Hi there,
Sorry I haven't replied till now but I was waiting to see if another more informed member could offer advice first.
But having said that it may be that your saber has a loose wire somewhere or what is known as a "dry solder joint" - which can cause a loss of light and that static you can hear. A dry solder joint is only partially connected and can restrict the flow of power meaning the speaker (and light) don't get enough to operate properly.
My best advice is to contact Ultrasabers by email and in the email list all of the symptoms and be as detailed as you can. Also if possible take a video of the saber that shows what is happening. You can add a link in your email to direct Ultrasabers to where your video is hosted (YouTube or other sharing site you use). Ultrasaber's technicians will (hopefully) be able to toubleshoot the problem and contact you with a solution or instructions on how to send the saber in for repairs should you wish to do so.
Sorry I can't be much more help than that and sorry you are having issues in the first place. Hope you get your hilt fixed soon.
Ultrasabers' email address is
[email protected]