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Author Topic: Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow" AU KOTOR FanFiction)  (Read 19196 times)
Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2018, 12:03:15 PM »

“There are good men and women onboard risking their lives for this mission. I hope that the Council’s wisdom takes that into consideration too,” Carth muttered to himself."
Twisted Morality once again...I uspect the answer is no the Council does not take that into consideration, they have more important things to consider...the Jedi are using the Republic just as much as they are using tools to serve their end game of defeating Malak...effectively cleaning up their own mess in a way - how are they any better than the Sith now...or maybe they aren't, its just the Sith don't pretend to a higher calling....

I suspect they didn't either, or at least not as much as they should have... I don't think they anticipated for things to play out as they do... The Jedi Order, particularly the Council, in this era is notorious for leaving those not on a "need-to-know" (and even many who should) in the dark.

its just the Sith don't pretend to a higher calling....

This is one of the things that I think made the games great. They made you question both sides of the problem with no clear "right" or "wrong" when you look deeper than the surface layer of "good" and "evil." It makes the choice between the paths of the light and dark more difficult and convoluted (even more so in the second game).

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2019, 06:01:46 AM »


   Gwen Dakaal had been asleep when the attack had first begun. She was still recovering from the stew she’d risked the day before. It seemed her stomach just wasn’t going to take the food from the mess hall. She’d vomited three times in the crew quarter fresher before returning to her own bunk area. As much as she probably should have gone to medical to check on what could be causing it, she really didn’t feel like giving up her off shift to go sit in a waiting room. So long as she stuck to ration bars she was fine. The things were stale, and tasteless, but it seemed that they were all she could keep down on this godforsaken ship. She didn’t want to wait around to be told not to eat the food at the mess hall—she had been able to figure out that much on her own. After she was finished vomiting, she had returned to the quarters to her bunk, removing the dirtied uniform she had been wearing and collapsing on the bunk in her unedergarments. She had fallen asleep like that before the alarm sounding had woken her up.

   Gwen shot up, the sounds of alarms and crashes. He sat up, looking around frantically. The whole ship seemed to be shaking. ‘What the hell is going on here,’ she thought. As far as she knew, they were still supposed to be in hyperspace, headed into the Outer Rim territories. Something was clearly going wrong, and this didn’t seem like a drill. However, before she had much time at all to react, the door of the chamber opened and a blonde man in soldier’s uniform entered. Frantically, she pulled the blanket from the bunk around her and drew the blaster she kept under her pillow—an old habit she’d picked up from her smuggling days—and pointed it at him. Republic soldier or not, there was clearly something going on here, and she didn’t appreciate being barged in on while indecent.

   “We’ve been ambushed by a Sith battle fleet!” the man said. “The ship is under attack! Hurry up—we don’t have much time!”

   “First things first,” Gwen said, cocking the blaster, “Who are you and what are you doing in here?” She hadn’t seen the man before. Granted, she also hadn’t been on board for very long, so she was still getting to know the crewmates.

   “I’m Trask Ulgo, ensign with the Republic Fleet,” the man said, putting his hands up to indicate that he wasn’t a threat. “I’m your bunk mate here on the Endar Spire. We work opposite shifts; I guess that’s why you haven’t seen me before. I figured since you’re new and haven’t been through evacuation drills aboard yet, I should come make sure you knew how to get out. Now hurry up, we have to find Bastila! We have to make sure she makes it off of this ship alive!”

   ‘Bastila!?’ Gwen thought. Bastila was a Jedi—and the one famous for defeating Darth Revan at that! A cipherer babysitting a Jedi in an attack? She almost laughed out loud at the thought. “Forget it,” she said, stading but keeping her blaster pistol pointed at him. “I’m looking after my own skin!”

   “You swore an oath to protect Bastila when you signed up for this mission, just like everyone else in this crew,” the soldier said. “Now it’s time to make good on that oath.”

   It was at this point that Gwen couldn’t contain her laugter any longer “Bastila’s a Jedi. She’ll be fine.”

   “Look, I know she may not have an official rank in the fleet, but she’s the one in charge of this mission and it’s our duty to protect her!”

   “No,” Gwen said. “That’s your job to protect her. You’re the soldier, I’m the cipherer. Combat is your thing.” Being in the middle of an attack now made her realize what Sergio had been mentioning before. The times between battles suddenly didn’t seem so dull after all…

   Trask, however, didn’t seem convinced by her reasoning. “I know all about your reputation… how you used to smuggle spice and blasters along the Corellian Run. I guess the Republic must’ve figured since they couldn’t catch you, they might as well hire you. I’ll admit, the Republic is in desperate need of someone with your kind of skills rightnow. Desperate enough to overlook your shady past”

   Gwen let off a warning shot, narrowly missing Trask’s head. The bolt made a scorch mark on the wall behind him and the blast caused him to flinch a moment. “That was uncalled for,” Gwen said, her blue eyes narrowing into a leer. “I’ll have you know I signed up for this myself. That being said, I also didn’t sign up for babysitting Jedi!”

