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Author Topic: Queen&Marquesa, Executioner&Cataphract  (Read 7248 times)
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 430
Posts: 1906

« Reply #60 on: September 30, 2023, 02:41:34 AM »

Husband and wife reunited..but a daughter lost...

Gaetana has planned this well with everyone thinking everything is over after Hapes, using Jorya's knowledge and access to the full to attempt her revenge, and even if that thwarted make good her escape. Clearly the shards have been planning this for a while, and the rapid successes in this quick moving chapter show each step clearly.

If not for Listians timely intervention D'Alyanna, only so recently recovered would have been lost. ("That's two you owe me junior" comes to mind...). I wonder if his self admitted affection gor D'Alyanna will encompass an equally determined search for her daughter (though Gaetana herself is reason enough).

With the Gray orders resources and expertise the limitation is simply time. Sooner or later (whatever the shards do to cover their tracks) the Vhal'dan will find them I suspect (though with access to Kadmaur shards vast knowledge he would no doubt know the best hiding holes in the galaxy) but will it be in time? Can the parasites be removed without killing the host? Will there be a host left to save after such suppression? And what other nasty surprises have been left behind by Jorya's hands acting at Gaetana's will?

One war is 'paused' - for surely hostility with Hapes is never over while the Queen Mother or those shamed by the Vhal'dan live - another astonishingly even closer to home begins.
Great pics by For and exciting to see the shards take centre stage after bubbling away throughout this series.


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1109
Posts: 4138

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #61 on: October 16, 2023, 09:21:09 PM »

Epilogue, part I

Striding into the room, Alcyorr had to duck under the door header to clear it only to stand by the foot of the medcouch, his boots resounding throughout the passageway and into medpod.  Nodding respectfully first to D'Aylanna, he affixed his gaze upon the big man occupying the medcouch.  Scrutinizing him with a critical eye, the enormous Cather growled, "You know, Vih'Torr, if I didn't know better, I'd think that you were malingering just so that you could spend all of your time with our 7th Speaker."  There was a hint of a smile upon his normally stoic face.

Appropriately both D'Aylanna and Zearic smiled, the Hapan Speaker laughing easily; by contrast, Zearic refrained from doing so knowing that to do just that would hurt his back and chest.  Bacta was an incredible substance but with wounds as grievous as what Zearic had suffered it would still be several weeks before he was fully healed.  Although...

"From what the meddroids have told me, you're doing remarkably well considering the extent of your injuries." Alcyorr's conversational tone held an undercurrent of worry.  What he said was true: almost to a being, most patients who had been as critically wounded as Zearic had quickly succumbed.  However, with the immediate access to state-of-the-art medical facilities, bacta, and the wide man's diluted pedigree he had survived, if worse for wear.  And Alcyorr knew just how lucky his fellow Cataphract was.  "Really: how are you doing?" The deep bass vibrato of his voice seemed to shake the deck plating.

Zearic quietly chuckled, earning him some extra throbbing through his chest and back.  Wincing visibly he deadpanned, "For a man who literally got stabbed in the back: not bad."  D'Aylanna's face radiated her own worry, but her blue lips smiled supportively, her dark eyes never leaving her husband.  Ironic: before it had been her whom had to be taken care of; now their roles had reversed where the diminutive Hapan woman attended to her husband.

A fact not lost upon them both.

D'Aylanna remained strong for them, affixing a reassuring look to her face to give succor.  Alcyorr, however, did not smile.  "I was worried that I'd have to chisel your name in the Onyx1..." His tone spoke of just how likely he thought that was.  Unsurprising, that; Zearic hadn't been too certain of his own survival for awhile there.  With grim retrospection, he was grateful for his least in this instance.  He was certain that that was the reason his name hadn't joined those of his fellow Cataphracts, as his Triarch had mentioned.  It was bittersweet; reflecting upon his own situation only made the loss of said Cataphracts that much more acute, their names ensconced in perpetuity within the Den to never be forgotten by the Battalion.

Every name representative of a hero born from the Cataphracts, every name belonging to one who'd given their very life for the Battalion, every name chiseled upon the Onyx.

