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Author Topic: Schisms: The Vhal'Dan Civil War  (Read 80160 times)
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
Posts: 4131

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #90 on: May 06, 2018, 05:19:02 AM »

Chapter 14: Event Horizon

Kazic circled his opponent, his main blade high, his other held perpendicular to the floor.  Even as he prepared his next form, his opponent battered against his mental defenses, the metaphysical attack not just a feint but rather a potent strike as well.  His opponent smiled as the mental assault was redoubled, making the Anzati Master grit his teeth.  With a suddenness that surprised even him, Kazic’s opponent was upon him, the dual sabers a cloud of plasma that he was hard pressed to defend against.  But he was able to keep his sabers between himself and his opponent’s attacking blades.  The key was not dropping his mental defenses as he maintained his saberwork to the fullest of his ability.

Of course, that was also assuming that his opponent would eventually provide a break in their assault.  That had not yet happened.  Even as he kept his opponent’s blades from reaching him, he began to notice a trend: his opponent was not just attacking; they were steadily working down his defenses.  Indeed, most other races would have had trouble with maintaining this level of skill before their body’s toxins began to adversely affect them.  Thankfully, his Anzati heritage also included a natural rejuvenation that was rather difficult overcoming.  …Ari’s People were able to do so… the thought came unbidden, causing Kazic to falter slightly; worse, it opened up his mental defenses to the metaphysical attacks against him.

Sensing their advantage, Kazic’s opponent switched from Ataru to Juyo, the aggressive form threatening to overwhelm the Anzati Master.  Suddenly, thoughts of his battle with Kiraea were thrust to the forefront: half-remembered images of his proboscises extending, searching…hungering...  Immediately, Kazic knew that such was being orchestrated at the behest of his opponent.  Setting his jaw, he attempted to blunt the thrust of his opponent’s attack.  Even as he was successful, his opponent took advantage of his preoccupation: their sabers began to hammer against his own, bringing his blades in ever-tightening orbits.  Desperate, Kazic knew that he needed to switch the momentum of the fight to him.

Thinking of the trick that Ari had done, Kazic pulled to himself the Force, holding as much as he could.  He could feel the warning signs of such: his temples began to tingle as he drew more and more.  Then, directing the Force at his opponent, he caused gravity to increase exponentially.  At least, that is what Kazic hoped that he was doing; he’d only seen Ari do it once and he was distracted at the time.  His opponent’s eyes widened in shock.

It worked.

His opponent sank to their knees, their arms and blades also dropping as a result, an astonished look upon their face.  Grinning, Kazic moved in for the kill, confident that his opponent was at his mercy.

The next thing that Kazic saw was the ceiling of the salle, his back on the floor and his opponent’s blades at his throat and navel.  “You’re dead, K’ompo.”  Saani’s amused voice came from the side, his wife in a tight crouch with arms extended.  “I win again.”

Laughing, Kazic nodded the obvious.  “Yes, yes you did.”  He sat up, crossing his legs momentarily.  “Tell me, Kanp’a, how did you do that?”  His hand smoothed out his hair, the statim tied around his topknot slightly disheveled from having landed upon it.

“Physics, K’ompo.  Loser recalibrates the crystals.”  Laughing, she easily jumped up, offering her hand to her husband.  Taking it gratefully, Kazic retrieved his two practice sabers, taking the two proffered sabers from his wife as well.  After a moment waiting in silence, Kazic grinned at his wife.

“OK Saani, I give up.  How did ‘physics’ beat me?”  He began to recalibrate the practice sabers before putting them back into the munitions locker lining one wall of the salle.  The noontime Galtean sun cast shadows across the floor from the durasteel framing arranged in polygonal shapes along the transparisteel ceiling.  The Twi’lek Master drew close to her husband, gently smoothing his disheveled hair.

With a glint in her eye, Saani’s smile became predatory.  “Well, K’ompo, you increased gravity relative to the ground perpendicularly, making it difficult to rise up.  But the leg sweep that I used on you required much less effort than standing…”  Saani’s smile slowly disappeared.  “K’ompo…you have to know that you were not at fault for…when you…almost succumbed to…when you were fighting Kiraea.”  Her purple eyes were full of compassion and love, her hands suddenly cupping her husband’s head.

Kazic looked at his wife, both grateful…and ashamed.  “Kanp’a…I’d like to believe that…”  Still, he worried that once he’d tasted the soup… He didn’t even allow himself to head down that path.  But…it did help to put some things into perspective for him.  “Regardless, I’m thankful that your mental attacks centered upon…that.  I will be better prepared against an opponent who isn’t reticent using such knowledge against me.”  His wife’s touch was comforting and appreciated and he began to feel a warmth from within matching the sun’s welcoming heat from above.

Kanp’a I think I have an excellent idea for tonight’s dessert…” he began, changing from his training armor and into his tactical set.  But before he was finished speaking, his comm started pinging.  Odd, that; it was a personal call.  If anyone had wanted to hail him, they’d use his official line as Arbiter.  Comm in hand, he brought his gloved fist to his hand.  “Kazic speaking.”  For a second there was only silence, then…

“Kazic.  It’s Arkady.  I need to speak to you and Saani immediately.  Can you meet me in the Kage’s Vault?”  Something in the Kage’s tone unsettled Kazic.  …Damn…

And the daen nosi were still present, just on the periphery…

Kanp’a, Arkady needs us now at the Kage’s Vault.”  He could tell from the look on her face that she had questions but instead nodded her head and finished donning her tactical armor.  For once, Kazic was grateful for this particular security protocol.  As one, they headed to a seemingly obscure part of the city, away from the prying eyes of the public and into one of the most secret and secure buildings in all of Galtea if not the galaxy…

            <<<<< >>>>>

“…How in the hell did this happen…?”  Kazic’s astonished voice echoed within the room.  Standing tall, the Anzati Master’s arms were folded across his armored chest, his red eyes scanning, searching, disbelieving.  Just behind him the short Kage was slowly looking from Kazic and back to Saani, his somber face a masking the carefully controlled anger…and fear that he felt.

“…There are no signs of intrusion, electrical, physical, or otherwise…”  Saani’s calm voice was concise for all of the surprise that she felt.  Reaching outward, her Force-enhanced senses continued to scrutinize everything within the room, the walls, and the perimeter.  Simultaneously, her eyes and hands examined the wall and floors, Saani’s gloves removed to allow her bare fingers to sense the most miniscule tactile differences.

Between the three of them, they sensed…nothing.  Nothing at all amiss.  No countermeasures, no breakage, no intrusions.  Nothing.