   “Whether you like it or not, when you signed on for this mission you became a part of the Republic fleet and Bastila needs all troops, regardless of position, at her side during this attack!”

   “Oath or no oath, I’m heading to the escape pods,” Gwen said. She moved toward her locker, keeping the pistol aimed at Trask. “Now turn around.”

   “What? Why do I need to turn around?”

   “Because I need to get dressed and I’m not exactly thrilled with the idea of an audience. Now turn, or next time I’ll make sure to put the next shot between your eyes instead.”

   “All right, no need to get trigger happy about it, geesh,” Trask said as he turned around. “Just hurry up so we can get out of here.”

   Gwen waited to make sure he was completely around before discarding the blanket and opening her locker, still glancing over every so often to make sure her bunk mate wasn’t stealing glances. She threw on a pair of grey pants, a white shirt, and her old red smuggler’s jacket along with some gloves and boots. It wasn’t regulation attire, but her uniform still had traces of vomit on it and she really didn’t feel like dealing with it at the moment. This was more comfortable anyway. She strapped on a simple gear pack around her waist and added some security and computer spikes, a few ration bars, and the few credits she had on her, and attached a vibroblade to her belt. She had a stealth generator there too. She’d not used the thing much before, but figured it would be good, at least, to have just in case, and so she clipped it around her waist, under the jacket. Lastly, she pinned her comm link to her lapel. At least she was prepared for whatever was out there on the ship. If they were under attack, the possibility existed that they had been boarded, which meant there could be Sith soldiers about… or worse.

   “Alrighty then, let’s move out,” Gwen said, pulling her blaster pistol back out from the holster strap on her thigh. “I’d rather not die chit-chatting here if it can be helped.”

   “We should stick together,” Trask said as he spun around to face her again. “We’ll have a better chance of success than if we split up. Because of the attack, the dormitories are in lockdown, but I have the override codes. Give me a moment and I’ll override the command… Bet you’re glad you didn’t shoot me now, huh?”

   “Don’t push your luck,” Gwen said, rolling her eyes. “Just get us out of here before the ship explodes…”


The boarding vessel of the Sith fleet had attatched itself to the Endar Spire and several Sith Soldiers in trooper armor and a handful of dark Jedi had boarded the ship. At the head of the boarding crew was Darth Bandon, Lord Malak’s apprentice. Bandon had only recently gained the position of the Dark Lord’s right hand. After all, Malak’s own rise to power was still rather recent. It had only been a few brief months… This attack on the Endar Spire was a part of his proving himself to his new Master.

They had intercepted transmissions regarding the course of the vessel which was said to be carrying the Jedi Padawan Bastila Shan. The ship was set along a course from Alderaan using the Hydian Way hyperspace route. They had set an ambush accordingly over the planet of Taris, which was under Sith occupation. The ambush was headed by the Leviathan, an Interdictor-Class star cruiser, and its fleet of fourty eight Sith Interceptor Fighters. Using the Leviathan’s Interduction Field, they were able to pull the Endar Spire from hyperspace and begin their assault.

Malak wanted Bastila, either dead, or captured alive. The Republic and the Jedi Order were scrambling for advantage as it was, but Bastila Shan provided them with a small glimmer of hope which he wished to either turn against them or to crush beneath his might. After all, Bastila’s Battle Meditation was the key component to the few victories the Republic had gained thus far.

It was Bandon’s task to lead the team aboard the Endar Spire to find Bastila. And if he could not turn or capture her, then he was to eliminate her. With her death would die the hopes of the Republic war effort and thusly their resistance. The Sith would rule the galaxy once more!


My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 428
Posts: 1903

« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2019, 04:01:24 AM »

There is something very familiar about all of this...but not quite the same...just a bit different in focus and detail...look froward to seeing some of this from inside the mind of Gwen as it were.


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2019, 05:28:00 AM »

There is something very familiar about all of this...but not quite the same...just a bit different in focus and detail...look froward to seeing some of this from inside the mind of Gwen as it were.

haha, yes, something familiar... there are likely to be a few of those in this story, given its context. Much of it you will find familiar but not.

