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Author Topic: 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza begins NOW! We're giving away 105 FREE Sabers!  (Read 56183 times)
Knight Arbiter

Force Alignment: -40
Posts: 296

« Reply #210 on: February 01, 2020, 12:45:47 AM »

I know they are very backed up but does anyone know if 1. The Dark Sentinel V5 and the V4 are compatible with the quick release coupling, with each other? Or the V4 Dark Because 2. I tried messaging about changing from the V5 Dark Sentinel to the V4 Dark Apprentice as I heard that the windows are very sharp on the V5s. I doubt that they'll get to mine in time just wondering if anyone else has had contact recently.

Thank you!

I was just wondering this myself... if you go to the quick release coupler page (under staff couplers in the lightsabers parts area:

there's a link to all the supported hilts:
"This coupler is compatible with any Ultrasaber with sound including every lightsaber listed with an MHS pommel here:"

I don't have it, but it seems like the quick release coupler would replace the pommel, not extend an existing pommel

but in theory, i could link two dominicides up for extra shenanigans (not sure how that would work, but hey, it'd be nutz)  Edit: no, it's two emitter ends, not pommel
ends... so probably not.

edit 5: oh, and dominicide isn't on that list anyhow... hmm, thought it was MHS emitters

Dark Side here, Grey in RPGs
(Order#1 - Ordered 1/27/20 - Arrived 3/12/20)
* Diamond Dominicide for me (died 4/2/20, sent back 5/23/20 for repairs, back in hand and working 6/4/2020)
* Diamond Dark Apprentice LE v5 for the 10yo Padawan
* Stunt Aeon LE v3 - Blazing Red (FreeMysteryBox) for the missus
* Stunt Initiate v2 - Guardian Blue (FreeInitiate) for the 7yo Youngling
(Order #2 - Ordered 5/17/20 - Arrived 9/13/20)
* Stunt Dark Overlord - Consular Green ($75 Mystery Box)
* Yari (Pike) Extension with 16" UEHG
* Silver Vented QR Coupler

Knight Apprentice

Force Alignment: 2
Posts: 21

« Reply #211 on: February 01, 2020, 12:49:47 AM »

I was just wondering this myself... if you go to the quick coupling page (under staff couplers in the lightsabers parts area:

there's a link to all the supported hilts:
"This coupler is compatible with any Ultrasaber with sound including every lightsaber listed with an MHS pommel here:"

Thank you very much! I think that means I should be good but we shall see if anyone gets back to me. I like the Dark Sentinel V5 but definitely worried about the windows as I have smaller hands and have to choke up all the way to the cutouts for the Dark Sentinel V4 to get a nice 1H grip. Hoping to be able to Cal Kestis with the quick couple. Hopefully see my switch wishings for the Dark Apprentice instead. Though the windows are super cool looking on the V5s.

May Gaia smile upon us, always.

Dominix V3 ( Blazing Red, stunt, mystery box)
Dominix LE V4 (Blazing Red, stunt, grab bag)
Dark Sentinel V4 (Consular Green, stunt, mystery box)
Dark Apprentice V4 (Blue Violet Amethyst, basic sound, adegan silver foc, custom)
Dark Initiate v4 (Adegan Silver, premium v4 sound, guardian blue foc, custom)
Black Grandmaster Pommel
Quick Release Coupling in Black
On the way: Dark Catalyst (Pyrestone Orange, basic sound, fire orange foc, custom)
Initiate V4 (Sentinel Yellow, premium sound, silver foc, custom)

Knight Arbiter

Force Alignment: -40
Posts: 296

« Reply #212 on: February 01, 2020, 12:52:51 AM »

Thank you very much! I think that means I should be good but we shall see if anyone gets back to me. I like the Dark Sentinel V5 but definitely worried about the windows as I have smaller hands and have to choke up all the way to the cutouts for the Dark Sentinel V4 to get a nice 1H grip. Hoping to be able to Cal Kestis with the quick couple. Hopefully see my switch wishings for the Dark Apprentice instead. Though the windows are super cool looking on the V5s.

depending on when you ordered, with the current 2 to 4 week backlog on fulfilling orders (probably 4 to 6 weeks is more realistic)  I'm guessing you have a couple of weeks leeway to do this change and it probably isn't too late.

Dark Side here, Grey in RPGs
(Order#1 - Ordered 1/27/20 - Arrived 3/12/20)
* Diamond Dominicide for me (died 4/2/20, sent back 5/23/20 for repairs, back in hand and working 6/4/2020)
* Diamond Dark Apprentice LE v5 for the 10yo Padawan
* Stunt Aeon LE v3 - Blazing Red (FreeMysteryBox) for the missus
* Stunt Initiate v2 - Guardian Blue (FreeInitiate) for the 7yo Youngling
(Order #2 - Ordered 5/17/20 - Arrived 9/13/20)
* Stunt Dark Overlord - Consular Green ($75 Mystery Box)
* Yari (Pike) Extension with 16" UEHG
* Silver Vented QR Coupler

Force Sensitive

Force Alignment: 0
Posts: 4

« Reply #213 on: February 01, 2020, 01:59:28 AM »

Put in my first order for a Guardian.  Very excited! 

Knight Ensign

Force Alignment: 29
Posts: 178

« Reply #214 on: February 01, 2020, 03:03:34 AM »

 Tongue I almost wet myself checking my email just now because I saw that I received a new message from Ultrasabers. Turns out it was only a reminder that the Winter Raffle is coming to an end in the next few hours lol.