Except that several of the Force relics that they’d recovered from Yavin 4 were no longer within the Vault…including the Thought Bomb.  That was what had the three of them worried the most.  And—at least for Kazic—the daen nosi continued to undulate just outside his vision…

“…Arkady, there are only a handful of people who have access to this facility, fewer still that can open the Vault.  Besides you, Anson, myself, Saani, and Pytir were there any others who could gain entry?”  Kazic’s question was more rhetorical than anything…but they’d exhausted almost every other avenue…

“…Anson’s codes were purged as soon as his arrest was ordered.  But to answer you…no, only those that you named…”  His gruff face looked up into Kazic’s.  “But also suspect is that the logs have been tampered with.”

That gave Kazic pause.  “Yes?”

Arkady’s mouth smiled sardonically.  “Even now I have one of my most trusted slicers on it but…the datanode seems to have been deliberately altered.  And thoroughly; there is no one point of designated attack nor one particular targeted enumeration…”  He rubbed his eyes.  “…I cannot see how anyone could have pulled of such a…an elaborate plan…”

Even as Arkady said it, Saani and Kazic exchanged glances from behind him.  Silently mouthing the words, Saani looked at her husband.  …Kiraea…?  Almost imperceptibly, he shrugged…but slowly nodded the possibility.

“…Or Anson could have given access to one of his followers, cleaning up after them.”  Arkady’s voice surprised them both.  The Kage shook his head.  “It would make sense: after his…blatant move against Aresaea, he might have thought that he could…‘ransom’ her that way…”  The small human’s voice trailed off as he became momentarily lost in thought.

Kazic looked thoughtful.  “…Arkady…assuming that’s possible, don’t you think that even Anson would be reticent in allowing…”  But as the Anzati Master spoke, the Kage suddenly cut him off.

“Off course!  Saani, Kazic, I must speak with Anson.  I think I know what’s going on…”  Arkady’s eyes stared off behind Kazic as if focused on the horizon.  “If you can, both of you try to glean anything of worth here that we might have missed.  I’ll be with Anson.”  Determinedly, the Kage left the Vault without a backwards glance.

Leaving only Saani and Kazic alone to discuss what they both suspected.

“Could it have been Kiraea?  Despite how secretive they were, I got the impression that she was a…specialist of sorts.”  Saani’s fingers slowly stroked her lekku as she pondered.  But Kazic wondered…

“…What about Jarys?  After all, he was the one who’d set the bomb and…”  He slowly trailed off as Saani gently nodded her head.

“No K’ompo.  You still don’t understand them.”  She sighed slightly.  “…Neither do I, truth be told…but I did notice some…idiosyncrasies.”  

“…Go on.”  Kazic stood alert with unfeigned interest.

“Kiraea is one of their ‘Guardians.’  But moreso, they treated her much like our tactical forces act around Recon: placing high stock in her assessments.”  Saani’s purple eyes bored into Kazic’s.  “I think that Kiraea’s skill set was centered around reconnaissance.  We already know that she was on point to scout out Ari when they’d arrived.”

“Point.”  Kazic conceded.  “…So you’re thinking that she somehow gained access to the Vault, absconding with the Thought Bomb?  Kanp’a, how would she even know about it?”  But even as he asked the question, he thought he knew the answer.  And so did Saani.

“Because K’ompo, Ari would have told her—all of them—what we had.”  Saani’s mouth looked grim.  And Kazic could not fault her logic.  Moreover, he now had a thought himself: Valens and his People would have very little reason to fear conventional weapons.

But the Thought Bomb was anything but; arguably, the device was intended to attack, disable…kill…beings precisely like Ari’s People.  And after the way that Valens had reacted to Ari’s treatment at the Sentinel’s hands, Kazic could see the warrior reaching the same conclusion… Nodding to his wife, he opened the portal to the hyperloop for her, all the while thinking—worrying—about their next course of action.  And the possible ramifications.

“…I think we need to have a serious discussion with Ari, and soon.”  

            <<<<< >>>>>

“So just whom did you give your codes to, Anson?”  Even without trying, the short, small statured man seemed to loom large over the former Arbiter and even causing the Detention Cells themselves to feel…smaller, cramped.  Admittedly, it was quite the trick.  Which was why Anson’s reaction was so puzzling.

“My codes?  Arkady, what are you going on about?”  His arms crossed over his muscular chest, Anson’s voice was contemptible.  “I would never give my codes over to anyone.”  His face suddenly adopted a vehement expression.  “I swore to safeguard the Vhal’Dan, not undermine it!”  But even hearing Anson’s voice full of conviction, Arkady was unconvinced.

“…I think that you’d let yourself be ‘persuaded’ since the ‘ends justify the means’ and that such details could be forgotten in the name of the ‘greater good!’”  Arkady’s voice was rising although he was not yet shouting.  But the effect was the same: the Kage’s rage was a terrible thing to behold, the small man radiating fury.

But yet again, Anson stood before him, resolute.  “…What I’ve done is for the benefit of the Vhal’Dan. I am trying to save the Order from wholesale extermination!”  Breathing heavily, the taller man put his hands upon his hips.  “…Arkady…we may be on opposing political sides…but we’ve always agreed upon the survival of our Order…if not always the same way on how to do so…”  Anson’s face relaxed somewhat.  “I would not imperil the Vhal’Dan in such a way…”  His voice trailed off, faint noises coming from the far bulkhead to the right.  Both Anson and Arkady paused to listen, cocking their heads almost identically.  What sounded like…beating…was coming from the wall.

Arkady’s face was a mask of confusion; Anson’s one of concentration.  Suddenly, Anson’s eyes widened.  “Arkday!  GET DOWN!”  But even as he moved towards the shorter man, hands up as if to push Arkady out of the way, the force-field designed to imprison him stopped any and all possible movement.  Furthermore, a prototype null-field disrupted Force-abilities, mitigating the Force Push that Anson attempted to move the Kage from danger.  

Besides, it would have been too little, too late.

The far bulkhead exploded, Anson having the benefit of a bunk between him and the detonation.  Arkady had no such protection.  The shock wave hit the unprotected Kage, ripping him off of his feet, his body hitting the far wall.  Clouds of dust and detritus filled the air, a large hole blown in the structure’s far wall.  Several Jedi flooded in, gently grabbing Anson, checking his vitals.  But even as they did so, the former Arbiter looked over his shoulder where Arkady lay, unmoving on the ground.

“Master D’Aklon!  We must get you out of here!  Now!”  One of the Jedi who’d helped him to his feet was shouting at him in order to be heard above the warning klaxons.  “Please, master!  We must go!”  With that, they all retreated out of the building, fires still burning on several surfaces.

And in the corner, Arkady’s broken body breathed its last breath.

            <<<<< >>>>>

Kazic stood within the doorway of the Detention Area.  Surrounding him was a full squad of Vhal’Dan Sentinels, Saani, Corvus, and various Gray masters and maenowans.  While he responded to any direct questions, Kazic was by and large, expressionless and monotone.  Even as he directed the strategic- and civil-efforts, his eyes strayed towards the body of his Kage and friend in the corner.

