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Author Topic: Interludes  (Read 151589 times)
Forumverse Loremaster
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Force Alignment: 1152
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« Reply #255 on: March 29, 2018, 05:53:35 PM »

*** The Oracle ***
   The Spire, under the Jedi Temple
   2504 BBY

Dorian groaned as he slid down the rough inner wall of the shrine, yielding to pain from his wounds.  A deep burn traced fire across his left thigh, the muscle siezed now with spasms as his song slipped away.  A red haze began to fall over his vision, but he fought it off.  No. Not yet...  "Ca'Lon?"

"Here, Master..."  His apprentice approached on shaky legs, the stump of his right arm bound in field dressing and tucked into the belt of his tattered robe. 

Dorian smiled as the boy knelt next to him.  "Ca'Lon, good!  You survived.  I am sorry..."  his voice trailed off, his fingers weakly waving toward the boy's injury.  "I told you not to come ... but I was wrong.  Your attack distracted her just enough, gave me the opening I needed..." 

Ca'Lon nodded, and Dorian felt the boy's pride and satisfaction despite the pain which dimmed his eyes and radiated from him in the song.  He would carry the scars of this fight for the rest of his life, but they would be a reminder of noble sacrifice made to secure victory, not the bitter ashes of defeat.  And, maybe, they would also serve as a constant prompt toward vigilance and caution.  And humility...

Dorian looked down at his own wounds and felt the siren song of unconsciousness calling to him again.  His left thigh muscle was nearly severed, the wound bleeding heavily despite the cauterizing burn of Morrigan's saber blade.  Two more inches and the blade tip would have charred and severed bone as well as parting the femoral artery.  Both would have been fatal.  And while he retained his left hand, the mangled appendage was no more useful to him now than Ca'Lon's stump.  Looks like we'll have matching hardware...

Ca'Lon's face scrunched into a scowl of concern at Dorian's weak chuckle.  "Sir?  Master?"

Dorian patted him weakly on the shouder with his good right hand.  "Nothing, Cal, just gallows humor.  Do you have it?"  The boy lifted the improvised holocron-turned-trap for him to see, the facets alive with the essence now trapped inside its specially constructed interior maze.  "Very good.  We must see it goes somewhere remote.  Perhaps that new colony they're preparing to settle out on the rim.  M'Tzigon, I think it was."  Dorian looked around for a moment, eyes dim with blood loss and force-blind now from the pain.  "Ca'Lon...  Where are my sabers?  Do you have them?"

Ca'Lon located the hilts.  They had fallen from his Master's grasp very near where he now sat.  He handed Dorian his primary saber.  "Master, only one hilt survived."

Dorian hefted the saber, ignited the golden blade, then closed it down.  "The Ancient One is intact.  That is good...   What of the Starfire?  We must recover the crystal..."

Ca'Lon picked up the badly damaged hilt, and managed a small smile.  "The hilt is destroyed, along with part of the crystal chamber, but the main chamber appears to be intact."  He handed the ruined saber to Dorian for his inspection.

Dorian dropped his good hilt into his lap and turned the mangled weapon over in his hand.  The chamber was indeed destroyed, the triparate focusing crystals vaporized when the power converted had been sliced through by Morrigan's blade.  "No wonder my hand hurts..."

"Sir?" Ca'Lon asked, but Dorian did not reply.  He had a far-away look in his eyes, almost glazed over.  Ca'Lon had seen him with the same look during force visions.  Rather than rouse his master, he simply pulled out a small recording device and turned it on.  Sometimes Dorian would say things during visions that he wished to remember later, and could not due to the vision itself.  Ca'Lon was nothing if not resourceful.  He set the device down and stepped away, using his comm to call for a medical team. 

Dorian was oblivious, his eyes focused on the crystal within as he struggled to reconnect with the force, even briefly.  The Firestar had been created by Clu Xandir at the same time as the Ancient One.  Unlike the Ancient One, however, it had been carried by an unbroken succession of of the Xandir clan while the Ancient One had laid dormant until he'd woken it with his song - and by bringing the Starfire back into proximity with it.  No one had suspected that the two crystals, when in proximity, could do what they did...  "I guess we'll just have to make you a new chassis." Dorian said the crystal.  With a massive effort he pushed past the pain and gently used the force to gingerly extract the intact crystal from the ruined chamber.  "There we go..."  His connection faltered again and the crystal dropped, landed in his lap and touched the chassis of his good saber...

Dorian felt a wave of force energy wash over him, driving the pain, the Temple, everything away as it overwhelmed his sense.  The very air around him exploded with brilliant colors and sounds as the Song erupted in all its glory, the force streaming past in a rainbow of energy.  Dorian sat up straighter, his eyes opaque to the real world as he beheld the wonder that flowed around, over and through him.  "Maker..."

In awe and wonder, Kage Do'Rian'Xandir, Jedi Master, Sage of the Mak'Tor and Master of Song, sang...

   <<<<<  >>>>>

Ca'Lon flexed his new prosthetic hand and grimaced at the tingles from the feed-back.  It would take some time before he was fully in control of the new extremity, but hopefully the pins-and-needles feedback would go away sooner!  Right now it felt like the metal finger-tips had fallen asleep and were being stubborn about waking back up...

With effort Ca'Lon pushed the thoughts - and the tingling -  aside.  He'd been in the infirmary for two days, his Master would be there for two or three more, and while it was good to have some 'down time' he wanted to get on top of things for Dorian.  The Grand Master Sudoffin Wrax was already asking for a detailed report of what had happened during and after the final fight with Morr...  Ca'Lon stopped himself.  "The UNNAMED one..." he muttered, repeated again Dorian's decree.  "She will not be named."  Ca'Lon shook his head.  Dorian had some ... quirks.  But he'd gotten the job done where a dozen other Jedi Masters had failed.  The Grand Master was willing to give him some lee-way, but he still wanted to know what had happened.  And he wanted to know about the Oracle.