The Onyx Tableau: an enormous plinth located within Camp Rhadde, the Cataphract stronghold.  Colloquially known as "The Den"--although that familiar term was almost exclusively used by the Cataphracts themselves--it did more than house the Battalion's barracks; indeed it encompassed all of their Training Biomes, Lightsaber Salles, and Force Polytechnics.  But most revered was the Onyx Tableau whereupon the Battalion recognized their honored dead, every name chiseled into the hard, black surface belonging to a Cataphract that had fallen championing the values of the Vhal'Dan Order.

All three gathered silently gave thanks to the Maker that Alcyorr hadn't had to add yet another today.

"Thankfully, Triarch, my Shakal2 is too headstrong to die." D'Aylanna's tone my have been light but there was nevertheless an undercurrent of concern in her voice.  Certainly when Alcyorr's pale blue eyes gazed upon her face, he saw controlled worry.  Incredible; after everything that this woman had been through and yet she was afraid for him.

It only served to remind the enormous Cathar of the reasons why the Cataphracts fought.

Thinking of such made him nostalgic, especially given his own lineage.  Alcyorr was a direct descendant of the Illustrious Kage Sarll Bĺz Rhadde as well as the greatest of the Triarchs, the "Shadow Killer" Nurhl Bĺz Rhadde.  Like his ancestors of yesteryear, he'd earned the armor&zweihander that he called his own, just as he'd trained, fought, and served yes the Vhal'Dan Order, but much more importantly, his fellow Cataphracts.  Vih'Torr was lucky in that he'd also found a mate with which he could fully share himself with, one whom recognized the import of the Cataphracts themselves.

Good.  If rumors were to be believed, it was a distinct possibility that this small Hapan woman would eventually ascend to the office of Arbiter...or even that of Kage.  Alcyorr had no use for politicians and less so politics.  It would be nice to have an ally high within the Vhal'Dan leadership.

Looking at Zearic, the Triarch had to admit that he was impressed with the man's performance during the War, even his decision to save the reactor-plant technician3 was one that even his Triad's Primus & Tertius agreed upon.  With such testimonials from both Olyna and Sio, Alcyorr agreed that Vih'Torr was a valuable asset to the Cataphracts.

It also--at least partially--satisfied another of Alcyorr's concerns: where Zearic Vih'Torr's loyalty truly lay.  Unsurprisingly, he saw it reciprocated by the 7th Speaker.  This was a family whom adversity had only made stronger, each one the other's home.

Alcyorr almost laughed, a wistful thought floating across his mind.  Malja watan.  "May you always find home."  The edict given to (and invoked by) all Cather from their ancient savior, Revan.  "May you always find home."

The Cataphracts were his home.  And now also D'Aylanna and Zearic Vih'Torr's.

Smiling politely, he bowed his head.  "Just thought to pay my respects.  I'll not disturb you anymore.  Speaker." He said the last amiably.  "Vih'Torr." He placed a careful paw upon Zearic's heavy shoulder, his gentleness incongruous with his large, muscled forearm.  "Try not to spend too much time with our 7th Speaker lest you forget your duties as a Cataphract."  Staring deep into the man's strange hazel eyes, he gave one last command.  "Heal.  Rest.  And when you're fully recovered, report to the Den."

Respectfully, the big man nodded.  "Understood, Triarch."  With that, Alcyorr saw him lay back into the medcouch, Zearic's eyes closing as D'Aylanna's brown fingers gently stroked her husband's hand.  Ducking underneath the header, the Triarch's thoughts ossified.

He would order his Hamask to stand down, to continue to keep an eye on Vih'Torr, but--more importantly--cancel the Kill Order.

          <<<<< >>>>>
1. As seen in LSG's excellent Remnant of the Aether, Chapter 46 — Oblivion Gray — Misdirections — Part 1, "Misdirection"
2. Shakal: Hapan word meaning "worthy"
3. As seen in Chapter 11: Commensurate Reprisals, part I

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1109
Posts: 4138

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #62 on: October 16, 2023, 09:22:47 PM »

Epilogue, part II

Within the luxurious trappings of the ship's bridge, the crew of the Empress' Wrath went about their respective duties while ignoring the blueshift of the hyperspace tunnel.  Unsurprising given that they'd seen it for almost two straight weeks given the transit.  On one of the holodisplays, a Real-Time simulation of the enormous Hapan Fleet drew ever closer to the target planet.

