Title: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Deep on January 03, 2020, 01:44:31 AM (https://ultrasabers.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/winter-Raffle-Extravaganza-2019.jpg) It's time to kick off 2020 Ultrasabers Style! By giving away 105 FREE custom Lightsabers! Guys and gals it's time for the Winter Raffle Extravaganza! 2019 Closed with an absolute bang, but that doesn't mean it's time to slow things down..! In fact we're going to be turning things up in 2020! Raffles are one of our favorite events and as usual we are giving away a ridiculous numbers of premium, high quality, feature loaded lightsabers (https://ultrasabers.com/product-category/single-blade-sabers/), so get ready- This time we are giving away ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE sabers (Yes you read that right- 105 sabers!!!) AND by popular demand, to make things even sweeter we are also giving you 10% off EVERY SABER across the arsenal! But if that wasn’t sweet enough already, how about Free Shipping, Free Initiate Sabers, Free Mystery Boxes, free T-Shirts, and free Blade Plugs with your order?! The Winter Raffle begins NOW and ends January 31st, 2020! Do NOT miss out on all these great promotions and your chance to win one of 105 prizes! Check out a few of the past raffle winner thread or ask around and I’m sure the winners of any of our previous raffles can attest to the awesomeness of getting your name pulled and getting that free saber in the mail! Winter Raffle Rules 1. To enter this raffle you simply need to make a purchase of $250 or more between January 2nd, 2020 and January 31th, 2020. 2. When you make the purchase you must enter the coupon code "WINTERRAFFLE" (https://ultrasabers.com/product-category/single-blade-sabers/) at checkout, and this will serve as your raffle ticket. Please do not forget to enter this coupon code! 3. This raffle is for Saberforum members ONLY. Please put your saberforum.com forum name in the comments field of your order. This is mandatory for raffle consideration.. 4. That's it. You are in and eligible to win one of the 105 prizes! Yes- seriously. We're Giving. Away. ONE-HUNDRED-FIVE FREE SABERS!!! Only one Raffle ticket per order. No limit on the number of tickets per customer. Raffle Prizes Diamond Prize [two winners]: Any single Ultrasaber of YOUR CHOICE with Obsidian Sound equipped with the Diamond Controller Emerald Prize [two winners]: Any single Ultrasaber of YOUR CHOICE with Obsidian Sound equipped with 4-Channel Emerald Driver Grand Prize [two winners]: Any single single color Ultrasaber of YOUR CHOICE with Obsidian Sound & Flash on Clash First Prize [ten winners]: Random Hilt with Obsidian Sound & 2-channel Emerald Driver Second Prize [twelve winners]: Random Hilt with Random features with Obsidian Sound Third Prize [twenty winners]: Random Hilt with Li-Ion setup Fourth Prize [fifty seven winners]: Random Grab Bag Saber Additional Perks
Winners will be announced on www.saberforum.com (http://www.saberforum.com) on February 1st, 2020 and also via email. FREE SABER DETAILS We are giving a free Initiate saber with every order over $650. Just place an order over $650 and enter the coupon code "FreeInitiate" (https://ultrasabers.com/product-category/single-blade-sabers/) and this additional saber will automatically be added to your order. DON'T FORGET TO ENTER THE COUPON CODE "FreeInitiate" if your order is over $650. This SWEET deal in additional to all the deals below. Maximum of one free Initiate per order. You have to place multiple orders to get multiple free Initiates. (Free Initiates are grab bag style random version and finish hilts with electronics installed and 24" Initiate blade attached) We are giving a free Mystery Box saber with every order over $1000. Just place an order over $1000 and enter the coupon code "FreeMysteryBox" (https://ultrasabers.com/product-category/single-blade-sabers/) and this additional saber will automatically be added to your order. DON'T FORGET TO ENTER THE COUPON CODE "FreeMysteryBox" if your order is over $1000. This AMAZING deal is in additional to all the deals below. Maximum of one free Mystery Box Saber per order. You have to place multiple orders to get multiple free Mystery Boxes. (Free Mystery Boxes are of the $75 and $200 variety selected at random, with the majority obviously being from the $75 selections, with electronics installed and 36" Full Size blade included). Check out the dozens and dozens of threads on the forums for ideas of what you could possible get in your Free Mystery Box. Prizes will be shipped to the same shipping address on the order # with the winning raffle ticket and will ship with your order once the raffle ends. If the winning order is on BACKORDER then that will also delay the shipping of the prize. This sale cannot be retroactively applied for any reason whatsoever. Sale ends 1/31/2020 GUYS! These are some AWESOME prizes, and you know we're not holding back! Diamond Sabers! Emerald Sabers! Sabers with Sound! We’re not holding back with prizes either! You might receive UNRELEASED EXCLUSIVES (yes we do still have more)!!! NEW FALLEN!!! (https://ultrasabers.com/product-tag/fallen/) NEW DOMINICIDE!!! (https://ultrasabers.com/product-tag/Dominicide/) NEW v5S!!! (https://ultrasabers.com/product-category/single-blade-sabers/) NEW BUTCHER!!! (https://ultrasabers.com/product-tag/revan) NEW SAVIOR!!! (https://ultrasabers.com/product-tag/revan) NEW DORINIANS!!! (https://ultrasabers.com/product-tag/plo-koon/) AND MORE all being given away this raffle. Ask any of our raffle winners how GREAT it feels to get that free saber in the mail! Don’t miss out! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Jruss1031 on January 03, 2020, 01:54:24 AM First raffle I’m participating in super excited to see if I win
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: chalion on January 03, 2020, 01:59:35 AM Jumped on this too. Chance to win in the raffle and the discount are a win/win for me.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Therion Jinn on January 03, 2020, 03:16:44 AM May be time to get my Dominicide
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Cyclops942 on January 03, 2020, 03:28:43 AM I’m happy to see the Raffle begin so very soon after the Christmas-time sale. I honestly wasn’t expecting anything this soon.
Thanks again, UltraSabers, for choosing to be so generous with your products! You already make wonderful products at an easily-justifiable price, and you continue to put forth promotions like this. I am simply amazed, I truly am. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 03, 2020, 04:11:42 AM I've been saving up for this. Torn between the Fallen and Crimson Fallen. It's been brought to my attention that I have several sabers that are silver/black in color. It's also been suggested that I mix it up a bit, hence the Crimson version of the Fallen. I like them both! I'm only getting one....which one do you think I should choose. Fallen in GB, with BR FOC (Grey Jedi..REPRESENT) or Crimson Fallen in SRD with AS FOC.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Griff on January 03, 2020, 05:02:36 AM Dammit!! Forgot to enter the code :-(
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 03, 2020, 06:13:35 AM Hey Darth Griff, worry not. Email [email protected]. give her your order number and tell them your forum name. They should be able to fix you up. Happened to me last raffle I entered.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Griff on January 03, 2020, 07:03:02 AM Ah coolio thanks ill give it a run.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Griff on January 03, 2020, 07:42:58 AM Although i just checked my email receipt and its Jan 1... may not count now ive read the too post. Double :-(
Who starts a comp on Jan 2?? ::) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Hayyzzyyy on January 03, 2020, 08:45:04 AM Excited to see if I win something. Hopefully I entered my forum user in the correct field! 🤔
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Lord Sidious on January 03, 2020, 11:15:18 AM Here we go again! Ultrasabers' generosity never ceases! Good luck to all who enter and may 2020 be a good year to you all.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Infinit01 on January 03, 2020, 11:40:34 AM Here we go! Good luck to anyone participating in the Winter Raffle!
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: BatMike90 on January 03, 2020, 01:16:39 PM I know I haven't been around much lately, but I might have to jump back in with this raffle.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on January 03, 2020, 04:38:12 PM I've been saving up for this. Torn between the Fallen and Crimson Fallen. It's been brought to my attention that I have several sabers that are silver/black in color. It's also been suggested that I mix it up a bit, hence the Crimson version of the Fallen. I like them both! I'm only getting one....which one do you think I should choose. Fallen in GB, with BR FOC (Grey Jedi..REPRESENT) or Crimson Fallen in SRD with AS FOC. Malik, I vote for the crimson, especially with the SRD! That contrast should be incredible! (And yup, something different now and again is nice!) Keep us posted on what ya decide? I have the silver/black coming at the end of the month. lol Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: BatMike90 on January 03, 2020, 05:17:02 PM Let me tell you all something, you already all know.
I tried everyone, I really did. I walked away from lightsabers and the Forum for 6 to 7 months and damn... Then a couple days ago, I woke up and had that "freaking" (not the word I wanted to use) feeling again. This hobby is so addicting. lol. I only bought one saber in 2019. We are 3 days into 2020 and the bug hit me hard. If I enter the raffle, my first since 2018, I know what I want to get. Diamond Domincide. I could easily customize that saber.... Someone send help. My girlfriend might actually kill me... Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 03, 2020, 06:43:48 PM Welcome back to the fold Batmike. Your Dominicide is calling. (slightly evil chuckle). I can help you with your problem. To many sabers...girlfriend threatening (thunder clouds forming over her head). I volunteer to relieve you of your Renegade LE and a Scorpion. In the interest of peace.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: BatMike90 on January 03, 2020, 10:27:14 PM Welcome back to the fold Batmike. Your Dominicide is calling. (slightly evil chuckle). I can help you with your problem. To many sabers...girlfriend threatening (thunder clouds forming over her head). I volunteer to relieve you of your Renegade LE and a Scorpion. In the interest of peace. If I could sell you my Renegade LE without violating Forum policy, I would. I bought it for a cosplay idea that didn't pan out. lol. Blazing Red in stunt configuation. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: GeddaTheHutt on January 04, 2020, 06:59:26 AM Maybe its time to get a Fallen or Dark Graflex.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Zren Tobas on January 04, 2020, 11:54:35 AM Really wish I could do at least one raffle x.x I'd probably finally enter with either a Bane or Monarch saber with sound
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Saberdestroyer20 on January 04, 2020, 05:27:10 PM I'm in the raffle! Just placed my highly anticipated and long waited first ever order on am ultra saber! The fallen, Sentinel yellow blade! I can not wait to see it!
