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Author Topic: Interludes  (Read 152887 times)
Taegin Roan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2066
Posts: 6256

Lord of the Force

« Reply #90 on: December 13, 2017, 05:51:46 PM »

LOL!  SECOND!  I'll bet we could write out a bunch of good stuff for them!  Imagine a movie universe with all of these tie-ins!  WOOT!  They'd make Marvel look like pikers!  he he he!

Yeah. That would be a fun job, sitting there with the LucasFilms story group working in easter eggs from all across Star Wars. Grin

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 430
Posts: 1906

« Reply #91 on: December 13, 2017, 09:17:50 PM »

LGS, I really like this entry.  No, not for the Mak'Tor plug.  ;-)

The journey you make is interesting.  Beginning with a lecture about how every padawan is different, how the Jedi grow from the different abilities and strengths of each padawan, to the young, extremely strong girl (of Aethan descent?  Hmm....) who is so strong she is afraid of herself, to the Council - exiling an order of Knights who are just a little different than the "orthodox" Jedi.  And ending with the question: What had that taught the Masters to follow?

Loop back to the first scene - and you get a hint of the answer.  :-)

Very nice, my friend.  Very nice indeed.

Thanks glad it worked, I was worried the three scenes would be too disjointed to get the connection between them across...the irony of teaching future masters to embrace their padawans unique abilities...but in practice exiling the Mak'Tor for difference....

I'm glad the style works well with these interludes, but you can't write a coherent multi-chapter story this way.

As to the identity of key players, Dutchman got that nailed...expect to see more of them soon....
Anyway I know I promised in my teaser Legacy would start mid December...a few more interludes to go....Who could this lady from CotA and her companion be???

Path to Legacy Interlude 6
The Lover
She fell into his arms as soon as the door had opened.  Their time together was too precious, too short, too infrequent to wait.

As it hissed closed behind her she was already pulling at his clothes, with her hands and with the force.  He seemed surprised at first but soon began to follow her lead.  Robes, tunics, belts all flew about the room, he only paused at the lacy black negligée she was wearing underneath, a little bit of vanity and extravagance on her part, something to make her feel less like a boring brown robed Jedi.

He suddenly seemed the anxious quiet young man he had been when she first met him…the second side of the coin of his personality.  It had been after a debate in the Temple, he had stood his ground against Master Gurrlum, arguing forcefully and convincingly, so confident and strong.  Though he lost in the judges eyes, he had won in hers.  When she sought him out in the mess hall later he had been taciturn, quiet, but sweet.

He took his time about it, but soon even that last piece of fabric was inched off her skin as she tumbled on top of him on the bed.  She held him as tightly as she could, washing away the lingering stresses and pains of their last missions with a flood of kissing before losing all pretence of restraint.  They didn’t just use their hands, their lips, their bodies…but the force as well to please each other…it was so liberating to use all of herself like this, nothing to hold her back.

She had once tried to supress her feelings…talked to half a dozen masters to control her ‘wants’ but it wasn’t a want, it was a need…she needed affection, connection, intimacy.  And he…when he finally opened up it was as if he knew her very soul, it was as if he had seen deep into her mind already.  They had both been so nervous…not just about being caught, but about each other that first time, it had taken a while before it fully passed and she could completely give herself over as she did now. 

Her legs tightened around his waist as his hands trailed through her black hair that made a stark contrast to the crisp white sheets of the Denon hotel.  As he busied himself nibbling at her neck while they slowly rocked back and forth she noticed the flowers and lovingly wrapped boxes on the small table…he always brought her nice gifts… They had so little time…she was due back to Coruscant, he was on off to some mission to the Kathol Rift…they had all of six hours before her apprentice would finish up at the nearby university…no she wouldn’t worry about all that now…she was sick of worrying.

She didn’t care about the rules anymore…it was terrible to say in a way but honestly she was just over it…if they were caught…she couldn’t care less, let them exile them, they could go and live in Hapes, Alderran or maybe join the Mak’tor….but it wouldn’t just be exile, while Kimar was at the helm…there had been rumours of Jedi who left not being contacted again...

He held her closely as they slowed down, his arms strong but not bulky, the last waves of their pleasure petered out into the silence of the room.  Let them send someone after them, her lover had a protectiveness a deep sense of loyalty about him, and she couldn’t think of more than three Masters who would even dare to face him if it came down to it –he was feared and respected in equal measure.  She kissed his cheek and slowly slipped out to open her gifts,

“I hope you like them…” he said the nervousness returning to his voice…he flipped that way, from strong, unyielding to cautious, worried…adamantium shell over a gentle, slightly pained heart…sent on the dirtiest missions Kimar could devise, she knew it hurt him deeply.

