Knight Commander
Force Alignment: -793
Posts: 2736
Dark (Knight) Side Points.
« Reply #150 on: January 29, 2020, 01:17:51 AM » |
Seeing all this excitement makes me want to join in on the fun...
Arsenel: RGBW DIAMOND: Archon v3.1 / Dominicide / Graflex SE / Guardian V4 SOUND : Dark Prophecy v3 (x2) / Emperor's Hand STUNT: Aeon v4 / Bellicose / Dark Apprentice v4 (x2) / Dark Prophecy v3 (x2) / Phantom Initiate V4 / Prophecy v3 / Renegade LE / Scorpion (x2) Star Wars Cosplay Alias: Merik Wolfe (Jedi Knight) / Darth Marcotus (Sith Warrior) BatMike90's Soundfonts
Malik Thanewulf
Knight Commander
Force Alignment: -488
Posts: 3190
Grey Jedi with MAJOR Sith-like tendencies
« Reply #151 on: January 29, 2020, 01:25:21 AM » |
True. Very true. You should decide if YOU want to order another saber. You're the only one that knows how your finances can handle the situation. You might have some adulting to do. Or,if you've got your eye on another really cool saber and want to take advantage of the sale, you can go for it. But it should be your decision. Maybe the awesome saber you've already purchased is going to be enough for now. Plus, it would give you the time to put some additional $$$ away for another "loaded" saber. Like you said, it's really up to you.
My Collection: Monarch CE
Wish list: maybe a Sword of Omens (not sure which color)
Ganner Krieg
Knight Lance Corporal
Force Alignment: 0
Posts: 55
Gray Jedi
« Reply #152 on: January 29, 2020, 01:47:10 AM » |
Oh yeah I’m not saying I’d be influenced either way. I’m very confident in my ability to determine if I can afford it. I’m just at the point in my life where I don’t have a TON of finances to take care of. But if I was super mature I’d be saving every penny just so I have extra. I don’t know it’s mostly just an inner battle if anything. The earlier post was more of a joke lol
"We serve with honor and if we are asked to sacrifice our honor as our duty, then we are betrayed." ―Ganner Krieg to Antares Draco
Any points you want, dark or light. Whatever your heart desires.
Malik Thanewulf
Knight Commander
Force Alignment: -488
Posts: 3190
Grey Jedi with MAJOR Sith-like tendencies
« Reply #153 on: January 29, 2020, 03:23:36 AM » |
I agree. actually, i was just trying to keep you from ordering another saber. that way, i have a better chance of winning. 😁😁
My Collection: Monarch CE
Wish list: maybe a Sword of Omens (not sure which color)
Lady of the Order Aeon
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander OVER 9000!!
Force Alignment: 809
Posts: 13891
Truly, she will be strong- A luminous being is she
« Reply #154 on: January 29, 2020, 03:24:00 AM » |
I don't get paid until the day AFTER the raffle. Typical. 😜
(Sig by me!) Now accepting dark side points.
Ganner Krieg
Knight Lance Corporal
Force Alignment: 0
Posts: 55
Gray Jedi
« Reply #155 on: January 29, 2020, 06:53:15 AM » |
I agree. actually, i was just trying to keep you from ordering another saber. that way, i have a better chance of winning. 😁😁
Points for that  Now I have to order
"We serve with honor and if we are asked to sacrifice our honor as our duty, then we are betrayed." ―Ganner Krieg to Antares Draco
Any points you want, dark or light. Whatever your heart desires.
Wamp Rat
Knight Sergeant
Force Alignment: -5
Posts: 91
« Reply #156 on: January 29, 2020, 08:22:10 AM » |
So I'm about to make my purchases so I can throw my hat into the arena for this raffle. But I'm hearing that folks aren't even getting their confirmation for their purchases lately. With only two days to go, is my name even going to be included in the raffle if I don't receive a confirmation?
Lord Sidious
Knight Commander
Force Alignment: -644
Posts: 1385
« Reply #157 on: January 29, 2020, 08:45:03 AM » |
This is all too exciting! Only a couple more days to go!
