Darth Ryuyee
Knight Major
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« on: March 08, 2011, 07:35:10 PM » |
Anyone here have any suggestions for the staff at Ultra Sabers? Post here!!  I would like to see more color options like yellow, pink, indigo and maybe another shade of green like a darker green, also maybe a commission section where you could submit a hilt design with all the specs they would need and maybe they could build it for you, just an idea might be a long shot an its just a opinion worth sharing. EDIT BY MANROON: Thought it would be a good idea to pin this, was surprised it hadn't been already lol. Anyways, it should also be noted that suggestions posted here have no guarantee of actually happening. It's just a thread for people to politely post what they would like to see from US. No promises the guys will always have time to read this, but if they do have the time and see the things here, it's possible they might decide to follow up on some of them. Things posted in this thread in the past have come true! Heck, the OP here suggested Yellow, Pink, and Indigo for colors. Anyone care to search up SY, BH, or DVA? lol That said, post away! New EDIT BY Big Boss: Though I agree with Manroon's older post in that this is merely a fun suggestion thread not an official one since many suggested ideas may or may not happen. All current wishlist threads have now been merged. This is going to be pinned since too many what do we want/ wish list threads have come up in the past and posts tend to just repeat themselves in the end.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 05:20:08 PM by Moderator Big Boss »
Dark Prophecy- Blazing Red Dark Liberator-Consular Green Dark War Glaive W/Sound-Guardian Blue PVC Prophecy-Guardian Blue (niece's) Dark Standard Issue-Violet Amethyst
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Nova Six, two lit and in the green.
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2011, 08:27:07 PM » |
Well, I will second the motion for a Yellow Saber! Also, the custom hilt thing would be sweet. However, I think I remember reading on the site somewhere that they used to offer that service and dropped it for one reason or another. I might suggest in place of said service... an annual contest of some sort, or even just a one shot contest of some sort, where the contestents submit various hilt designs. The winning design could then be adapted into, say for sake of cost, a PVC hilt (or metal if that seemed the better decision to US staff) to be run with a production life of US choice. I'd also recommend naming the winning hilt after the submitting member, for a little bit of fame with the fun in there. Other than that, I can only say it would be WAY cool to see a 'basket' style hilt in the future. Of course I can imagine that would be extremely difficult and or expensive to produce in a fashion that would hold up to a duel...
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Darth Sicarius
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« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2011, 08:38:21 PM » |
I think, that instead of having black anodzing on limited editions and v2's, I think that they should have a silver or anodized finish buying options for all sabers for those who like a hilt and not have to go through the decision of light side hilt or dark side and end up with a second best because of color. And add like a fee that's appropriate for the process. What do you guys think?
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« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2011, 10:32:55 PM » |
I third the Sentinel Yellow color option!
I would also like to see options to add either a Covertech or D-Ring belt clip to all sabers that don't already come with a covertech.
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« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2011, 12:13:11 AM » |
so far, these are all excellent suggestions. i see that there is a anakin stunt available. how about a darth vader , darth maul , luke and a dooku stunt also available for those of us on a tighter budget?
Darth Ryuyee
Knight Major
Force Alignment: -57
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The Bolas Brood Leader
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2011, 01:37:43 AM » |
so far, these are all excellent suggestions. i see that there is a anakin stunt available. how about a darth vader , darth maul , luke and a dooku stunt also available for those of us on a tighter budget?
This my friend is a VERY good idea i conncur with that
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 02:02:15 AM by Ryuyee »
Dark Prophecy- Blazing Red Dark Liberator-Consular Green Dark War Glaive W/Sound-Guardian Blue PVC Prophecy-Guardian Blue (niece's) Dark Standard Issue-Violet Amethyst
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« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2011, 01:41:31 AM » |
I too concur, and second Raze's suggestion for D-Ring Options! I think the D-Ring would be an easy option, the guy that put mine on for me said the job wasn't worth the $5 lunch I bought him for it. XD
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Kaiden Shardsbane
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« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2011, 02:02:33 AM » |
I'm in for the D-ring, hilt design contest, and yellow option. It all sounds awesome.
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2011, 03:06:55 AM » |
I third the Sentinel Yellow color option!
I would also like to see options to add either a Covertech or D-Ring belt clip to all sabers that don't already come with a covertech.
Definitely agree with the covertec option and I think Ultrasabers should sell the actual covertec clips instead of having to find one somewhere else
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« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2011, 03:56:47 AM » |
Definitely agree with the covertec option and I think Ultrasabers should sell the actual covertec clips instead of having to find one somewhere else
I'd like to see the covertec clips available as well, but I'm not opposed to getting them elsewhere. However, things I would like to see: Saberpole: Just a long staff with the connector for a saber on the end. It could be adorned or shaped however they want to to make it more interesting, but just a long pole for a lightsaber polearm. Short Blade: For the lightknife I mentioned in a previous post. I know it could be done pretty easily at home(Or at least I think it could) but I only have a table saw and I've seen what it does to wood. Pretty sure a plastic blade wouldn't survive the encounter. Custom Sound Options: Or at least custom to Ultrasabers. But something in addition to the standard Jedi/Sith they have now, just for varieties sake. Maybe even something totally unique to signify a lightsaber as an Ultrasaber just by the sound alone. And a $500 gift card for me so I can afford a few more sabers(kidding, kidding  )
Mind Slice
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« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2011, 04:34:57 AM » |
This is just an easy suggestion for the forums. You should make a link back to ultrasabers.com somewhere on the banner. Maybe since there's already a "home" button you should just have the logo link back to the website.
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Nova Six, two lit and in the green.
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2011, 06:41:47 AM » |
Something else I thought of: I know we just got the Anakin Stunt, so this isn't likely to happen anytime soon, but... a personal thing I noticed (my very first LED saber was a stock MR Anakin) is that that saber compared to something like a Standard Issue or Prophecy, has a much thicker hilt. It's a trait all the FX sabers seem to share from what I've seen. Personally, I love the sleeker, thinner US hilts. They're just so much more elegant, less cumbersome, and easier to wield in combat!  It would REALLY be cool to see a graflex style hilt from US. Something original, but with that style of emitter. The slanted emitters currently offered are awesome, but lack the swoop effect of the graflex. Just one guys obsession with 'the' lightsaber coming through again. lol
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« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2011, 07:30:58 AM » |
US needs a like button 
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« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2011, 05:58:12 PM » |
I vote for Sentinel Yellow as a color option.
The rest doesn't really bother me so much i actually like adding my own stuff to sabers. It would however be nice if Ultrasabers would come up with a very detaild movie style saber like saberforge or parksabers does. They add huge amounts of details to a saber and it would be awesome if Ultrasabers did that as a kind of a Ultra-clan-saber.
But, I still vote for Sentinel Yellow as a color option.
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Darth Ryuyee
Knight Major
Force Alignment: -57
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The Bolas Brood Leader
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2011, 07:24:52 PM » |
I think, that instead of having black anodzing on limited editions and v2's, I think that they should have a silver or anodized finish buying options for all sabers for those who like a hilt and not have to go through the decision of light side hilt or dark side and end up with a second best because of color. And add like a fee that's appropriate for the process. What do you guys think?
VERY good idea I agree an adonized version of all blades would be sick nasty (a good sick nasty)!
Dark Prophecy- Blazing Red Dark Liberator-Consular Green Dark War Glaive W/Sound-Guardian Blue PVC Prophecy-Guardian Blue (niece's) Dark Standard Issue-Violet Amethyst