She gently unwrapped the first, two small but very expensive bottles of perfume she could easily hide in her quarters at the temple, some sweets from Naboo, and in a cryo-box a small bracelet of Chandrillan flowers, it would last a few days before wilting, she couldn’t be caught in the Temple with actual Jewellery after all, but it would last the trip back at least.

“They’re wonderful, where did you get the credits for this!”  she turned and opened the perfume dabbing some on her neck line, a rich musk with slightly citrus accents. 

He shrugged to wave the question away, it didn’t matter she supposed.  There was a small folded card in the box beneath where the bottle had been,

“For later,” he said stretching out as he approached her, “when you’re back at the Temple,” she wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling brightly at the thought of another surprise. 

She leaned in and kissed him deeply as she could, this was what she wanted, damn the Jedi…once her apprentice was knighted…she and her lover could finally be free.


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #92 on: December 13, 2017, 09:29:21 PM »

Great scene!  The essence without getting smutty.  Thank you.  Smiley

As for who...  Honestly my head is to full of stuff to keep track of them well...  My apologies, its not a reflection on your writing, more of keeping track of Wind Chimes right now.  Still, these are folks that really do NOT need to be found out my Kimar...  LOL

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Taegin Roan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2066
Posts: 6256

Lord of the Force

« Reply #93 on: December 14, 2017, 08:03:31 AM »

Interlude: Failure

As the face of the large human man disappeared, I smiled to myself. They don’t trust me, but the information was too good to pass up. I thought. This was exactly the kind of thing Gaetana had wanted. Now, to set the trap.
As I walked out of my quarters, one of my men came running up to me.
“Sir, there is a Lancer-class pursuit craft coming towards the surface.”
“There is no way Rowahn has recovered, and made his way here this fast.” Or these two gray Jedi. I thought as I continued to speak. “Arm all weapons, and be ready to fire should this craft attack.”
“Yes sir.” The human cried before running off to warn the rest of the crew. Quickly returning to my cabin, I threw on my brown overcoat, and grabbed my blaster, then quickly readjusted it into assault rifle configuration. Suddenly I could feel the ship shaking and hear the explosions coming from outside. Proton torpedoes! I thought as I ran towards the cockpit. The crew were already in their different gunning positions, and all I had to do was take off. Just then another volley of torpedoes shook the ship, and the engines went offline. “Fire now, before they destroy the ship.” I yelled at the men.