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: comahan on January 04, 2020, 05:30:36 PM This will be my first raffle, with two tickets after ordering my first two sabers. After a lot of research I settled on Ultrasabers as the place to get me what I want, and i'm really excited for my orders!
I grabbed a Fallen with Consular Green, and a Butcher with Violet Amethyst. Can't wait to get them. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Skywalker1359 on January 04, 2020, 06:12:02 PM ([url]https://ultrasabers.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/winter-Raffle-Extravaganza-2019.jpg[/url]) It's time to kick off 2020 Ultrasabers Style! By giving away 105 FREE custom Lightsabers! Guys and gals it's time for the Winter Raffle Extravaganza! 2019 Closed with an absolute bang, but that doesn't mean it's time to slow things down..! In fact we're going to be turning things up in 2020! Raffles are one of our favorite events and as usual we are giving away a ridiculous numbers of premium, high quality, feature loaded lightsabers ([url]https://ultrasabers.com/product-category/single-blade-sabers/[/url]), so get ready- This time we are giving away ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE sabers (Yes you read that right- 105 sabers!!!) AND by popular demand, to make things even sweeter we are also giving you 10% off EVERY SABER across the arsenal! But if that wasn’t sweet enough already, how about Free Shipping, Free Initiate Sabers, Free Mystery Boxes, free T-Shirts, and free Blade Plugs with your order?! The Winter Raffle begins NOW and ends January 31st, 2020! Do NOT miss out on all these great promotions and your chance to win one of 105 prizes! Check out a few of the past raffle winner thread or ask around and I’m sure the winners of any of our previous raffles can attest to the awesomeness of getting your name pulled and getting that free saber in the mail! Winter Raffle Rules 1. To enter this raffle you simply need to make a purchase of $250 or more between January 2nd, 2020 and January 31th, 2020. 2. When you make the purchase you must enter the coupon code "WINTERRAFFLE" ([url]https://ultrasabers.com/product-category/single-blade-sabers/[/url]) at checkout, and this will serve as your raffle ticket. Please do not forget to enter this coupon code! 3. This raffle is for Saberforum members ONLY. Please put your saberforum.com forum name in the comments field of your order. This is mandatory for raffle consideration.. 4. That's it. You are in and eligible to win one of the 105 prizes! Yes- seriously. We're Giving. Away. ONE-HUNDRED-FIVE FREE SABERS!!! Only one Raffle ticket per order. No limit on the number of tickets per customer. Raffle Prizes Diamond Prize [two winners]: Any single Ultrasaber of YOUR CHOICE with Obsidian Sound equipped with the Diamond Controller Emerald Prize [two winners]: Any single Ultrasaber of YOUR CHOICE with Obsidian Sound equipped with 4-Channel Emerald Driver Grand Prize [two winners]: Any single single color Ultrasaber of YOUR CHOICE with Obsidian Sound & Flash on Clash First Prize [ten winners]: Random Hilt with Obsidian Sound & 2-channel Emerald Driver Second Prize [twelve winners]: Random Hilt with Random features with Obsidian Sound Third Prize [twenty winners]: Random Hilt with Li-Ion setup Fourth Prize [fifty seven winners]: Random Grab Bag Saber Additional Perks
Winners will be announced on [url=http://www.saberforum.com]www.saberforum.com[/url] ([url]http://www.saberforum.com[/url]) on February 1st, 2020 and also via email. FREE SABER DETAILS We are giving a free Initiate saber with every order over $650. Just place an order over $650 and enter the coupon code "FreeInitiate" ([url]https://ultrasabers.com/product-category/single-blade-sabers/[/url]) and this additional saber will automatically be added to your order. DON'T FORGET TO ENTER THE COUPON CODE "FreeInitiate" if your order is over $650. This SWEET deal in additional to all the deals below. Maximum of one free Initiate per order. You have to place multiple orders to get multiple free Initiates. (Free Initiates are grab bag style random version and finish hilts with electronics installed and 24" Initiate blade attached) We are giving a free Mystery Box saber with every order over $1000. Just place an order over $1000 and enter the coupon code "FreeMysteryBox" ([url]https://ultrasabers.com/product-category/single-blade-sabers/[/url]) and this additional saber will automatically be added to your order. DON'T FORGET TO ENTER THE COUPON CODE "FreeMysteryBox" if your order is over $1000. This AMAZING deal is in additional to all the deals below. Maximum of one free Mystery Box Saber per order. You have to place multiple orders to get multiple free Mystery Boxes. (Free Mystery Boxes are of the $75 and $200 variety selected at random, with the majority obviously being from the $75 selections, with electronics installed and 36" Full Size blade included). Check out the dozens and dozens of threads on the forums for ideas of what you could possible get in your Free Mystery Box. Prizes will be shipped to the same shipping address on the order # with the winning raffle ticket and will ship with your order once the raffle ends. If the winning order is on BACKORDER then that will also delay the shipping of the prize. This sale cannot be retroactively applied for any reason whatsoever. Sale ends 1/31/2020 GUYS! These are some AWESOME prizes, and you know we're not holding back! Diamond Sabers! Emerald Sabers! Sabers with Sound! We’re not holding back with prizes either! You might receive UNRELEASED EXCLUSIVES (yes we do still have more)!!! NEW FALLEN!!! ([url]https://ultrasabers.com/product-tag/fallen/[/url]) NEW DOMINICIDE!!! ([url]https://ultrasabers.com/product-tag/Dominicide/[/url]) NEW v5S!!! ([url]https://ultrasabers.com/product-category/single-blade-sabers/[/url]) NEW BUTCHER!!! ([url]https://ultrasabers.com/product-tag/revan[/url]) NEW SAVIOR!!! ([url]https://ultrasabers.com/product-tag/revan[/url]) NEW DORINIANS!!! ([url]https://ultrasabers.com/product-tag/plo-koon/[/url]) AND MORE all being given away this raffle. Ask any of our raffle winners how GREAT it feels to get that free saber in the mail! Don’t miss out! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Skywalker1359 on January 04, 2020, 08:12:24 PM I'm in the raffle! Just placed my highly anticipated and long waited first ever order on am ultra saber! The fallen, Sentinel yellow blade! I can not wait to see it! Awesome, I just placed my order for my first lightsaber, the Dark Initiate LE V5 and I am buying the Emperor's Hand next week. I guess the force is directing me to a serious addictionTitle: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: secnerret on January 05, 2020, 01:54:21 AM Can you enter without making a purchase? (I thought it was an illegal lottery if you require a purchase to enter… And I ordered two sabers in December that are still "processing.")
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Karmack on January 05, 2020, 02:04:54 AM Can you enter without making a purchase? (I thought it was an illegal lottery if you require a purchase to enter… And I ordered two sabers in December that are still "processing.") ironically, this issue just came up in another thread. You can read the response from Ultra, our fearless leader, here: http://www.saberforum.com/index.php?topic=43425.0;topicseen (http://www.saberforum.com/index.php?topic=43425.0;topicseen) The short answer, though, is no, you must make a purchase to be eligible for the give-away. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Wamp Rat on January 05, 2020, 05:46:44 AM I knew I felt a disturbance! It was like a billion voices cried out, "Return your new camera gear and forget about the scrap metal Savi sabers at Galaxy's Edge!". This is obviously "The Way". But the question now is, which one?
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 05, 2020, 06:41:57 AM The eternal question...which saber shall I choose next?
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Great Saberman on January 05, 2020, 04:33:30 PM Hi I'm new to this site but I've been a big fan of star wars for some time and want to buy these amazing sabers. I have 3 mystery boxes right now in my cart and I seen the amazing opportunity to win 1 of 105 prizes, I seen in the notes I must add my forum name to my purchase order in the comments but I cannot find a field to put my username from the forums in anywhere including right before about to purchase. Before purchasing I'd like to verify if I'm doing everything correct. I have the coupon code aka raffle ticket code put in since my order totals just over $250, please assist me and I'll be ever thankful, thank you
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: firehand10k on January 05, 2020, 04:40:15 PM You just enter it in the order notes field as:
"Forum name - firehand10k" for example. That's all it takes. Not sure why I'm helping the competition though. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Great Saberman on January 05, 2020, 04:44:12 PM You're a man of honor I see, I hope you win a saber haha! No thank you I appreciate it. So after I submit my order a screen will come up for me to input that?
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: firehand10k on January 05, 2020, 05:02:40 PM Its on the page where you enter you billing and shipping details. A block titled "Order Notes". Mine is near the top right beside where i enter my name for the billing info. Before you submit.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Wamp Rat on January 05, 2020, 05:32:01 PM Dammit!! Forgot to enter the code :-( Which model is this? If I'm right, there was some mods done.Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Saberdestroyer20 on January 07, 2020, 10:50:46 PM Can i ask anyone how i would know if i have been drawn from the raffle?? Bagged me a sentinel yellow fallen saber! 😀
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Keverett on January 07, 2020, 10:57:36 PM Sure wish I wouldn’t have placed my first order of 2 $200 mystery boxes on 12/30. Obviously I would have waited two days and likely added a few more items to get a second entry rather than get a free blade plug and stand...