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2019, 10:45:07 AM »



Carth Onasi was on the bridge when the Sith attack had first begun. He had seen enough in his time in the fleet to know that under the given circumstances this was a losing battle for the Endar Spire. His goal was to make sure as much of the crew could get to safety as possible. Already the Sith were boarding. It was obvious that they must have known Bastila was on board, otherwise there was no reason they would lay such a trap for a ship passing through the sector in hyperspace.

Carth patched his comm link through to the ship’s crew. “This is Carth Onasi,” he said, “The Sith are threatening to overrun our position! We can’t hold out long against their firepower! All hands to the bridge or nearest escape pods! Repeat, all hands to the bridge or nearest escape pods! Evacuate ship!” He flipped his comm to close the outgoing signal and then turned his attention to the escape pods there. There weren’t nearly enough pods for the full crew of three hundred, especially if everybody was panicking and trying to take individual pods. The rest of the fleet pilots were making their way to the hanger to the Aurek-class tactical strike-fighters in an attempt to hold off the Sith bombardment for as long as they could, knowing full well that it wasn’t a flight they would be returning from given their current circumstance. Carth saluted them, and as much as he wished otherwise, he realized he would probably never see them again. Right now, his mission differed from theirs. Right now his mission was to ensure the safety of the Jedi Bastila Shan and of as much of the crew as he could.

Carth rushed to the emergency control center just beyond the bridge, and began checking the status of the crew and of the Endar Spire. They had been boarded since the time the attack had started. It looked like there were two separate boarding vessels with mostly Sith Soldiers, but there were a few dark Jedi among their ranks also, their red sabers gleaming in the feed. There was no longer any doubt in Carth’s mind that it was Bastila the Sith were after.

It was not long before crew members began arriving at the bridge. The Endar Spire was a rather large ship, and its crew was accordingly large. That being said, the number of crew members whom Carth witnessed arrive on the bridge and the number of escape pods he could see from the computer had jettisoned from other levels were alarmingly low, and given the fact that Taris, the nearest planet, was under Sith occupation, it was unlikely many of those who were even lucky enough to make it to the escape pods would survive. Carth did what he could, helping to organize crew members into escape pods, and waiting for his Jedi charge to arrive on the bridge. The Jedi had requested, amongst many other things, that Bastila Shan have her own escape pod reserved in the event of an emergency. The request was justified, given her importance in the Republic war effort, but it meant someone had to be there to make sure the request would be able to be filled.

When Bastila arrived, however, she was not accompanied by the other Jedi who had been with her, as Carth had initially anticipated would have been the case. It had seemed they were busy holding off the Dark Jedi whom had boarded so that the Padawan might make it to the bridge without interference.

“Is the pod ready?” Bastila asked upon entering the bridge, deactivating the yellow blades of her saber as she did so.

“Ready,” Carth said, gesturing her toward the pod. “Strap in tight. It’s likely to be a rough landing.”

“I am a Jedi,” she replied plainly. “I can handle myself just fine.”

“Just trying to do my job,” he said as she entered. While she had no official rank among the fleet, Bastila Shan was technically his commanding officer in the situation, since she had been placed as the Jedi in charge of leading the mission. Even if she was acting a bit like a Jedi princess, it was still his duty to follow commands.

The escape pod jettisoned soon after Bastila entered and the door was secured. Carth hoped that she was able to make it to the planet’s surface safely. For the sake of the Republic war effort, they would all need to hope that was the case. Malak’s armies were growing stronger with every passing day, and their chances of defeating him seemed to be rapidly diminishing.

Carth returned to the consul to check up on the crew status. There weren’t many left, but escape pods were becoming more and more scarce. He was determined that anyone left alive who could make it to the bridge would be able to get to an escape pod.


Gwen and Trask had received the message from Veteran Commander Onasi to head to the bridge. It had already been the plan, but given Onasi’s experience in the wars, the situation was understood to be more dire now that his assessment of it had been made known to them. If he thought things were bad, then it was all the more important that they get out of there fast.

Blaster fire and explosions from battle damage could be heard ringing throughout the corridors of the ship. The two stopped short at the first turn upon seeing one of their own fire off a few shots before being hit in the chest and collapsing dead to the ground, the scent of burnt fabric and flesh lingering in the air.

“There must be Sith advance boarding crew members just ahead,” Trask murmured.

“Really? I wonder what gave that away?” Gwen said, rolling her eyes sarcastically. “Sith or no Sith, we’re going to need to head to the bridge.”

“Right,” the man said before swallowing hard and drawing his blaster rifle. “Bastila is counting on us.”