"Commandant, I want a SITREP4 on our Fleet, immediately." The Queen Mother's melodious tone cut through all of the bridge chatter, her words reminding everyone that the Empress Herself--may Her radiance illuminate eternal--was overseeing the offensive.  As such, every single officer, NCO, and technician was on their best behavior, buoyed by their Empress' orations.

"At once, Ereneda." Commandant Vikari Rumen bowed at the neck, a fierce look towards a junior officer all the indication that she required the intel yesterday.  In the seconds between, Vikari unnecessarily straightened her dark red uniform.  She was still getting used to the Commandant rank insignia upon her chest.

After a moment, she was handed a datapad already keyed up with the required information.  "Ereneda, all ships including fighters report 'Ready,' all ground assault units likewise." She masticated the words, her clipped tone perfectly appropriate and deferential while being commanding and professional.  Exactly like the Commandant herself.

"...thirty seconds..." Another junior officer quietly announced behind Vikari.

She gave a curt nod.  "30 seconds, Ereneda." She pronounced so that the entire bridge heard her.  If anything, the crew seemed to work even more intently.

"Excellent, Commandant." The Queen Mother purred, content for the first time in a long time.  In less than half-a-minute, she, Ta'a Chume, would redress the impudent violation of her--no, the entire Consortium's!--dominion from the bastard Vhal'Dan, their offensive Off-Worlder effrontery to be eradicated from the galaxy, her retribution and supremacy undeniable!  And she had the force to execute her will:

Over 1,000 ships strong: Hapan Battledragons, Nova battlecruisers, Hetrinar assault bombers, Miy'til interceptors, all upgraded with the new turbolaser- and targeting-computer tech that her military R&D assured her were state-of-the-art.  In record time, the newly developed weapons-systems had been built and installed thanks to the tireless efforts of the collective citizenry of the Consortium, their Empress' encouragement all the motivation that they needed to complete the necessary tasks in record time.

Ta'a Chume oversaw the largest expeditionary force in Hapan history, the fleet harkening back to the space battles of the New Sith Wars where thousands of ships fought.  Suppressing a smirk and failing, the Queen Mother mused that her fleet would utterly steamroll whatever defenses the Vhal'Dan had implemented, especially if T'Atyanna's intel was accurate.

And she knew that it was; her daughter may have been a fool in her last but she was incredibly thorough in her reconnaissance.  In fact, Ta'a Chume knew of none better...

...Well, except for one.

Heedless of the bridge crew, she palmed the holopendant that hung around her neck, activating it.  The ersatz bluish image of a tall, handsome man appeared, his strong features matched by the perfectly proportional symmetry of his muscular body.  ...Isolder...son... She thought wistfully.  He'd been a good boy but, more importantly, a better man, taking the initiative when his older brother was abducted--and later killed--during which he systematically rounded up and eliminated the pirates responsible for his assassination.

This time the Queen Mother did smile; such a good boy: he spent the better part of two years undercover to bring his brother's killers to justice.  Two years!  Just the kind of person worthy of the position of Chume'da; the kind of person worthy enough to lead the Consortium...unlike his older brother, a spineless, weak pfassk of genetic refuse.  Had she not been completely coherent the entire time during her birthing of the boy, she would've questioned whether or not the frail and apathetic child was actually hers.

A trait that he did not grow out of as an adult.  With the fruition of her plans to ultimately disband the Marquessate and the laws of Primogeniture ensuring that her firstborn would inherit, it was inconceivable to so much as consider that he'd be the one to ascend...

Of course, Ta'a Chume herself had commissioned the pirates to take care of the wastrel...but Isolder need not know that.

Appropriately, the Queen Mother had had her firstborn's name stricken from Consortium records, the mere utterance of the boy or his name now anathema.

Thankfully, she had Isolder.  ...Such a good boy... She thought again, love never once entering into it.  He was strong, intelligent, capable; in short: the perfect decoy and target.  Isolder would allow her to retain the power she had without the pitfalls attendant to the position.  Now she just had to ensure that he married the right woman...

"Five seconds, Ereneda." Vikari's voice recalled her to the present, excitement threatening to overwhelm her.  

