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Author Topic: Ethan's Saber :)  (Read 25784 times)
Technomancer of the Graflex Order
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1086
Posts: 1121

« Reply #105 on: April 09, 2017, 08:52:48 PM »

WOW!!  JUST WOW!!  Ok sorry everybody lol!!  WOW!!  what a rollercoaster ride, holy indescribable moly lol!

Like this project turned into such a series of unfortunate events haha, i've never been pushed/ challenged like this before, not even close. 

Ok so heres why i didn't have time to keep the updates coming in the home stretch- here's the final saga of Ethan's saber lol!  I even had to split this post into 2 because it was too long- wouldn't let me post it in one lol.

we left off last weekend with all the port, led and accent wires run and out the switch hole, and the board side about to get cleaned up before put inside and joined with the rest.   

wiring cleaned and batteries secured in.
shielding all secured around board etc.

and finally, it's time to slide the board side in.  Now i have all the wiring in place and it simply needs to have all the excess trimmed and connections made.

This took me all the way till Tuesday.  had to call it a day at that point and get a few hours of sleep before work. 

i came home from work that following day determined to have this thing finished since it had become Wednesday lol, and Ethan's last treatment (the occasion for this hilt) was friday- so in my mind i needed it done Wed so that i had thursday to clean it up and put everything together nice etc, not to mention i figured Charlie might wanna grab it before the actual day. 

so the name of this game was intensely staring inside through the switch hole with a light shining in and visualizing exactly how to fit everything.  it's not always as simple as triming the slack out- sometimes i had to leave more wire to save space, to allow it to rest better/ deeper, especially wherever resistors were connected, sometimes you're actually better off leaving a little more slack if that leaves the bulkier parts of the wiring back inside the hilt out of the way more- hard to explain but the key is in thinking things out a few steps ahead like a chess game or something.  you spend a lot of time just positioning wires prior to connecting and eliminating space waisting tangles and overlaps etc. and making sure that whatever you're doing now, and where you're planning on putting it, won't become a problem 5 steps from now lol.  ton of time pushing wires back inside the hilt and fighting to reposition them and fish them back out prior to connections so they're not ending up all knotted/ crossed etc.
like here:

it took like 45 mins just to get those blue and brown wires (led channel) to that side of the hole and not mangled up in the rest before i could even do anything with them lol.

little by little i worked my way so that only the port and switch wires were left.

and finally- by about 5pm, all that remained was the switch.  and somehow all the careful packing worked out like i thought and the switch could fit unhindered.

So, moment of truth lol...  this was a tense moment because i had just spent the last few days on this install, and i had one day left as far as i was concerned- so no time for anything but clean up and presentation really.  This had better work lol.

SWEET!!! look's good!  now i'll just fire her up, and...
...AHEM! i SAID, i'll fire it up...

the foc worked fine, but the main blade was so dull you couldn't even tell the led's were firing at all until you looked right into the module- all diodes were lit, which they totally shouldn't have been, should have just been the green (i preset the emerald before i grabbed it in the first place).  Needless to say this was a pretty dark place for me right here lol.  even looking at that pic gives me the shivers lol and brings me back there to what it was like.  it was messed- something more than just a crossed wire, big time- and the worst part was i simply didn't have time for any of it- who knows how long it was gonna take me just to get stuff out again, it took me till 5pm (was home from work at like 6:30 am), let alone figure out what was wrong/ damaged etc, and what to do about it?!  All i could think about was that i was gonna not have this thing on time, it just didn't seem possible, and i was freaking out lol. such a terrible feeling- i was just like OMG i'm gonna let this little boy down Sad.  cause you know no matter how gracious Charlie was gonna be about it, no matter how patient/ understanding etc, the fact would remain that Ethan wouldn't be receiving the saber when we had planned... just like yoda said, do or do not, right?  I can't hand Ethan my best effort/ intentions lol.  And i just couldn't accept that.

it was wild cause for all the whacky stuff i've done, all the harebrained ideas etc, i've never had this happen before.  sure i've fried some led's and stuff like that- but i've never had a failed moment of truth before this- and this was the one time where i just NEEDED it to be good lol, AND it was the eleventh hour no less.  So after running the gambit from kylo tantrums to panic attack and back a few times, i crashed hard lol- cause that was just about a 24 hr day at that point (not to mention every day since the weekend had been nearly the same). 