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Cyclops942 on January 07, 2020, 11:16:06 PM Can i ask anyone how i would know if i have been drawn from the raffle?? Bagged me a sentinel yellow fallen saber! 😀 After the “giveaway that is called a raffle” ends on 1/31, they will draw the winners, and then start contacting them. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Infinit01 on January 08, 2020, 01:50:55 PM Can i ask anyone how i would know if i have been drawn from the raffle?? Bagged me a sentinel yellow fallen saber! 😀 Just make a purchase of $250.00 and more and add your Saber Forum handle into the order details. If you didn't do the latter, contact [email protected] and give them your order number with your SF handle Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Therion Jinn on January 09, 2020, 03:08:17 AM Dominicide is on its way
Along with some parts from a certain other company for customizing purposes Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 09, 2020, 03:47:44 AM Hey Therion, glad to see you pulled the trigger on the Dominicide. Is that the black one? I'm stuck between the Fallen and Crimson Fallen.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Infinit01 on January 09, 2020, 11:54:40 AM Dominicide is on its way Along with some parts from a certain other company for customizing purposes Congrats, Therion! I look forward to seeing what you'll do with it. Future thread on it, maybe? Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on January 09, 2020, 12:52:42 PM Hey Therion, glad to see you pulled the trigger on the Dominicide. Is that the black one? I'm stuck between the Fallen and Crimson Fallen. Just got my black Fallen in yesterday...these may make your decision more difficult but check out the pics in the gallery! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: killerkang on January 09, 2020, 08:20:19 PM I hope that I made it well, I'd love the chances of winning a Diamond Lightsaber
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Therion Jinn on January 10, 2020, 03:44:52 AM Hey Therion, glad to see you pulled the trigger on the Dominicide. Is that the black one? I'm stuck between the Fallen and Crimson Fallen. It's the black version, in Blazing Red with AS FoCCongrats, Therion! I look forward to seeing what you'll do with it. Future thread on it, maybe? Definitely be a thread once I can get working on itTitle: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Infinit01 on January 10, 2020, 12:07:03 PM It's the black version, in Blazing Red with AS FoCDefinitely be a thread once I can get working on it I look forward to it! ;D Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Robyn_Goodfellow on January 10, 2020, 06:41:43 PM I’ve just purchased the Flamberge CE and Manticore (both with Diamond sound). Can’t put into words how excited I am, this will be my first ever experience with the diamond driver. I cannot wait to see them ;D
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Anarchyhitman77 on January 10, 2020, 09:53:35 PM I entered this raffle yesterday. Ordered 2 mystery boxes and an initiate saber for my daughter.
Good luck to all in the raffle. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 11, 2020, 12:15:34 AM That's it forum! I'm officially entered into the raffle. I just ordered the Crimson Fallen! Premium v4 sound, PO with AS FOC, combat ready, quick disconnect, orange illuminated silver av switch. I hope I get lucky this raffle.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 11, 2020, 12:17:28 AM If I win the diamond saber...I think I want the Renegade LE.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Therion Jinn on January 11, 2020, 04:07:41 AM If I win the diamond saber...I think I want the Renegade LE. I may go for the Flamberge, myself. Renegade's a bit bulky for my tastesTitle: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 11, 2020, 05:27:09 AM I do like the Flamberge v2. (might eventually get one as well)
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Nivek on January 11, 2020, 05:36:20 PM Made my winter raffle order, 3 mystery boxes with heavy grade blades (UE).
This is my second raffle, pretty exciting since I win a malice with lite sound in the fall raffle! (Although since then accidentally broke the sound board, and both the claws) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Zren Tobas on January 11, 2020, 06:03:50 PM Not gonna lie I kinda wish there would still be a couple like, Facebook photo entry style raffles as well. I can never afford to actually buy a saber to enter a raffle so x.x As for the claws though, if its the set screws, but the holes are still threaded, should be able to re-attach them no problem
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Wamp Rat on January 12, 2020, 06:50:57 AM Ok so in order to make more than one entry, I would need to make separate purchases over $250. Correct?
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on January 12, 2020, 01:05:59 PM Ok so in order to make more than one entry, I would need to make separate purchases over $250. Correct? Correct. You have to make the decision of do you want the additional raffle entry or do you want the extra freebies (tshirt, initiate saber, etc) that comes with one larger amount order. Trade off. Hope this clarifies things! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Lord Sidious on January 13, 2020, 09:45:00 AM I think I shall get a second Fallen Order but different anodizing so I can make a staff. The Ultrasabers Fallen Order is amazing! I have the Crimson Fallen.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: BatMike90 on January 13, 2020, 10:53:54 AM I think I shall get a second Fallen Order but different anodizing so I can make a staff. The Ultrasabers Fallen Order is amazing! I have the Crimson Fallen. Do it. I will watch the review and unboxing!! I really want to enter. What should I get 2 Diamond Intiate V5s or Diamond Dominicide.... ::) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Infinit01 on January 13, 2020, 01:31:13 PM I'm excited to see how everyone does. I may or may not enter this time around
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Mathias1188 on January 13, 2020, 02:31:32 PM First time buyer and did not see the announcement. Order is processing. Is there any way to participate still or is it too late? My order was over $800
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Infinit01 on January 13, 2020, 03:50:56 PM First time buyer and did not see the announcement. Order is processing. Is there any way to participate still or is it too late? My order was over $800 Just email [email protected] your forum handle and your order number, they'll manually add you Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: StoryDtechtive on January 13, 2020, 07:06:48 PM Alas...no raffle for me. I did order a MB (first US in almost a year)...hope it turns out to be a good one. Been out of work for most of this past year with several medical procedures, so collecting has really come to a halt. That’s why I haven’t been around much. But good fortune to all who enter. Ultrasabers really makes collecting fun. And the enthusiasm here is as contagious as ever. The force is strong here :)
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: SuperWhy007 on January 14, 2020, 04:59:18 AM Help! I entered the coupon code, but not my username. Can I call and have it added to my order? I don't want to miss out on this! Thanks!
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Cyclops942 on January 14, 2020, 05:53:07 AM I would send an email to [email protected] with URGENT: Order # <order_num> in the subject, and explain the situation. I know they’re backed up on emails, but I really don’t know how they’re doing on voicemails. Another option would be to use the online chat, if you can be online during US Central Time working hours.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 14, 2020, 05:58:00 AM All good suggestions. Also consider trying [email protected]. either way, they should be able to help you or at least point you in the right direction.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Mathias1188 on January 14, 2020, 11:24:15 AM Just email [email protected] your forum handle and your order number, they'll manually add you Thank you very much. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Infinit01 on January 14, 2020, 04:33:45 PM Thank you very much. You're welcome, keep us posted Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: 4Drumz on January 14, 2020, 07:17:12 PM I came here specifically cause I forgot to put my saber forum name in as well. I have emailed [email protected] and [email protected] just so I can participate in the winter raffle! I specifically bought another saber to be able to partake in the winter raffle. Hoping there is a way to correct it! This forum rocks and I am happy that everyone here is so cool! Thanks for the info all!
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Infinit01 on January 14, 2020, 07:26:04 PM Great to hear, 4Drumz
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Mathias1188 on January 15, 2020, 02:10:49 PM You're welcome, keep us posted Will do. I sent an email asking about the raffle and the coupon codes, but I doubt they will be able to do anything. They still haven't responded to the other email I sent, so I am guessing they are too busy to do much. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: asinasin on January 15, 2020, 07:33:05 PM I would send an email to [email protected] with URGENT: Order # <order_num> in the subject, and explain the situation. I know they’re backed up on emails, but I really don’t know how they’re doing on voicemails. Another option would be to use the online chat, if you can be online during US Central Time working hours. Ultrasabers have an online chat? Where would I find this? Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Karmack on January 15, 2020, 07:55:58 PM Ultrasabers have an online chat? Where would I find this? Its not always manned, but if you go on the website it should pop up if someone is logged in. Unfortunately it isn't always available, probably due to their overall load. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: asinasin on January 15, 2020, 08:01:51 PM Its not always manned, but if you go on the website it should pop up if someone is logged in. Unfortunately it isn't always available, probably due to their overall load. Oh I see thanks... never seen it before haha Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: chalion on January 17, 2020, 01:09:13 AM Its not always manned, but if you go on the website it should pop up if someone is logged in. Unfortunately it isn't always available, probably due to their overall load. I haven't had the online pop up since early December, but they may just not like me, lol. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: TR-77477 on January 17, 2020, 03:17:48 PM Should I...
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Cyclops942 on January 17, 2020, 08:20:57 PM Should I... Are you REALLY coming here to ask us that question? You know we are going to tell you YES if we aren’t ordering, and NO (to cut down on the competition) if we are ordering. So of course I say yes. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on January 18, 2020, 12:59:36 AM Should I... No. Absolutely not. You have more important things to spend your money on. <waves hand in front TR's face> You've been promising your spouse that new mixer. Your dog needs to go to the groomer. Am I making a convincing argument yet?? Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Lord Sidious on January 18, 2020, 03:33:21 AM I'm in. I ordered a Fallen LE. I already have the Crimson Fallen. It's such a beautiful interpretation of the Jedi Fallen Order. I also ordered an adjustable coupler so that I can make a staff (one side Crimson, the other side gold anodized). ;D
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 18, 2020, 04:09:20 AM Lord Sidious, that is going to be a beautiful staff. Can't wait to see it.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 18, 2020, 04:14:17 AM This just in: I will be winning one of the diamond sabers. RENEGADE LE for me! Congrats to everybody else who entered. Can't wait for this month to end. Far warning, I think I may make 2nd raffle entry. Graflex or Crimson Scorpion...what to do, what to do?
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Cyclops942 on January 18, 2020, 04:58:24 AM This just in: I will be winning one of the diamond sabers. RENEGADE LE for me! Congrats to everybody else who entered. Can't wait for this month to end. Far warning, I think I may make 2nd raffle entry. Graflex or Crimson Scorpion...what to do, what to do? Assuming this isn’t a Jedi Mind Trick (tm) and (C), congratulations!!!!!!! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: EccOMyth on January 18, 2020, 05:47:42 AM This just in: I will be winning one of the diamond sabers. RENEGADE LE for me! Congrats to everybody else who entered. Can't wait for this month to end. Far warning, I think I may make 2nd raffle entry. Graflex or Crimson Scorpion...what to do, what to do? Would be awesome, best of luck. If i luck out and win a Diamond tier saber i am up in the air if i want a Dark Dorinian or Manticore as i don't really have a Dark side saber yet. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: BatMike90 on January 18, 2020, 09:22:05 AM Still debating...
Should I get a new "toy" or be an adult.... Choices, choices, choices.... Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: TR-77477 on January 18, 2020, 12:29:38 PM I have been thinning out my collection lately and gifting them out. Do I need another???