Sitting tall in the command chair, she made the utilitarian seat look a throne.  "Our revenge against the Vhal'Dan transgressors begins today!" Her voice rang throughout the bridge, the ship, the entire fleet.  "For the Consortium!" She trumpeted.

Even though no cheer arose, every single Hapan worked a little better, a little harder, a little faster.  All in approbation of the Queen Mother.

Everyone aboard felt their stomachs clench, some with anticipation, some with fear, everyone with righteous inspiration as the hyperspace tunnel collapsed, starlines coalescing into scintillating dots of light.  Like some vast, bloated organism, the Hapan Fleet returned into Realspace amidst a flurry of pseudomotion.

"Flight: all wings scramble!  Gunners: target key military installations as soon as you have a shooting solution!" Vikari barked.  "For the Queen Mother--may Her Radiance illuminate eternal--ATTACK!"  Moving nothing but her eyes, she glanced over to the Empress, pleased to see that she wore an open if cruel smile.  As she said: they would reclaim the honor stolen from them by the cowardly Vhal'Dan!  A tight smile curled up the corners of her own mouth.  She couldn't help herself and cast her full gaze upon the Queen Mother, expecting to see the look of victory fully encompass that which was Divinity Made Life.

What she did not expect was the look of utter confusion and consternation that met Vikari's eyes.

"What.  In.  The.  Seven.  Hells..." Her staccato tone--so incongruous with her earlier mood--pierced everyone's attention as the Queen Mother slowly stood from her chair.  Like a revenant from an old Mak'Tor myth, she shuffled towards the enormous transparasteel viewscreen, staring at the blackness of space in front of her.

The Vhal'Dan homeworld was gone.

"Commandant, confirm the fleet's coordinates." Ta'a Chume could not believe what she saw.  "NOW." She said quietly but forcefully.

"As you command, Ereneda." Vikari was already at the navigator's station, leaning over the shocked officer who--like almost everyone else on the bridge--stared at the tableau that met their gaze, each and every mind working furiously to resolve their expectations with their reality.

Vikari blinked as soon as she'd confirmed what she--what everybody--already knew: they were exactly in the right place.  "Ereneda, navicom and astrometrics have both verified coordinates; this is the Klasse Ephemora System."

For several seconds the Queen Mother said nothing, her emerald eyes staring out at the vastness of deep space.  There was no Vhal'Dan Defense Fleet, no sign of any habitation, no planet.  How could this be?

Furiously her mind worked: could T'Atyanna's intel have been wrong?  Immediately, she dismissed such; after all, she'd absconded with Il'liyanav from her very apartments on the Order's Homeworld... Could...could it have something to do with the fact that they were in the Unknown Regions?  It was something to consider but she seriously doubted it.

She was missing something...

"Commandant, I want a full sensor sweep of the system." She said through not-quite-gritted teeth.  "Look for anything amiss.  ANYTHING."

"You will, Ereneda." Vikari bowed at the neck, barking orders to her officers.  After a moment, she approached the Empress, careful not to step onto the raised platform atop which the Queen Mother sat.  In quiet tones Vikari spoke.  "Ereneda, I have my best people on it; we will find you answers." She thought she saw a slight twitch in the Queen Mother's visage but decidedly ignored it.  "I'm sure there's a reasonable explai--"

"Yes, you will, Commandant." She brusquely interrupted with deliberate emphasis, her tone not quite flippant.  "It's not as if a planet can just move." Even though she continued to stare at the starfield through the enormous transparasteel wall in front of her, Vikari would feel the Empress' withering gaze upon her.

Feeling exposed, Vikari worked to reassure her Domina (and, truth be told, herself).  "Of course not, Ereneda.  Perhaps there is some stellar quantum drift in the area."  She searched her memory, recalling some of the more incredible things she'd learned in the Academy.  "I read that there are areas within the Unknown Regions in which space-time itself runs completely independent of Galactic Standard."  The Empress did look at her then, her interest piqued.  Vikari continued.  "In some areas--called vacuoles--there were travelers that claimed that time itself was several years behin--"

The ship suddenly rocked as a violent explosion shook the superstructure, several inertial dampeners failing.  Throughout the Battledragon, warning klaxons sounded.  "Report!" Vikari shouted, cutting through the collective panic onboard the bridge.  Making certain that the Queen Mother was unhurt and unmolested, Vikari then looked to her officers.  Just as she was about to speak, she saw a bright, multi-spherical chain of explosions from the periphery of the viewscreen.

