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Author Topic: Venting.  (Read 1313033 times)
Jev Moldara
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1280
Posts: 6438

The Mad Professor

« Reply #5550 on: November 06, 2017, 02:22:44 AM »

Sorry to hear that Jev, it sucks to be in that situation. Try to be there for her as best you can.

I plan to be. It just sucks like a black hole. I'm 40 years old, turning 41 in less than a month, and I'm tired of being alone.

I tried to convince myself that I'm happy alone, but I'm really not. I just want someone in my life, but there's nobody that would have me. And it hurts. It hurts terribly so, and there's nothing I can do to make it go away. I put on a brave face at work or when I'm out with friends, but I feel like it's just eating away at my insides, making me a hollow shell of a person.

Maybe I just don't deserve happiness. Maybe my own miserableness is a natural counterpoint for someone else's happiness.

If so, they must have a picture perfect relationship. The kind of relationship that the poets write about, because I am absolutely miserable.

Mad Science means never stopping to ask "What's the worst that could happen?"

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« Reply #5551 on: November 06, 2017, 06:10:51 AM »

I plan to be. It just sucks like a black hole. I'm 40 years old, turning 41 in less than a month, and I'm tired of being alone.

I tried to convince myself that I'm happy alone, but I'm really not. I just want someone in my life, but there's nobody that would have me. And it hurts. It hurts terribly so, and there's nothing I can do to make it go away. I put on a brave face at work or when I'm out with friends, but I feel like it's just eating away at my insides, making me a hollow shell of a person.

Maybe I just don't deserve happiness. Maybe my own miserableness is a natural counterpoint for someone else's happiness.

If so, they must have a picture perfect relationship. The kind of relationship that the poets write about, because I am absolutely miserable.

It might not be exactly the same, since I'm only 23, but I do know the feeling of emptiness.

Might be the reason I'm kinda clingy to my lady friends. They're fine with it cause I'm Gay, but I'm just really graving some love and care of another (gay) guy.

One that doesn't only care for f***'s. Had some guys acting as  if they loved me but, they only saw me as a toy.

Part of me is always afraid to end up alone I guess.

Working on a Gray-Jedi cosplay...

Following the ways of the Force, not the ways of some order!

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Prowl 1701
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« Reply #5552 on: November 06, 2017, 06:34:26 AM »

I plan to be. It just sucks like a black hole. I'm 40 years old, turning 41 in less than a month, and I'm tired of being alone.

I tried to convince myself that I'm happy alone, but I'm really not. I just want someone in my life, but there's nobody that would have me. And it hurts. It hurts terribly so, and there's nothing I can do to make it go away. I put on a brave face at work or when I'm out with friends, but I feel like it's just eating away at my insides, making me a hollow shell of a person.

Maybe I just don't deserve happiness. Maybe my own miserableness is a natural counterpoint for someone else's happiness.

If so, they must have a picture perfect relationship. The kind of relationship that the poets write about, because I am absolutely miserable.

I've been there buddy, it's a dark place to be in.  And it will get worse and worse if you let it.  Just remember, you don't need someone else to make you complete or whole, you are a complete and whole person by yourself. I've known you a while now Jev, you're a funny guy.  Girls tend to like funny guys (how I got some of the girls I've dated), so be optimistic.  The last six girls I've tried to talk to have gotten me no where, but that hasn't stopped me.  50 "no's" and a "yes" is still a "yes".

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1075
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« Reply #5553 on: November 06, 2017, 09:28:55 AM »

I know it's hard but you just have to be positive. Being negative will make it worse for you and rather you believe it or not others will catch the vibe also, no matter how much you think you are hiding it. And that certainly won't get you anybody worth having. Keep your head, there really is somebody out there for you. Besides 40 is like the new 20 right!

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Dauntless Seven
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« Reply #5554 on: November 06, 2017, 10:42:19 AM »

Hi fellas and gals.  Looks like friendships and loves are challenging for a lot of people for at least the past few months but there is always next year.  I can honestly say that 2017 sucks in countless ways... but there are always so many more that have suffered and lost in much more deeper, catastrophic and permanent ways.  It's often all in one's perspective but there seems to be a collective global apathy.