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on January 18, 2020, 12:36:40 PM I have been thinning out my collection lately and gifting them out. Do I need another??? <waves hand at TR> You need to send Taz a lightsaber. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: GeddaTheHutt on January 18, 2020, 01:56:20 PM I couldn't decide whether to order an Azure Fallen or a Dark Graphlex as my entry. So I flipped a coin and am waiting for an Azure Fallen to arrive.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 18, 2020, 05:07:28 PM Can't wait to see your Azure Fallen. Gifting sabers is so much fun. I love seeing the face of the recipient when they hit the ignition switch for the 1st time on their new saber. PRICELESS! As for needing another one, Duh, of course you do. SPECTRE or a Grand Master LE. You should be an adult of course...the Fallen is a great "ADULT TYPE " saber. Happy sabering sir! Buy the wife a decent mixer, groom the dog yourself and grab a little something for yourself...😉😉
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Yoma on January 19, 2020, 05:51:08 PM Apparently US saw my mail and entered my order after the code somehow wasn't in there.
Entered with 3 MB for me and my friends and a quick release coupler just in case haha. good luck to everyone! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: darkferris on January 19, 2020, 05:51:32 PM I have been thinning out my collection lately and gifting them out. Do I need another??? Points! You have a good soul sir Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Ganner Krieg on January 19, 2020, 08:52:22 PM Got my entry by being impulsive and getting a Diamond Dark Apprentice v5. I was scrolling through the list and it called to me so I had to go with it. Also added in some extras to make the $450 mark and get a shirt as well. Did a lot of research on saber companies and decided to go with US over the other guys because this company actually seems to care about its customers. I have a feeling this is the beginning of an awesome way to drain the credits in my bank account.
Good luck to all that have entered and I’ll be sure to post pictures of the lightsaber I’ll be winning from the raffle ;D Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: BatMike90 on January 19, 2020, 10:30:40 PM After asking chalion a question about his Diamond Dominicide, I have elected NOT to enter the raffle.
Shoutout to chalion for answering my question. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: TR-77477 on January 20, 2020, 12:33:56 PM Well I will think it over. I would like a guardian. Taz hummm
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Infinit01 on January 20, 2020, 12:41:17 PM I really want to enter but I have to adult and be responsible
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 20, 2020, 04:59:07 PM Don't worry Intinit01, I shall take your place (maybe), and place a second entry into the raffle (perhaps). If I win, you may live vicariously through me.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: BatMike90 on January 20, 2020, 10:28:18 PM I may not be completely out of the raffle as I thought I was. I had a dream this morning ( I work nights) and I may be able to pull something off.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on January 21, 2020, 12:00:45 AM Well I will think it over. I would like a guardian. Taz hummm I think a Guardian would be a quite nice entry. What color? Mind trick didn't work, huh? Ah well...practice practice! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Nivek on January 21, 2020, 12:25:53 AM Almost there, the excitement is building by the day
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: TR-77477 on January 21, 2020, 02:54:14 PM Taz your feeble mind trick has no effect on me. No Jedi or sith can control me. I’m thinking blue or maybe something else
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on January 21, 2020, 06:46:02 PM Taz your feeble mind trick has no effect on me. No Jedi or sith can control me. I’m thinking blue or maybe something else Guardian always screams blue or green to me. Idk why. I see you've done some Make A Wish donations. How does one get involved with that? My son unfortunately qualified for MAW a few years ago but I've moved since then and don't have any contacts anymore. Luck in the raffle! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: TR-77477 on January 21, 2020, 09:57:32 PM Guardian always screams blue or green to me. Idk why. I see you've done some Make A Wish donations. How does one get involved with that? My son unfortunately qualified for MAW a few years ago but I've moved since then and don't have any contacts anymore. Luck in the raffle! I am a member of the 501st Legion, Mandalorian mercs, and soon to be the Rebel Legion. We get contacted every so often with a Star Wars related wish and get to work. We normally go all out on the experience and gifts. Any time I get notified of a request I always donate something from my personal cashe. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: perkypatx on January 23, 2020, 05:27:54 AM Fulcrum decked out with emerald or the Lost Grey??? What to do.... I have small hands (thus a small dude...)
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 23, 2020, 06:30:34 AM If you have smaller hands, the Lost Grey will fit better. Just fui
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Infinit01 on January 23, 2020, 11:46:28 AM I have a Fulcrum and it's a beast of a saber
Here's a picture of it next to a Dark Initiate V4, keep in mind that the Initiate are one of the smaller sabers (https://i.ibb.co/D4xhqbH/D8529-C38-B0-C6-4-BE4-8-F2-F-16-CCAE7-FB624.jpg) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Ravus on January 23, 2020, 10:12:34 PM Did we ever get a winner's list posted for the Fall raffle?
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Ganner Krieg on January 23, 2020, 11:06:30 PM Did we ever get a winner's list posted for the Fall raffle? I was not apart of the community back then so I don’t have a forsure answer. I did check the Fall Raffle thread and according to fellow members’ posts I don’t think they came out with a Winner’s List. It seems like if you won you got a confirmation email sent to the email on your US account. Maybe try searching your email inbox for “UltraSabers” and see if anything pops up. Here’s the link to that thread: http://www.saberforum.com/index.php?topic=42978.0 (http://www.saberforum.com/index.php?topic=42978.0) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Nivek on January 23, 2020, 11:20:55 PM I have a Fulcrum and it's a beast of a saber Here's a picture of it next to a Dark Initiate V4, keep in mind that the Initiate are one of the smaller sabers (https://i.ibb.co/D4xhqbH/D8529-C38-B0-C6-4-BE4-8-F2-F-16-CCAE7-FB624.jpg) Id love to put the fulcrum and lost gray together as a dual wield/ double saber combo. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: TR-77477 on January 24, 2020, 12:28:12 AM Did we ever get a winner's list posted for the Fall raffle? US will send a email to the winners and also start a forum topic with all the winners. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 24, 2020, 01:29:27 AM I wanted to make a 2nd entry into the raffle. I've got $$, but not enough to get my sabers back (the way I wanted them). I still have one raffle entry, so I guess I'll only be winning one diamond prize. Maybe I can pick one of my sabers up in a private sale. So close to finishing my current wishlist. Anyway, we are just a week away from the end of the Winter Raffle. The winners list is usually posted the day after the raffle ends (within 24hrs) for those new to the raffle. There's still time to get in on the fun for those of you who are on the fence. Best of luck to all who entered.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Griff on January 24, 2020, 10:39:13 AM Im not sure what im more excited about, getting my order, or the possibility of a double up, two sabres for the price of one baby!....drooool. Tshirt would be a tidy bonus to rock around town.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: TR-77477 on January 24, 2020, 12:00:34 PM The debate continues, I have narrowed it down to three sabers if I get in this one. Guardian, Fallen or consular.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on January 24, 2020, 12:05:24 PM The debate continues, I have narrowed it down to three sabers if I get in this one. Guardian, Fallen or consular. Fallen Combat Ready. Hands down...it is TRULY one of the best looking sabers I've seen. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 24, 2020, 04:33:57 PM FALLEN, gotta be the Fallen. I have a Guardian, it's a great saber, BUT the Fallen is definitely what you want 1st.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Nivek on January 24, 2020, 06:36:00 PM Fallen Combat Ready. Hands down...it is TRULY one of the best looking sabers I've seen. I can attest. I love the fallen, and the grip when connected to another saber is incredible, it helps you keep your balance Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 26, 2020, 01:51:04 AM HELP ME FORUM!! I've got some cash. I am already in the Winter Raffle! I am trying NOT to order a 2nd entry. BUT....i could grab a Scorpion or maybe even a Graflex. Yes I will eventually have them, and I do have a Crimson Fallen on the way. (i may have won my Renegade LE or one of the sabers I mentioned). And the part that is killing me is that the wife already okayed it. I know a Leia saber is coming.... someone stop me!!!!
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Maestro Jones on January 26, 2020, 02:11:37 AM Your wife already okayed it. The logical thing is to order one of those two. It will make the wife happy which is always a good thing.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on January 26, 2020, 02:35:31 AM HELP ME FORUM!! I've got some cash. I am already in the Winter Raffle! I am trying NOT to order a 2nd entry. BUT....i could grab a Scorpion or maybe even a Graflex. Yes I will eventually have them, and I do have a Crimson Fallen on the way. (i may have won my Renegade LE or one of the sabers I mentioned). And the part that is killing me is that the wife already okayed it. I know a Leia saber is coming.... someone stop me!!!! I haven't looked but any chance US offers gift cards? Cash has a way (in my life) of flying out the window on things I don't really want but if I put that money on gift cards...then I'm assured of getting what I want (Leia saber) as soon as it becomes available? I'm tired and rambling tonight. Did this make sense, Malik? Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 26, 2020, 02:54:38 AM Tazflyr, it does make sense. However, US doesn't do gift cards. (dang it) Maestro Jones, you seem to be a very wise man. She (wifey) has okayed it. Clearly, she WANTS ME TO ORDER ANOTHER SABER. Heck, she would probably be offended, saddened, emotionally scarred, if I don't order the saber. You're saying, that if I truly love her, I'll do it for her. I'll order the saber. I see. Thank you for your guidance.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Maestro Jones on January 26, 2020, 03:00:58 AM You're welcome. I'm here to
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: TR-77477 on January 26, 2020, 04:39:09 AM HELP ME FORUM!! I've got some cash. I am already in the Winter Raffle! I am trying NOT to order a 2nd entry. BUT....i could grab a Scorpion or maybe even a Graflex. Yes I will eventually have them, and I do have a Crimson Fallen on the way. (i may have won my Renegade LE or one of the sabers I mentioned). And the part that is killing me is that the wife already okayed it. I know a Leia saber is coming.... someone stop me!!!! Goood, Goood your inner conflict, I can feel it, use it... Complete your journey to the dark side and take your place beside me.... ( you read this in our beloved Emperor's voice, didn't you) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 26, 2020, 05:26:24 AM maybe.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: perkypatx on January 26, 2020, 07:01:09 AM I have a Fulcrum and it's a beast of a saber Here's a picture of it next to a Dark Initiate V4, keep in mind that the Initiate are one of the smaller sabers (https://i.ibb.co/D4xhqbH/D8529-C38-B0-C6-4-BE4-8-F2-F-16-CCAE7-FB624.jpg) Thanks you guys! I ordered the Lost Grey! Diamond controller and non illuminated AV switch. Can’t wait for it to arrive! I guess it will take a while because of the crazy amounts of people ordering sabers.... 😂😂😂 Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 26, 2020, 07:33:46 AM Perkypatx, you have a great saber coming to you. It's very nice, fits very comfortably in your hands, light weight, easy to wield. Excellent choice my friend. And of course, we are going to need to see pictures.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: perkypatx on January 26, 2020, 10:25:43 AM Perkypatx, you have a great saber coming to you. It's very nice, fits very comfortably in your hands, light weight, easy to wield. Excellent choice my friend. And of course, we are going to need to see pictures. I just can’t wait! I’m completely new to (Ultra) sabers. Is it hard to use the application to set custom settings? I just want to be able to have the blade to shimmer to make it look more like in the movies. Any tip or link for this? And yes! Wil post a pic as soon as I get this baby in. I think it wil take a while before it arrives... Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: TR-77477 on January 26, 2020, 10:23:21 PM I’ve decided on the fallen. Now to pick a blade color. I’m going to be taking it the ancient artifact direction and want a old republic style color. Either pyrostone, banes heart, or blue violet amethyst.