"Domina..." One of her officers addressed her, her tone one of controlled emotions.  "It's the Aura Lance," She said naming one of the main Battledragons of the fleet.  "Sensors indicate that the vessel has been completely destroyed, all hands lost."

Vikari wanted to curse, instead saying a quiet prayer for the dead under her breath.  "Order the Fleet 'All-ahead-stop.'" She turned to the sensor technicians and opened her mouth for more instructions when several more detonations proliferated through the fleet.  "AS YOU WERE!" She growled, quickly bringing order to the chaos.  After a second, she stared at the sensors officer.  "Report."

Nodding respectfully, the woman spoke.  "Commandant.  There have been approximately four dozen large explosions throughout the fleet.  I can't be certain but our predictive algorithms posit that the fleet may have entered a minefield..."  Looking from Vikari to her tech and back again, the officer continued.  "...Possibly populated with cloaked antimatter proximity spacemines."

This time Vikari did swear, if just to herself.  Turning from the officer, she faced the Empress.  "Ereneda, I recommend that we order all vessels to immediately stop all forward progress and withdraw along lines of direct egress from our fleet's insertion into the system."  Even as she spoke, there were more--dozens more--violent spherical explosions that tore through the fleet.  If anything, they seemed to occur with a much higher frequency now.

Without saying a word, Ta'a Chume gave a curt nod.  Anger, frustration, and demoralization threatened to infect her.
 The offensive was over before it had even begun; worse: now she'd also lost dozens--perhaps hundreds--of ships.  Looking past Vikari, the Queen Mother's mind turned inwards, ignoring the numerous detonations that still filled the otherwise empty starfield...

How?  How was it that the Vhal'Dan had escaped?  There was no way that they could hide an entire planet, much less move one.  But other than conjecture, she found herself completely at a loss as to how she'd been outmaneuvered.  Oh, she had no doubt that this was entirely deliberate; that sly old Gray Jedi had possessed a keen mind and a dangerous fortitude that Ta'a Chume found absent in virtually all males.  If he weren't her enemy, she would've liked very much breaking him under the auspices of her concubine...

In the span of a few minutes, the Hapan Expeditionary Fleet (now less several hundred vessels) had turned and, having made the necessary calculations, made the jump to hyperspace.

Everyone aboard now felt forlorn, their mission a catastrophic failure.

Even with their advanced Froond-class hyperdrives, the fleet's transit would take more than two weeks to get back to Consortium space.  Which for Ta'a Chume was more than enough time to affix blame.  Pity.  She like Vikari.  However, better it be presented as "the incompetence of the new Commandant" than anything remotely tangential to the Empress.

Not for the last time did the Queen Mother curse the Vhal'Dan.  Her face an impassive mask, fury writhed beneath her carefully cultivated visage.  She would have satisfaction.  Thinking again of her firstborn, plans began to form: she would once again use the various pirates that operated along the borders of the Transitory Mists.  After all, one could never be too careful.

And as soon as they'd completed her "request," well, she would merely have them eliminated.  As had been all of her enemies.

As would be the fate of the Vhal'Dan.

While her mind continued plans within plans, Ta'a Chume felt herself feel a bit of relief.  One way or another, she would emerge victorious.

As was proper.

          <<<<< >>>>>
4. SITREP: situation report

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1109
Posts: 4138

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #63 on: October 16, 2023, 09:24:08 PM »

Epilogue, part III

"Arbiter, all Bellicose Protocols have been successfully implemented." The young koawan--was her name Bhrema or Bydatt Rorduyon?--informed him, the young Gray Jedi the latest addition to his official retinue of aides given the new war footing that the Vhal'Dan found themselves on.  He was determined not to become lax in his or the Order's vigilance, an oversight that cost the Kage her life.

"Thank you, koawan." He nodded.  "Please see that the new codes are distributed to every citizen.  I want every single Vhal'Dan attentive and ready." He sat back in the large, comfortable chair, turning away from the young knight.  It was Bhrema...wasn't it?  "Thank you; I do not want to be disturbed."

