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Author Topic: Code Blue sound font play idea  (Read 3868 times)
Knight Major

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 383

« on: June 27, 2022, 09:33:26 PM »

As a healthcare simulation nerd I created an idea for a Simulated clinical scenario on a emerald driver and v4 sound board.

Power on- codeing patient monitor flashing red or blue light

Idle hum- medical helicopter flying
The next two can be done multiple times
Lock up- defibrillator charging

Stab or clash-  shock energy effects color and sound as defibrillator discharge energy  

Powere down-turning of a  flatline patient monitor

Actors lines while going through the motions

Patient coding

No line for idle hum

Charge to what ever is the right amount of joules for patient


Time of death


Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade main sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 2 sleep  saber

Knight Major

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 383

« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2022, 12:43:03 AM »

Quick update and a few questions.

I am going to be writing this very soon but I do not know what it would be easier on emerald or diamond.  The reasons why diamond would be great for a playwright would be having an isolated effect and font designation for the play compared to everyday use colors with out having to plug in to the computer. Also probably easier to learn, program and write. Also out way the price difference to go diamond for a Mac user.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade main sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 2 sleep  saber

Knight Major

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 383

« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2022, 04:18:43 PM »

Play update
I will have to use the advanced diamond wizard to write this.
I have picked a setting for the play it will be a MCI at San Deigo ComicCon

I also added a boot sound that is so fitting for this play. Boot sound- Chief Richard Webber from Grey’s Anatomy Season 3 episode 15. Line “We just received word of a MCI, all available level one trauma centers are asked to respond, I need to send a team into the field immediately.”

I am not sure if I can use two different sound effects for the boot sound or if I will separate the standard power on sound after the boot sound and without light effects. Does the boot sound need to have a light effect? I hope not. I still need to work with timing and gestures for this part.

For other parts I may use gestures to make it easier on my actors because I can tailor the gestures and sound effects and light effects to the actor. The patient will thank me too. Bad timing = dead patient or just looking and sounding wonky.

Also working on the idle hum may try using the hum from the sith or ancient saber for a starting point but will have to deepen the sound. I think it kind of resembles a military medical helicopter. At least I know how to do that from my experiences with music and video editing on a Mac.
Keep you all updated on the play

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade main sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 2 sleep  saber

Knight Major

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 383

« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2022, 11:20:33 PM »

play update as of 8/16/22

having tech difficulties with the saber.  As stated in another post I kind of want to work those out first before trying to program the play. Turns out the best starting sound font that comes pre programed has annoyed me so much I had to turn it off. The squeaking and squaking drives me nuts while trying to tun it off or change the font to another one. fyi diamond board user. I also am having similar problems with other fonts. The ancient saber font is the best for the hum sound in the play so far.  I tried downloading the v4 sound pack here but I cannot get it in expanded notation as I call it for diamond users on advanced version of the wizard or effects editer.

progress is that I did program a gesture for the play but I do not have the sound effect for it yet. A programming question can you use a lock up sound with the gesture system? if not will be easer on the actor but harder on the programmer. If I do use a gesture on that part of my play I did have to add an extra motion that us a little uncomfortable for the actor to do and does not smoothly transition into the next effect for the gesture. I will get video footage of it at a later time. 

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade main sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 2 sleep  saber

Knight Major

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 383

« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2022, 04:02:33 AM »

I have answered one of my questions about the play. I read that I cannot use a lock up and a gesture at the same time. So that means more trouble for the programmer. I kind of liked use ing the gesture because I could set the gesture effect sound to be after the gesture was preformed correctly to be the next part of the play after what I wish could be a lockup for the defibrillator charging to a gesture effect of the electronic shock a light and sound effect actors line Clear! But I am now going to have to go about it a different way the original way I was planning on using prior to deciding to go diamond. Just relized that would not be possible with the emerald and v4 sound because I am going to use a stab effect to deliver the shock to the patient. Now I am becoming a frustrated playwright.  I will mess around with that part some more before even thinking of working on lighting effects. At least I did get the first two parts (the boot and power on sounds) working and working on the hum sounds.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade main sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 2 sleep  saber

Knight Major

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 383

« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2022, 04:06:30 PM »

Play update as of 8/31

First the good news. I found the right thread here on how to convert lsu files to wav files. Now I do have the hum sound ready to go. I just realized that with these next parts becides the sound effect I will probably have the add the light effects too in the effects editor. Yet another ANoobish mistake. An’ t technology amazing. Frustrated playwright again. I know what I was thinking because the effect I was working with at first was the boot and power on effect. Another question I have to figure out is if I can use the express wizard to edit the color and light effects on a custom font I think a PEFF or is it a PENT file. I don’t  think you can do that from what I heard or read. I think it only works with pre-set’s.

Why am I feeling like I am living in my nightmare about medical plays. On a side note about plays I had a dream or should I say nightmare about being in a play at a Society for Simulation in Healthcare IMSH pre conference production or should I say play. I felt possessed when I woke myself up from the dream saying out loud “I’m not going to be in the play!” In my dream I did agree to be in it. In real life I don’t ever want to be act in a play. I will write them or do behind the scenes work in one.

