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Author Topic: Schisms: The Vhal'Dan Civil War  (Read 80605 times)
Forumverse Loremaster
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« Reply #120 on: June 25, 2018, 03:31:07 PM »

When this is all over, the Vhal Dan, whatever are left, will have a VERY hard time trusting anyone of their original number ever again.  Perhaps that is why a Hapan is now one of their Council?

But to echo LSG: what is being destroyed is far more precious and intangible than infrastructure, ships, even men.  Its the very fabric of their society.  The great tragedy of this story is that BOTH sides took the actions they took to preserve the Vhal Dan, and it was as a direct result of these actions that the Vhal Dan as they knew it was utterly destroyed...

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

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« Reply #121 on: July 05, 2018, 01:00:33 AM »

Interlude-A Day In A Life III

“Master K’rrmerii?  I have the logistics reports for the Kage.”  Said a short human…male.  Ryshhk still had difficulty telling the two genders apart, at least visually; most humans were so…frail.  But their scent… His Wookie olfactory senses were as keen as any of his race and he relied upon that to discern such differences… This human’s name was…Akim.  Yes, Akim Verbenti.  Ryshhk put the datapad that he was examining in his other hand.

[Thank you, Koawan Verbenti.  I will attend to the Kage].  Collecting the datapad, Ryshhk began to peruse the contents as he strode through Anson’s provisional headquarters; the building just recently occupied…an occurrence that had surprised Ryshhk.  Located uncomfortably close to the Promenade District, Ryshhk had wondered why the Kage had made the decision to move… Was it deliberate? 

As he read, his gait slowed, until he stood ramrod straight, rooted to the spot.  …By the Trees… He thought, disgust making his gorge rise.  Scanning the crowd, he inhaled deeply, taking in the dozens of fragrances indicative of those present, his keen nose recognizing a single scent belonging to the person he was looking for.  Making a beeline directly for his target, almost every single person swiftly moved out of Ryshhk’s way as he determinedly walked through the crowded command center, the Wookie Master a full head taller than almost everyone else.

[A thousand pardons, Master Raanh.  But I have a question regarding this…information].  Ryshhk’s moderate tone still carried over and through the bustling noise in the room.  Turning at Ryshhk’s Shyriiwook, the dark human Gray Master affixed a patient smile on her beautiful face, sincere enough looking to fool almost everyone.  Almost.  Ryshhk’s nose had come to recognize especially when this particular human was patronizing him.  Still, he was honor-bound to give her the respect due her station.  When J’Nessah spoke, her voice was pleasant, forbearing…almost ingratiatingly so…

“Hello Master K’rrmerii!  What can I help you with?”  This close, Ryshhk could smell the disingenuousness inherent to this female… He noticed how her dark eyes had a controlled tightness about them.  He had originally thought it had to do with his imposing demeanor, but Ryshhk no longer believed that J’Nessah Raanh was intimidated by anyone other than the Kage.  Well, and Masters Kazic Ovarug and Saani K’aval, he allowed.  He cleared his throat.

[Master Raanh…these reports convey intel and personnel that I recognize as belonging to M…Kazic Ovarug.  What is the meaning of this]?  Ryshhk kept his voice controlled, none of the barking growls that seemed to unnerve most sentients.  J’Nessah’s dark eyes flashed with momentary condescension, gone as quickly as it had come.  But her scent…

Like a burning ingot of durasteel, her disdain for Ryshhk was just as caustic, at least to his nose.  Wookies were careful to just whom they were fully transparent with concerning their physical abilities; it was one of the many tactical advantages that they were very guarded about…

“I’m not sure what you mean, Master K’rrmerii.”  The lie as conspicuous in Ryshhk’s nose as darkness was from sunlight…

Ryshhk sighed, a bass huffing sound that came from the bottom of his throat, his dark brown and black fur covering a chest as broad as two humans.  [Master Raanh…according to these reports, many of Kazic Ovarug’s own koawans and teidowans have betrayed him, even going so far as to provide vital mission codes against their own].  His golden eyes drilled into J’Nessah’s.  [That is not honorable].

Subtly, her stance shifted, her eyes dangerous and condescending.  “…Master K’rrmerii…we are at war.  We are not participating in some contest.  We are not required to adhere to some silly superstitions concerning what constitutes a ‘fair fight.’  The Kage fights so that all of the Vhal’Dan may live and thrive.”  The dark human master crossed her arms.  Ryshhk interrupted, incredulous.

[“All of the Vhal’Dan?!”  Even if that were true, then why are we helping these…traitors to kill their own confederates?!  HOW can that be a part of the Kage’s agenda]?!  He was practically yelling by the end.  Almost everyone was staring at the Wookie Master, most frightened and anxious, some inquisitive.  But not J’Nessah.  Instead…her face had dropped any mask that she usually adopted.  In its place, was a look of pure disdain.

“Ryshhk, the Kage has—and for that matter, those of us that are frankly quite tired of your ridiculous posturing and proselytizing, have—far more on his mind than one of his subordinates questioning his strategy to effect and win this war.  Give that datapad to me.  Now.”  She held out a dark hand, expectation in her eyes, face, and scent.

Ryshhk was taken aback.  Not because anyone had spoken to him in such a fashion—although, no one ever had—but rather that anyone had done so with such…anger, no hatred.  That still wasn’t right.

Ryshhk smelled utter disgust emanating in waves off of J’Nessah.  Gone was the patient and congenial façade.  Now, now he saw her for who she really was.

Just as he saw those surrounding the Kage for whom they were…

Without another word, the Wookie Master slapped the datapad that he held into J’Nessah’s waiting palm.  Without a backwards glance, he left without saying another word.

But he knew now what he had to do.  He’d been wrong; wrong concerning so much.  Actions.  It was the actions of people that bespoke of their character.  Thinking back, he remembered how Master K’aval had deliberately, compassionately…honorably…granted him mercy.