“Again with the Jedi stuff!? Look, I told you—”

She didn’t have time, however, to complete her sentence before her crewmate leapt out behind from the security of the wall and began firing. “For the Republic!” he shouted.

Gwen sighed frustratedly before peering around the side of the wall just enough to get sight of one of the soldiers before she aimed and fired on him, pulling back behind the wall for cover between shots. She wasn’t particularly in the mood for dying like this Trask fellow seemed to be.

After a couple minutes of fire exchange, the confrontation ended. Trask groaned, clutching his left shoulder. “I’m hit, but not bad,” he said before pulling open a medpack from his own supplies and applying a kolto patch to the burn wound. “We should press on. I have a feeling though that this won’t be our last battle with the Sith.”

“Yeah, I doubt it will be,” Gwen said, coming out from her cover location and looking over the corpses of the Republic and Sith soldiers.

“What are you doing?”

“Checking for valuables or anything that might be of use later,” she said, pocketing a few credits off of the remains of one of their own.

“I should have guessed your type would—” He didn’t get to finish his sentence before she threw one soldier’s helmet at him, hitting his shin. “Ouch! What the hell was that for!?”

“I’ve about had it with your comments. You don’t spend your life on the run without learning to take what you can get when you can get it. Besides, somehow I doubt he’ll be needing to spend that any time soon… And if you keep burning through medpacks at the current rate, we’re going to need all of the extra supplies we can get.”

“We need to get going.”

“It won’t take long,” she replied, quickly checking the bodies of two Sith corpses further down the hall, her eyes lighting up a little at the finding of some sort of grenade on one of them, which she quickly stashed in her supplies pack before standing. “See? I told you so! All finished.’ And with that, she turned on her heel before continuing down the next corridor.

They pressed onward. It was becoming more and more apparent the further that they moved as to just how bad array the ship was currently in. Astromech droids were attempting to make repairs, but short circuiting in minor explosions as power conduits they were working on would overload. Sparks sizzled as they flew from jammed doors throughout the ship. Corpses from both sides littered the halls, but there was still no shortage of live soldiers from the Sith boarding crew, and they were forced into several more fire fights as they moved.

Despite Trasks urging otherwise, Gwen continued her collecting. There wasn’t much of use from the state in which they found most of the corpses, but they were able to salvage a few spare med packs, grenades, an entra blaster pistol… even a spare combat suit vest from an open locker, which Gwen quickly slipped on over her jacket, despite the ill fit.

The rumbling of the hits from the ongoing space battle were growing more frequent by the second as it became less and less certain just how much longer the Endar Spire would hold up to the attack. One particularly loud and close seeming explosion caused both of them to stop and duck for cover.

“That one didn’t sound like it came from outside,” Gwen said, pressing her back to the wall.

“Grenadiers,” Trask replied in a low voice. “It sounds like they’re further down the next passage… If we try to move forward and they spot us, then we’re dead.”

“Well if we don’t find a way to get off of this ship before it’s blown to pieces, then we’ll both be dead anyway, and then how are you going to protect that Jedi chick?...” Gwen bit her lip thinking, her hand moving toward the supplies pack on her belt before the idea hit her. “Hang on,” she said, taking one of the grenades she picked up and breathing deeply. “I think I have an idea….”

She pressed a finger to her lips, signaling for him to remain quiet as she took a grenade from her pack and flipped the switch of her stealth generator before creeping around the corner. She could see the grenadier, along with three additional Sith soldiers further down the passageway. It looked as if they had hit one of their own in that last blast that they had felt. It seemed the Sith weren’t worried about losing their own soldiers for the sake of finding this Bastila Jedi…

She inhaled deeply, calculating her throw and her escape route. After she tossed the grenade, she would need to run for cover immediately, since it would give away her position. There was only one shot at this… She kissed the cold metal of the grenade shell for luck before pulling the pin and tossing it toward the small Sith cluster.

It took mere moments before she was spotted. The three soldiers began to fire and the grenadier threw his own grenade in her direction, returning the gesture. She quickly turned and started running back down the hall she had come from, grabbing Trask’s arm on the way and bolting a bit further before diving down and covering her head with her hands. Blasts were heard… and then the blasterfire stopped.

Slowly, Gwen got up from the ground and switched her stealth generator back before peering around the corner where the Sith had been. Finding nothing there but some blown limbs and scored marked, she breathed a sigh of relief and switched her generator back to off. “All clear,” she said. “Good thing I picked up those grenades… Unfortunately I don’t think that there’s much of these three left to scrap though…. How much further do we have?”