The night was long.  But even with all concerted endeavors, there was no apparent evidence that had been left, no indication of those responsible for Anson’s escape…or Arkady’s death.

Even as an Emergency Session of Congress took up his time, Kazic operated almost entirely by routine.  His installment as Kage, the call for arms against those responsible, and abjuring Anson and those that stood with him were a blur.  And regardless of how strong he was, Kazic was exhausted by the time he arrived in the Kage’s Suite, his and Saani’s new home…not that he wanted them.

But tradition demanded such.  And it was only because of tradition that he was able to perform the duties of his office within the first twenty-two hours of his appointment.  But as soon as he finally stood amidst the entry foyer of his new residences, Kazic’s face fell, great shuddering sobs racking his body.  Saani did likewise, joining her husband in his grief while they comforted the other, wrapped in each one’s arms.  There, all of the pent-up emotion of sorrow deferred was finally allowed a release for the two of them as they mourned their fallen Kage, friend, and family.

But worst for Kazic: he finally noticed that the daen nosi were gone.  It hadn’t registered before but, upon retrospect, he saw that they had disappeared the moment that they’d touched Arkady’s body.  And as the crushing realization washed over him, Kazic momentarily gave into despair…

It took Saani hours to talk her husband out from under his anguish; it took many more just to get him to finally sleep again…

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 428
Posts: 1903

« Reply #91 on: May 06, 2018, 09:15:55 AM »

Not the best historic era to be a Kage or Grand Master it seems....Some very serious questions come from this chapter, who took the thought bomb - it certainly sounds like something Valens and Kiraea would do...Who busted Anson out? And more importantly did they know the Kage was in the room before setting off the charges? Seems too clumsy to be an assassination, but could certainly be tactical opportunism.  And how will Anson react to all this? And Kazic - what a way to begin his reign...
Chapter 15 can-NOT come fast enough!!!


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #92 on: May 06, 2018, 05:25:32 PM »

Wow...    I have to admit, I am on the fence about the thought bomb.  yes, it certainly sounds like a play Kiraea and Valens would make to safeguard themselves, but it could also turn up in other places....

Anson's reaction to this will be telling.  Will he take his place at the head of the rebel faction?  Or stay loyal to the Vhal'Dan, despite how he's been treated?  After all, he kinda earned what he got.  But what if he goes along?  What if he takes that lead roll ... and then finds out he is in possession of a thought bomb?  Oy.

Ch15!  NOW!!!!!!  :-)

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 428
Posts: 1903

« Reply #93 on: May 06, 2018, 10:33:10 PM »

Wow...    I have to admit, I am on the fence about the thought bomb.  yes, it certainly sounds like a play Kiraea and Valens would make to safeguard themselves, but it could also turn up in other places....

True it sounds like the obvious thing - i honestly don't know - what is most troubling is I reckon Kazic will be hoping it was Kiraea/Valens - the implications if a Vhal'Dan took it are far far more disturbing for Kazic to face...i suspect that is the path and hat is going to be some very morally twisted chapters - imagine if Kazic has to crack down on his own people to try and find it just after he reversed a bunch of security measures after Ansos arrest! 

Politics, Ethics, Hopes and Fears - What A Narrative!!!


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Taegin Roan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2066
Posts: 6256

Lord of the Force

« Reply #94 on: May 08, 2018, 06:50:04 AM »

Agreed. A powerful, and sad, installment. Somehow I don't think that Anson had anything to do with the thought bomb disappearing, though I won't rule out the option of one of the rebels stealing it. Especially Pytir. Anyways, great chapter.

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
Posts: 4131

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #95 on: May 11, 2018, 05:30:11 AM »

Chapter 15: First Engagements

“…Corvus, how bad is it?”  Kazic spit blood from his mouth, his eyes intent upon the Devaronian Speaker.  Meanwhile, Saani applied a salve of poly-bacta to a burn to the Anzati’s head where he’d been struck by a glancing saber blow.  …Lucky, that… Kazic thought, memories of being surrounded by over half a dozen Jedi crowding his mind.  Thank the Maker he’d been able to defend himself.  Still, he should’ve seen this coming, especially after they’d learned that Arkady had been killed…

Kazic shook his head; the time for recriminations was long past.  He had a job to do and intended to do it to the best of his ability.  His red eyes focused on Corvus.  “How bad?”  He prodded.

Corvus’ dark red face furrowed as he stared at Kazic from under his brow, his tone apologetic.  “…I’m sorry, Kage.  Roughly 3,000 to 2,000, in Anson’s favor.  Most of the Grey Masters were with him; maenowans and kaowans split roughly equally.”  Corvus’ lips drew back derisively.  “But the majority of the teidowans flocked to his banner.  Young fools…”  He said the last under his breath.

Kazic’s face was completely impassive, stoic and considering.  …As I’d feared… He was about to castigate himself again, when Saani firmly but gently held his head, her hands on either side of his face.

“Focus on the solution, not the problem.”  Again, he was reminded as to why he was grateful for his wife.  His face relaxing somewhat, Kazic touched his forehead to Saani’s, a whispered “thank you” passing between them.

Gathering all of the Jedi remaining to him with a look, Kazic stood straight.  “Thank you, Corvus.  So be it.  We need to institute Bellicose Protocols; that will effectively lock down the Galtean System.  But our first offensive must be to secure the Crystal Mines of Nux’x, and quickly.  Anson has numerical superiority…but if we act decisively, we’ll have surprise on our side.”  Looking at Saani, Kazic nodded.  “Please, assemble a strike force immediately; I need for you and Corvus to lead it.  I will lock down the System to ensure that Anson’s faction will not be able to access the hyperspace lanes, the Golan II platforms, or the planetary defense net.”

And as Kazic quickly gave the particulars for his plans, delegating them to his lieutenants, he thought back a day hence to Arkady’s murder and the resultant schism that had widened chasm-like and inevitable…

            <<<<< >>>>>

Even prior to addressing the Vhal’Dan Congress in open-session, Kazic had the distinct impression that the atmosphere within the Hall of Balance was oppressive and disconcerting.  And while he knew that an exact head count was not possible, he could tell from the filled-capacity Hall that almost every Vhal’Dan Jedi was in attendance.  Good; that meant that he would only have to do this once…

Looking at the six gathered Speakers—the position of Seventh Speaker was on the agenda for today’s itinerary—Kazic tried to gauge their intents, motives, and feelings… He knew that he could count upon Saani without question both as his Arbiter and his wife, and Corvus had been a true and stalwart friend since before the troubles of the Night of Madness.  But the other Speakers: Pytir, J’Nessah, Auryn, Sarith, and Ryshhk…

He’d heard whisperings but…nothing definitive.  …How did Arkady do it?  How did he navigate through the morass?  Especially since I know that they’re conspiring against me… All of this ran through Kazic’s head but his face showed none of his suspicions.