Each and every modification had a purpose. Some were just for fun, but most had been designed for this meeting. As I fired volley after volley of torpedoes at the freighter, I began to laugh. I had finally caught up to the man who had murdered my sister that day. As the ship began firing back, I switched the power from the torpedoes to the deflector shields, and began a strafing run. The gun mounted on the front of the ship was not super powerful, but I would rather kill Caedon personally rather than let my ship do it. This day had been planned out for years. The location was not ideal, but that did not matter anymore.
Soon, I left off firing on them, and sought out a landing zone. As soon as I found one, I left the ship to my astromech R4-T3, and hurried to the door. I had everything prepped and ready to go before I dropped out of hyperspace. As soon as the door was open wide enough I exited the ship, and began running for cover. Forty-three quickly got the Scholar’s Revenge up again, and I waited for my prey. I knew they would be coming, but I didn’t know how long it would take them. I had modified each piece of my armor so it would make little sound while I moved, but still provided the protection it was designed for.
As I slowly and silently moved towards their own ship, I was constantly sweeping the area. My blaster ready, my head on a swivel. Seeing movement up ahead, I raised my blaster, and aimed. Seeing nothing more, I waited a few more seconds, then slowly began moving once again. Crouching low, I proceeded in forward in squat, still continuing to observe the area.
After another few moments of movement, I could see their ship through the dense trees. There was no movement around that I could see, so I moved behind cover and waited. Waited and watched. I had chosen my armor for today well. Not only was it warm in the cold atmosphere, but it was also camouflaged almost perfectly for the terrain.
Soon I began to hear crunching in the snow. It was only a single person however, and I could tell that the person was much lighter than Caedon. As the man walked past, I could see that he was a fairly small, though extremely dangerous looking human, though there was something different about him. Unsheathing my knife, I looked around the rocks I was hiding behind to make sure no one else was coming, then silently, snuck up behind the man, and slit his throat. I did not know how many men Caedon had with him, but one less was one less.
Moving back slowly towards my own landing site, I again continued to sweep the area. As soon as I arrived, I saw Caedon and three others with him standing in the clearing where I had landed the ship. They knew I was coming, and as soon as I came into earshot, they yelled for me to come out. I was not stupid, nor did I fancy one of them getting a shot off at me before I had a chance to take down Caedon. Waiting a few moment to make sure there were no others hiding in the woods, I slowly worked my way out, staying just inside the tree-line so I could keep some cover. Peeking around a tree, I could see that while they were tense, and waiting for battle, they did not have their weapons raised, and were just waiting for me. Sizing them up, they were all fairly well armed. Caedon had his A280-CFE blaster in assault rifle configuration, as well as two thermal detonators and a thermal imploder. One was a large zabrak with a vibro-sword strapped to his back, and a CA-87 shock blaster. The remaining two were both humans. One carried an E-11 blaster rifle as well as a Vilmarh’s Revenge blaster pistol at his side. And the other carried two LL-30 blaster pistols.
I need to take out the zabrak first. I thought. He is too big and has too good of weapons for close range.
Stepping out into the opening with my raised, and ready to fire, I stared at Caedon. The hatred was visible in my eyes, and he knew it was either him or me. He was about to speak when I quickly turned, and fired both barrels at the zabrak. The shots flew true, right into his face, and he fell instantly. The shock of it gave me enough time to pull out a thermal detonator, and throw it into the center of the group. However, by the time it went off, they had already scattered and taken cover. Running through the woods in Caedon’s direction, dodging blaster fire, and hiding behind trees and rocks, I made it to the first human. As he fired, his first shot hit me in the shoulder, but I had a good piece of clone armor there, and all it did was slow me down. It was too late though, I was already on him. The man wasn’t smart enough to wear a helmet, and the butt of my rifle quickly found his head. As he fell, I continued running. I could see Caedon running off into the forest, and I could not let him escape. As blaster fire suddenly erupted around me, I dived towards cover. I was too slow, and a bolt struck me in the leg. I barely felt it with all the adrenaline coursing through me, but it slowed me down. Tossing some gas grenades behind me, I let them smoke up, then continued my pursuit. As I had hoped, the gas provided a smoke screen, as well as a barrier, for the remaining crewman did not have a mask either, and therefore could not follow me.
I heard the beeping, but paid no attention, until I ran past it, and the proximity mine went off. My armor absorbed some of the blast, but even with the armor I would have died there had I not been running. Still, the blast threw me to the ground, and knocked the breath out of me. As soon as I was recovered enough to move again, I rose and gave chase. I could see him in front of me, and I was gaining. Then he stopped, looked back, smiled, and then threw the imploder straight towards me. As it flew, I once again dove for cover, spinning as I did so, and letting loose multiple bolts at the bomb. I did not hit it, and the implosion pulled me inward. A tree stopping me from disintegrating, but the force from hitting the tree was too much. As I slumped to the ground, I looked up and saw Caedon walking towards me. Reaching into my pocket, I signaled for Forty-three. He knew what he had to do. The signal was for him to bomb the location. Even if I died, Caedon needed to as well.