Ca'Lon felt slightly odd calling it that, but that's what it was.  He had the whole thing on record: Master Dorian had slipped into some kind of force-induced trance, stiffened slightly, sang softly for a minute, then he'd suddenly boomed out the proclamation with the assurance and authority of a prophet before collapsing, just in time for the medical teams to arrive and carry him off to the infirmary.

Ca'Lon sat down at his desk and called up the file, playing it again.  It really was quite remarkable. He watched as Dorian's holographic image sat suddenly straight and tall and boomed out in a loud voice:

In the shadow of the 100 Lights
The Children of Xandin shall meet face-to-face
The Servant of the Maker, undefeated
Shall yeild to the One who Denies
And in yielding will add victory and healing
To them both...

So far he'd only shared the Oracle with a few Masters, and none of them had any idea what it all meant.  Hopefully Dorian would have more insight into it when he awoke.  About the only thing anyone could agree on was that it had something to do with the two crystals.  Maybe they were the 'Children of Xandin'?  Master Klu Xandin had created them both...  Ca'Lon puzzled for a moment longer then set the Oracle aside.  He had a report to write...

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -491
Posts: 946

There are shadows darker still...

« Reply #256 on: March 29, 2018, 06:50:13 PM »

Oh this is a great after action story.  I like the background it gives, and can't wait to read more of how this ties in!

Darth Pandæmis

Peace is a lie...

Jedi Council of Ohio

Dominix LE V4 Tri-Cree FO, Sentinel LE V4 BR, Sentinel V4 BR, Dark Initiate LE V3 CG

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 428
Posts: 1903

« Reply #257 on: March 29, 2018, 10:41:00 PM »

***The Oracle***
? ? ? ? BBY

The cavern bled blood red light across her skin, the aether rich to the point of toxicity infused in the Bloodstone that had bubbled up from the mantle to form the base of the mountain millennia ago.

Members of the Aetheric Sciences division and their colleagues from Biological Sciences gave affirmative signals that everything was in place, their white lab coats like her skin turned sanguine in the caves.

As she so often did she slipped out of the thin med-robe they had given her, the sensor delicately placed across her body, on her temples, back of her neck, between her breasts, abdomen…all to record the effects and test a half dozen hypothesis regarding the effects of aetheric emanations resulting from sexual stimulation on the environment and specifically on adjacent aetherically charged objects.   

This was the fourth stage of the research, she’d already done her performance over two dozen times in laboratory settings, in orbit, and now underground.  She strode confidently to the blanket they had placed in the midst of the all the recording equipment. 

She was used to it, all the people looking at her, it was all she had ever known.  The first of the Aethenaeans, the pinnacle of their sciences, named Aethena in honour of the project that had designed her every nucleotide pairing, she had been subject to tests and experiments since before she was born - one, one dozen, one hundred observers didn’t bother her, there was no leering or gawking, her people were committed to their research, to perfection, and so was she.

The Project lead signalled for aetheric silence, all the observers were to shut off from the aether completely from this point to ensure they did not contaminate the results, they began moving to the outer cavern to leave her alone, not out of modesty out of the need to preserve experimental integrity.

A small blue light blinked to indicate she should begin.

As she started her long established repertoire she didn’t try to suppress or dampen the energies that rolled off her, she let the steady flow of energy out be replaced by energy build up within…so far so normal.

Only as she approached the midpoint did she notice a change, the aetheric streams she naturally loosed began to wash back over her, stronger than she sent it out –reflected and enhanced by the Bloodstone – a positive feedback loop of some kind a lower level of consciousness mused. 

It intensified her physical sensations, she had done this so many times she could feel any shift in pace and feeling…her internal clock told her she was whimpering, her toes tingling 46 seconds sooner than normal.

The sloshing of energies became stronger, she was in the centre of a pool of bloody aetheric power, washing it out of herself and being drowned by it, her teeth clenched as the end arrived…her tongue started twisting in her mouth, behind her eyes images started to form…time stood still, pulled back pushed forward…she breathed out mouth open, spit mingled with pheromones squirting out over the smooth stone as formless words poured from her lips as she tried to externalise the visions as the internal pressure built….and built…and built…

A shockwave of air burst throughout the chamber, knocking over all but the heaviest recording devices, leaving the scientists with much to analyse.

“At 224 seconds we see a significant change in heat rate, muscle tension and neural activity…here at 256 seconds we see a shift in the visual cortex from direct stimuli to activation usually association with mental visualisation…involuntary spasms and vocalisations commence at 274 seconds, this activation peaks along with climax at 312 seconds,”  The Project lead noted in her steely feminine tones, Aethena had had her years ago…as dominant as she was in the office she was a fluffy gobril in the bedroom.

“Did I say anything interesting?” she idly asked using the aether to make small erotic scenes with lighting between her fingers.

“A few…” The director switched off the video and played the audio in isolation…shame Aethena thought she liked watching herself…

“Ships…black…collapsing…collapsing…trapped…caverns…deep…set me free set me free…White and Red White OR Red…white…red…”

That wasn’t very useful…

“It becomes more coherent after climax…”

“dead…a hundred dead…light to fill the darkness…one escapes who shall rule two by two…the Bane of the galaxy…hidden the Ghost trapped in time…the brothers gift never given…the brothers Xandin rent asunder, children…so many children…till together…the Singer of the false god, the slayer of the Masters…paths entwined, power makes one yield, but in yielding not defeated….uggghhh…”

“Who is Xandin?” Aethena wondered out loud,

“The archives are investigating, we have records of one Alixa Xandin in the early founding records…but no indication of brothers or many males in that line at all.”

Aethena shrugged brushing her golden red hair back as she stood, “send me the final peer reviewed articles, and a copy of my performance,” she ordered heading out of the office to look for something younger to toy with that evening, her silent shadow Valance following apathetically behind.



Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -491
Posts: 946

There are shadows darker still...

« Reply #258 on: March 30, 2018, 01:38:12 AM »

Interesting...  themes of prophecy, echoing back and forth, and a possibility, unexpected...  Do the singers, at least some of their greatest, the Xanadin, have Aethan blood and genetics as their origin?  More and more, the very cut and dry approach to everything of the Aethans interests me, especially as they apply it to experiencing emotion as well, and exploring desires and passions.  I sense a series of plots at distant points in time, meeting somewhere in the future...

Darth Pandæmis

Peace is a lie...

Jedi Council of Ohio

Dominix LE V4 Tri-Cree FO, Sentinel LE V4 BR, Sentinel V4 BR, Dark Initiate LE V3 CG

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
Posts: 4131

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #259 on: March 30, 2018, 02:43:35 AM »

For Karm's Interlude:
I really enjoy the backstory of the Mak'Tor; these characters are as interesting as the main cast.  So now we know a bit more about why Morrig--sorry, "She Who Shall Not Be Named" and how she got there.  Kage Dorian and his apprentice Ca'Lon are two characters that I would, admittedly, like to see more of in the future.  Great job Karm!

For LSG's Interlude:
I really like how you marry the mysticism of SW with the science of the Aethans and how the two interweave.  This installment is no different: and now, it looks like our Singers may have a direct tie to the Aethens themselves!  Also another perspective on Aethena absent of Soryu's influence and her opinion concerning Valence... This is the Red Goddess that Milaea had fought against.

Both Interludes:
Oh now this looks to be a WONDERFUL collaboration!  I cannot wait to learn more about what ties bind the Aethans with the Mak'Tor!

Incredible job both of you!

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Taegin Roan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2066
Posts: 6256

Lord of the Force

« Reply #260 on: March 30, 2018, 07:27:28 AM »

Yes, a great two interludes. Though I have to admit, I'm kinda curious as to where Karm got the name Ca'Lon  Cheesy But on a serious note, like Dutchman said, this looks to be another great collaboration. Can't wait to see what's next.

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #261 on: March 30, 2018, 05:23:08 PM »

Yes, a great two interludes. Though I have to admit, I'm kinda curious as to where Karm got the name Ca'Lon  Cheesy But on a serious note, like Dutchman said, this looks to be another great collaboration. Can't wait to see what's next.

LOL  Oy, sorry.  It popped out on the page and I put an apostrophe in it.  But it was in my sub-conscious because of your story!  My apologies, sir.  I wasn't trying to usurp!  :-)

LSG:  I wanted to echo Dutchman.  I love the way the Aethans mix mythology, magic and science into a single entity.  It reminds me a little of Asgard as its shown in the MCU.   And a vivid reminder that, at bottom, Star Wars is a FANTASY realm, not a true Sci-Fi realm. 

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Taegin Roan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2066
Posts: 6256

Lord of the Force

« Reply #262 on: March 30, 2018, 10:43:30 PM »

LOL  Oy, sorry.  It popped out on the page and I put an apostrophe in it.  But it was in my sub-conscious because of your story!  My apologies, sir.  I wasn't trying to usurp!  :-)

LSG:  I wanted to echo Dutchman.  I love the way the Aethans mix mythology, magic and science into a single entity.  It reminds me a little of Asgard as its shown in the MCU.   And a vivid reminder that, at bottom, Star Wars is a FANTASY realm, not a true Sci-Fi realm. 

It isn't in my story so you aren't usurping me (unless I'm forgetting something). I was just thinking of Darth Calon. Cheesy

I do agree with you on the SW being Fantasy, but at the same time, it is also Sci-Fi. It is neither, and both.

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 428
Posts: 1903

« Reply #263 on: April 02, 2018, 12:34:42 AM »

Friends Part 4 - Part 1

“Slap or Kiss?”

Talia pursed her lips in uncertainty trying to decide as the image of Sefina Deas on The Daring and the Devious remained frozen after Crusader Tassara confessed he was the one who killed her Brother after discovering her was plotting to take the Throne and marry her to Bishop Yssa to secure it.

“Slap,” Mari tossed in one square chocolate,

“Kiss,” Yara tossed in another,

They went around placing their confectionary bets, finally it came around to Talia who was lounging back on a pile of cushions they had taken from the beds to create a ramshackle half pillow fort half movie theatre in their room.

“hmmm….” She thought as she toyed with the orange brown cube of mostly sugar…

“Slap then Kiss,” she tossed her cube into the pile as Vesi hit play,

“You…you…” Sefina stuttered in shock her eyes tearing up as the camera closed, special effects making her small drops of sorrow sparkle like diamonds.

“How can you say you love me!” she spun around a trail of tears flying with her auburn mane as she cowered in sorrow.

She suddenly reached up to slap him, her hand staying stuck to his face, fingers digging in then pulling him into her kiss.

“Talia got it!” Vesi announced as the other cheered and giggled as the scene ended, she loved the freedom and normality of being with them, reaching across to scoop up her prize…unlike Vesi she couldn’t possibly eat that many chocolates, but the night was young and they had half a series to watch and bet on!
When not in use by the Mak’tor the Temple of Balance was open to both worshippers and pilgrims, a small hostel nearby catered to their needs from donations, whilst they didn’t get many pilgrims thy made sure that those that did come - often from largely rural worlds nearby - were treated well…for many it would be the only trip Off world they ever took.

Vesi stood hands on her hips staring at the mural of ancient founders of the colony that hung above the donation box, the message was that in the end all are pilgrims and strangers to this land…but whether you’re just arrived today, or had a family history of over a hundred generations on M’Tzigon , you were equally valued and welcome.

With a quick flick of her wrist that Talia barely caught in her vision Vesi dropped in a few 500 credit chits.  A warm smile lit Talia’s face at her friend’s generosity…

She had invited them to share some of the sites with her…Arnor and Karm had given her a great tour and she hoped she could impart some of that welcome to her new friends. 