And now, upon retrospect, he’d been the subject of long-suffering and supercilious attitudes.  Pytir Danisen.  J’Nessah Raanh.  Auryn Kerosin’e.  Sarith Tovar.  But the one that stung the most, Ryshhk now realized, was the one person whom he’d truly idolized.

Messer Subiah Fuqua.  The man had been nothing but antagonistic and derisive.  J’Nessah had been the final leaf that broke the branch…

When Ryshhk was alone in the corridor, he produced the datapad—the one that had the amalgamated intel concerning Master Kazic Orarug’s war strategy—and continued reading all of it.  And felt disgusted.

He knew that he must do something, a need to act.  He would meditate, think of the root of his problem.  Once done, Ryshhk knew that he would better be able to negotiate the twisting branches that plagued him…and his resolve.

It was the only honorable course of action available him.  And now, for the first time since this war began, he knew now who was the noble leader.

As he read—May the Trees protect those of the Intrepid and may they forever find shade—he also considered the Force artifacts that Pytir and the other speakers had absconded with and whether or not they truly were worthy of possessing them.  And he knew without a doubt that the answer was “no.”

Ryshhk K’rrmerii found himself in his own quarters before he’d fully grasped the finality of his decisions…and finally appreciated the courage of his convictions.  Silently, he began to pack the few belongings he had about the room.

He’d been wrong—so, so wrong—before.  Ryshhk promised himself that he would not make the same mistake again…

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 429
Posts: 1905

« Reply #122 on: July 05, 2018, 07:12:48 AM »

Once more day in a life provides a very painful view of civil war…How can such a war be fought honourably – is he naïve to think it can be…probably but that’s his culture…now Ryshhk thinks he’s on the wrong side because of his concept of honour – fair call but after Kazics ‘in case of emergency grab black marble’ moment in his last chapter I don’t think Ryshhk is going to find the other side much better…


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Forumverse Loremaster
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Force Alignment: 1152
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« Reply #123 on: July 05, 2018, 01:35:07 PM »

There is rarely any honor in war, and less in a 'civil' war.  Ryshhk will likely find some comfort in the fact that Kazik has the more honorable motivations, but in the end you either win or lose, and when the chips are really down it is VERY hard to live by your convictions.   And harder sometimes to die by them.

Which may be where Ryshhk is headed.  I have a hard time believing that he's not already under observation and surveillance...

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
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« Reply #124 on: July 07, 2018, 02:04:41 AM »

Special thanks to LSG; with the most minimal of editing, this is his work in its entirety  Smiley

Interlude-A Day In A Life IV

She kicked out using a trick Kazic had shown her, but Jarys was not fooled, he slammed down on her leg with his boot then grasped her hair and lifted her up.

“How did you know that trick!”

“You broadcast it too loud in your thoughts…” he gently set her back down.

“You need to clamp down on your intentions, the flow of your unconscious mind is too loud, I saw the connections you were making before you knew it consciously and followed them into your memories, pulled the technique you wanted to use before you had time to enact it….”

Her brow furrowed as she thought through the technique…it was invasive and predictive…but highly effective – to know how to counter your opponents move before they knew what move they were going to make…

“That’s enough for today.” he wandered back to the nearby rock that served as bed and seat atop the half frozen rock strewn steppe in the far north.

She knew now it was most certainly not enough for today—it did not end—at any moment he might lunge at her, set a pack of vorynx... The most impressive so far had been secretly telekinetically piloting a flight of three fighters to chase her guns blazing across the steppe for nearly a day.  

There was no point of safety, no real rest.

“The Vhal’dan…” he noted after a sip of water, “Taught you well…but they are victims of their own physical, mental and aetheric limitations…you’ve picked up those limitations, you think too linearly…they couldn’t push you like you needed…didn’t force you to integrate and use all of the abilities the Goddesses have granted you.”

It was a high level of praise in a roundabout way…she wasn’t sure if Kazic would agree he was “limited” in his outlook…but there was a truth…Kazic and Saani could never have taught her how to make use of her superior strength and dexterity like Jarys could…analyze an opponent’s movements using multiple levels of consciousness and cross reference against multiple predictive models in her own mind…and there were abilities they were simply not able to perform with the aether as they lacked the concentration and sheer power to do them for extended periods.

She quickly shifted her head and opened a teleport shield in front her, the shikkar shifting in reality from an inch from her neck to Jarys forehead then back to the sheath.

“Case in point…Kazic is an able warrior…but his visual sensors and synaptic pathways couldn’t have reacted to that in teleport an object that large that fast and accurately would drain 16.7% of his aetheric stamina…you and I are not so limited…still…” Jarys paused kicking off his boots.

“He has abilities and advantages we do not as Kiraea learned…these we must learn better and counter…”  There was an undertone to his intent that worried Ari.

“You think we’ll have to fight him…and the Vhal’Dan…”

He looked at her sadly,

“You know…I have Outsiders I consider friends…but they are Outsiders…if the time came…You mustn’t be divided against yourself; your compassion for Kazic and Saani is the Goddesses compassion in your heart…”

Jarys naturally wouldn’t speak the specific Goddesses name as was fitting for a male.

“But it must be tempered by Their wisdom also…” Guardian training was as much mental as physical—not unlike the Vhal’Dan—but much looser, there were not specific lessons, like their rituals they were adaptive to the individual and situation.

Her response could not be “wrong” but some would be more fitting than others.