"As you command, Arbiter." The darkly pretty young woman bowed low, her armor making little noise as she exited the Kage's Office.  With the execution of full Bellicose Protocols, the sight of people armed&armored would now be the rule rather than the exception.  But, as he'd said, vigilance was the price of their actions.

Sitting alone within the beautiful techno-organic themed office, Listian Damarcus stared out of the transparasteel window, the sight of such always eliciting an overwhelming feeling of humility and awe.  The sprawling urban megacity of Zona'Ulhadv covered kilometer after kilometer, expanding towards the horizon and beyond.  And towering above it into the sky, an enormous biomechanical ring feature took up most of the view, the top half of the ring hidden from sight as it extended well beyond the window's vantage.

Looking upon it--even knowing what it was--Listian was humbled by the enormity of not only the mechanical structure itself, but more importantly, what it did.

This was Zonama Sekot's internal planetary hyperdrive motivator.

Istic III.  Galtea.  Kewda.

Listian found himself grinding his teeth.  All former Vhal'Dan Homeworlds that were all but lost to the Order in the last millennium.  Always as a result of one war or another, the Order had paid dearly everytime, losing more than a planet; they'd lost a true home.  He'd be damned if they had to abandon Zonama Sekot.

Sunlight began to peak over the biomechanical structure, the gleam of the morning light reflected by the intensity emanating from the Arbiter's gray-blue eyes.  The decision to declare war upon the Hapes Consortium had not been his alone; indeed within the Vhal'Dan Congress, only a single Speaker--the Togrutan 3rd Speaker Qillian Rethaal--had been the lone dissenting "No" vote.

By the Maker, even the Aing-Tii Speaker Pyryx'Tu had immediately voted "Yes!"

Even during the best of times, understanding the enigmatic Aing-Tii was a study in patience.  Yet zhe had shocked everyone by addressing the entire Congress before any other Speaker had spoken: [We cannot allow our sovereignty to be violated in so blatant a fashion, or our Speakers be absconded with such impunity].

Long story short: the Order had known from the start the ramifications of their declaration, one of those being the full implementation of Bellicose Protocols.

As the sunlight defused through the clouds surrounding the enormous hyperspace ring, Listian offered a prayer to the Maker, giving thanks for blessings, especially one in particular:

Zonama Sekot could move through hyperspace from one star system to another.

Yes, the Vhal'Dan Congress knew that the Hapes Consortium would eventually want retribution against the Vhal'Dan for the Order's invasion.  What better defense than doing what no one would expect?

And so: Zonama Sekot moved from the Klasse Ephemora System to the unremarkable and all-but-forgotten Seitia Sector in the Outer Rim.  But that wasn't all: when--not if, everyone knew that reprisal was inevitable--the Consortium finally did come...well, the absence of Sekot wouldn't be the only surprise.

As a departing "gift," the Order had mined the entire orbital with antimatter proximity spacemines, each one armed with a simple yet effective cloaking shield.  A final "frell you" for the Empress, courtesy of the Vhal'Dan.

That thought should've made him smile...but he couldn't.  Not when D'Aylanna's daughter was...what?  Missing?  AWOL?  Something more sinister?  If anything Vih'Torr had told him was true, that Gaetana had somehow been resurrected, then the danger to the Order could not be understated.

He noticed that the sun had risen high enough that it was almost in the hyperspace ring's center, giving the Arbiter the odd impression of a diabolic eye, the burning pupil searing itself into his vision the more that he looked at it.  "Polarize window 97%." He commanded, his gaze never wavering.  Immediately the entire transparasteel wall darkened, the brilliant light of the sun muted significantly.

If only the rest was so simple...

While Listian continued to stare out the window, he made plan after plan, almost all of them involving the future...

...But not all of those futures included Koawan Jorya Vih'Torr.

          <<<<< >>>>>

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1109
Posts: 4138

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #64 on: October 16, 2023, 09:24:58 PM »

Epilogue, part IV

With a flurry of pseudomotion, the TIE Guardian reentered Real Space, the quiet of the cockpit incongruous with the mind of the sole occupant of the ship.

Outwardly, the young Togruta woman seemed completely at ease, a slight almost serene smile upon her full red lips, her orange cheeks smooth and unworried.  The truth could not be further from the truth.

"...I...I'll kill...kill you...both..." Jorya promised for what seemed the thousandth time, enough to make the two Shards laugh.