It was the least she could do to repay them…she’d visited with them five times so far, gradually getting used to their induvial differences, but getting to know Vesi in particular more…she was very intelligent, an expert in Geology and chemistry, an open sense of humour and kind hearted.  She loved how normal they were, uncomplicated, free spirited.

“That’s a lot of copies of the same book…” Kari noted gazing at the shelf filled with hand bound copies of the Book of the Way, free for anyone to take.

“Are they afraid people will forget it or something?” she inquired

“No simply wishing to share,” Talia replied “You can take one if you like…”

“I’ll wait for the holo-vid,” she felt a little disappointed but then these girls were Core world upper class…faith of any kind was not a part of their mindset…they already lived in a kind heaven, no need to call on the spiritual help the Maker could offer…a consolation Talia had valued greatly since Illian…yet as the days went by she found herself needing it less intently.

They paced back to join the others, only four of the six sisters (well cousins but they seemed to consider themselves all sisters regardless) were with her, Vesi, Kari, Lysi and…Talia had to admit the one she had hoped wouldn’t be here when Vesi said they couldn’t all come…Mari.  The youngest one had no filter, and delighted in making the most obscene quips possible... Talia needed to be careful she didn’t say something that upset the worshippers…

“Alright so…this Temple was built on the same site as the first small shrine established by the colonists when Sierra was founded…”

“At Zero FF 1248 of your years ago…we know all the details Talia…we want to know the stories…the heart behind the place…” Mari replied

“Alright so no history lesson…well lets head on then,”

She guided them through the temple beneath the vaulted arches and past detailed stained glass windows that illuminated the cool floors with the gentle lights of Mak’tor history and parables based on the Book of the Way. 

Explaining some of the iconography and symbology of the place was more difficult than she expected, Talia needed to explain the moral of a lot of stories to them.  The parable of the Good Sullustan helping a beaten man on the side of the road in particular had them stumped.

“So it’s a story about needing money to help others?” Lysi wondered

“No it’s…the Sullustan helped him when others walked past,”

“But he could only do so because he had credits and resources to do so…maybe the priest and the teacher couldn’t afford to help him?”

“Well that’s possible I guess…but they could’ve at least seen if he was alright…”

This time Kari was confused,

“But it could’ve been a trap, he might not have been hurt at all he could be a bandit -  isn’t it wiser to stay away…people use lures like that all the time in muggings?”

“Yeah shouldn’t they call the police or an ambulance?” Mari added

Talia couldn’t really argue….there was something off about their way of thinking, to demolish a cherished parable with such paranoia…yet she couldn’t fault their logic either…young women like them in particular needed to be careful of predators.

Her own recent experiences came back on her in that moment…playing the fool to weed information out from smugglers and so called legitimate businessmen, Garak, the black robed clergy on Scardia…she had been a trap for them…perhaps not a physically threatening one…but a trap all the same.
Through the high roofed hall ways, the mosaic lined floors Talia explained the purpose of some of the annexes and smaller rooms for meditation and reflection, they seemed to take it all in with only a few questions for clarification. 

They were particularly interested in the Eastern wing where busts of various Mak’Tor sages, knights, as well as prominent founding figures were lined through a hall whose arched windows looked to the M’Skigon ranges.

“This is Kage Dorian, one of our great heroes…he defeated a Nameless enemy who wanted to use a sacred Spire on Coruscant to control people.”

Mari inspected his features,
“Nameless enemy huh…sounds like code for a Mak’Tor gone bad…”

Talia didn’t know enough off the top of her head to refute or confirm that.

But their strangest reaction was further on, one of the few non-human busts,

“This is Kage Odjina…a great Singer and choir master and bold leader, there’s actually a really great Saga about him…it’s sad…”

Illian…would anyone compose a saga for Illian she suddenly thought

“...but very inspiring,” 

They all seemed to stare at the steely unblinking gaze for a few too many beats before Vesi whispered something to Mari and Lysi suddenly held Kari’s hand before they moved along the row.
By the end of the morning they reached the main dome, largely empty at this hour on a weekday except for a few people pacing the rim in quiet contemplation.

“This is where the Council of the Temple meets sometimes,” she didn’t quite want to say Masters to them…explaining history was one thing, you could get books on Mak’tor history in most libraries if you looked hard enough, but openly acknowledging they still kept a force of Knights and Masters was something else.

“I’ve seen bigger…” Mari noted indifferently, she seemed more caustic since looking at the busts,

“It’s alright…a little dreary,” Lysi added taking a water bottle out of her hand bag to have a sip before tossing it over to Kari, then Mari, then Vesi…then back to Lysi…it was only then Talia noticed they were oddly arranged at roughly the corners of the dome and had thrown the bottle quite a long distance.

“Some ceremonies are also done here…remembrance, anointing’s and the like, the dimensions are actually based on the journey one of the Prophets of the Maker made up a sacred mountain, if you go around the circuit forty times though it makes up the distance, a lot of pilgrims do it,”

“They come here to walk in a circle?” Mari asked incredulous

“Not just that…” she checked her Chrono…just enough time for lunch –even considering their ravenous hunger before the surprise Talia had planned..

The force suddenly shifted uncertainly,

The four girls bunched up, hands tight on their bags, expressions stern as if afraid, they were staring at her? No behind her…

She turned round to see…


“Lass,” the old man called from the door way, “Good to see you out and about,”

“And you,” she gave him a quick kiss of greeting, “Come and meet my new friends,” she said excitedly as she led him over

They still looked oddly uncomfortable…almost eyeing off the kind old Master…she wondered sometimes if they had a natural distrust of males.