She hadn’t been aboard very long, after all, and it was a big ship. Sharp as her memory generally was, she had still been getting used to the layout before the attack had happened.

“We’re getting close,” Trask replied. “The Bridge is just up ahead.”

“Right. Let’s get moving then. After all, the ship had begun creaking eerily. It would be mere minutes more before they were all blown to spacedust. They worked their way through a few more turns before they stopped after one of the doors and Trask pulled Gwen back a little. Red and blue rods of light dazzled in rapid clashes before them, orchestrated by a pair of robed combatants.

“It’s a Dark Jedi,” he said. “We had better stay back. All we would do is get in the way if we tried to help in this battle.”

It was an impressive display. Both were clearly very skilled fighters. The Jedi with the blue saber seemed aware of their presence, as she appeared to be attempting to guide the fight further away from them to give them a safe opening to run. She dodged under one of the Dark Jedi’s kicks before delivering an uppercut which caused him to collapse motionless to the ground.

The Jedi then deactivated her own saber and turned to Gwen and Trask, locking eyes for a moment with Gwen before she opened her mouth to speak to them, only in time for a lighting panel next to her to erupt into a burst of sparks. The Jedi woman let out a shrill cry in pain as the blue sparks coursed over her body and before she too fell motionless to the ground.

“Damn,” Trask said through gritted teeth. “We could have used her help… That was one of the Jedi Masters accompanying Bastila…”

Gwen meant to comment on this. The Jedi seemed to want to say something to them… But there was no time. The Jedi’s screams had attracted a couple more Sith Soldiers, who began firing on Gwen and Trask upon finding the pair. They had no time to dodge for cover in this fight and began firing off bolts as fast as they could, ducking every so often in an attempt to dodge enemy fire. After all, it was far more difficulty to hit a moving target.

Gwen winced, stumbling a little upon feeling a sharp pain in her right thigh after being grazed by a blaster bolt. Gritting her teeth in an attempt to ignore the pain, she returned fire, hitting the soldier squarely in the chest and killing him. She opened a medpack now that the fire had ceased and applied a kolto patch to her injury. She was going to head to the Jedi and Dark Jedi to snag their lightsabers off of them when Trask stopped her.

“We really don’t have time for this. We need to get of the ship now!

“Of course now you’re interested in escape pods!”

“We won’t do anyone any good if we’re dead.”

“Yeah, well you don’t have to tell me twice,” Gwen retorted, doing her best not to limp and they continued onward. Sure enough, it wasn’t long at all before they reached another sealed door.

“The bridge is just beyond that door,” Trask said. “It’s pretty tight quarters in there though. Using a blaster would be suicide…” He pulled his vibroblade from his belt.

Gwen hesitantly holstered her blaster and took up her own vibroblade from its sheath on her utility belt.  “What if they have lightsabers?” she said, the nervousness evident in her voice. Dealing with Jedi on their side was enough already without Dark Jedi after them now too.

“Republic military grade vibroblades come in a standard cortosis weave,” he said, seemingly trying to reassure her. “They can withstand even a lightsaber for a fair amount of time.”

Gwen laughed nervously. “Sure they can. And I’m the Queen of Onderon.”

“Just trust me on this,” he said, choosing to ignore her sarcasm. “It’s not like we have another option. If you want to get to those escape pods so badly, then we’re going to have to pass through the bridge. There’s no time to get to the pods on any of the other levels… Now let’s go!”

Trask opened the door. Sure enough, the bridge had been completely overrun with Sith Soldiers. There were at least eight of them there.

“I’ll take right,” Trask said. “You take left.”

The two worked through the tight space between control panels, blade to blade with the Sith soldiers. They were lucky. With the ship as close to a finish as it was, several of the control panels on the far side exploded, killing the surrounding soldiers before they even had a chance to work their way that far onto the bridge.

“Bastila’s not here on the bridge,” Trask commented, glancing around once they had cleared the enemies present. “She must have retreated to the escape pods already… I guess it’s time we do that too.”

“You think?”

“The Sith want Bastila alive,” he continued. “Once she’s off this ship, there’s nothing left preventing them from simply blowing the Endar Spire into galactic dust!”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Gwen said, sheathing her vibroblade again and drawing her blaster pistol, refamiliarizing her hand with its familiar grip.


The pair continued onward toward to escape pods, but just as they were leaving the bridge, they were met by an ominous tall bald figure dressed in a combination of dark robes and fibremesh armor, wielding a double-bladed red lightsaber.

“Damn! Another Dark Jedi,” Task commented, brandishing his vibroblade. “I’ll try to hold him off. You get to the escape pods! Go!”