"'Promises' my dear," Kadmaur's Shard condescended while Geatana's Shard smirked.

As Jorya's gloved fingers deftly operated the controls, the navicom readout changed from "MZX33291 System" to "4th Orbital."  Entering the final code of data, she punched the "Enable" holobutton.  With a burst of acceleration, the TIE Guardian sped inward towards the system's star, an unremarkable yellow dwarf.

"You'll find, apprentice..." Gaetana confided to Jorya, a habit (and diminutive) that she'd adopted soon after gaining control of the Togruta's body, "...That usually matters of galactic import are found amidst such unexceptional circumstances.

"...what...whatever it is...that...that is waiting...for both...I hope...I hope that...that it blows up...right in your faces..." Jorya spat, once again eliciting a fit of laughter from the Shards.  Pain beyond what was merely physical tore through her, the memory of the vibroknife in her hand vivid, especially as she'd plunged it into Father's back, the blood--so much blood!--dark, viscous, and horrible pooling at her feet.  Unshed tears burned at her eyes, Jorya's bound voice a roaring yell in her throat.  Crushing defeat suffocated her while forlorn despair inundated her, the loss of her Father a black hole of torturous agony, the shattered pieces of her heart irreparable.

Yet, Jorya continued to fight.  She was broke...but not broken.  It was the only way that she could possibly honor Father; he'd want for her to fight.

Not that Gaetana cared, not for Jorya and not for Kadmaur; her attention was consumed by her plans, the biggest step taken, the path having led to this backwards system and to a nameless planet that was nothing of use to anyone but a select few.

The black flightsuit that she wore made her skin seem to glow, as if indicative of the hope that emanated from one of the body's occupants.

She couldn't help but focus on what she'd just told Jorya, that from the ordinary things monumental and great could arise.  A revival, a rebirth.  No, that wasn't quite right; not a rebirth, but rather to be born again...a renascence.

A Dark Renascence.


Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 430
Posts: 1906

« Reply #65 on: October 17, 2023, 04:20:41 AM »

And so ends the Tale of the Queen and the Marquessa, the Executioner and Cataphracts.  Before delving into specifics a word on the overall Story. 

It’s just a great piece of Science Fiction, blending all the elements one excepts and enjoys.  There is in depth delve into a ‘semi’ alien culture of the Hapan Consortium expanded and detailed here better than the EU did to be honest, interesting other worldly locales in the form of the Everstorm on Sekot, to the Tribunal of Illumination rendered flawlessly in words, Space and ground battles and infiltration with great details on the tactics and technical means used to accomplish goals, a good heling of force powers and a dark sub-story with the shards bubbling away waiting to boil over, and this all wrapped around the personal stories of betrayal, revenge, love and hatred.

The Epilogue shows the war is far from over, the Queen mother left embarrassed once more (to Vikari’s pain no doubt), Jorya an utter thrall to the contemptuous shards, and Zearic barely able to move, the Vhal’Dan as a whole still strong and focused with the capable leadership of Listian.  It did also add a dark dimension in Alcyorr’s ‘kill order’ that had been hovering over Zearic no doubt since his return and renewal, to have a Hamask primed to end you…the Triarch was taking no chances. 

One of the most fascinating aspects is how amazingly you sketched out Hapan society and culture and the way in which it directly influenced characters actions, often to their detriment.
e.g. Rissan intent on delivering Zearic’s head, T’Atyanna intent on delivering D’Alyanna for trial rather than killing her when she had the chance, perhaps above all the Queen Mothers inability to show fault or weakness influencing all her choices to the detriment of her citizens.  In all cases they are both beneficiaries and victims of the vicious nature of Hapan society to one degree or other. 

T'Atyanna especially was the best example of this – she was a creation and ultimately Victim of her society -  she did everything according to Hapan custom, seeking revenge for her Sestranya’s, used all the training and resources being raised in the Court had given her, demanded a trial, and died because she made the faux pas of revealing the Royal Houses Force Sensitivity secret.  V’vako, Rissan and T'Aissyia were all further examples each in different ways, according to their station and relationships (V’vako’s story in particular is memorable for its ultimate futility, despite his sacrifice D’Alyanna still never fully escaped, and likely never will)  providing a great canvas of the lives and dangers of the Hapan court, and how it typically ends for every member, few will die a natural death.