The empress is on my list but I want to see the final one first. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: chalion on January 27, 2020, 01:59:34 AM I’ve decided on the fallen. Now to pick a blade color. I’m going to be taking it the ancient artifact direction and want a old republic style color. Either pyrostone, banes heart, or blue violet amethyst. The empress is on my list but I want to see the final one first. I just ordered a Empress w/Diamond so i'll make an unboxing video for it and hopefully take some pics to do a review too. I Didn't get the gold one though. 100% gold anodizing just looks wrong. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DOA40 on January 27, 2020, 03:13:38 AM Oof, forgot to use the code on my purchase a few days ago. Oh well, a missed opportunity on my part. Hope everyone else entered and wins enjoys their extra saber.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Metal Mech on January 27, 2020, 06:05:50 AM I am now officially entered into the raffle. I don’t expect anything as I don’t have luck but it’s still fun to hope and I’m getting a new saber one way or another.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 27, 2020, 07:15:13 AM One more time! I've just added the Empress to my collection, and as a 2nd raffle entry. Went with SRD with AB FOC.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Nivek on January 27, 2020, 08:18:11 AM So my order just got completed. I'll take that means I didn't win anything In the raffle , or would they ship it separately
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 27, 2020, 08:25:47 AM That doesn't mean you didn't win. If your order came up in their que, with all the orders they needed to get out, they could be trying to get them all done as fast as possible.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: CraftyCole on January 27, 2020, 09:15:55 AM I just ordered a saber and i hope i can get one from the raffle for my brother :)
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Galef on January 27, 2020, 03:21:55 PM So my order just got completed. I'll take that means I didn't win anything In the raffle , or would they ship it separately The Raffles are pulled AFTER the Raffle ends and all entries are held from shipping so they can include prizes with those orders.So no one will know who has won any Raffle prize until after January. I just ordered my saber with sound (Sentinel v5 LE in VA + Silver FoC) and a stunt saber for my wife (Dark Apprentice v5 in AS + color discs) as my entry. I plan on swapping the windowed emitter sleeves so that the Sentinel has a touch of black (plus the switch and a wrap on the choke point) and my wife can get some Gold on her Apprentice (plus some gold paint in the emitter grooves). This is my first Raffle entry ever, so I'd be supper stoked to even get a Grab-Bag prize. But if I get to choose the hilt, it'll be a Grand Mater for sure. - Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Ganner Krieg on January 27, 2020, 04:00:33 PM It’s only been 9 days since I ordered my Dark Apprentice v5 but the wait is killing me. I’m kinda hoping that there’s close to 105 raffle entries so everyone’s a winner. Probably not the case but I can hope.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Galef on January 27, 2020, 04:06:48 PM It’s only been 9 days since I ordered my Dark Apprentice v5 but the wait is killing me. I’m kinda hoping that there’s close to 105 raffle entries so everyone’s a winner. Probably not the case but I can hope. I'm fairly confident there's closer to 1,005 entries rather than just 105. But I think the later Raffles in Spring/Summer/Fall may have a smaller entry number just due to it not being "Star Wars" season- Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: TR-77477 on January 27, 2020, 05:32:02 PM I'm in, Fallen in Banes heart with silver FOC and v4 sound. I also got a mystery box just for kicks. I will be aging the fallen to give it the relic look.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Ganner Krieg on January 27, 2020, 05:49:07 PM I'm fairly confident there's closer to 1,005 entries rather than just 105. But I think the later Raffles in Spring/Summer/Fall may have a smaller entry number just due to it not being "Star Wars" season Oh yeah I figured but one can hope. I don’t have good luck so if there’s actually that many entries I don’t have a chance lolTitle: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: perkypatx on January 27, 2020, 06:20:16 PM So my order just got completed. I'll take that means I didn't win anything In the raffle , or would they ship it separately Congrats on your new saber. Just out of curiosity, when did you place the order? Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Nivek on January 27, 2020, 07:51:48 PM That doesn't mean you didn't win. If your order came up in their que, with all the orders they needed to get out, they could be trying to get them all done as fast as possible. Oh okay, it just said shipping label created too so maybe it's just USPS being pre emptive. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Yoma on January 27, 2020, 08:23:57 PM Oh okay, it just said shipping label created too so maybe it's just USPS being pre emptive. Same! My label for FedEx was created already too , which I find quite weird of US. In case one would win anything, they'd have to make a new one since the weight isn't the same anymore (afaik). Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: perkypatx on January 27, 2020, 08:50:20 PM Same! My label for FedEx was created already too , which I find quite weird of US. In case one would win anything, they'd have to make a new one since the weight isn't the same anymore (afaik). When did you guys place the order? Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Yoma on January 27, 2020, 09:31:45 PM When did you guys place the order? For me it was the 11th Jan , was 3 MB with a coupler tho . Seems like they completed several MB orders today .Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Laser_2000 on January 28, 2020, 02:00:58 AM Just ordered my Fallen LE with Emerald Sound as my entry for this one. The two that I've entered before I won so here's to hoping I win this one too!
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DarthSyronimus on January 28, 2020, 05:48:16 AM Just ordered a Dominicide and a Dark Apprentice LE v5 and realized, I forgot to enter my Forum name when ordering... Doh!
Hopefully they'll allow me to email them. (I created this account before ordering, of course) First lightsaber ever (I ignored all the ones at Target/ToysRUs/etc through the years) and figured I'd go big (yes, a dominicide joke) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Nivek on January 28, 2020, 11:20:53 AM Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DAC_COPP917 on January 28, 2020, 10:25:27 PM Okay so I feel like I made a mistake, I put in the coupon code in everything but I didn't put in my forum name in the comments am I still eligible or am I not?
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DAC_COPP917 on January 28, 2020, 10:26:01 PM Okay so I feel like I made a mistake, I put in the coupon code and everything but I didn't put in my forum name in the comments am I still eligible or am I not?
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on January 28, 2020, 10:36:27 PM Okay so I feel like I made a mistake, I put in the coupon code and everything but I didn't put in my forum name in the comments am I still eligible or am I not? You'll need to email them and ask that they add your forum name to your order. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 28, 2020, 10:37:34 PM DAC_COPP917, send another email. Include your order # and tell them your forgot to include your forum name. Supply it, and you should be ok.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DAC_COPP917 on January 28, 2020, 10:38:36 PM You'll need to email them and ask that they add your forum name to your order. All right I have done so thank you for the assistance Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DAC_COPP917 on January 28, 2020, 10:41:08 PM Thank you gents
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: englishw on January 28, 2020, 11:54:22 PM My daughter and I have been looking at stunt sabers for awhile, so this sale/raffle was perfectly timed. We placed our first custom saber order ever last week. I couldn't pass up 10% off, free shipping, and entry into the free saber raffle. We live in Oregon, so we visited the local showroom of The Other Guys, but decided to go with Ultra Sabers. After having similar sabers in hand and swinging them around, we're excited about our order! We're still likely a few weeks out, so I'll keep lurking the forums and enjoying all the posts :)
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Ganner Krieg on January 29, 2020, 12:27:33 AM Ugh I haven’t even got my first order shipped yet but I’m already debating whether or not I should put a second entry in. I’d ask you guys for advice but I already know the answers I’d get back.
There’d be a mix of people saying I shouldn’t because they don’t want the raffle competition. And there’d probably be a few saber addicts trying to get me to fuel my newfound addiction. I don’t know what to do :'( Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: BatMike90 on January 29, 2020, 01:17:51 AM Seeing all this excitement makes me want to join in on the fun...
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 29, 2020, 01:25:21 AM True. Very true. You should decide if YOU want to order another saber. You're the only one that knows how your finances can handle the situation. You might have some adulting to do. Or,if you've got your eye on another really cool saber and want to take advantage of the sale, you can go for it. But it should be your decision. Maybe the awesome saber you've already purchased is going to be enough for now. Plus, it would give you the time to put some additional $$$ away for another "loaded" saber. Like you said, it's really up to you.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Ganner Krieg on January 29, 2020, 01:47:10 AM Oh yeah I’m not saying I’d be influenced either way. I’m very confident in my ability to determine if I can afford it. I’m just at the point in my life where I don’t have a TON of finances to take care of. But if I was super mature I’d be saving every penny just so I have extra. I don’t know it’s mostly just an inner battle if anything. The earlier post was more of a joke lol
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 29, 2020, 03:23:36 AM I agree. actually, i was just trying to keep you from ordering another saber. that way, i have a better chance of winning. 😁😁
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: ThreadJack on January 29, 2020, 03:24:00 AM I don't get paid until the day AFTER the raffle. Typical. 😜
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Ganner Krieg on January 29, 2020, 06:53:15 AM I agree. actually, i was just trying to keep you from ordering another saber. that way, i have a better chance of winning. 😁😁 Points for that :DNow I have to order Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Wamp Rat on January 29, 2020, 08:22:10 AM So I'm about to make my purchases so I can throw my hat into the arena for this raffle. But I'm hearing that folks aren't even getting their confirmation for their purchases lately. With only two days to go, is my name even going to be included in the raffle if I don't receive a confirmation?