Saani would later rebuke him for his mistake; but that would mark his time in the Kage’s office: good tactics but poor politics.  Not that the difference would last much longer…

“I, Kage Kazic Ovarug, call this session to order.  First order of business, Arbiter, Speakers—”  And completely against decorum, Pytir’s voice rang out, interrupting the Anzati Kage while completely silencing the Hall.

“Kazic Ovarug.  I believe that you are here under false pretenses.  You have not been lawfully elected to the office by which you now hold.”  The Mon Cal’s demeanor was once again confident—no, arrogant—as he addressed the assemblage within the Hall, enthralling many of them.  “Your so-called ‘election’ that installed you within the position that you now occupy was not done so during open session nor were all Vhal’Dan allowed to cast their votes.”  Pytir’s large fish eyes cast about the entire crowd but came to rest upon Kazic.  As usual, he had adopted a pedantic stance, his hands grasping his lapels.  “So you see Master Ovarug…you are out of order.”

Kazic had expected this; as with other war-footing conditions, an Arbiter could assume the Kage’s mantle with a plurality instead of a simple majority to streamline the transition of power so that the Vhal’Dan could more effectively prosecute wartime efforts.  Not for the first time did Kazic thank the Maker for Saani’s extensive knowledge in archaic Vhal’Dan regulations.

“It is you who is mistaken Speaker.  As per Article IX, sub—”  No sooner had Kazic begun to recite the exact passage when a collective gasp erupted from the assemblage.  And as the mass of Jedi parted, a single figure strode confidently through the crowd, head held high, his voice full of conviction.

“Those laws were written at a time of the Sith Wars; they no longer hold bearing to the matter at hand.  We are not facing Sith.”  Anson’s imposing figure stopped and stood across the Speakers Dais directly opposite Kazic.  “No, we are not facing Sith…but instead a threat from within: you.  You Kazic Ovarug are not Vhal’Dan.  It was you that invited Aresaea K’aval into the very heart of our Order, it was you that took her from her exile at Yavin 4, it was you that continued to raise her without once forcing her to take the Oaths.”  Anson suddenly pointed to Saani, his voice a ringing indictment.  “You even gave her your family name!”

Kazic’s shock was naked upon his face but only for a moment.  “Bailiff!  Detain Anson D’Aklon.”  Even before the sentinel had moved, Kazic coldly stabbed a finger at him.  “You are under arrest, you traitor…”  But even as the last word echoed throughout the Hall, not one person moved.

Except Anson.

“‘Traitor?’  ‘Traitor?!’  Kazic it is you that is a traitor!  To me, to the Vhal’Dan, to the entire Order!”  Suddenly, Anson was addressing the entire assemblage.  “Fellow Vhal’Dan!  I am come before you a penitent man.  Not as a traitor nor as a supplicant…but rather to save our Order!  You all know that I’ve worked tirelessly to safeguard the Vhal’Dan, to ensure our survival.  And at every turn I’ve come across opposition and adversity by the very man who ‘claims’ to have your best interests at heart, meanwhile actively working to impede your safety!  He—”  And as Anson spoke, Kazic clandestinely looked around the Hall, taking stock of the ambience of the crowd.  And he knew that he was in trouble…

“Silence Anson.”  Kazic’s voice boomed, silencing everyone, including the former Arbiter.  “Enough of this farce.  Sentinels: take him.”  But even as two of the bailiffs moved to apprehend Anson, a handful more moved to block them, intercepting them before they could complete their tasks.  And at once, all of the Jedi on and around the Speaker’s Dais put hand to hilt, lightsabers but a breath from being ignited.  The electricity in the air filtered throughout the crowd, people standing shoulder-to-shoulder began to look at one another from the corner of their eyes.  After years of tension and disparity, the stage was set, all that it would take was a single, solitary spark…

The gathered Jedi were of two minds, represented by their respective leaders: Anson and Kazic.  And while they were both peripherally aware of the others, they had eyes only for the other man.  And it was in this moment that they both knew that what Anson had said had truly come to pass: the time for half-measures was over.  An uneasy silence reigned over the Hall, the collective breath of 5,000 Vhal’Dan held as every single Jedi watched, listened, waited for the inevitable…

No one knew who ignited their saber first, nor did it matter.  As soon as the blade snapped into existence, their fates were sealed.  And within seconds, the Hall was bathed in light: blue, green, yellow, silver, purple.  Kazic found himself fighting off a half-dozen sentinels as he tried in vain to keep from having to kill them.  Meanwhile, the former Arbiter looked to his former brother, shouting impotently that Kazic not be killed…

But even as Anson wondered just how the evening escalated so quickly, he knew that at least part of that answer could be found earlier in the day at Pytir’s apartments…

            <<<<< >>>>>

As Anson finally settled in on the repulsor couch in Pytir’s spacious apartments, he took the time to tentatively dab at the various cuts that he’d sustained from the explosion at the Detention Center.  Looking around, he could see that Pytir’s house was packed full of people.  Clearly, the Mon Cal Master meant for this to be a very…public affair.  Anson gave a small, sardonic turn of the lips.  …Pytir did not know the definition of “subtle”… He thought to himself.  And, as if thinking of the man had called him, no sooner did Anson hear the Mon Calamari’s voice behind him.

“Anson!  My friend!  I cannot tell you how it warms my heart to see you free!”  Behind Pytir was his constant companion and consort, J’Nessah.  Taller than Anson, the darkly beautiful human Speaker was almost the diametric opposite of Pytir: she was introspective, considering, and tactful.  As Pytir continued with his platitudes, J’Nessah merely nodded, slowly collecting the Speakers, Gray Masters, and maenowans in attendance.  But before Pytir was finished, Anson furiously cut him off.

“Pytir…what…have…you…done?!”  Even though his voice was a whisper, it hammered home, silencing Pytir.  “…This…these actions are…deplorable…”  Suddenly, as if the events of the day had finally caught up to him, Anson sank into the couch.  Pytir’s large eyes looked askance, at first hesitant until he locked his gaze to J’Nessah’s eyes.  Taking a half-step back, he made room for the tall human Speaker, suddenly deferential and with a knowing smile playing upon his lips.

“…Anson.  You must know that we did not come to this decision lightly nor without consequence.  Before you say anything, allow me to finish.”  She forestalled Anson just as he was about to protest, the former Arbiter sighing and nodding his head.  “The Vhal’Dan Order was—is—in danger.  And with Kazic assuming the mantle of Kage, you know that it is only a matter of time before he undoes all that which we’ve worked, planned, and fought for.  That alone is enough evidence that he will destroy the Order.  Taken in conjunction with his leanings towards the Aresaea girl and what she obviously represents…”  She left the comment hanging for a moment before continuing.  “No, no Anson; the Anzati is not my Kage, neither by right nor choice.  You.  You alone are the savoir for the Vhal’Dan.  You know what must be done and why.  Almost everyone throughout the galaxy knows about the Night of Madness…but you…you also know about what transpired on Vyth, what really happened…even if the information is still being suppressed.”  J’Nessah’s voice softened.  “…I know that Kage Li’I’Mack is special to you.  And I know that you would do anything to spare her the pain of loss… Just as I know that you would spare the Vhal’Dan that very same loss…and loss perpetrated in this case by those short-sighted fools that would deny us our safety under the pretext of ‘freedoms.’  But those ideals do not keep people safe, do not safeguard their lives.  You do.”  J’Nessah was sitting forward, staring intently into Anson’s brown eyes.  At first his face was expressionless…

“…You killed Arkady.”  His tone was not accusatory, merely a statement of fact.