“A house divided cannot stand,” she replied, “If my love for Kazic, Saani, Tsarvung, Syrena, Arnis…even Jorol, and D’arial divides me from People…”

Once more her brow furrowed as she batted off an aetheric thorn against her mind; People were never safe anymore…

“Kazic…the Vhal’Dan…are divided…they are not one People like us, their diversity is a strength, but also a weakness…” the words underwrote the more complex thoughts she transferred across—Kazic and Anson were both Vhal’Dan but also adhered to other ideals—justice, democracy, liberty…things that were not real and in different ways… This could be a strength and lead to innovative outcomes from differing perspectives…but taken too far.

The People cared only for each other, their planet, their animals and plants, and Goddesses—real things not concepts—there was unity…but this could be a weakness with group-think…

“If it’s out of falls apart, destroys itself or can’t resist external threats as well…”

Guardian training was mutual, Jarys learnt as much as Aresaea did; even now he considered her words and thoughts carefully…but always with a view to how it served the Peoples survival.

She couldn’t allow herself to be so divided…but that meant if the time ever came…it was a painful thought to contemplate it, but it had to be faced.  When she left Galtea things were already very troubled…imbalanced.  

She sighed as the rock beneath her shifted; she bounced it back into place to avoid being hurled off into the sharp pebbles…she could only hope that things were better on Galtea now and the time she might have to—not choose for there was no choice she was People before all else—but do something against part of herself never came.

Aresaea was disappointed but not surprised when it did come.

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #125 on: July 07, 2018, 05:33:22 PM »

"The People cared only for each other, their planet, their animals and plants, and Goddesses"

This is the key to the Aethans.  As an American, my entire society is based on a concept: Liberty.  Personal liberty, and individual responsibility for that liberty to God first and then to my neighbors second.  Everything we have flows from this conceptualization of how a society should work. 

The Aethans are at their core a Tribal, Theistic society.  I don't understand the true nature of the goddesses, but as stated in several stories they are in fact real entities.  So the Aethans have a purely concrete rationalization for their loyalties: The People and the goddesses, and what physical possessions they have chosen to acquire.  If you help them in this, they will help you and treat you well.  If you go against them or stand in their way actively or even passively, they will destroy you.  And if you're just in the way...

Well.  You're on your own bud.  Its just your bad luck to cross a demi-god today... 

I think we need to get them addicted to Spider Man comics.  They could use a dose of "With great power comes great responsibility."   But I digress.  :-)

This is a great window into Ari's world and how much her worldview had changed since she left Galatia.  I have  a bad feeling that she isn't going to respond to Kazic's call at all the way he is hoping.

Not at all....

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 429
Posts: 1905

« Reply #126 on: July 07, 2018, 10:15:48 PM »

[quote author=Karmack link=topic=38018.msg646658#msg646658 date=1530984802?.

I think we need to get them addicted to Spider Man comics.  They could use a dose of "With great power comes great responsibility."   But I digress. 

Lol true but I think they would come up with a different conclusion - if radioactive spider makes you so strong why won't Parker share with all his People these abilities?

Yeah I wanted to play the difference in motivation the whole Schism is based on competing ideologies  (although the more I see of Jnessaha the more it seems there is a power play as well) that to the Aethans seems absurd these are not real things! Of course Thier culture is so ingrained there is no way they can disagree on how to live day to day so they can't really appreciate diversity of view points. A curious blind spot.

Anyway thanks again Dutchman for letting me contribute and cool pic!


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Taegin Roan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2066
Posts: 6256

Lord of the Force

« Reply #127 on: July 27, 2018, 10:39:41 PM »

Wow, this has been an incredible journey. I don't have anything new to add that hasn't already been said, but it has just been awesome. It is probably the fact that it is focused on a Civil War, but it really really has a very similar feel to the Melida/Daan civil war (great story with a young Obi-Wan if you don't know what it is), but so much of it, brother vs. brother, friend vs. friend, families trying to protect their loved ones failing, and in the midst of it all, people who are not entirely with Anson or Kazic, and in fact, oppose them both. Very well done, very well thought out, it has been a pleasure to read.

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
Posts: 4131

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #128 on: August 21, 2018, 12:50:13 AM »

Interlude-A Day In A Life V

Alone within the confines of his Meditation Vestibule, Anson slowly breathed, inhaling deeply.  For one of the first times in recent months, he was calm, contemplative…confident.  He had not believed the good fortune he’d been handed: several hundred Jedi switching allegiance from Kazic’s camp to his own.  Moreover, Koawan Kasah Fayar had provided him with extremely valuable intel, from Kazic’s overall war strategies to mission-specific passcodes.  His closed eyelid twitched.  Poor Kasah…but her sacrifice was made to ensure the greater good. 

Anson lamented the necessity of those deaths from the past few days…but such was the outcome of war.  If only Kazic hadn’t needlessly started this conflict, hadn’t been so obstinate against securing the Vhal’Dan.  He’d seen the same holofeeds as anyone; by the Maker why was he so blind to what those…beings represented?!  Even now, he saw them within his mind, such innocuous-looking beings masquerading as humans.  They were anything but…

Instead, they were like the q’ualanemi that Master Varel’Zo had told him about, the dark chaos spirits that were “unstuck” from the Force, able to do all manner of incredible feats within the Force…both shrewd and gross.  Oh, he knew that they were mortal beings, this “Valens” and “Jarys” but they were also more, so much more than that.  …If only I’d had the chance to confront them… He thought.

He felt his pulse rising, his heart beginning to pound within his chest.  So much for his meditation.  Rising, he doffed his outer tunic, exposing his muscular arms.  He knew what to do.  Igniting his green saber, he recalled a passage that he had memorized as a child from Kage Rikard Macias: “Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory.”  Well, Anson had learned that lesson well.

Mentally activating the practice droids, five floating orbs tried to surround him, each firing a blaster bolt; not enough to do any lasting damage but the shots would still hurt enough to remind you of the lesson: don’t get hit.  Working his lightsaber in a defense/deflect pattern, Anson was soon lost in the exercise, all worries about casualties, all concerns about wayward brothers forgotten.