Today I was actually feeling optimistically great.  Totally decided that for the long range future I am done with men other than the friends or social acquaintances that have proven themselves to be dependable kind warm persons.  Men worthy of my time, attention and trust.  Then I put on that new Sam Smith cd and emotionally semi-crashed lol.  Great cd by the way and I know that he wrote it just for me.  haha  Wink

Threw out or deleted all those dating/relationship coaches that show one in numerous ways how to play out the rules of the games and come out the winner... which you still have that score if nothing else.  Much more important to take the time to learn more about and appreciate yourself... perhaps alone but not lonely.  A great opportunity for self contemplation, appreciation and working on becoming the person that you need to become... to be a better match for those qualities that you want to attract from others and especially that love partner.

I don't know what to say for those of you that really would like to connect with someone special except not to give up hope and faith in yourself.  Know that there are many out there that will find you attractive and with the characteristics that they are hoping to find.  Chemistry and dwelling on the past are difficult obstacles to break through especially if it's for someone else... even though the mix and outcome can be volatile.  Seems that there are a lot of third party scenarios and promiscuity.      

Timing and life circumstances pretty much need to be a closer match to have any decent chance at having an optimal running start in affairs of the heart.  Many people are just too guarded, jaded, selfish and at times dishonest ( players ).  Blame it on our cell phone and dating site society ?!  I swear that people don't know how to have and sustain a real person to person communication/relatingship and yet there are loads of persons I know that are wanting this connection... with all their heart.  

I have learned the importance and value of being the best genuine friend that one can be for another.  It's the solid foundation needed prior to moving on to something else... a new direction in the relationship.  Also demonstrating tolerance of differences and forgiveness even when you don't understand or appreciate any sporatic drama.  Being able to smile and laugh will naturally make you very attention worthy, charming and approachable.  Generally women still wait for the men to approach and make the first move... so try to choose wisely and get out there and appreciate that a no thank you or not interested is saving you a lot of time and misdirected energy.  Perhaps surprise that person(s) a bit later with your quirkiness... which also can be a unique endearing surprise/shock.  lol  Wink

Best wishes and wow.... this venting feels really good.  Grin

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1075
Posts: 4020

« Reply #5555 on: November 06, 2017, 12:00:01 PM »

JM one thing I forgot, and this can go to anybody. Whenever you are thinking you have it bad just take a good hard look around you. No matter what somebody always have it worse then you do.

DS, men are dogs. Not all of course, but most.

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Jev Moldara
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1280
Posts: 6438

The Mad Professor

« Reply #5556 on: November 06, 2017, 01:17:28 PM »

It's truly pathetic that, outside of work and coming here (and other places online), I truly have no life whatsoever. I go to work. I go home. I get online for a while. I go to bed. Lather. Rinse. Kriffing repeat.

I feel like I'm in a rut and don't know how to get out. None of the usual avenues appeal to me, as I hate people and crowds and am extremely, painfully shy and socially awkward (it took me well over six months to talk to people at work about things other than work).

Mad Science means never stopping to ask "What's the worst that could happen?"

Nothing is forgotten. Nothing is ever forgotten.

Lady Agana Kath
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« Reply #5557 on: November 06, 2017, 01:34:25 PM »

Well said D7

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Darth Logos
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Peace is a lie...

« Reply #5558 on: November 06, 2017, 03:11:58 PM »

KROQ, in Los Angeles
Why have I heard those call letters before?

My coworker decided he wanted to get healthy, so we sat down and figured out the best eating plan for him.  It took some trial and error, but he's really happy with his results and how he feels and I am SUPER happy for him!  However, some of my other coworkers seem to think it's "funny" to try and tempt him with all the foods he no longer eats.  They put processed crap on his desk, purposefully come in eating something they know he loves and make a show of eating it in front of him, and constantly tease him about every little facet of his diet.  They also think he can't possibly do this and keep telling him how they can't wait to see him fail and go back to eating "just like everyone else."

WTF, I'm going to strangle them.  He's already seeing massive improvements in not only his weight, but his mental and physical health, too.  Who the hell do they think they are, anyway?  They don't screw with me and the way I eat because they know better than to try that crap with me, so why are they doing it to him?  When I call them out on it, they get all butthurt and say they are "just teasing."  No, they're not "just teasing."  They're making it hard for my buddy to do his thing and I'm sick of it. 

I've asked them nicely to knock it off, but I'm about to get ugly. 
Yet another prime example of why I hate people. They see something good and positive in the world and they have to frell it up.