Step one: set ridiculous old school london clock co alarm for a couple hours and keep it out of reach so i can't shut it off in my sleep.  can't even be in the same room or i simply won't remember shutting it off and going back to bed lol. 

Step 2:  call in sick to work lol.  hey, i'm not encouraging shrugging off responsibilities or anything like that- but my moral compass is pretty clear on this one lol.  of all the things i could say, believe me theres a lot if you knew my work, it's as simple as this- fast forward 10 years- is anyone gonna go 'o wow, remember when rev came in and saved our butts here at work that one time?!' or even 'o wow, remember when rev screwed us that one time by calling in sick and we got behind?!' hahhaha!!  NNNNOPE.  That's like everyday day in that place, it's a circus lol.  One day they're up millions one day they're down millions, blahbadyblah blah.  It's all nonsense lol. 

but in ten years, say my name comes up in conversation- is Charlie and fam gonna be like 'o yeah isn't that the guy who really went the extra mile to do that thing for Ethan?'  you bet.  to me, the call on which of these things is actually meaningful/ important was a no brainer.

Step 3: Hail Mary- time is the essence- i've got one full day, one night and one day before i needed to be back to work again the next day, and that would bring me to d day.  So i was better off just gutting the whole thing outright and starting completely fresh with all new parts- i couldn't risk reusing the stuff i may or may not have pooched lol. 

took me all night to just get everything out pretty much lol.  by morning i was starting to build again.  I had to shoot for something a little more doable this time- both due to time constraints, but also just because i think i tried to fit too much last time, and that was a big part of the problem.  I need to keep a little more room this go around so things aren't getting too squished.  Plus i ran out of emeralds lol. 

So is this all starting to look familiar to everyone lol?  well it ought to lol, cause it's like the fourth time i've done it for this saber lol!  This RGBW led came from a BR module i had for something else.

popped the wires off the red and threw some on the green- blamo!  green with silver foc.

pop it back in our module and wire up another 5mm.

I wired up the green even though i wasn't gonna use it this time- but its there for future expansions at least.  gonna do something diff this time with the accent- i spotted an opportunity in the wiring of the board/ speaker that i'll be using this time, and i'm gonna try something with it.


theres the v4 rig i'll be using- taken from one of my pending personal projects.  those black and orange wires at the bottom come off the speaker and foc, but it's a diff config than i've been doing for the accent on this the last times.  It'll just be red and purple, but it will still be a 3 stage indicator with the second stage articulated through speaker. 

getting all that stuff mounted and run into position ready for connecting was a lot easier this time- i must have learned a thing or two in all these redo's lol.

so now here it is with everything awaiting connection- significantly less congestion than last time, that was encouraging lol.

again, i set about connecting and packing everything carefully.  By about 4/5pm it was done and ready for the moment of truth, again lol... my hands were literally shaking when i pulled the kill key lol.

SUCCESS!!!! WOOOHOOO!! it's alive!!!

that's the crate i'll be using to help make it a cool presentation, but i'll have more on that shortly.

here's the new accent set up indicating standby.
a very low light- just enough to get the red colour.  this is a more true to life indication of the status, as this accent is actually running off the idle current.  a few mA.

then when you ignite, it jumps to the 'animated' blaring red of second stage that matches what the sabers doing atm.  still rock'n the rgb switch.

3rd stage is purple for foc/ lockup/ overdrive.

first time realizing the chosen one is it's own stand lol.  rests perfectly on the covertech and knurls.

love the way the plug looks illuminated.

with a shoto blade in just so you can see it.
trying to catch the foc but not having much luck lol, you'll have to just take my word for it, it's a nice dramatic white flash.

Technomancer of the Graflex Order
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1086
Posts: 1121

« Reply #106 on: April 09, 2017, 08:53:41 PM »


SWEET!  loving this saber... bit of a bummer i couldn't do the emerald after all, but all in all i'm really happy with how this turned out, he's gonna love it Smiley.

so now time for a wicked, TFA inspired presentation.  this was a family affair.  i told my mom i was trying to find an old beat up crate or chest for this because she has a knack for finding cool stuff like that at barn sales and second hand shops etc.  she mentioned to my sister, who happened to have an extra crate from when she was making storage/ furniture.  She had been burning and weathering them for that look, so it was perfect.  So then we gave that to my dad who made a nice fitted lid for it and completed the finish.  so when i got it all i had to do was make some padding/ liners, and a little etched plaque.

foam sheets with black velvet sewed over it as a liner.

gathering up the stand, charger, plug, clips, wrenches etc, plus a kylo bobble and some other little things to get packed up with it.