“Who are you” I asked the man after removing his helmet. It wasn’t that I cared who it was died. But I did want to know who had tried to kill me, and been good enough to take out multiple of my men while chasing me. This man was good, I’d give him that. I’d also give him a clean death, he deserved it. He had come closer to killing me than any other man had in a long time.
“You killed my sister! You killed Jamima!” the man nearly screamed, as the tears came rolled down his face.
“It’s possible. I’ve killed a lot of people.”
Then he did something unexpected. He simply raised his hand and showed me a transmitter.
“Are you still trying to win? You have an over-developed sense of vengeance. It’s going to get you into trouble someday.” I asked as a smile came onto his face. “You’ve been chasing me all these years only to fail now? I think that’s about the worst thing I’ve ever heard.” Then I heard the whine of the engines, and realized what the transmitter meant.
“I haven’t failed!” He said with one last breath of desperation, and a hint of a smile on his face.
The man was brave. Foolish, but brave. “Yes you have.” I said, then I raised my blaster, and shot him through the heart. He was dead, and he had failed. Then I promptly turned and ran. I had barely a few seconds before the bombing started, but I ran hard. Realizing that if I didn’t find adequate cover soon, the man would succeed.
All I could see where rock outcroppings, and trees. Nothing hide under. So I kept running, the bombing had started, and I was still running. Suddenly I tripped, and rolled into a cave. I had no idea what was in the cave, but I figured it was better than outside, so I sat there as the ground above me shook, and the walls tried to collapse. After a few moments, the air strike was over, and the ground stopped shaking. My ears were ringing, and my heart was beating so loud it felt like my chest was going to explode, but I was alive. Slowly, shakily, I made my way out of the cave, and back towards my ship.
When I arrived, I sat down and rested. Slowly the two humans came out with their blasters pointed at me. “Boss? Is that you?” They asked uncertainly.
“Of course it is!” I shouted. "Now get to work repairing the engines before I kill you both and leave this freezing rock! And keep an eye out for that guy’s ship!”
As they went back about their work, I took the tracker I had taken from Jord’s ship, and went off into the forest. I had seen a valley a little ways off as I had landed. As I headed towards it, I saw a dark building off in the distance. It was the first time I had noticed it, and I had no idea what it was, but it looked evil, and was full of darkness. I continued walking, and soon found the valley. Tossing the tracker into the valley, I walked off. Hopefully that would throw Rowahn off the trail, but I had another tracker set to the same frequency, in case it didn’t.
As soon as I got back to the ship, I saw that the two men that were left had found out what was wrong with the engines, and were almost done fixing it. As I went to my cabin, and sat down, I thought about the man. He had looked familiar, but not like he had ever met him before. His sister. I realized. He looked like his sister. I had forgotten about that day at Bar’leth. It was soon after that that I went under the radar for a while. It wasn’t until I got this job with the Empire that I came out again. I thought with a snicker. He’s been following me for over two years. Jamima. That was her name. I never even wondered about it. I guess that’s what happens when your life sucks for the first few years of life. Oh well. Doesn’t matter now. He’s dead. She’s dead. I’m still alive, and I still have a contract to fulfill.
Once his comlink rang, and the men told him that the ship was ready for takeoff, he went to the cockpit, and flew away.


I think this is the last interlude for a while. I don't know how you all will take it, but I had a lot of fun writing it. Switching between the two POVs was hard, but I think I got it to work the way I wanted to. It is quite a bit longer than I had anticipated, but I'm extremely happy with the result. But hopefully it gave you a better look into the minds of both these characters.

And I'm sorry. I just couldn't resist quoting The Princess Bride (second time I've done it now, one was in the actual story though), the scene was too fitting no to.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this interlude.

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #94 on: December 14, 2017, 05:58:30 PM »

Nice...  though I was rooting for the guy.  I mean, in TPB Indago Montoya succeeds in killing the six-fingered man.  So you changed the story!  LOL

The switch wasn't bad, it was pretty well written.  The format was appropriate for telling this story in this way.  And the quote actually helped to shield the outcome.  So it worked as a nice little red herring. 

Well done!  But back to the main event!  GO!  :-)

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1109
Posts: 4138

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #95 on: December 14, 2017, 07:32:27 PM »

For TR's Interlude

The dual POV can be tough, but you did a great job.  I have to say that Caedon is quickly becoming a favorite of mine.  That guy is absolutely insidious (...bah, no pun intended).  He's as cold-blooded a killer as can be: pragmatic, self-serving, and fearless. 

Like Karm, I was also rooting for the professor...but it's still a dilemma with whom to come out on top  Wink  Regardless, this was an enjoyable read  Grin

And--I've got to admit--it's always fun to see more easter eggs with Gaetana  Wink

For LSG's Interlude

Was this the one lady Jedi that Valens...siphoned?  Sofa IIRC? 

Yet another POV that has a distinct "voice."  I have to say that Karm was right: tastefully done.  But it reminds me of the Timothy Zahn book "Visions of the Future" where Luke and Mara were able to "share" each other's emotions via the Force.  That makes me think of this Interlude.  And let's hope that Kimer DOESN'T find out!

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Taegin Roan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2066
Posts: 6256

Lord of the Force

« Reply #96 on: December 14, 2017, 08:04:23 PM »

Thanks guys. The "“Yes you have.” I said, then I raised my blaster, and shot him through the heart." scene reminded me of a Robert Downy Jr. scene, it just seemed like something Tony Stark or Sherlock Holmes would do.

After seeing you guys' reaction to Ethan the first time, I almost considered not killing him, but he had originally been thought up as just a background character that you would see once, and then he was gone. It was hard to kill him, but I needed to, and I needed to stick with the original plan a little better. And since Caedon is the kind of "big bad" in this book, you can't kill him halfway through. Maybe sometime I'll do a short story about Ethan so we can see some more of him.