J’Nessah sat back, slowly inhaling before continuing.  “…Yes.  Yes we did, although that was not our intent…”  But when she looked at Anson again, her dark eyes were lazer-focused.  “…But that does not mean that Arkady did not deserve it.  Anson…he had stopped being the impartial Kage that we’d elected years before; instead he’d become a mouthpiece for that Anzati bastard.”  J’Nessah’s dark hands grabbed onto Anson’s, holding them tightly.  “If you think differently, command me to turn myself in and I shall do so without argument… However, if you believe—know—that what I’ve said is the truth, I beg of you to hear me and indulge me in this next proposal…”  With that, she stopped speaking, eyes intent upon the muscular human, never once blinking.

After a moment of silence, Anson slowly nodded his head.  With a small smile fixed upon her full lips, J’Nessah continued.  “Anson…we are all gathered here as a sign of our fealty, not only to the Vhal’Dan…but to you.  We know that Kazic is not the leader that the Order needs nor frankly wants…”  The remaining Speakers—Pytir, Auryn, Sarith, and Ryshhk—all stepped forward, surrounding Anson.  “…But we believe…know…that you are.  Our allegiance, our vote, our hopes are with you…”  J’Nessah’s quiet voice carried, her eyes downcast as she made her pronouncements, only looking up again to emphasize the most important part of her oration, one that was emphatically echoed by the other Speakers.  And once said, J’Nessah knew that the former Arbiter needed no more convincing.

“Kage Anson D’Aklon.”
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 06:34:48 AM by TheDutchman » Logged

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Taegin Roan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2066
Posts: 6256

Lord of the Force

« Reply #96 on: May 11, 2018, 06:44:43 AM »

And so the Civil War begins. . .

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 428
Posts: 1903

« Reply #97 on: May 11, 2018, 07:15:29 AM »

The First cut won't be the deepest....
J'Nessah is correct the Vhal'Dan are under threat - but only from within. What i found most interesting was how much it was personalized about Kazic - is that a little of the well known (and often warranted) disgust and fear of Anzati slipping through into their thinking? They cast Arkady not as a Kage but as a mouth piece for Kazic - its subtle but I think its definitely there. Ultimately raising Aresaea seems insignificant compared to blowing up the Kage.

Any how much is Pytir’s manipulation...hmmm Pytir...Petyr Baelish...


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Forumverse Loremaster
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SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #98 on: May 12, 2018, 08:25:05 PM »

So in the end, the decision was Anson's.  He had one last chance to turn away from the course that would lead to destruction.  The tragedy is, as he did it, he truly believed it was to save the Vhal'Dan.

It reminds me of a line I've heard in different times and places.  "Sometimes to build a new world you need to tear down the old one."  What people seem to forget it that THEY live in the world they are tearing down. 


And so it begins.  The majority follow the feel-good candidate (Anson) and the minority stand on their principle with stubborn integrity.  Now we see who and what live and die...

Dutchman, this is a great story!  Your telling is compelling and entrancing!  Structurally I'm not a great fan of the "retrograde" style you employed in this chapter but I can certainly see why you did it and I appreciate this usage.   Nicely done! 

And now comes the hard part....

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
Posts: 4131

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #99 on: May 18, 2018, 09:25:29 PM »

Chapter 16: Mitigated Success, Part I

“Corvus…get down!”  To emphasize her words, Saani pulled the Devaronian forcefully to the floor with the Force just as plasma bolts burned through the air where his head had been a second before.  Huddling behind the cover of the reinforced durasteel partition, both of the Gray Masters waited while concentrated blaster fire continued to rain down upon them.

“Thanks.”  Corvus’ sardonic grin gave his dark red face a devilish bent to his visage.  Casually unclipping his lightsaber from his belt, he grasped a blaster in his other hand while Saani did likewise.  “Looks like Anson already sliced 'nto th' automated defense droid network.”  As if to punctuate his statement, a hail of blaster fire suddenly focused on his position, the durasteel beginning to superheat from the concentrated plasma bolts splashing continually on the wall.

“There are eight Jedi and about two dozen droids.”  Saani’s face was stern, her eyes suddenly introspective.  “Corvus…can you handle three at once?”  She checked her belt for power packs while getting a better grip upon her lightsaber hilt.  The dark tunnels of the Crystal Mine were lined with durasteel scaffolding, mining equipment, and power generators, the latter of which were shielded.  At least from “expected intrusions.”  Saani grinned; she wished that she could almost see the faces Anson’s traitorous Jedi with what she had planned…

Sensing her resolve, Corvus gave a lopsided grin.  “Short o' them being th' bastard Speakers of th' pretend Kage…watch ol’ Corvus school these children.”  He hefted his blaster.  “What about th' others?”

Saani pursed her lips.  “…They’ll be fine.  I instructed them to secure the main lode and prepare it for transport.  We’ll need those crystals.”  She looked sideways at the Devaronian, still grinning.  “Cover me.”  And with that, she vaulted from her position, somersaulting in the air as she avoided the droids’ blasterfire.  Hitting the ground at a run, Saani’s purple blade sprang into existence, deflecting incoming plasma bolts.  As she closed the distance between her and the droids more swiftly than expected, Saani’s blaster cleared the tunnel of the half-dozen droids, forcing Anson’s Jedi to deal with her directly.  

Just as she’d said, there were eight of them, all of them holding their lightsabers with both hands.  Thinking to flank her, they all tried to surround Saani within the tunnel.  …Now… She thought to herself.  Without pause, she went from squeezing off concise blaster shots to thumbing the overload on the powerpack and throwing her blaster in the midst of the remaining droids.  Even before the blaster had landed, Saani had her second lightsaber in hand, the yellow blade of her shoto a contrast to her main purple one.  Seven of the eight Gray Jedi suddenly squeezed next to the walls, trying to find some cover; one of them did not.  When the powerpack hit critical, it exploded in a violent eruption, releasing not only a fireball but also a potent electro-magnetic pulse.  Slamming into the unsuspecting droids, the pulse shorted out their servos, disabling the remaining lot.  The single Jedi did not rise from the ground.