…This… He thought, …this is the meditation that I’ve needed… Every cut was concise, every parry perfect, every form a synthesis of economy of movement and precision of attack.  There were only four true blademasters counted among the Vhal’Dan, and he was one of them.  Master Varel’Zo had instructed him well.  Smiling humorlessly, Anson sometimes wondered if instead of all of these open hostilities, he should invoke the age-old tradition of P’Rae’Lior

P’Rae’Lior.  Two champions.  One fight.  One death.  One decision.

Dating back to the founding of the Vhal’Dan Clans, P’Rae’Lior was the mechanism by which the seven Clans could resolve any issue that the Arbiter could not adjudicate.  Everything else was a mere detail, the two champions the only people allowed within the Pancratium, the Pancratium the only place of import.  Only a single combatant could exit, lest both lives be forfeit…which was why P’Rae’Lior was invoked under the most extreme of circumstances.  Should both participants try…they were summarily executed by all in attendance.  Anson smiled grimly.

Sometimes the Old Ways were the best.

He sensed before he heard them but Anson could feel a group of people coming towards him outside in the hallway.  Sighing to himself, the muscular human closed down his lightsaber, mentally dismissing the practice orbs.  Grabbing his outer tunic, he strode towards the door, opening it just as the group reached it.

Outside of his room were all of his Speakers.  Well, that wasn’t completely true; he didn’t see Sarith or Ryshhk.  Scrutinizing their faces, Anson soon noticed the specks of blood on some of them, their persons disheveled and, overall, looking defeated.  “What happened?”  But he thought he had an idea already.

Naturally, it was J’Nessah who answered.  “My Kage…I regret to inform you that Speaker Ryshhk K’rrmerii has…defected to our enemy.”  Anson couldn’t be sure, but he thought he saw a ghost of a smile upon the dark Speaker’s lips but if she had, it was gone as soon as he’d noticed.  Everyone else looked as though they expected to be rebuked and were attempting to steel themselves against it.

They weren’t wrong.  Anson was seething inside.  “Ryshhk?  How… He was placed in command of Logistics…”  He turned, face accusatory towards the tall Speaker.  “J’Nessah, you yourself had assured me that you had his concerns under control.  After all, it was to you that he’d voiced such first.”  Anson was not a particularly tall man but he loomed large over everyone in the hallway, the corded muscles in his arms, jowls, and neck bulging as he gritted his teeth.  His brown eyes rested upon J’Nessah, drilling holes through the back of her head.  She dipped her chin in supplication.

“Please forgive me, Kage.  I…I erred in that I assumed that I had properly cowed him; he certain—”  She fell immediately silent when Anson interrupted her.

“No, Speaker, you will not have our forgiveness.  At least not until you’ve rectified the situation that you’ve created.”  Again, he couldn’t be certain but…was J’Nessah grinning from the shadows of her hood?  And he had thought that her dark eyes had flashed as he was calling her to account… Giving himself a mental shake, Anson suddenly focused upon the other problem that he’d initially noticed, not having given voice to it.  “…Where is Sarith?”  Again, he’d seen neither hide nor hair of the Zygerrian Speaker.

…Blood… He thought.  Again, Speaker Raanh answered.

“…I am sorry my Kage.”  And for the first time since Anson had looked upon J’Nessah’s face, she looked truly…contrite.  No, that wasn’t right…ashamed?  Anson opened himself fully to the Force, enveloping everyone. 


“…Sarith tried to confront Ryshhk—she’d taken three Sentinels with her—and…” The dark-skinned Speaker cast her eyes downwards.  “…the Wookie killed them all.”

Furious, Anson looked at each of them in turn, his hands balling into fists.  “Seal the building.  Lock down the hyperloops.  I don’t want that Wookie getting away.  We shall make him pay…avenge Sarith’s murder.”  His voice was strong, powerful.  He would lead the Vhal’Dan.  He would… “Kill all traitors.  Those who would see the Vhal’Dan destroyed.  We shall judge those responsible and punish the guilty.  It is only by our strength that we shall prevail.  The Vhal’Dan will survive.  And I will be the one to lead you.”  As he spoke, Anson once again took in the entire room, his senses acute.  Where there had been confusion and fear there was now a sense of purpose; instead of feeling ashamed, they now felt reinvigorated.  As one, his Speakers left, their sense of purpose renewed.  As a proper Kage should do: inspire within those that which brings out greatness.

Except J’Nessah.

Focusing on her, Anson’s eyebrow arced, the question written about his face.  “You have something else to say?”  He crossed his arms.  J’Nessah’s dark eyes looked unflinchingly into his.

“Yes, my Kage.  Before he left, Ryshhk…absconded with several Force artifacts from the Vaults.  I’m not certain which he took; Messer Subiah Fuqua has yet to ascertain the particulars but assures me that he shall have a list for your perusal by the end of the day.”

If Anson felt anger before, he now felt white-hot rage.  “K’rrmerii stole our relics?”  Instead of reacting, Anson took several deep breaths.  “We shall find him, J’Nessah.  And he shall answer for his treachery…” Anson began walking towards his command center, J’Nessah falling in beside him as the Kage gave orders. 

            <<<<< >>>>>

J’Nessah nodded, the taller woman began delegating those orders, glad to see Anson once again rise to the occasion.  And if he’d have been looking up at her face, he would have seen her dark lips twist into a satisfied smile, her eyes once again alight with a certain kind of pride.

She had chosen the right man to back, regardless of her ties to Pytir.  Oh, the Mon Cal Arbiter had the desire…but not the ability.  Anson had both, thank the Maker.  This time, J’Nessah allowed herself to break out into a full grin; she need not hide this smile.