“Girls this is Chillum, he’s a…a former soldier who now volunteers with the temple”

“Chillum this is Vesi, Mari, Lysi and Kari,” something in the force about Chillum soured as he looked over the four young girls, but his outward expression remained serene

“What brings you young ladies to Sierra,” he asked warmly

“A holiday,” Vesi replied evenly…Talia couldn’t work out what the problem between them was,

“Ah…so what system are you from,”

Vesi’s eyes seemed to harden,

“Fresia,” she kept her answers short,

“Ah…Incom is based there make good star fighters…right on the edge of the deep core as I recall.”

“That’s right,”

“Well…I’ll not keep you ladies…a pleasure to meet…oh…” he knelt down and picked up a small black marble of some kind,

“Did you drop this,”

“I don’t think so” Kari replied for all of them

“My mistake, have a wonderful time here,”


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 428
Posts: 1903

« Reply #264 on: April 02, 2018, 12:37:33 AM »

Friends Part 4 - Part 2
He sat in one of the meditation rooms reflecting on the brief exchange…something about those girls…something just wasn’t right…

He was too old not to trust his gut in these things…but he couldn’t find a logical reason for the disquiet he felt either…it was like the force…the balance of things…was repelled by them…they didn’t fit in…were somehow both outside and above the force as he knew it…

He flicked the marble between his fingers…it was barely the size of the tip of his thumb yet must weigh nearly a kilo…it took in the light around it…he thought back to something Arnor had told him about Geonosis…a dagger Zearic of the Vhal Dan had used…and Ken’s description of the…creature…the Sons of Kessel called Black Armour…

He reached for his comm.
Lunch was quiet at first but gradually picked up…she didn’t want to offend them by probing too deeply but they seemed to have an issue with Chillum…it must be because he’s male she thought…perhaps he reminds them of a miserly grandfather back home.

The walk through some of the public gardens soon lifted the mood, couldn’t help but be swept up by their enthusiasm as they tossed aside their shoes to walk through the blue and green grasses, slightly disappointed there were no animals there to chase and play with, “We all chased gobrils barefoot as kids” Vesi explained as Lysi and Mari splashed each other beside a fountain.

Then it was time for her surprise… The basilica to hear the Sons of the Way sing…the ancient order of monks had the most beautiful voices, rich and seemingly tune with the resonant frequencies of existence itself…this was to be the crowning moment of the day…

But the four girls sat impassive in the coloured lights of the stained-arched windows before the choir as they sang to heights of beauty Talia could barely describe. Mari even began painting her nails until Vesi caught her.

She couldn’t understand it, Julwynn had teared up the first time she took her here…even stony Balnard had admitted to feeling deeply moved…for these girls it seemed little more than a bad play.

At the end of the recital their claps were perfunctory at best…perhaps they just liked different music…

Still she had arranged to speak with Father Tim'Our to talk about the Monks history…after initial greetings they listened to the history with more interest than the singing until Mari chirped up

“I was going to ask Talia, but you might know as well…being a male and all that,” Mari began…this would not end well Talia thought

“Why do you refer to your Maker as a Him? Is the Spire out there just a giant phallic symbol to show how virile he is?”

The aged monk's eyes widened slightly for a moment, but he chuckled as he answered.

 “Well I suppose it’s just convention more than anything else to use a male pronoun…the Maker is beyond the ability for words to truly encapsulate….”

“And what about the spire? Are you making up for something the Maker actually lacks or what?”

The monk standing next to Father Tim'Our looked apoplectic but to his credit Father Tim simply smiled more broadly.  “I’m sure that I don't know what you mean.”

“What I mean is does you Maker have such a small…”

“Symbolism…is what my sister means,” Vesi intervened, “Is it a form of symbolism”

“Of course.  While ... that ... could be an interpretation, The Spire here only recalls the mountains spire on Coruscant we once attended…”

“pfft…whatever you’re just a bunch of little boys trying to have the biggest…”

“What my sister means is…she is an ardent feminist…and finds any religion that doesn’t celebrate femininity exclusively very distasteful…my apologies Tim’Our…she forgets her manners sometimes,” Vesi soothed as she pushed a sour Mari behind her.
“I’m so sorry about that…Mari gets…” Vesi apologised as they headed back to their shuttle,

“It’s alright…at least she didn’t go on about snookling people…I can’t imagine what it must be like living with her,” Talia replied

“Ha…she’s our sister…whatever she does we love her…without mom or Sophi here she goes off the gormin a bit,”

“What’s a gormin?”

“Oh…like a bantha but smaller…so anywhere you’d recommend for dinner!”
“A whole floor for a month…” Chillum repeated, the concierge who with a little force prompt had been more than happy to talk about his unusual guests,

“Paid upfront along with 400,000 for food expenses…which they are certainly working through…it’s almost obscene the amount they eat.”

“Any complaints from the other guests or unusual requests?”

“None…though a few left abruptly soon after they arrived…a few noise complaints…one of them was asking where the nearest strip clubs and brothels were….seemed disappointed when I said I didn’t know of any…and requested only female staff serve them.”

Chillum nodded, his wizened features furrowing…requesting only female staff was not that strange for a group of young women away from home if it made them feel safe…but asking about brothels and strip clubs…what were they hoping to find there…or rather what type of person.

He was sorely tempted to slice into their rooms…he could easily get a dispensation from Silman to cover the legalities…The weight of the marble in his pocket made up his mind to speak with Ken first.
Dutch and Karm’s bistro was fairly full, but a substantial tip got them a table easily enough…Talia wasn’t sure she liked how they bribed their way in…but it could well be normal in the upper class restaurants they were used to.

Once again no matter how much was ordered they seemed incapable of being satiated.

“You have big appetites,” Talia mused…she could barely finish her own blue cheese Geejaw breast and salad while they had gone through two main courses each.