But it had cost Saani; Anson’s Jedi had been able to surround her on one side.  The interplay of green and blue blades contrasted with Saani’s purple and yellow lightsabers.  And before Anson’s Jedi could gain further advantage, the Twi’lek Master flowed into the nearest opponents, her offensive surprising them.  As a Jar’Kai master, Saani made short work of the first two, wounding a third and fourth before they were able to regroup.  But then, she found herself facing three maenowans, one of them a battlemaster.  As they spread out, Saani could tell that these three had a battle rapport, their ease of movements proof as they covered one another, supplementing each of their defenses, the total more than the sum of their parts.  Saani knew that she would be in trouble…

Heavy blaster fire burned through the air from behind the Twi’lek Master, skirting her silhouette as a grin played across her blue face.  One of the maenowan’s head flash-boiled in an instant exploding, the resultant arterial spray dousing her nearest companion with blood, distracting him.  A second barrage hit him in the shoulder, flipping him around while three more plasma bolts burned into his back.  The last remaining maenowan—the battlemaster as it turned out—was preoccupied with desperately staying alive as Saani had used the timely distraction from Corvus to press her offensive.  And the battlemaster was good, very good, his Soresu an excellent defense against blasterfire and lightsaber alike.

But he was no match for Saani.  Working her attacks into ever-tighter orbits, the battlemaster’s eyes squinted in concentration as he hopelessly worked his lightsaber to keep the Twi’lek Master’s blades from him.  In the end, the battlemaster was just outclassed by Saani’s saberwork, testament to her position as one of the Vhal’Dan’s four BladeMasters.  Standing over the body, Saani closed down her lightsabers, carefully inspecting the power generator conduits lining the ceiling of the tunnel.

Approaching at a jog, Corvus’ face still had a grin fixed in place.  “Nicely done.  Good t' see that you nae lost your edge.”  He holstered his heavy DL-12 blaster, his green blade illuminating the tunnel with a preternatural glow.  “Only six?  I would’ve expected ten…”  He said winking.  She winked appreciatively but sobered almost immediately.  Holding her comm to her mouth, Saani pinged the Jedi that she’d left to organize and collect the kyber crystal shipment.  After a long moment, a loud roaring voice answered.

[Your friends are either dead or my prisoner and the crystals now belong to Kage D’Aklon.  If you have any honor, you will surrender yourself to the authority of the true Kage.  Your answer, 60 seconds.]

Saani understood enough Shyriiwook to recognize the truth when she heard it.  “Dammit…Ryshhk has our friends.”  Meanwhile Saani began to type furiously on a procured datapad, sometimes consulting the smaller, mobile datanode built in to her armor.  “…collapse the wave function…oscillation harmonics…kinetic potential…”  Corvus kept his eyes and the Force open, flowing outward as the muscles in his body remained taut, his senses vigilant.  Finally Saani exhaled, her face determined.

“…I have an idea.  But you’re not going to like it…”  The Twi’lek’s eyes were deadly serious.  Corvus shrugged.

“…Nae much t' like since yer husband became Kage…but here I am.”  Again he winked.  Saani nodded appreciatively.

“Thank you Corvus… OK, this is what I need for you to do; I know that you can understand Shyriiwook …”  And as she explained her plans, Corvus had the distinct feeling that Saani had just understated the situation…

She was right: he didn't like it at all.

            <<<<<  >>>>>

Working his way ever upwards towards the Kage’s Suite, the silence around Kazic was punctuated by nearby blasterfire.  Judging from the sound, the proximity of which was fairly close.  …Just a short time more… He thought.  He had only to gain entry and then he could secure his objective.

Closing off the Galtean System; nothing in and nothing out.  He knew if Anson was able to gain reinforcements—say he somehow convinced the Mak’Tor to come to his aid—that Kazic and his followers would be finished.  But if he was able to effectively isolate this little war to the Vhal’Dan home-system… He knew that it would be in his best interested to do so, certainly the best tactical decision given Anson’s numerical superiority.  He just needed to access the Kage’s Suite to initiate Bellicose Protocols…

Unfortunately, Anson had also had the same thought.  So instead of being able to head directly to the Kage’s Suite, Kazic and his Jedi had had to face heavily entrenched opposition.  And it had been a hell of a fight: urban combat while going floor-to-floor (the lifts were not currently working).  Kazic had already lost a third of his retinue as a result of the initial ambushes.  It was only the Anzati Master’s quick thinking that had turned it from a complete route to the hard-fought and -won floors that they currently held.  But he knew that in a battle such as this, time was on Anson’s side.  The only relief that Kazic could count on was that Anson would not have the Kage’s Codes to lock out the main computer.

But with enough time, Anson and his Jedi could slice into it, securing the Vhal’Dan datanodes for their desires while effectively lobotomizing Kazic’s forces.  And so: fast forward to now where Kazic was clandestinely climbing the tower using long-forgotten stairs and serviceways while the bulk of his small army kept up appearances for the sake of keeping Anson’s Jedi preoccupied and fooled.  Or so Kazic hoped.

But he had yet to see anyone yet.  And—had Kazic thought he’d be worthy—he said a silent prayer both beseeching and thanking the Maker to keep it so.  Ever as he continued to climb higher and heard the dampened sounds of blasterfire and lightsabers, Kazic also hoped that his people were fairing as best they could…

Finally, he reached the top floor, silently entering into the main corridor that lead directly into the Kage’s Suite.  Either Anson hadn’t yet reached this floor or he did not set any guards as the hallway was completely empty.  Passively searching with Force, his senses flowing ever-outward, Kazic was surprised to feel twelve people in the rooms of the Kage’s Suite.  Grasping both lightsaber and blaster, he readied himself for the inevitable…

With the Force surging in him, Kazic’s Force Push blew the doors from their moorings, not only destroying them in the process but also creating hundreds of deadly metal flechettes that he then turned into miniature homing projectiles, seeking out as many living bodies as he could sense.  Simultaneously, his leveled blaster spat plasma in almost continuous fire as his ignited lightsaber cast a blue pall across the entire room.  Owing to surprise, seven of the Jedi were instantly killed.  Kazic quickly cut down another two even before they’d brought their sabers to bear.  But he saw that those remaining could be trouble…

Those three had ignited their lightsabers, supporting one another in a defense/deflect pattern that nullified Kazic’s blaster.  Holstering the weapon, he gripped his saber in both hands, falling into his preferred Ataru.  He knew that the best defense was a strong offense and wasted no time wading into the three, trusting that his reflexes and armor would help to keep him from serious injury.  Besides…he had to admit that he was desperate… Accompanying his attack, Kazic flooded the room with Force Suppression.  Seeing the nearest two Jedi falter, he quickly took advantage.  One of the three fell under his blue blade within a minute and the second after another.  But it was his last opponent that had him worried.  And as soon as they stepped out of the shadows obfuscating their face, Kazic knew that he was in trouble.