And just as she had on Ska Gora, she knew that her plans were on track.  Her smile turned wistful.  Ska Gora, the Wookie protectorate planet.  Back then, there had been talk of rebellion among the non-Wookie populace, eventually reaching a flash-point giving rise to the so-called Brock Resurgence: a collective that strove to usurp the lawful Wookie governing body.  And while they fought under a banner decrying “freedom, justice, and temperance,” the Resurgence was little more than well-armed thugs who wanted control of Arboreal Exports…and all of the wealth and power that the commercial division granted.

The Wookies had been reticent to act as the Resurgence had taken over the floating city-ship Rahrioikk and stationed it directly about the Chuvvishaaa Tree, the Wookie World Tree of Ska Gora, which for the Wookies was considered a “bad sign” and so refused to take any initiative.  The city-ship’s mayor, then Chieftain Vvuyulkvahhr, was still loyal to King Palroorhho, who was a toothless excuse of a leader, vacillating between parlaying and doing…nothing.  Vvuyulkvahhr was not so timid…but he was bound by chains of honor stronger than durasteel, and thus deferred to his King.

Thankfully, J’Nessah had no such qualms.  And as a rare non-Wookie member of the governing body, she had access to the right people and the right intel.

Working as she had learned and had always done, she operated behind the scenes and in the shadows, softly influencing Vvuyulkvahhr, whispering in his ear that he was honor-bound to not only the Wookies of Ska Gore, but also to the Trees.  It hadn’t taken much, really.

Soon, Vvuyulkvahhr was openly questioning King Palroorhho, eventually calling upon a vote of “no-confidence” in the King.  Almost unanimously, the Wookies elevated Vvuyulkvahhr to King.  But that was only part of the problem; there were still the members of the Brock Resurgence to deal with.  Once again, just the right words with the proper inflection from the lips of Representative Raanh to now-King Vvuyulkvahhr, and…well, the Wookie Offensive Force made short work of the Resurgence.  Those that did not die in the fighting were held accountable within the Wookie court, sentenced to an Indentureship lasting as long as it took to make financial remuneration to the Wookies that they’d wronged.

And now, just as then, J’Nessah had been the power behind the power.  Let her fool of a husband retain his elevated status of Arbiter while she remained Speaker.  She knew that she preferred to stay hidden whilst enjoying the fruits of her labor…without the target on her back.

“Rrrgghhrr Wffrowwoor,” the Wookies had begun to call her after King Vvuyulkvahhr appointed J’Nessah his First Advisor and Honorary Arborist.  She smiled at that, thinking again of her Kage, Anson D’Aklon.  He was Kage but by the benefit of her whim.  The Wookies were right to call her what they did.


Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
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Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #129 on: August 21, 2018, 01:50:30 AM »

And the force driving the conflict emerges.  "King-Maker" indeed!  Stoke the fire a little, push here, prod there...   Pretty soon you have a nice little war and you can maneuver your people into power.  Never mind what is lost - you get your power...

Wow.  Amazing reveal!  Nicely done, Dutchman!

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 429
Posts: 1905

« Reply #130 on: August 21, 2018, 03:42:36 AM »

If only I’d had the chance to confront them… He thought.

Careful what you wish for Anson....
He had a good idea with the P’Rae’Lior...unfortunate he was soon diverted.

Anyway key lesson here is don't try to arrest a Vhal Dan wookie.  But J'Nessah...had behind the throne knows how to manage Anson, losing Ryshhk with who know what artifacts is big but it seems the idea of being betrayed just waylaid Anson probing further by turning him to anger.

J'Nessah may have her hand on the power, prompt gently to get her way, but with the destruction already wrought...she might not have much to rule over left, Ska-Gor went well but she had far less skin in that game.  An intriguing character nonetheless,its almost like she does it because she enjoys being the smartest person in the room rather than for any personal gain, more an ego trip - or at least that is the impression i get, as a woman that smart would know all power is fleeting, yet all that would make her all the more dangerous. 


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
Posts: 4131

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #131 on: August 31, 2018, 05:36:15 PM »

Chapter 18: Bittersweet Reunion, Part I

In the darkness of the Kage’s Atrium, Kazic and Saani stood, ready and waiting.  And, if there was one emotion that predominated the ambiance of the room as felt within the Force, it was…fearful anticipation.  Of course, none of this shown upon their faces, nor in their stances…but even Kazic’s finger twitched involuntarily towards his lightsaber, Saani’s lekku darting straight down indicative of her trepidation.  

After all the horror, the betrayal, the deaths, they said no words to one another, nevertheless commiserating on a much more intimate level via their connection to the Force…and each other.  And within the shadows of the Atrium, the reflected lights coming from the skylanes as the traffic of departing ships passed the top of the shielded two-kilometer building, they wrapped one another in each other’s arms, Saani’s lips reaching up and fiercely, almost greedily, pressing against Kazic’s.  The casualties of this war were not a mere statistic by any means, at least not to them.  But for a moment, they were able to lose themselves in the comfort of each other.

And even as they knew that their time together was ephemeral, as they parted they still held one another’s hand, knowing that the inevitable was upon them.  And they needn’t have waited long.

They seemingly materialized within the room; one minute empty but for Saani and Kazic, the next not.  And even though Kazic was the tallest person, it was the living shadows that seemed to engulf the room, an undercurrent of menace and power radiating off of both of them.  Even expected, Kazic was surprised by their appearance, already adopting a defensive posture…

And as quick as thought, one of the shadows moved, almost too fast for even Kazic to perceive.  …Almost… The Anzati Kage was able to track the movement, even at such an increased rate of speed.  And it rushed headlong at Saani.