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Lord Sidious on January 29, 2020, 08:45:03 AM This is all too exciting! Only a couple more days to go!
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Infinit01 on January 29, 2020, 11:57:11 AM The count down begins...
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on January 29, 2020, 12:20:11 PM The count down begins... Soooo...stupid question... Does the raffle end at 11:59pm on the night of Jan 31? Basically, I'm wondering if I'll be able to make another raffle entry Friday afternoon. Thanks! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: TR-77477 on January 29, 2020, 01:01:32 PM Soooo...stupid question... Does the raffle end at 11:59pm on the night of Jan 31? Basically, I'm wondering if I'll be able to make another raffle entry Friday afternoon. Thanks! Yes I believe that the deadline is at midnight on the 31st Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: EccOMyth on January 29, 2020, 01:05:36 PM Soooo...stupid question... Does the raffle end at 11:59pm on the night of Jan 31? Basically, I'm wondering if I'll be able to make another raffle entry Friday afternoon. Thanks! I thought about it. Have one entry myself. But i'm worried with how over loaded they have been and slow to get to things that a late entry like this may be missed before the drawing. I would assume they have a auto system for the coupon code? But i'm skeptical seeing they seem to lack in important infrastructure in other areas for a older company. ~EccOMyth the Gray Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Infinit01 on January 29, 2020, 02:01:47 PM Soooo...stupid question... Does the raffle end at 11:59pm on the night of Jan 31? Basically, I'm wondering if I'll be able to make another raffle entry Friday afternoon. Thanks! Once midnight hits, the raffle entries will be a wrap. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DAC_COPP917 on January 29, 2020, 02:07:37 PM I haven't gone a email back yet I still have hope.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Keverett on January 29, 2020, 11:26:20 PM Well I’ll let everyone know if the late entries get counted or not, that is if US can help add my forum ID to my order from this afternoon...man I’m an idiot sometimes...
I did email customer service and ask them to add my handle to the order and provided the number. I was super polite and apologetic. I sure hope they get entered... Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Wamp Rat on January 30, 2020, 12:13:33 AM So I was finally able to place an order so I can jump on this raffle and I totally forgot to include my forum name in the notes. I sent an e-mail, but with the back log, who knows if they'll even see it. Do you think I'm screwed? Should I try to call? Will they even answer or get the message? Any other suggestions? Help!
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DAC_COPP917 on January 30, 2020, 12:19:05 AM So I was finally able to place an order so I can jump on this raffle and I totally forgot to include my forum name in the notes. I sent an e-mail, but with the back log, who knows if they'll even see it. Do you think I'm screwed? Should I try to call? Will they even answer or get the message? Any other suggestions? Help! I have been attempting to try for two days now and have gotten automatic reply over and over again so I doubt they'll ever see it for me at least I still have hopes, I hope you get there in timeTitle: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Wamp Rat on January 30, 2020, 01:36:37 AM Thanks my friend. I totally can't believe I did that. I even checked twice to make sure I had the correct coupon code. But after I went back to add premium sound and make sure I ordered a heavy blade, I completely passed the "Notes" box. Grrr! So now I left e-mails with Marlena and the "info" folks. And though I tried to leave a voicemail, it says that the mailbox is full. Hey look! This is me, going head first right into the Sarlacc Pit. Talk about bad luck. Now what's this I heard about a live chat option? I looked on the website and didn't see anything. Ah well. Maybe I should just cave in, break the bank and place another order? Is it worth rolling the dice? Hmmm?
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on January 30, 2020, 02:01:16 AM Sometimes, in a situation like this, they will simply fix the issue and not respond due to the backlog.
Suggest you try checking my account, orders and hit view or print. See if anything has been added in the notes section. NOT being hateful here guys but we can't blame US for this one if we screw up and forget to enter our forum names so keep emailing and hope for the best but don't expect anything. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Wamp Rat on January 30, 2020, 09:47:28 AM I totally agree. Does anyone know where this live chat is located?
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Infinit01 on January 30, 2020, 11:39:33 AM They have been busy since the holidays with massive orders back to back due to sales, holidays, and The Rise of Skywalker. Just be patient and give them time, I recommend not contacting them more than once since they have a lot of emails to catch up on.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: TR-77477 on January 30, 2020, 01:49:39 PM As backed up as they are I would not be surprised if the drawing and posting of the winners takes a little longer then normal. Please remain calm, do not panic... Patience younglings, Jedi and even you sith. It will happen when it happens and not before or after.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: EccOMyth on January 30, 2020, 04:43:39 PM As backed up as they are I would not be surprised if the drawing and posting of the winners takes a little longer then normal. Please remain calm, do not panic... Patience younglings, Jedi and even you sith. It will happen when it happens and not before or after. If this does become the case, then i hope they show some professionalism and let everyone know if the drawing is postpone a little or such so they can catch up on emails/names. If they don't then they really should do it on time and no delay it. The lack of communication in general from this company is starting to be a real turn off. ~EccOMyth the Gray Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Dilligaf919 on January 30, 2020, 05:25:52 PM Hopefully I am in the raffle, I used a discount code I got for the December mishap and couldn’t use the code for it, but still included my forum name and emailed marlena about it. If not, I still have an emerald w/sound bellicose coming to me!! I am stoked! i just hope my wife doesn’t get too mad at me lol
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: perkypatx on January 30, 2020, 05:43:07 PM Hopefully I am in the raffle, I used a discount code I got for the December mishap and couldn’t use the code for it, but still included my forum name and emailed marlena about it. If not, I still have an emerald w/sound bellicose coming to me!! I am stoked! i just hope my wife doesn’t get too mad at me lol Hahahahaha! I know exactly what you’re saying! The missus will kill me! I got the Lost Grey with a diamond controller.... 😂😂😂 Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Dilligaf919 on January 30, 2020, 05:55:13 PM Hahahahaha! I know exactly what you’re saying! The missus will kill me! I got the Lost Grey with a diamond controller.... 😂😂😂 Good luck sir, and I hope both of our wives are forgiving Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Galef on January 30, 2020, 06:35:32 PM I made sure to include a beautiful Dark Apprentice v5 stunt as part of my Raffle entry to give to my wife for this very reason.
Gonna make it black & gold so she can have a "Hufflepuff" saber since she'd more of a Potter fan than SW. - Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 30, 2020, 10:08:40 PM So forum, THIS IS IT!!! Tomorrow is the LAST DAY OF THE WINTER RAFFLE! By this time Saturday, we will be looking at a winners list (i believe). So, I'm just going to go ahead and claim one of the diamond prizes and a saber of my choice with 1 color, FOC and premium v4 sound as my 2nd prize. (I'll share. I don't need both diamond prizes). Diamond Renegade LE and Chosen One CE! I'm ready. Have you gotten your order in yet? Can't wait. I'd wish you all luck, but only after I have my prizes. (slightly evil chuckle) . Happy sabering everyone.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Ganner Krieg on January 30, 2020, 10:38:29 PM Bank account took a hit from adulting so couldn’t afford a second entry but I think winning a Diamond Grandmaster will make up for it. Can’t wait to see my name on the top of the winners list 😏
Seriously though good luck to everyone who entered. And to those with angry significant others lol Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Laser_2000 on January 30, 2020, 10:47:03 PM Hahahahaha! I know exactly what you’re saying! The missus will kill me! I got the Lost Grey with a diamond controller.... 😂😂😂 Well now you can defend yourself with a lightsaber so... Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Keverett on January 30, 2020, 10:51:49 PM Still no response or update on adding my SF ID to the order. I know it’s not their fault I didn’t remember to add my handle, I don’t want to continue emailing them as that just creates more problems and backlogs. Unfortunately that’s the only option for ignorant people like me...
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Cyclops942 on January 31, 2020, 04:15:54 AM I made sure to include a beautiful Dark Apprentice v5 stunt as part of my Raffle entry to give to my wife for this very reason. Gonna make it black & gold so she can have a "Hufflepuff" saber since she'd more of a Potter fan than SW. - YES!!!!!! I offered my wife this very setup, but in Diamond (with Sentinel Yellow as the pre-set blade color, of course), because she is a Hufflepuff (I’m a Ravenclaw), but she declined, and told me she would rather me enjoy them, and spend the money on something else. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Griff on January 31, 2020, 04:17:16 AM I have a Dark Apprentice v5 emerald with obsidian v4 sound arriving in a few days...
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Griff on January 31, 2020, 04:38:33 AM Still no response or update on adding my SF ID to the order. I know it’s not their fault I didn’t remember to add my handle, I don’t want to continue emailing them as that just creates more problems and backlogs. Unfortunately that’s the only option for ignorant people like me... I emailed them the other day, got an answer within a day, and got my issue dealt with instantly. I wonder if your email hasnt hit their spam folder or something. Or maybe because youve asked for an alteration to your order its bumped you down the cue again. Who knows. Al i know is seems to be working fine to me. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Keverett on January 31, 2020, 04:42:52 AM I emailed them the other day, got an answer within a day, and got my issue dealt with instantly. I wonder if your email hasnt hit their spam folder or something. Or maybe because youve asked for an alteration to your order its bumped you down the cue again. Who knows. Al i know is seems to be working fine to me. Will took care of giving me the 300 points for the unboxing/review video I posted. He responded within the day and was super helpful. Unfortunately my request to add my username hasn’t been answered by him or anyone else. I emailed Marlena, Will and the general Customer Service email and nothing....I guess I can only hope I didn’t get double hosed...my first order of 2x 200 MB’s was on 12/30 or two days before the raffle opened, and this order I forgot to add my user name :-[ Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: N9neRhymes on January 31, 2020, 05:55:23 AM First raffle entry and I'm super excited ;D
Does anyone know how soon after that they start announcing the winners? Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on January 31, 2020, 06:15:37 AM Winners are usually announced within 24hrs of raffle ending.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: N9neRhymes on January 31, 2020, 06:23:53 AM Awesome, Thanks!