Auryn Kerosin’e stood before him, the area where her eyes normally would be covered by a traditional Miralukan mask.  And like all Miraluka, her sight was not at all hindered by the lack of eyes; rather she possessed her race’s potent Force Sight.  What would normally be a disability was in fact her advantage.  Coupled with the point that she was one of the four Vhal’Dan BladeMasters and Kazic began to feel the tendrils of panic fill his mind.  …Dammit…Auryn…

As if sensing his thoughts, the Miraluka’s face broke out in a smile, malicious and knowing.  “Anson had wondered if you would come yourself or send another in your stead.  But with the ferocity of the fighting below, he thought you were present with your followers.”  She began to advance, her own green saber held parallel to the floor, Auryn’s body coiled as if ready to spring.  “Personally, I’m glad to find you here.  Who knew that I would end up being the one to end this conflict?”  Her smile vanished and she attacked.

A Makashi practitioner, Auryn’s saberwork seemed to follow archaic configurations, or at least at first glance.  In reality, she was a master at the “Formless Form.”  Not that Kazic needed any reminders; he used every iota of his skill just to defend.  Pressing him hard, the Miraluka Speaker’s green blade was in constant motion, several orbits tightening ever closer as Kazic’s defense faltered against her superior saberwork.  Falling back, Kazic adopted the Niman variant that his Master Stryka Annix had taught him.  Finally, he was able to forestall Auryn’s offensive.

Kazic knew that trading saber-strikes with the Miraluka was a lesson in futility; instead he thought once again of Ari’s People.  Careful to keep his saber between him and Auryn, Kazic’s sudden metaphysical assault came as a surprise, causing her to falter.  Hoping to take advantage of her preoccupation, he attacked savagely.

But as a Miraluka, Auryn’s natural resistance to metaphysical attacks was greater than Kazic had presumed.  Adapting quickly, she turned her saber defensive into an aggressive offense.  In short order, Kazic had saber burns across his forehead, forearm, and thigh, most of the damage mitigated by his armor.  Still, he knew that there was no way that he could win, at least as the fight was.

Remembering what Anson had done to him during their last duel years ago, Kazic gathered all of this mental strength, directing a concentrated, needle-thin projection of a Force Thorn.  Tearing through Auryn’s mental barriers, the Thorn struck home.  Worse for Auryn, it essentially blinded her.  Coupled with the sudden pain that erupted in her head, she dropped her lightsaber, clutching her head with both hands.  Even before the saberhilt had hit the floor, Kazic projected a powerful Force Push, throwing Auryn first upwards crashing into the ceiling and then dropping unceremoniously to the floor.  Knowing that this was a war in which he was at an extreme disadvantage, he knew what he had to do, loath as he was to do it.

As soon as Auryn came to rest at his feet, his blue saber arced through the air below his knees, separating Auryn’s head from her body.  While he did not like having to do so, he knew that he could not regret such a decision in the midst of war.  Closing down his weapon, he rushed towards the office within the Kage’s Suite, taking a seat at the datanode within the table.  Activating it, the holopic was projected in front of him, inquiring credentials for access to the Galtean System Defense Net.  Quickly typing in his authorizations, he was able to access the system, going through a few dropdown menus to finally arrive at his target.

The Bellicose Protocols.

Once he initiated them, the Golan II Platforms would repel all incoming ships without the proper bona fides, the planetary shields for Galtea, Lus’phor, and Nux’x would be under his direct control, as would any and all power grids.  In short, no one was getting in or leaving the Galtean System without his approval.  He realized that his finger had paused, hovering above the holoprojection of the “Enable” button.  With a silent litany to the Maker, Kazic exhaled.

His finger stabbed at “Enable.”

Instantly, warning lights began to strobe, the flashing red bathing the room entirely.  He knew that this would create its own problems but those were outweighed by the fact that the Protocols would impede Anson’s faction exponentially more.  Besides…he already had the numbers on his side.  Kazic just hoped that Anson did not also get the kyber crystals as well…

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
Posts: 4131

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #100 on: May 18, 2018, 09:30:34 PM »

Chapter 16: Mitigated Success, Part II

“Don’t shoot!  I surrender!”  Corvus’ voice echoed in the large chamber where Anson’s Jedi had ambushed Kazic’s contingent, taking most of them as hostages.  Of Kazic’s Jedi in charge, only Master El’kar Sanhga had survived; Maenowan Xian Teroalaas had been killed defending the koawans under his charge.  Having been surrounded by Jedi numbering three times their company, Master El’kar called for quarter.  Anson’s Jedi gathered them in the center of the large hanger where they sat under guard, stripped of their weapons.  Ryshhk—to his credit—had carefully arranged and draped his outer robes over Xian’s body, placing the small Jedi within the one of the transport ships.  After all: Maenowan Xian had fought honorably and had sacrificed himself to save his confederates.  He wondered if Arbiter Saani K’aval would be as honorable…

Mentally he castigated himself.  …She is not Arbiter but rather a pretender… Still…the thought stubbornly refused to be dispelled.  Squaring his broad, tall shoulders, Ryshhk advanced upon Corvus.  Looking down at the Devaronian, the Wookie Speaker remained wary.  [Where is the Twi’lek]?  His booming growls filled the chamber while the artificial light of the electric lamps cast a slow strobing glow on everyone within.

After casually looking around, Corvus’ eyes had focused on Ryshhk’s mouth as he spoke before slowly answering.  “Dead.  One o’ yers shot her 'n th' back all cow’rdly like.  Yer dealin’ with me.  I want t’ secure the pris’ners and ransom them t’ safety.”  Staring at the Devaronian intently, Ryshhk was silent, the towering Wookie unmoving.

Then, quicker than thought, Ryshhk brought up his arm, simultaneously igniting his saberstaff, the teal blade arcing through the air.  Before Corvus could react, Ryshhk sliced through his right horn while grabbing the Devaronian’s neck.  [DO NOT LIE TO ME]!  He then raised Corvus bodily into the air, bringing him face-to-face with the Wookie.  [You dishonor yourself and I with your filthy untruths.  The next lie out of your mouth will cost you something more important than a horn…].  Corvus’ mouth spread in a pain-filled grimace as he was hoisted bodily like a rag-doll by the Wookie; even Ryshhk’s thick brown and black fur could not conceal the bulging muscles underneath.

Trying to take a breath, Corvus voice hissed.  “…you…flea-infested…bastard…”  Punctuating his last word, he spit in Ryshhk’s face.  Shaking with barely controlled rage, the Wookie threw Corvus to the ground, hefting his saberstaff as he slowly advanced upon the Devaronian.  Seeing his death in Ryshhk’s eyes, Corvus defiantly smiled.  “Be quick about it, boyo.  Yer borin’ me…”

Even as he spoke, a slow whine began to reverberate through the chamber.  The first to notice it were the guards, then the prisoners, and finally Ryshhk.  Looking around, he all but forgot Corvus.  Soon he had to cover his ears as the whine increased, beginning to cause a piercing headache to everyone within the hanger, the Devaronian being the lone exception.  “What’s wrong boyo?”  Corvus practically shouted, seemingly no worse despite the increasing volume.  