Incredibly, Saani was able to act, rather than react, her arms coming up, the look of intensity upon her face as she focused…

Giving ‘way as she broke out into a relieved and ecstatic smile, her arms wrapping around the shadow as the two embraced.  “Saani!”  An almost girlish shout of glee erupted from the throat of the shadow, causing Kazic to smile warmly as a result.  With tears on her blue cheeks, Saani rocked in the shadow’s embrace in a slowly swaying back and forth motion.

“Oh…my Ari…my Dear One…” And Kazic could see that there were tears in Ari’s eyes as well.  After a short time, Kazic gently wrapped them both in his arms, giving all within their little circle the feeling that everything would be alright.

A pleasant fiction.

One that everyone in the room knew must give way to the harsh realities of the situation.  But, for that moment, they were a family again.  Even Valens sensed the import of such…and though his face remained stoic, inwardly his own sense of regret grew.  For Aresaea.  But he said nothing.

Instead, he looked upon the people within the room and recognized the family in front of him.

A family…for the last time.

            <<<<< >>>>>

In soft tones, they exchanged pleasantries, catching up on the interim year that they’d been apart.

“By the Maker Ari, you’ve grown!”  Saani fondly stroked the girl’s—woman’s, Kazic corrected himself—lustrous red hair, looking up into Ari’s aqua eyes.  She was right, Ari had grown; she had curves where before she’d been more muscular: a fuller chest and hips.  Her movements faster, more certain.  But that wasn’t what shocked him most.  Ari’s connection with the Force had also grown significantly.

Before she’d left, Ari had been right below Kazic in strength; now, she was noticeably stronger, closer to Anson’s level…although she still seemed small in Valens’ shadow.  It was strange comfort to know that Valens’ power was the exception rather than the rule amongst them…

“Kazic, we have much to discuss.”  Valens’ voice recalled the Anzat from his ruminations.

“Yes, you’re right.”  He held out a hand in front of him, indicating towards the Kage’s Office.  “Please Valens, if you’ll go this way.”  But as he turned to follow, he felt a vise of a grip upon his shoulder.  Looking down, he saw Ari, a perturbed look upon her face.

“Guardian, would you give Kazic and I a minute?”  This close, the Anzat could suddenly sense Ari’s consternation as she opened herself to him as she’d done years ago.  As Valens and Saani disappeared down the corridor, Kazic and Ari looked at one another, their faces equal parts fondness and worry.

“Kazic…are you sure you want to do this?”  Ari’s quiet voice was strong, steady, mature.

“What is it you think I’m going to do?”  Kazic tilted his head trying to hide the surprise he felt.  He’d yet to voice his plans to anyone except Saani.  Still, he should’ve guessed that Ari could deduce his intentions.  Looking into his eyes and as if reading his thoughts, Ari said, “I know.  Jarys knows.  Kiraea knows.  Valens knows.”

Kazic’s smile disappeared as he sighed, a reluctant look of resignation replacing it.  “Ari…I have seen war before this; I know it’s horrors.  I must do what I need…for the Vhal’Dan to survive…” He tried to convey the conviction that he felt but Ari’s face looked incredulous.

“…I…can’t stop you…”  She shook her head.  “…No, no it’s not up to me to stop you…” She suddenly smiled wistfully thinking about Jorol, Tsarvung, and their children.  “But one thing that I can do is be a voice to my People for the Vhal’Dan…”  She sobered.  “…for although they assist, they will only ever do what is best for the People.”

Thinking he understood, Kazic nodded empathically.  But even after 400 years of life, nothing could prepare him for what he was about to carry out.

            <<<<< >>>>>

Kazic spoke through the darkness of the evening, Saani filling in many of the details as well.  How Anson had had numerical superiority from the start along with the rancor’s share of Jedi Masters, the strategy that both Kazic and Saani had successfully employed to counter those advantages, the war of attrition that they’d waged…and the betrayal that they’d confronted.

Kasah and her actions had led to the deaths of thousands; worse, many of those killed were civilians.  Kazic had not just lost a large contingent of Jedi, including the roughly 200 Gray that had abandoned Kazic’s camp, he’d lost almost all of his orbital navy and half of his ground troops.  And those that he had left were close to completely giving up hope.  Now: there was but one choice available, one that Kazic knew could turn the tide.

“Valens…I refuse to fail my people.  And as it stands I fear that Anson will win.  I must do all that I can to ensure the freedom of the Vhal’Dan.”  Kazic thought of the Vhal’Dan’s first Kage, Black Rikard Macias.  He’d refused to allow the Jedi Order to dictate terms to him or his people, despite the fact that they’d help win the War against the Brotherhood of Darkness.  So too would Kazic follow in his footsteps.  Or so he hoped.  “I need your people’s help.”

After hours of listening and saying nothing, Valens finally spoke.  “I must speak with the other Guardians.  I won’t be long but as this concerns them as well… I’m sure you understand.”  He looked from Kazic, to Saani, and finally Ari.  “We shall return.”  And with that, both of them left, gone just as swiftly and as quietly as they’d arrived.  Shaking his head, Kazic looked to his wife, still feeling her within their shared senses in the Force.

K’ompo…are we doing the right thing?”  Saani’s purple eyes were still watery but as strong as durasteel.  Kazic gently held onto her shoulders, thankful not only for her inner strength but also her concerns.

Kanp’a, our forces are vastly outnumbered.  They are apprehensive, fearful, and without hope.  I promised as Kage to protect them, to save the Vhal’Dan.  And that is precisely what I intend to do.”  Kazic went to turn but stopped short as Saani grabbed his forearm.

“No, Kazic, that’s not what I mean.  Have you forgotten the…‘gift’ that Kiraea left for us last time?  That bomb alone could have destroyed a large portion of the Underworks, to say nothing of the buildings above.”  Saani’s face turned grim.  “Untold thous—tens of thousands would have been killed, to say nothing of the fact that you would have been vaporized.”  Saani was almost 16 centimeters shorter than her husband but seemed to stare down at him now.  “Anson was right about one thing: where ever these people go, death and wholesale destruction follow.”