Anyways, glad you guys liked it. I'm just glad in worked out like I was hoping.

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 430
Posts: 1906

« Reply #97 on: December 14, 2017, 11:35:25 PM »

Liking Caedons utter indifference...for Ethan this was the culmination of years of effort and Caedon just could not care less, he's just an annoyance to him.

For LSG's Interlude

Was this the one lady Jedi that Valens...siphoned?  Sofa IIRC? 

Yet another POV that has a distinct "voice."  I have to say that Karm was right: tastefully done.  But it reminds me of the Timothy Zahn book "Visions of the Future" where Luke and Mara were able to "share" each other's emotions via the Force.  That makes me think of this Interlude.  And let's hope that Kimer DOESN'T find out!

Right on it was the unfortunate young Knight (now master) Sofa, her mind sucked then stuck in a coma till Soryu pulled her out...she'll be showing up more frequently.


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #98 on: December 15, 2017, 04:14:41 AM »

Liking Caedons utter indifference...for Ethan this was the culmination of years of effort and Caedon just could not care less, he's just an annoyance to him.

Right on it was the unfortunate young Knight (now master) Sofa, her mind sucked then stuck in a coma till Soryu pulled her out...she'll be showing up more frequently.

Good call Dutchman!  :-)  She seems a very interesting character!  It will be fun getting to know her a bit better.  LOL

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #99 on: December 15, 2017, 05:13:21 AM »

*** Well Met ***

The ship, a hard-used YT-2000 light freighter, settled lightly on the pad.  Whatever else may be wrong with it, the ship's drives and thrusters were in excellent condition...

"That's a rough looking ship."

I looked down at my wife.  Talia was still the young and beautiful girl I'd impeutously married but she had matured greatly since we arrived on M'Tzigon.  She was force-sensitive but had proven to be totally unable to connect to the underlying song.  "Tone deaf" was what the Kowan Knight who had evaluated her had called it. However, she'd proven to be amazingly proficient with computer code and quite adept at by-passing and disabling security and surveillence systems.  A skill that had quickly brought her to the attention of one Telow'na Jackson...

"Looks can be decieving." I replied.  I pointed out the fact that while the outer hull was superficially dirty and appeared in ill repair, the actual systems were all apparently fully functional and worked just fine.

She replied by sticking out her tongue and crossing her arms.  I chuckled.  Ok, maybe not so mature after all...

The ramp into the ship dropped and two people emerged.  In the lead was a large man, dangerous looking and lithe despite being over two meters tall and well muscled.  He had piercing gray eyes that seemed to take in everything at once and...

Odd.  I couldn't read him at all.  It was like he wasn't even there.  Master Karmack had warned us of this, but sensing it for myself was unsettling.  It wasn't even like a droid or other inanimate object.  Even a hunk of metal or a computer left a small echo, a shadow in the force.  A resonance.  Something.  But this man was totally invisible. 


The woman standing next to him was his opposite in every way.  The man was huge.  She was small.  He was bald.  She had long, flowing red hair.  His gray eyes were steady and veiled.  Her green eyes flashed with both fire and passion.  He was a rock.  She, a whirlwind...

And she's like a fire in the force ... and in the song as well.

Considering who they were, and why they were here, I was suddenly glad they were not my responsibility.  I let my hand brush my saber hilt as Talia smiled and advanced to meet them.  My job was simple: protect Talia and provide security. 

Talia...  She had the hard job.

"Welcome!"  Talia's voice was full of energy and joy as she greeted our guests.  "Welcome to M'Tzigon!  Master Karmack and Lady Arnor have told us a lot about you!  He will be pleased to hear of your safe arrival.  But please, come join us.  We have refreshment prepared, and then we'll start the process of getting you settled."

The two shared an uneasy glance, but then Talia's exuberant welcome began to break through.  She shook the giant's hand and embraced the woman in an easy hug.  "This is my husband, Illian."

I stepped forward.  "Pleased to meet you...?"  I said, offering my hand.

The bear took it.  "Kohl.  Balnard Kohl.  Illian, is it?  You know Master Karmack?"

I nodded.  "Yes.  I'm one of his rescues, you could say."

"We are, that is." Talia chimed in, wrapping her arm around me and pulling me tight to herself.  "He saved both of us, along the way.  Something I think we all have in common."