“You’re suicidal!” she protested.

He laughed ironically. “You said it yourself—I’m the soldier. You’re just a cipher. No sense in both of us dying here… Now go!” And with that, he pushed her through the doorway to their left, sealing it behind her before turning to face the dark figure.

“You’re brave,” the Dark Jedi commented. “And some would say stupid… but either way, your friend was right. You’re clearly suicidal.” And with this, the Dark Jedi charged him, spinning his saber staff into a strike to the Republic soldier’s right, which he quickly blocked with his vibroblade into a lock. The energy of the lightsaber’s blade sizzled against the metal of the vibroblade’s cortosis weave.

   “You Sith will never defeat all that the Republic stands for,” Trask said. “Not while there are people willing to fight to protect the galaxy from evil like you!”

   The Dark Jedi laughed, clearly toying with the soldier as he allowed the blade of his lightsaber to continue pushing against that of the vibroblade. “You see, that is where you are wrong. Once my Master has located the Jedi Bastila and either destroyed her or converted her to our cause, your puny Republic doesn’t stand a chance. Now tell me where she is and I’ll make certain your death is quick and painless.”

   “I’ll never betray the Republic!”

   “Is that so?” the Dark Jedi said, deactivating his saber.

   The sudden shift in balance from having nothing resisting his own blade threw Trask off for a moment. He thought perhaps this was his own opportunity to strike and charged forward ready to slash when the Dark Jedi raised his hand toward him. Suddenly, Trask felt as though his throat were being grasped and found himself being lifted up off of the ground. He dropped his vibroblade and his hands struggled trying to tear away whatever invisible force had him within its grasp.

   “Don’t say that I never warned you,” the Dark Jedi chortled. “Now you’ll die, just like the others who resist the Dark Lord Malak’s rule. And the last thing you will know is that your miserable mind wasn’t strong enough to hide your information on the Jedi Bastila from Darth Bandon…”

   There was a loud crack as Trask Ulgo’s neck snapped and, with a flick of Darth Bandon’s wrist, the Republic Ensign was tossed to the side, hitting the wall before collapsing motionless to the ground.


My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 428
Posts: 1903

« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2019, 12:18:03 AM »

LOL i love how Gwen is like the complete opposite of Carth, wanting to b anywhere and do anything but nobly sacrifice herself to protect the Jedi!


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2019, 03:21:53 AM »

LOL i love how Gwen is like the complete opposite of Carth, wanting to b anywhere and do anything but nobly sacrifice herself to protect the Jedi!

Of Carth, of Trask, or of both? Tongue In the words of Han Solo "Better her than me" XD

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2019, 03:47:02 PM »

Lady Revan,

One thing I am enjoying is that your characters pay a price for their choices.  One of the great traps of fan fiction is to sail our favorites through the various situations essentially unscathed.  I have done this once or twice myself.  :-)   Fortunately, I have the folks here (big not to LSG and Dutchman) to keep me honest and provide my folks with a more ... vigorous ... experience should I falter in that regard.  ;-)   My first reaction when Trask died was "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!"   LOL   But its real.  Good people die at the hands of bad people.  And while the sacrifice is usually not in vain even that cannot be guaranteed, at least not in the short run. 

So thank you for keeping it real!  :-)

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2019, 04:16:34 AM »

Lady Revan,

One thing I am enjoying is that your characters pay a price for their choices.  One of the great traps of fan fiction is to sail our favorites through the various situations essentially unscathed.  I have done this once or twice myself.  :-)   Fortunately, I have the folks here (big not to LSG and Dutchman) to keep me honest and provide my folks with a more ... vigorous ... experience should I falter in that regard.  ;-)   My first reaction when Trask died was "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!"   LOL   But its real.  Good people die at the hands of bad people.  And while the sacrifice is usually not in vain even that cannot be guaranteed, at least not in the short run. 

So thank you for keeping it real!  :-)

Hello Karm!

Thank you so much for the feedback! Trying to keep things real is actually the exact reason why "Only Light Can Cast Shadow" is on pause at the moment since I'm trying to find a way to make the canon-referenced battle in the upcoming chapter make sense XD

And no need to worry about Trask. I'm sure his death won't be in vain Smiley

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2019, 11:33:46 AM »


Gwen was half in shock as she sat on the opposite side of the sealed door. The party of two had become a party of one. She would have to continue alone from here out, and her chances of survival seemed slim. Time was running out, and it was possible that no escape pods were left at this point anyway. It was just after this thought occurred to her that she heard a voice on her commlink.

