and we both laughed. Thankfully not like in other versions of the dream nothing bad happened to me or the saber.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Captain

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 406

« Reply #380 on: August 21, 2024, 07:24:57 PM »

Journal 8/21/24

The Insomnia monster had me last night.  Otherwise I am ok less nutty in the household. Haven’t had any significant lightsaber related dreams since those two I wrote about in the last two entries.

I recently tried my newest non US saber with smooth swing as a sleep saber and tried some slow dancing with it too.  I did sleep well with it one night but the next time I tried it the Insomnia Monster got me.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Captain

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 406

« Reply #381 on: August 22, 2024, 08:13:35 PM »

Journal 8/22/24

My mother love telling the story about my dream I had about accidently kissing The Great during a dancing accident. There’s a possible disaster occurring outside right now. Got to go.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Captain

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 406

« Reply #382 on: August 26, 2024, 05:57:06 PM »

Journal 8/26/24

Haven’t had any significant lightsaber dreams lately. I had a really good nights sleep without the Insomnia Monster last night. Hope everyone is doing well.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Captain

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 406

« Reply #383 on: August 29, 2024, 06:58:27 PM »

Journal 8/29/24

Nothing much to write about during the last few days.  I do have that scary medical appointment again next week. Not looking forward to it. Hope everyone is doing well.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Captain

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 406

« Reply #384 on: September 01, 2024, 07:42:06 PM »

Journal 9/1/14

The Insomnia monster was making its rounds in my family last night. When I did manage to sleep I woke up to a very fragmented dream that was similar to another dream I had had. This is the dream it reminded me of. Journal 2/23/24

The dream weaver has been very busy last night. The dream I had last night was very complex. It was a mix of many of my current dream themes.


I was getting ready for school. I knew I couldn’t wear my sabers. I was trying different outfits to see if I could find one that could hide the saber in it. I gave up trying.  I feel naked and not fully dressed without them. I did have them in a sling backpack. I also had my usual bag with paperwork in it for school. This time in the dream the real disasters happened. It was tornadoes where I live. I was ready for the disaster. As soon as I was to be dropped off at school we could see funnel clouds forming. I was thinking should I put the blade in my saber. I then was in the classroom about to work on a writing project about this set of dreams. The tornado hit. I whip out my Azure Fallen in disaster mode. I turn out to be the hero again during the disaster. I didn’t have time to confront my teacher/ case manager in the dream about my sabers.

Dream 9/1/24
In this new dream which I can barely grab I was in class about to start a project for I can’t remember if it was English or History because in real life the same teacher taught both subjects. I knew I was not allowed to wear my saber in class. I did have them in my backpack. All of a sudden everyone ran out of the classroom because there was a disaster (structural fire) outside next door. Knowing I was not allowed to go into disaster mode with my Azure Fallen diamond I stayed put and tried to work on my project. I did take my Azure Fallen out and put it on. Knowing in real life I am a disaster junky I turn on the saber and run out of the classroom with the saber in disaster mode without its blade to investigate the disaster and what other people were doing. I do run past a teacher who I think was the teacher from my adult day program. I woke up before I got into trouble.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Captain

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 406

« Reply #385 on: September 05, 2024, 03:34:34 PM »

Journal 9/5/24

Trying to grab my dream again.  It definitely was a version of the dream loop I been having here. While I am trying to write this journal entry I keep feeling like I am going to fall asleep. In this version of the dream I was in yet again a combination of high school and my adult day program I was in. Just like in previous versions of the dream I had my non US saber in my bag. I was getting dressed for physical education. I almost got caught with the saber.

I will write more later. Need to sleep

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Captain

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 406

« Reply #386 on: September 10, 2024, 12:32:00 AM »

Journal 9/9/24

I am watching two used sabers online I am planning to buy. They are a scorpion and a fallen. I am going to get some more information on them. Keep you all updated on them.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Captain

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 406

« Reply #387 on: September 13, 2024, 07:07:02 PM »

Journal 9/13/24

Nothing much to write about this time. The Insomnia monster has bee making its rounds in the household lately. I did buy some cool Star Wars clothes yesterday.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Captain

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 406

« Reply #388 on: September 15, 2024, 07:39:58 PM »

Journal 9/15/24

I noticed that I have been taking sleep for granted again.  The Insomnia monster has been bothering me for days. It tried me again last night but I didn’t let it get me. I realized that I do need to use a real lightsaber blade at night. My 40 inch one is the best. From previous entries in this journal I mentioned that I want to switch to plush sabers at night. Turns out that I really cannot do that because the Insomnia Monster rear’s its head every time. It is frustrating. I need to remember not to take sleep for granted. Also Insomnia is not exactly normal and should be taken seriously. Also not doing what some doctors would say to do, that would be learn to live with it. Or t make friends with the .insomnia monster.  I need to remember I do and have the answer to life’s biggest question “how to fall asleep?” I would like to take a moment to appreciate The Great and his company for how much better my nights are since learning about lightsabers.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

Knight Captain

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 406

« Reply #389 on: September 17, 2024, 07:45:28 PM »

Journal 9/17/24

Very good news to report. No Insomnia Monster! I have been doing exactly what I should be doing about the Insomnia Monster. No more taking sleep for granted. Also am using my crimson Dominicide as my main sleep saber. I am very glad and thankful that I can get comfortable and not have nightmares using the crimson Dominicide.

On the other hand the Insomnia Monster is still bothering my mother. She actually asked a doctor about her problems with the Insomnia Monster. You can guess what the doctor said. Learn to live with it.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade number 2 sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 1 sleep  saber

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