The woman, Julwynn, finally smiled.  It was a small smile, but it indicated that Talia was succeeding.  And faster than anyone really thought she would, too!   

The two women fell in together, sharing their different stories of how Master Karmack and Lady Arnor had saved them from certain death and destruction, and then moving on to other topics the way women will. I fell into step behind my wife and shared a wry glance with the giant.  Well, here we go again...

He grinned.  No words, but suddenly we were acquaintances instead of strangers.

Maybe this wasn't just Talia's mission after all....


signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Taegin Roan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2066
Posts: 6256

Lord of the Force

« Reply #100 on: December 15, 2017, 07:21:26 AM »

Yeah! Illian is back. This was a great interlude. Not overly long, but it gave us just enough to keep us going until your next installment. Plus it is always good to see Illian and Talia. Also, I loved that Talia is completely "tone deaf" (great way to bring in more musical terms BTW). Anyways, great job.

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1109
Posts: 4138

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #101 on: December 15, 2017, 01:30:09 PM »

Yeah! Illian is back. This was a great interlude. Not overly long, but it gave us just enough to keep us going until your next installment. Plus it is always good to see Illian and Talia. Also, I loved that Talia is completely "tone deaf" (great way to bring in more musical terms BTW). Anyways, great job.
TR put that eloquently, perfectly.  Wonderful to see the return of Illian and Talia!  Wow They sent Julwynn to M'Tzigon?!  Actually that makes sense; Jennira was on her way when...Mendax absconded with her...

You know this was brought up before but allow me to reiterate: the Song aspect of the Force really is an interesting and compelling device that IMO makes the SW universe BETTER.  Good job Karm and TR for perpetuating that  Cheesy

Wonderful Interlude Karm  Smiley

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Taegin Roan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2066
Posts: 6256

Lord of the Force

« Reply #102 on: December 15, 2017, 07:02:36 PM »

You know this was brought up before but allow me to reiterate: the Song aspect of the Force really is an interesting and compelling device that IMO makes the SW universe BETTER.  Good job Karm and TR for perpetuating that  Cheesy

This is so true Karm, when you were first writing "We Are Gray", I assumed that the Song was just a way of describing the Force, but now it has built into not just a way of seeing the Force, but a whole other aspect of it. While before it was just a description, now it is a sect or people group. I know you didn't have to let me, but I thank you for allowing me to use it (though not as much as you) in my own story. I feel that the "Song" and "Singer" really enrich the universe, and make the Force more of something divine and special, rather than just a mystical law of science.

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1109
Posts: 4138

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #103 on: December 16, 2017, 12:28:39 AM »


D’Aylanna and I had been on her trail for weeks.  Dantooine, Ord Sedra, Vuchelle, even Bnar VII.  Each and every time, we’d come close…only to have just missed Gaetana.  By now she knew that we were following her, making her that much more dangerous.

But now, we’d gotten lucky: the red giant binary of Markbee’s Star had gone nova, completely changing the hyperspace lanes for at least a radius of 25 parsecs.  We could calculate a new jump, reroute and hopefully get ahead of her.  And we’d had the incredible luck to be docked on Ketaris just as news of the star’s demise became known.

Shakal, I must needs put in for supplies as well as room and board.  Once done, we can jump ahead of that tralk and deliver her unto justice.”  D’Aylanna’s blue lips had a firm set to them.

“No, Ereneda, tell me how you really feel.” I joked, somewhat surprised at her use of expletives.  My wife was a woman of propriety and royalty besides.  Hearing her curse like a smuggler amused me to no end.  With a wry grin, she gave me a playful look before she entered The Imperial Grand hotel lobby; she’d chosen this as our final stay on Ketaris.  Shaking my head, I headed to the lounge area.

Flexing my new cybernetic right hand, I ordered one of the more exotic drinks that Ketaris offered.  “I would like a…hawt chokalit.”  I fumbled over the foreign and unfamiliar name.  As the bartender handed me the drink, I had to remember to reach with my right hand; all of those months of practicing with only my left had truly made me ambidextrous.

Putting the cup to my lips, I almost burned my tongue, gulping down the first drink.  The next, I cautiously sipped at it.  By the Maker…this is delicious! I told myself.  I just knew that D’Aylanna would have to try it.  And Jorya…

Jorya.  My new teidowan.  She was still young, but she’d been through more adversity than many adults.  Being betrayed by her first master and then tortured.  Just the thought of it made me angry again.  I felt hot liquid spill on my right hand.  Damn.  I was still getting used to the cybernetic hand; I’d bent the metallic cup out of alignment.  Well…Gaetana’s treatment of Jorya still threatened to enrage me.  And I swore to protect her.