I also thinking of changing the setting or set for the play to Anaheim CA, or Phoenix AZ convention centers. Texas or Florida were other options for the play because both IMSH the medical convention and the anime conventions that our members attend happen their.

Now the bad news about the play. I am tempted to start a new thread or contact the creator and programmers of this board I am using for the play because it is a living product according to the user’s guide about a suggestion to add in the next version of the I don’t know if it is a firmware or software addiction for the diamond board. My suggestion that would make it easier for my play and other members/users would find helpful would be being able to use basic moves with their sound and light effects in a gesture. Example, in my play the lock up and then a stab effect transitions into the gesture sound effect all at once as a gesture and it’s effect. In the play it would be the charging defibrillator then the push to shock and electric discharge part in my play.

Enough for now I am definitely crazy.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade main sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 2 sleep  saber

Knight Major

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 383

« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2023, 06:07:00 PM »

Play update

There is a interesting thread about sound files in my healthcare simulation community that looks like it could help me with this play. Too bad I have to be a member to communicate on the thread. I forgot to mention on this thread that I have less then a year to finish this play. The medical convention is less then a year away that I will be attending.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade main sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 2 sleep  saber

Knight Major

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 383

« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2023, 08:00:21 PM »

Play update

I was watching some of Emory The Great’s videos on soundboards and I found exactly what I am looking for on the new obs boards. It is the latched lock up feature i need for the part of the play where the actor chargers the defibrillator and shocks the patient. Too bad diamond boards don’t have that ability. Too bad no more emerald boards. Need the new v3 or v4 obs board with emerald to do the play at its best 

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade main sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 2 sleep  saber

Knight Major

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 383

« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2024, 07:35:21 AM »

Play update

I definitely decided on the set for the play. It came to me during dinner with my family tonight. We were talking about where we want to travel. I said probably Emerald City ComicCon in Seattle WA. That would be the best location because The Great attendees the convention and the first line of the play came in reference to that location in the Grey’s Anatomy episode. Season 3 episode 15. Also can get direct flights to the convention from my home town airport. Actually a very well known route for the airline I would use.

On another note I hope I sleep tonight. Or have nightmares about plays. I will update my journal here tomorrow.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade main sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 2 sleep  saber

Knight Major

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 383

« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2024, 08:05:09 PM »

Play update as of 7/24/24

Since I am going to buy a pixel saber next I was wondering what the difference between diamond and pixel blade with new obsV4 soundboards.  Looking at The Great’s video on the new obs boards and pixel blades doesn’t look like it would work well if at all for the play.  I probably should watch more videos of The Great and his programming of the boards to see if it would work. I kind of forgot that the play has multiple parts. I had only started on the sound part of the play. I hadn’t even started working on the light and colors for the play.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade main sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 2 sleep  saber

Saber Surfer
Knight Apprentice

Force Alignment: 8
Posts: 34

« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2024, 10:10:55 PM »

If you like the Diamond Controller, but do not want the Pixel blade I would look at Premium Sound and select the UltraProffie Lite board for the sound option. It is color-changing on the fly and has 25 sets of sounds, but uses a regular polycarbonate blade because the LED is in the hilt like the Diamond Controller. For the V4 soundboard it uses wav  or lsu files like Diamond.

Knight Major

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 383

« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2024, 03:37:27 AM »

If you like the Diamond Controller, but do not want the Pixel blade I would look at Premium Sound and select the UltraProffie Lite board for the sound option. It is color-changing on the fly and has 25 sets of sounds, but uses a regular polycarbonate blade because the LED is in the hilt like the Diamond Controller. For the V4 soundboard it uses wav  or lsu files like Diamond.

Excuse me but proffie boards are a thing of literal nightmares for me. You have seen my rants about soundboards in my journal. I hate  and cannot stand the sound of proffie boards especially smooth swing. Probably give me a migraine. In my dream I literally want to rip out those soundboards.  Sorry for the rambling.

When diamond boards were retired I was quite mad and very sad to see that happen.

From my journal
Journal 5/21/24
I’m scared! And hopefully not going to get mad.

Has someone pulled a Emory The Great on US. What’s happening or had happened to diamond boards!? I hope this is not joke. In a video when The Great introduced the new V5 sabers he said that he doesn’t want to make people mad by getting rid of the V2,3,4 sabers. Looks like he has done it again with soundboards. Doing a Great is getting rid of something that people like and keep coming back for. Or telling someone that the new version of an old product is better. (Like toothpaste or hair care products) You know how much I hate proffie smooth swing pixel blades and all the things that come with it!? The thing of literally nightmares.  Sorry for the rambling journal entry.  I definitely will write more later today.

Stats (vitals)
Collection so far

Aeon v5 le in SRD with what used to be lite sound and sentinel v5 stunt pommel aka my night pommel, crashing now since I broke it AkA my old night saber

Azure Fallen diamond my main dancing saber

Initiate v2 stunt in orange cannot tell what one
Now with 40in night blade ultra edge heavy grade main sleep saber

Apprentice v5 stunt hot pink purely a daytime and disaster saber

Crimson Dominicide in BR lite sound
My number 2 sleep  saber

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