In practice I am not really good at sticking to one side or the other, but at work I get forced into being the "You effed up, now you are going to fix/pay for it or I will take a pound of flesh as restitution and fire you." assistant manager. So far I have been asked to fire three people in the six months I have been an assistant manager (Basically I just deliver the bad news), and I usually get to handle the children employees who can't get along.
Be that guy. Force people to be responsible for their actions. If the world actually held people accountable for their mistake/bullshell, there would be a lot fewer/less mistakes/bullshell.

You apparently work with some very ugly people.  Why would you put someone down who is trying to better themselves?  It's like the times I've seen people at gyms snickering at overweight people working out.
Quick and simple: They are too lazy and/or stupid to improve themselves, so they make themselves feel better by watching others fail.

Well, looks like my prediction about being single for the rest of my life is turning out to be true, much to my chagrin.

Y'know that gut-punched feeling you get when you start to like and care about a woman, and they reveal that they are in a relationship that isn't really a relationship that they know to be toxic, but they won't end it because the chemistry is intense AND despite knowing that it would be best for everyone involved?


I'm just... I'm just done.
Been there too many times. Then I finally got into a relationship. Now that that hasn't panned out like I had hoped I'm taking a lot of notes, particularly on myself in an effort to avoid those wrong types. It sucks, but rule #1 has become "If she's not interested, she's not worth my time. Move along." Just live by the repeated words of Kelly Clarkson: "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."

I plan to be. It just sucks like a black hole. I'm 40 years old, turning 41 in less than a month, and I'm tired of being alone.

I tried to convince myself that I'm happy alone, but I'm really not. I just want someone in my life, but there's nobody that would have me. And it hurts. It hurts terribly so, and there's nothing I can do to make it go away. I put on a brave face at work or when I'm out with friends, but I feel like it's just eating away at my insides, making me a hollow shell of a person.

Maybe I just don't deserve happiness. Maybe my own miserableness is a natural counterpoint for someone else's happiness.

If so, they must have a picture perfect relationship. The kind of relationship that the poets write about, because I am absolutely miserable.
I'd like to spout something really touching and insightful, but.............I got nothing. You and I seem to be in the same boat. Have you considered making 'geek' a prerequisite for candidacy for Jev's Girlfriend?

I've been there buddy, it's a dark place to be in.  And it will get worse and worse if you let it.  Just remember, you don't need someone else to make you complete or whole, you are a complete and whole person by yourself. I've known you a while now Jev, you're a funny guy.  Girls tend to like funny guys (how I got some of the girls I've dated), so be optimistic.  The last six girls I've tried to talk to have gotten me no where, but that hasn't stopped me.  50 "no's" and a "yes" is still a "yes".
It's just getting to that 'yes' isn't always easy to deal with. If memory serves, I think I can count on one hand the number of girls I've ever kissed.

Generally women still wait for the men to approach and make the first move...
I hate this. Women (most women) expect men to have the balls to make the first move, but if it mistakenly comes off as too aggressive he gets labeled as a creep. If he's persistent, then he's psycho with potential to be a stalker.

Been watching Gotham, and the one character that I related to the most, at least for a while, was Ed Nygma. Socially awkward intellect, sees a girl that in his eyes is the end-all be-all of womanly perfection, and he will not be dissuaded in his efforts. Sadly it didn't pan out as I'd hoped. Cry

JM one thing I forgot, and this can go to anybody. Whenever you are thinking you have it bad just take a good hard look around you. No matter what somebody always have it worse then you do.
When it comes to matters of the heart, it is next to impossible to feel that anything could be worse. The heart does not reason out logic. It feels. And since it can't feel someone else's pain, it cannot understand it.

It's truly pathetic that, outside of work and coming here (and other places online), I truly have no life whatsoever. I go to work. I go home. I get online for a while. I go to bed. Lather. Rinse. Kriffing repeat.

I feel like I'm in a rut and don't know how to get out. None of the usual avenues appeal to me, as I hate people and crowds and am extremely, painfully shy and socially awkward (it took me well over six months to talk to people at work about things other than work).
You're not alone. I'm currently trying to train my dog to be exceptionally cute, so that she'll draw ladies in to start talking to me. I've met limited success. Tongue

Sig by For Tyeth
...the Force shall set me free.

Arsenal: (* w/ sound)
Scorpion*(BR)  Emerald Mantis CE* Chosen One*(BR)  Shock LE*(FO)  Archon V2.1*(CG)  Dk Prophecy(BR){Thanks Qui-Lar}  Menace CE staff*(BH) Flamberge CE*(BR)  Initiate LE V2(BR)
Dk Initiate V3(CG)  Manticore CE*(SY)  Dominix LE V3(AB)  Bellicose*(GB)  Dk Arbiter*(VA)  Dominix V4(BR)  Emperor's Hand*(DVA)  Aeon V4(GB)  Dk Initiate V4 (HP)  Project:BOOYA!

Lady Agana Kath
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -2130
Posts: 2857

Go Red or Go Home

« Reply #5559 on: November 06, 2017, 04:16:29 PM »

I tried to convince myself that I'm happy alone, but I'm really not. I just want someone in my life, but there's nobody that would have me. And it hurts. It hurts terribly so, and there's nothing I can do to make it go away. I put on a brave face at work or when I'm out with friends, but I feel like it's just eating away at my insides, making me a hollow shell of a person.

Being alone sucks, I can relate. I also have felt that crippling emptiness when you never seem to be good enough for others. It may sound weak but try to keep a positive outlook (hard, very hard I know) and eventually those emotions will pass.

One that doesn't only care for f***'s. Had some guys acting as  if they loved me but, they only saw me as a toy.
Part of me is always afraid to end up alone I guess.

I was cheated on and used too Tzimho, it is devastating. Hang out with your friends as much as you need to until you get yourself righted. It's amazing how being with those who don't judge you as a possible partner can help you see your value as a person. My friends are the reason I'm not dead right now.

It's truly pathetic that, outside of work and coming here (and other places online), I truly have no life whatsoever. I go to work. I go home. I get online for a while. I go to bed. Lather. Rinse. Kriffing repeat.

I feel like I'm in a rut and don't know how to get out. None of the usual avenues appeal to me, as I hate people and crowds and am extremely, painfully shy and socially awkward (it took me well over six months to talk to people at work about things other than work).

Sad to say but outside of work, the forum is the majority of my social interaction as well. I have a handful of friends but only one who I regularly get to hang with.

As uncomfortable as it may make you, try something new. Go to the theatre or opera. Go spend hours people watching in a coffee shop. Join some kind of social group.. book club, baking club, gaming club etc. I will give you an opportunity to make friends and possibly connect to a lady who shares some kind of interest with you.

I've been there buddy, it's a dark place to be in.  And it will get worse and worse if you let it.  Just remember, you don't need someone else to make you complete or whole, you are a complete and whole person by yourself. I've known you a while now Jev, you're a funny guy.  Girls tend to like funny guys (how I got some of the girls I've dated), so be optimistic.

Well said Prowl. I think that the most important thing someone can learn is their own value. And it seems that our society today really doesn't allow for us to learn it. Its always something else or someone else has more meaning, more importance. We have become so materialistic that we see people in the same way at times.

Been there too many times. Then I finally got into a relationship. Now that that hasn't panned out like I had hoped I'm taking a lot of notes, particularly on myself in an effort to avoid those wrong types. It sucks, but rule #1 has become "If she's not interested, she's not worth my time. Move along." Just live by the repeated words of Kelly Clarkson: "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."

Excellent idea. Learn yourself and learn what to look for. I think Sun Tzu can be applied here lol
“If you know the enemy opposite sex and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles dates. If you know yourself but not the  enemy opposite sex, for every victory date gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the  enemy opposite sex nor yourself, you will succumb in every battles date.”

I'd like to spout something really touching and insightful, but.............I got nothing. You and I seem to be in the same boat. Have you considered making 'geek' a prerequisite for candidacy for Jev's Girlfriend?

Your in the same boat as a lot of us. Geek should be a requirement  Grin We are introverts of the best kind.

It's just getting to that 'yes' isn't always easy to deal with. If memory serves, I think I can count on one hand the number of girls I've ever kissed.

Thats not a bad thing, as a woman I would rather have someone who has had few partners and a history of commitment than one who had revolving door relationships.

Been watching Gotham, and the one character that I related to the most, at least for a while, was Ed Nygma. Socially awkward intellect, sees a girl that in his eyes is the end-all be-all of womanly perfection, and he will not be dissuaded in his efforts. Sadly it didn't pan out as I'd hoped. Cry

Throw your idea of perfect out the door. No such thing as perfection. Find someone that works, that complements you and shares your interests and make them your perfect. If they don't meet expectations before you get to know them, they will be seen as lacking and you may never get to know them. Who knows they could have been your match.

You're not alone. I'm currently trying to train my dog to be exceptionally cute, so that she'll draw ladies in to start talking to me. I've met limited success. Tongue

Ha, thats great. I don't bother trying to use my cockatoo, most of the time people are terrified of him lol. One reason I don't date is the "comes with cockatoo, non negotiable" doesn't agree with the very few interested men. "The Too over you" is not a good saying while trying to impress but it is truth lol.

My advice to anyone who is afraid of being alone is: Get a parrot. They will BE THERE FOREVER. You will never be alone again. EVER. Muhahahahaha

Current Collection:   Want List: Menace CE, Graflex SE   
Darkside Points Please

Darth Logos
Sith Legend
Knight Commander
OVER 9000!!

Force Alignment: -2774
Posts: 17226

Peace is a lie...

« Reply #5560 on: November 06, 2017, 05:12:40 PM »

Your in the same boat as a lot of us. Geek should be a requirement  Grin We are introverts of the best kind.
I say that, only because I need someone with shared passions. I hate to admit that I'm selfish, but I've tried giving up things to appease someone else's ideals. It didn't pan out. But more so in that I've chased after looks in my youth, never realizing that it would eventually fall apart due to lack of mutual interest. There was a woman that worked QC at my plant. Not much to look at, but her intellect and geeky nature trumped all that with gusto.

Thats not a bad thing, as a woman I would rather have someone who has had few partners and a history of commitment than one who had revolving door relationships.
The sadder part is that my history of commitment isn't terribly grand due to lack of opportunity.

Throw your idea of perfect out the door. No such thing as perfection. Find someone that works, that complements you and shares your interests and make them your perfect. If they don't meet expectations before you get to know them, they will be seen as lacking and you may never get to know them. Who knows they could have been your match.
I would love to paint myself as a ladies' man, but........beggars can't be choosers. Tongue I don't limit my options on sight for the most part. I do understand that physical attraction is a major contributor, but not the only thing to look for. I've encountered absolutely beautiful women that intellectually bore me or disgust me with their personality. I won't get into details, but I've worked out that various features can more than make up for others, but for the most part, I can't be with someone that I don't like as a person. That would just be plain stupidity.

Ha, thats great. I don't bother trying to use my cockatoo, most of the time people are terrified of him lol. One reason I don't date is the "comes with cockatoo, non negotiable" doesn't agree with the very few interested men. "The Too over you" is not a good saying while trying to impress but it is truth lol.
Well I have her pretty well trained. When we go walking, she's off leash. Most are just taken aback because she's a chihuahua, and is remarkably friendly and quiet. I've had a few people tell me that my dog is better behaved than most kids.

My advice to anyone who is afraid of being alone is: Get a parrot. They will BE THERE FOREVER. You will never be alone again. EVER. Muhahahahaha
This is very true. But a girlfriend won't destroy the house if she gets bored.

This reminds me that we have a thread to discuss love and relationships. It hasn't been used in a while though.

Sig by For Tyeth
...the Force shall set me free.

Arsenal: (* w/ sound)
Scorpion*(BR)  Emerald Mantis CE* Chosen One*(BR)  Shock LE*(FO)  Archon V2.1*(CG)  Dk Prophecy(BR){Thanks Qui-Lar}  Menace CE staff*(BH) Flamberge CE*(BR)  Initiate LE V2(BR)
Dk Initiate V3(CG)  Manticore CE*(SY)  Dominix LE V3(AB)  Bellicose*(GB)  Dk Arbiter*(VA)  Dominix V4(BR)  Emperor's Hand*(DVA)  Aeon V4(GB)  Dk Initiate V4 (HP)  Project:BOOYA!

Jev Moldara
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1280
Posts: 6438

The Mad Professor

« Reply #5561 on: November 06, 2017, 06:00:56 PM »

I appreciate all the advice, guys.

Been there too many times. Then I finally got into a relationship. Now that that hasn't panned out like I had hoped I'm taking a lot of notes, particularly on myself in an effort to avoid those wrong types. It sucks, but rule #1 has become "If she's not interested, she's not worth my time. Move along." Just live by the repeated words of Kelly Clarkson: "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."

1) I hate all things related to reality television.

2) She was hardly the first to say that. The first attributed version was by Nietzche, who said it far more eloquently: "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger."

I'd like to spout something really touching and insightful, but.............I got nothing. You and I seem to be in the same boat. Have you considered making 'geek' a prerequisite for candidacy for Jev's Girlfriend?

Already did. Even expanded it to "geek is preferable, but will also allow for someone who is not a geek, so long as she understands that I am a geek and won't try to change me."

It's just getting to that 'yes' isn't always easy to deal with. If memory serves, I think I can count on one hand the number of girls I've ever kissed.

I can't do that. Not unless my hand sprouts an extra few dozen fingers. I was a bit of a Lothario back when I was in the military and when I was doing Renaissance festivals. To my credit, though, I never messed with someone in a relationship (unless it was an open relationship) nor did I mess with someone if I was in a relationship (unless it was an open relationship). There were never any illusions about what was going on, either. No misconceptions. No expectations beyond what happened at that time.

Being alone sucks, I can relate.

Being alone is fine. Being lonely is what sucks.

I also have felt that crippling emptiness when you never seem to be good enough for others. It may sound weak but try to keep a positive outlook (hard, very hard I know) and eventually those emotions will pass.

I've been keeping a positive outlook for YEARS. There's only so much I can take, and I am at my limit.

Mad Science means never stopping to ask "What's the worst that could happen?"

Nothing is forgotten. Nothing is ever forgotten.

Darth Logos
Sith Legend
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OVER 9000!!

Force Alignment: -2774
Posts: 17226

Peace is a lie...

« Reply #5562 on: November 06, 2017, 06:41:11 PM »

I appreciate all the advice, guys.

1) I hate all things related to reality television.

2) She was hardly the first to say that. The first attributed version was by Nietzche, who said it far more eloquently: "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger."
1) Deal with it.
2) That's why I said "repeated". Nietzche is hit and miss with me.

Already did. Even expanded it to "geek is preferable, but will also allow for someone who is not a geek, so long as she understands that I am a geek and won't try to change me."
Good man

Being alone is fine. Being lonely is what sucks.
Well said.

Sig by For Tyeth
...the Force shall set me free.

Arsenal: (* w/ sound)
Scorpion*(BR)  Emerald Mantis CE* Chosen One*(BR)  Shock LE*(FO)  Archon V2.1*(CG)  Dk Prophecy(BR){Thanks Qui-Lar}  Menace CE staff*(BH) Flamberge CE*(BR)  Initiate LE V2(BR)
Dk Initiate V3(CG)  Manticore CE*(SY)  Dominix LE V3(AB)  Bellicose*(GB)  Dk Arbiter*(VA)  Dominix V4(BR)  Emperor's Hand*(DVA)  Aeon V4(GB)  Dk Initiate V4 (HP)  Project:BOOYA!

Lady Agana Kath
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -2130
Posts: 2857

Go Red or Go Home

« Reply #5563 on: November 06, 2017, 07:08:16 PM »

I say that, only because I need someone with shared passions. I hate to admit that I'm selfish, but I've tried giving up things to appease someone else's ideals. It didn't pan out.

You should never have to give up something you love to appease a partner. If someone asked me to quit something I love I'd tell them go to hell.

I don't limit my options on sight for the most part. I do understand that physical attraction is a major contributor, but not the only thing to look for. I've encountered absolutely beautiful women that intellectually bore me or disgust me with their personality. I won't get into details, but I've worked out that various features can more than make up for others, but for the most part, I can't be with someone that I don't like as a person. That would just be plain stupidity.

Good man and all too true.

Well I have her pretty well trained. When we go walking, she's off leash. Most are just taken aback because she's a chihuahua, and is remarkably friendly and quiet. I've had a few people tell me that my dog is better behaved than most kids.

With kids now-a-days, that isn't a great feat lol

This is very true. But a girlfriend won't destroy the house if she gets bored

I disagree. It's entirely possible a girlfriend could destroy the house, just not to the same degree.

Being alone is fine. Being lonely is what sucks.
Well said.


Current Collection:   Want List: Menace CE, Graflex SE   
Darkside Points Please

Jev Moldara
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1280
Posts: 6438

The Mad Professor

« Reply #5564 on: November 06, 2017, 07:19:01 PM »

Obviously you've never seen or been the proverbial girlfriend scorned. The kind of shell they can do is apocalyptic.

Mad Science means never stopping to ask "What's the worst that could happen?"

Nothing is forgotten. Nothing is ever forgotten.

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