Trying not to let his exasperation show Kazic schooled his voice, adopting a serene tone.  And failing.  “I know, Saani… Dammit.  But we need them.  Now.  I cannot—will not—lose the Vhal’Dan to Anson’s fascism.  Not only does it run counter to everything that I stand for as a Gray but also against what our Order was founded on.”  He sighed, mentally starting over.  “Kanp’a, this war is not just a difference in ideologies; we are fighting for the very survival of the Vhal’Dan.  And if it means that I must kill the man that had been my brother, then that is the price that I will pay if it ensures our victory.”  Kazic’s red eyes held not one ounce of remorse.  “And for that, I need Ari’s People.”

Saani stood looking at Kazic, an unreadable look on her face.  Without malice, she whispered.  “After this is all said and done, I pray to the Maker that there is still a Vhal’Dan Order to save…”

            <<<<< >>>>>

As the Galtean sun appeared slowly from behind the planet, the sleek, black ship glided in an orbit just before the terminator, the aggressive arrowhead shape of the hull all but invisible to the flotilla of ships that Anson had at his disposal.  And it was that fleet that the Aethans looked upon now, the holoprojection filling the entire room.

Jarys’ dark eyes scrutinized the ships’ formation, assessing and calculating the incoming data on two levels of consciousness, mentally cross-referencing the logistical and tactical information.  And as they were among People, they spoke with their native cadence and speed, taking a fraction of the time to “discuss” what they all needed to convey, learn, and ultimately decide.

<This is the perfect opportunity to test the new equipment and tactics.  After what we’ve learned fighting the Jedi, this will be the perfect testing grounds.>  Jarys stepped forward into the projection, zooming in on one of the tactical frigates.  <Primary and secondary shields, armored hull plating.  Structural flaw in the dorsal drive section: weakness to kinetic weapons at minor axis juncture, half-meter cross-section.>  Valens switched half of the projection to show the urban sprawl of Vhal’Uhladv proper.  <Enemy contingent shows tactical experience but only to a sub-third level consciousness posture.  Over-reliant upon mere fifth-dimensional causality.  Conclusion: prosecution of war effort will yield success with consigning at minimum four sustained levels of consciousness.>  Kiraea analyzed the several fronts where fighting was the fiercest.  <Adequate use of artillery, guerilla tactics, even hand-to-hand.  Frellik-Face has done well.  For an Outsider.  However, neglecting three areas of assault requiring fourth-level cognizance.  Here, here, and here.  Enemy response: ancillary consequences…up to this point.>  She gestured to another projection, one showing the destruction of the Intrepid.  <Causative recursive successes resultant from treachery.  Bitch.>  Kiraea looked knowingly at Jarys and Valens, smirking.  And so it proceeded, the other gathered Aethans “talking” as they strategized.

Until Aresaea interrupted.  <Wait.  Please!  This affects Saani and Kazic!  Jorol and D’Arial!  Even if they are Outsiders, they…were family.  And the Vhal’Dan…most of them are good people, even ones on Anson’s side.  This…this is not like the Devastation where everyone was an enemy to be eliminated.  And Vhal’Uhladv…was my home for a time.  I…do not want to see it destroyed.  Surely there is some way that we can…limit the damage?  Only destroy that which is truly necessary?  Only the minimum to secure victory?>  Even among the Aethans, the silence was palpable.

Jarys approached her, a look of sympathy on his face.  “Ari…” he said deliberately.  “…Even in that case and given the situation, the damage will be…substantial.”

            <<<<< >>>>>

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
Posts: 4131

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #132 on: August 31, 2018, 05:41:44 PM »

Chapter 18: Bittersweet Reunion, Part II

Three hours later, Valens alone stood several meters from the front of Kazic’s desk in the Kage’s Atrium.  Saani was in one of the gues—Ari’s Room—helping her settle in while also “entertaining” Kiraea.

“You are incapable of winning this war.”  His blunt pronouncement all but confirmed what Kazic had feared.  “You and your commanders have neither the strategic nor the tactical acumen to succeed with the resources you possess.”  Kazic lowered his head.  …So…this is the end…

“But I do.” Valens said with a hint of sadism that made Kazic shiver, the black-armored man closed the distance, suddenly standing on the other side of the desk having moved without a sound or ripple in the air.  “If you wish to win and desire our help, you will turn over full operational command to me.  You will act as an advisor and mouthpiece to your forces, but I will make all strategic and tactical decisions.”  Even before Valens stopped speaking, Kazic was shaking his head.

“‘Complete control?!’  That is unacceptable.”  The Anzati Kage crossed his arms.  “Valens, I have centuries of experience in war and combat.”

Valens did not so much as blink.  “And I will use such as I see fit, your experience is worthless trapped inside a mind with cognitive capacity less than a fifth of what We are capable of.  You will ensure every order I give is followed, no matter how it may appear.”  He fell silent, expressionless.  Kazic was forced to concede.

…All things for a price… Kazic thought, morose.  “And for this, what do you want…?”

Without hesitation, Valens replied.  “All of your excess kyber crystals from Lus’Phor, precious minerals I deem unnecessary for your victory, full access to your archives, technologies, vaults, museums, and galleries, and any items I regard desirable within.”  Kazic did not even bother to hide his shock.

Valens asked—demanded—carte blanche to everything that made the Vhal’Dan; their society, their collective intel, even their autonomy… He thought of what Kasah had done… If he agreed to this…would he be any different?

…But…what would such matter if the Vhal’Dan are destroyed…? Kazic mused.  …I must ensure that we survive.  And if the Vhal’Dan endure then all will not have been fought in vain…

And, as Valens had said confirming what he had already knew: there was no way to win.  Not without his help.  