I know what I'm doing this weekend :D (https://media.giphy.com/media/vyVxeMNGUBT7q/giphy.gif) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Griff on January 31, 2020, 08:07:34 AM Will took care of giving me the 300 points for the unboxing/review video I posted. He responded within the day and was super helpful. Unfortunately my request to add my username hasn’t been answered by him or anyone else. I emailed Marlena, Will and the general Customer Service email and nothing....I guess I can only hope I didn’t get double hosed...my first order of 2x 200 MB’s was on 12/30 or two days before the raffle opened, and this order I forgot to add my user name :-[ Odd. Maybe they did it and just forgot to reply. Seems odd to me. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Keverett on January 31, 2020, 02:13:47 PM Odd. Maybe they did it and just forgot to reply. Seems odd to me. It doesn’t show on the order. So I don’t know, but it doesn’t look like it. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Keverett on January 31, 2020, 08:13:35 PM It doesn’t show on the order. So I don’t know, but it doesn’t look like it. Received an email with an updated order form, they added my username and I officially have two entries to my first raffle. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on January 31, 2020, 08:41:47 PM Received an email with an updated order form, they added my username and I officially have two entries to my first raffle. WOOT! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DAC_COPP917 on January 31, 2020, 09:05:17 PM They have yet to email me back I still have hope
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on January 31, 2020, 09:25:47 PM Did ya check your order status page? If you hit the "print" button, it will show you all your coupons used and any notes in the comment section. Sometimes, they'll just fix the issue w/o sending a notice that they've fixed it. Make sense?
Cross my fingers for ya! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DAC_COPP917 on January 31, 2020, 09:35:21 PM Did ya check your order status page? If you hit the "print" button, it will show you all your coupons used and any notes in the comment section. Sometimes, they'll just fix the issue w/o sending a notice that they've fixed it. Make sense? Cross my fingers for ya! Doesn't say anything on my order and I can't see the comment section Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Dilligaf919 on January 31, 2020, 09:50:38 PM I haven’t gotten a response either, I hope I get in
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DAC_COPP917 on January 31, 2020, 09:52:13 PM Same
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DOA40 on January 31, 2020, 10:12:40 PM I haven't gotten a response either and I check every day. I know that they have a backlog of e-mails, so I'm going to chalk this up to my own stupidity for not reading things better and just say to everyone who entered properly "Good Luck".
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on January 31, 2020, 10:18:39 PM The comments section would show up on the receipt towards the top. Under the "billing" part on the left but above the "order" options.
To see if anything is there, make sure to click on the print button, not just the order number. Hope springs eternal..it could still show up! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DAC_COPP917 on January 31, 2020, 10:32:29 PM The comments section would show up on the receipt towards the top. Under the "billing" part on the left but above the "order" options. nope don't have anything of the sort hopefully next time will be different still have three awesome lightsabers on the wayTo see if anything is there, make sure to click on the print button, not just the order number. Hope springs eternal..it could still show up! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: KqRo on January 31, 2020, 11:13:04 PM I ordered this evening, hope mine gets entered.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: bubba27028 on January 31, 2020, 11:32:35 PM Order #722827 (January 31, 2020) I didn’t put my forum username on my order bubba27028 could you please enter me into this please was so excited ordering my first same I screwed up and didn’t put that in comments Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Dilligaf919 on January 31, 2020, 11:46:36 PM Regardless of my entry getting in or not, good luck to everyone who entered
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DAC_COPP917 on January 31, 2020, 11:51:07 PM To whoever's in the raffle May the force be with you always
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: haydendavid380 on January 31, 2020, 11:58:33 PM Seriously considering taking some sleeping pi....I mean, freezing myself in carbonite. When I wake up up we will have arrived at the winners' announcement! ;D
The time is almost here! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Cyclops942 on February 01, 2020, 12:16:46 AM I haven't gotten a response either and I check every day. I know that they have a backlog of e-mails, so I'm going to chalk this up to my own stupidity for not reading things better and just say to everyone who entered properly "Good Luck". Healthy response... still stinks that you forgot. I hope it gets added for you. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DarthSyronimus on February 01, 2020, 12:24:32 AM If you hit the "print" button, it will show you all your coupons used and any notes in the comment section. +1 for the pro tip! I was looking at the order page but didn't want to waste any paper printing it... didn't realize it's hiding additional info there. sadly, while my coupons are all showing... no 'notes' section or my forum name in the print version... hopefully they're getting to all the emails and will see mine before the raffle closes... i think i have... 5 hours before it's their midnight... adding this hopefully they'll consider it next time: this whole raffle thing has probably increased their already huge email load when folks forget to add it to the notes/comment section, freak out, and email (maybe repeatedly) when there's no response... I'm wondering if they could've just done the raffle, find the order #, look up the account, find the email address, find the email address in the forum (assuming the two databases aren't connected) Alternatively, they should just add forum ID into their purchasing account and just have us enter it there permanently... would be hopefully less stressful, especially for new buyers who aren't used to their order form (I missed the comment/note section in my excitement of ordering my stuff, for instance) and not penalizing their new (or just absentminded) customers. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on February 01, 2020, 12:33:43 AM I'm sorry, Darth. I was hoping something would be listed there for ya.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Jivatma07 on February 01, 2020, 12:40:42 AM I know they are very backed up but does anyone know if 1. The Dark Sentinel V5 and the V4 are compatible with the quick release coupling, with each other? Or the V4 Dark Because 2. I tried messaging about changing from the V5 Dark Sentinel to the V4 Dark Apprentice as I heard that the windows are very sharp on the V5s. I doubt that they'll get to mine in time just wondering if anyone else has had contact recently.
Thank you! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DAC_COPP917 on February 01, 2020, 12:42:43 AM To be completely honest I'm just glad to finally get a ultrasabers let alone three ultrasabers products after years and years and years I managed to get enough money to afford even three but I have to thank my aunt who recently passed away without her this wouldn't have happened I dearly miss her a lot
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DarthSyronimus on February 01, 2020, 12:45:47 AM I know they are very backed up but does anyone know if 1. The Dark Sentinel V5 and the V4 are compatible with the quick release coupling, with each other? Or the V4 Dark Because 2. I tried messaging about changing from the V5 Dark Sentinel to the V4 Dark Apprentice as I heard that the windows are very sharp on the V5s. I doubt that they'll get to mine in time just wondering if anyone else has had contact recently. Thank you! I was just wondering this myself... if you go to the quick release coupler page (under staff couplers in the lightsabers parts area: https://ultrasabers.com/product/black-finish-quick-release-coupler-with-vents/ (https://ultrasabers.com/product/black-finish-quick-release-coupler-with-vents/) there's a link to all the supported hilts: "This coupler is compatible with any Ultrasaber with sound including every lightsaber listed with an MHS pommel here: http://www.saberforum.com/index.php?topic=1186.0 (http://www.saberforum.com/index.php?topic=1186.0)" I don't have it, but it seems like the quick release coupler would replace the pommel, not extend an existing pommel ends... so probably not. edit 5: oh, and dominicide isn't on that list anyhow... hmm, thought it was MHS emitters Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Jivatma07 on February 01, 2020, 12:49:47 AM I was just wondering this myself... if you go to the quick coupling page (under staff couplers in the lightsabers parts area: [url]https://ultrasabers.com/product/black-finish-quick-release-coupler-with-vents/[/url] ([url]https://ultrasabers.com/product/black-finish-quick-release-coupler-with-vents/[/url]) there's a link to all the supported hilts: "This coupler is compatible with any Ultrasaber with sound including every lightsaber listed with an MHS pommel here: [url]http://www.saberforum.com/index.php?topic=1186.0[/url] ([url]http://www.saberforum.com/index.php?topic=1186.0[/url])" Thank you very much! I think that means I should be good but we shall see if anyone gets back to me. I like the Dark Sentinel V5 but definitely worried about the windows as I have smaller hands and have to choke up all the way to the cutouts for the Dark Sentinel V4 to get a nice 1H grip. Hoping to be able to Cal Kestis with the quick couple. Hopefully see my switch wishings for the Dark Apprentice instead. Though the windows are super cool looking on the V5s. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DarthSyronimus on February 01, 2020, 12:52:51 AM Thank you very much! I think that means I should be good but we shall see if anyone gets back to me. I like the Dark Sentinel V5 but definitely worried about the windows as I have smaller hands and have to choke up all the way to the cutouts for the Dark Sentinel V4 to get a nice 1H grip. Hoping to be able to Cal Kestis with the quick couple. Hopefully see my switch wishings for the Dark Apprentice instead. Though the windows are super cool looking on the V5s. depending on when you ordered, with the current 2 to 4 week backlog on fulfilling orders (probably 4 to 6 weeks is more realistic) I'm guessing you have a couple of weeks leeway to do this change and it probably isn't too late. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Nazarike on February 01, 2020, 01:59:28 AM Put in my first order for a Guardian. Very excited!
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: N9neRhymes on February 01, 2020, 03:03:34 AM :P I almost wet myself checking my email just now because I saw that I received a new message from Ultrasabers. Turns out it was only a reminder that the Winter Raffle is coming to an end in the next few hours lol.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Laser_2000 on February 01, 2020, 03:36:19 AM As the final hour and a half starts is there anything anyone would like to say to Emory/Deep in hopes of improving their chances?