Defender of the Forumverse
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander OVER 9000!!
Force Alignment: 2816
Posts: 16865
Grey Assassin
« Reply #158 on: January 29, 2020, 11:57:11 AM » |
The count down begins...
Knight Commander
Force Alignment: 142
Posts: 707
« Reply #159 on: January 29, 2020, 12:20:11 PM » |
The count down begins...
Soooo...stupid question... Does the raffle end at 11:59pm on the night of Jan 31? Basically, I'm wondering if I'll be able to make another raffle entry Friday afternoon. Thanks!
Aeon LE v4, Guardian Blue (Mystery Box) Dark Sentinel v5 (Emerald) The Fallen, Bane's Heart Grandmaster, Diamond SI Battle saber, SRD Dark Apprentice LEv4, Red
Wish List Emperor's Hand Azure Savior & Butcher Dominix v3
When I die, don't let my wife sell my sabers & guitars for what I told her I paid for them, please.
Knight Commander
Force Alignment: -361
Posts: 734
Join The Darkside ( We have cookies)
« Reply #160 on: January 29, 2020, 01:01:32 PM » |
Soooo...stupid question... Does the raffle end at 11:59pm on the night of Jan 31?
Basically, I'm wondering if I'll be able to make another raffle entry Friday afternoon. Thanks!
Yes I believe that the deadline is at midnight on the 31st
"The Jedi and Sith wield the Ashla and the Bogan, the light and the dark. I'm the one in the middle, the Bendu."
Wish list---Consular--Flamberge V2--Omen
Make-A-Wish Donations
Dark apprentice v4 with FOC and basic sound GB -- Dark Apprentice LE v4 (Grab Bag) GB Dark Apprentice v4 (Grab bag) BR -- Dark Apprentice v4 (Grab bag) BR
Dominix V4--- Initiate V4---Graflex SE SD---Dark Apprentice v4 GB Dark Standard issue CG at Dcon 2018---Six Mystery Boxes at dcon 2019
Knight Lance Corporal
Force Alignment: 0
Posts: 68
« Reply #161 on: January 29, 2020, 01:05:36 PM » |
Soooo...stupid question... Does the raffle end at 11:59pm on the night of Jan 31?
Basically, I'm wondering if I'll be able to make another raffle entry Friday afternoon. Thanks!
I thought about it. Have one entry myself. But i'm worried with how over loaded they have been and slow to get to things that a late entry like this may be missed before the drawing. I would assume they have a auto system for the coupon code? But i'm skeptical seeing they seem to lack in important infrastructure in other areas for a older company. ~EccOMyth the Gray
"Well, I assure you, I see more grey than dark or light. I'm just a stubborn old man, tired of the foolishness of others." ―Jolee Bindo, to Revan, in the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk
*Sentinel v4 LE Windowed Stunt w/Orange Blade *Fulcrum AV Emerald v3 w/Sound *Aeon V5 LE w/Premium Sound and SRD *Initiate v4 ~2020 Winter Raffle 2nd Place Prize Upgraded to Diamond
Defender of the Forumverse
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander OVER 9000!!
Force Alignment: 2816
Posts: 16865
Grey Assassin
« Reply #162 on: January 29, 2020, 02:01:47 PM » |
Soooo...stupid question... Does the raffle end at 11:59pm on the night of Jan 31?
Basically, I'm wondering if I'll be able to make another raffle entry Friday afternoon. Thanks!
Once midnight hits, the raffle entries will be a wrap.
Knight Aspirant
Force Alignment: 0
Posts: 13
« Reply #163 on: January 29, 2020, 02:07:37 PM » |
I haven't gone a email back yet I still have hope.
Knight Apprentice
Force Alignment: 4
Posts: 36
« Reply #164 on: January 29, 2020, 11:26:20 PM » |
Well I’ll let everyone know if the late entries get counted or not, that is if US can help add my forum ID to my order from this I’m an idiot sometimes...
I did email customer service and ask them to add my handle to the order and provided the number. I was super polite and apologetic. I sure hope they get entered...
Well, that’s like your opinion man.