The Queen mother too, the nominal ‘Antagonist’ is the very embodiment of it all in every way, and truly seemed to made the galaxy orbit her whenever she appeared 
Dutch really created a very realistic portrait of Hapan society, down to its simplest physical artefacts, and the characters that inhabit it and work within its conceptual confines.

The Vhal’Dan by contrast are shown here as a unified, decisive, highly advanced military force, with, as Speaker Pyryx'Tu makes clear, a determined focus not to allow any slight to their sovereignty to go unpunished, their history of dispossession doubtless the motivator for that, and in Listian an almost merciless leader.

I especially liked how this series fleshed out Listian as much more than just Zearics ‘rival’. His adoration of D’Alyanna is matched only by his dedication to the Vhal’Dan, seeing things more from his POV it’s clear that Listian knows D’Alyanna won’t ever love him, but it doesn’t change his feelings, a hard burden to bear, his energies instead seemingly dedicated to protecting the Vhal’Dan, of which he sees Zearic as a potential threat – and not just for personal reasons. Regardless there was some moments of almost respect between them.

All the main characters went through horrid ordeals, D’Alyanna viscerally punished for daring to leave, barely saved, Zearic almost killed on multiple occasions…and yet nought seems to compare to Jorya.  The Shard’s finally took control and now one shudders to imagine what fate awaits her once this  ‘Dark Renascence’ is complete.  Where does this leave the Vih’torr family now, D’Alyanna doubtless scarred by her torment and the realisation she can never escape her past fully- how will she feel now knowing the whole Order has become the target of the Queen Mothers ire for her? Zearic, saved time and again by his unnatural endurance, a strength gifted never earned (against Irtro and Rissan it was especially obvious), and stumbling from saving Wife, to now Daughter.

These characters don’t get happy endings, the setting is too real for that, their ‘victories’ have costs to the point it’s arguable if they really ‘won’ this, D’Alyanna is back, but Jorya is lost, the same for the Vhal’Dan as a whole, they have ‘revealed’ themselves substantively in this, that carries risk. The best they can hope for is the Hapan’s attentions are diverted elsewhere for a time while they look for Jorya, though given the head start it might be too late.

A great addition to the Vhal’Dan Saga, extraordinary expansion on the nature of Hapes, some vicious combats and even more vicious minds orchestrating them, a tale that never let up in the risks posed to it’s characters, each of whom was understandable in their motives and actions without fault, and kept one wondering just who would and would not survive, but even at the end of this chapter, it’s clear that the Saga continues.   

A special mention of course to For Tyeth’s renderings of characters to add visuals to the tale, great work as always.


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1109
Posts: 4138

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #66 on: October 17, 2023, 04:46:49 PM »

First off: thank you to everyone for reading!  I promise for upcoming stories with Zearic, D'Aylanna, Jorya, & Co. SOON  Smiley

Next, and I feel that I would be remiss for not prioritizing this: special thanks to both Lord_S_Gray and For Tyeth with their help, feedback, and support.  I've been truly blessed with such great (and selfless!) friends  Cheesy

It's funny how things in a story can develop: I operate from a rough outline before writing the individual chapters, making certain that specific plot points are addressed, circumstances transpire and character arcs occur.  However, sometimes as I'm writing, serendipity/inspiration hits and allows for some things that--while not initially intended--really work in the narrative or I'll hit a block one day only to completely figure out the correct path forward.  Ultimately, and I feel comfortable speaking for my fellow authors here, feedback really, REALLY helps out, sometimes in a truly incredible (and, at times, crucial) way that opens up possibilities that I wouldn't have thought of otherwise (and this also extends to the visuals that both FT and LSG have so selflessly provided for me: they are, one and all, inspirational and wonderful material that does more than supplement the words of the chapter).

All of us here are Star Wars fans.  I would highly recommend that if you find yourself with a story in your mind, try your hand here in the Forums.  People here are not only supportive but also friendly and encouraging.  I can honestly say that I've had the incredibly good luck to form strong friendships with some absolutely awesome artists!

Which brings me to my last (but certainly not least) appreciation: thank you Ultra Sabers for allowing us this Fan Fiction&Art section!

Here's to many more stories and works of art  Cool

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

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