Which was one of the reasons that D’Aylanna and I had chosen for her to stay on Sekot.  Well…the reasons were two-fold: she could also take care of my old teacher and friend, Master Kazic Ovarug.  I was suddenly wistful.  Kazic had found me all of those years ago on Dalos IV when I was nothing but one of countless militant orphans.  Thank the Maker that it was him that I ran into… Well, now I could return the favor: Jorya took to him just as well as I had.  Better, truth to tell.  So: we figured that they could look after one another.

I smiled at that thought.  Master Kazic was ornery, curmudgeonly, and shrewd.  And he’d come to care for Jorya just like D’Aylanna and myself.  I was lucky: I had family, something that I had never thought I would ever have.  But, thinking of Jorya—and of G’av—I knew that Gaetana had to pay.  And so: we’d been hunting her for weeks now.

“Sir?”  One of the hotel’s attendant droids interrupted my ruminations.  “Excuse me, sir.  But I have a special delivery for you.”

“…Sorry?” I was momentarily taken aback.  Then, I thought it must be from D’Aylanna.  “Ah, sorry.  Certainly.”  The droid made a noise to the affirmative, handing me a datacard.

“Please use your in-room datanode.  Thank you, sir!”

Shaking my head as the droid walked away, I pinged D’Aylanna’s comm.  “Ereneda, I got your message.  So tell me, Marquesa, which room are we in?”  I joking said in a seductive voice.

There was a silent pause.  “…Excuse me, Shakal?  Is this another one of your human idioms that I am unused to?”

I stopped.  “No, Ereneda.”  Looking at the datacard, I was not only curious but also alarmed.  “I received this datacard from one of the hotel’s droids.  Thought that you’d sent it.”

I could almost see D’Aylanna’s serious face.  “I did not.”

Solemnly I started walking towards one of the inner lifts.  I had my lightsaber in my right hand, ready to ignite.  “Ereneda, tell me what room you’re in.  I’ll be there presently.” 

            <<<<< >>>>>

“I did not send this.”  D’Aylanna’s face mirrored her grave tone.

“…Then what the hell…”  The datacard lay in the middle of the table in our rented room.

Shakal, did the droid say anything else?”  My wife’s dark eyes held no fear, just concern.

Thinking back, I started nodding.  “…Yes.  ‘Use your in-room datanode.’”  I looked right at D’Aylanna.  “Have you told anyone that we were coming here?  Or sign in under our real names?”  I was almost certain that both answers would be “no.”

D’Aylanna gave me a look, one that spouses through time immemorial would recognize as having made a mistake.  “Really, Shakal.”

Shaking my head, I apologized.  “I know, I know.  Sorry Ereneda.  I…just can’t understand how anyone would know that we’re here…”  I let the comment hang in the air.

And with the courage of my convictions, I inserted the card into the datanode.  The holovid image pulsed as the comm unit made the connection.  After about a minute, a disembodied head appeared.  He had a blue face with yellow tattoos and purple hair, dark and intelligent eyes staring at me from under his brow.

“Ah.  Koawan Zearic Vih’Torr.  At last.”  I did not let my shock show.

“Caedon Ti-rell.” I stated monotonely.

“You’ve heard of me.  I’m surprised.”  His face didn’t change; if he was surprised, he certainly didn’t show it.

“The ‘Empire’s Vornskr?’  Or ‘Jedi Hunter?’  How about the ‘Butcher of Bar’leth?’” I tried not to let my anger show.  I was only somewhat successful… “Yes, I’ve heard of you.”

He smiled, the faintest turn of his lips.  “That last one is my favorite.  But I did not contact you to trade useless platitudes.  I need your help.”

This time, I knew that I couldn’t fully hide the disbelief on my face.  “My help?  How did you even know we’d be here?”

“I didn’t.”  His face was expressionless, impassive.  “I wrote an algorithm that I sliced as a back-door exploit into the Imperial Grand database.”  When D’Aylanna and I just stared he gave a small, silent sigh.  “The parameters dictated an Ident-Program for a large human male, 1.83 meters, 125 to 150 kilograms traveling with a small Hapan female, 1.55 to 1.6 meters, 50 to 55 kilograms.”  Again, he gave another “almost-smile.”  “Incredible that I’ve had a few ‘false positives.’”  Under his breath, I heard him mutter “fools.”