“The food is so thin here…” Lysi noted


“Oh we’re just used to gene-enhanced nutrient rich foods,” Vesi explained

“I meant to ask…you’re society is quite matriarchal isn’t it,”

“In a way...” Vesi paused between mouthfuls “We prefer women in charge of things…”

“Males fight too much…get too proud and competitive…only women who carry children understand compassion mom says,” Kari added

Talia was taken aback by her dismissive tone…as if it should be obvious to her,

“Well not all men are like that…” she said in their defence,

“No not once they have a woman to control them,” Kari said as if it were the most obvious thing in the galaxy.

That was…an odd thing to say…she’d heard of patriarchal cultures where men controlled women…the opposite was rarer but not unheard of…still it perhaps explained their anxiety around Chillum.

“Thin but tasty…” Kari went on picking up the prior thread as she rammed through an entire ganache cake.

“So want to head back to the hotel with us later?” Lysi asked

“Yeah you haven’t joined us for an orgy yet!” Mari bounded in

Talia blushed deep red,

“She’s not serious!” Vesi laughed, “Or is she!” They all burst out laughing leaving her feel slightly overwhelmed…

“Oh sorry Talia,” Vesi placed a warm hand on her shoulder

“It’s a kind of in joke…there’s a lot of intermarriage amongst wealthy houses…keeps the wealth in the family and such…so inevitably everyone is married to some distant relation or other…so you know…the family that snookles together!”

“Stays together,” Talia finished slightly relieved it was just a joke after all

“Stays rich more like” Lysi noted, “Did your family arrange you marriage?”

“uh…no my family…” she hadn’t thought about them in so long…her parents always struggling to get enough to feed her siblings…taking that fateful job to help out…only to find they had succumbed to a war induced famine while she was gone….

Would it be the same for Illian…would she one day realise she had not thought of him for a week…a month…a year…

“They passed away…they never met my husband unfortunately…”

“Ohhh…..” they all said at once in eerie unison, a feeling of genuine sadness and empathy washing over her as Vesi slid over to wrap her arm around her shoulder

“We’re sorry…” Vesi soothed, “Still want to go dancing after?” she said concerned

“Yes of course…sorry just a little,” a tear dripped from Talia’s eye,

“Don’t be sorry,” Vesi gave her a squeeze as the others looked mournful…something just under Talia’s thoughts sensed a strange kind of…group mind observing her…pouring out support and worry…

“We’re here for you!”
The small dance hall had been nearly empty on the weeknight, but it hadn’t stopped them having a good time, Talia had kicked off her shoes and spun in time with the music and with Vesi, Mari had a dance of with Lysi and pouted when she lost, Kari somehow convinced the DJ to let her take over the tunes.  It had been a great day all things considered…

She glanced over at Vesi as they wandered back to the hire hover car,

“Too bad you have to go home tomorrow,” Talia said “It’s been a lot fun, I…I really appreciate it…it was just what I needed…a bit of normality,”

Vesi smiled that smile Talia had seen dozen of times, the one all six girls shared so perfectly the same.

“Well we loved having you with us…you should visit us one day on Fresia!”

“I’d like that…sounds so…carefree there,”

“Ha it is in its way…our parents make sure of it!” she leaned in to kiss Talia on the cheek,

“Take care Talia, I’ll message you on Holo-Book when we get home, I’ll send you a pict of a gobril and gormin!”

“You too, stay safe going back, you know with the civil war and all,”.
“We will, don’t let them work you too hard,” she finished with a wave.
“Get it,”

Yara gave her a withering glance

“Shouldn’t have asked sorry,”

Yara smiled and reached over to hug her sealing the apology

“No trouble on your end,” Yara asked,

“No…what we expected” Sophi shrugged, “Just want to get back home…” she glanced back down on Sierra,

“I wish we could take Talia with us…I like her…” she sighed as they began leaping down the slopes.
A knock at the door stirred him from his reflections,

“Come in son,”

“Pa you wanted to see me” Ken nodded,

“Yes…” he stretched up “I’ve something to show you,” 

He rose toward the box he had placed the marble in, lifting the lid…Ken at first couldn’t quite make out what was in there for the light sucking properties…

“Where did you get this!” his presence instantly alert and concerned

“Found it in the Temple today,”

Kens back arched straight, memories of Black armours delve still painful in his mind

“This is the same material isn’t it…” Chillum said calmly pouring a steadying aura into the room

Ken could only nod as they gazed on an object out of place in this room, on this world, in the very Force itself.


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
Posts: 4131

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #265 on: April 02, 2018, 01:18:39 PM »

Poor Talia; not only does she have to deal with the loss of Illian but then she is also subject to the machinations of the Aethans... I love seeing M'Tzigon though LSG's narrative lens as it really shows what AWESOME writers both Karm and LSG are!  And who doesn't want to eat at "Dutch and Karm's?!"  Wink. Or watch "The Daring and the Devious?!"  It's details like these that just draw me right into the story!

Master Chillum showing up was a real treat!  And the Oblivion...marbles.  Again, what plans are the Aethan girls enacting?  The "Friends" Interludes have a neo-noir feel to them and I REALLY hope to see more  Smiley

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -491
Posts: 946

There are shadows darker still...

« Reply #266 on: April 02, 2018, 01:53:11 PM »

Clearly this is some sort of information gathering expidition.  What I wonder is, to what potential end?  Are the Aethans just learning about the galaxy about them, or do they have designs on expansion, or even conquest?  Did they wish Talia could go back with them because they wish she was around more alone, or is there a wish to save her from something they know is coming.  Why put the marble (or more, I almost expect there are more about, in the dome?  With the spread, and the tossing of the bottle, it felt very  much like they were measuring, to allow for precise planning...

Darth Pandæmis

Peace is a lie...

Jedi Council of Ohio

Dominix LE V4 Tri-Cree FO, Sentinel LE V4 BR, Sentinel V4 BR, Dark Initiate LE V3 CG

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Force Alignment: 1152
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Light side points please.