“I accept.”

It was only then that Kazic felt the daen nosi, enormous tendrils that were too large to have been noticed before, finally solidify into place.  And he knew that whatever his misgivings, he was Maker-damned.

            <<<<< >>>>>

It was so good to finally see her daughter that Saani felt that she’d cried herself dry.  Clearly, Ari felt similar, her own cheeks still wet from tears.  It was almost as familiar as when they’d been a family living together.

But there was much that was changed.  While Ari had been happy to see Saani and Kazic, she was also slightly…aloof.  And not just emotionally; Ari had always had a sense of wonder when last she was in Vhal’Uhladv, especially whenever she looked out over the city from atop the building’s atriums.

Now: she barely gave it a glance.  Oh, she noticed and scrutinized her surroundings but more as a consequence of observation and planning.  No, Ari had matured and with it, having lost her sense of wonderment in the world.  Saani had to admit that she was more like…Kiraea.

…Speaking of… Saani looked from Ari towards the adjacent closet.  And as if the room was alive, rumpled shirts and dresses were spread haphazardly on the floor as if spewed out.  As Saani watched, another dress carelessly joined the pile.  “…This just won’t do…too much coverage.”  That last was said almost as an afterthought…if still said at a volume that couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than deliberate.

“Oh, I think that you should definitely keep these Ari…”  The fiery-haired woman offered as she continued to rifle through the clothes that Saani had gifted Ari in celebration of her return.  Suddenly Kiraea appeared in the doorway, a flimsy gossamer-like translucent bodysuit hanging off her shoulders in front of her.  “This!  This is what you should be wearing whenever you go into the city!”  Saani smiled sardonically, shaking her head.  She had intended that piece for Ari’s nightclothes, especially during the sweltering heat of the monsoonal nights.

“That…would make you very popular Ari, in any city in Galtea.”  Saani’s tone betrayed her humor; she was many things but not a prude, after all, she was Twi’leki.  Still…she hoped that Ari picked up on her mood.  She’d given up on trying to influence Kiraea, much less offer suggestions.  Especially if her current attire was anything to go by.  It seemed to Saani that what her leather…outfit covered only made it look that much more erotic.  …If Kiraea coughs, I doubt that those straps will be capable of holding her in…

“Saani’s right Ari.  They’ll absolutely worship you.  As it should be.”  Kiraea’s tone was completely serious as she disappeared back into the closet.  Saani sighed.  Instead, she approached Ari as she sat in a chair in front of the large mirror to the side of the bed.  Looking at her reflection, Saani picked up a brush, running it through her red hair.

It was a ritual that they’d both practiced in the years that Ari lived with them.  And looking into her daughter’s eyes, Saani saw a wistful yet fond look transform her entire face.  While Saani continued to gently brush her hair, Ari reached up with both hands to hold Saani’s other hand upon her shoulder.  Each brushstroke though Ari’s hair invoked memories, convivial, pleasant, loving.  When Ari suddenly spoke, her tone was soft and relaxed.

“Thank you, Mo—Sanni.”  Just the slightest of faltering, bittersweet in its delivery.  Both women noticed, both chose to ignore it.  Ari continued.  “…Reminds me when we’d all relax during the evenings after your calculus lessons, Saani.  When D’Arial would stay the night and you’d brush our hair.”  She smiled at the memory.  “Things were so much simpler then…”  Her face slightly scowled and she opened her eyes.  “Lessons with Jarys are nothing like that, to say nothing of Valens.  Valens…”  Ari’s entire mood suddenly changed.  “…When…when Valens heard about what Anson had tried at Jorol and Tsarvung’s home…about the arrest…he was so…angry.  Furious.  He almost—”

Kiraea was suddenly beside them as if she’d teleported, a hard look upon her face, her own hand upon Ari’s arm.  “Ari…” Her tone was cautioning but Kiraea said nothing else.  Aresaea nodded somewhat deferentially.

“Sorry.”  Ari focused on Saani, who’d resumed her brushing.  “Valens…he isn’t bad.  He was more…sad than angry with Outsiders after—”  

This time when Kiraea stopped Ari, her tone was more serious, an undercurrent of alarm that even Saani noticed.  Then, surprisingly, Kiraea spoke.  “Valens was disappointed, especially in light of the fact that Ari’s good experiences with you and Kazic were very much the exception.  You know, with Outsiders.  That’s all.”  She moved off but made it clear that the discussion was at an end.  Ari silently moved to the pond that had been seamlessly incorporated in the room, one of the reasons that Saani had given it to Ari.

After a moment, Saani joined her around the water, sitting next to her.  But when she looked over at Ari, she saw in the woman’s face the girl she recognized as her daughter.  “Saani, I’ll always love you and Kazic.  It was you two that made me realize that Outsiders weren’t all monsters, weren’t all horrible.”  She turned, moving closer to the Twi’leki Master.  “You will always be my family…and my mother.”

And as both women held each other tightly, everything else seemed to fade away.

At least for a time.

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #133 on: August 31, 2018, 06:44:17 PM »

Wait...  What?  Kazic just turned over command to Valens?!?

okay I didn't see that coming...

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 429
Posts: 1905

« Reply #134 on: August 31, 2018, 09:41:46 PM »

This is almost the silent culmination of what has been building up for Kazic - finally taking the win at all costs route and losing sight of any warnings of what that will mean. Saani warns him, Ari warns him, he is presented with what could only be classed as extortion as an offer of 'aid' and still he goes through with it.  So deep in the game...Loved the line 'thinking he understood'  and Saani hoping there is still Vhal'dan to save...this is the universal friction of all civil wars what will be left if anything? In the end...usually what is left is so tainted by the war that brought it there it's not worth it. And the last moments of comfort between mother and daughter...will that too be tainted or lost?


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

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