“This is Carth Onasi on your personal communicator. I'm tracking your position through the Endar Spire's life support systems. Bastila's escape pod is away – you're the last surviving crew member. I can't wait for you much longer; you have to get to the escape pods!”

Carth’s words had confirmed what she had already been able to guess—Trask was dead. But still, a renewed hope was kindled within her. She could still escape. There was still hope! But there wasn’t much time… “What’s the fastest route for me to get to the escape pods from here?” Gwen asked in a low voice so as not to be overheard by any Sith troopers who might be nearby. To be completely honest, she wasn’t even sure how long she should remain by the door she had come through. After all, she doubted a blast door would do much to hold a Dark Jedi if he really wanted to get through…

“Follow the corridor and make your first right,” Carth said. “I’ll try to guide you from there. But be careful. There's a Sith patrol just after the bend up ahead. You might be able to sneak past with your stealth generator.”

She gathered that he must have been watching for some time if he knew she had a stealth generator on her. “On it,” Gwen replied, and she switched her stealth generator to ‘on’ before she began creeping down the hall.

Sure enough, just as Carth had warned her, there was a patrol there comprised of three troopers. She moved onward closer to them, doing all she could to remain as close to the center of the hall as possible. After all, with the number of explosions she had already witnessed from damage that the Endar Spire had incurred during the battle, she wasn’t about to risk getting hit by an explosion from the ship breaking apart like that Jedi she and Trask had seen earlier had been. No, not when she was so close to escaping alive…

In this particular instance, however, the explosions were seeming to work to her advantage. There was one further down the hall, beyond the Sith patrol, and it distracted them long enough for her to slip by without having to worry about the possibility of them detecting her while stealthed. She rounded the first right as she had been instructed, then went down a little further until she was certain she was in the clear before speaking into her commlink.

“Alright, I’m through,” she said. “Where should I head from here?”

“Keep following the hall toward the next room,” Carth said, from what I can see on this end there’s only about two soldiers there, so it’s not too bad. You think you can take them alone?”

“Do I have a choice? Look, unless you’re planning on leaving where you are and coming through this ship to find me, I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to either way.”

Gwen didn’t wait for an answer. She moved to proceed forward down the hallway before she got to the blast door where she paused a moment to prep her blaster before opening, ready to shoot. Just as Carth had said, there were two Sith soldiers. They seemed to be looking through one of the computer terminals, and so her appearance there had caught them off guard. Luckily, this meant she was able to take the first shots, and was able to hit and kill them before they were able to get more than one shot fired at her.

She quickly moved to check the corpses for supplies. Amo, rations, credits… anything that she might be able to use upon landing. Taris, the planet below, was under Sith occupation at the moment, and so she would need whatever she could take if she wanted to have the best chance of survival. She had no plans of dying—not yet, at least. She’d joined the war to survive, to see the end of it, so that, afterward, she could live….

When she’d taken what she could find from the corpses and from the couple of lockers in the room, she went to what appeared to be the only exit. The door was locked, but it seemed easy enough to pick. She had just taken out her supplies in order to do so when she heard Carth’s voice again over the comlink.

“Stop! Be careful!” he said “There's a whole squad of Sith Troopers on the other side of that door! You need to find some way to thin their numbers or you’re walking straight into a death trap.”

Gwen paused a moment with her tools still at the ready. “Well, I do have a couple of grenades left. I suppose I could always toss one in and hope for the best.” She moved as if to set to work at the lock.

“And what are you going to to do about the crossfire before, when you open the door, before your grenade detonates.”

Gwen gave a frustrated sigh and again brought her tools to rest. “Look, do you have any better suggestions? Are you gonna…. Oh, I don’t know! Come in the back way and help he flank them? Because unless I do something I’m going to die here either way!”

“Try to remain calm. I’m trying my best to talk you through this…”

“Well, if you want to help, then try harder, because if you don’t come up with a better plan in the next thirty seconds, I’m going with the grenade.”

“I’m thinking, I’m thinking….  Oh! See that terminal to your left?”

Gwen looked at what seemed like some sort of Comms terminal. “Yeah,” she replied.

“You should be able to access the power supply for the conduit on the next room. If you can override it then you should be able to overload it. The room is small enough that it should take care of the troopers.”

She moved to the terminal and used her credentials to sign in. “Just guide me through what I need to do, flyboy…” She paused for a moment waiting for a reply, but the com went silent. She began to grow concerned again. “Hey, you still with me?”