Cause I know Id love you forever if you let me win 💙 Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: haydendavid380 on February 01, 2020, 03:55:29 AM As the final hour and a half starts is there anything anyone would like to say to Emory/Deep in hopes of improving their chances? Cause I know Id love you forever if you let me win 💙 Still have 2 hours and 5 minutes Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Wamp Rat on February 01, 2020, 04:33:55 AM Well folks. With time running out, I just wanted to say a sincere good luck to everyone who threw their hat in and rolled the dice. Ironically the last time I was in a raffle it was at a Wild West swap meet and they were raffling off a beautiful Henry rifle in 44-40. I wished everyone good luck and even shook hands with the fella next to me. Would you believe that he was the one to win the rifle! His ticket was 317 and mine was 318. Later he said that he was convinced that I was the reason he won. Well, I might not have won, but I got some free drinks and made a friend. So with that said, I wish everyone a sincere good luck and may the Force be with all of you.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Jivatma07 on February 01, 2020, 05:44:00 AM I agree, good luck to everyone. It's super cool being apart of this community with fellow enthusiasts! If anything thanks to Ultra Sabers for bringing us all together. You guys rock!
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: rising4sun on February 01, 2020, 06:30:07 AM Finally pulled the trigger on "The Fallen" & "Lost Gray" minutes before the Raffle ended.
Couple minutes right before midnight (locally US-central time). Been sleeping on this restlessly since late December up until when I finally came across customization light sabers scene. This is going to be my first light saber purchase and from what I've researched and read across, like others won't be my last. RIP Wallet. Never too late to join the party! Fingers crossed. :) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: N9neRhymes on February 01, 2020, 07:02:46 AM I believe it is officially midnight? I’m in California so it’s still 11:00 for me :D May the Force be with everyone who entered in this raffle!! And a huge shoutout to Ultrasabers for offering so many raffles and so many amazing prizes for each one:
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Kkodster on February 01, 2020, 08:07:34 AM Did they announce the raffle winners?
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on February 01, 2020, 08:12:16 AM Winners have not been announced yet. We must show a little bit more patience. Soon my friends...soon.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Reverie on February 01, 2020, 08:47:58 AM Winners have not been announced yet. We must show a little bit more patience. Soon my friends...soon. It'll happen when it happens! Good luck Malik, hope you win something. Two chances to win something nice! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: WhiNo the Ghost on February 01, 2020, 08:54:04 AM Good luck all.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: perkypatx on February 01, 2020, 08:57:23 AM Good luck and may the force be with you, always!
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DarthSyronimus on February 01, 2020, 09:36:14 AM May the odds be in your favor
(we'll likely find out Monday?) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: perkypatx on February 01, 2020, 11:54:54 AM May the odds be in your favor (we'll likely find out Monday?) Winners are announced! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Infinit01 on February 01, 2020, 01:18:57 PM Congrats all!
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Metal Mech on February 01, 2020, 01:45:06 PM Welp didn’t win, no shocker there. Congrats to those that did. Some of you are lucky ducks winning multiple times.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on February 01, 2020, 01:51:02 PM I am so excited. First prize. Congrats to all. Just one question? What is a 2 channel emerald driver? Obviously it's not the regular emerald driver, right?
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on February 01, 2020, 03:10:35 PM I am so excited. First prize. Congrats to all. Just one question? What is a 2 channel emerald driver? Obviously it's not the regular emerald driver, right? Hey Malik...IF I'm correct, I believe it's 2 colors instead of the 4 RGBW. Which would still give you a lot of options on colors but not the crazy number the 4 channel has. HUGE grats on your prize! What's it gonna be?? Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Cyclops942 on February 01, 2020, 04:45:39 PM I know they are very backed up but does anyone know if 1. The Dark Sentinel V5 and the V4 are compatible with the quick release coupling, with each other? Or the V4 Dark Because 2. I tried messaging about changing from the V5 Dark Sentinel to the V4 Dark Apprentice as I heard that the windows are very sharp on the V5s. I doubt that they'll get to mine in time just wondering if anyone else has had contact recently. Thank you! The V3, V4, and V5 sabers all have MHS-compatible pommels, so the answer should be yes, they’re compatible with the Quick-Release coupler, as noted on the page for the QR coupler: Quote This coupler is compatible with any Ultrasaber with sound including every lightsaber listed with an MHS pommel here: [url]http://www.saberforum.com/index.php?topic=1186.0[/url] ([url]http://www.saberforum.com/index.php?topic=1186.0[/url]) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Infinit01 on February 01, 2020, 05:17:17 PM Congrats to everyone.
Please post your entry and winning saber pictures as they arrive in this thread http://www.saberforum.com/index.php?topic=43927.0 (http://www.saberforum.com/index.php?topic=43927.0) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: darkferris on February 01, 2020, 08:02:14 PM Freaking question, what’s the limit on the grand prize? I told Ana I wanted the Domincide with preystone Orange FOC to silver with orange illuminated silver AV switch, but it reads “single single US” guess that means single blades only, if that’s the case dark dorinian.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Malik Thanewulf on February 01, 2020, 08:23:12 PM Tazflyer, I am thinking about getting the Renegade LE. The set color would be Consular Green. I'd then be able to change the main blade. I'd like that! If not, I am not sure. Graflex CE or Crimson Scorpion
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: EccOMyth on February 01, 2020, 09:00:51 PM Tazflyer, I am thinking about getting the Renegade LE. The set color would be Consular Green. I'd then be able to change the main blade. I'd like that! If not, I am not sure. Graflex CE or Crimson Scorpion Not burst a bubble, but isn't first prize a random hilt like 2nd? Don't think you get to choose sadly. Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Griff on February 01, 2020, 10:33:23 PM Ah bugger, guess winners have been notified by the sounds of it :(
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on February 02, 2020, 12:13:44 AM Ah bugger, guess winners have been notified by the sounds of it :( Did you check the winners list? Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Griff on February 02, 2020, 12:42:31 AM Did you check the winners list? Just found it. Had a feeling i was going to win. I was wrong. ::) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Silvatcg on February 02, 2020, 01:47:43 AM Is there a winner's list, and if there is where is the link?
I'm happy to win anything. "Fourth prize winner" Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Griff on February 02, 2020, 01:52:04 AM Is there a winner's list, and if there is where is the link? Yes. In the section youre reading. “Announcements “. I'm happy to win anything. "Fourth prize winner" Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Tazflyr on February 02, 2020, 01:52:22 AM Is there a winner's list, and if there is where is the link? I'm happy to win anything. "Fourth prize winner" http://www.saberforum.com/index.php?topic=43923.0 (http://www.saberforum.com/index.php?topic=43923.0) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DarthSyronimus on February 02, 2020, 09:56:17 AM did a little number crunching... of the 119 winners, 20 of them posted in this thread :D (I might've missed one or two, getting sleepy)
chalion X darkferris X EccOMyth X Ganner Krieg X GeddaTheHutt X haydendavid380 X Hayyzzyyy X Keevaro X Laser_2000 X LORD SIDIOUS X Malik Thanewulf X N9neRhymes X Nazarike X perkypatx X rising4sun X Robyn_Goodfellow X Saberdestroyer20 X Silvatcg X TR-77477 X WhiNo X congrats! :D (I won't tell you the odds... ;)) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Darth Griff on February 02, 2020, 11:19:20 AM 1 in 9ish?
I am disappoint. The force lied to me. I was sure i was going to win the top price. I was deceived. This is some jedi deception. I will have my revenge.... Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DarthSyronimus on February 03, 2020, 04:07:17 AM 1 in 9ish? I was going to count those who chimed in with "oh shoot, I forgot to enter my ID, hopefully they'll read my email in time" folks, but it made me too sad, being one of them. instead, i'm now going to focus on "hey, I spent enough to get 1 free grab bag and 1 mystery box, let's hope I don't get a crappy $75 MB" but of course, I just jinxed it, didn't I. bummer x2 Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Metal Mech on February 03, 2020, 12:31:32 PM did a little number crunching... of the 119 winners, 20 of them posted in this thread :D (I might've missed one or two, getting sleepy) chalion X darkferris X EccOMyth X Ganner Krieg X GeddaTheHutt X haydendavid380 X Hayyzzyyy X Keevaro X Laser_2000 X LORD SIDIOUS X Malik Thanewulf X N9neRhymes X Nazarike X perkypatx X rising4sun X Robyn_Goodfellow X Saberdestroyer20 X Silvatcg X TR-77477 X WhiNo X congrats! :D (I won't tell you the odds... ;)) 119 winners? Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: darkferris on February 03, 2020, 01:52:08 PM did a little number crunching... of the 119 winners, 20 of them posted in this thread :D (I might've missed one or two, getting sleepy) chalion X darkferris X EccOMyth X Ganner Krieg X GeddaTheHutt X haydendavid380 X Hayyzzyyy X Keevaro X Laser_2000 X LORD SIDIOUS X Malik Thanewulf X N9neRhymes X Nazarike X perkypatx X rising4sun X Robyn_Goodfellow X Saberdestroyer20 X Silvatcg X TR-77477 X WhiNo X congrats! :D (I won't tell you the odds... ;)) Only 105 winners per the raffle announcement Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DarthSyronimus on February 03, 2020, 05:34:26 PM 119 winners? from the winner announcement post: For the Winter Raffle EXTRAVAGANZA 2020 we gave away an EPIC 119 Sabers!!! Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: darkferris on February 03, 2020, 06:07:15 PM from the winner announcement post: For the Winter Raffle EXTRAVAGANZA 2020 we gave away an EPIC 119 Sabers!!! Then they expanded it from the original post of 105. Which is nice for the customers Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: Laser_2000 on February 03, 2020, 09:31:18 PM You two just confused me I thought you were arguing with yourself because of your profile pictures, either way, 105 or 119 sabers is a ton and congrats to everyone that won, and to those who didn't, don't forget to enter next time and take home the emerald prize... The diamond is mine sorry.
Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: DarthSyronimus on February 03, 2020, 11:07:23 PM because of your profile pictures I picked one from the forum's standard staple... it confuses me sometimes as well, as I go "I don't remember posting that" when others use the same pic :) Title: Re: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers! Post by: haydendavid380 on February 03, 2020, 11:15:55 PM 1 in 9ish? I am disappoint. The force lied to me. I was sure i was going to win the top price. I was deceived. This is some jedi deception. I will have my revenge.... 1 in 172ish |