So I have wanted this saber even before Ultra sabers made it, so I knew I had to have it. The Exile saber is designed after Master Yoda's saber. I ordered it during the last sale and I had it in 6 days along with 2 other sabers and a free blade, from Texas to Ohio now that's fast!! I don't plan on dueling with it so it will be more for show but with my grandson who knows.

This Saber is small as we all would expect. But it's still big enough that I can get a full hand on the grip section. Which is machined perfectly btw. The Machining and the fit and finish work on this saber are great! There are NO sharp edges any where! The green jeweled knobs are awesome! Now for the pics which is what we all want to see!!

The pictures really don't do it justice! Thank You Ultra Sabres!