“Yeah, hang on…”

Gwen breathed a sigh of relief that she had not been left alone, and listened to his instructions for how to overload the conduit in the next room. With any luck, she just might be able to make it off of this ship alive after all…


Darth Bandon had reboarded the Leviathan from his strike mission aboard the Endar Spire. He had entered the bridge of the ship where Commander Saul Karath stood overseeing the attack through the viewport. The Commander turned to him briefly.

“I take it your coming here empty-handed means that your mission was unsuccessful,” Commander Karath commented as Bandon approached.

“The Jedi Bastila Shan is no longer aboard the Endar Spire,” Bandon reported. “Her escape pod must have been one of the ones which jettisoned during out attack, which would mean she’s somewhere on the planet’s surface.”

“It’s possible her pod was one of the ones destroyed in the attack,” Karath stated.

“No… I sense that she is still alive,” Badon replied, “My Master is on his way and he will expect us to have retrieved her by then. The planet is under our control. Have every Sith patrol looking for her, My Master wants her alive. No ship enters or leaves the planet until we’ve located her.”

“As you wish, My Lord… Gentlemen, the last out our boarding party has returned from the Endar Spire. You may fire at will.”

With the command having been given, the Sith fleet opened fire on the crippled Republic Hammerhead-class cruiser.


   Carth had pulled up and been looking over the service records of the remaining survivor while she was on her way to the escape pods. Gwenevere Dakaal… He didn’t get beyond the list of languages before he had to stop her from opening the locked door that led to the Sith squadron and guide her through the computer process to overload the power conduit in the room with the troopers. Everything about her already struck him as odd, the fact that the Jedi had requested her transfer most so… but flyboy? The name she had called him baffled him the most of all, and he wasn’t sure at this point what to think of her.

   His thoughts were cut short before he’d had a chance to make up his mind when Gwenevere Dakaal entered the room. “You made it just in time! There's only one active escape pod left. Come on, we can hide out on the planet below!” He looked up from the security terminal he had been monitoring her from only to find the barrel of her plaster pistol pointed at his face. He quickly put his hands up confused and startled by the situation.

   “How do I know I can trust you,” the woman said.

   Did she mean to take the pod for herself and leave him there to die? Carth had seen more people’s reactions in the heat of battle than he cared to admit. Some people broke. Some people deserted, only caring for themselves. Some people defected to the other side if they thought the side they were on was losing. But the root behind it all was fear. Fear for survival…

   Carth could see the woman’s fear. It was clear in her eyes and in the way she held her weapon. Fear could make a person dangerous, especially if it led to desperation. He was to try to keep her calm and appeal to reason…

   “I'm a soldier with the Republic, like you,” he said keeping his hands where she could see them and trying his best to keep his voice as calm as possible. “We’re the last two crew members left on the Endar Spire. Bastila's escape pod's already gone, so there's no reason for us to stick around here and get shot by the Sith. Now come on – there'll be time for questions later!”

   He slowly risked stretching a hand forward to her. Her first reaction was a flinch, but before she could do any more there was another explosion nearby sending sparks flying. It seemed the Sith had realized Bastila was no longer onboard and were making their final attacks on the Endar Spire. The explosion seemed to have startled the woman, because she darted forward unexpectedly for the solder’s arms.

   Startled himself by this reaction, Carth barely managed to catch her as she ran toward him. There wasn’t much time though… “Come on,” he said. “We have to get out of here.” He led her into the pod and got in himself before jettisoning them both away from the space battle and toward the blueish hue of the planet below.

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 428
Posts: 1903

« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2019, 02:45:17 AM »

LOL Gwen really doesn't want to be there in any way shape or form, will be interesting to see how you play this reluctance going forward...


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2019, 06:19:20 AM »

LOL Gwen really doesn't want to be there in any way shape or form, will be interesting to see how you play this reluctance going forward...

In all fairness, who does want to be on a ship when it's about to explode?  haha

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2019, 06:32:53 PM »

UPDATE: so my laptop is unusable and I can’t access my files, so update is gonna be a bit. Hoping there’s no additional damage I don’t know about. Sad

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2019, 12:40:36 PM »

UPDATE: so my laptop is unusable and I can’t access my files, so update is gonna be a bit. Hoping there’s no additional damage I don’t know about. Sad

Wow!  Right there with you!   There's nothing quite so annoying as writing something BRILLIANT and then losing it!   It never comes out right the second time.  :-)   I certainly hope you can recover everything intact.

For the future I recommend a pair of quality, high-capacity thumb drives.   Working and back-up.  Smiley

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2019, 08:17:56 PM »

It’s more of the document has my outline for the first 6 out of 10 stories in the series. Chapter I was working on only had the very opening written, but it’s my outline that I’m worried about

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

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