Within a minute, everyone was writhing upon the ground, their hands to their heads as they fought to remain lucid.  Finally, the sonics within the hanger had increased to a point that it began to shake the very foundation of the chamber, several of the Jedi—both from Anson’s and Kazic’s factions—were bleeding freely from their noses and ears.  And as Ryshhk doubled over in pain, adopting a fetal position, Corvus casually walked over to him, kicking him in the head, knocking the Wookie unconscious.  The noise persisted for another few minutes more before being followed by deafening silence.

A few minutes afterwards, Saani joined Corvus in the large hanger, her lightsabers in hand.  By that time, Corvus had collected weapons and more than a few of their Jedi aboard their transport.  Seeing the Twi’lek Master, Corvus gave her a wink.  “Well…I wasn’t sure that would work.  Nice job, usin’ the crystals’ resonant frequency to propagate that…noise.”  Squinting, he used the Force to draw the dirt-and-grease plugs from his ears.  “…Now that’s disgustin’”  He threw them aside.  “…But effective.  I coulda nae heard nothin’  Like you said: good thing I understand Shyriiwook.”

Not wasting a minute, Saani continued to load the rest of the unconscious Jedi on the transport, occasionally glancing at her chronometer while they did so.  “We’ve got to hurry; I’ve set the generators to 990%, which should give us…just under 4 minutes now.”  She looked around, double-checking that she’d left nothing behind.  Even as she paused, she felt a disturbance in the Force.  Without bothering to look, Saani pushed Corvus up the ramp of their transport, jumping in herself just ahead of several blaster bolts that attempted to track her.  Quickly closing the ramp, she could feel the inertia of take-off as Corvus piloted them away from the hanger.

Soon, the Lus’phor sky filled their cockpit canopy as they accelerated towards the stratosphere.  Peering intently into the instrumentation, Saani looked unblinkingly and anxiously.  Seeing the first explosion erupt from one of the eastern-most hangers, Saani expected to see a chain-reaction immolate the entire horizon.  Several more explosions followed…

But the concatenation that she expected never occurred.  The Pretiosum Kyber Mines were still viable; worse, Anson would be able to control them with his superior numbers.  At least she had made access to them problematic… But she still wondered why her plan had not gone fully as expected.

“Nae yer fault.  Who knows?  Maybe the rest of the generators weren’t critical or maybe someone stopped them.  Not th’ matter now; we got what we came fer.”  Corvus’ attempt to comfort her worked.  Somewhat.  Grateful, she placed a hand upon his shoulder, only now focused upon his missing horn.

“…By the Maker, Corvus are you OK?”  Her concern shone through her purple eyes as she grabbed at one of the medkits, administering a liberal dose of poly-bacta upon the surface of the cut.  Even as she worked, Corvus smiled cynically.

“Guess I f’rgot t’ duck.”  His tone was light but Saani could tell that the Devaronian was in pain and fighting off despondency.  Gently, she did all that she could, all the while worried about her friend…and Maenowan Xian.  The only thought that helped to mitigate her sense of loss was the fact that they’d been successful acquiring the crystals without any further loss of life for them…

            <<<<<  >>>>>

Ryshhk awoke suddenly, his head aching beyond belief.  As his eyes focused, he noticed that he was surrounded by more of Anson’s Jedi, these having accompanied Speaker Sarith Tovar.  Before he could regain his feet, he saw the Zygerrian extend a slender arm towards him.

“You’re lucky, Speaker.  It was a good thing that we’d split our forces or we’d likely all be dead.”  Walking demurely past him, she tossed him a small datanode, the wires still exposed and frayed as if it had been quickly and carelessly pulled from its housing.  “Say what you will about Saani, but she knows her way around electronics.  If I hadn’t lucked out and came across this datanode, we’d all be a cloud of vapor the size of a star destroyer.”  Sarith carefully scanned the hanger, her feline eyes falling upon Ryshhk’s.  “Still…looks like we’ve secured the Mines.  Anson should be pleased.”  She gave a throaty laugh.  The Wookie just nodded, suddenly introspective.

Ryshhk still felt…uncomfortable.  He had to hand it to Saani and Corvus.  They’d had him at their mercy… Yet, he was still alive.  Perhaps…perhaps Kazic did have honor, if the actions of his lieutenants were any indication… Shaking his head, he looked around as well, retrieving his saberstaff from where he'd dropped it.  [You are right: we’ve secured a large cache of crystals, certainly enough for the war…]  What he didn’t voice was the fact that Saani and Corvus had done so as well.

Thinking about the fact that Anson had the numbers, Ryshhk still considered his decision the correct one.  But a small worm of doubt had begun to work its way through the Wookie Speaker’s mind and as he made his rounds helping out the other Jedi that had succumbed to Saani’s auditory weapon, he kept coming back to the fact that he was still alive…

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Forumverse Loremaster
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« Reply #101 on: May 18, 2018, 09:45:42 PM »

Stroke and counter-stroke.  Good tight action ... and mercy.  Ironic, though, because if the final act had gone as planned (BOOM!) they wouldn't have been alive. 

But they didn't kill them directly, either.  And somehow I think that act of mercy will be a telling point as this goes on.  Perhaps a seed that allows for the eventual peace...

Nicely written, Dutchman!  Its vivid and the Vhal'Dan are anything but predictable.  That Corvus and Saani are willing to use all of the weapons at their disposal (blasters ... how crude!) shows both their ingenuity and their desperation.  :-)

Keep 'em coming my friend!

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

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Force Alignment: 428
Posts: 1903

« Reply #102 on: May 19, 2018, 06:16:02 AM »

Indeed very tight action, I liked the parallel of the direct lethality of Kazic versus Saani...she could easily have simply sliced their heads off to be certain. This is perhaps the confusion inherent in a civil war, fighting those who were 'once brothers' ,definitely seen in Ryshhk at the end...And then there is the speed with which this has gone from a a war of words to blood, once things like this start they take on a life of their own, a momentum no one can stop, there is a feel of that here as everyone is dragged into it.


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Forumverse Loremaster
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Force Alignment: 1152
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Light side points please.

« Reply #103 on: May 20, 2018, 01:02:03 AM »


I have to wonder: What's happening to the non-Jedi population?  Or am I mistaken in thinking this is a world not unlike M'Tzigon, where the Vhal'Dan Knights are only a small component of the population? 

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
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« Reply #104 on: May 20, 2018, 01:04:24 AM »


I have to wonder: What's happening to the non-Jedi population?  Or am I mistaken in thinking this is a world not unlike M'Tzigon, where the Vhal'Dan Knights are only a small component of the population? 
That...will be answered in the next chapter!   Smiley

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

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