« Reply #267 on: April 02, 2018, 02:14:47 PM »

LSG, thanks for the great romp on M'Tzigon!  Before this interlude I had never really thought about civilian life on the planet.  And Dutch and Karm's...  Oh yeah, that's going to show up again...  Smiley

And I have to admit, a group of tourists asking someone in the Temple area where the local strip clubs were...  I just about spit out coffee at that one!  :-)

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 428
Posts: 1903

« Reply #268 on: April 02, 2018, 10:26:58 PM »

Clearly this is some sort of information gathering expidition.  What I wonder is, to what potential end?  Are the Aethans just learning about the galaxy about them, or do they have designs on expansion, or even conquest?  Did they wish Talia could go back with them because they wish she was around more alone, or is there a wish to save her from something they know is coming.  Why put the marble (or more, I almost expect there are more about, in the dome?  With the spread, and the tossing of the bottle, it felt very  much like they were measuring, to allow for precise planning...

Good questions Illyiss...good the strange a woman with super human speed strength and reflex would drop such an important device for an old man to find...


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 428
Posts: 1903

« Reply #269 on: April 05, 2018, 12:35:35 AM »

Friends Part 5
Friends in Need - Part 1
This wasn’t how her career was supposed to go…

Down the deep corridors of the Imperial High Command Administration Centre on Coruscant, past the bright blue lit front desk of the general staff, a small corner office, empty as it was quiet, a handful of bored civilian staff to assist her in fulfilling the functions of the Resources’ Recovery and Remediation department.   

Junk sellers, Colonel Sala noted was a far more appropriate title.  After every major engagement there was always a jumble of wrecks and ruins which could be collected and recycled, her role was to negotiate contract with civilian firms that carried out such business, ensuring that orbits were cleared swiftly and the Empire got a reasonable return for the detritus.  Mopping up on a grand scale.

Even her computer was recycled, it looked almost as old as her, and listed a small number of sites to be put to market for clean-up…including Phaeda…Phaeda a small planet largely forgotten by the galaxy she could never forget…She had been in command of her Interceptor flight escorting a convoy of Orbital Shipyard struts, Phaeda was the second stop till they reached Denon…it was there the Rebels had struck.

A flight of eight X-Wings, and three Y wings had performed a hit and run against the convoy, the escorts Captain half asleep failed to react in time, the systems Governor likely in on the raid slow to react.  She was the only one awake it seemed, her squad of four doing a standard over flight when they struck – she had immediately moved to intercept, downed two of the Y wings, her wing men taking the other and three X wings before they retreated…but the damage was done…a last ditch proton torpedo from the final X wing kill struck the hauler dead on, the shield softened by the Y wings ion cannons.

The explosion was the last thing she had seen with her true eyes…a piece of twirling burning metal smashing into the transparisteel. She had the best treatment and artificial eyes the Imperial Medical Corp could provide and a promotion and commendation…yet she lost the ability to fly again.  The nerve damage and imperfect grafting meant her eye-hand co-ordination no longer met minimum standards…so here she was Colonel of the junk sellers…selling the very piece of shrapnel that had stuck her here.
A soft chime,

“Come,” Sala noted her finger and thumb rubbing her eyebrows as she read the briefing papers…a habit she’d picked up during the reconstruction surgery…where she couldn’t touch her own eyes she’d settled for the eyebrows instead…still growing back they felt as prickly as Harm’s stubble after he hadn’t shaved.

“Colonel your 13.00 has arrived,” Nyka Kalas her assistant informed her across the comm.

The door swept open to reveal a slightly younger man in standard civilian unfirom,
“Colonel, Wren Destal, Senior Administrator,”
Yes the incoming briefing, Destal had a slightly high pitched voice, an a shifty look about him, but he explained the process and the decisions she would need to make clearly enough.
“Generally it is all fairly standard, our valuation teams visit the site after the Fleet had cleared it, we take an assessment of the value of scrap, then take offers from civilian contractors who wish to buy it…typically we get 40% of the face value of the scrap,”

Her back stiffened at that,

“Only 40%?”

“Yes…after all the contactors has to get there, pick it up, process elsewhere and take a cut for themselves,” he shrugged “It’s a reasonable return, for example for the Phaedra lot our estimate is 300,000 credit return ”

For a destroyed heavy cargo ship, ten fighters and the remnants of the cargo itself…

“That seems much too low Destal,”

“Please call me Wren,” he smiled “I doubt you’ll get a better offer…at any rate, I’ve taken the liberty of arranging the paper work for the usual contractor and…”
Her eyes narrowed as her gaze slowly fixed on his face
“Taken the liberty, when I haven’t reviewed the other offers,”
“Really Colonel you don’t need to worry yourself about such minor details,”
“Ensuring the Empire receives a fair price is not a minor detail, we may be selling scrap but that is no reason to undervalue it…I will meet with the bidders,”
“That isn’t necessary Colonel I have a longstanding working relationship with…”
“This is not up for debate Destal, you will arrange it immediately, I will not repeat myself again,”

Her vision of his face briefly blurred – a sign he had made a quick facial expression her cybernetics didn’t have time to process before it was gone

“As you wish Colonel,”
“Send them in” she informed Nyka as the afternoon began.  Her review of previous contracts had identified a tendency to use the same three contractors over and over again, this worried her.  She wasn’t sure if someone was on the take…but she didn’t like Destals casual approach to this, and efforts over her first week to make decisions for her.  She might not have wanted this career, but she was not going to do a lesser job for that – her duty demanded it and she understood every extra million credits was a million more for research or additional training places at an Academy. 

She would not put up with a 40% average return that was mandated, for the Empire, for Harm, for herself, she would do better.

A floating Toydarain fluttered in, Sala wondering how such alien filth got past the guards…credits had no smell perhaps.