'there is no fear'

and that's how i'll give it to him.  should be a real cool feeling for Ethan opening that up Smiley.  i can remember a few times where my dad really went the extra mile to sell a cool gift with the details/ authenticity in presentation, and it always stuck with me. 

so finally, lets have a moment of silence to commemorate the path of destruction that forged this saber lol. 
far left is the first emerald rig.  middle is the second emerald rig.  and right is whats left of the personal project i cannibalized to make the internals that are in it now. 

but i defy you to look at these next 2 pics and tell me it wasn't worth it Smiley.

i also have a little vid of Ethan in action i'll try to get up soon- i have to say, he has a super impressive handle/ comfortability on this thing!  like seriously, he handles it amazing considering it's size/ weight- he was doing spins and everything.  very cool Smiley

again, I'm SUPER sorry for keeping you guys in suspense all this time!  i finished the saber for the second time on thrudsay just in time to go to work that night, then spent friday getting it all ready and the crate done etc, then made the plans with Charlie for pick up, then went to work again, came home the next morning and met up with Chalie (a celebratory family get together on saturday was when Ethan would be getting the hilt), crashed like a sack of bricks, went in to work again, got home this morning and started this post- got half way done and went to my dads for my bro's b day, just got home again and immediately got back to finishing this update.  Now i'm gonna crash for the few hours till work again- so apologies for all the typos and stuff that I'm sure are in this lol.  just too tired atm but i wanted to get this up as fast as possible/ at first chance.  i feel terrible for leaving this hanging, but it was all i could do to just make sure i had it for Ethan on time. 

super grateful for all the support and encouragement and help along the way, you guys rock!  Points upon points coming to you all in time.  It was awesome to be able to do this for Ethan.  I'm SO looking forward to being back around like normal again!  Project Revanant has been calling to me for so long now lol, i'm really excited to get back on that also.  And on top of all the projects awaiting me, i've got like 15 million pm's to attend to i'm sure lol.  i'm super sorry for all the correspondence i'm behind on guys, i WILL get back to you, just give me a few more days and i'll be all caught up.

keep you posted, MTFBWY, and thank you all so much!  Couldn't have done it without you Smiley.

Lord Bladewraith
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -473
Posts: 2429

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« Reply #107 on: April 09, 2017, 09:32:51 PM »

I am WITHOUT SPEECH, RR! This is a phenomenal accomplishment! What a lucky young man, Ethan is, to have a Dad who loves him so much to walk through the valley of the shadow of.... INTENSE DETERMINATION to finish a project that would have caused many to pull out their hair and run away. Nice work on such a beautiful, impressive hilt, and all the while, trying to focus on this project taking the time to bring us along your journey with you. -1 point for the incredible focus, the amazing presentation (love that crate idea, btw - that inspires me to do a crate display like that of my own - what a ridiculously fresh idea with the Aurebesh writing on it).  Anyway, bravo, I applaud your amazing work!

My Top 3 Favorite Sabers: Electrum Wind, Emperor's Hand and Shock LE

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« Reply #108 on: April 09, 2017, 09:38:02 PM »

Rev that is just awesome. So is your dedication and talent for making this saber to bring happiness to others. It's just plain inspirational. And you're completely right when you said seeing the pics of Ethan with it makes it totally worth it. Thank you for taking the time to share this with us. Now you should probably get some rest.

Own: Emerald Overlord, BHManticore, BR Renegade,FO Dominix LE V4 (stunt), CG Dominix LE V4 (stunt), GB Apprentice LE(stunt),BR Dark Initiate LE V4 (stunt), AS Apprentice LE V4 (stunt), CG Dominix V3 (stunt), SRD Darkish Liberator (stunt) Emerald Lost Grey.

Corwyn VonBeck
Knight Commander

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Grey Knight

« Reply #109 on: April 10, 2017, 12:21:26 AM »

Bloody marvelous mate!
Can't believe the challenges you faced in this and yet still accomplished what you set out to.
Congratulations man, and thanks so much for letting us follow along!

