Worked up another custom lightsaber to go with one of my Old Republic characters.
She is a Jedi Sentinel named Rumtumt'ggr, or simply Rum.
The saber is based on my feel for the one she built during the 'Fallen Empire' campaign.
I call it "Rum's Unity."
This one is built completely from Ultrasabers' components.
Shock body, Warglaive emitter and pommel, Obsidian V4 soundboard, Arctic Blue LED module, and an illuminated AV switch

Agreeing with my son that the parts were 'too silver,' I buffed them out with some steel wool, and then used 'Aluminum Black' to help darken and weather the parts.

Near the emitter, I engraved the word 'Unity' in the SW Aurabesh font

On the pommel, also in Aurabesh, I engraved the names of the two masters who helped her reach this unity in the Force.
Satele, from Satele Shan

And Marr, from Darth Marr

Using some brass colored tape I picked up, I added accents to both the switch area and the emitter.
The emitter holes were then opened back up with a sharp hobby knife.
On the grip, I used some camouflage tape as a grip accent

With some work, and fairly careful soldering, I assembled the electronics that would bring the saber to life

Got the switch properly wired up, and then managed to get all of the wiring into the hilt.
Finished build:

Youtube link: