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Author Topic: Shadow Etude  (Read 23279 times)
Taegin Roan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2066
Posts: 6256

Lord of the Force

« Reply #30 on: November 16, 2017, 12:07:46 AM »

Well you left us on a cliffhanger with this one (literally  Wink), but I am excited to see what comes next. At least it is not a major "blade swung towards his unprotected neck" type of cliffhanger. Good job. I really like how you did the memory sequences. It worked really well with the rest of the story.

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #31 on: November 16, 2017, 04:53:12 AM »

Oh, that was smooth...  That dove-tailed together like we'd planned it.  You are indeed powerful...

Excellent chapter.  I echo Taegin, I like the memory interspersed with the here-and-now.  And using a ship for a HiLo insertion...  Brilliant!  I especially like the way it gives the rest of the scene a "real" feel.
Nicely written, my friend!  I am extremely excited for the next installments and the confrontation that seems to be coming! 

signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
Posts: 4131

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #32 on: November 17, 2017, 11:20:30 PM »

Chapter 6: Fractures

Locking the descender and braking my plunge, I silently stopped.  The canyon walls were dark. Even though I couldn’t see it, I knew that the floor of the canyon was still some tens of meters distant.  But even as I hung suspended in mid-air, I could occasionally hear noises echoing up from below.  It was the reason that I’d had to brake now.  Must be Jennira’s Warren-Clan I told myself.  I frowned.  This deep in enemy territory, I would not have the luxury of mercy…but I would still try.

Closing my eyes momentarily, I thought of the panoramic sight of the Canticum Lowlands from the sky above.  Running every direction of the compass, canyons cut deep lines in the ground, like fractures in glass.  Deceptively beautiful, the Lowlands were home to large deposits of Adegan Pontite.  And hanging within one of the canyons, I felt as if I were descending into the Underworld.  Above, an obscured sky that filtered the sun’s light; below, an unnerving greenish-yellow glow the pulsed sluggishly.  The crystalline-lattice.  

Once I heard the echoing sounds retreat, I waited a ten-count and began to descend again.  Continuing down, I began to see Pontite crystals lining the walls.  My senses registered feelings of…menace.  The witch’s Song.  Growing stronger the further I descended, the indistinct feelings began to coalesce into something more…substantial, yet…subtle.


Almost a caress, the Song here was seductive, if…repulsive.  At least to my mind.  To the Sith-Shadow?  I’m certain that they were enticed.  Still, it was unnerving…like a grinding just below the hearing threshold.  Gritting my teeth, I continued downward into the bowels of the canyon, submerging into the depths of the Night Sister’s Song and the sickening pulsation from the crystals.

As soon as my boots touched the ground, I hit the release on the nylasteel smartrope, retracting it.  Looking first behind and then before me, I realized that there was little use in stealth: the twists and turns in the canyon were such that line-of-sight was only about 3-4 meters.  Opening myself to the Force, I let it flow from me.  Unsurprisingly, I felt dozens of life forms on both sides.  Checking my chronometer, I mentally nodded.  It was time.

Hoping that my hypothesis was correct, I flooded the canyon with Force Suppression, directing my attention behind me.  I knew that it would eventually alert Jennira to my presence…but that was my intent.  I could feel the Sith-Shadows respond: the life forms began to approach, cautiously.  Come and get me, nerf-herders.  Taking both lightsaber hilts in hand, I began to jog forward, careful to avoid the crystals jutting out from the surrounding strata.  Simultaneously, I projected my Force Suppression in front of me.  Expectedly, I came across the first Sith-Shadow in no time.  Breathe.  Balance.  Be water.  Crash.

Igniting both of my lightsabers, the blue and silver blades cast a panoply of radiance in the canyon, a cleansing light that banished the oppressive green luminosity of the crystals.  Now running, I cut down the Sith-Shadow before she could get a bead on me with her blaster.  Two more ahead, around the bend I told myself.  Like the Agr of Kashyyyk, my assault was swift, relentless, lethal.  The narrow canyon funneled their efforts, allowing me to easily intercept their blaster bolts, often deflecting them back.  Four, five Sith-Shadows fell under my blades.  And still more came.  On the edge of my perception, I could feel Jorya as a lone island of virtue, unwavering in her convictions and actions.  She was fast approaching me now, having completed her task.  I grinned, hopeful that my plan would work.


I felt the potency of the Song increase.  Jennira knew we were here.  I had to be extra vigiliant.  Two Sith-Shadows appeared in front of me.  I didn’t bother with anything elaborate; a simple yet powerful Force Push battered them aside.  Crashing into some of the crystals, they rebounded off the canyon wall, collapsing as I ran onward.

Suddenly, the narrow tunnel opened into a vast chamber.  Located in the center, I saw a tall, pale woman upon a throne, the very image from my memory when I’d delved Mellichae’s mind.  So, Jennira.   Flanking her throne were several archaic items atop various pedestals.  Still running, I looked quickly left and then right and strewn throughout the chamber were Sith-Shadows.  At least I could be indiscriminate with my targets.  Closing the distance with the nearest, I engaged the Sith-Shadows, my lightsabers an impenetrable defense against their blasters.  Whenever they came into my proximity, the Sith-Shadows were cut down.  Regrettable, but necessary.

Jennira’s Song began to hammer against me, still unfocused but severe enough that I could no longer sustain the offensive.  Soon it was all that I could do to keep the worst effects of the Song at bay while deflecting the blaster bolts.


And, right on time, I saw Jorya from the far tunnel join the fray.  Having flanked them, her brutal attack scythed through the Sith-Shadows.  And none too soon; I was beginning to falter in my deflect/defense pattern.  She soon joined me and we fought back-to-back, her violet and blue blades complimenting my own blue and silver.  

And had it been just the Sith-Shadows, I’m certain that Jorya and I would have prevailed.


The Sith-Shadows had pulled back as Jennira walked imperiously forward, Singing.  Jorya fell, hands clutching her head as the Song tore into her.  Screaming yet courageous, the Togruta attempted to rise.  Even as the first Sith-Shadow attacked her, Jorya fought him off.  Courageous…yet futile.  Two, three, four surrounded her, seizing her arms and legs, the Sith-Shadows subdued her.  All of this in as many seconds.

Meanwhile, I was fighting furiously against Jennira’s Song…but I was barely holding on.  Each step she took, the strength of her Singing grew, the surrounding crystals burned brighter, pulsing faster, a chorus of dissonance.  My arms grew weak as my lightsabers weighed them down.  Closer still, Jennira Sang.  The crystalline-lattice was pulsating now.


My mind in agony, my lightsabers dropped from my hands as I attempted to stop my ears, even though the Song wasn’t broadcast audibly but rather metaphysically.  While I still stood, I could feel blood begin to drip from my nose and ears.  The crystalline-lattice was strobing now.


I went down on one knee, hard.  I could feel a blood vessel in my right eye rupture.  With my left hand I tried to staunch the flow of blood that now ran freely from both of my nostrils.  In my ears I felt a piercing scream; only after a moment did I realize that it was my own.  The crystalline-lattice was shimmering now.


I doubled over in agony; the pain was exquisite as the Song was deadly.  Even the injuries I’d sustained when I’d pulled the ceiling atop Gaetana and I paled in comparison to how much I hurt now.  And still Jennira Sang.  The crystalline-lattice was a constant burning light like a star igniting to life.


I only knew that I lived because of the pain.  I couldn’t think.  I couldn’t act.  I only knew that there was one thing in the universe and it was pain.  The crystalline-lattice was a star going hypernova.

--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --

A silence so deafening assaulted my very being.  Even though the Song had stopped, the pain remained, if diminished.  I opened my eyes, sweat and blood pouring from my head.  Looking up, I saw Jennira smiling arrogantly down at me.  Encircling me were dozens of Sith-Shadows.  To my right, Jorya had collapsed prostrate.  Mercifully, she had fallen unconscious although blood dripped from her ears, nose, and mouth.

“So.” Jennira’s voice was supple like silk.  How could something so…evil sound so sweet? some part of me wondered.  “You are the fools that have disturbed my plans.”  Slowly, she circled around me, unconcerned.  Stopping in front of me, she stared straight into my eyes.  “Search him.”

Rough hands examined my body.  Even if I had the strength, I would have been unable to fend them off.  Creating a small pile in front of me, the Sith-Shadows were thorough in their search.  Trying to be inconspicuous, I looked for my chronometer but it must have been at the bottom of the heap.  Coughing, I spat blood.

“Did you really think that you could attack us?  Here?” Jennira’s brow arched, her tone incredulous.  To emphasize her skepticism, she kicked me for good measure.  Compared to what I’d just experienced, it was a dull thing, her kick.  I smiled.

Whatever she had thought before, my smile gave her pause.  Her eyes widened in disbelief.  “What possible reason would you have to smile about?!”  Even shrill, her voice was…beautiful.

I looked up staring straight into her strange silver and black eyes.  “Because—” another coughing fit interrupted me, “—I know something that you do not.”  Not taking my eyes from hers, I spit obstinately.  And waited.

Nothing happened.  Had I miscalculated the timing?

The Night Sister’s face looked amused.  “What could that be?  Some myth come true?  That the Jacipri Creation story is factual?  Perhaps Uhanayih really is the Yinchorri ‘Within World’ that their religion tells them?  Or how about that the Aethans were real and are coming back to life to immolate all of the ‘imperfect Jedi?’”

Jennira looked on expectantly, clearly waiting for me to continue.  Think, dammit! I knew that I had to stall.  And hope.

“Julwynn has betrayed you.”  My voice and my mind filled with conviction as I hoped that the lie sounded sincere.  My eyes remained unblinking, my breath slow, if ragged.

The Night Sister’s face changed; fury contorted what was a beautiful visage to something menacing and baleful.  “How…DARE you?!”

And she began to Sing.


I screamed, I screamed until I had no voice, and then I screamed some more.  Tears ran from my eyes, joining the blood running down my face.  I closed my eyes tightly.  The Song shredded into my muscles, breaking into bones, tearing into my soul.  Yes…yes, please.  Death… NO!  Find…Anchor… an iota of myself spoke as if far, far away…

…It was several seconds—an eternity—that I finally realized that Jennira’s Singing had stopped.  Opening my eyes—only my cybernetic eye saw clearly—I couldn’t believe what I was seeing: Jennira was clawing at her eyes, as were her Sith-Shadows.  All of them were reeling in pain.  Slowly, ever so slowly, my mind began to clear.

And then I knew.

D’Aylanna had finally arrived.  The Optic-Thermal Induction grenades she’d used had disoriented and impaired everyone in the room.  The Sith-Shadows that hadn’t all congregated in the main chamber had been…dealt with by D’Aylanna.  

Which meant that everyone was together in close proximity.  Maybe it was luck, or maybe the will of the Force, or maybe the Maker had taken pity on me.  Regardless, it was time to enact the most important part of my plan.

D’Aylanna stood over Jorya and I protectively, violet lightsaber held at the ready.  I couldn’t stand; by the Maker I could barely breathe.  But I couldn’t let us down.  “Jorya,” my voice sounded off…probably because my ears had ruptured.  “Did you set the Oscillator?”  I spit more blood.

Looking at me, the Togruta’s eyes were bruised, blood trickling from both of them in small rivulets.  But the small smile that played on her cracked lips told the tale.  She nodded, a quick, deliberate movement.  Thank the Maker.

I raised my head to D’Aylanna.  “Do it.”

Face resolute, my wife reached into one of her pouches, withdrawing an innocuous-looking device.  As with many things in life, looks could be deceiving.  

I could see that many of the Sith-Shadows were recovering.  Jennira’s head was shaking to-and-fro, attempting to focus.  Her eyes locked onto mine, then she looked at D’Aylanna, scowling in confusion as she did so.

Without embellishment, D’Aylanna touched the button, activating the Tandem-Oscillation Engine.

The Pontite crystals began to react immediately.  As they had under the influence of the witch’s Song, they now pulsed with light.  However, this time they were also physically vibrating, producing a droning hum.  


The Night Sister’s confusion slowly turned to anxiousness, her Sith-Shadow chattel looking around, perplexed.  The crystals began to whine, shaking perceptibly.


Jennira’s eyes had opened as wide as they could, apprehension turning to fear, her Sith-Shadow now beginning to panic.  The crystals began to wail, fractures forming.


The witch looked about in abject horror, her Sith-Shadow turning to her for guidance only to realize that she was powerless.  The crystals began to scream, cracks running the entire lattice.


Jennira’s eyes had rolled up into her head, blood and spittle dripping from her mouth, her body beginning to convulse from a seizure.  The crystals began to shriek and, in a keening pitch, the lattice shattered.


With the destruction of the entire crystalline-lattice, the canyon was cloaked in darkness, the lone light shining from D’Aylanna’s amethyst blade.  Jorya was slowly rising; the Night Sister had focused her anger—and retribution—almost entirely on me.  I smiled, grateful that both my wife and daughter had been spared the worst.  Still, I forced myself to look around.  I felt soft hands upon my shoulders, healing flows strengthening me.

The Night Sister had collapsed, her body misshapen, contorted in agony.  D’Aylanna went over to her and I felt the Force flowing from her.  “She’s comatose.” Her pronouncement relieved me and I let out a breath I hadn’t realized that I was holding.  My wife turned to me.  “You were correct, Shakal.  She had bonded them to herself through her Song.”

The Sith-Shadows scattered about in the chamber lay where they fell, dead to a person.  As D’Aylanna made her rounds, she inspected each one in turn.  “Shakal, look.”  Holding up one of the Sith-Shadows, a Mirialan, D’Aylanna turned his head towards me.  It took me a moment but I saw that his eyes looked as if they had been burned out.  Sinking back to the ground, I allowed myself to relax.  Jorya continued her healing.  Feeling as if I could finally stand, I asked the Togruta to help me to my feet.  Even with her aid, I almost fell.  But at least I could find that I could walk, if faltering and slow.

Meanwhile, as D’Aylanna continued her search of the chamber, I went to inspect the witch’s throne and surrounding pedestals.  The chair was nothing remarkable but the dark gray plinths held a menagerie of items, gross and exotic.  One item seemingly out of place caught my eye in particular: a war dagger that sat upon the top of the gray stone surface.  It was pitch black, darker than a black hole past the event horizon, blacker than Jennira’s vile heart.  Tentatively, I ran my fingers down along the fuller in the center of the blade towards the quillions, and finally the hilt.  Incredibly, it was all one piece.  Picking it up, I was amazed at the weight.  While it was well balanced, it felt heavier in hand than it should.  “Jorya, would you please bring me my shoto.”  Normally, I would have called it to myself…but after what Jennira’s Song had done to me, I was lucky to be standing.

“Here, Father,” Jorya handed me the lightsaber and continued to rub my back, again using her skills in the Force to heal.  Grateful, I thanked her, nudging her montrail with my forehead.

With a snap-hiss, the silver blade sprang to life, further illuminating the cavernous chamber.  Holding it up to the dagger, the light seemed to…be absorbed by the black materiel.  Incredible.  

“Father what is it?” My daughter’s voice inquisitive, her focus entirely on the dagger.  “Is…is that obsidian?”  She turned her blue eyes towards me as she handed me my pack.  I saw that she’d collected all of the items that the Sith-Shadows had taken from me.

“…No, Dear One.  Obsidian is brittle; sharp, yes but…brittle.  This…this is extremely hard.  In fact…I don’t know what it is.”  I racked my brain for possibilities, thinking of one of the geological databases that I frequented.  And came up with nothing.  Granted, I was also not in the best of health, mental or otherwise.  Still: this was a mystery that begged to be solved.  Later, I told myself and put the dagger in one of the pockets of my pack.

Allowing myself time for introspection, I replayed the particulars of my plan.  Thanks to Karm, we knew that the crystalline-lattice would propagate signals.  My hypothesis was: if it did so to signals, then it probably would any other wave mechanism.  Hence: the Tandem-Oscillation Engine.  Jorya set the first machine as I rappelled in; coupled with D’Aylanna’s, the two devices reinforced the effect exponentially.  They locked onto the resonant frequency of an object—in this case, the crystalline-lattice—and produced wave oscillations targeting that singular harmonic.  The result?  The crystalline-lattice literally shook itself apart.  And since Jennira’s Singing would have the same “frequency,” the lattice being attuned to her…

I thought of the Night Sister.  No wonder she was in a coma.  I was surprised that it hadn’t killed her.  And—again—thanks in no small part to Mak’Tor intel, I thought that the witch would bond her Sith-Shadows to her, strengthening her Song even more.  She must’ve tethered them tightly to her.  Or…perhaps they somehow absorbed the damage, knocking her unconscious instead of killing her?  Regardless, the result had the desired outcome, thank the Maker…

Looking back, I saw that D’Aylanna had prepared the Night Sister: she had placed her in a transport sack from D’Aylanna’s pack, ready for abseiling.  The smart ropes would do the work while we made our ascent from the canyon floor to the mesa tops above.  But our objective was far from done.  We still had to learn why the witch was attempting to program the Pontite.

And what the Pontite was being used for.

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 428
Posts: 1903

« Reply #33 on: November 20, 2017, 10:59:58 PM »

Nailed it, absolutely nailed it! I think you've really set a new bar with this one.

Some great descriptions in here….

“the blue and silver blades cast a panoply of radiance in the canyon, a cleansing light that banished the oppressive green luminosity of the crystals”

And especially

“Gritting my teeth, I continued downward into the bowels of the canyon, submerging into the depths of the Night Sister’s Song and the sickening pulsation from the crystals.”

The parallel descent, physically and in the force into the night sisters song is brilliant.

And some brutal ones

“To emphasize her skepticism, she kicked me for good measure.  Compared to what I’d just experienced, it was a dull thing, her kick.  I smiled.”

And especially the sections between the KILLS! that you kept brining back Zearics pain to the behaviours of the crystal lattice -shimmering -bruning -nova and then did it again after their trap was sprung -shaking, fracture, cracking, shatter…it was so perfectly enmeshed I barely noticed the crafting that went into this first time round.

Also personally you nailed the two little crossover points better than I would’ve written them!


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Taegin Roan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2066
Posts: 6256

Lord of the Force

« Reply #34 on: November 20, 2017, 11:09:22 PM »

Yes, this is one of your finest yet. Extremely descriptive, and I think it really gives us our first glimpse at how powerful a Dark Singer really is. And those crossovers were great. I don't know if you meant to do it or not, but your reference to The Princess Bride “Because—” another coughing fit interrupted me, “—I know something that you do not.” was great. Very well done.

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Forumverse Loremaster
Master of Ceremonies
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
Posts: 5602

Light side points please.

« Reply #35 on: November 21, 2017, 07:19:31 PM »

Outstanding!  I was going to say more but I'd just be repeating.  :-)  I especially liked the dual descent.  That was brilliant!

Man. I've been lax!  Time to get some writing done!  LOL


signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
Posts: 4131

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #36 on: November 21, 2017, 10:13:54 PM »

Thanks guys!  I have to admit that this one was a favorite: trying to weave some easter eggs as seamlessly into the narrative (special thanks Karm and LSG!) while coming up organically within the story  Smiley

More coming soon!

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
Posts: 4131

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #37 on: November 25, 2017, 09:08:11 PM »

Chapter 7: Ramifications

“Jorya?  Dear One?” Mother’s regal voice woke me.  I’d fallen asleep on the chair again.  Slowly, I stretched my legs out from under me.  My toes had fallen asleep.  So what?  After everything else does that really matter?!

“Yes, Mother?” I stood, looking down at her beautiful dark blue hair.  “Is it Father?  Are they done?”

I could tell by Mother’s dark eyes that it wasn’t good news.  Her unusual blue lips had a hard set to them, not quite a frown.  “Your Father is…not well.  The GraySingers, they must…they need time.”

Mother never faltered.  I now knew that things were bad, very bad.  “But…but I thought that the GraySingers were the best healers?”  I was several centimeters taller than mother but right now…I felt very…small.

Mother looked kindly at me.  “They are Dear One.  But none of them are Master Karmack, Sage of Song.”  Mother’s emphasis wasn’t lost on me.  While we were lucky to have some GraySingers on Sekot at the moment, they still weren’t as powerful as Master Karmack.  “Dear One…I need you to go to the Archive of Balance.  We still don’t know anything more about the Pontite or what Jennira intended of them.  Look for anything related to ‘Adegan Pontite’ and ‘Dathomir.’”

When she turned to go, I grabbed her arm.  Realizing what I’d done, I almost dropped my hand, but…something made me persevere.  “But…where are you going Mother?”  I…I had to look away when she stared right into my eyes.  How was she able to keep composure?

“…I must needs help your Father, Jorya.  I have some skill in the healing arts of the Force and will contribute what I can to assist the GraySingers.”  She was about to go again, when I stopped her.

“Mother, wait…please.” Now that I had her attention, I was suddenly afraid to go on, especially with her dark eyes staring through the back of my head.  Swallowing hard, I made myself look straight at her.  “Why don’t we just Delve Jennira?  She’s been in a coma for days now.  And she’s even restrained.”  I was hopeful that if anyone would understand, it would be Mother.

But her voice was hard, harder than I’d ever heard it.  “No.  We don’t know if we could find anything remotely pertinent to our search of the Pontite.  Furthermore, it could be dangerous.  No.”  Then, I heard her talk almost under her breath.  “I will think of something else…”  She stepped through the doors.  I almost followed her…but I already knew that there was no reason to.  She’d made up her mind.  She soon reappeared in the wide window of the Singer’s Atrium.  And there, lying on the bed, was Father.

After we’d made it out of the canyons, I noticed that Father kept falling back.  Slowly at first, but then it became more and more noticeable.  And he was hurting.  Bad.  By the time we got back to Fenris’ Dirge, his face was ashen and he kept bleeding.  And by the time Mother had secured the witch in the brig, Father had fallen unconscious.  That had been three days ago.  Father’s condition had deteriorated.  As I looked through the window, I saw his big, barrel chest rise and fall raggedly.  By the Maker, he had A LOT of scars…

I felt tears in my eyes.  And when I saw Mother’s face, I felt afraid.  Very afraid.  She…she had a look on her face that I’d never seen before.  She looked vulnerable.  I saw her hand reach out to touch Father’s big, calloused left hand.  She closed her eyes and her lips began to move.  I knew that she wasn’t a Singer but…well, sometimes I knew that when she was upset—or on the rare occasion, furious—she would revert back to speaking Hapan.  Father would usually remind her and she would give him that look that made him both smile and…shrink.  And when I read her lips, I knew that she was doing just that.  Ma’a Shakal, pah’qua tomah v’vie.  D’ues pah’qua ch’a el.  “My Shakal, please fight, live.  Maker, please save my husband.”

I started crying and turned before Mother saw me.  I wasn’t ashamed; I didn’t want for her to worry about me as well.  She had enough on her mind.  She didn’t need any mo—

My eyes opened wide.   Of course…  And I knew—knew—what to do.  Mother would never allow me to and Father… Well, Father wasn’t in a position to scold, much less stop me.  And…if I was right, and if it worked, I could hopefully save them both.

I ran.  But not towards the Archive of Balance; I ran to the Penitentiary Sickbay.  I passed several koawans on the way along with a few teidowans.  But I was the only Gray Knight to enter.  Technically, I was allowed without a chaperone; after all, I’d passed my Gray Trials.  But…well, it was like Father had told me before: “Take what you want and pay for it.  It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission sometimes.”  I smiled wistfully remembering Father’s advice.  But…he was right.

I squared my shoulders since I wanted to look as if I belo…no, I did belong.  And I would not be dissuaded.

I walked confidently into the room that held Jennira.  There she was, strapped to a bed, her mouth also gagged in case she regained consciousness.  That way she couldn’t use her Singing against any Gray Jedi.  Several monitors lined the wall above her bed, the sterile white walls doing little to alleviate the fact that this…witch had a black soul.  But…she had answers, answers that we desperately needed.

Suddenly, I was afraid.  Not for myself—well, not necessarily—but because of what I intended to do…and what would happen if I failed.  NO!  I will NOT fail!  For Mother AND Father!  What is it that Father had told me?  Find an anchor, the strongest part of my life, and hold on tight.  I felt the fear go…but not leave entirely.  But more importantly, I felt my conviction grow solid.  I KNOW what I need to do.

Stepping up to Jennira, I raised my hands to her head.  I know that Mother and Father had told me to “never telegraph my intent” but the tactile contact helped.  Especially since…I’d never really done this in particular.  OK, I never had done this, period.  But…well, for Mother and Father, I would.

My fingers gently touched the Night Sister’s white skin.  I felt uncomfortable just doing that, like spiders were crawling on the back of my neck.  No turning back now...  I closed my eyes, and I opened myself to the Force.  Even now as a Gray Knight, the feeling was wonderful, euphoric.  Still: I had a job to do.  Focusing, I Delved into Jennira’s mind.

            <<<<<  >>>>>

Immediately, I felt as if I’d fallen off an old sea boat that had capsized, seawater threatening to pull me under. Focus! I scolded myself.  Find center like Father taught you!  And your anchor!  Suddenly, I felt as if I were floating amidst a field of clouds, dark, ominous, and chaotic.  I knew that I was going the right direction but this was not what I needed.

Need.  That was key.  Focus…what was it that Jennira was doing with the Pontite?  Fixing the idea in my head, I concentrated on it.  Need.  The clouds…moved.  Dark purple shapes thundered in the clouds while a…shadow of light took form.  A…person?  A figure…a woman shorter than me, taller than Mother… But…what?

Suddenly, a dark form took shape and loomed over the woman.  Breathing, mechanical breathing came from the darkness, and an oran…or was it red(?)…lightsaber ignited to life.  The shape became larger, more physically intimidating.  By the Maker…!  A hand clad in black leather reached over and around the woman, not protectively but possessively.

Darth Vader?!

But the clouds—no, the memory, I reminded myself—seemed to become less substantial.  But the danger remained.  And so did the woman.  Focus!  Need.  A…name?  Chelli?  No…no, not just.  Chelli.  Lona.  Aphra.  

You have betrayed me, doctor.  Vader’s voice boomed from the darkness.  A…room coalesced.  No, not a room.  An airlock.  Behind the transparisteel window, the woman—Aphra(?)—looked at me in terror.  No…not me.  Darth Vader.  Her frightened eyes turned behind her.  And slowly, the outer doors began to open.  Air rushed out into the vacuum of space.  And suddenly, the woman—yes, Aphra, Chelli Aphra—was sucked out.  

No, Jorya, Father’s voice in my head tells me, not “sucked out.”  Blown out.  Of course, the vacuum.  Focus!  Need.  But the woman—Doctor Chelli Aphra—didn’t die.  She was prepared.  

But the scene…changes on me. No!  No!!  Need! And I know that something is wrong.  Instead of floating, I’m rushing headlong…and instead of “clouds” the memories are a…tempest.  Visions appear, each faster than the one before:

A man…no a god…is...fighting.  His enemies are…legion.  Red (Red?!) lightening erupts from his fingers, immolating his opponents.  Behind him…a…woman…no, a…goddess…

I try to focus; I try to find center but the visions assault my senses…

A pale woman…similar, no different…from Jennira is shouting.  No, Singing.  A chorus of notes merge, funneled through a…crystal.  And on the other side…a power is awakening.  And a…Singer…Master Karmack?! drown out by the Song.  No, he is strengthened by the Song.  No, he IS the Singer!  The notes change!  What was black are light, no…golden!  No…a…color that is…too bright to describe!  And in the center…Master Karmack is…yelling?  Laughing?  Crying?  Raging?

I press my hands to my montrails…but I have no body here…where?  Where am I?

It’s cold, freezing cold.  Bone-chilling cold.  I can see my breath form in clouds of blue.  No, the blue is in the walls.  No, not walls…rock.  And ice.  But not just ice.  Glaciers.  And between the two, a light blue crystal…kyber.  But not.  It isn’t Pontite. It’s Permafrost says a supple voice, beautiful to hear.  I turn my head quickly but no one is there in the cave… But it is no longer a cave, but a planet.  And a name, shrouded in forgetfulness and mystery, slowly percolates from the aether…Vyth(?).  And then, pure darkness.  But I know there is something there.  A…stone.  No, not stone.  A…crystal?  I try to shine a light onto it but nothing is reflected… the light is…absorbed.  Like…blood, blood seeping into the ground, a black knife close by, which…sucks in the light… And then: nothing.  Except the light blue crystals.  Permafrost.

I scream, a shout without sound, for here I have no mouth.  I cry, weeping without tears, for here I have no eyes.  I try to breath…but when I inhale, there is no oxygen, for here I have no lungs.

But you can and do feel pain! A woman’s voice, beautiful and terrible whispers to me.  And fear.  Terror!  HORROR!!

And I know.  Jennira has found me.  Suddenly, I’m back in the canyon, surrounded by Sith-Shadows.  And the witch.  Her Song attacks me and I feel it: pain.  Agony.  Torturous suffering.  And fear; fear just like when I felt Jennira focus her Song on me.  I felt—I feel—weak, afraid.  But Father!...isn’t here…alone…no…NO!  I turn my head to look for Father, him who always protects me, him who has…DID save me.  Father!?  DAD!?

But…he isn’t here.  Only the witch.  And her Song… And my terror… And I’m back, back in that interrogation room, surrounded by Inquisitors…being hurt by them.  Tortured by them.  Killed by them.  Even now, I make no noise…there…there is no one to hear me anyway… Alone.  No one coming.  Not even…Father?

NO!  Do NOT let her in!  Do NOT lose center!  Anchor.  A small voice reminds me.  Yes; anchor.  And then: I see her.

Jennira.  Jennira Hri.  The Night Sister.  Dark Singer. You.

You.  The woman…the witch…that hurt my Father.  That hurts my Mother.  That…can…NOT…hurt me.  Anchor.  Mother.  Father.  They…need me.  I look at Jennira, my tears a thing of the past but memory remains.  And I know.  KNOW.

I.  Must.  Succeed.

The fear—the dread—isn’t gone.  It’s stronger than ever.  But I MUST prevail!  Mother and Father NEED me to!  True, Jennira had found me.  But I have also found her.  And focus.  NEED!

The woman—Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra—is walking alone…no, just by herself amongst…people.  The fear begins to worm its way into my skin. In a square…no, not a square.  A…quad of some kind. The horror is sinking into my bones.  The kind that belong in…a school.  No, not a school.  A university. The terror is in the pit of my stomach.  But…WHERE?!

Jennira’s Song—a shadow etude of fear—writhes through and around me.  I must be quick!  I am FRIGHTENED!  ANCHOR!  MOTHER!  FATHER!  The clouds—the memories—part way…a planet, temperate with blue skies…and buildings…schools.  A university.  And a name.  DREAD!


Thinking of my anchor and of NEED, I run.  I run as fast as I can retreat from the FEAR.  I run away thinking…believing…KNOWING…that if Jennira catches me here…all of the DREAD will become my REALITY.  

Run!  Escape!!  FLEE!!!

            <<<<<  >>>>>

I open my eyes and breath deeply.  My heart hammers away in my chest and my skin has broken out in sweat.  That…vile…churning…FEAR in the pit of my stomach is there.  Real.  Horrible.  I continue to gulp in great breaths of air.  Like a cornered gundark, my eyes dart to the Night Sister, afraid to see what’s happened.

She lies there restrained on her med-table.  Unmoving.  Unresponsive.  Comatose.

And I run.  Out of the room, out of the wing, out of the building.  I run, faster than I did than when Father had called me for my pre-Dragon Trial test.  I run with purpose.

And, with fear.

But, I have answers. By the Maker, I have answers!

Before I know it, I see the Singer’s Atrium in front of me.  And I stop.  No one is in the room.  …No… I…am I…too late?  Is…is Father…did he…?  And fear, no less than but different from before, hits me and hits me hard.  Tears roll down my cheeks as I feel the tendrils of fear take hold, my resolve such a small…a pitiful thing compared to…

“Jorya!  What’s wrong?  Where have you been?!”  Mother’s voice is angry, angry but full of concern.  “Are you unwell?”  And then…I do the only thing that I can think of.

I run to Mother, hugging her hard.  And cry.  Even though she’s smaller than me…she seems so tall in stature.  A regal presence that helps to banish the worst of the fear.  Most of it.

“M…Mother” I begin.  “I…I…have something to…tell you.”  Tears coarse down my face.  I am not sure if I feel more sadness and loss or fear and loneliness.  But…with Mother’s arms around me…it begins to…lessen.

And I tell her.  Everything.

She’s angry.  And she should be.  But she is also…something else.

“Jorya.  You should never—NEVER—have done that.  ESPECIALLY without someone to guide you, someone to HELP you!  Your Father and I have TOLD you…”  She stops, her face suddenly calm.  “It is a thing that you will never do by yourself again.  Now I know where you were these last 17 hours.”

Seventeen hours?!  Surely not…I tell myself.  I even say as much to Mother.

And she looks at me, with her dark eyes, like how she looks sometimes at Father.  And I understand.  Why my Father will listen to her.  And why my Mother is so…scary.

“Please Mother…I…I am sorry.  So sorry.  But I had to, don’t you see?  I HAD TO.  You…you were…so SAD.  So…vulnerable.  And I…I KNEW that I had to help.  I COULD help!”  I started crying anew.  “And Father…we…we could lose Father.  And I CAN’T lose you, not both, not ONE of you!”

Suddenly, Mother’s small hands stroked my montrails.  And then, I hear it.  I mean, REALLY hear it.

Mother is singing.  Not Singing, like Master Karmack and Lady Arnor do.  She is singing a Hapan lullaby.  Like when she used to when I was first apprenticed to Father, back when I first came to live with them.  Before they’d formally adopted me.  Holding her tight, I hug her as hard as I can.  And I begin to relax.

But then, I remember Father.

“Mother!  Is…is Father…is he OK?!”  Panic threatens to overwhelm me.  And, remembering what Father taught me, I force myself to relax.  Breathe.  Balance.

And when I look into Mother’s dark eyes, she tells me:  “Dear One.  Your Father is resting.  As comfortably as he is able to.  The Singers…they, they were successful.  Your Father is recovering as we speak.  But he will require…time, time before he is fully mended.”  She started to say something else, but my full hug crushed the air out of her.  And just as suddenly, we’re laughing.  Laughing and crying.

            <<<<<  >>>>>

“…and I ran here to Mother.”  I’d been explaining to Father what had happened.  He stared at me, his odd hazel eyes so focused…direct…penetrating.  “I have a name, Father.  And a planet.  Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra and Bar’leth.”  No sooner was the last word out of my mouth then Father’s entire demeanor changes.  His eyes lost focus and he stared off into space.

“Ah.  Bar’leth.  This Doctor…Aphra (?)…must work there.  Good.”  And when he looked back at me, I could tell that he had made up his mind.  “I need to head to Bar’leth to…figure out some things.”  And as Father said that, he began to slowly rise, his white hospital robe falling off his right shoulder, exposing his cybernetic arm.  But before he has even stood, Mother pushes him back down.  And while I know that Mother is strong…she easily succeeds in getting Father to lie back down.

 “No, Shakal.  You must needs rest.”  Still, when she laid her hands upon Father’s chest, I see one of her rare smiles.  One full of love, of happiness, and of relief.  Her cheeks are wet and her dark eyes don’t leave Father’s face.  And when I look back at him, I see the same look of love, happiness, and gratitude in Father’s eyes.  And when they both look at me, I feel their love for me.  I wrap my arms around them both but carefully around Father’s big shoulder.

For the first time since we left Kuat, I know that Father will be OK.  And…we have some answers.

            <<<<<  >>>>>

As the automatic lights adjust for the nighttime twilight, the Penitentiary Sickbay assumes a sepulchral quality along with the noiselessness disquiet of a tomb.  And while a few Gray Jedi roam the halls, they do so virtually without sound.

Within one of the secure med stations, the Night Sister’s prone and inactive body seems nothing more than part of the instrumentation, for all of the movement it entails.  Monitors lining the wall register life signs but only as a biological activity.  One of the datanodes that records brain activity remains static and unchanging.

And with the suddenness of activity, they begin to show signs, signs of life as a cognitive function.

And Jennira’s eyes open.

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 428
Posts: 1903

« Reply #38 on: November 26, 2017, 11:17:04 PM »

Roller coaster mental trip...plunging into minds is not as easy as she thought...seems her need to know outran her abilities.  Seems like she was picking up...echoes of things jumbled in amongst what she was actually looking for.  Maybe a few too many elements in her vision, but then again to the extent in reflects Jorya being overwhelmed it makes sense.

Will be interesting to unpick some of the things she saw in reference to future events in the joint story, Aphra's an interesting inclusion.


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
Posts: 4131

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« Reply #39 on: November 26, 2017, 11:21:39 PM »

Roller coaster mental trip...plunging into minds is not as easy as she thought...seems her need to know outran her abilities.  Seems like she was picking up...echoes of things jumbled in amongst what she was actually looking for.  Maybe a few too many elements in her vision, but then again to the extent in reflects Jorya being overwhelmed it makes sense.

Will be interesting to unpick some of the things she saw in reference to future events in the joint story, Aphra's an interesting inclusion.
Precisely!  The visions she's seeing are NOT what she intended...and, like the eponymously named chapter, there will be ramifications that she neither intends nor wants  Wink. Good catch LSG^^

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

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Knight Commander

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Light side points please.

« Reply #40 on: November 27, 2017, 06:25:28 PM »

Wow...  So, we got into Jorya's head this time!  Smiley  That's one thing I had not experimented with.  It was a nice touch, hearing the story from a different voice.

And the vision!  Like LSG said, it was jarring and jumbled, which was exactly what you intended due to her inexperience.  This could be VERY interesting, as I suspect this lead is a false lead.  Meanwhile, back at the ranch...  A comatose singer is no threat.  An awake one?

Oh yeah, this is just beginning.  :-)

Looking forward to the next steps! 


signature picture by DarthScrub

Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
Posts: 4131

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #41 on: November 28, 2017, 07:22:57 PM »

Chapter 8: College-bound

[A thousand pardons, sare.  Please to forgive this one.]

The Zygerrian told me in his own language as he brushed past me.  The cramped quarters of the hyperloop made such encounters both expected and frequent.  As did the pickpocket attempts.

Without calling attention to the fact, D’Aylanna stood in front of the Zygerrian, confronting him.  “You will hand me my husband’s crypto-node.”  Her dark eyes stared up into feline irises, unblinking.

[This one will hand you the sare’s crypto-node.]

“You will go away and never molest him, myself, or our daughter again.”  My wife’s small frame seemingly loomed over the larger alien.

[This one will go away and never molest the sare, the sara, or the sira.]

“You will inform anyone associated with you and your…profession…that we are to be avoided at all costs.”  The dangerous gleam in D’Aylanna’s eyes were incongruous with her calm, almost genial tone.

[This one will inform his clowder that the sare, the sara, and the sira are to be avoided, always.]

“And you will pay for our railfare.” She said, almost as an afterthought, the ghost of a smile upon her lips.  “Begone.”

[This one will pay for sares’ railfare.  This one will go.]  Bowing his head, the Zygerrian withdrew, a befuddled look on his face.

Handing me my crypto-node, D’Aylanna grinned up at me.  “Here, Shakal.  Next time, please be more careful.  I have heard that there is a criminal element on Bar’leth.”

I quietly laughed and, absentmindedly, I almost tucked the wallet back in a deep pocket of my robes.  Checking myself, I instead put it under my obi, beneath my belt in a hidden pocket.  Shaking my head at my own carelessness, I was briefly hit by a wave of vertigo.  Swaying slightly, I felt two pairs of hands on me, steadying me.

“Dad?  Are you OK?” Jorya’s voice was full of concern, her hands rubbing my back while I felt the healing flows from the Force as she concentrated on me.

Shakal, you must be more mindful of your actions.  The Singers said that you required time.  And rest.”  While her tone sounded severe, D’Aylanna’s eyes were watery and apprehensive.  Like Jorya, my wife had opened herself to the Force, attempting to speed my recovery.  By the Maker, I loved them both.

“Thank you, Ereneda, Dear One.  I’m better now.  Really.”  That last was directed at D’Aylanna, a skeptical look upon her face.  “And see?  I am resting; that’s one of the main reasons that we’re going to the university.”  This time, they both adopted incredulous looks.  Incredible how women could do that.  “I’ve heard that the university’s Zoological Meditation Garden is among the best in the galaxy.”  Neither woman so much as blinked.

Shakal, you must needs recuperate.  I will not have you exacerbating your already tenuous health by attempting to deceive me, our daughter, and especially yourself.”  D’Aylanna’s posture spoke volumes.

And, right on top of her mother, Jorya’s voice reminded me, “Father, you just can’t make yourself better.  You must rest!”  Looking from one and to the other—short, dark Hapan and tall, orange Togruta—I knew that I had a better chance of beating a gorog than changing either woman’s judgment.  And, I hated to admit it, they were both right.  Jennira had damn near killed me.  Wistfully, I thought of the witch…

“…with the Night Sister conscious, we can no longer Delve her.” I explained to the Kage.  “D’Aylanna even had her placed into a medically induced coma without success.  Jennira’s defenses are up.  And the only lead we have is what Jorya was able to garner from her Delve.”  Before Oyuna could say anything, I held up my hands as if to ward off any castigation; D’Aylanna and I had already thoroughly admonished Jorya.  Thoroughly.  “Yes, it wasn’t the best of circumstances but, Kage, we simply have nothing else to go on.”

Kage Oyuna’s orange eyes stared at Jorya, the Togruta’s eyes downcast.  She knew.  And yet…I was still proud of her.
 “Take what you want and pay for it.” I’d told her on more than one occasion.  I only wish that I could have protected her from everything…but such was life.

“Knight Fah.”  The Kage’s voice belonged to an executioner.  “You evidently have not learned the lesson that such actions are dangerous.  I know that this is
not a failing of your parents; you alone bear the responsibility of your decisions.  You are to be censured.”  

Jorya’s chin sank to her chest.  “Yes Kage.  I understand.”

“Do you?”  The Ferroan’s eyebrow arched in question.  “No, I don’t believe that you do.  You are hereby released to the custodianship of your master, Maenowan Zearic…on his honor. I, Kage Oyuna Chan’dn, decree.”  As the Kage left, Jorya approached me, eyes wide in apology.

Father…why, why would she…punish you for my actions?!” The strong woman that I knew was visibly shaken. “On his honor” the Kage had pronounced.  It meant: that should Jorya make another capital error, I would be the one considered responsible.

“Jorya…I am not being punished.  You are.  What you did was…brash, brazen, dangerous.” My voice was hard, of necessity.  “You don’t know the full consequences of your choice… However, I also know what motivated you.  And…I would have done the same myself.”  My daughter’s face looked at me, amazed.  “I said as much to the Kage and personally vouched for you.”

Jorya’s swift hug caught me unexpectedly.  But even as quick as she was, her touch was gentle and tentative; she knew that I was still healing.  “Dad…I am…I just…thank you!”

Sternly, I grabbed her shoulders, holding her at arm’s length.  “Do not think that you are off the hook.  You have been censured.  Which means: you will remain on-planet unless your Mother or I accompany you.  This rule is inviolate and I will broach no argument.  Now…do you understand, Knight Fah?”

Her face sobering up, Jorya nodded, a firm set to her red lips.  “Yes, Master.  I will submit.”

Holding her gaze in an unblinking stare, I said nothing for a moment.  Then, relaxing perceptibly, I allowed a small, private grin.  “…And as it so happens, your Mother and I have a planned trip off-planet.  We thought we would head to Bar’leth, check out the university.”  Jorya’s own grin was slowly reflected in her eyes.  “And, as I said, I have some things I need to check out…”

I felt the velocity of the hyperloop begin to decrease.  Good; we were approaching the university exit.  Looking around the car, I made certain that D’Aylanna, Jorya, and I were a secure island amidst the crush of people in our general vicinity.  Closing my eyes, I allowed myself to contribute to the healing flows that both my daughter and wife were directing to me.  By the Maker I’m thankful for the Mak’Tor Singers.  The slow but steady deceleration of the hyperloop helped to lull me into remembrance again…

“…As I said, Maenowan, you must rest.  Your body was ravaged by the Night Sister’s Song.  Frankly, I am amazed that you are still alive.”  The Singer’s voice was equal parts admonishment and amazement.  And then, under her breath, “To say nothing of you standing, here and now.”

Looking into her brown eyes, I told her, “Thank you, Singer.  And you should know that the men of the Vhal’Dan Order aren’t amazing, just obstinate.”  She smiled at my self-deprecating humor.

“To that I can heartily attest.”  D’Aylanna’s voice said behind me.  I could hear the laughter in her tone.

As I turned to leave, I was intercepted by a small delegation led by Kage Oyuna.  There were four of them, two had the robes of the Vhal’Dan and two had markings identifying them from Mak’Tor Intelligence.  The Kage spoke first.

“Master Gray D’Aylanna, Maenowan Zearic, please welcome our guests Koawan Parek Darmel, Silver Knight and Knight Gray Arilia Garamin.  I believe you already know Koawan Maison Cecete and Teidowan Viri Basai, of Vhal’Dan Tactical Ops.” Kage Oyuna’s pleasantries prefaced a far more crucial issue: Jennira Hri.

“We know that Sekot simply does not possess the facilities nor the personnel to adequately confine the Dark Singer.  I contacted Koawan Telow’na and we agreed that M’Tzingon provided the solution to hold and interrogate the Night Sister.”  Kage Oyuna gestured to the Mak’Tor Jedi.  “As luck would have it, Koawan Parek and Knight Gray Arilia were in the sector and available to extradite the witch back there.  As this is a joint operation, I have asked Koawan Maison and Teidowan Viri to accompany them.  The only people who know about this are in attendance.  We should be secure.”  The Kage’s attention focused on the two Mak’Tor Jedi.  “Master Jedi?”

Stepping forward, the short, slender koawan nodded.  “Thank you, Kage Chan’dn.  Lady D’Aylanna, Maenowan Zearic, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.  My partner, Knight Arilia and I have been brought up to speed on our side, courtesy of Koawan Telow’na.  We understand the risk.”  By the look on his hard face, I had no reason to doubt him.  He continued, “Accordingly, we have some…special equipment suitable for the transport of Dark Singers.  Furthermore, the Night Sister’s prison and bonds are keyed to open with only Knight Arilia’s or my genetic code.  No other person may touch them, otherwise a lockdown is initiated instantly.”  He then looked to the woman beside him.  “Arilia?”

She was a tall woman, taller than me by a few centimeters, her blond hair shorn incredibly short.  She looked as if she knew how to handle the three lightsabers about her person.  When she spoke, she had a husky voice.  “Thank you, Parek.  My lady, maenowan.” She nodded to D’Aylanna and I in turn.  “Congratulations are in order to you both.  I’ve read your After Action Report and I’m amazed with your success.”

Both D’Aylanna and I shared a private smile.  “Not ‘amazing’ just obstinate.” My wife’s jest was spoken lightly, a grin on her lips as she looked into my eyes.  Despite her humor, I could tell that she was still worried for me.  She turned her gaze back to Arilia.  “Apologies.  Pray, do continue.”

The tall woman seemed to sense the undertone.  She adopted a lopsided grin.  “Not at all, my Lady.  Indeed, I was hoping to pick your brain concerning the witch’s Song.  Parek and I would like to hear what didn’t go into the AAR.”  Arilia’s straightforward and blunt exterior was belied by her genial personality, in stark contrast to Parek’s stoicism.

“Parek, Arilia.  May I suggest we continue this in D’Aylanna’s and my quarters?  Maison, Viri, if you’d please be as so kind to join us…”

The car came to a clean stop, the doors opening to divest the hyperloop of its passengers.  Gathering D’Aylanna and Jorya, we stepped off and onto the university campus.  Slowly walking through the elaborately and well-maintained grounds, I softly spoke to both women.

“We need to find this Doctor Aphra.  I suggest we try asking about the faculty staff.”  Looking at D’Aylanna, I kept a smile off of my face.  “Ereneda, I can think of no one better than to do that then you, Love.”  My wife’s blue lips twisted in a smirk, humor in her dark eyes.  “Jorya, I want for you to check out ExtraCurriculars and see if she isn’t an adjunct professor, just in case.”  I turned to leave the two women to their respective tasks.

“But Father,” Jorya’s voice was curious, “Where are you going?”

Turning, I smiled a full grin.  “To rest.  After all, I’m only doing what you both told me to do.”  Both my daughter and wife laughed.  But I also had an ulterior motive.  

Instead of heading to the Gardens, I proceeded to the University Archives.  Reaching into my robe’s pockets, my hand touched the black, stone war dagger I’d taken from the Night Sister’s artifacts.  As I said: a mystery worth solving.

Resolute, I hastened my walking towards the Archives.

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 428
Posts: 1903

« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2017, 02:15:08 AM »

That poor Zygerrian....Not sure how well anyone is going to be able to contain that Night Sister....
On this chapter those are some very long flash backs...a bit too much detail in them in my opinion...I get you're trying to be specific about something things for future use...but might've been better as a first 'part' to this chapter instead, Anyway points for giving it a go. Just a thought!


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Taegin Roan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 2066
Posts: 6256

Lord of the Force

« Reply #43 on: November 29, 2017, 02:48:59 AM »

I agree with LSG, the flashbacks were a little long. You had the time for them, because nothing else was happening, but I think that this type of thing should be rare. I caught that little SotO reference too Wink. And yes, that poor Zygerrian.

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1106
Posts: 4131

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #44 on: November 29, 2017, 03:07:59 AM »

That poor Zygerrian....Not sure how well anyone is going to be able to contain that Night Sister....
On this chapter those are some very long flash backs...a bit too much detail in them in my opinion...I get you're trying to be specific about something things for future use...but might've been better as a first 'part' to this chapter instead, Anyway points for giving it a go. Just a thought!
I agree with LSG, the flashbacks were a little long. You had the time for them, because nothing else was happening, but I think that this type of thing should be rare. I caught that little SotO reference too Wink. And yes, that poor Zygerrian.
Good point(s) gentlemen.  Yeah, info dumping exposition during "downtime" was something I was hoping to get across organically.  Now I know better for next time!

Glad you caught that TR  Wink

I guess the lesson of this chapter: you do NOT mess with D'Aylanna  Grin *And no long-winded flashbacks  Wink

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

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