Taegin Roan
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« Reply #110 on: April 10, 2017, 04:44:34 AM »

Wow. Just wow. That is amazing.  Shocked Shocked

I'm not sure how you did it, but you pulled it off. You are truly the Technomancer of the Graflex Order. Very well done. Points inbound whenever I remember.

"I am the Outcast's Shadow" - Taegin Roan
"Confronting fear is the Destiny of a Jedi" - Luke Skywalker
"So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala

Honoured Recipient of the Warlord Order
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« Reply #111 on: April 10, 2017, 08:34:05 AM »

Right on man!

That's crappy that it didn't work for you the first time.  That's just got to be a totally horrible feeling - and on a timeline for somebody else?  I'd crap my pants.

You did it though, Rev!  It looks amazing too!  That crate too - freakin' awesomeness!

I can't blame you at all for begging off work for that.  You made the proper decision in my mind, and like you said, Ethan's face shows the proof. Smiley

Take a well earned rest m'man.  You totally deserve it. 

Way to go dude.  Amazeballs.


"The thing that always drives me hazy, is wondering whether it's them or me who's crazy." ~ A. Einstein

Vanguard of the Archon Order
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« Reply #112 on: April 10, 2017, 06:31:28 PM »

That's a game changer for that young man ... one day he'll be able to look back and see how much TLC and The Force went into his lightsaber.

Customized Flamberge/BR, Customized LostGray/HP or Tri-AS

Lord Canterbury
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« Reply #113 on: April 10, 2017, 07:39:37 PM »

As a parent that makes me extremely happy to see him hopefully well & enjoying his new saber.  Really glad you did that - well done!

Winning? Is that what you think it's about? I'm not trying to win. I'm not doing this because I want to beat someone, or because I hate someone, or because I want to blame someone. It's not because it's fun. God knows it's not because it's easy. It's not even because it works, because it hardly ever does. I do what I do because it's right! Because it's decent! And above all, it's kind! It's just that. Just kind.

~ The 12th Doctor in "The Doctor Falls"

Therion Jinn
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« Reply #114 on: April 11, 2017, 02:15:16 AM »

Very well done here. His expression in the pics makes it all worth it

Technomancer of the Graflex Order
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1086
Posts: 1121

« Reply #115 on: April 11, 2017, 02:28:49 AM »

Thanks you all SO much!!  I know Charlie and Ethan and fam really appreciate the show of support Smiley.  Charlie's a really good guy, one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, and they're a great family- I'm glad we were able to help be a part of making the occasion special, and awesome for Ethan.  You guys are the best!

This is my last night at work and then I'm off for the week- I'll be catching up around here like crazy starting tomorrow, can't wait! 

Alchemist of the Sentinel Order
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« Reply #116 on: April 11, 2017, 08:41:46 AM »

SOOO worth it Rev . . . and really, what more can we say . . . you are 100% an awesome person my friend . . . points, every time I check in over the next few weeks . . .  Smiley

and . . . I'm 100% sure you'll salvage those boards and put them to good use . . .  Grin

Remember... The Force will be with you... Always . . . (Just let it in)

Corwyn VonBeck
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -340
Posts: 1071

Grey Knight

« Reply #117 on: April 11, 2017, 03:39:31 PM »

Thanks you all SO much!!  I know Charlie and Ethan and fam really appreciate the show of support Smiley.  Charlie's a really good guy, one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, and they're a great family- I'm glad we were able to help be a part of making the occasion special, and awesome for Ethan.  You guys are the best!

This is my last night at work and then I'm off for the week- I'll be catching up around here like crazy starting tomorrow, can't wait! 

So glad you are getting a well deserved break after the chaos of the last couple of weeks. Sleep late, rest up. You've earned it!

Honoured Recipient of the Warlord Order
SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -3020
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Always scanning the horizon...

« Reply #118 on: April 12, 2017, 01:55:49 AM »

Very well said indeed D7.

Who wants cake?


"The thing that always drives me hazy, is wondering whether it's them or me who's crazy." ~ A. Einstein

Technomancer of the Graflex Order
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1086
Posts: 1121

« Reply #119 on: April 12, 2017, 11:53:53 PM »

thanks Jed!  yeah for sure i've got so many ideas about those boards already lol. 

Definitely well said D7!  Thank you Smiley

Holy LR that's the best cake ever!!

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