D’Aylanna and I stood there, my arms folded.  “For brevity’s sake, let’s just agree that what you’re saying is true.  What help do you need from us?” I asked.

Without pause, Caedon spoke, “I’ve been given a contract on someone I believe that you know.  Gaetana Ravine.”  He paused to let that sink in.

It had the desired effect.  D’Aylanna and I exchanged looks.  “What is that to us?” I asked cooly.

“Please, Vih’Torr.  This dialogue will go much smoother so long as you do not insult my intelligence.”  Neither Caedon’s face nor voice sounded perturbed, merely concise and businesslike.

After a moment, I conceded, “OK.  Gaetana?”

Smoothly, he continued, “Yes.  My contract stipulates ‘Dead-or-Alive’ and I’m thinking that the latter would be better.”

“Why don’t you just close the contract yourself?  After all, you have experience with killing Jedi.”  I let a little of the disgust that I felt echo in my voice.  For all of the impact that it made…

Succinctly, he resumed, “Unfortunately, Ravine knows my face: she…escaped my previous attempt.”  He barely hesitated.  “Put simply: I cannot complete my contract.  At least, not alone.”

“Again, let’s pretend that you’re telling us the truth.  You’ve told us the ‘why.’  Now tell me ‘how’ you know about us.” 

“‘Know your enemy.’  I know that Ravine spent years amidst the Gray Jedi on Zonama Sekot.  I know that she is a master saber practitioner.  I know that she is a High Inquisitor.”  He paused, significantly.  “I also know of the Gray Jedi that penetrated the Kuati Defenses.  Nice slicing, that.  And I know of the Gray Jedi attack against the Inquisitorious on Byss.  And one name that links all clues: Koawan Zearic Vih’Torr.”  Caedon stared straight into my eyes.  “And, ‘the enemy of my enemy is my…ally.’”

Both D’Aylanna and I faced the holovid, motionless, silent.  Finally, D’Aylanna spoke, “How do you ultimately benefit from this?”

Caedon’s head turned to face her.  “You two kill Ravine.  I get my bounty for the contract without having dedicated many resources towards success.”

I considered what he said and the possible veracity of everything he’d told us.  This could be what we need… “Give us whatever intel you have.”

D’Aylanna started, muting the connection.  “Shakal, we know nothing about this…person.  Or his motives.”

“Agreed, Ereneda.  That’s why we’ll peruse all information that he provides us.  We’ll make an informed decision absent of any other considerations.  And I trust you.”  I gave a small smile.

D’Aylanna’s face didn’t so much as twitch.  Slowly, she sighed.  “Alright, Shakal.  And I, you.”  With that, my wife unmuted the holovid.

“Give us your information and we’ll consider using it.” I told him using my best sabacc face.

“Of course, Vih’Torr.”  As Caedon looked to something off-screen, I heard a ping, indicative of signal retrieval.  “You now have the pertinent data.  You can contact me using the same datacard to confirm the closing of the contract.”  Caedon’s blue face disappeared as the holovid unit connection was severed.

I spoke before D’Aylanna.  “I know you don’t trust him.  Hell, I don’t trust him.  But this information is just too good to pass up, Ereneda.”

Her lips thinning, my wife nodded slowly in agreement, meanwhile checking the retrieved data.  “Agreed, Shakal.  But we do need to check and recheck this.”

And as we did so, the name of the destination planet came up. 


            <<<<< >>>>>

As soon as Caedon finished relating his communications with the Vih’Torrs, he asked, “Your timing must be perfect.  Are you certain that they’ll follow?”

Gaetana smiled.  “Of course they will.  Those fools can’t possibly let an ‘imbalance’ remain after all of the Gray Jedi I killed, to say nothing of the personal loss they’ve experienced at my hands.”  She suddenly sobered.  “What about your own subject?  Is Rowahn’s arrival on Belassar imminent?”

Without so much as a smile upon his mouth, he answered, “Yes.  Rowahn should be en route.”

And as the holovid connection severed, the room went dark.  Despite the lack of light, Gaetana could see everything.


Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 430
Posts: 1906

« Reply #104 on: December 18, 2017, 03:06:12 AM »

Karmack - as everyone else mentioned good to see Illian and Talia back...getting very chummy it seems...Kohl is quite interesting I have to say...he's getting more interesting the more places he shows up in such odd ways...following around a night sister but invisible in the force....

Dutchman good to see the start of another solid cross over...makes me wonder what exactly thei motivations for finding Gaetana are...justice, threat reduction...satisfaction..


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

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