Knight Apprentice

Force Alignment: 1
Posts: 29

« Reply #215 on: February 01, 2020, 03:36:19 AM »

As the final hour and a half starts is there anything anyone would like to say to Emory/Deep in hopes of improving their chances?

Cause I know Id love you forever if you let me win 💙

My collection:
Dark initiate LE v4 - AB
Initiate v4 - AB
Aeon v4 - BR
Azure Reaper premium sound - orange
Guardian - orange
Spectre premium sound - violet amethyst (silver FoC)
Aeon LE v2 - GB
Guardian - Emerald Driver
Initiate LE v2 - GB
Aeon LE v5 - Emerald Driver
Crimson Scorpion - GB (AB FoC)
Fallen LE - Emerald Driver
Dark Shock Light Sound - BR
Butcher LE - Emerald Driver
First Prize Raffle (yet to show up) - Emerald Driver

Knight Arbiter

Force Alignment: 31
Posts: 263

« Reply #216 on: February 01, 2020, 03:55:29 AM »

As the final hour and a half starts is there anything anyone would like to say to Emory/Deep in hopes of improving their chances?

Cause I know Id love you forever if you let me win 💙

Still have 2 hours and 5 minutes

Lover of the light side

Wamp Rat
Knight Sergeant

Force Alignment: -5
Posts: 91

« Reply #217 on: February 01, 2020, 04:33:55 AM »

Well folks. With time running out, I just wanted to say a sincere good luck to everyone who threw their hat in and rolled the dice. Ironically the last time I was in a raffle it was at a Wild West swap meet and they were raffling off a beautiful Henry rifle in 44-40. I wished everyone good luck and even shook hands with the fella next to me. Would you believe that he was the one to win the rifle! His ticket was 317 and mine was 318. Later he said that he was convinced that I was the reason he won. Well, I might not have won, but I got some free drinks and made a friend. So with that said, I wish everyone a sincere good luck and may the Force be with all of you.

Knight Apprentice

Force Alignment: 2
Posts: 21

« Reply #218 on: February 01, 2020, 05:44:00 AM »

I agree, good luck to everyone. It's super cool being apart of this community with fellow enthusiasts! If anything thanks to Ultra Sabers for bringing us all together. You guys rock!

May Gaia smile upon us, always.

Dominix V3 ( Blazing Red, stunt, mystery box)
Dominix LE V4 (Blazing Red, stunt, grab bag)
Dark Sentinel V4 (Consular Green, stunt, mystery box)
Dark Apprentice V4 (Blue Violet Amethyst, basic sound, adegan silver foc, custom)
Dark Initiate v4 (Adegan Silver, premium v4 sound, guardian blue foc, custom)
Black Grandmaster Pommel
Quick Release Coupling in Black
On the way: Dark Catalyst (Pyrestone Orange, basic sound, fire orange foc, custom)
Initiate V4 (Sentinel Yellow, premium sound, silver foc, custom)

Force Sensitive

Force Alignment: 0
Posts: 6

« Reply #219 on: February 01, 2020, 06:30:07 AM »

Finally pulled the trigger on "The Fallen" & "Lost Gray" minutes before the Raffle ended.

Couple minutes right before midnight (locally US-central time).
Been sleeping on this restlessly since late December up until when I finally came across customization light sabers scene.

This is going to be my first light saber purchase and from what I've researched and read across, like others won't be my last. RIP Wallet.

Never too late to join the party! Fingers crossed.  Smiley

Sabers soon to be owned:
The Fallen (Diamond) 2020 Winter Extravaganza
Lost Grey (Diamond) 2020 Winter Extravaganza
Initiate (TBA) 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza
Mystery Box (TBA) 2020 Winter Raffle Extravaganza
Grab Bag (TBA) - 2020 Winter Raffle 4th place

Knight Ensign

Force Alignment: 29
Posts: 178

« Reply #220 on: February 01, 2020, 07:02:46 AM »

I believe it is officially midnight? I’m in California so it’s still 11:00 for me Cheesy May the Force be with everyone who entered in this raffle!! And a huge shoutout to Ultrasabers for offering so many raffles and so many amazing prizes for each one:

Force Sensitive

Force Alignment: 0
Posts: 3

May the force be with you

« Reply #221 on: February 01, 2020, 08:07:34 AM »

Did they announce the raffle winners?

My Collection: Lost Gray and Fulcrum

Wishlist: Grandmaster Staff

Malik Thanewulf
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -488
Posts: 3190

Grey Jedi with MAJOR Sith-like tendencies

« Reply #222 on: February 01, 2020, 08:12:16 AM »

Winners have not been announced yet. We must show a little bit more patience. Soon my friends...soon.

My Collection: Monarch CE

Wish list:  maybe a Sword of Omens (not sure which color)

Force Sensitive

Force Alignment: 0
Posts: 7

« Reply #223 on: February 01, 2020, 08:47:58 AM »

Winners have not been announced yet. We must show a little bit more patience. Soon my friends...soon.

It'll happen when it happens! Good luck Malik, hope you win something. Two chances to win something nice!

I'm one with the force, the force is with me

WhiNo the Ghost
Knight Apprentice

Force Alignment: 0
Posts: 25

Light side points preferred.

« Reply #224 on: February 01, 2020, 08:54:04 AM »

Good luck all.

Currently own an Azure Fallen in UEHG GB Obsidian v4 sound

Next Saber: Grand Master in UEHG SRD Obsidian V4

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