He was the first ‘contractor’ she had met and she was no more impressed by him as she was with the five that followed.  All explained the costs of transporting to, collecting the detritus, transporting it back, sorting pieces melting it down…and therefore could only offer at most 40% of the headline prices for scrap doonium and durasteel…just as Destal had indicated.
She was not a negotiator she had only been given this position because she was intent on serving somehow and Admiral Chel Dorat of the General Staff, an old friend of Harm’s from the academy had taken pity on her.  She flicked her glance to the small holo of Harm in dress uniform, the image resolving in her mind a few moments after her false eyes moved…the delayed reaction was a pain but she was getting used to it.

Harm had only visited her once, before her bandages were taken off…a few fleeting moments between deployments, as a Captain under General Veers Harm was rarely able to book or take leave…only that Veers was recalled for a ‘special’ briefing of some kind on Coruscant had he been able to come, his previous three leave requests ‘postponed due to emergency circumstances’.  Still he tried and she loved him for it.

“I’ll do well by you Harm…” she couldn’t just stay at home while he was out there…and she couldn’t train pilots if she couldn’t see their turns until 3 seconds after they happened…but she could get the credits that would buy Harm more resources on the ground.
The chime again,


“Send them strait in” Sala cut Nyka off, this was the last one…and she wanted to get out of here…but she had to press forward…how much would this one offer, 38% or 39%…

She stood to greet the human male that entered her eyes only slowly adjusting as usual.

“Colonel thank you for seeing me,” polite at least, she finally resolved a handsome face marred by a grim expression beneath light short hair, a black business suit with dark red highlights.

“please sit,” she said formally as he did so

“So what is your offer,” she was done with niceties for one lifetime…she needed to develop a negotiating style anyway, might as well have a blunt one she could live with.

“Well colonel…for the Phaedra scrap, we’re happy to offer 500,000, for the Romas VI 310,000,”  her mouth twitched with annoyance…these must be ‘before cost’ figures

“I’m not interested in your pre-cost figures, how much are you going to pay us for the right to collect?”

“As I said, 500 and 310…” he repeated “Those are the amounts we are happy to pay you directly, today in fact…” he paused seemingly reading her concern, “We don’t inflate our offer with deductible costs, we pay direct amounts, less complex…and no claw back for difficult retrieval or loss – if we make more than 500 on Phaedra then we win out, if less then we accept the loss knowing we’ll make it up somewhere else…” he paused

“But to make it up somewhere else we need you to choose us again…so we aim to offer better prices than our competitors.”

She eyed him cautiously, he was serious looking man, a no nonsense cut to his posture…something told her this was a man she could trust far more than the others…yet still she should be cautious, she didn’t want to wreck her first deal…true she was selling scrap…but the Empire needed those credits.

“Alright…I’ll give you Phaedra for 520,000,”

His head turned slightly to regard her, 20,000 wasn’t huge amount…

“Done” he said clearly and swiftly.

“Excellent,” she checked her chrono, “Forgive me I have another meeting,” she didn’t but she didn’t want to waste time.

“I’m sure my assistant will help you get in touch with our legal and ground teams…a pleasure doing business Mr?”

“Andisson,” he said flatly
The blue sun cast strange dotted reflections against the metal that spun in low orbit over Fest…the cold world home to an Imperial facility that tested various alloys.  A rebel strike against a convoy carrying test alloys had been rebuffed, but the left overs of a rebel corvette, and half a dozen fighters provided a good opportunity for her to oversee the valuation process herself, to understand the work she was doing better.

“With the volumetric scans we take an estimate of average density and composition for star ship types,” Valuer Losan explained behind his datapad…
“Based on that we can take the value for scrap it will offer, reduce to 40% and that is the target,
“How long have we been using 40%” she asked
“Uh…ooh…must be four or five years?” he looked over to the pilot a co-valuer Gorde who nodded
“Just after I started,”
“And the former Military commander instituted it,”
“Ah…officially…it was Destals calculation…the previous commander…” he paused
“Speak freely Losan,”
“Was not as hands on as you are nor as invested, he left Destal to take care of most things…”
“I see…” she noted as her cybernetic eyes filtered out the strongest reflections.
The officers bar was relatively empty at this hour…all busying up for something ‘big’ she had no clue about…out of the loop for her yearlong recovery yet Destal was there chatting up some young Lieutenant, a Tatooine sunrise in his hand.
“Destal,” she said firmly
“Ah Colonel how might I assist,” he crooned
“You might be at your desk rather than at the bar…these extend lunches must stop, I will put out official advice this afternoon, I want a tighter ship run, in all areas, not the least of which is a revision to the return rate, I want 60% minimum.”
The Lieutenant looking slightly uncomfortable slowly slipped away as Destal protested
“Colonel, that…is not reasonable for our usual suppliers”
“We have no usual suppliers anymore, we contract whoever offer the best return on a case by case basis, we will get the best price each and every time, if it is the same firm so be it, but past performance will no longer be considered a reason for preferential treatment.”
He became indiginant
“No one will pay that, not the Toydarian not…”
“Andisson does, 70-75%,”
His face blurred again indicating another micro expression her eyes didn’t have time to record
“He can’t be trusted that one,”
“So far he has proved exemplary, faster at clean up, and always willing to negotiate, your preferred contractors could learn a thing from him, now get back to your desk before I…"

A slight commotion behind the bar turned her attention…
“It’s crazy…,”

“Frelling rebel propaganda that’s what it is!”

“What’s going on,” she asked,

“Huh- oh,” the barman switched on the holo-screen that sat ignored in the corner.

“Rebel Terrorists have launched a cowardly attack on the Imperial Security Complex on Scarif, hordes of insane unlawful zealots in hundreds of ships were held off by two Star Destroyers, but fell just moments before Grand Moff Tarkin could support these heroes.  The Emperor has issued a written statement expressing shock and dismay at the attack, but assuring all Imperial Citizens stern action will be taken against the Rebels imminently,”

“Frell…” Sala blew out…then turned to Destal, “Prep the valuation team immediately,”


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

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